#Elizabeth Bioshock MBTI
enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Elizabeth Anna DeWitt or better known as Elizabeth is the secondary Protagonist of BioShock Infinite and the Main Protagonist of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Due to Elizabeth being part of three multi-verses, we’ll be segmenting her analysis into 3 parts. They’ll be listed as titles under their associated functions. BioShock Infinite: The Main Story. Brainwashed Old Elizabeth: Alternate universe where Comstock successfully captures and indoctrinates Elizabeth. Burial at Sea Elizabeth: This takes place after the events of Bioshock Infinite and concludes Elizabeth’s story.
Dominant Function: Extroverted Intuition
BioShock Infinite: Elizabeth is a prominent example of someone who uses Extroverted Intuition as her first function, she’s obsessed with gaining vast amounts of information on many subjects intending to improve herself and to stave off boredom. Some of these subjects are physics to better understand her abilities, lock picking, history and medicine. Elizabeth is also always seeking novel ways to gain more mental and physical stimulation. This causes her to be very impulsive with her actions and decision making, such as coming up with conclusions too quickly with limited information. Here are a few examples of her impulsive nature: At Soldier’s Field Elizabeth and Booker run into a problem they need a vigor called “Shock Jockey” to power up the gondola to escape Columbia, Elizabeth proposes going to the Hall of Heroes because she sees an ad suggesting they have stock there. She ends up being wrong since revolutionaries ransacked the Hall of Heroes of all Shock Jockey vigors. The second example occurs when the elevator they’re taking to the Hall of Heroes gets jammed. Booker offers a practical solution, while Elizabeth impulsively opens a “tear” because there’s a bee in the elevator, which almost gets her and Booker killed by the Songbird. Speaking of “tears” Elizabeth constantly opens up new ones into alternate versions of Columbia without considering the consequences. This is because she wants to escape the floating city and go visit “Paris”. This plan ultimately backfires and causes her and Booker additional problems. Like that one time when they entered a multiverse where Booker died for the Vox populi and never made the deal with Daisy Fitzroy for the First Lady airship. Thus eliminating their only means of leaving Columbia and making an enemy of the Vox populi. This problem would haunt them for the rest of the game. Our last examples of Elizabeth’s impulsive nature occur when she’s left idle. She’ll investigate random items such as arcade machines, stuffed animals, people and will pick up ammo or health packs when she sees that Booker requires aid. But wait… There’s more! We can observe more indicators of Extroverted Intuition in her aptitude for brainstorming, thinking outside the box and finding patterns within ideas and actions. For brainstorming, she’ll offer alternate suggestions to aid Booker in their adventure, such as searching for more information by going off the beaten path via locked doors and sneaking around enemies to avoid them altogether. As for thinking outside the box, we have a funny example.. This occurs when Elizabeth is running away from Booker because she found out he was planning on selling her. During this chase she opens up four “tears” the first one has over 30 over-sized party balloons, the second one is a marching band, the third is a train that cuts off Booker and the fourth has her entering a “tear” through a wall into an open space where she ironically gets captured by two guards. As for finding patterns, we often witness Elizabeth analyzing her surroundings and questioning them to find hidden meanings within them. The diorama of Soldier’s Field is an exceptional example. After staring at it for a few seconds Elizabeth suggests they created it to acquaint children to the military for the purpose of instilling “Columbian” values within them making them loyal to Comstock's regime for life. As you can see Elizabeth relies heavily on her Ne function. Even her end game ability to see all potential outcomes of all situations is an exaggerated God version of NE. However, the traumatic events she experienced throughout the game have caused her to become mentally unhealthy, and a consequence of that is frequent reliance on lower functions This effect on her psyche can be best seen in the DLC Burial at Sea. Burial at Sea Elizabeth: Just like in the base game, Elizabeth uses Ne as her dominant function, but she will often enter NE-TE loops with the occasional SI grip. This is because at the end of the base game Elizabeth creates a paradox by killing Booker DeWitt before he could become Comstock, thus stopping her birth. This caused the memories, thoughts and emotions of all the other Elizabeths to collapse into her according to the BioShock Wiki page. With that being said, we’ll be mostly focusing on examples of her use of Extroverted Intuition. Other than her damaged psyche, Elizabeth remains as inquisitive as always. To acquaint herself quickly into Rapture’s society, she stole the first dress she saw and then spent over 2 months reading as many books as possible on Rapture’s society and ideologies. However, because Ne doms are pattern and idea driven, they don’t strive often in new settings and we can observe this by all the questions Elizabeth asks Booker. Such as what are Little Sisters and Splicers. This causes him to become suspicious and question what her intentions are and where she’s from. Luckily for Elizabeth, she’s a fast