#El just wants to dress his thief up in various different outfits
dragonquesttbh · 5 years
For @thechavanator and @elfo98 !! (No spoilers, just El havin a naughty dream)
10. Dreaming of each other
Erik dropped his knife to the ground and wiped sweat from his brow. "Thanks man, you really saved my ass back there. Um, in fact..." He strolled over to El and closed the gap between them, hand stroking his cheek. "I think the Luminary deserves a reward," he breathed.
El gasped as their lips were crushed together– Erik's mouth, on his, effortlessly tearing his composure apart piece by piece with each swipe of his tongue.
Erik laughed mischievously, breath brushing El's lips as he drew back. "Don't act so surprised. I've wanted you for so long. I've wanted to snatch you up ever since you pissed me off in that cell."
El swallowed then dutifully parted his lips, whining as Erik greedily took possession of his mouth. An expert thief– unapologetically taking exactly what he wanted.
Not that El would ever want him to apologise.
"Me too," El gulped between breaths. "I want you so bad."
Erik flashed him a cocky grin, hooking a finger into his mouth. "You liked that, huh? You want some more?"
El nodded and let himself be shoved to the ground with a thud. Erik pounced on top of him and kissed him ferociously, a demanding hand tugging at his hair, bending him to his will.
His head thumped against the ground. He groaned, seeing stars as he searched for that familiar mop of blue.
Erik bent over him and pressed a finger to his lips.
He stole El's hands and pinned them above his head, dipping his head down to El's to take his mouth once again. He licked a trail over his lips then sucked at the soft flesh of the lower one, mercilessly yanking at his hair as he sank deeper into El's mouth.
His other friends became a distant blur, irrelevant, as he drowned in a sea of tangled hair and unspoken promises.
His eyes fell shut, back arching up against his partner. A whimper spilled from his lips.
Then opened to a new blue, an endless horizon. His clothes, now soaked through, clung to him as the warm desert breeze soothed his skin, the edge of the oasis just tickling his ankles.
He gasped as a familiar lop sided grin crept up into his vision.
Gone was the green tunic, the blue trousers, replaced by.... considerably less.
Erik peered down at him in a seriously disheveled version of Serena's dancer's costume, the top half long since discarded, the reflection of the oasis bouncing off his bare chest. Damp blue flopped into his face, and El couldn't help but reach out to stroke it from his eyes.
Erik grinned and ran his hands over El's drenched shirt, feeling the outline of his muscles as the fabric stuck to them. "You're all wet," he whispered, lowering his mouth to El's ear. "Might as well finish the job."
El whined as Erik sank his teeth into his neck, fervently nipping a line down to his chest. He cried out, falling victim to his disarming touch.
Erik laughed and licked over the wound.
El desperately fumbled for a handhold, settling on Erik's hips then slipping an experimental hand under the visible line of his underwear.
Erik brought his head back up to El's and pressed their foreheads together. "Cheeky," he panted. "I like it."
He tossed El's belt to one side, the half-cape at his waist quickly following it on the sand. El quivered as he snuck his hand into his pants, thieving fingers moving swiftly to unravel him.
Erik bit his lip and smirked, casting his eyes up El's body. "Thoughts?"
El almost choked at the sight– Erik half naked, glistening under the sunlight, touching him.
"I need you."
Erik laughed softly, bringing their mouths together with affection.
El's eyes fluttered shut.
Then Erik's mouth ghosted away.
When they opened, his vision was no longer dazzled by blue, but clouded with pale pink.
Cherry blossom..?
He jolted up, then groaned. Of course: Hotto.
But where was–
The air was stolen from his lungs.
Erik, standing at the edge of the cliff, red silk kimono blowing in the wind.
He cast a wanton look back at El then beckoned him with a single finger.
El lurched to his feet and scrambled after him.
Erik laughed then disappeared around the corner in a flash of silk.
El's eyes darted around desperately.
A giggle from behind.
Red silk came over his eyes. Then lips against his cheek.
The silk fell away, and he was inside, gazing at the vision before him.
Erik, lying on his side on an inn bed, leg cocked up so a sliver of pale flesh peeked out between the vibrant red of the kimono– begging to be touched.
Then El was on him, kissing him, touching him, feeling him. Erik's legs wound around his back as he cried out in ecstasy.
"Yes," Erik gasped, writhing underneath him.
El closed his eyes as Erik moaned, losing himself to the sound of his cries. He buried his head in Erik's sweat slick neck, tasting salt.
"You're perfect."
El groaned loudly as he grasped onto Erik tighter, burying his clammy face in his chest. His constant wriggling had meant that the lacing of his tunic had come loose and his cheek was pressed up against Erik's bare torso.
"Shh," Erik whispered, stroking a thumb over his silky hair. "You're okay, you're safe."
Sylv gasped excitedly and clasped his hands together. "Ooh! Somebody's getting a morning snuggle!" he sung, taking little consideration for the rest of the sleep-addled party members, who were gradually peeling themselves off their bed rolls.
"Hey, don't wake him, he's sleepy," Erik hissed, putting a protective hand over El's exposed ear.
Serena squealed. "Look, Veronica, they're cuddling!" she gushed.
Veronica rolled her eyes and flopped back onto her bedroll with a huff. "No shit."
