#Edmila who?
svvy2003 · 7 months
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Billy Dunne + wrapping his arms around Camila. The way they make eachother smile is *chef's kiss.* @mzannthropy @jesstasticvoyage @camiladnne @andreabaideas
Also,I calculated to get their wedding day,based on Camila's due date and when she would've been seven weeks pregnant (with the help of Google) and their wedding would've been around April 13th. Next month will be their 50th anniversary. (Let's pretend she's still alive,shall we?)
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jesstasticvoyage · 9 months
Opinions on these DJATS ships?: (book and show) Karengraham, Daisybilly,Edmila, Warrenlisa. Also, Rod Reyes is an underrated DJATS character and I loved his ending.
Oh boy… 😂 weeeeeeell. My memory isn’t the best and my opinions between book and show ships tend to blur. Except for Edmila since that one didn’t exist in the book.
Karengraham - I felt that they were always meant to be a fling as soon as you realized Karen and Graham had different views on the future. Don’t get me wrong, I loved their dynamic and thought they had great chemistry but Graham wanted someone to settle down and have a family with which didn’t match what Karen wanted out of life.
DaisyBilly- this is such a complicated mess. Personally, after everything Billy went through with his father issues, lack of self control, low confidence, you name it. He needed to spend more time with recovery and see a therapist. To me, Daisy turned into a new kind of drug for him that he clearly couldn’t get enough of. Now, this is where it gets messy because I am in the camp (as unpopular as this is) that believes he was in love with two different women at the same time. I also think that even though the book never came out and acknowledged it that, to me, he did cheat on Camila with Daisy. The reactions were far too dramatic for it to be a near kiss (in the book) and a parking lot kiss (in the show). I wish the show and book went into more about how long and what happened after Camila passed away for Billy to see Daisy. And, I don’t know if this is because I’m getting older or what, but I do feel that if I was in Camila’s place I would want to encourage my husband to seek happiness and not let it die with me. Again, this is so complicated and one of those discussions that can go on and on. There’s a lot of emotions and history and unknowns here. Plus the cheating on both Billy and Camilas part further complicates it. When he was WITH Camila physically and emotionally it made me warm and fuzzy inside. They worked well together and were really lovey dovey in their scenes. Just watching them together is a guaranteed smile from me. When he was with Daisy you can see just how charged and alive he is creatively and that creativity was his passion. Daisy shared that same passion with him, which I also enjoyed seeing play out. I felt very much like Billy (reading and watching every thing unfold) and couldn’t decide which path to choose. Which made the whole experience enjoyable as I usually have a clear cut choice when I watch love triangles. But I know I’m alone in this camp.
EdMila- I know Eddie tends to be the least favorite character, and I didn’t like him in the book, but in the show you can actually see he was in love with Camila. And I feel Camila knew this and used him. It wasn’t a shining moment in her life and as someone who watched her parents marriage fall apart before my eyes (when I was a kid) I can see why she did what she did. Doesn’t make it right as she and Billy should have ended things before it reached that point. Divorce wasn’t unheard of during that time but hell, Camila did warn Billy their relationship would be over if he loves Daisy. But sometimes severing a relationship gets harder to do especially when children are involved. (I see this with the domestic abuse cases through my job)
WarrenLisa - They were perfect for each other. I wish the show talked more about them seeing each other and for how long like the book did.
SimoneBernie - I wanted more of them!! God, they were the only healthy relationship in the whole show. It makes me mad a lot of people found their episode boring when it was the one of my favorites!
Rod Reyes - 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I wanted him to find love on the show but I guess they didn’t have time to incorporate that. There really should have been at least 2 more episodes since there was SO much that could have been added.
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mzannthropy · 1 month
Another little detail from DJATS episode 9 that I loved is when Karen mentioned that Graham bought Marlene's current house. That was actually so sweet. I also love Marlene fangirling over Lisa. Overall, most of the episode was great (for example, Camila and Karen's friendship moments, and they band standing up for Daisy.) the whole Daisybilly and Edmila things ruined it. Otherwise, or was sweet, especially Marlene's moments with Billy,Graham, and Camila.
