#Elbaf arc is looking to be so completely hyped for me
epicfirestormer · 2 years
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I don't usually post about newly released chapters for One Piece, but oh my god
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tae-rambles · 1 month
since this is the end of the Egghead arc and we're heading to Elbaf, here are some of my predictions, hopes, expectations and just general thoughts and feelings i have for the next arc:
firstly, i'm not sure what exactly to expect for Usopp during the Elbaf arc but i have very high hopes for it
next, something that is pretty much guaranteed is Robin's reunion with Saul and her seeing the books from Ohara. i'm so hyped for it and i expect it to hit me in the feels. i also wonder if Robin chooses to read some of the books. on one hand, her reading them would be like paying respect to the scholars' efforts to save them. on the other, however, Robin wants to discover the truth by sailing with the Strawhats ( - she rejected Rayleigh's offer to tell her in Sabaody). yes, the scholars' research isn't complete and so she would still have to reach Laugh Tale to learn the whole truth, but we also know that perspective matters ( - Rayleigh said she might arrive at a different conclusion than the Roger Pirates did) and learning incomplete truths might affect it. so what i think she's going to do is only look into the legends about Nika since she heard Vegapunk declare that Luffy's new form resembles the Sun God and she wants to help her captain. which leads me to my other prediction:
Luffy will learn about Nika and the truth about his devil fruit. he will be opposed to it at first because he's Monkey D Luffy, the man who will become the King of the Pirates, he's not a god nor a hero, dammit! but will relent in favor of learning more about his abilities to become stronger. he may also undergo a mini training arc similar to his time in the Udon prison in Wano.
next, what i hope to see is the dumbass captain trio reunion. i loved their dynamic in Wano, it was so fun! but this time, the atmosphere will be much different. (yes, i believe Kid is alive, this is One Piece we're talking about.) i have some thoughts about that:
the answer to how Bepo and Law would end up on Elbaf is simple - it's the closest location to Winner Island that the log pose points to. (my other theory is Bepo took them to Zou since Zunesha was last seen at Wano and i wouldn't be surprised if they left in the direction to Laugh Tale to prepare for the final war or something idk) they would be welcomed and taken care of at Elbaf since Law was said to be one of the two who defeated Big Mom, the Elbafians' sworn enemy. when he sees Luffy again, Law can ask him to team up against Blackbeard and to get his crew back if they were captured. i'm hoping he simply asks for help instead of forming a formal alliance because it would imply that Law officially accepts Luffy as his friend ( - which Luffy realizes because he's observant like that). but it would also make sense for Law to not demand they call it an alliance since, from Law's perspective, as Blackbeard put it, he can't call himself a pirate captain without a ship and a crew so he's not in a position to form alliances. Luffy will of course agree because they're friends and he will do anything for his friends.
there are two options for how Kid gets onto the island. either Dive turns out to be a half-fishman (a theory i believe) and it's her who saves the crew but it would be hard for her to do it alone, especially with her small stature. the second option, is that a/some giant(s) take pity on the Kid Pirates and save them in secret as a thank you for defeating Big Mom. however, i'm not sure how the interaction with Luffy would go. Kid will be even more pissed at Shanks and surely desire revenge (on Dorry and Broggy, too). and although Luffy did express his desire to fight Shanks, there are no bad feelings between them - quite the opposite. so yeah, i'm nervous to see how that's gonna go
other than that, i'm hoping for all the Strawhats to do some battling since Elbaf is the land of warriors which is a great opportunity to train
i'm also hoping we get a flashback to the night on Egghead so we get to know what happened and how Robin got so injured (my guess is she fought a seraphim but i want to know the details!)
i also want to know where's Stussy but i hope that will be covered in ch 1124
and just to cover all my bases: Bonney will join the Straw Hat Pirates (trust me, Oda told me so)
that's all that comes to mind right now. sorry if it's too incoherent and rambly but that's the nature of this blog (tae-rambles) so... eh?
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