xiosandrafirelyte · 2 years
♥Foolish Mortals♥HALLOW MANOR 2022 by Xiosandra Firelyte Via Flickr: Open until Nov 1st! Hallow Manor Presented by Silly Llama Productions and BESPOKE HALLOW MANOR SILLY LLAMA PRODUCTIONS HUNTERS GUIDE SHOPPING GALLERY PARTICIPATING DESIGNERS Sponsored: *LuLu* Sabrina_Nippie Pasties_Hunt Prize LULU .euphoric ~Creepy Lashes Collection~ EUPHORIC [AERTH] Suru Horns Hunt Prize AERTH [GA.EG] Lipsticks - BX-LP29 Malefik GAEG [POUT!] Caught in the Action Blood [POUT!] Freshly Fed - chest Drip POUT Luna Chelsea - ABELLA HEELS LATEX LUNA CHELSEA Entice - Enter Sandman Lingerie ENTICE @HALLOW MANOR Magnetic - Valac Eyes MAGNETIC Nuve. Occult makeup - Lelutka Evo X NUVE Background -DRD- Forest Herbalist - Skeleton light DRD Saintstreet Gothic Room Backdrop SAINTSTREET Pose -Extra- Nightmare 2 EXTRA Credits Head Lelutka Avalon Body Legacy Meshbody Hair Sintiklia - Hair Tsveta GIFT Shop and Hop Halloween 2022 SILLY LLAMA FLICKR Silly Llama Squad Discord: discord.com/invite/JCKqzQ5u9s LINK TREE XIO
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brazilian-whalien52 · 6 months
One thing that stands out to me in sterek is that it is actually pretty different than other famous queer popular ships because it's not with the main character?
When I started teen Wolf I just knew there was a popular gay ship, automatically first episode I supposed it was Scott and Derek. Scott being the one standing up for good while he has a rivals/enemy relationship with Derek, they stand on different sides of the "same coin". However, although I do not have anything against the ship, I never feel the "tchan" and god I was trying. Until the pool moment in season two that I just felt the chemistry between Stiles and Derek, I become obsessed with them and the rest is story.
Honestly, Scott and Stiles were also a ship option that was childhood friends to lovers. Both also got pretty strong moments.
And this also just makes me way more annoyed that sterek never got canon. What do you mean we can't even get "the best friend sidekick x grumpy frenemy" being gay
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sporksaber · 2 years
A very fuck you to straight/cis people who bring up friend's/sibling's sexuality or gender identity to people without permission.
"It's not like it's a big deal," yeah, because it'll never affect you.
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arimarushunya · 1 year
lrb I'm actually so fucking mad about that. Like, my spouse has a thousand allergies and we already deal with unlabeled or improperly labelled allergies.
(Like, did you know some sesame oils are produced with seeds fried in PEANUT oil? and for some reason this doesn't need to be labelled, so someone who is not allergic to sesame may actually be allergic to some nebulous number of sesame oil brands? Or, companies aren't always required to disclose exactly which white fish their food contains, meaning someone with a freshwater fish allergy, who can otherwise eat saltwater fish, has to take a gamble on what fish the company might be talking about)
If these companies get away with adding an allergen to undermine the law, this sets a VERY dangerous precedent for any and all food companies in the future. Bc it's always gonna be easier and more cost effective to just add the allergen rather than go thru the efforts to prevent contamination.
And, at risk of sounding melodramatic, this comes at the cost of real human lives. People who have something marked as a safe food suddenly having a severe reaction, OR slowly poisoning themselves over time. Which btw the slow poisoning situation can really fuck with a person and leave them with permanent health issues, so even tho the reaction is less severe in the immediate, it's still very dangerous and life threatening.
And what about people in food deserts? people who rely on just a handful of brands? what do they eat now when all the brands have collectively decided to say fuck you? All these companies are saying they don't care about the human toll, if it means they make a few edtra bucks on a loaf of bread. They deserve criminal punishment imo, but if they manage to get away with no fines or any negative repercussions, this will undermine the whole of allergen law. And if companies aren't held accountable, they WILL continue to do this with more and more allergens, putting more people at risk and starving others.
This is disgusting. Like that post is correct, if I wasn't already vehemently anticapitalist, this would be my joker moment.
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Painter x Mechanic
Edgar x Tracy (EdTra)
The Talented Painter , Edgar Valden , is busy right now .He was invited by the Duke to engage in a ball , but he found it boring . He sneaked out to the garden and started drawing . He is drawing it well . However , something interrupts him .
The suspicious noise comes from the bushes . Edgar doesn’t pay attention to it , until Luca turns up from the bushes .
“It looks like Tracy ! Are you drawing her ?” , Luca , who just got out of the bushes , goes to sniffing around Edgar .
“Balsa ! Get back in and leave me alone ! It’s none of your business !" , Edgar scolds and takes a deep breath . That troublemaker again , always put his nose into everything . Wait ! What did he just call her ?