It's like the microcosm of the whole series, all good except the ships ruined it... wasn't this the one where Billy and Daisy stand with their foreheads touching? One of the most insulting scenes for me, in fact even worse than that kiss in E6, bc who the fuck does that... such scenes are okay for like, romances or fantasy, and I would even say for fiction set in realism, but when it's established couples and it's appropriate, like for example when they are parting for a while bc one of them is going away, or they're just having a nice moment. The writers really threw every overdone trope with their beloved ship. (Was it worth it, DJATS writers?)
Marlene fangirling over Lisa is just so relatable and so human! Imagine she gets to meet her fave celebs thanks to her sons' band.
Camila and Karen's friendship was the best! I believe the actresses are friends irl as well. It's a pity they didn't continue their friendship post-band, bc of her history with Graham and Graham being, ofc, Camila's bro-in-law and Julia's uncle. But there's always a way with headcanons.
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mzannthropy · 10 months
I absolutely agree that Camilly>>>> Daisybilly. Also Edmila. I'm just gonna pretend none of the cheating happen. Also, what do you think about fics that make Billy a bad father? I hate them lol. Billy was there for Julia's plays,soccer games, and to see her grow into an adult. You can tell he loved her.
(This got long...)
Thanks, it's good to see someone still cares about Billy x Camila! Tbh I've been thinking that I probably misunderstood the story, which is not unlike me with the way my mind works, but the thing is, I was only in it bc of Sam Claflin. I would never have had picked the book up if he hadn't been cast in the series. I barely care about real 70s bands, never mind fictional, and I didn't know anything about Fleetwood Mac (in fact I only started listening to them bc of DJATS and, funnily enough, I saw that 1997 performance on TV which they just happened to show at the time when the filming of DJATS was going on--but I didn't think anything of it. Don't those two hate each other?). That's my kind of longwinded way of saying that I had no idea I was supposed to ship Daisy and Billy, especially as I rooted for Camila right from the beginning. I'm also much older than majority of the fandom and have one failed marriage under my belt already, so I see things differently.
I think that Camila liked the rockstar side of Billy, hence why she was able to overlook some things (after all, this was the 70s), bc she knew he would always come home to her. Relationships are laundry and taxes, not omG tHE wAY thEY LooK aT eAcH OthEr on stage, but I guess that's not cool enough for the show. I'm not a fanfic person, actually, I read maybe about three a year (and that's only short ones) and with the exception of Jane Eyre, I don't write any (I prefer writing original). Occasionally I check AO3 for some particular piece of media or a ship, just to see what's there (in fact I did so twice in the last week, once for a particular pairing in a L.M. Montgomery book and once for all The Count of Monte Cristo fics, Sam's next project). I've never looked at any DJATS fics ever and I'd rather not know. So I didn't know there were fics that made Billy a bad father. I suppose people can write what they want, if they need to make Billy worse for their preferred ship to exist, well, they're free to do so, if it makes them happy. I loathe cheap, lazy plot devices and villainisation for the sake of making the protagonist look better, or making the reader/viewer care about the author's favourite pairing. I tend to feel the exact opposite of what the writer(s) want me to feel. So merely hearing about the Billy as bad father fics makes me hate them, lol.
It's not true, anyway. The show didn't exactly do Billy any favours with erasing the twins, bc in the book, he was with Camila while she was giving birth to them, holding her hand etc, in contrast to Julia's birth. But even so, we have some evidence of him being a better dad, like when he rang Camila while on the Aurora tour and wanted to hear Julia just sleeping. They could have done more and I suspect they really did, that there were more scenes that they eventually cut. Idk, but this picture just makes me think there must have been more. Who knows...
So while he may not have been the world's best dad, he was not a bad one either. After all, as I started saying lately, (about real people but it goes for fictional too), people can be more than one thing.
