sivayatheclown · 9 months
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Edtina — Hold Me ♡
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esperrealm-blog-blog · 13 years
First kiss? Kiss me!
Chapter: First Kiss, Kiss Me
It was a nice spring morning, four months after the fall of Kekfa. Outside the wondrous ship, was the vast land of Narshe's plains. With magic gone, the creatures weren't as violent. Yet they still attacked, but only when threatened.
They had parked the massive sized ship outside of Narshe, so that they could spend the week with Locke at Narshe, with his new girlfriend (Celes) and the old man he had found out in the caves - Arvis. It would be the first time since the planet got destroyed that Terra would see Arvis, the old man that had found her and helped her when she broke free of the Slave crown. She was so happy! Setzer had come out to Mobliz and announced it and brought her along to Figaro to pick up Edgar, Sabin, Gau and Relm.
When Setzer said they had landed, they quickly got the Chocobos off the ship and rode to Narshe.
Thanksgiving was a great day to rewind, but with Terra's attention on another object rather than the turkey and the day, it was spent very slow for her. Everyone was talking about how special the day was and explaining to her that she was suppose to know it, she ignored them and kept her child-like gaze on the thief that roamed around the dining room of the largest house in Narshe - Locke Cole's home. Arvis of course, helped pay for it and also lived there, but Terra looked at it as Locke's house.
Sabin came out of the kitchen holding a large plate covered with a tin cap. He sat it down on the table, which caused the table to bend a bit from the bird's weight. He said it would be a while until everything is done and that they would have to wait on the Turkey to be colder, so he headed back into the kitchen with Celes.
Terra saw Locke sitting on the couch with Edgar and Setzer, discussing Chocobo racing and their favorite teams. She smiled and hurried over, sitting on the couch opposite of them, since Setzer was hogging the spot near Locke's left. She listened in, not really understanding their 'manly' talk, but loved the sound of Locke's adventurous voice. When they got to the end of their conversation, Locke chuckled.
"Wow...we've been talking for a while...I guess its time to eat?" he gestured to Sabin setting up the table with Celes' help. They rose from the couch, which was when Terra quickly got up and hovered by Locke, waiting for him to pick a chair so she could sit by him. Her hopes were washed away when she saw Celes and Setzer sit by him. She sat between Edgar and Relm.
There dinner went nicely, everyone shared past experiences, memories, friends and even what their parents were like. The only ones who couldn't really say much about their life was Terra, Relm and Gau. Celes said she had seen her parents in photos and heard many things from her uncle, Cid. Sabin and Edgar talked about their father and mother, Stewart and Christiel. Edgar told them about what he knew about his mother, Christiel, and that she came from Thamasa's orphanage and that his father's mother told him that she was even tied to "magical" lines to being a Mage (Author Notes: Read the Complete Figaro background :P ).
Sabin told the tale of his father and how he was a honorable man who cared for everyone and everything, especially animals and plants - he even made a remark about Edgar getting his love of flowers from him.
Setzer's parents were, by what he said, cunning and very rich. Which is how he managed to build a ship, the very first. His father was a engineer, studying under Stewart, which surprised Edgar and Sabin. His mother was a woman who owned a relic shop, the best in Vector.
Sadly, when it was Gau, Terra and Relm's turn, they had nothing to say. So, not wanting to soil the three's moment more than it already has, they moved on from the subject of "family". When all the food was taken care of, eaten or saved for Sabin's lunch days after, they all worked together to clean up the dinner room. Terra and Gau helped with scrapping the plates. Relm, Celes and Edgar took care of the table cleaning, after of course they removed the extra decorations. Locke and Setzer washed the dishes.
Terra and Gau, being done with their chore, sat quietly on the couches and watched everyone scurry around, cleaning the dinner room. Gau of course, was restless. He was chewing on one of the couch pillows (Setzer's favorite!) and growling like a feral animal, like he always did on their adventures. Terra was watching Locke, biting her lower lip in frustration. She wanted to tell Locke that every time she saw him, he was responsible for her heart beating so fast, her face turning hot, her ears ringing and for taking her breath away.
