#Eddie joins them at breakfast to Robin’s surprise
slavicviking · 10 months
@steddiemicrofic December prompt: pine | wc: 508 | G | cw: none | tags: misunderstandings, pre-Steddie
“Looking good, Nance. Did you do something with your hair?” Nancy did not. She knew for a fact her curls looked worse for wear thanks to the raging wind outside. Steve knew that, too – had to, with his in-depth knowledge of maintaining hair, curls or not. Eddie stiffens next to her. “I’m here to return this,” Nancy pulls out a Breakfast Club tape from her bag with a forced smile. “Great movie choice,” Steve trudges on with otherwise admirable perseverance. The ugly green Family Video creases inelegantly as he leans forward. “I think it sucks,” Eddie jumps in. He grins but Nancy knows him well enough to tell how tense he really is. And isn’t that a wild thought in itself? Nancy would never expect to get along so well with Eddie Munson and yet here he was, dare she say it - her best friend at the moment. Steve lets out a nervous laugh, red dotting his cheeks as his hand ventures out to rub his neck. Robin’s bright eyes keep darting back and forth between two boys, an unreadable look on her face. “This is getting ridiculous,” Nancy says once she slips into the driver seat of her car. Eddie joins her on the other side, uncharacteristically quiet. Her eyebrows drop lower. “He’ll get over it soon. You’ll see.” “I don’t know, Wheeler. He seems pretty dedicated.” The thing is, Nancy’s observant. She pays attention to her close circle of friends, and that includes Steve. Something about this isn’t adding up – the compliments, the showering with attention. And it’s not only because she’s usually left with a morose Eddie, unfairly pining away, in the aftermath. It’s been going on for weeks now. Something’s got to give, eventually, she’s sure. It does, a week later, when Steve Harrington knocks on the Wheelers’ front door in the middle of the day, clad in an ironed shirt and beige khakis. “Here,” he hands her a bouquet of yellow roses. “They’re for you.” She makes a point of not taking them. They hang awkwardly between them until Steve drops his hand with a grimace. “We’re not getting back together,” Nancy tells him bluntly. Steve’s a good guy, he is, but he can be a bit obtuse sometimes. To her surprise, Steve doesn’t deter her. Instead, he blinks. “What?” “It’s sweet that you’re trying,” she tries. “But we wouldn’t work out. We just wouldn’t.” He blinks again. “I don’t-uh. This is awkward.” Understatement if she’s ever seen one. “I don’t want to date you, Nancy,” Steve finally says. He winces before adding. “No offense.” “Then what’s with this?” she points to the flowers. “The compliments? All of it?” He sighs. “I know we didn’t really end on good terms. And your opinion matters to him- I mean, he's just so-” “Him?” Nancy questions before realization dawns on her. “Eddie?” “Wait, does he think I – shit!” Steve’s eyes grow wide as he shoves the flowers into Nancy’s chest and backs out towards the car. “Shit! Sorry, Nance. Gotta go!”
Yellow Roses are the symbol of friendship <3
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The obnoxious ringing of their phone fills the trailer and snaps Eddie out of his repetitive strumming.
He's been trying to learn one of his newest favorite songs for, (he looks at the clock; damn, eleven already,) like three hours now.
Eddie gets up from the couch, grumbling about who the fuck is calling them, Wayne left for work some hours ago, but he almost never calls during his shift.
He reaches the phone stuck to one of their kitchen walls and brings the receiver to his ear.
"Hello?" he greets.
"Eddie!" Steve's voice says on the other end of the line, his tone surprised like he didn't expect him to pick up.
Eddie feels a smile tug at his lips.
"Heeeey Steve-o!" Eddie greets him "what can I do for ya this time a' night?"
"Shoot! Right, sorry. Did I wake you?" Steve asks. Eddie snickers.
"Nah, man. It's cool." Eddie tells him, grabbing a forgotten bag of twizzlers off the counter to start chewing on one of the treats.
"I know you have a lot of teenage friends," Eddie adds around the twizzler now in his mouth, "but most young adults go to bed at like- midnight. Even later on a Friday night." he finishes.
Steve scoffs at "young adults" and Eddie can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
He's still a little surprised he can tease Steve Harrington. It took many many movie nights for Eddie to fully join in on that. Though he still hesitates sometimes, he thinks the kids can take it a bit too far.
"Whatever," Steve dismisses, his smile shining even through the phone lines "I just called to tell you Rob's not working tomorrow, so she won't be able to meet for breakfast" Steve's smile sounds like it fades a little in that sentence.
Eddie stops chewing.
They've been having breakfast together every Tuesday and Saturday, the days Steve and Robin work the morning shift together at Family Video.
