#Elbert Greetia Translations
aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 1
The sound of lapping waves fills the quiet room where I pierce a butterfly's back with a needle.
––Another beautiful thing acquired.
I gaze, as if in prayer, at the vivid scales of the butterfly, its wings spread wide within a frame.
With this, surely, the "two of us" can be happy.
Surely, surely––
One night and then another has passed since I witnessed a sight I shouldn't have in midnight London.
Though I escaped death by fulfilling my duty as a "Fairytale Keeper," time has passed without any sense of reality, and once again, I find myself in the darkness of night.
––I am about to accompany Crown on a mission for the first time.
Roger: Is the inn around the next corner the one in question?
Alfons: According to the information we received beforehand, yes.
Elbert: .......
Roger, Alfons, and Lord Elbert---
I was walking through London, shrouded in night, with my three companions.
Kate: A certain inn is being used as a temporary storage for stolen art... right?
As a "Fairytale Keeper," my role is to closely observe the actions of Crown, who is "cursed," and record their sins.
(I want to fulfill my duties properly, gain their trust, and be released.)
(My heart hasn't caught up yet... but I have to try.)
Roger: Lil lady, don't be so stiff.
Alfons: We're just going to investigate the situation, so there won't be any bloodshed.
... I'm sure of it.
Elbert: ..........
Kate: Thank you for your concern, Roger, Alfons.
(That's right... if my job is to record the sins of the "cursed," I need to know about their "curse.")
Kate: May I ask what kind of "curse" you all have...?
Alfons: Hehe, Miss Robin is quite the eager learner.
Alfons: Lord Elbert is the "Greedy Queen," Roger is the "Betrayer's Huntsman," and I am cursed by the "Mirror."
Kate: Queen, Huntsman, Mirror...
Alfons: Is it fate that those who appear in the same fairy tale should meet?
Roger: Haha. Team Snow White, eh?
Alfons: I find it very unpleasant to be lumped in with you.
Roger: Don't say that. Right, lil lady?
Kate: A-ahaha. Yes...
The two of them speak to me in a friendly manner.
I'm grateful for their kindness, but I can't help but force a smile.
(It's a fact that these people commit sins on a daily basis...)
(No matter what, I'm scared to look them in the eye and talk)
Elbert: ...What's wrong?
Kate: ...Huh?
Elbert: You stopped walking.
Lord Elbert's words made me realize that I had unknowingly created distance between myself and the others.
Except for Lord Elbert, who stopped for me, the other two kept walking ahead.
Elbert: ...Are you alright?
Kate: I'm sorry, I was spacing out...! I was lost in thought.
Elbert: I see. ...Be careful not to get lost.
Just as I was about to start walking again--
Elbert: ....!
A passerby bumped into Elbert.
Drunk Man: Hmm? What's this? A pretty boy, huh?
The man, barely able to stand upright, was clearly drunk.
Elbert: ........
Drunk Man: Let's have a drink, pretty boy. Your treat. Hahahaha!
Elbert: ...I'm sorry. I'm in a hurry.
Drunk Man: Oh? What's this? You wanna get that pretty face messed up?
Elbert was surprisingly unresisting as the drunk man clung to him.
(Something seems rather ominous...should I call Roger and Alfons back?)
Kate: U-Um...!
The next moment, anxiety and questions swirled in my head.
Drunk Man: Ugh...sob...why did you leave me...Eliza...sob...
Kate: ...Huh?
The man who was clinging to Elbert suddenly collapsed on the spot, crying.
(Why all of a sudden...?)
Alfons: What a ridiculous ability, as always.
Alfons, who had somehow turned back, approached Elbert and laughed, looking highly amused.
Kate: A ridiculous ability...you mean, Lord Elbert's?
Alfons: Yes. It awakens the saddest memories of the person whose shadow he steps on.
Alfons: In other words, it makes the person incredibly depressed and downcast.
Roger: The ability works better on people with painful experiences, but the difficulty lies in choosing the right target.
Kate: Downcast...
I stared at the man who still couldn't stand up, just crying on the roadside like a child.
(This is Lord Elbert's power.)
Having just witnessed William's devastating power that could force people to commit suicide, it seemed like a very small power.
Elbert: ...I'm in a hurry. ...I'm sorry.
Elbert, who had used that seemingly trivial power on the drunk man, looked sad, as if he had committed some cruel sin.
(...That's a bit unexpected.)
(I wonder if the cursed people aren't used to using their powers either.)
Elbert: ...Let's go.
As we passed each other, Elbert's hair gleamed under the streetlights.
I was unconsciously captivated by his golden hair flowing in the night breeze and his melancholic profile.
(...What a beautiful person.)
His beauty was so overwhelming that I momentarily forgot the fear I had for the upcoming mission.
Alfons: Now, it was the alley ahead, wasn't it? The inn we were aiming for.
Elbert: Yes.
It was Roger who tilted his head, looking at the dimly lit alley.
Roger: Something's strange. It should have been a cheap inn with quite a few guests.
Roger: ...There's only one heartbeat.
Kate: A heartbeat...?
Even if I strain my ears, all I can hear is the faint sound of the wind.
Alfons: Exceptional hearing is this man's ability.
Roger: Within a distance of about 100 yards, I can accurately tell who is where without even looking.
Kate: That's amazing... But does that mean there's only one person at the inn?
Roger: Well, that's what it comes down to.
Kate: How could that be...?
Alfons: There's only one way to find out.
As we turned the corner into the alley where the back entrance of the inn was located--
--a gruesome scene unfolded before us.
Several blood-soaked people were lying in the alley.
A vast expanse of blood stretched across the hallway, visible through the open back door of the inn.
Kate: ...Ah--
My instincts were screaming at me to run away.
But my feet were frozen in place, as if glued to the ground.
At that moment--
I was pulled back forcefully, and the blood-stained scene vanished.
Kate: ...!?
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My cheek was pressed against a soft, high-quality fabric.
(A blue cravat.)
Kate: Lord Elbert...?
I finally realized Elbert was holding me and tried to look up, but his hand was stronger, restraining my movement.
Elbert: ––You don't need to see.
Elbert: ...Sad memories can easily kill you.
Elbert: You don't need to see.
A terribly sad voice whispered in my ear.
Elbert: You...have nothing to do with what's happening here.
Elbert: ...You don't have to carry burdens that you don't need to.
His voice was almost like a prayer.
I should be feeling protected by his arms, holding my head tightly, but for some reason, I felt like I was being clung to, and I hesitated to resist.
(Elbert...it's as if he's afraid of something.)
Roger: This is...the inn's employee and a guest.
Alfons: Judging by their clothes, there's no mistake.
As I listened to the two of them surveying the scene, still held in Elbert's embrace--
???: ...Ugh...sob...
(! A voice just now...!)
Roger's words, "There's only one heartbeat," came back to me.
Kate: E-Excuse me...!
Elbert: ....!
I instinctively pushed back against Elbert's chest and looked up.
As I glanced around, I could see a woman collapsed at the corner of the alley, faintly moving.
(It's her...!)
Kate: Are you alright...!?
Roger: She's not dead yet, but she's in danger.
Roger, who had rushed to her before me, frowned and coughed.
Roger: She needs immediate treatment. We need to get her to a nearby hospital--
Roger: .....!
Kate: Roger? What's wrong?
Roger: The police are coming. Two...no, three of them.
Alfons: Then, there's no point in staying here. Let's get out of here.
(What!? )
Kate: What about this woman--?
Roger: Our mission is confidential. We have no choice but to hide for now.
Seeing his frustrated profile, I knew Roger didn't want this either, and I swallowed my protest.
(But what if the police don't notice her...?)
I quickly took out my handkerchief and hooked it onto the lamp directly above her.
(This shouldn't be enough to identify me. I hope they notice her soon...)
Praying for her safety, I followed the three of them into hiding.
After observing from a short distance for a while--
We saw the woman from earlier being quickly taken away by the police who had arrived.
Kate: ...Thank goodness...
(...I hope she's alright.)
Elbert: ..............
--That day's investigation had to be cut short, and we returned to the castle.
But I couldn't eat the food brought to my room, nor could I sleep...
To change my mood, I was walking alone in the vast garden.
(Tonight, I only witnessed the aftermath of someone committing a crime.)
(But someday, I might see such a scene created by the hands of Crown.)
(To write about that... Can I do it?)
While thinking about such things, I was walking along the path--
I found Elbert, gazing absentmindedly at the flowers.
Bathed in the faint moonlight like a veil, his figure was like a painting, and I was once again captivated.
Elbert: Hmm...oh...it's you. Good evening.
Kate: Good evening, Lord Elbert...
Elbert seemed to sense something from my face and tilted his head melancholically.
Elbert: ...Can't sleep?
Kate: ...Yes. So I'm taking a walk to change my mood.
Elbert: I see...
Kate: What are you doing here, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: Me too...something like that. I'm a light sleeper by nature.
Kate: I see...
Elbert: So...I can at least keep you company while you can't sleep.
Kate: .......!
His gentle, comforting words eased my mind.
(If it were last night, I might have been wary of this kindness and declined...)
Kate: ...Thank you.
Aware of my fading wariness, I took a step closer to Elbert.
(That's right...I haven't properly thanked him for earlier.)
Kate: Thank you for protecting me earlier.
Elbert: ...No. ...In the end, I showed you a cruel sight.
Kate: I wanted to see it. Don't worry about it.
I tried to sound cheerful, but Elbert looked at me and narrowed his eyes as if in pain.
Elbert: If you hadn't been taken to that place...you wouldn't have tried to see it.
Elbert: You're different from us. ...You shouldn't have come here.
Elbert: ...Sin doesn't suit you.
Elbert's emotions don't show much on the surface. Even so...
In his eyes, like the depths of a deep sea, I could see pure compassion, without a trace of cloudiness.
(You are the one who doesn't suit sin.)
At that time--
Even though there were no knives or bullets pointed at me, and there was no danger to my life, he tried to protect me.
(Surely...so that my heart wouldn't be hurt by the cruel sight.)
(The strength of his arms at that time.)
(It was as if he was afraid of me getting hurt.)
(If he were someone who felt nothing about that scene, he surely wouldn't have done that.)
