#Eddie is adorable af and I love him while Roman be like đź‘€
masquenoire · 2 years
🧲 >:)
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“The Riddler? Oh, I dare say there’s one or two attractive things about him...” Roman mused, his tone becoming thoughtful as he pondered about the killer. Such bold action he’d taken, striking swiftly as he did brutally at the heart of corruption beating amongst the filthy veins of Gotham. Roman had been transfixed by the case ever since the news reported that the mayor had been slaughtered within the comforts of his own home, his head bashed in and wrapped up in duct tape for his poor little son to find. Roman was no stranger to death but the casual, even poetic manner in which the Riddler had dispatched his victims sung to him on a whole other level. His fascination only grew with the second murder, when he’d captured Commissioner Savage and locked his head in a cage full of rats. Killing your enemies was one thing, but drawing it out, making sure they knew damn well why they were being killed was not only an effective method of instilling fear but a work of art. Truly the trap in which the Riddler had designed to punish the corrupt cop was a marvel, such a simple yet effective act of torture he’d unleashed upon somebody he had a truly ferocious grudge against. This was no simple-minded slaughter done on a mere whim; it had to have been personal and Roman only wished he could have had been there to watch it all unfold instead of being treated to a short video hinting at the man’s slow, agonizing demise once the budding serial killer was done streaming. Torture. So many people couldn’t understand how wonderful it could be, couldn’t appreciate how necessary it was. The Riddler did though, executing his kills in karmic fashion that had rightly attracted the attention it did. Other people may have been fixated on his riddles, the puzzling manner in which he spoke during his videos but Roman paid attention to the things he did and liked what he saw. ”I’ve always liked it when people put their money where their mouth is, you know? The Riddler doesn’t just say things, he does them as well and honestly... he’s not wrong.” Roman chuckled as he sipped on a glass of red wine. “Clever guy. I bet he’s real witty too, you can tell by the sheer amount of thought he’s put into this. I dig the mask too, though I do find myself wondering... what sort of adorable face beneath could be hiding such wicked intentions?”
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