and creative thinker and can make up stories on the fly to which she does to dampens Booker's suspicions about her. Another indicator of NE usage can be seen in how Elizabeth thinks outside the box while in combative situations Such as suggesting to use Big Daddies to her advantage and hiding within vents to either stealthy knockout enemies or avoid them. Fun fact! In 1999 mode Elizabeth can’t use lethal ways to take out enemies, I can only assume it’s because of her moral code of not hurting anyone. This style of game play differs completely from Booker's Se type game play where he just runs and guns. Another indicator of her NE function is Elizabeth’s ability to react and read situations quickly. During the quest to find Sally, Booker and Elizabeth run into a problem they require, a plasmid called Old Man Winter she then opens up a “tear” to retrieve it and lies to a very suspicious Booker claiming it’s a new plasmid that she can’t tell him about. Our last 3 examples of the Ne function will be a negative trait, and that’s assuming things too quickly with little information. Elizabeth is notorious at doing this. Elizabeth assumed that the Songbird, and her were imprinted just by looking at one piece of information to which she ends up being incorrect according to Fink’s research. The second false assumption occurs twice by the same person. It first occurs after she repairs Lutece Device and then enters the “tear” to retrieve Lutece Particle and on her way back to the “tear” Suchong stops her and tells her she can’t go back unless she brings him the hair sample he wants. It secondly occurs when she retrieves the hair, places it in a bin and then gets betrayed again and turned over to Andrew Ryan. Our final example is a correct assumption, Elizabeth knew Atlas would not honour his deal even though he tried convincing her. Auxiliary Function: Introverted Feeling
BioShock Infinite timeline: One thing is for certain Elizabeth is an emotional individual, she often wears her heart on her sleeve and acts in the best interest for others. This makes seem as if she uses Extroverted Feeling function instead, but that just isn’t true. Extroverted Feeling relies on the outside world to gain information and then tries to harmonize with it. Elizabeth shows some use of it, such as feeling bad for the people affected by Fink’s abusive neglect and empathizing with Mrs Lin after losing her husband. However, there are more examples for FI usage than against it, and we’re about to explore them. These are best seen within the interactions between Booker and Elizabeth. The first example occurs after they survive escaping the tower Elizabeth imprisoned in by falling from the sky into the beach water, and instead of taking care of Booker she decided dancing would be a better choice. During their multi dimensional adventures Elizabeth loses interest in Paris for a temporary period of time. Instead she wants to join the Vox populi revolution on account of Daisy Fitzroy having a convincing argument for it while Booker didn’t want to be there but was strung along by Elizabeth. As the game progresses, Elizabeth becomes more confrontational against Booker and forces him to either help her or get out of her way because she wants to kill Comstock. She also threatens killing Booker with a tornado because he wanted to leave Columbia instead of fight, but after seeing the tornado he decided he’d kill Comstock for her. To make matters worse, Booker’s death was because Elizabeth decided she wanted to end the existence of Comstock and that meant killing her father Booker DeWitt because they’re both the same person. So much for harmony, eh? We can identify the final FI indicator in how she refuses to follow the societal standards of both Columbia and Rapture, instead she tries to force both of them to change to match her own personal views and values. For Columbia that means going against its Theocratic and Racist government system, and for Rapture that means Saving the Little Sisters. This because she believes everyone should be equal and little girls deserve the right to live free lives and not be used as Adam factories. An FE user would harmonize with that societal system or avoid conflict so they may achieve their goals, while an FI user like Elizabeth would stay true to their beliefs and be confrontational against the system. Burial at Sea Elizabeth: All the events of Burial at Sea occur because of Elizabeth’s FI function. Her strong morals and ideals demonstrate a clear example of how the FI function acts in these situations. It’s a story about her revenge plot against the last remaining Zachery Hale Comstock who took over Booker DeWitt’s identity. She wants to force him to face his own lies and make him realize he’s a monster before she kills him. During her time with “Booker” Elizabeth would constantly criticize Rapture’s society, mainly the treatment of the Little Sisters and Rapture’s dog eat dog society for not reflecting with her views. Once Elizabeth succeeds at her mission of eliminating Comstock, she’s overtaken by grief since she realizes she used Sally to get to Comstock and then left her behind to an uncertain fate. This prompts her to leave her imaginary NE-FI influenced version of Paris where everyone is an artist who sings and dances and return to a Rapture where she died to save Sally. By doing this she sacrifices her quantum-superposition, which reverts her back to a normal human being who has no powers or knowledge of the unknown. This means Elizabeth literally sacrifices being an all knowing being because she felt bad for leaving Sally because that went against her core values.