I realized again the obvious fact that the people of Crown, just like me, feel fear, anxiety, and sadness.
Kate: You're kind, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: ...That's not true.
To value people's feelings. That was my goal in life.
(I chose the job of a mail carrier for that reason.)
(No matter what sins Elbert and the others may commit, I want to understand their feelings and--)
Kate: ...Thank you for your concern.
Kate: But this time, you don't have to protect me.
Elbert: ...Why?
Kate: I may learn many things that I'd be happier not knowing.
Kate: But I want to know...what you all are thinking, as you face those things.
I smiled, wanting to respond to Elbert's kindness in some way--
Elbert: .............
Elbert stared at me without blinking.
His gaze was unusually intense, and I suddenly felt uneasy.
(Oh...was it rude of me to say "you don't have to protect me" when he's worried about me?)
His already overwhelming beauty seemed to become even more intimidating when he fell silent, and I unconsciously held my breath.
Kate: Um...
Elbert: ...Stay still.
Suddenly closing the distance between us, Elbert gently stroked my hair.
Elbert: ...There was a flower petal in your hair.
Kate: ...Oh.
Kate: Thank you...
(...I see. He was just looking at the flower petal.)
(That's good...)
Calming my racing heart, I quietly moved away from Elbert.
Kate: Well then, excuse me. I should get some sleep for tomorrow.
Elbert: .........Can you sleep?
Kate: Yes, thanks to you, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: I see...that's good.
Elbert: ...Good night, Kate.
Kate: Good night, Lord Elbert.
(...I wonder why.)
(I can't get Elbert's gaze from earlier out of my head...)
His deep blue eyes were burned into the back of my eyelids.
Even after I turned away, it felt like his gaze was following me from behind--
My chest felt strangely uneasy.
The next morning, my steps towards the dining hall were lighter than yesterday.
Kate: Good morning.
William: Good morning. ...You look well this morning.
Roger: See? She came, didn't she?
Alfons: I guess I lost the bet.
Kate: W-Were you betting on that...?
Alfons: Yes. I bet that you would be tearing up curtains and tying them together to escape through the window by now.
(He thought I'd be escaping...)
Liam: This morning, we have Victor's special extra buttery scones! Kate, are you hungry?
Kate: Yes! I missed dinner yesterday, so I'm starving.
Alfons: Hehe, you're surprisingly resilient.
(I'm still a little nervous...but I think I can manage.)
This morning, after deciding to face their feelings, I was able to look at everyone's faces more directly than yesterday.
As I started eating, talking with everyone, Elbert stared at me intently.
Elbert: ...Al, is she beautiful?
Alfons: No, not at all?
Elbert: ..............Is that so?
Alfons: ...........
Alfons: This could be a bit...troublesome.
Chapter 2
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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judesmoonbeauty · 8 months
Elbert Greetia - Ch. 22 - Romantic Route Quick Quip
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Not 100% accurate. Cybird owns everything.
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Context: Elbert, Kate, Roger and Alfons are visiting Elbert’s family grave site. Elbert decided to bury some of the things he’s collected over the years at his parent’s graves. Afterwards, Kate, Roger and Alfons give Elbert some space, so he can speak to his parents. When he’s finished, he meets up with Kate……
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Kate: Can I ask what you talked about?
Elbert: Just….
Elbert: Just….I wanted us to live together. 
Elbert: Even if our relationship hurt each other just by being beside one another. 
Kate: Oh.
For a moment the back of my eyes became hot, but I endured it.
Because Lord Elbert’s voice did not sound like he was lamenting the unchangeable past.
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Elbert: But….I guess it was too painful for them.
Elbert: I couldn’t give up living and being happy no matter what. 
Elbert: Is this also the curse of greed?
Elbert: If that’s the case…..
Elbert: If that’s the case….I 
Kate: I’m glad you’re greedy, Lord Elbert!
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BB just wanted to be loved 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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46 notes · View notes
kurishiri · 4 months
Ikemen Villains: Wedding Lily Parts ①〜④ card quote translations 💍
translations may not be 100% accurate, or may have some creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
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Alfons: “…If you so wish, I will make your life more crazy.”
Roger: “…You are the best woman, and I won’t ever find someone better than you.”
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Victor: “With these hands stained with blood, I’ll protect you from any calamity that may come our way.”
Ellis: “Until the day we are both the happiest in our lives, I swear we will love each other.”
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Liam: “You look really good — so pretty that I want to push you down right now.”
William: “I never could have seen the day come when someone would become so irreplaceable to me.”
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Elbert: “I want to be by your side. Forever, until death do us part.”
Harrison: “There’s no way we can go back now. So, accept your fate.”
455 notes · View notes
archiveikemen · 27 days
Elbert Greetia 1st Birthday Campaign (2024): Story
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting
Kate: Lord Elbert, please open your eyes. 
Elbert: … May I?
Kate: Yes, go ahead. 
Led by Kate who told me to keep my eyes closed, I found myself in the dining room of Crown’s castle.
Mornings in this castle weren’t usually lively, so it was common for it to be empty. 
But this morning— the dining table was lined with a variety of vibrant looking dishes. 
Victor • William: Happy birthday, Elbert. 
POP! With a light sound, a party popper burst open and confetti danced in the air. 
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Elbert: …
Elbert: Is this… a birthday celebration?
Kate: Yes! Since you and I have plans to go out together tonight, I discussed it with everyone and we decided to celebrate your birthday over breakfast. 
Kate: Happy birthday, Lord Elbert. 
Standing next to me, Kate smiled brightly with sparkling eyes  as though it were her own celebration. 
(... Cute.)
The sight of that smile was enough to warm the coldest part of my heart—,
Elbert: … Thank you. 
When I received her greeting, a smile naturally formed on my face. 
I immediately realised that it was my first time ever smiling like that. 
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Ellis: … [surprised]
Harrison: … Oh? 
A few observant Crown members stared at me in surprise. 
Kate: …? 
Not understanding what was going on, Kate blinked in confusion. 
(There's no need to explain to her why everyone’s surprised.)
(Thinking about all the birthdays I’ve had up till last year will definitely hurt your kind heart.) 
Alfons: I do wonder if a breakfast this heavy would be too much for Lord Elbie’s stomach so early in the morning. 
Having sensed what I was feeling, Al changed the topic.
This childhood friend of mine was always quick to notice the little details.
I thought it was admirable that he and I were opposites in that aspect. 
Liam: He might not be able to finish everything, but he should at least have some cake.
Victor: Kate and I handmade it together last night! 
Alfons: I had a hard time dealing with Elbie’s urge to barge in and ruin the surprise. 
Roger: How did you manage to distract him?
Alfons: By making him choose a dress and accessories for tonight’s party. 
Kate: Eh!? Another new dress…?
The party we were to attend tonight was hosted by one of the companies running the estate. 
Although Kate felt that it was odd to have a party on the lord’s birthday, the hosts weren't to blame… because my birthday wasn't widely known. 
Kate: Thank you, Lord Elbert.
Elbert: Hope you like it. 
Alfons: I can't believe this man tried to buy out the entire store because he didn’t know which one you'd like. 
Elbert: … I narrowed it down to what would suit you most.
Kate: Uhh… now I feel like my present for you is nothing compared to this…
Elbert: A present from you? 
Kate: Of course I had something prepared. I’ll give it to you tonight when we return from the party. 
(A present. From Kate to me.) 
I was so happy, my face felt strange. Was I smiling? I didn't know myself. 
One thing for sure was that… I was glad I met you and had you by my side.
Elbert: Thank you. 
Kate: Fufu, it's too early to thank me. I haven't given it to you yet. 
Alfons: Can the two lovebirds over there please cut the cake already?
Alfons: How about you feed each other too? It’s a special occasion after all. 
Kate: Huh!? 
Elbert: … Shall we? 
Kate: Lord Elbert, you too…
Victor: Yes, yes… that’d be so precious to watch, I might cry. Harry, can I borrow your handkerchief?
Harrison: Use your own. 
Roger: Looks like the corrupted heart is being purified, huh, Al?
Jude: If this guy gets purified, he’d probably disappear completely. 
Alfons: Ahha! What cruel words. It was I who set up this wonderful scene, you know?
Kate’s face turned as red as an apple at the teasing around her.
Elbert: Mm… delicious. 
Kate: I- I’m glad you think so.
Kate: … I hope this birthday will be a happy one.
(It’s already the happiest birthday of my life…) 
However, I kept that from her because I wanted more. 
After we enjoyed the breakfast feast and got ready for the party, we boarded the carriage while I resisted the urge to keep her, dressed in her new dress, all to myself.
The party we were attending went smoothly. 
Since my birthday wasn’t widely known, the reactions I received from the people around me were as per usual. 
Elbert: Kate, I’ll go chat with the host for a little bit.
Kate: Alright. See you. 
Elbert: Be careful. Call for me immediately if anything happens. 
When I had to leave Kate’s side, a wave of regret washed over me. 
(If only I had made it known that it’s my birthday today.)
(That way… I can stay by Kate’s side the whole time.) 
Those were things I never would've thought of in the past. 
(If I think of it as something Kate brought into my life… perhaps this feeling of regret isn’t so bad.) 
(... I should go back to her as soon as possible.)
A few minutes after Elbert left Kate’s side, a soft voice spoke to her from behind.
Calm Elderly Woman: Are you the young lady Elbert is dating?
Kate: ! Yes, my name is Kate. Pardon my discourtesy, but may I ask who you are? 
Sharon: I’m Sharon, Elbert’s great-aunt. Sorry for approaching you all of a sudden. 
Kate: Great-aunt? A pleasure to meet you! I apologise for not greeting you sooner. 
Sharon: Fufu… no need to be so formal. I’m glad to finally meet you.
Kate: Would you like to speak to Lord Elbert? He’s currently with the host… 
Sharon: No, it’s fine. I made use of my connections to enter this party, that boy doesn’t know I’m here.
Sharon: He rarely shows his face at social events on his birthday… I’m a little worried about him. 
Kate: Huh…? 
Sharon: Elbert’s father held birthday parties for him in his childhood. He only showed his face once.
Sharon: Although his mother was still alive back then, she would always stay in her room and never attended. 