Sometimes a couple of the kids will join, sometimes Robin's friends will join, or Nancy, even Garrett or Jeff or Freak; they all know they can find Eddie, Robin and Steve on those days at the diner so it's become their unofficial hangout spot, at least before 9am.
And Eddie's had breakfast with just Robbie before, or Nance, or one of his friends, but never with just Steve.
Steve is a bit of an enigma to Eddie.
Over a really short period of time Eddie had found out Steve's a local hero extraordinaire, that he's totally metal and also that he is a little bit dorky and has an absolutely terrible love life.
And if that wasn't surprising enough, it turns out Steve also isn't totally averse to Eddie, and that sure was surprising.
But Steve is a little awkward around Eddie sometimes. Like he's afraid Eddie will judge him or something; which, is preposterous, Eddie's the queer nerd, what would he have to judge Steve for? Especially now that he's technically no longer a jock. Plus, he had a huge role in saving Eddie's life, it's not like Eddie would forget that.
But he still finds Steve staring at him in the middle of movie nights only to avert his eyes when Eddie turns to him, or Steve'll laugh a little too hard at Eddie's observation like he's overcompensating, or Eddie will feel a little self conscious of his greasy tank and coveralls when Steve's eyes widen at the sight (it's not his fault his job's so messy).
So, he never really hangs with just Steve, not because he's made it so, but rather, it's just never happened and Eddie hasn't actively tried to make it happen because, well, it's a little weird.
In fact, Eddie's fairly certain Steve also works Thursday mornings because he's seen him having breakfast at the diner with Dustin or on his own when Eddie goes by on his way to the auto shop.
Eddie does work mornings most days except for Sunday and Monday since those are his free days. It's very rare that Frank calls to tell him he'll need Eddie in the afternoon shift instead, so technically, Eddie could be having breakfast at the diner any day.
Eddie could be having breakfast at the diner with Steve on Thursdays.
He's not gonna invite himself is he?
It also doesn't help that Eddie has an embarrassingly huge crush on the guy, so he can never tell if Steve's actually being weird or if Eddie's just paying too much attention to him.
He really can't help himself, the guy's everything Eddie finds attractive in a person and on top of that he's fucking gorgeous. It's frankly unfair, if you ask him.
All those years in high school, hating Steve in the worst of cases or ignoring him in the best, had been pretty easy. Partly because of his good looks, mostly because of the company he kept. But now that Steve surrounds himself with his found family? Now that he laughs freely and fails fearlessly and gives so easily? Eddie does not stand a chance.
So really, it's probably for the best that they don't hang out on their own.
Eddie puts down his twizzler, mentally readying himself to start doing meal prep because Steve for sure called to cancel.
"...ssso if you wanna cancel–" Steve says, there's a muffled thump on the other end of the line, but Eddie pays it no mind, tries to play it cool.
"I mean that's–. Whatever you want." he stammers.
God, Eddie thinks, rolling his eyes at himself, he really could not be cooler.
"I um," Steve inhales sharply then "I'm probably still gonna have breakfast there," he says, "I'm not– I'm no good in the kitchen" he laughs casually.
Eddie huffs, reluctantly charmed.
"So if you wanna join" Steve adds hesitantly, "well, you're always welcome"
"ialsohateeatingalone" Steve adds, almost as an afterthought.
See? He's a little weird.
Not that that makes him any less attractive; on the contrary, it's endearing,
"Alright, cool." Eddie chuckles now, "Sounds good. I honestly don't wanna cook myself anything so you're practically doing me a favor." he says, then waits for a bit, in case Steve really needs an out; he picks his twizzler back up to start chewing on it again.
When Steve doesn't take the out, Eddie teases him again,
"Tell ya what, I'll teach you how to cook breakfast sometime" Eddie says around his treat, just to get on Steve's nerves a bit, but also pitifully hoping his offer would ever be accepted.
"I know how to cook breakfast, Eddie," Steve protests.
"You just said you're no good in the kitchen!" Eddie shoots back, enjoying the sound of Steve's answering laugh from the other end of the line.
"Ok fine!" Steve says, his smile back in his voice, "You'll teach me some day, whatever." he concedes.
Eddie's fairly certain his eyes could not get bigger and his cheeks could not get redder.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" Steve asks.
Heart hammering in his chest, Eddie nods.
Steve can't see him.
"Mmhm." Eddie hurries to amend, "See you tomorrow, Stevie," he says.
Eddie feels butterflies fluttering in his stomach with Steve's parting 'see you' before the line goes dead.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
I was talking with @yournowheregirl about Wayne and his iconic flannels so in honor of her birthday (congrats Alice!!!) here are the headcanons we came up with (and some more, it’s my present for you i guess ❤️)
Wayne doesn’t consider himself a hoarder, but he’s definitely a collector. Mugs, trucker hats, Johnny Cash records - and flannels. He doesn’t care much for clothes, but these are comfortable and he never throws any of them away, so his whole closet is filled with them.