“Since when you call Ms.Reznik like that ?”. Since when you and her are that close , is what he really wants to ask . 
Luca smiles . “Well , you know , Tracy and i share a special thing “
“I dont “, Edgar says coldly , but Luca can feel the jealousy here .
He continues , “It makes us the perfect match “
Edgar raises eyebrows . Sometimes he wants to punch that brat face much more than usual . Now is that sometimes .
“Now , we are BF” , Luca confidently steps one step back .
Edgar snaps his brush .
“Ha ha ha ! I’m kidding !”, Luca laughs ,”We are best friend ! Dont worry , you still have chances ! Go get her heart man !” 
Edgar doesnt say anything . Until the brat knows how to shut his mouth will he acquire the true peaceness .
“ Ha ha ha ! Then be persitent , chances will come to someone who never gives up !”, Luca says before leaving .
Edgar is glad . The brat has finally gone . However , he broke his brush . He cant paint anymore . The only thing to do now is staring at the painting and thinking .
The painting is half-done like a half-done steak . You cant see its most beautiful form yet , but you can know what it is . A steak . Or in my case , the girl i like .
The bushes make suspicous noise . Edgar has paid the attention to it this time . Here comes that Balsa again . Lets see what he will say this time .
“Is. . .is it me ?”, Tracy appears in the bushes . 
She saw it she saw it she saw it she saw it . Edgar is screaming inside .
"Its beautiful ", Tracy says and hides her pink face in the bushes .
Beautiful beautiful beautiful . Edgar is calm down , or not .
"Do you , like art too ?" , Edgar asks .
" Um , yes ? Do you like machine ?" ,Tracy stops hiding .
" A little " ,Edgar tilts his head thinking about it .
" We can talk about what we know for. . .for today ", Tracy suggests . Then , they start talking for all day long , and still talking for many many many other days .
And The Great Inventor , Luca Balsa , is hiding in a tree , not near not far just enough . He asks himself , When will they kiss ?
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fatcowboys · 4 years
saw a post on my dash that said basically "theres no good reason to not reblog art you like" and thats false there is a good reason its not having image descriptions and it haunts me every day
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darthspideys · 5 years
Some of y’all don’t have the spirit of shaggy residing inside of you and it shows
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mageoftime · 6 years
i am cleansed
ill see u all in heck
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goreneoau · 3 years
K how about some Swatchton with Gore-
-The two knew each other during Spamton's time in the mansion, and its been almost a good 400 centuries since then. So when Spamton comes into the Color Café with the addisons,(this was during his time in Neo form btw) nearly choked at the sudden sight of the tiny puppet
-Though they were also very shocked at what had happened to Spamton, and told the addisons that their orders are on the house.
-As the addisons drank, Swatch wouldn't stop looking at Spamton and would turn away whenever they were noticed. When anyone else asked, they'd admit they feel rather bad for the little guy.
-After that, Swatch would cut the addison' payment by 50% so that they could have enough to pay for Spamton's needs. Though the Addisons' would insist on paying fulltime.
-One day Swatch offered to the Addisons to get Spamton out of the NEO suit. It was a challenge, but Swatch has handled battery acid and machinery before, and with some edtra help from the swatchlings, he was able to get the loaded disk containing Spamton out of suit. Once he was brought out of the disk and was seconds away from dying, Swatch managed to stabilize him via injecting some kind of medicine into him. He woke up in Swatch's arms surrounded by his panicked siblings and 2 distraught swatchlings. All Swatch had to say was "This is not good..."
-Life kinda progressed like as it always been previously, Spamton eventually learned how to one-arm climb up the seat and onto the table and Swatch insisting on helping him. They also constantly remind Spamton to be careful cuz of his eggshell body since he's still a bit reckless with it due to being in NEO for so long-
-One night, Spamton was heading to Color Café by himself, but ended up falling down some stairs and broke his leg. It was only when he finally reached the cafe that it ended up snapping off completely. Swatch quickly took Spamton and brought him to the break room.
-Swatch was scolding Spamton like hell while examining him for any other injuries. All Spamton could say was just tearfully reassuring Swatch that hes fine and it could be reattached, right?
-They then had this exchange:
"Why did you even come here anyway?"
"CUZ I WANTED TO [[see you again]]"
And Spamton's slightly blushy face was the answer they needed.
All they did was chuckle and brought out this golden paste.
-They placed back on Spamton's leg while also filling in the cracks with this golden stuff. Upon being asked, Swatch told him about kintsugi, a japanese technique of using gold to fix pottery and as a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Also it just looked pretty,,,
-they both shared a moment of silence before Swatch awkwardly asked if Spamton wanted to stay the night at their place, which he awkwardly said yes too. After giving the Addisons a call about it, they took Spamton home, they shared a night of snuggles and cuddles together with a lil confession of love sprinkled there
-and now theyre a thing
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