Sharon: I heard that he collected beautiful things, so I gave him several frames of pressed flowers. 
Sharon: That boy looked overjoyed when he received them, however… he wore a pained look on his little face when he returned to the party. 
Sharon: After that happened… I finally understood. 
Sharon: There was not a single present that boy could accept as a celebration of his birth. 
Kate: … 
Sharon: After his mother’s passing, we were told not to give him any more birthday presents… and that was it.
Kate: … So that’s what happened. Um…
Kate: By any chance, did one of those framed pressed flowers include a blue poppy?
Sharon: Oh… you know about it?
Kate: Yes. It became a keepsake for Lord Elbert, myself, and… someone dear to us. So… 
Sharon: … I see. I’m glad it became something meaningful to him. 
Sharon: That boy’s facial expressions have become more pleasant than they used to be. I wonder if it’s because he now has someone like you by his side.
Sharon: I couldn't do anything for him because I live far away, so I’m not in the best position to say this, but…
Sharon: I wish you both happiness. 
After a complex conversation with the host, Elbert went to the balcony where Kate was waiting for him. 
Kate: Lord Elbert… have you finished your conversation?
Elbert: … Yeah.
(Did I… leave you at the party looking like this?) 
Even though her dress and accessories were personally chosen by me, I was momentarily stunned by how beautiful she looked standing at the balcony. 
Elbert: Sorry for leaving you alone. Did anyone bother you? Did you experience anything unpleasant?
Kate: I’m alright. Everyone was very kind. 
Kate: … It looks like someone has been going around telling everyone that I “belong to Lord Elbert” every day. 
Elbert: … That might've been me. … Or Al. 
Kate: Fufu. I’ve heard rumours about both of you.
Kate laughed and moved to stand closely next to me.
Kate: I met Great-aunt Sharon.
Elbert: ! … She came? That’s rare.
Elbert: She has always lived alone in a deserted lakeside mansion…  and was treated as an eccentric.
Elbert: But being around her makes it feel… a little easier to breathe.
Kate: I understand that feeling. 
Kate: … I heard from her that you’re not a fan of being celebrated. 
It seemed that Kate had learned the reason why Crown was surprised in the morning at breakfast.
The day of my birth was the day my parents’ suffering began. 
I never felt that it deserved to be celebrated. 
And yet, I couldn't help but feel envious whenever I saw someone else's birthday being celebrated. 
(I wanted to be reborn so that I could feel happy from the bottom of my heart about being celebrated. But…)
Not wanting to dull Kate’s facial expression, I spoke.
Elbert: Kate, but now— 
Kate: You think that you’re genuinely happy… right?
Elbert: eh…
Elbert: How did you know? 
Kate: While waiting for you, I thought about Crown’s surprised looks this morning.
Kate: They were surprised because of your smile when I said “happy birthday”. 
Kate: For sure, it was a different facial expression than your usual one.
Kate: You smiled because you were genuinely happy to receive the birthday greeting. 
(... I’m no match for Kate, aren’t I.)
There wasn’t a trace of sorrow in her affectionate smile. 
She must've been hiding it, knowing how much I hated seeing her feel hurt. 
Elbert: Yeah… you’re right.
(It's because you allowed me to be reborn.) 
Elbert: Today, I think I feel genuinely happy about being celebrated. 
Kate: … That’s great. I’m glad to hear that, Lord Elbert. 
(Yeah, look at you.) 
(You smile like that, looking truly happy when I’m happy.) 
Her kindness and warmth made me want to tear up from how much I loved her. 
I pulled her into a tight hug, the warm body of my beloved fitting snugly in my arms. 
Elbert: I wonder if I can just take you away right now for the night. 
Kate: … Even though the party is still ongoing? 
Elbert: Yeah… I don’t want to let you out of my embrace anymore. 
Kate: Fufu. Still, it’d be hard to leave the party venue like this. 
Elbert: Not if… I do this.
Kate: Kyaa…! 
I lifted Kate in a princess carry and carried her back to the party venue from the balcony. 
Kate: Lord Elbert…? 
I looked around the venue and called out to a server I saw.
Elbert: Can you call me a carriage?
Server: Y-yes. Right away…! 
The server blushed and hurried off.
Amidst the buzzing of the guests surrounding us, the host approached with a surprised look.
(Oh, great. Saves me the trouble of searching for him.)
Elbert: Lord, thank you for today’s invitation. I apologise, but we shall take our leave now.
Host: Are you leaving already? … Is your partner perhaps feeling unwell? 
Host: I can arrange a private room for her to rest if you’d like…
Elbert: No… she’s not unwell. I’m doing this because I want to.
Kate: …っ
Kate frowned in embarrassment at my honest response.
The sight of her ears turning red was adorable. 
Host: I- I see. Please pardon my discourtesy. But it’s a pity… you went through the trouble of attending, after all.
Elbert: Sorry. I’ll compensate you another time. 
(Oh, right… I might as well tell him now, since this is a rare chance.)
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Elbert: This is because it’s my birthday today.
Host: … Huh!?
Kate: Lord Elbert…
(It’s a special day you redefined for me.)
I dropped a gentle kiss on Kate’s lips to convey that to her.
Kate’s shoulders trembled slightly at the touch, but she accepted my feelings along with the kiss. 
Elbert: I want to spend my birthday with the person who means the world to me. 
Everyone present turned red like Kate.
The host apologised frantically for not knowing it was my birthday and escorted us to the carriage.
Elbert: It's a relief I didn't have to do much to convince them, although I don’t understand why everyone was blushing.
Kate: … That’s because you said such sweet words while doing something a prince would do.
Kate: That would… make anyone's heart race.
(Prince… sweet words… did I seem that way?) 
I thought I was just being my usual greedy self, but I let it slide.
Elbert: Does that mean it made your heart race too, Kate? 
Kate: … Yes, my heart was beating like crazy. Ah, but this doesn't mean you should do that whenever we go somewhere, okay?
Elbert: … I can’t?
Kate: You can't. … My heart won’t be able to take it. 
Elbert: Fufu.
As I held her on my lap and rested my cheek against her head, a warmth spread in my chest again… and then came the slight feeling of thirst. 
I want, I want. A desire started stirring in my heart.
Elbert: … I want to receive your present soon.
Kate: I’ll give it to you when we return to the castle. Bear with it a little bit more, okay? 
Elbert: I want you too after that.
Kate: … That’ll also have to wait till we return to the castle…
Elbert: Kate… I want a kiss right now.
Kate: … That’s fine, of course. 
Kate: Happy birthday, Lord Elbert.
I closed my eyes and received a celebratory kiss that was so blissful—, 
I found myself having the seemingly foolish thought of how I wished it would be my birthday again tomorrow. 
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Ikemen Villains: Ghost House Report - Elbert Greetia 100K Love Points Story
from the 2024 summer story event
FYI has themes of afterlife, spiritual, some r18 stuff
this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird reserves all ownership to in-game content.
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦
This mansion, which is rumored to be haunted, might be the base of criminal activity.
We came to investigate as part of Crown’s mission.
I chose to work with Lord Elbert. It was within minutes of starting the investigation that I realized this place was truly haunted.
Elbert: Kate, be careful where you step. It seems the floorboards are aging and have become brittle.
Kate: Thank you very much Lord Elbert.. but.. more importantly….
Every time he advances down the hallway, a ghost approaches him.
Ghost of a woman with braids: My… what a beautiful man.
Ghost of a guy with mustache: Ah, yes… that melancholy profile… I can hardly take it.
Ghost of a thin woman: More.. to be.. by your side…
It’s hard to believe, but Elbert’s beauty seems to attract even ghosts.
(So many ghosts…. It’s scary..)
(But I can’t say that out loud. I have to keep an eye on him until the end of the mission so that nothing bad happens to him.)
In contrast to myself - who was incredibly nervous next to him - Elbert moved down the hall gracefully, despite there being so many ghosts surrounding him.
We stopped at the door of the innermost room when he turned to me.
Elbert: Kate, why don’t you start searching each room one by one?
Kate: Uh.. E-.. Lord Elbert.. there are so many ghosts.
Kate: Are you feeling sick in any way?
(Something strange was bound to happen with the ghosts being so clingy.)
Elbert: Ah… at this moment, nothing in particular.
He looks at me and suddenly smiles.
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Elbert: There’s no need to worry. I’m used to being surrounded like this.
Elbert: What’s more, ghosts don’t have shadows. I don’t have to worry about stepping on them.
Elbert: It makes it easier to move than usual… it feels nice.
Kate: Heheh… that is true.
(No matter who he is surrounded by, he’s always wary of making the other party sad.)
His kind smile makes me smile too.
Elbert: … I’m glad you smiled.
Elbert took my hand in his.
Elbert: I’m here with you… you’ll be okay.
Kate: Ah… thank you, Lord Elbert.
(He was also concerned about me being scared of the ghosts.)
I’ve been saved by his smile.
(I still need to be vigilant, but since he’s with me, I don’t have to be so scared.)
After seeing that I calmed down, Elbert stopped and opened the door to the room in front of us.
-a man and woman standing in the center of the bedroom turned to look at us at the same time.
(!! There’s people in a place like this?!)
(Wait— no… they’re also ghosts.)
Their outlines are a bit more distinct than others, but if you look closely you could tell they were slightly transparent.
It’s an out of body experience.
Sexy woman ghost: Oh?? Why you’re so… so beautiful!
Ghost of young man: Finally, I’m glad to see you.
Elbert: ……………
(Although I’m no longer surprised by seeing ghosts… they speak as if they were waiting to see him.)
Sexy woman ghost: All my waiting was worth it to enjoy this!
The eyes of the woman ghost were sparkling at Elbert.
Kate: !!
Elbert: Eh…
Elbert was unable to move, as if he was in a bind.
The ghosts following us suddenly burst forth.
Ghost of a woman with braids: Oooh!! He has such a beautiful figure too!
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Ghost of man with mustache: Aaa, aah aaaahhh..!!! I can look at you forever! I must draw you in this!!
Ghost of a thin woman: Ahhh you must join us!
Sexy woman ghost: Hah.. hmm, the ghosts of this mansion are quite lovely aren’t they?