Eddie steals Wayne’s flannels all the time. As soon as he gets home and wants to change into something comfy, he gets his hands on one of Wayne’s softest flannels (which he also uses as pajamas). There’s nothing that makes him feel safer than the scent of his uncle’s flannels.
Wayne always pretends to be annoyed by Eddie’s constant thievery but he secretly loves seeing his nephew in his own clothes. He’s got plenty of them anyway.
When Steve and Eddie start dating, Steve naturally starts stealing Eddie’s clothes, so it doesn’t take long before he starts stealing Wayne’s flannels thinking they’re Eddie’s
The first time Wayne sees Steve wearing his clothes, he’s really fucking confused. Steve’s mortified when he finds out he’s been walking around in Wayne’s flannels all the time. He won’t ever stop apologizing, but Wayne just laughs, tells him to shut up and pats him on his shoulder. He decides in that moment that anyone who wears his clothes is essentially his family.
Saturday mornings are Munson family time, traditionally. They sleep in and have an elaborate breakfast together, some old country record playing softly in the background. Steve joins them whenever he doesn’t have to work the morning shift at Family Video. One time, all three of them appear at the breakfast table in unintentionally matching flannels. After that, the matching flannels become part of their little breakfast tradition.
Wayne doesn’t have the money to give Steve a proper birthday present, but he can give him one of his most beloved old flannels. Steve almost cries when he opens his gift.
The trailer park basically becomes the party’s designated hangout spot. It’s not the most spacious place, but it’s by far the coziest. This results in Wayne basically adopting the whole party one by one. Max is the first of them to get one of his flannels after an incident in which the sleeve of her hoodie caught fire. (She’s never again allowed into the kitchen after that.) Soon after, all the others one-by-one mysteriously end up with worn-out soft flannels of their own as well. Robin wears the look best and Erica is practically drowning in hers, but they all love their flannels equally.
Eleven already has a closet full of Hopper-clothes, and her Wayne-flannel fits right in. Hopper, however, notices immediately that the new addition is not one of his clothes and he gets unreasonably jealous about it. Joyce will never let him forget that he used the words “dad-cheating” when he was ranting about it to her. (He actually becomes besties with Wayne later, though.)
For father’s day, they all get together at the trailer to surprise Wayne with a group picture in which everyone is wearing their Wayne-flannel. Eddie and Steve are at the center of the picture, arms around each other and matching wide smiles, and everyone else is kind of piled around them chaotically. Dustin took the whole thing one step further and is even wearing a cap with a truly hideous plaid pattern. Wayne doesn’t cry often, but he may or may not have something in his eye when he sees the picture for the first time.
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neonponders · 1 year
Part 33 for @wrecked-fuse ‘s pocketverse 🥬
Part 30 (main plot)
Part 32 (werewolf!Billy chapter haha)
( pt. 7′s art 🎩 ) ( pt. 9′s art 👀 ) ( pt. 14′s art 💨 ) ( pt. 19′s art 🦇 ) ( pt. 20′s art 🍳) ( pt. 27’s art 🦦 )
~ on ao3 ~
• • •
Billy parked in front of the Harrington house and tested the door. It opened for him and, given the noise of music and water drifting around the house, he knew where everyone would be.
He didn’t expect Chrissy to be here, but she smiled at him as she poured herself a lemonade. “Hey, Billy. Do you want a glass?”
“I’d love a glass,” he crooned, taking a seat at the breakfast bar and peeking outside. He could see Steve popping his head out of the pool, whipping hair and water off his face. Robin and Max sat at the table eating, the centerpiece being the littles’ pool.
Chrissy handed him the lemonade and said, “Mine and Eddie’s are here too.”
“I don’t see the big guy.”
“He’s got a D&D campaign.”
Billy hummed a disinterested sound as he sipped. “Right. I’m surprised his miniature let him go. Mine and Steve’s love board games.”
Chrissy smiled on her way outside. “I’ve got an edge to making the little bat behave.”
Billy slide off his stool to follow her outside. “I’m sure you do.”
The music wasn’t loud enough to cover the littles’ voices, allowing him to smile at little Steve and Chrissy waving up at him from where they stood next to the deli meats and cheeses. The former heralded, “Biwwy! Yourw home! No morwe work?”
“I’m done for the day,” he confirmed, taking a seat and feeling the warmth of little Steve’s hands on his fingers.
“Good, I’m gwad.”
“You know what? Me too, chipmunk. Hey, little Chris.”
Small Chrissy patted his knuckles. “Hi, Biwwy. We have a sharcoochie board, if you want some.”