Tertiary Function: Extroverted Thinking BioShock Infinite: Elizabeth prefers and trusts external sources of information to understand the world around her. She often does this by reading books and putting her newly gained knowledge to practical uses. She loves mentioning “facts” about the world. Such as the beach in Battleship Bay being created in 6 months, “history” about Comstock in the battles of Wounded Knee and the Boxer Rebellion even though Cornelius Slate keeps telling her the history is incorrect and false information about Daisy Fitzroy and how she wants to tear apart Columbia. Elizabeth also seems to prefer inductive reasoning over deductive reasoning and a fine example of this is when she observes the damage Fitzroy causes and then concludes Fitzroy and Comstock must be the same, even though we learn that is not the truth. We can spot more indicators of Extroverted Thinking when Elizabeth becomes stressed and enters NE-TE loops. A good example would be when she wanted to use her dead mother’s hand to access Comstock’s house to kill him. Booker disagreed with her approach but Elizabeth was more concerned with efficiency, this ends up backfiring. Burial at Sea Elizabeth: At start the Burial at Sea we can see Elizabeth within an NE-TE loop. She acts hostile and is direct with “Booker” and has completely changed her friendly and curious attitude to a more serious, confrontational and opinionated one. This often causes her to butt heads with “Booker”. She often criticizes and cuts him off every time he has a question about her with comments such as “If I wanted to share my life’s story Mr. DeWitt, I would write my memoirs” or refusing to call him Booker when he asks her nicely, referring him as Mr. DeWitt. Other than her attitude being different, her methods have somewhat changed. Elizabeth still remains creative and relies on external information but will use it in immoral ways to achieve her goals. Such as the time she distracted 3 store clerks so “Booker” could steal a mask so they may enter Sander Cohen’s artistic event or she closed the vents and turned up the heat within them to burn Sally alive in order lure her out. This is when Elizabeth would confront Comstock, who was trying to save Sally. Elizabeth then forced Comstock into realizing who he was and made him face his past. After Elizabeth succeeded at breaking the man, she had him killed by distracting him as the Big Daddy impaled him with a large drill. She finally breaks out of her NE-TE loop but then discovers she also died. From this point on she returns to a healthier mindset and her Te function acts more as a passive function that she uses to figure out problems. Speaking of problems, she often relies on documentation or information on the subjects to figure them out. Such as using coded papers to figure out that Fontaine is Atlas or figuring out Fontaine’s office was the best place to put the Lutece Particle so they can cause the submerged city to raise from the depths of the ocean. Fun fact! Suchong’s codes are inspired by the periodic table and the Vigenère cipher which is similar to the Caesar shift cipher but with a keyword which is based on Suchong’s name... Oh, and the password to exit his impromptu lab at the Silver Fin is his birthday. Never underestimate the fallibility of an egomaniac…
Inferior Function: Introverted Sensing
BioShock Infinite: Elizabeth mainly uses Introverted Sensing for recalling past information and their patterns to explain or understand situations. Such as her feelings for the Songbird. She simultaneously likes and dislikes him at the same time. In the past it was the Songbird who feed her and gave her books, but as she grew older, she disliked him because she realized he was the warden of her prison. Her dislike of the Songbird was so strong she drowned him at the end of the title, even though she knew how to control him she still decided killing him was better. She also fears her past so much that she would rather die than go back to the tower. She asks Booker to promise that he will not let the Songbird take her back, sadly he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise because Elizabeth sacrifices herself to the Songbird to save Booker’s life which leads to her to being captured and tortured by Comstock which leads to our second version of Elizabeth. Brainwashed Old Elizabeth: This is where we notice Elizabeth’s SI function enter a grip. She faults Booker for abandoning her for his selfish desires and blames them for helping the Vox populi with their civil war by turning Eden, aka “Columbia” to