Erik ran a gloved hand through El's hair as he squirmed. "Shh, it's okay. It's just a nightmare. You're safe now, you're with me, Erik. Your best friend."
Jade glanced at them and chuckled. "I think you mean boyfriend."
"We're not– fuck sake," he groaned, gently patting El's back. "He sometimes gets cuddly in his sleep and I let him, coz he's been through a lot and I want him to feel safe. That's it. He probably thinks I'm his mum or somethin'."
El shifted further on top him and grasped a handful of blue hair. "Eri–h!"
Veronica sniggered.
"Hey it's okay. Whatever it is, you'll be alright." He glanced up at Veronica, who was shooting him an obvious I told you so look. "Shut up..."
El pressed his cheek against Erik's, face tightly screwed up.
"Hey, what's wrong, partner? You in pain? What's wro–"
El rolled on top of him and Erik felt a hard press against his thigh.
His dagger? He reached between them and scrambled for the worn leather sheath.
His hand paused.
That dagger needed a whole different kind of sheath.
Erik blushed heavily as El groaned on top of him.
"Ah, hah, s-someone's happy." He patted El's back and turned away from his sweat sheened face, straining to keep his eyes on the tent canvas.
"What's wrong honey? Your face has gone all red." Sylv leant over him and pressed his hand to his forehead with concern, frowning.
"He's, he's got..."
Sylv tipped his head to the side.
"Morning wood," he murmured.
Sylv giggled and clasped a hand to his mouth. "Are you okay?"
"Mm-hm. Nothin' I can't... handle," he muttered, feeling El's fist tighten on his hair.
El mumbled then shifted entirely on top of him, faces still pressed together, and Erik was suddenly overwhelmed by the heat of his body pressed on top of him.
Sylv held his palm over his growing smirk. "Well, aren't you gonna help the poor boy out? He obviously wants you to assist with his... Wood trouble."
Jade slapped her knee and snorted. "No way... The little shit!" An evil grin tugged at the corners of her mouth, her eyes turning decidedly dark. "Go on, help him. Aren't you supposed to be the Luminary's special little helper?"
Veronica pushed herself up, fighting for breath as she cackled. "Yeah, Eri–h!" she mocked.
Erik growled, desperately trying not to think about El's dagger digging into him. Though, the more he focused on the feeling of it against his body, it started to worryingly feel more like a swor–
El whined softly as he snuggled closer into him, face shifting across Erik's, the corners of their mouths just brushing.
Erik gulped, mouth suddenly dry.
El mumbled and shifted again, lips touching Erik's, groaning against his mouth.
A wolf whistle sounded through the tent. Followed by a cheer.
Erik was powerless to do anything but hold his breath, eyes wide, trying to battle the havoc El's touch was reeking on his traitorous body, particularly in one area.
El squirmed a little more then settled, mouth still resting partly on Erik's.
Erik cursed internally, the problem in his pants now rivalling El's. Various erotic, and slight less so, solutions to the problem ran through his mind, polluting his thoughts.
Erik groaned and peeled his eyes open, barely aware that he'd even closed them, and stroked a shaking thumb across El's cheek.
Don't wake up, not now. Don't–
El opened his eyes with a flutter.
Then immediately yanked his face away, panic flashing through his eyes.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't realise I–!" El jolted off Erik's body in horror and curled up into himself, burying his head in his hands as he rocked.
Erik lay frozen, staring up at the tent canvas, running his tongue over his chapped lips. Then his body finally caught up and he cringed. "Don't look at me..."
He could just make out Sylv whispering some comforting words.
Then a whimper next to him. A familiar one. His eyes darted left. El's curled up form– shaking quietly.
An image that instantly awakened his Luminary-protecting instincts.
Erik bolted upright and shuffled next to him, wrapping a tentative arm around his shoulder. He pressed his lips against El's ear.
"I've got one too, y'know. One that you caused," he said shakily, still reeling from utter disbelief.
El, having an erotic dream, about him?
The thought did instantly alleviate the guilt about the ones he'd had about El, though.
El looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. "R-Really?"
"Yeah," he breathed, planting a kiss over a stray tear. "What were you thinking about? What fantasy can I make come true?"
El smiled and glanced at him bashfully. "You. You're my fantasy."
Erik grinned widely and tugged El closer.
"Aw, you're so damn adorable! And, well, if you're stuck for ideas, I remember I always wanted to..." He dropped his voice to low murmur, one that only El could hear. "...y'know, after we jumped off that cliff together. And then..." He pressed his mouth closer to El's ear, ensuring that only he could hear the utter filth spilling from his lips.
El's eyes widened. "That's... ambitious."
"What are you two whispering about?" Sylv asked, eyebrow arching.
"Nothing!" El stood up brightly and offered Erik his hand. "We're off to Hotto."
Erik gleefully took it and let himself be pulled up, adrenaline coursing through his body as their fingers twined. The opposite of before, he realised, when he'd pulled El up onto his horse at the Door of Departure. Brushing their sides fondly, he glanced down at the birthmark on El's hand and gripped onto it tightly– the hand he'd never wanted to let go.
El looked across at him, patiently waiting for his response.
He ducked his burning face behind a palm. "Sure, but why Hotto?"
El offered him a mischievous smile. "To get you a kimono."
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