#Ekondo Titi
hilaris1 · 3 years
Assessment of Knowledge, Perception and Practices about Malaria in Some Rural Communities of South West Region, Cameroon
Understanding local knowledge about malaria can help in designing sustainable community-based malaria control programs. Thus, the purpose of this study was to generate information on knowledge, perceptions and practices and the preventive measures as regards to malaria in the rural farming community. A cross-sectional survey was conducted September to October 2013 among 851 households from 9 villages in Ekondo Titi Subdivision using structured questionnaire. Questions assessed knowledge, perceptions and practices about malaria among tribal villagers. The data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 statistical software program. Most of the respondents 58.2% attributed malaria to mosquito bites. However, some of the respondents (28.8%) mentioned drinking dirty water, midges and standing in the sun as the causes of malaria transmission. Avoiding stagnant water (60.9%) and Clearing of bushes (71.5%) were the most frequently mentioned malaria preventive measures perceived and practiced by the respondents. Only 11.05% of 851 participants owned at least one long lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN). Thirty-nine point nine (39.9%) of respondents indicated that they experienced the last malaria episode more than three months ago. Malaria chemoprophylactic treatment was related to the educational status of the participants (p=0.001). Despite this fair knowledge and good attitudes, practices towards malaria prevention and control were poor. A considerable proportion had misconceptions about the cause and transmission of malaria suggesting the necessity of health education. To close the gap between knowledge about transmission and ownership and use of bed nets as a preventive measure, there is the need to re-energize the CHWs activities and implement the concept of night watch in the rural communities.
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 Cant get enough of these guys' fins...
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aquatictimes · 6 years
Sub-adult female Chromaphyosemion volcanum ‘Ekondo Titi’
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"The pen is mightier than the sword" - Edward Bulwer-Lytton - The written word is more effective than violence as a tool for communicating a point. Today, we can do with the pen what was done with the sword yesterday; achieving sustainable peace through #dialogue. - Schools, Hospitals and churches must be zones of peace, where, even in times of war, people are granted protection by all warring parties. “National strategic frameworks should include comprehensive measures to prevent such attacks and ensure the protection of schools, children, teachers and other related civilians during armed conflict and in post conflict phases.” – UN Resolution 2601. “True,—This! Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold The arch-enchanters wand!— itself a nothing!— But taking sorcery from the master-hand To paralyse the Cæsars—and to strike The loud earth breathless!—Take away the sword— States can be saved without it!” - Edward Bulwer-Lytton In very strong terms, we condemn the attack on a school at Ekondo Titi, South West Region, Cameroon, which led to the death of three students and a French language Teacher. Even in conflict, the fundamental right to education must be safeguarded. There is no justification for attacks on students and teachers; there is no justification for attacks on churches and hospitals. #EndAnglophoneCrisis https://www.instagram.com/p/CWrM29ypyDs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ijtsrd · 5 years
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Physico Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Water Sources in the Coast of Ndian, South West Region, Cameroon Health Implications
by Engome R. Wotany | Samuel N. Ayonghe | Mengnjo J. Wirmvem | Wilson Y. Fantong ""Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Quality of Water Sources in the Coast of Ndian, South West Region, Cameroon: Health Implications""
Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019,
URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd26626.pdf  
Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/geology/26626/physico-chemical-and-bacteriological-quality-of-water-sources-in-the-coast-of-ndian-south-west-region-cameroon-health-implications/engome-r-wotany
ugc approved journals for science, manuscript publication, call for paper commerce
The study of water sources used by the population of Ndian for drinking with the exception of the Ekondo Titi beach was carried out by investigating 51 water sources. Due to the lack of pipe borne water in this area, the population is compelled to consume water from unprotected shallow aquifers and surface water sources, there by exposing the population to infections form of water borne diseases. In this perspective, the present study was aimed to check the suitability of these water sources for drinking. The bacteriological quality of the water sources was performed using the Most Probable Number MPN technique. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity EC and total dissolved solids TDS were also determined. The pH values reflect slightly acidic, neutral and basic water sources. Sixty percent 60 of the ground water samples where slightly acidic 5.5  6.4 and out of the WHO 2011 guideline limit 6.5 8.5 for drinking water. This situation puts the inhabitants at risk to stomach ulcer. The electrical conductivity values 3.00 274 us cm for groundwater sources represents water experiencing slight mineralization. Based on the total coliform bacteria, 96 of water sources were polluted to grossly polluted 75 2400 MPN 100 ml and 4 excellent following the acceptable maximum limits prescribed by the World Health Organization Standards which exposes the population to water borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera and dysentery. The bacteria contamination of the water sources may result from the waste of pit toilets that intersect the water tables of shallow unconfined aquifers and also from poor sanitation practices carried out along stream channels and springs. Proper water treatment at household levels is highly recommended. 