Sodom. She uses both these reasons to drive her pursuit in destroying New York, a city she perceives as full of sinners who don’t deserve salvation. She also connects stories from the bible such as Adam & Eve and explains that humanity always betray God and how her and God both have something in common disappointment. She does eventually break out of the SI grip and brings Booker 69 years into the future where she gives him instructions on how to stop her from becoming her future self. Also a minor side note. She wears the same dress she had on when the Songbird took her to Comstock when she reunites with Booker. This is a huge indicator of nostalgia. Burial at Sea Elizabeth: In Burial as Sea we can spot a huge development within Elizabeth’s SI function. She heavily relies on it to recall past information and connects it to the present and this is best seen within her ability to remember how to read encrypted code. This talent is used to figure out how to repair the Lutece Device, accidentally discover how to pair Big Daddies and Little Sisters together and decrypting the Ace In the Hole. These actions made Elizabeth responsible for the destruction of Rapture and setting the path for Jack to save the Little Sisters. Speaking of connecting past information to the future, Elizabeth recognizes the Sky-hook and Shock Jockey within the Rapture universe and uses that knowledge to help “Booker” This doesn’t go unnoticed and causes him to become more suspicious about her, luckily she also remembers how “Booker’s” personality functions and suppresses his suspicions by using Sally against him. The irony of the situation is that the real Booker DeWitt is her father, and she learned how to be tough from him. We’ll be wrapping up this MBTI analysis with the most convincing SI indicator. Elizabeth committed the same atrocity as her father. By selling Sally to lure and kill Zachery Hale Comstock. In the past Booker sold Elizabeth to pay off a debt and now Elizabeth sold Sally to pay off a debt to Booker. This decision ultimately emotionally destroys Elizabeth and causes her to return to Rapture cementing her fate. In the end Elizabeth paid off her debt by sacrificing herself to save Sally and the Little Sisters. The vicious circle of blood has been broken. https://youtu.be/8-QpeLAfMpI
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eliseadamar · 3 years
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FULL NAME : elise adamar
MEANING : from hebrew “el/אֵל” = god, “shéva’/שֶׁבַע” = oath/seven ; roughly translating to “promise of divinity”
TITLE : master scholar
DATE OF BIRTH , AGE & ZODIAC: March 2nd, 32, Pisces
GENDER , PRONOUNS , ORIENTATION : cis-woman, she/her, pansexual
SPECIES : human / vrajiit
POWER MANIFESTATION :  water manipulation - she can can control and shape water or any liquid. Her powers allow her to be in charge of any waterbody near her, having a hyper sensitivity to it making it easier to find. She can freeze and boil water but once it’s ice or steam, she has very little control of it.  blood manipulation - her affinity with blood allows her to create mental maps of bloodstreams, finding wounds easily. She can stop bloodstreams, slow them down, or increase the flow, putting her targets in excruciating pain and out of control of their own bodies. With the right focus, she’s able to speed up the healing process of wounds.
POWER LIMITATIONS : water manipulation -  depending on the mass of water she’s controlling, it can be physically draining. It goes both for the amount of water at once or the lenght of using her powers. The more water she controlls, the more energy is needed. She needs to be in proximity of the liquid to be able to use her powers.  blood manipulation - the lack of usage of her powers means she needs a lot more energy to manipulate blood. It’s generally more draining and when she takes control over someone’s bloodstream, it temporary leaves her weaker.
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OCCUPATION : master scholar
RELIGIOUS VIEW : raised under the faith of the gods of old, non-practicing now
EDUCATION : highly educated in crysala 
PLACE OF BIRTH / RESIDENCE : crysala / private chambers at the palace
FAMILY MEMBERS : elion adamar ( father / whereabouts unknown ) , dana adamar ( mother / whereabouts unknown) , dorian adamar ( brother / whereabouts unknown )
ALLEGIANCES : king’s council
STANCE : she believes vrajiit should be allowed to decide themselves if they want to join the army. She feels very distanced to the king and his views but finds herself on a thin line.