She had only trusted this deep feeling's knowledge to two people; Setzer and Cyan, two of the most trust worthy friends, she thought, could withhold such a secret. Cyan swore an oath not to tell (even though something in his face seemed to darken) and tried to tell her to confess to Locke, but she ignored him. Setzer said having a "fling" with him would help, but she remembered Celes' warning that Setzer is a dog, but Terra knew he'd hold the secret. She had to tell someone, or she'd explode. She was rethinking telling Locke, like Cyan said, but she could barely repeat her feelings to herself, let alone to Locke!
When everyone finished and joined up in the game room, where Gau and Terra sat, Locke had spared the sweetest smile to her and then laughed...to her? She hoped so! She smiled and waved weakly back at him, not knowing that his smile and wave was that of a friend's, but hoped and prayed for more. She blushed when he came over to sit by her, looping an arm around her shoulders. She could feel his heat and smell the odd spice he wore. "So," he said, softly as he eyed his friends laughing and sharing jokes and private adventures. "how was your first Thanksgiving, Terra?"
She swallowed and giggled. "Um..." its going terribly, she thought, grimly. "P-pretty good, I-I think."
"Ahahah," Locke chuckled, resting his head against hers. "You haven't changed a bit since Kefka's fall, or before his fall. You are the same, cute little girl I met a year ago." she gasped, her heart tightening until it hurt. L-little girl...? "You're like the sister I never had," he admitted, sheepishly, kissing her cheek before he got up. "Have a good rest day, Terra...you deserve a lot of them." she knew he was talking about her difficulties about the end of magic and the pain she was going through, not just psychical but mentally and emotionally too. She was dealing with these new changes in her body, a the deep sadness of losing her only and last parent - Maduin. She had lost the one side of her that connected her with her father, to her "other side" of the family, beside humans. A heavy sigh left her lips as she watched Locke head over to Celes and engage her in what looked like, a heavy, emotional discussion.
For a flat second, she wanted to rip Locke away from Celes and then kill her, but then she looked away, her heart aching. What does she have that I don't? She meekly wondered, glancing back to see Celes' chest, which was noticably bigger than her own. Carefully Terra looked down at her own chest and saw her own breasts weren't really big. Is this the reason? She didn't know why, but Setzer, Sabin and Edgar always stared at her chest (Or Celes') when they spoke to her, but she knew bigger was, by the looks of it, better to men. She blushed. I don't think mine will grow anymore... she became flustered as she got up and hurried to the bathroom.
Terra pouted as she touched her chest. She knew her chest was too small to be attracted to, they were so small she could almost cup them with her own hands. This is no good, she thought in defeat. Celes' were bigger, by a lot. Maybe not too large, but they were bigger than hers by a lot of sizes. Terra's was so small, the best size bra couldn't properly hold them in place. She stomped her foot and gripped her hands. How did Celes do it? She's only a year older than me, yet she's so much prettier and bigger than me. She took a glance of herself in the mirror, her thin frame a insult to her betraying thoughts. She heard a knock on the bathroom door, it was Setzer.
"Terra...you in there?"
She gasped, grabbing her beige shirt. "Y-yes!"
"You've been in there for ten minutes...you okay? Was the turkey undercooked?"
"Oh...no, I'm fine Setzer!"
"Monthly time then, eh?"
"What?" she blushed. "No! Go away Setzer!" she demanded, embarrassed.
"I'm coming in," he announced, she quickly put her shirt on and jumped when Setzer opened the door. He glanced about. "What are you doing in here, exactly?"
"I...um, just wanted some silence."
"In a bathroom?" he saw the measuring tape on the counter and corked an eye brow. "Terra," he walked over and snatched it up before she could take it. "Why do you have this?" she looked down and started to fidget with her shirt. Slowly he realized the reason and chuckled, stuffing the measure tape in his pocket, before he closed the door. "Terra, why are you measuring your breasts?"
She bit her lip and knew the bright red color that spread to her face was definitely noticeable to Setzer. "I...uh, that's not what I was-"
"Don't lie to me," he whispered. "I may not know you as long as the others have, but I am your friend and I can tell when you are lying or avoiding something." he paused. "...this is about Locke, isn't it?" she nodded, weakly. "Terra, if Locke doesn't like you for...um, your 'size' then that's his own fault for missing out on something spectacular. I bet the rest of you looks great!"