That pinged off his brain like a pebble on a bell. “A what?”
Robin chuckled. “A charcuterie board. It’s like a disassembled sandwich.”
Billy absorbed that and obliged, “Don’t mind if I do. Thanks, Chris.”
She smiled and went to climb the ladder and join small Eddie at the top of the slide. Meanwhile, little Steve ran over the towel acting as a non-slip surface around the pool and called, “Biwwy? Gwapes?”
Small Billy sat in his donut float, relaxing over the water with sunglasses and not a care in the world. His head sagged to one side as if he just now noticed big Billy’s arrival. “Hey, Biwwy.”
“Share a grape with Steve. Lifeguard’s orders.”
“Why?” he groaned.
“Because you’re sluggish. You need the water and sugar boost.”
“I’m welaxing - ugh! ”
“CANON BAWLL!” Eddie cried as he held onto Chrissy down the slide. They made water splash out of the pool. Max’s chewing paused, annoyance fuming out of her nostrils at the now soggy bread of her sandwich. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, since the littles swam in tap water, but it wasn’t great.
Big Steve emerged from the pool and cupped his hand underneath Billy’s innertube to lift him out of the water. “Lifeguard’s orders, little man. The temperature’s dropping soon anyways.”
Steve set him down, still lounging in his float, on the towel. Little Steve sat on the donut like a cushion with a half of a grape between them. Little Billy couldn’t complain as the grape did its job in rejuvenating him.
Steve toweled off his hair, raked it back off his face, and sat at the table while Max worked on rebuilding her sandwich. Around a mouthful of salami, Steve asked, “Anyone wanna play a game?”
Chrissy perked up. “I have cards in my bag.”
Little Chrissy seconded, “Poker?”
Billy’s eyebrows flew up. “You know poker?”
Her tiny shoulders shrugged. “It’s what they pway in the movies.”
But Steve offered a finger to help her out of the pool as he said, “Don’t worry. Your other Chris knows how to hustle in poker.”
Eddie lit up, flapping water off his wings as he jogged over the table to her. “Weally? Are you wich from winning?”
Chrissy laughed and shook her head. “No, but the basketball team lost to the cheerleaders in strip poker during an away-tournament.”
The littles didn’t really know what that meant, but Billy, Robin, and even Max guffawed at the news. Then Robin added, “I can’t believe I forgot about that. That poker tournament was better than the games.”
Steve coughed, “Uh, excuse you. It’s not our fault our games lined up with that one rival senior who’s contracted professionally now. We didn’t stand a chance.”
Billy smirked at him. “You might’ve if I’d gotten here sooner. Hell, you almost make me wish I had.”
Max posed a slack-jawed glare at him like she couldn’t believe a word of it, but had the sense not to say anything. Instead she finished eating, and instead of being dealt into the game, asked, “Can I use your shower?”
“Yeah, ‘course,” Steve disregarded, more so focused on little Billy walking over to him. Steve lowered his cards for him to see, and big Billy found small Steve with his eyes. Like he knew, the little guy looked up at him and smiled. Billy crooked a finger at him and fenced him behind his own cards.
Steve sat close enough to have his knee leaning against Billy’s, so the latter heard him ask his smaller self, “Wha’cha thinkin?”
Little Billy held his chin as he thought about it, and then silently tapped a queen of diamonds.
Steve nodded, “Good thinkin’.”
He looked down to little Steve, eyes huge with telltale worry. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know pokerw much, but this hand kinda sucks.”
Big Steve kept his laughter in check, as did Billy while he leaned down to explain his strategy. He couldn’t be sure how much of it sank in, but small Steve could feel his confidence in his voice and his proximity. It made him feel safe and interested, so he hugged Billy’s cheek, “You’wre so smawrt, Biwwy,” and kissed him.
Then he gasped, “It’s not sweepy time!”
Billy chuckled and began to sit up. “You can kiss me anytime, sugar,” and pecked a smooch on top of his head.
He took a hand off his cards so Steve could wander freely, but he gazed up at Billy, galazy-eyed and rosy-cheeked as he waddled -
“Ooph! Sowwy, Chwissy,” he gushed after bumping into her.
“It’s okay, Stevie. Sit with me and Eddie?”
Billy’s eyes lingered on them for a moment longer, until his littler self shouted, “We’wre gonna kick your ass!”
Billy sputtered but recoverd, “Oh, you think so?”
Steve intervened, “Poker face, honey bee. Poker face.”
“Oh. Right. We’wre totawwy kicking yourw ass but whateverw about it!”
Chrissy started laughing hard enough that she had to look at the sky to dry her mirthful tears. Eddie flew up to her face, doing his best to fan her with a piece of lettuce.
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