Sexy woman ghost: A human as beautiful as a bisque doll, huh..
Sexy woman ghost: But humans eventually grow old, their bodies decay, right?
Sexy woman ghost: Though the soul.. the soul remains unchanged no matter how many decades pass!
Sexy woman ghost: Why, look at me! I’m as beautiful as ever!
The ghost of that woman who was pleading to him slowly approaches Elbert and whispers seductively in his ear.
Sexy woman ghost: That’s why… you should stay here..
Sexy woman ghost: Would you like to keep that beautiful figure…. and have fun with us?
Kate: Wh- what did you say…
Ghost of young man: Don’t you understand?
A male ghost suddenly cuts in.
Ghost of young man: This woman is right. No matter how beautiful you are, human bodies have a physical limit..
Ghost of young man: If you become like us… you can be with the person you love forever.
Ghost of young man: Isn’t that right, my love?
Sexy woman ghost: Indeed, my soul is unchanging- my love is unchanging!
Sexy woman ghost: Be with the one you love for all eternity!… there is no greater happiness!!
Elbert: The one I love… to be with them forever… an unchanging..love…
Elbert: ……..with Kate…….. forever…….
Elbert: ……….it may be nice.
Kate: Elbert?!-
I felt an unusual presence, and suddenly the room filled with more ghosts.
(What? Ghosts from all over the mansion have come to this room?)
Sexy woman ghost: Heh.. if it’s been decided then..
Sexy woman ghost: ..would you like to join us now?
With that statement as the signal, ghosts emerged from all angles.
It was as if all of them were welcoming in a friend.
Elbert: !….
All the ghosts cling to Elbert, and before I knew it our hands were torn apart.
Kate: Aah!!
The ghosts piled on top of each other around him like one huge mass.
Elbert stood in the center of them, completely covered.
Kate: No!! I don’t want that, you can’t do this! You can’t take him!
I jumped into the mass of spirits, and desperately grasp for Elbert.
My arms reach around him as he stands there, swaying.
Elbert: ..Kate!
Elbert’s gaze met my eyes with a startled look.
Ghost of young man: Ah, of course you too.
Kate: !!!!
(Shit! I’ll become a spirit too!)
Ghost of young man: You’re going to spend eternity with him. Aren’t you happy?
(……ha.. that may make me happy, but not like this… )
(I can’t let it happen.)
It felt like the very core of my body was being sucked into a vacuum.
I felt myself losing consciousness but tried to stay awake with all my might.
Kate: …E..El-…. El… Elbert..
— even if my resistance was futile
These arms that are holding him… I’ll never let go.
Elbert: ……………
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Elbert: … I have no intention of becoming your “friend”.
Kate: !
Elbert: I ….. want to spend my time with Kate in this world.
Elbert: Kate, I …… I can feel the warmth of your hands.. in this world.
Kate: -Elbert!!
He casts a sharp gaze at the ghost lovers.
Elbert: So please… stop this.
Sexy woman ghost/ghost of young man: Kyaah-!/ Wha-?!
With those words from Elbert’s voice, the ghosts were blown back by a terrible force.
At the same time, the pile of spirits that became one body began to disintegrate.
Mass of spirits: !! ~
As soon as the screams of the ghosts disappeared, the room fell silent.
Ghost of young man: Tch, well, well….
The ghost form of the young man had come back together by the side of the woman ghost.
Ghost of young man: It seems they like it as they are.
The man smiled mischievously and fell against the desk.
The woman puffed out her cheeks at this remark.
Sexy woman ghost: Hmmph.. pfft, and here I thought I’d have fun doing this and that with such a beautiful person.
Kate: ! ?
Ghost of young man: ..You wouldn’t have any fun anyway if you forced someone to join, would you? Besides…. you have me.
Sexy woman ghost: Ah.. yes. Can you satisfy me today, too?
Ghost of young man: Why of course. Let’s go to the next room.
Sexy woman ghost: Hehe…. Well. You two take your time.
The woman shoots a sultry look at the man before they disappear into the white walls.
The room fills with silence once again.
Kate: …what in the world just happened?…
Elbert: ….. I don’t know. But..
Elbert hugs me tightly.
Elbert: We’re certainly still alive, I'm here.
Kate: ….Elbert
My anxieties and fear welled up as I buried my face in his chest.
In response, his arms wrapped around me stronger.
Kate: I’m so glad you’re safe.
Kate: I wondered what to do if you did become interested in being a ghost.
Elbert: …..I’m sorry I made you worry.
Elbert: …Being with you forever, a future like that….. it is one of my wishes. So I did consider it.
Elbert: But just then, I felt your touch… and I decided not to choose that.
Kate: From my touch?
Elbert: Your hand that touched me was so warm.
Elbert: Your warmth which I love.
Elbert: The moments that you hold me and love me…. I can’t let go of them.
When I saw him smile, I felt even warmer.
Elbert: I feel like it’s a shame I missed the chance to be with you forever….
Elbert: I haven’t given up on that sentiment though… I’ll keep searching for a way.
Elbert: I will forever seek out everything that concerns you.
Kate: Elbert…
(Looking for a way to stay with me forever is the same as continuing to seek my existence.)
I will gladly answer his greedy calling with all my being.
Elbert: … Kate.
Elbert: I want to feel more of your warmth.
Sea-blue eyes laced with heat start to approach me-
Kate: Nn-…
His moist lips meet mine, and he slips his tongue inside.
The silence in the room was painted over by the sound of water as we sought each other's bodies.
With a thud my back slammed against the wall, I felt his palm trace upwards on my thigh, sliding under my dress hem.
Kate: Unn… El… Elbert..
Elbert: Your facial expressions, your voice…. give me everything.
Kate: Aah-
One of my legs was suddenly lifted—
A hot and throbbing, swollen feeling was pressed against my sensitive spot, moistened with anticipation.
(I can feel him… his heat.. his essence.)
Elbert: At this moment….. I want to steal your beautiful self, I want to take you away…
I give in to the pulsating heat and his dripping breath-
-and lost myself in a beautiful dream.
I tried to support my back, which was feeling weak.
As I was leaning against Elbert for support, trying to catch my breath:
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Sexy woman ghost: …ah hehehehe… you showed me something nice indeed.
Kate: UH!???
The ghost of the woman from earlier was peaking through the wall, only half of her body was visible.
(They…. They saw??!!?!)
Elbert: ….. you’re still here.
Ghost of young man: Oh we just wanted to make sure you guys were satisfied.
The ghost pops out of the wall.
(Even.. a man… saw..)
I feel so embarrassed I simply want to disappear.
Sexy woman ghost: ……ahhh I’m jealous of you. Heyyy, I want to feel you toooo.
She says this as she turns to the male ghost.
Sexy woman ghost: I want to make passionate love to you just like these young kids.
Ghost of young man: If that is your wish…. Shall we go to the next life?
Sexy woman ghost: To meet you again…. I’ll definitely find you. That’s my promise.
Ghost of young man: Ah, of course.. I will find you. That is my promise as well.
The two forms become one, and they shine brighter in that moment.
Then, they were gone.
Suddenly the air in the room becomes lighter.
Kate: ….. this means they.. passed on?
Elbert: Mm, most likely…
(The words of that woman had deeply swayed me. It seems certain that they truly desire each other.)
Kate: Those two… I hope they can find and love each other in the next life.
Elbert: …. Ah. I hope so.
As he said that, a kiss fell on my neck. The heat within me stirred.
Kate: Nn! Lord Elbert!….. we’re still on a mission…
(Because just a while ago… I was so caught up by him..)
Elbert: …even on missions, I need to take breaks.
I tried to gently push him off, but it led nowhere. He kissed me on the nape of my neck, then on my cheeks.
An achingly sweet feeling arises.
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Elbert: You look beautiful even when you’re troubled like this. I can’t get enough of you.
Elbert: I want you as you are now.
Kate: Nn..
My lips were bitten, stolen without asking.
(I feel the same as you.)
Eventually we may end up like those ghosts, in a world I don’t know, two spirits as one.
(So while I’m still alive… while I’m in this body… I want to feel his skin, his warmth, to the fullest.)
Intertwining, mind and soul, savoring each other’s existence.
We’ll enjoy this lifetime, together.
₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎˚୨୧︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦
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Elbert Greetia Episode 0
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Pale lips, bloodless white cheeks, trembling limbs.
My first impression was that she didn’t look like a person suited for sin.
Elbert: “Al, do I have to go too?”
Alfons: “Yes, seeing how it’s such a lovely evening. Also, there might be something you’ll like at the target’s mansion.”
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Elbert: “I see. Okay.”
Victor: “Tonight, let’s pledge our loyalty to our evil deeds again.”
The Crown, an organization directly under Queen Victoria, is composed solely of “cursed” individuals.
From espionage to assassination, we undertake shadowy jobs that the police or the military cannot handle.
I’m a member of that organization, but一
(I don’t really like going on missions.)
Using my ability to “revive the opponent’s saddest memories” and seeing the target suffer with it is like adding to my sins, making it harder to breathe every time.
(But as Alfons says, maybe I’ll find what I’m looking for.)
Something that can atone for my sins. Something worthy of what I’ve taken away.
(The most beautiful thing in this world.)
I gently close my eyes, feeling a dark, murky lump wriggling deep in my chest.
Victor: “By the way, William found a cute Robin in the city today.”
(A robin?)
Robins are not very rare here in the UK. In fact, people love them because they are friendly and familiar.
If he’s specifically saying he “found” it, then it’s likely not about a bird.
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Alfons: “When you say Robin, are you referring to someone very lovely?”
Alfons: “Or are you referring to someone who brings water to sinners and gets burned by the flames of hell?”
William: “Well, maybe both.”
William: “According to Victor, she apparently defended a poor girl who had stolen jewelry on the roadside and paid for the stolen items in her place.”
Elbert: “That’s very kind of her.”
Alfons: “But she seems like the type to suffer losses.”
William: “You could also say she has her own sense of right and wrong.”
(To think she’d defend someone who committed a crime...)
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(She must be strong and kind.)
Elbert: “If she’s that kind of person, it might be best for us not to get involved with her.”
William: “That might be true.”
