#Edward the Elder
offbeat03 · 27 days
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Full design of Edward, really happy how he turns out ^^
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lord-aldhelm · 2 months
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JANUARY 19, 2019
From Adrian Bouchet's Instagram
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cheapcakeripper · 7 months
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The Last Kingdom 1x02 vs The Last Kingdom 5x03 Alfred the Great and Edward the Elder Parallel
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kingsroad · 1 year
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Edward the Elder of The Last Kingdom. ⌜ 2 - ∞ ⸥
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starmaniswaiting · 1 year
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babygirlism really does run in the family huh
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someravenclaw · 1 year
I just finished watching Seven Kings Must Die and I’m feeling a lot of emotions. I have thoughts and feelings I want to share!
I felt like it went from 0 to 100 really fast and Aethelstan caught me off guard! Wtf?! I actually felt bad for Aelfweard! Aethelstan had a point but it was still wild! I was a damn fool for believing that he was going to be different than the rest of his family and actually appreciate Uhtred. I have a soft spot for him and I was rooting for him!
Yes, he did redeem himself in the end but I will never forgive him for what he did to Aldhelm 😭 I was yelling at my tv, things like “No, he wouldn’t.” “No no no no!” “No, please! Not him!” “What the fuck?!” I cried a little bit and had to pause the movie in hopes of composing myself but that didn’t end up happening. That man was brave and loyal to the very end and I hated Aethelstan for killing him! I didn’t think he was capable of doing that, just as the other characters didn’t either but here we are. That’s when I realized that this mf lost it and just how bad he had gotten since season 5. Aldhelm deserved better 💔 Aldhelm was one of my favorite characters and it hurt seeing what happened to him after everything he’s done 😩 I was rooting for the other side at this point 😂🫣 he is soooo lucky that Uhtred forgave him and still helped him!
Osbert and Edmund unexpectedly became some of my favorites! I loved how Osbert promised Eadgifu that he would protect him and how he grabbed his hand when they were hiding! I was glad to see both Osbert and Uhtred teach him things that will be useful to him in the future. It seems that destiny is going to continue to bind Alfred and Uhtred’s family together. Alfred and Uhtred, Edward and Uhtred, Aethelstan and Uhtred (again), and now Osbert and Edmund.
I wasn’t really liking Eadgifu in the beginning because she was accusing Uhtred of being a traitor but I think she was just heartbroken. I liked her in season 5 and definitely liked her more by the end of the movie! I think that her and Uhtred had good chemistry, even if it wasn’t a romantic one. At one point I did think they were going to end up together but I’m glad they didn’t. That would’ve been weird.
I couldn’t believe that Pyrlig survived! I thought he was a goner and remembered when Brida asked him if his god would save him. That man has been dodging death!
Heartbroken because Aldhelm is dead.
Where was Hild????? I was disappointed that she wasn’t in the movie! I really liked her!
I was also expecting to see Stiorra or at least have her be mentioned but she never was. I’m sure she’s doing fine!
I wasn’t as sad as I thought I would be when it was looking like Uhtred was going to die on the battlefield. He has been through so much and he needs to finally rest. He helped 3 kings succeed but still got treated badly, lost loved ones, failed in regaining his home until season 5, suffered at the hands of other people, and he couldn’t seem to catch a break. I was surprised he was still alive by the time they brought him back home. I liked that the writers didn’t actually show if he survived or died and went to Valhalla. Speaking of Valhalla, I was thrilled to see everyone there! It was so nice! I wished we got to see other characters there too but it was still nice!
Did I mention that Aldhelm deserved better?
Overall, I liked the movie and thought the ending was great! I really liked how they transitioned from Bebbanburg back then to modern day! I was worried that Seven Kings Must Die wasn’t going to be good after the show ended very well but I’m pleased! Sad it’s over now but I’m glad we all got to enjoy such an amazing series!
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docpiplup · 10 months
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The Bastard Kings and their families
This is series of posts are complementary to this historical parallels post from the JON SNOW FORTNIGHT EVENT, and it's purpouse to discover the lives of medieval bastard kings, and the following posts are meant to collect portraits of those kings and their close relatives.
In many cases it's difficult to find contemporary art of their period, so some of the portrayals are subsequent.