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FACE CLAIM : Alicia Vikander
HAIR / EYE : brunette / dark brown
HEIGHT / BUILD : 1,67 m (  5′4 ft ) / slim 
SPEECH : crysalan accent
SCARS : wrists (  look like irregular cuffs and wrap all the way around ) , left collarbone ( bumpy and textured ) , arms (  lines, some softer and more faded than others )
TATTOOS / PIERCINGS : none / ears
BEAUTY HABITS : applying herbs to her eyes when the dark circles become too obvious
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TROPES : byronic hero, dark lady, final girl, loner, slow burn
INSPIRATIONS : bucky barnes ( marvel ), faith lehane ( buffy the vampire slayer ), elizabeth ( bioshock infinite )
ENNEAGRAM : the investigator
TEMPERAMENT : melancholic
ALIGNMENT : neutral good
ELEMENT : water
HOGWARTS HOUSE : ravenclaw
VIRTUES : wisdom
VICES : deceitfulness
HABITS : humming ( usually songs from her childhood in crysala , most of them outdated ) , unable to sit still ( often sitting on floors or with her legs tucked under her ) , rubbing the scar on her collarbone, squinting while intently listening to someone
HOBBIES : reading, writing, drawing, horse riding
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EATING HABIT : eats anything but has a tendency to forget about meals
EXERCISE HABIT : carrying books. Lots of them.
ALCOHOL USE : rarely, but she’d drink anything
DRUG USE : herbs for sleeping
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sayaoftheredroses · 5 years
Apprentice Velia - The Arcana
Full Name: Velia Sevarius-Auditore
The enigmatic and elegant apprentice with hidden desires
AKA Vels, Dear Velia (By Lucio) My Dear Intended (By Valerius, during their engagement) Witch (After her return)
Relatives: Marcianus Sevarius (Father) Ornella Sevarius-Bornese (Mother) Magister Theoclerican Alexandrius XIII -Jeremías Bornese (Grandfather) Lucille Cantanei-Auditore (“Aunt,” Teacher) Consul Valerius (Fiancé) Count Lucio (Lover)
Occupation: Noblewoman Magician’s Apprentice
Favorites: Favorite Meal: Truffle Tagliatelle Favorite Drink: Red Wine Favorite Flower: Snapdragon
Personality Traits Birthday: October 23rd Zodiac Sign: Scorpio MBTI: ESTJ
Physical Description Gender: Female Height: 5’7” (170cm) Eye Color: Violet Hair Color: Black
Trivia: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Caramel Swirl Favorite Fruit: Muscadine Grapes Favorite Season: Autumn Language Knowledge: Can read and speak five languages Singing Voice: Operatic alto voice, prefers to sing alone when painting or drawing Sleeping Habits: Has to be outright exhausted before falling asleep because if not will remain awake for odd hours of the night going over plans, personal studies or her art once asleep becomes clingy to any warmth nearby, gets frisky when awakened prematurely Hobbies: reading, writing in her diary, drawing and painting - especially in the garden, knows how to dance and sing decently, doesn’t have as strong a passion for them but still enjoys them, has had lessons in playing the harp and is somewhat competent but needs to know the song in advance
Character Inspirations Lucrezia Borgia - Italian History and The Borgias (Portrayed by Holliday Grainger) (Historical “Mafia Princess” and femme fatale, who was married off numerous times to ensure her family’s power and control, has a friendship with her father’s mistress who taught her how to use her beauty, wit and intelligence to her advantage, and catches on to those lessons quickly in to win over potential allies to herself, especially when she meets a handsome man during her time as the wife of an abuser, has mastered the art of poisoning and observation as part of her “education”) Chiyo/Sayuri - Memoirs of a Geisha (Loves the man who impacted her life so deeply and actively sought to be part of his world after he inspired her to keep moving forward when she fell into despair, has a sisterly bond with her teacher the same way Mameha had one for Sayuri) Anthy Himemiya - Revolutionary Girl Utena (Appears as a demure, friendly and passive but hides a far darker side to her not just in her desires but also in her hidden motives, after escaping her abusive situation with her ex thanks to someone special coming in and changing her life she chooses to not let others take her sense of choice from her anymore, passive aggressive in her wit despite her tone seeming placid and calm, has a love for animals and sweets) Margaery Tyrell - Game of Thrones (Subtly cunning and with a magnetic personality, while she uses acts of kindness to get people to like her it’s also not only for the sake of her own agenda but also because she enjoys people liking her for her and not for her title along with her ability to influence those around her to her advantage) Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite (Begins as an innocent, sheltered character with some strong intelligence and observational skills who finds magic in the world around her and starts out with an adventure loving personality when she is without her memories and in her life before leaving her home, however after suffering abuse and when her memories begin to return and learns of not only what truly happened the Count but also to herself in her life before and after she came to Vesuvia she begins to change because of the darkness in the world around her) Rarity - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Knows how to use her feminine wiles to get what she wants, has Rarity’s passion for the arts and possess the high class act and a rich accented voice)
(PS personal thanks to @arcanathots for helping me develop her character and her backstory, HUGE fan of your work)
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sad-goomy · 6 years
I was tagged by @miso-297​ and @pixel-sylveon​ wowza !The rules are to answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions, then tag 10 people but Imma do all 20 in a row under the read more wooo
What song(s) have you been obsessed with lately?
oooooh boy here we go
Boy - Willow / Feelings - Hayley Kiyoko / Curious - Hayley Kiyoko / Human - Daughter / From Eden - Hozier / Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! at the Disco
Which season is your favorite?