With a narrowed gaze and a smile, William seemed to be expecting something contrary to that.
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William: “Hm? Aren’t you the little Robin I met earlier today?”
Kate: “Huh? Eh? What?”
As it turned out, the woman referred to as “Robin” appeared before us.
(Is that her...?)
Amidst the deep darkness and the blood-red dance hall, she stood alone, bathed in moonlight and shining brightly.
(I don’t know why, but I can’t take my eyes off her.)
Pale lips, bloodless white cheeks, and trembling limbs.
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(She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would be fit for sin.)
A feeling similar to envy suddenly came to mind.
Liam: “Is she your acquaintance, Will? Does she know about us?”
William: “We just talked a bit in town, Liam. She doesn’t know about the Crown.”
Liam: “I see. Then we’re in trouble. What should we do?”
Harrison: “I apologize for scaring you, but this is just a prop for a stage play.”
Kate: “Y-You’re lying...”
Harrison: “Pretending to believe would’ve been for your own good.”
Harrison: “What do we do about this, Will?”
William: “Of course, we should take her to the palace’s grim reaper.”
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Jude: “Tch. I told you to lock the door.”
Roger: “Haha! I didn’t think anyone would trespass. You’re quite the naughty girl, aren’t you, little lady?”
Ellis: “Why don’t you come over here? You can’t escape, anyway.”
The moment she heard the words “can’t escape,” she grimaced.
Her appearance, a mess of fear and confusion, resonated with a younger version of myself.
Maid: “Kyaaah!! Someone! Someone help! Madam is!!!”
---------Flashback Ends---------
The fear and confusion that had overwhelmed me when I peeked through the gap in the door and heard the maid’s scream from my mother’s room resurfaced.
(Poor thing.)
It was awful and heartbreaking.
My mother’s death was undoubtedly my fault. That's why my fear back then was something I deserved to experience.
(But you're different.)
You had no connection to the scene unfolding before us.
(A kind person who even extends a helping hand to a sinner doesn't deserve to experience fear.)
(Why did you even end up in a place like this?)
William: "Let me invite you to tonight's dinner. What's your name, dear guest?"
Under the control of William's ability, she introduced herself as Kate.
I thought it was a sweet name.
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As she was being taken to the castle, she had been staring anxiously at the sky the whole time.
Kate: "I'm sorry."
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Elbert: "It's fine. Are you alright?"
I held her staggering shoulders, and she looked at me for the first time.
Kate: "I'm okay. Thank you."
Elbert: "Is that so?"
(Still, why am I captivated?)
Is it because I felt sorry for her?
Or is it because I heard that she is a strong and kind person from Will?
An inexplicable urge to gaze at her welled up from the depths of my heart.
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(Or maybe...)
Because she's beautiful?
I felt like I heard a deep and heavy whisper from within my heart.
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Then, as a result of negotiations between Victor and her, Kate decided to stay in the castle as a "fairy tale writer" for one month.
I asked Alfons if she was beautiful, but he simply denied it.
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On sleepless nights, as always, I wander around the garden.
Gazing at the blooming white roses, I looked up at the castle and saw a light in a room that should have been empty until yesterday.
(Is she still awake?)
She probably couldn't sleep through the night either.
(One month, huh?)
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(If, by any chance, I have the opportunity to accompany her on a mission, the only thing I can do is close her eyes so that she won't get hurt anymore.)
While I was thinking about such things, her eyes suddenly came back to my mind.
(But if she is what I am looking for...)
I would obtain her, even if I had to hurt this innocent girl.
Conflicting emotions of anxiety, fear, anticipation, and excitement surged and engulfed me.
Elbert: "Are you what I am looking for?"
Elbert: "Kate..."
No answer came back from the dimly lit window, and before I knew it, a freshly picked, pure white rose lay in the palm of my hand.
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otomefiend · 1 year
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Alfons Sylvatica & Elbert Greetia
Story Event: Villains want to bother little 'Robin'
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Premium
Kate, we gotta talk girl, cause this scenario was ready to go places. Also, how cute are those two. I might have teared up a bit here and there. Love this throuple so much. 🤧
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Alfons: "Now that you've been taken straight to your room, `Your Majesty`..."
Alfons: "Please, grant us our reward."
Kate: "Re...reward, what the...?"
Elbert: "... you can give me anything."
Just by looking at Alfons' face, it was clear that he truly enjoyed playing with me.
Lord Elbert, on the other hand, was overly protective and surprisingly forceful.
Now that the two of them had come to my room, I couldn't afford to send them away with nothing.
(I was perfectly aware that those two supported and protected me, physically and mentally, all day long)
I would feel guilty if I repayed that effort with something perfunctory.
(Though I'd be lying if I said that I did not deserve something in return since I was a part of this mission as well...)
Still, it was true that I was indebted to both of them.
(I wonder what Her Majesty would give...)
(A medal or something expensive? Those are out of my reach. If not an item, then... maybe something that can be shown through actions?)
It was presumptuous trying to guess Her Majesty's thoughts, but I was willing to give it a try.
-- I was reminded of my desire for the debutantes' happiness that I had experienced earlier today.
(If Her Majesty felt the same way about them as I did... if she acted upon it at that time...)
Kate: "Could you both be so kind and sit there, please?"
Alfons: "Heh, you're Her Majesty now, right? You'll have to order us."
Kate: "Both of you... sit there."
Alfons: "Can't you simply say 'sit down'? That's what you'd expect from a well-bred lady."
Elbert: "... you would, huh."
Feeling a little nervous, I walked over to them sitting side by side on the sofa...
And lightly kissed them on their forheads.
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Elbert: "........."
Alfons: "... what was that?"
Kate: "It's a kiss of blessing for each of you that means 'May you find happiness'."
Elbert: "... happiness."
Alfons: "May we find it...?"
Kate: "Yes. I don't remember who it was, as it happened a long time ago, but I recall someone saying it to me and kissing me on the forehead."
Kate: "I've heard the nobles do that as well, wishing for happiness."
Kate: "If there was a reward worthy of Her Majesty that I was able to grant you, I thought this would be it..."
Elbert: "........ "
Alfons: "......ha."
Alfons: "I'm disappointed by how pure the reward is. I was hoping for something more radical."
Kate: "Good luck trying to get it from Her Majesty."
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Alfons: "Please try again, this time a little lower."
He smiled seductively whilst tapping his lips with his index finger.
Kate: "N-not a chance."
Elbert: "... Kate."
Kate: "Yes, Lord El...bert?"
I felt a gentle tug, then my face was pulled towards his and something soft touched my forehead.
The moment I realised Lord Elbert had kissed me, his beautifully shaped lips whispered.
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Elbert: "My blessing may have no effect, but..."
Elbert: "I also wish you happiness."
Elbert: "I hope you're happy."
Kate: "...t-thank you."
(I wasn't conscious of it when I did it myself, but... now I'm starting to feel embarrassed)
When I thought about it calmly, I realised I did something quite daring, kissing them without permission.
(Maybe it's because I spent the day trying to be dignified like Her Majesty...)
Elbert: "...... was it unpleasant?"
Kate: "What!? No, not at all!"
As he peered at me at close range, I became aware of his lips, and my face grew hot.
Alfons: "You're so cunning, Elbert. Getting a head start like that."
Suddenly, a hand appeared from the side, and --
Alfons seized my chin from Lord Elbert's hand and pulled it towards himself.
Then planted a soft kiss on my left cheek.
Kate: "Ah!?"
Elbert: "........."
Alfons: "Blessings from me too."
Kate: "A kiss on a cheek means something entirely different, doesn't it?"
Alfons: "Haha! It's nonsense to give a meaning to a kiss in the first place."
Alfons: "Kissing is just the act of touching sensitive parts of the body for pleasure, isn't it?"
Kate: "Only you have such distorted views...!"
Kate: "Saying that, if this is what you believe, then your kiss wasn't a 'blessing' after all..."
Alfons: "No, no, I put it all in there, didn't I? That pure wish for happiness..."
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Alfons: "If feelings are as important as you say, then it shouldn't matter where you kiss?"
(What a quibble...)
He shrugged his shoulders, not even trying to hide his mocking attitude.
(Seriously... I've been swayed by those two all day)
Lord Elbert, who returned the kiss of blessing,
And Alfons, who scoffed at the kiss of blessing.
They were polar opposites, after all, and their follies had a bad effect on my heart.
(In the end... I was able to act on behalf of Her Majesty and returned to the Castle without any problems)
(Granted, I didn't expect to be asked for a reward)
(I'm glad we spent the time together... huh?)
Four entwined arms prevented me from drawing the curtain on today in my mind.
Kate: "Um... Why am I being hugged by you two...?"
Elbert: "... it happened when I was looking at you, somehow."
Alfons: "I tried to carefully hold Lord El, and one thing led to another."
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(Neither of them explained why...)
Kate: "Then, can we assume that the reward has been granted...?"
Elbert: "...I want more."
Kate: "Eh!?"
Alfons: "Ah, I see."
Alfons: "Given that the kisses you got from El and me in return evened out your `kiss of blessing`,"
Alfons: "I'm afraid you still haven't rewarded us adequately."
Kate: "Huh!? But... what more can I to do...?"
Elbert: "I want you to kiss me again."
Kate: "Wha...!?
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Elbert: "And then... I want to kiss you on the cheek as well."
(Won't those cancel themselves out again...?)
Alfons: "Ah, that's greed for you. Hmm, I have an excellent idea."
Alfons: "How about the three of us welcome the morning in bed together?"
Kate: "No, absolutely not -- !"
After quite a bit of struggle in their arms that night,
-- two kisses on the right cheek and two on the left finally set me free.
Alfons: "Seriously, 'May you find happiness"... what a silly little 'Robin'."
Alfons: "I've never been offered such a pure blessing in my entire life... I think."
Elbert: "... yeah."
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Elbert: "Her blessing was warm, dazzling and... scary."
Elbert: "I feel like I will always want this..."
Alfons: "........."
Elbert narrowed his eyes as if remembering something, and muttered.
Elbert: "Hey Al --- is Kate beatitlful?
Alfons: "......no."
Alfons: "There aren't many people in the world so beautiful that you'd have to collect them."