1) Aethelstan I of England (894 – 939), son of Edward the Elder and his wife Ecgwynn
2) Edward the Elder (c. 874 –924), son of Alfred the Great and his wife Ealhswith
3) Æthelflæd of Mercia (c. 870 – 918), daughter of Alfred the Great and his wife Ealhswith
4) Eadgifu of Wessex (? - c. 951), daughter of Edward the Elder and his wife Ælfflæd; and her son with Charles III of France, Louis IV of France (920/921 – 954)
5) Edmund I of England (920/921 – 946), son of Edward the Elder and his wife Eadgifu of Kent
6) Eadwig I "All-Fair" of England (c. 940 – 959), son of Edmund I of England and his wife Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury
7) Edgar I of England (944 – 975), son of Edmund I of England and his wife Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury
8) Eadred I of England (c. 923 – 955), son of Edward the Elder and his wife Eadgifu of Kent
9) Eadburh of Winchester (921/924-951/953), daughter of Edward the Elder and his wife Eadgifu of Kent
10) Eadgyth of England (910–946), daughter of Edward the Elder and his wife Ælfflæd
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chaoticdumbassary · 2 years
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Edward + Reductress Headlines
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aethelflaedel · 1 year
top five characters I'm not normal about at the moment:
1) billy butcher AND hughie. it has to be both
2) edward tlk. he's my son AND he's my pathetic little loser. he's my husband AND he's my divorced wife
3) sansa & alicent. they are so me
4) all of the green kids
5) not a character actually, but richard ii. there's just something about him and how he was crowned so young and turned out like...that
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silentsihtric · 1 year
Killed my boy Edward offscreen 😔 I wanted to see his rage as he died - I know that man did not go out peacefully
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ragnaarson · 1 year
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you forget. i am king and wield power like a king. an indie headcanon & show based portrayal of edward the elder. by e.
graphic resources: template. psd.
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lord-aldhelm · 6 months
The Last Kingdom - Twas the Night Before Christmas
Dec 24, 2020
"To help get you in the festive spirit on Christmas Eve, we present to you our special rendition of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, with a Last Kingdom twist!"
‘Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the land, Not a Saxon was stirring, nor Danish war band. A fire was burning in every Thane’s hall, And a jolly Christmas Kingdom was hoped for by all.
In Eoferwic, Sigtryggr kept an eye on the border, While enjoying another Yuletide with Stiorra. As she slept with her battle sword under her bed, Like a good warrior should, her father had said.
Brida was casting her runes in the wilderness, To make sure next Yuletide was definitely…Uhtred-less! A dream shared with Haesten as he gazed out to sea ‘fore striding home to his hall to finish decorating his tree.
In Mercia Aethelflaed sat, thoughts fixed on her throne, And thought “how long must I listen to dull elder men moan?” While Aldhelm stared at the flames in the hearth, Hoping his gift to his lady would at least make her laugh.
Lady Aelswith was dreaming of an England united, A thought she knew would make her Alfred excited. King Edward was praying for new boots in the morning, To keep his feet warm should the Danes come a-calling.
While Aelflaed was planning a grand Christmas dinner, And hoping her son Aelfweard would turn out the winner. Lord Aethelhelm counted his coin in his chamber, And Father Pyrlig was sharpening his sword for his saviour.
But out in the wilds on a serious quest, Lord Uhtred and his men were being put to the test. For Christmas was a serious business this year, And it was their mission next morning to deliver the cheer.
Finan was wrapping up presents in haste, As this time he knew there was no time to waste. And Sihtric was readying the horses outside, So the heroes were ready for their Christmas day ride.
Would there be fighting or peace at Yuletide this year? And would Eadith return from Frankia with their order of beer? Only one thing was certain with Osferth in charge, That the burgh’s decorations were sure to be large.
But out in the snow Lord Uhtred stood stilled, Praying that Christmas would bring the thing he most willed. To return to his birthright and take back his land, So that on the ramparts of Bebbanburg as Lord he might stand.
To have his family around him on a cold Christmas night, And all of England at peace with no battle to fight. That we all soon might meet and feast in the hall, All sing Merry Christmas, and know Destiny Is All.
Channel: The Last Kingdom
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cheapcakeripper · 4 months
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kingsroad · 1 year
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Edward the Elder of The Last Kingdom. ⌜ 1 - ∞ ⸥
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starmaniswaiting · 1 year
twink to dilf pipeline is crazy
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sxrahwashere · 2 years
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yes, as you can see, i have finally made edward, after like a week of me feeling tired and not having the energy to do it bc of school ☹️ but yeah
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