"Setzer!" she growled. "This is serious...why is Celes so much prettier than me? She bigger too and Locke, Edgar, Cyan, Sabin and yourself, always care. How do I get mine to get bigger?"
"You don't," he sighed. "you're fine the way you are."
"Not to Locke!"
"Terra, Locke hasn't told you yet, has he?"
"Told me about what?"
Setzer came over and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Why do you think they have been living together?" she blinked.
"Um...they are friends. Gau lives with Cyan, they are friends."
"Terra, Locke and Celes are together now."
Her eyes went wide. What? "No they aren't, he...he can't be with her."
"And why is that?"
"B-because I...I liked him first!" she stammered.
"Terra, Celes doesn't 'like' him, she 'loves' him! That's a lot more serious than your silly crush..." she took a step back. I...why didn't he tell me? Why didn't Celes tell me! She took him from me and she couldn't even tell me herself? She charged off, leaving the bathroom.
Terra sat in the back of the room while everyone talked, her eyes on Locke and Celes, in the other corner, giggling and laughing to each other. Jealousy and envy gripped at Terra, her heart heavy with anger and betrayal. She watched Locke lean over toward Celes and kiss her lips gently. Terra's heart fell to her stomach as she turned and ran out of the room.
"Where is she going?" Edgar asked Setzer as the Gambler emerged and sat beside him. He shrugged.
"She's upset."
"Locke." the Gambler replied, grabbing his bottle of beer. Edgar rose and hurried out of the room.
He found her sitting foot prints in the snow outside and followed them straight to the Falcon. When he went inside, he saw her sitting in the dark, on the stairs to the deck of the Falcon, crying. Her head was resting on her folded arms over her knees. Edgar sighed as he came over to sit besides her. "Hard time?"
"G-go away, Edgar, I'm not in the mood."
"You saw them together, didn't you?" she nodded. "I'm sorry, I know you like him very much." she looked up at him.
"How did you know?"
"Ahaha, well, its not hard to see you watching him with puppy-dog eyes and every time he talks with you, you fidget and blush." she sniffed.
"Wh-why doesn't he like me?" Terra asked, crying. "Do you know how I can get him to like me?"
"Why would you want to split them up, Terra? Celes is happy, Locke is happy-"
"What about me!" she shouted, her eyes red. "I met him first, I liked him first, I had him first! She came and ruined everything!" she looked down, away from Edgar's intense eyes. "Is it because I''m not as pretty as she is?"
"What?" he asked, astonished. "I don't mean to be rude and I know this isn't very gentleman of me, but if I were to compare you two, you'd win, Terra. You might not have that strong, beautiful, serious look, but you are a lot more beautiful." In my eyes. He thought.
"Everyone thinks I'm a child...something to be taken care of though."
"Who said that?"
"Locke..." she whispered, crying.
"Now why would he think that?" he wondered. "You took up the responsibilities of being a mother...at eighteen! You are far more adult than any woman I've ever met before, Terra. You are an elegant woman of high virtue, of beauty and-"
"I still don't have what she has...She's prettier, older, smarter, stronger...bigger..."
"Bigger? You mean her height? I think she's a bit too tall, actually-"
"Her...her, well...um, her c-chest." it took him a second, but he oh'd her and blushed when he realized he not only knew her size from memory but that moment he took a glance at her chest. He had been with a lot of women, and saying otherwise would just be a complete lie, and he knew she was a small sized person. But he loved it, he thought it went along nicely with her thin, figure, her pale skin, green hair, purple eyes and that sweet smile she always had on...except now that smile was a frown and those purple eyes were full of tears. He knew this kind of time would be hard to her, she had no one to explain these things to her, these new feelings and the frustration that came with it. He laid a hand on hers, she looked up.
"I think you are just perfect, Terra. Let Locke miss out on you, if your size is part of the deal to him, then he is an idiot." although I know that isn't the reason he doesn't like you, he thought. "You'll find someone better than Locke, who will love you for everything you have or don't have. For who you are now, not who you can change to."
She sniffed, rubbing at her eyes. "I-I will?"
"One day, of course. Maybe not now, or tomorrow or the next day, but some man will sweep you off your feet and lavish you with kisses and presents." she giggled at him and then hugged him tightly.