Elbert: "......I see."
Elbert: "...... that's good."
Despite the words of relief, Elbert looked terribly sad and depressed.
Alfons, who was smiling all the time, let out a sigh that was far from happy as well.
Alfons: "Really, there is no way to save... you and me."
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slowlypalefire · 7 months
Event Story
Ebert Vs Ellis
Part 1
*The translation are not guaranteed to be entirely accurate, so expected some errors.
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On Valentine's Day, the kitchen at Crown Castle was filled with the scent of sweet chocolate.
Kate: "It's baked!"
I looked at the steaming chocolate cake and looked at the maids.
I decided to make sweets to convey my daily gratitude and love to each person I care about.
It was just yesterday.
Everyone seemed to be having fun talking in sign language while wrapping, and I couldn't help but relax.
(Hehe, everyone looks like they're having fun. It's like this after all.Every event is fun)
Maid Chloe: "The men might start fighting over my sweets!''
Maid Marie: "That's just too much of a dream! I understand, though."
"Kate-san, don't you want to see your chocolate be compete for once? "
Imagine that you have a chocolate and multiple people ask for it.
(I feel lonely when no one wants me)
(In that case, it would be better if they competed for it...maybe you might be happy)
Kate: "Sure, I might be happy."
I communicate this in sign language, which I have just begun to learn.and,
the chocolates made by the maids themselves ,they took it with them and quickly left.
Leaving behind only a “meaningful” smile.
Kate: "Oh, what? Let's make tea while eating the leftover cake..."
Elbert and Ellis: "Kate"
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When I turned around, there was Elbert-sama with a wistful expression on his face and Ellis-kun smiling.
Ellis: "I heard a happy voice, so I was curious and came to take a look."
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Elbert: "… Me too. Because I heard your voice."
"…The smell of chocolate.Were you making sweets?"
Kate: "Yes. We all worked together. We did a good job, look."
Ellis: "It's true. It's so cute in the shape of a heart. As expected of you, Kate-san."
Kate: "Ellis-kun is always good at complimenting. Thank you."
Elbert: "...I want it."
Kate: "eh?"
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Elbert: "... I want your handiwork."
Ellis: "I want some handmade work from you too."
Mr. Elbert is standing on the left and Ellis is standing on the right. When they told me they e wanted it, I couldn't help but feel happy.
(Hehe, both of you are so kind as always)
Kate: "Of course, I have prepared it. I have prepared it for all the Crown members as a token of my daily gratitude."
Elbert: "Kate,this is?"
Ellis: "It's about two sizes bigger than the others. It seems a little special."
Kate: "Ah, that’s a present is for my favorite."
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Elbert & Ellis: "...favourite?"
Kate: "The maids told me and I ended up making it..."
The maids told me that, unsexy Valentine's Day is not Valentine's Day.
(Besides, I'm also thinking the same)
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Elbert: "...I see. ....Who does this belong to?"
Ellis: "I’m also curious about who Kate will give something special to."
Kate: "Um..."
When I was struggling to answer as I received stares from both of them, my left arm was grabbed tightly.
If you look to the left, you will see long hair with a fringe.His beautiful blue eyes were fixed on me.
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Elbert: "...I want this"
Then, I was tapped on the right shoulder.
When I turned my gaze to my right, I saw twilight eyes that seemed to capture the changing time.
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Ellis: "I want this too."
Kate: "But there's only one, is this okay?"
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Elbert & Ellis: "Yeah"
(L-let me see…)
Kate: "Ah, that’s right! I’m going to make the same thing now. Shall I make another one?"
"There are still some ingredients left, and it looks like it would be fun for the three of us to make together."
Elbert: "...That sounds like fun too."
"I want 'this one', if it's not this, it has no meaning"
Ellis: "Then I'd like 'this one' too. Give it to me, Kate-san."
I can't help but notice that Elbert-sama and Ellis-kun might have had a rift, but...
That doesn't seem to be the case.
Rather than trying to keep each other in check, it seems like the two just want their favorite chocolate cake.
Elbert: "Kate?"
Ellis: "Kate-san"
(What to do...)
Liam: "Wow, I was drawn in by the delicious smell of chocolate..."
"Well, this seems like an interesting thing?"
Kate: "...Liam"
Liam: "Lord El and Ellis both want Kate’s favourite chocolate cake, right?"
"That's sounds fun. I was getting so excited. Can I join in the fight?"
Kate: "Mo,Please don't tease me anymore."
Liam: "Hehe, I'm sorry. I don't want to cause Kate-chan any more trouble, so I'll step down."
"Hey, El-sama, Ellis. Isn't it okay to just share eating this special chocolate cake?"/
"Hey, El-sama, Ellis. How about we just cut this special chocolate cake into half? Is it okay?"
Elbert: "Ah. ...I won't even gave away one of the pieces.I want them all."
Ellis: "I'm the same as El. I think I want them all."
Liam: "Bothering the princess, what a troublesome prince you guys are"
Kate: "Prince?"
Liam: "That's what the play we're rehearsing for is about. Ah,that's right!"
"The two princes fell in love with the princess at a ball party, and they prove their love by devoting themselves to the princess."
Liam takes my fragile hand in a light gesture. And, kiss on the spot.
Liam: "My sin was that I loved you at the same time. In that case, let me prove my love to you by devoting myself to you."
"-like that"
"Isn’t it okay for El-sama and Ellis to prove their love and compete for it? Just like a prince."
Ellis: "Kate's favourite,if i do my best and prove my love to you will i get the special chocolate?"
Liam: "That's right. The one who serves Kate-chan for a day and steals her heart the most wins."
Elbert: "Who decides the winner?"
Liam: "Of course, it will be Kate-chan."
Kate: "Eh, why does it have to be me?"
Liam: "So, don't hold a grudge and fight fair and square."
Elbert: "...I understand. ...I’ll do my best."
Ellis: "Hehe, it’s getting a little fun."
Liam pressed his lips to my ear.
Liam: "While you're at it, enjoy it, Happy Valentine."
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emryliz · 6 months
Thank you...for continuing to look at me. ...I'm... looking at you too. Forever, only you
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padparadschaaa · 1 year
i want to give elbert a little kiss on the forehead so bad he deserves to be cherished and loved properly
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 14 Premium Story
Chapter 14
--A gentle breeze blows through the deserted flower field.
Kate: Mmm, this feels so good...!
Elbert: ...Yeah.
We set the basket near a spot dappled with sunlight and sit down right beside it.
Kate: I love days like this, with such nice weather. How about you, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: I prefer sunny days too; they make me feel calmer. ...Though I don't dislike the rain either.
Finding out Lord Elbert's likes and what he finds enjoyable... something that can make him happy. That's my secret goal for today.
We chat idly as we arrange the bread and scones we brought onto a cloth.
Kate: Do you prefer your scones with jam, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: Ah... yes, I suppose I do tend to put jam on them more often than clotted cream.
Elbert: I'm not very fond of milk, to begin with.
Kate: You like bitter things and dislike milk... You have quite the adult palate.
Elbert: ...And you?
Kate: I... I like both sweet and bitter things... And I put both cream and jam on my scones.
Elbert: ...Hehe.
Kate: What is it...?
Elbert: Your... unexpectedly gluttonous side is... cute.
Kate: ...!
Elbert: You have some cream... right here.
He wipes my mouth with his finger, and I quickly turn my flushed face away.
Kate: Th-thank you...
(Dislikes milk, likes bitter things.)
(Doesn't have much of an appetite... but probably doesn't mind watching me eat...)
The casual conversation continues until we finish the scones, and Lord Elbert tells me all sorts of things.
How horse racing is popular among the nobility, but Lord Elbert isn't very interested in gambling.
He prefers to go horseback riding himself.
With each new thing I learn, my heart can't help but leap with joy.
Kate: ...I'm so happy to hear about all the things you like, Lord Elbert.
(I'm supposed to be trying to understand him to help him, but...)
(I'm the only one getting happy... It's almost a bit troubling.)
As I mutter this while sipping my after-meal tea, Lord Elbert suddenly turns to face me.
Elbert: ...Have you decided to give me your heart?
Kate: Eh!?
I almost drop the teacup I'm holding, but I manage to gently set it down on the saucer.
Kate: N-not yet... not yet.
Elbert: I see... That's unfortunate.
Kate: W-Wow, look! This flower is so pretty!
I deliberately changed the subject, avoiding his piercing gaze.
(...I need to stay strong.)
(If he realizes that my heart has already been stolen...)
(I might be taken away, just like...)
(Just like the other collectibles, displayed in that room.)
Elbert: ...Indeed, it's a lovely flower.
Whether he noticed my attempt to deceive him or not, Elbert shifted his gaze to a small flower blooming nearby.
Elbert: I used to enjoy making flower crowns...when I was a child.
Kate: ...Crowns...?
My gaze is naturally drawn to his profile, as if he's reminiscing about something.
Elbert: Everyone always smiled happily when I gave them presents...
His fingers, like those of an artist, gently pluck the flowers and skillfully weave them into a crown.
Kate: Wow... You're really good at this.
Elbert: ...Here you go.
Elbert gently places the flower crown on my head.
Kate: Thank you...
Elbert: .......
His happy smile makes my chest tighten with a bittersweet ache.
(He likes making flower crowns... and making others smile.)
I gently touch the flower crown.
I feel like Elbert, who continues to collect beautiful things, is fundamentally the same as the young Elbert who made these flower crowns.
(He wanted the people around him to smile...)
(That's all it was, wasn't it?)
Along with affection, pain wells up in my chest.
It's his overly pure kindness that's causing him pain.
Kate: ...That's a wonderful talent, just like you, Lord Elbert.
Lacking the confidence to hide my pain, I lower my head and tremble.
Elbert: ...Kate.
Suddenly, he calls my name in a serious tone.
Kate: Yes...?
When I raise my face, jewel-like eyes are right in front of me.
Long golden eyelashes and porcelain-like skin are somehow so close...
(Ah, his lips...)
Just as I think they're about to touch, I instinctively push Elbert's chest away.
Kate: L-Lord Elbert, what are you...?
Elbert: I want to kiss you.
Kate: ...What?
His low, husky voice whispers, close enough for me to feel his breath.