Probably spring, I love when flowers are actually blooming and I don’t mind a little rain if it’s warm
What fictional world do you NOT want to be in?
A Brave New World
If you ever decide to cosplay one of your favorite characters, who would it be?
Tbh I would do Lumi from this webcomic that I love to pieces called Hemlock (pls go read it, it’s so good and the art <3)
Or Elizabeth’s look from Bioshock Infinite DLC Burial at Sea because I’m obsessed
What can you not leave the house without?
Realistically my phone, but I also always wear this one ring my best friend gave me and I feel so off and anxious without it
Aside from your most favorite ship, what’s your other favorite ship?
For the Pokemon fandom it’s pretty obvious I’m biased towards lonashipping but I also love snowlilyshipping and ferriswheelshipping
How about your Favorite Anime Ending Song?
This is so basic since I’ve kind of stopped watching anime (don’t kill me) but OHSHC’s ending was a certified Bop don’t @ me
If you were to have any power from an Anime/Video Game/Cartoon/Television Show whatever, which would it be?
Shark Boy’s powers form Shark Boy and Lava Girl
Raven from Teen Titans was so cool and I feel like her powers would be fun and I’m already emotionless 99% of the time so
Also Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite ahhh I’m indecisive
What’s your worst bad habit?
Picking at my lips and it’s so hard to stop (I”m doing it right now rip)
Which animal or creature from an anime of cartoon would you like to be real? Which do you wish NOT to be real?
Luna, Artemis, and Diana from Sailor Moon <3 or Appa from AtLA
I’m gonna count the sun and moon from Soul Eater as creatures and you know what you can keep them, those can stay fictional af
What is your favourite music genre, and why?
I don’t think I really have one, but I’m feeling alternative pop and R&B right now
do YOU love the colour of the sky? Which one?
I love the one at sunset when it gets pink and purple and blue
Favourite fandom to be a part of at the moment? Why?
Super into Pokemon bc the lonashipping community is dope and there’s a lot of fanfic potential which I live for
Also getting into the Arcana game fandom (shameless plug side blog: yana-of-the-arcana) because the art and story and world-building is amazing and also full of fanfic potential
If you could have any song play for you any time you entered a room, like a theme song, what would it be?
Kiwi by Harry Styles would be fun and not at all true to me lol
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Why is this woodchuck not in an animal crossing game yet?
“average woodchuck chucks 3 wood a year" factoid actually just statistical error. average woodchuck chucks 0 wood per year. Wood Chuck, who lives in cave & chucks over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted
Favourite video game series?
Either Pokemon Ranger or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Are you also procrastinating on a project for school, or something of equal importance?
3000% yes, I’ve barely started on a research paper that’s supposed to be around 8 pages, include original data/research, and is at least a third of my grade because I hate myself or something
What is your favourite nickname to go by online and/or irl? Why?
Don’t really have a nickname but I’m good w whatever version of my username you wanna call me (goomy works gr8 btw)
Why the FUCK don’t we have an alpaca pokemon yet?
Because the Pokemon developers are cowards GIVE IT TO ME
Favourite anime op. You gotta have one, right?
Toradora’s 1st op sticks out in my mind as a banger
Tags:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I feel weird about tagging people so Imma drop 10 questions below and feel free to do them!! love getting to know you guys
1. If you were a scented candle, what would your scent be? 2. Do you have a tattoo? If not, would you ever get one? 3. Are you a sweet snack person or a salty snack person? 4. What’s the one music album you think everyone should listen to? 5. If you were a Pokemon gym leader, which type would you specialize in? 6. What’s your MBTI? Do you think it’s accurate? 7. What animal would your familiar be? 8. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve overheard? 9. Do you have any guilty pleasure TV shows / music / etc? 10. What’s your zodiac sign?