"Thank you Edgar..." she whispered, laying her head against his chest, her arms wrapped around his back. "you have no idea how much that means to me..." she pulled away. "I hope that man comes quickly though," she nervously laughed, looking up at his face. "How about you, Edgar?" his heart started to beat faster.
"M-me what, exactly?"
"Do you like anyone?" was her innocent question. His heart pulled at the image of her innocent face, the love and trust behind her eyes, the tenderness the smallest of smiles she gave, the warmth she gave when she laughed and the happiness she shared when she spoke. Right now, she showed all of that and more. How could he tell her how he felt about her? What if she denied his feelings? Or worse, didn't believe him. He swallowed.
"I do..."
"Who?" she laughed at his reluctance to share.
"Just some girl in the castle."
"Oh," she seemed crushed by that. "Have you've had your first kiss yet?" she asked, gasping when she realized she had said something private and something that she shouldn't have. "I-I'm sorry, don't answer that." she muttered, embarrassed.
"I have...and it wasn't good."
"It wasn't?" she asked, inclining her head to one side to get a better look at his intense blue eyes.
"No, it was with a woman I didn't particularly care for."
"Why did you kiss her then?" she sounded confused.
"For selfish reasons," was his short, hurried reply. "I...I had wanted to use her." he admitted. She blinked.
"For a kiss?"
He laughed at her, his heart light with happiness that she had no idea what he was talking about. "No, for more, actually. I had acted on my needs and pleasures, and I shouldn't have. Have you've had your first kiss yet?" she blushed and laughed.
"No...not yet. I was hoping I could...with Locke."
"Looks like we both missed out on something, huh?" she smiled at him before leaning her body against his.
"I guess...we'll be heading our own ways again tomorrow, won't we?" she asked, tired and alone already.
"You know," he said, wrapping an arm around her. "We'll always know where to go to find each other, huh?"
"Where?" she asked, looking up at him. Edgar smiled tenderly at her as he touched her nose with his index finger gently.
"You can always come to Figaro, if you feel alone." he said, sheepishly. Terra smiled.
"And you can come to Mobliz if you feel alone. I'll cook you a big dinner and we can talk it away."
"And I'll hold and kiss you until you feel better." he gently said against her hair, she pulled away at that, her eyes watching him, shocked.
"What did you say?"
"You...you said that you would-" she couldn't believe what she had heard.
"I didn't say anything alarming, Terra." he looked at her eyes and softly took her hands in his, smiling at our small her hands were compared to his. "So you don't have to stare at me like that..."
She blinked. "But you-you said you would k-kis-kiss me...why?" he corked an eye brow at her, as if it were a "really, do I need to explain?". She gasped, her mouth dropping open. "Oh...oh! Y-you...me?" she pointed to her chest, confused. "How could you...like me?"
"How? I can't describe it, Terra. I just love everything about you. From the way you speak, laugh, walk, act...look. Everything! I love everything about you!"
"Love?" she asked, dismayed. "I thought you liked me?"
"I do."
"But you just said 'love', Edgar! That's different!" she started to fidget with her shirt, her heart racing and her face a bright red. He took her hand again, and squeezed it tightly.
"You're fidgeting and shaking, Terra. Did I scare you?" she gently sighed when she remembered what he said earlier: Ahaha, well, its not hard to see you watching him with puppy-dog eyes and every time he talks with you, you fidget and blush. She tightened her hand in his and smiled as she looked up at him.
"I'm...I'm okay, Edgar." she looked down at his larger hand and with her other hand, traced the knuckle lines of his hand with her thumb. "C-can I ask you something?"
"Anything..." he sounded desperate, for anything.
"Would you like to redo your first kiss...?" she asked, quietly. His mouth pulled up in a grin as he leaned down to kiss her lips as passionately as his first kiss was supposed to be.
Terra closed her eyes and melted to his kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Slowly, she began to kiss him back, not sure if she was kissing him right. She giggled against his lips when wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.
When he pulled away from their hungry kisses, he sighed, leaning his forehead against her head, finally at peace. "I've wanted to kiss you like that...for a long time, Terra." she timidly leaned over and kissed the side of his neck, her face dark red.
"You could have told me..."
"I barely had the courage to be around you, Terra." she giggled and took his face in her hands.
"What about now...?"