That alone makes my head spin, to the point where I forget how we were even conversing a moment ago.
Kate: But why...?
Elbert: Because you won't kiss me.
Kate: B-But that's... I...
Elbert: I want to touch you more.
Elbert: .......I want to know your voice, your breath, your body temperature, everything.
Kate: ... N-no, I can't.
Elbert: ... Really?
Kate: ...
His probing gaze made her words catch in her throat.
(This is... to "possess" me, isn't it...?)
Elbert: The more I look at you, the more unbearable the pain becomes...
Elbert: ... It's like poison is coursing through my body.
Elbert: If you would become mine--- surely this pain would disappear.
(Don't look at me with such serious eyes...)
---My heart wavered.
I couldn't bring herself to believe that this plea was a trick to possess me.
Lord Elbert wasn't a man of many words or expressions, but he was a man who didn't lie.
That's why I couldn't help but hope.
I hoped that Lord Elbert simply wanted to touch me because he genuinely liked me.
(If I... confessed my feelings for Lord Elbert)
(Perhaps Lord Elbert would forgive himself and wish for happiness with me)
It's like "true love's kiss," breaking the evil spell that torments him—
I might be able to save the kind Elbert from the sins he carries and the acts he does to atone for them.
I can't help but wish for such a fairy tale.
(To be the key to saving Elbert)
(If only I could become it—)
Elbert: ... Move your hand away.
Kate: ...!
Elbert: Kate.
His voice, mixed with a sigh, makes his shoulders tremble.
Kate: ... Please don't whisper in my ear like that...
Elbert: Why not? ... Because you won't be able to push me away with your hands anymore?
Kate: Because I... I won't be able to stay calm...
Elbert: Does that mean... you're captivated by me?
Elbert: ... If so, I have no reason to stop.
Kate: ...
My heart is beating so loudly, it feels like it's going to break.
It's screaming, wanting me to give in to this impulse.
Elbert: Kate...
Kate: Ah...
Elbert's arms wrap around me from behind, embracing me gently.
Through my palm, still pressed against his chest, I can feel his heartbeat quickening too.
(How easily he embraces me)
I'm reminded that my resistance is but a trifle.
Elbert could easily hold me like this at any moment.
He could forcefully take my lips.
(But... he waits for my answer because)
(He's worried that if he's rough with me, he won't be able to captivate my heart...?)
(Or... is it because he doesn't just want to take me, but because he...)
A faint hope swells in my chest, threatening to burst.
Elbert: ...Kate.
Kate: ... Ah...
I feel the touch of thin lips on my earlobe.
It's such a faint sensation, I can't tell if it's accidental or intentional, but it sends a sweet shiver through my skin, making me feel unbearable.
Kate: ... Lord Elbert...
Elbert: Why don't you push me away?
Kate: ...
(Because I love you, hopelessly...)
(I really want you to touch me)
(I want to tell you that I love you and kiss you)
(But, what if)
(What if Elbert can't forgive himself, even if he's loved by me?)
Elbert will take me, who confessed to being captivated by him.
As an offering to atone for his sins.
(To hurt and "take" someone who says they "love" him—)
(It would hurt Elbert... so deeply)
Kate: ... N-no.
Exhaling a heated breath, desperately pulling myself together, I pushed back against Elbert's chest.
Kate: Please, don't kiss me...
Elbert: .............
It was a choice that wouldn't save him, but wouldn't hurt him either.
I didn't know it would be this painful to say words that go against my heart.
Elbert: ... Alright.
Elbert muttered quietly and gently let me go.
(... Ah... In truth)
(In truth, I don't want you to let go)
A burning impatience to chase after him and a slight sense of relief mingle together in my chest.
Just then—
Kate: —!
Elbert's head rests on my shoulder.
Elbert: ... Will you allow me this much?
His golden hair brushes against my neck.
I can't see his expression well, but... his voice sounds sad and relieved at the same time.
Kate: ... Yes.
Elbert: Thank you...
He nuzzles his forehead against my shoulder like a child seeking comfort.
(... I want to hug him)
It's painful not being able to tell him how much I cherish him.
We stayed like that until sunset, leaning against each other, swaying in a fragile peace that could be shattered by the slightest touch.
That night, after dinner, Victor and William called us over.
William: About the auction Elbert was invited to, the one hosted by Bernard Trading Company...
William: It seems highly likely that Bernard, the head of the company, will be there.
Victor: If we win the bid for the main attraction, we might have a chance to make contact with him.
(The main attraction... He must mean the blue diamond.)
William: It would be ideal if we could get Bernard alone during the event and eliminate him.
William: But even if we can't, just create an excuse to contact him later, that's all we need.
Elbert: ... Yeah... Got it.
William: We're counting on you. Oh, right.
William: Apparently, to attend this social party, you need to bring a partner...
William: Elbert, have you decided who you'll take?
Without hesitation, Elbert's gaze settles on me.
Elbert: Kate... I'd like you to come with me.
I somehow manage to regain my composure and suppress the pounding in my chest.
Kate: ... Yes, I'd be happy to.
Chapter 15
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
Black Wedding: The True Vow For A Jet-Black Bride - Elbert Greetia
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CW: Brief mention of cannibalism.
Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. What I obtain is what will be translated. If other blogs have translated the stories before I do, I will notate their blogs. Thank you, for you support! ☾.
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One church by the sea was overflowing with attendees.
A traditional, solemn, aristocratic wedding ceremony that I could feel the tension in my fingertips.
(I know it’s a given considering Elbert’s family background, but I’m nervous……)
I sighed at the amount of attention I was getting,
(But Elbert has always lived a life where this is the norm.)
The several gazes that I feel next to him will be felt more in the future.
As I was listening to the pastor, for some reason he kept looking at me.
Kate: ……Elbert? You’re not looking forward.
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Elbert: Oh, sorry……
He whispered with a grim expression.
(…..Maybe you’re trying to be careful not to step on shadows because of the many people here.)
He is kind and is very conscious so as not to step on shadows, no matter who he is dealing with.
(Shadows are now growing into the aisle too.)
One wrong move and he’ll evoke someone’s saddest memory on this happiest day.
(Okay, I’ll guide Elbert so he doesn’t step on any shadows until we exit!)
When I was determined to protect his kindness -
Pastor: Do you swear?
I responded with full force to the vow, which was over before I knew it.
Kate: I do.
Elbert: …..I do.
The moment I said it out loud,
Kate: What!?
Suddenly, he picks me up and my body floats in the air.
Kate: Elbert!
I was confused, as we were leaving the church -
Kate: Ah……
The attendees took advantage of the confusion stretched out their hands, casting shadows on the aisle.
When I tried to hit their hands,
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Elbert: ….Al.
Alfons: Yes, yes. That’s exactly like you……
Alfons who popped up from the pews, slapped their hands away.
Elbert: ….I don’t intend to be touched by anyone but her for the rest of my life.
He gave the attendees the cold shoulder.
Elbert: And I will never forgive anyone who hurts…..Countess Greetia.
He left the church with me in his arms.
He gently lowered me onto the sandy beach and I look him in the face.
Elbert: I’m sorry……for bringing you here on my own without asking, for your opinion…
Elbert: You’re so beautiful, I couldn’t wait any longer…….
I felt a kiss on my left ring finger, and the tension I had felt earlier began to dissolve.
Kate: Frankly, it’s a bit of a relief.
Elbert: ….Why?
Kate: I was nervous…..because I’ve never been in the spotlight like that before.
Kate: It seemed like you were trying to be careful not to step on any shadows.
Taking a breath, he tilts his head.
Elbert: I didn’t have time to worry about stepping on shadows of the attendees because I was too busy looking at you….
Elbert: I just wanted to be alone with you as soon as possible…..I just wanted the ceremony to be over.
The deep ocean-colored eyes that reflect only me, love rushes into my heart and dives into my chest.
Holding me tightly he starts speaking into my ear.
Elbert: …..Now, why don’t we have a ceremony, just the two of us?
Kate: Hmm…so nice to have another wedding.
Elbert: I’d be happy to hold the ceremony as many times as you’d like, as long as you’re willing…….
Elbert: Wearing a different dress each time……..saying your vows over and over.
I looked up when his hand loosens around my back and our gazes meet.
Elbert: Countess Greetia, Kate.
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Elbert: If you die first…..I’ll swallow you up from your toes to your hair…..
Elbert: After we become one…..I’ll follow you.
Elbert: ……so that not even death can do us part.
With the curse of the greedy Queen.
From the moment he loved me, my destiny was sealed.
Elbert: I love you…..and this feeling will never change.
Kate: …….I love you, too. Only you forever.
Unable to withstand the force of him taking my lips, they both fall into the shallow water.
Elbert: …..I want to be with you all the time, no more duties or work.
Kate: Heh,…. I feel the same way.
I close my eyes, and envision the future while overlapping lips.
The future of living in a beautiful bird cage created by his love.
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[Black Wedding Master List] Tag list: @theimaginativelyreticent
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letter-from-afar · 1 month
The Meaning Of Villains' Names (ft Vogel)
Inspired by the post @.cherryisagamer made for Ikemen Prince here
Take most of these with a grain of salt, because of Cybird's weird naming tendancy as well as how names are in most cases are perceived in various ways by everyone. Also included extra information because I'm a silly little nerd.
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Name: William Rex
“William” meaning “resolute protection/protector”
“Rex” meaning “king”
William is actually German in origin. It derives from the Germanic Wilhelm, whose roots wil (“will, desire”) and helm (“helmet, protection”) combine to mean “resolute protector”
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Name: Liam Evans
“Liam” is the Irish short form of “William”, therefore same meaning as him
“Evans” meaning “the Lord is gracious”
Evans is a boy’s name of Welsh origin. An Anglicized form of Ifan, which stems from the Hebrew John, it translates to “graced by Yahweh” or “God is gracious.”
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Name: Harrison Gray (I had to go check if his last name was with an e or a)
"Harrison" meaning “son of Harry”
“Gray” meaning... it's literally for the colour. Funny how game uses the US spelling for it
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Name: Elbert Greetia
“Elbert”, a variation of Albert, meaning “noble; bright”
“Greetia”... I couldn't find any info about it. It's made up I presume.