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camer24 · 6 years
Crise anglophone : 15 sécessionnistes présumés tués à Ekondo-Titi
Crise anglophone : 15 sécessionnistes présumés tués à Ekondo-Titi
Les concernés faisaient partie d’un groupe qui a attaqué, mercredi, un poste avancé de l’armée camerounaise dans le village  de Moundogo. Sept marins ont été blessés.
Les militaires camerounais ont tué, mercredi, quinze sécessionnistes présumés. Ceux-ci ont participé à l’attaque du poste avancé de l’armée à Moundogo, dans la commune d’Ekondo-Titi (région du Sud-Ouest) aux environs de 17h, le…
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanium Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 August 17, 2017
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aquatictimes · 7 years
I reaaaaaaally need to do an update soon. So much has happened, but there’s not been any time!
Basically, the fish shed is up and running, and many critters have arrived. Currently, I have:
- Macropodus ocellatus
- Oryzias latipes - mixed strains: Panda, Black Panda, Orange, Myuki, Ogumi Tri-colour and several I still need to identify)
- Oryzias woworae
- Oryzias dancena (lots of fry, all growing up!)
- Poecilia wingei, Blue Star (must have over 50, now)
- Aplocheilychthys normani
- Tateurndina ocellicauda
- Chromaphyosemion poliaki, Bolifamba
- Chromaphyosemion volcanum, Ekondo Titi
- Pseudomugil ivantsoffi, Kopi RIver
- Pseudomugil gertrudae, Aru IV
- Pseudomugil furcatus
- Pseudomugil luminatus
- Rhinogobius rubromaculatus
- Notropsis chromosus
- Neocaridina heteropoda, Blue Rili
- Channa micropeltes, aka Beast (Yep. As in the Giant Snakehead. Will need to do a massive post on that friend and that situation, in general.)
There have been a few disasters, as well (all of which are on me), and some pretty significant losses...I’ll go into that in more detail, at some point, too.
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum - Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 August 3, 2017
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum - Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 fry Trying to raise up some of these guys from eggs I bought...so far so good. July 27, 2017
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 Just starting to get the first hints of color! August 25, 2017
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camer24 · 6 years
Peace Corps Volunteers : Cinq américains préoccupés écrivent à Paul Biya.
Peace Corps Volunteers : Cinq américains préoccupés écrivent à Paul Biya.
Une lettre ouverte des Peace Corps Volunteers a été remise ce matin aux représentants du Président Paul Biya, demandant l’ouverture immédiate d’un dialogue pour résoudre la crise Anglophone au Cameroun. La lettre, en anglais et en français, a été rédigée par cinq volontaires du Returned Peace Corps qui ont déjà servi au Cameroun, faisant écho aux sentiments de nombreux autres volontaires de ce…
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 November 7, 2017
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 Finally starting to sex out more obviously. Looks like I have a bunch of males but still a couple pairs at least. Hatched out 7/19/2017 so these are exactly 2 months old in this photo - not quite adults yet. September 19, 2017
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subverted · 7 years
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Chromaphyosemion volcanum Ekondo Titi CB3SR 07/21 More and more red on these each day and some iridescent blue on the anal fin! August 30, 2017
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