"I'm stronger and a lot more courageous than I was before." he growled, slowly holding her against the wall to lavish her in kisses. "No longer shall your lips tease me so."
"They were kissing, guys! I saw it with my own two eyes! I snuck out, but before I left, I saw Edgar take her hand and led her up the deck!"
"And now the ship is gone?" Setzer growled, stomping his foot. "He took her off somewhere in my ship and you didn't bother to stop them!"
"Hey, who am I to interrupt their passionate love?" Sabin asked, shrugging.
"I know why, you're his devil twin and you wanted him to steal my ship!"
"Setzer," Locke laughed. "He'll bring the ship back, he's obviously...um, well, you know."
"He better not be, if he knows what's good for him." Celes snapped. "If I hear about him touching her anywhere, I will kill him."
"Still protective, are you?" Sabin asked.
"Of course! Terra didn't even know about kisses until she saw her parents kissing in that memory Maduin shared with her. I had to explain it to her."
"Well, she was controlled, Celes." Locke sighed. "at least now she has someone who will hopefully care about her."
Edgar had landed the ship on one of the eighty-nine islands off of shore to the east side of Miranda. He turned around and headed inside and opened the door to the room she usually had when they were out fighting against Kefka and saw her still asleep on the bed, where he had left her. He smiled at the memory of them kissing and talking, and then the rather sudden moment of her yawning and cuddling up against him to rest. He had covered her up and headed to the deck, to fly them to a remote island.
He leaned down to peck her cheek with a kiss and then turned to leave, but her move and stopped. "E-Edgar?" he turned to see her sitting up, rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning, Terra."
"M-morning?" she asked, looking around. "I fell asleep?" he nodded and she sighed. "I'm sorry..."
"Its fine," he walked back to sit beside her. "it was a great night. Thank you for spending Thanksgiving with me, Terra." she smiled and kissed him timidly.
"You're welcome, Edgar."
He grinned. "So, how about some breakfast?"
"I'd love that!"
This is a piece I'm not particularly happy about...I feel like I should rewrite it, but something stops me. Hmm. Well, that's it for this one.
Thanks for reading!
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sivayatheclown · 9 months
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「HNY 2024 Final Fantasy & One Piece」
— Share Prints on PICCU —
Hello, everyone!
I have already opened the shared print for giving out New Year's gifts on Piccu (Same owner as Homu). There are my old artworks for to collect~!
Order here : https://piccu.net/product-tag/sivaya/
— Sharing 7 arts in total Fanart Final Fantasy & One Piece
• HNY 2024 : Edtina | Wanihana
• HNY 2023 : Tina(2) | Tifa
• HNY 2021 : Keftina
• Wanihana (Mr.0 & Miss All Sunday)
— Limitation 2 pcs/order
— The creators don't receive any benefit from their shared artwork, except the donation.
— All prints are for personal use only. Don't resell them.
— The prints need time for production around 2-3 weeoks after close the sale period.
— If have any problem regarding your order, please send your inquiry to the support on the website.
— Sharing 10/01/2024 - End 31/01/2024
— Donate to Me : https://piccu.net/product/donate-to-sivayatheclown/
— Don't forget to check if your country is available for shipping here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zx6jKpQn_qWZYIqmc71Cqc6FZQym2_soI5SvF6TJ7t8/edit#gid=777507079…)
— More about the Piccu website. https://piccu.net/about-piccu/
Thank you ♡ .
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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「 You will be my wings 」
「 Let me be your wings 」
Thumbelina (1994) AU
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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Edgar and Tina spend time together in the palace
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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【Mail Order / Pre-Order Now】
Open 19 Mar. - 24 Apr. 2023 (Delivery in early May)
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Password : Sivaya
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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Kiss Kiss <3
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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「 My heart is going to burst with the love I have for you. 」
Plae Kao (2014) AU
「 พี่รักเจ้า.. เหมือนใจจะขาด 」
แผลเก่า (๒๕๕๗) AU
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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Bridgerton (2020) AU
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sivayatheclown · 2 years
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【PRE-ORDER】Final Fantasy VI Fangoods [Shipment within February – March]
▶︎ Pre-Order are now open at https://www.homu.in.th/product/%e3%80%90pre-order%e3%80%91final-fantasy-vi-fangoods-shipment-within-february-march/
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