This masculine name has Old English and German roots, coming from the name Albert. Translating to “bright,” “noble,” or “famous.”
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Name: Alfons Sylvatica
“Alfons” (there are many variants btw) meaning “noble; ready; brave”
“Sylvatica” comes from the scientific name for forget-me-nots, “Myosotis sylvatica”
Alphons is a masculine name of German origin. Composed of apalaz and funsaz, it means “ready for battle,” “noble,” and “brave.” This sweet moniker is thought to be ultimately derived from the Latin Alphonsus and boasts a wide variety of variants, such as Alfonso, Alfonzo, and Alphonso.
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Name: Roger Barel
“Roger” meaning “famous warrior”
“Barel”... I couldn't find reliable sources. Or maybe it does have an obscure meaning.
This name is forged from the German elements hrod and ger, imbuing it with the striking translation of "famous spearman."
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Name: Jude Jazza
“Jude” meaning “praised” and praised is he in the jp server
“Jazza”... I think saw a post here saying how it's a form of Jeremy? But I can't find it now. There's something similar in Arabic I found however, “Jaza” (pronounced differently, there's not much emphasis on the Z afaik) meaning “reward; recompense; good return” which I find fitting his themes of retribution for those not keeping promises and debts, how he keeps all his promises etc.
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Name: Ellis Twilight
“Ellis” meaning “kind; benevolent”
“Twilight” in its literal sense, “dusk”. His eyes contains a similar colour palette + I believe it is a reoccurring theme with him
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Name: Victoria
Meaning: “Victor” meaning “conqueror”
Victor is one of the earliest Christian names, borne (as Vittorio) by several saints and popes, symbolizing Christ's victory over death. Victor made it big in the English-speaking world during the reign of Queen Victoria, one of the few boys’ names popularized by a female version.
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Name: Darius Vogel
“Darius” meaning “possessing goodness; maintains possessions well”
“Vogel”... German for “bird”.
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Name: Nica Schwarz/Schwartz (I tried to do some research and it seems like both spellings are used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Before we go in, I'd like to tell you that there's no single general meaning for his name. It could be the short form of something or entirely new. Both variations, i.e Nika and Nica yield separate results. And many sources claim differently. I've put together what sounds believable to some extent.
“Nica/Nika” meaning “true image; victory; very good; pure crystal water”
“Schwarz/Schwartz” meaning “black”
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Name: Ring Schwarz/Schwartz
...Cybird has made questionable choices. So I went with what sounded nearest to his name: Lynn (it's so so much cuter for him)
“Ring” meaning “a small circular band, typically of valuable metal”
“Lynn” meaning “lake, waterfall, pool below a waterfall”
“Schwarz/Schwartz”... German for “black”
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kurishiri · 2 months
drowning in Eden with you: card quote translations
this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization purposes. please reblog, but do not repost!
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Elbert: Including the darkest emotions in your heart, and all the parts you don’t like about yourself… everything about you is beautiful.
Victor: You wish for a kiss? Alright then, I will do that however many times you’d like… until you seek for more than a kiss.
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archiveikemen · 4 months
Ikemen Villains JP "Black Wedding" LINE Chat
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
I vow my eternity to...
"You are a very brave little robin to vow your eternity to me.
Thank you. I'm glad that you're willing to make this vow. ... I love you too.
Until the finishing line welcomes us—— let's enjoy life unreservedly."
"You have strange taste, vowing your eternity to a liar like me.
No, rather, your judgement skills aren't half bad.
Because I was thinking of choosing you too. Perhaps I've surprisingly fallen in love with you."
"I'm so glad you chose me... I'm losing my mind.
I'll make everything that upsets you disappear, and give you anything you want.
... So let's continue loving each other until the very last breath."
"Thank you... I was thinking that I want you to choose me. ... I want your eternity to be mine.
I love you too. I love you so much that I want to swallow you whole and become one with you. I'll forever... never let go of you."
"You're quite an eccentric person to vow your eternity to me.
I like that you made this foolish decision despite having no trust in me.
Looks like it can't be helped... let's have fun together until both of us have a change of mind."
"Eternity, huh. Is that something you should be vowing to someone so easily?
Well then, this just means that you're destined to be toyed with and brought to tears by me forever.
Haha, no take backs. I've already decided to take your everything from this point on.
"What? Forever? Does that mean you'll stick to be until death? You have awful risk management skills.
... Fine, whatever. If that's what you want, then I'll work you hard until you die. I'm not letting you run away till the very end, so you'd better do a good job serving me."
"... You like me? Mm, let's be together. I like you too.
I think I can bring you much, much more happiness.
Stay by my side and be filled with lots of happiness. And then... we might find our eternity."
"You have a good eye for choosing me! As expected of my little robin.
Now that you've chosen me, I must reciprocate your love and sincerity.
—— Are you ready to receive the love of this man who devotes his evil to evil?"
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myusuchaa · 2 months
Roger Barel - The Past Records: Regarding the Hunter and the Greedy Queen
Elbert Greetia, cursed by the Greedy Queen this is a fan translation. i do not own anything. Cybird reserves the right of ownership to any in-game content.
The man that was so beautiful I could hardly believe my eyes - he hated me.
Well, not "me".. he hates doctors.
I've never had such a difficult first consultation.
Roger: Elbert, I've heard a few things about you from Al.
Alfons: Roger, I've found a job where I can eat three meals a day.
Yes, that was what Al told me a long time ago.
--end flashback--
Roger: I was surprised when I learned this job was under the aristocrat Greetia family.
(The Greedy Queen, The Mirror, The Treacherous Hunter)
It's a strange coincidence for all characters related to Snow White to come together.
Roger: First I'd like to find out some things about you.
Roger: Alright... Yes. We'll start with your heart rate.
When I reached out toward Elbert, his body visibly trembled.
Elbert: Ah..
Roger: Elbert?
Elbert: Sorry. I was just a little.. surprised... please, continue.
He looked like a frightened rabbit. I felt so guilty making him look like that so I ended the first examination early.
Though the second check up shared the same fate.
When I try to touch him, Elbert's persona changes.
He looks like a predator whose life was threatened by humans.
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Roger: Al, there's something I'd like to ask you.
Alfons: ..I don't like this.
Roger: ..You have a difficult mission coming up don't you? I'll replace you so you don't have to go... how does that sound?
Alfons: Consider it done.
Roger: Now, Elbert.. he..
I paused as I thought of my duty to confidentiality, especially if the patient does not like being touched.
Alfons: He must hate it. Elbie really doesn't like the existence of doctors.
Alfons: The details are rather tragic, so I'll spare them.
Al looked at the flower vase on the table.
Alfons: If there were beautiful flowers.. if there were cats with beautiful fur, if there were beautiful jewels..
Alfons: What kind of desires do you think people would have toward those gorgeous objects?
Upon hearing this, I thought 'Ah yes.. that is right.'
I'm sure, Elbert had a past where his beautiful visuals were preyed upon by those who called themselves "doctors".
This beautiful man was surrounded by beautiful things, yet he carried an expression that told me he did not know exactly what "beautiful" meant or was.
--in Elbert's bedroom--
Roger: Elbert.
Elbert: --? What is it?
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Roger: I'll never touch you again unless you say it's okay. No matter what.
Elbert: ............
Roger: Once I break this promise, I'll never come near you again.
A few days later, the mission I went on instead of Alfons was one of the toughest missions I've yet experienced in Crown.
I shot all the targets and exhaled into the wisp of gunpowder smoke leaving my rifle.
Roger: The mission is completed now, yeah?
Roger: ...Elbert? Hey, you...
He was not wearing any clothes and his arms were bleeding.
(Judging by the amount of blood, the injuries are quite deep. If the bleeding doesn't stop soon-)
I reached out to touch him but suddenly remembered the promise we had made.
(....That's right, I can't touch him without permission.)
Elbert: ...............
Elbert: ....hah..
Elbert: ....heheh..
Roger: You... why are you smiling at a time like this?
Elbert: You're being so strong right now.
Elbert: But still, you look like a lost wolf, separated from the pack.
The rabbit smiles despite being hurt, and the wolf is having trouble reaching the rabbit.
It was a very odd situation.
Roger: Ah.. haha..
Roger: You idiot, you're the one causing more trouble.
Elbert: ...I suppose so.
After we fell silent and his smile faded, Elbert looked at me.
Elbert: Roger, I won't die until I find the most beautiful thing in the world.
Elbert: I won't allow myself to nor would I forgive myself. That's why...
Elbert: I'll allow your hands to help.
This is how I was able to touch and examine Elbert. Though there was one problem.
Elbert: Al.. are these broken test tubes beautiful?
Alfons: Not as beautiful as you.
Roger: Hey El, if you're trying to steal my experiment equipment one after another, I won't be able to do my job right?
I blamed Elbert as his gorgeous fingers, as if sculpted from marble, touched my glasses frame that I was wearing.
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Elbert: Are Roger's glasses beautiful?
Roger: Huh?
Elbert: ...Hehe. Just kidding.
The smile on his face is the smile of a nobleman cursed by the Greedy Queen.
(...He's not a particularly good rabbit, but he's not necessarily bad either.)
But still, Elbert is destined to die without his desires being satisfied, never attaining what he wants or deems as beautiful.
Roger: Ok, take them if you like them. What's stolen can be bought again.
Roger: But they're not free. Is it fine that I get compensated for it?
Elbert: ... what?
Roger: "El". Let me call you that.
Elbert: ...Sure, Roger-
Alfons: Oh? What's this going on? What an interesting way to pass the time..
So we three passed the time, taken from Snow White's tale.
--in Roger's bedroom--
Roger: Elbert Greetia. No abnormalities observed in health.
As I turned the page on Elbert's medical records, I saw the next name.
Ellis Twilight.
On a quiet night, Ellis appeared before me with Jude by his side.
Ellis: Good evening. Are you Mr. Roger?
Ellis: I need you to treat him.
Ellis: You see, I'd be in trouble if he dies right now..
a/n: stoppp i love elbie's relationship with everyone, he is so endearing. i adore how nice and respectful roger is here too omggg and when elbie made the joke about his glasses plsss
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