Saying that, Eddie gives me mild incel vibes. If Camila wanted to be with Eddie, she'd be with him. "I'd choose you over everyone" means nothing, it's just words. It was a bit of a lazy shortcut for Camila to cheat with him, but that's just one of the show's sins. They gave Camila a creative profession and then did a fuck all with it, like why couldn't she have connected with a fellow photographer? Like that dude she talked to in the dark room or whoever it was.
I wonder if soon we'll start seeing articles on Screen Rant et al about how "wrong we were to ship Billy and Daisy and how emotional affairs ruin the lives of everyone around them" or something similar. More likely, though, the show will fade into obscurity which I will honestly be thankful for. I'm glad that Sam got what he needed out of it (he talked about it in interviews) and I'm glad Camila got some recognition, she just won a breakthrough award at Critics Choice and I'm glad Suki and the others got to be in it and the songs are good, and I wish them well, and I wish the writers a very hope your pens break and drafts get deleted and I hope Hello Sunshine burns down.
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svvy2003 · 9 months
Warren and Lisa are such an underrated ship. I wish we got to see the deleted Pittsburgh scene in ep 9, because Lisa was in it. IDEC about the Eddie and Camila deleted s*x scene, I would've pretended Eddie was Billy anyway. IDC about any Daisybilly scenes. I wanted the Pittsburgh scene, without any Edmila or Daisybilly subtext. I don't even consider Eddie and Camila sleeping together canon. If I don't like a deleted scene, I don't consider it canon. If I do,I consider it canon. What if Camila didn't cheat, and she was just saying that to please the viewers of the documentary. What if Daisy's love was one-sided,and she remembered incorrectly. What if Eddie and Billy didn't hate each other that much, if they were frenemies who became friends. Sorry for rambling lol, but the show was kinda disappointing, and I watched some clips on YouTube and Instagram before reading the book. I don't think Camila cheated,but Billy remembered incorrectly in the book, because he was 69-70.
Tagging @mzannthropy and @camiladnne
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mzannthropy · 10 months
Do you know any good Camilly blogs that aren't also Daisybilly or Edmila?
I know this one who made some nice gifs, other than that, sadly, no, but that is mostly bc I don't interact much. (Hence the title of my blog, in solitude). All I can suggest is look through the notes in the gifsets. I have a tendency for unpopular opinions, but the amount of d/b shippers is still shocking, I think these people must have gone into the story already having their mind made up to ship them, bc that's what they were sold (though honestly, sometimes I do wonder if there's some psyop going on, what with the word "chemistry" being parroted by everyone, you don't see it with any other pairing, not to this extent, and not from the official channels).
Billy x Camila shippers, please interact.
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mzannthropy · 5 months
Another thing that was never addressed in DJATS book or show: How did Billy sign Julia's birth certificate? Maybe after rehab? I feel like Edmila fanfic writers might use insane troll logic and say something about it to make Eddie a better dad than Billy. (it happened in the 9-1-1 fandom,too long of a story to tell.)
I would imagine that's something he would be able to do whilst n rehab? Is that how the law was back then, did they need the father's signature on the birth certificate? It's possible that, as Camila was married to him, he'd be automatically entered as the father, in the 1970s. Of course it's probably different now, but I don't even know how it works here in UK, I don't have kids.
I forgot that people actually ship Camila with Eddie. Now I'm reminded of that post that said that interview Eddie had the 90s stepdad energy (whatever that means) and I, who was a teenager in the 90s with an abusive stepfather, thought, gee thanks that's an image that surely endears me to the character. People come up with all sorts of bizarre stuff to justify themselves. Like, it's fine if you ship them, just say that you can see him as a good stepdad to Julia, there's no need to literally pull nonsense expressions out of your ass! Anyway, Eddie could be a good stepdad--to someone else's kids! Maybe to Daisy's daughter, I know you like them together. Or whoever.
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svvy2003 · 11 months
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