#Eddie’s DMs are toast. He has 36 missed calls and twice as many texts when he checks his phone after the rest of their date
morganbritton132 · 6 months
Someone post a Tiktok of Eddie and Steve clearly having their date interrupted by some fans of Eddie’s
Eddie is very obviously trying to be nice. He’s talking to them and taking pictures with them, but he’s also subtly trying to end this interaction. Steve, meanwhile, looks pissed.
The longer this conversation goes on, the more annoyed he looks until he takes a deep breath. He centers himself and then he burst into tears.
His whole body shakes when he sobs, “Eddie, what do you mean you want a divorce?!”
It takes over two hours for the person to post a part two where you can see Steve immediately stop crying when the fans awkwardly shuffle away.
He wipes his face, sticks his fork into their shared dessert and says, “So, anyways.”
Eddie collapses in on himself like a puppet whose strings were cut and whisper-shouts at Steve, “I hate when you do that! I think it’s real every time.”
“Well, I hate when my date is interrupted.”
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