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Rosalind Lutece and Robert Lutece Rosalind Lutece and Robert Lutece are the same character but from parallel worlds. They play the part of a monumental role within BioShock Infinite and the DLC Burial at Sea. Their influence caused all the actions within Columbia and Rapture to occur the way they did. But how? We’ll be exploring that within Rosalind and Robert’s first function. Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking Rosalind and Robert are exceptional examples of TI dominant users. They’re objective, analytical and often rely on subjective logic when investigating and experimenting. We’ll be seeing those traits within the story of the Lutece twins. Originally there was no Robert Lutece, it was only Rosalind. Her birth-date and location are unknown, but what was known is that Comstock encountered Rosalind and took an interest in her research. She was experimenting with atoms. He made a deal with her; he promised to fund her research if she could make his city float. Rosalind took the deal, and sometime later after much experimentation, she could indefinitely suspend an atom in midair. This is where we see her use her TI function. She remarks If she could suspend an atom in the air then why not an apple and if that floats why not a city? She calls it the “Lutece Field”. Her reasoning completely makes sense she’s suggesting if an atom can be suspended then you could suspend anything made of atoms like a city. Her plan succeeds, and she continues to experiment with her Lutece Field, which leads her to another version of herself who is called Robert. She reaches out to him and he to her by manipulating a pair of quantum entangled atoms. This allowed them to communicate across space-time barriers through Morse code. Rosalind immediately reported her findings to Comstock, and he helped her build a device that could access other realities via tears. After she succeeded, she met Robert. They both then became agents for Comstock who believed he needed an heir of his blood to rule Columbia long term. Both Luteces suggested he steal Booker DeWitt’s child because technically they’re the “same” person thus share the same child. This resulted in Anna being sold to Robert Lutece and given to Comstock, who later named her Elizabeth. Soon after, Comstock sent Jeremiah Fink to kill the Lutece twins. During that time Rosalind and Robert we’re conducting further experiments within their tears and foresaw the future. They saw how Comstock would brainwash Elizabeth into destroying New York. Realizing they made a mistake, the Luteces formulated a plot using their auxiliary function to bring Robert’s universe version of Booker to Comstock’s universe to stop him. This experiment ran for a long time, causing both the twins to run further experiments on their alternate versions of Booker DeWitt. Which will be seen within their auxiliary function. Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Intuition The Luteces present themselves as exaggerated stereotypical NE users, almost to where you’d think it was their dominant function. Let’s look at some traits they share in relation to Extroverted Intuition. They’re brainstormers, scatter-brained, possibility-driven, indecisive, potential-driven, contradicting, and always looking for hidden patterns and meanings behind ideas and people even if it leads to nowhere. We can see this within all the experiments they’ve taken on all the Bookers they’ve encountered. Such as the time they tested Elizabeth and Booker with irrelevant trivia such as heads or tails when flipping a coin or what choker do you like better? The bird or the cage? They do this to compete against each other and for fun. Robert always wins these challenges. Which causes Rosalind to come up with more challenges, it’s really a vicious circle of NE overdrive. This leads to their hypothetical arguments which can be seen in a game, such as the time our protagonists were on a gondola towards the Grand Central Depot. The Lutece twins were debating whether they told each other they knew Booker and Elizabeth would be there in that moment while also debating about the semantics of words that haven’t been created yet. They can also be seen using NE reasoning to help Booker and Elizabeth. Here are 2 examples. When Booker and Elizabeth find a dead Chen Lin the Luteces helped them realize that just because Chen Lin is dead in this universe doesn’t mean he can’t be alive in others, therefore they should try others to achieve their goals. The second example has the most profound effect on the story and it’s ending. The Lutece twins played the Songbird melody to prove to Elizabeth that it isn’t the song that calls the Songbird but rather the song and the proper instrument. This information would be used by Elizabeth at the end of the game to control the Songbird during the final battle and to destroy the siphon. This action granted Elizabeth her powers and allowed her to stop Comstock from being born and killing the last remaining Comstock. In turn, fixing the timeline, the Lutece twins accidentally caused when they reunited. Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing Even though the Lutece Twins are the same personality type, there are slight deviations between both of them and we can see it within the SI function. For Robert, it’s that he’s unhappy being split within different universes, he has the urge to leave his mark on the world and wants to return to being the way he was. This is common with SI types they’re the most nostalgic types and often prefer to be in environments they are comfortable within. Rosalind also considers this since she cares about her brother and thinks maybe starting life in Columbia again could rebirth new life since they’d forget everything they know. Keep in mind she can start a life anywhere but chooses Columbia, a place she knows and is comfortable within. The best example of their SI usage can be seen after Booker and Elizabeth first defeat Lady Comstock. To explain the situation, the Luteces mention that Lady Comstock exists across time just like them and her problem is she perceives being both dead and alive. That explanation was a projection from Robert who was stuck in the same situation for a while, Rosalind helped him get out of that situation thus understands it. Sadly, we lack another example. Instead, we can see traits of what an underdeveloped SI function looks like. The Luteces both don’t exist in reality, they are constantly scatter-brained and thinking up alternative theories and possibilities. In no way are they grounded or realistic, which makes them seem otherworldly or even alien to anyone normal. If we could observe any SI trait with the Lutece twins, it would be the nostalgia of their respected pasts, their great attention to detail, and their memory. Inferior Function: Extroverted Feeling The biggest difference between the Rosalind and Robert can be seen within this function. Rosalind is more of a sociopathic character who’s driven by her own experimentation and doesn’t really care for the consequences of these experiments. Since it’s all about learning for her. While Robert is much more moralistic and believes that Booker, Elizabeth, and New York shouldn’t have to suffer because of his actions and his sister’s experimentation. This is an indicator of a developed FE function. Robert is also the twin that first engages with Booker and Elizabeth. He equally has fun messing with them and helping them. But overall the Lutece twins prefer relying on their dominant TI and their auxiliary NE when dealing with situations that make them seem calculating and whimsical at the same time. Here’s a bonus example of Robert’s FE usage according to the BioShock Wiki. In the DLC Burial at Sea if Elizabeth “dies” the  Lutece’s can be heard discussing the death. Robert often stays positive while Rosalind stays apathetic. Here’s are two their conversations. Robert: "You give her no credit for good intention?" Rosalind: "The Universe does not grade on a curve. It's strictly pass/fail." Robert: "One must give her an "A" for effort…" Rosalind: "But an "F" on results." https://youtu.be/6bLkDrX_wIc
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Daisy Fitzroy Daisy Fitzroy is a major side character who is both hero and a villain to our main protagonists. Before we analyze her we will look into her past. Fitzroy’s birthplace and origins are unknown so we can’t speculate about her upbringing and past life, but we know that Jeremiah Fink "procured" her and brought her to Columbia intending to use her for menial labor within the city. As you would imagine she was not happy with this but she obliged for a short while. During that time Lady Annabelle Comstock employed her and had Daisy work as her maid. This worked well and Daisy ended up respecting Lady Comstock because she treated her with respect. Alas, that respect was short-lived. One day she found Lady Comstock dead and was wrongfully accused by her murderer Zachery Hale Comstock. Fitzroy escaped and vengefully founded the Vox populi. She was eventually captured by local authorities years later in Finkton. This lead to her being interrogated by Dr. Francis Pinchot who found out she had genius-level intelligence surpassing his. This resulted in the scientific community of Columbia declaring her a threat thus wanted to lobotomize her to make her more servile. Her intelligence impressed Dr. Pinchot, and he feared the lobotomy would render her useless, thus tried to stop it. We’ll be continuing this story in our analysis of her dominant function. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking Daisy Fitzroy is an exceptional TE user. She’s ambitious, intelligent, structured, and she knows how to turn situations to her advantage and quickly. To continue our story, we’ll be seeing the first example of her Te usage. As Dr. Pinchot disagreed with the Columbia scientific community, Daisy formulated a plot to escape. She would use Pinchot and then eliminate him. This plan worked, she asked for “help” and lured him into bringing the keys to escape, she then shot him to tie up loose ends. Ruthless and efficient. Daisy then planned her revenge against The Founders. She quickly raised an army by using her voice of reason, telling them they are tools to be used and discarded like she was. Unlike Comstock, Daisy doesn’t mince words, she’s direct and to the point. You’re either helping us or you’re a liability. Extroverted Thinking dominant and auxiliary users often see the world in black and white. Daisy Fitzroy is no exception she takes black and white thinking to the next level. Now we’ll be moving to Extroverted Thinking examples as seen within the game. Our first example will reflect her black and white thinking. Daisy states Fink sees people as livestock and wants to keep them controlled like the animals they are. She uses this as her argument to recruit more members to her cause by uniting them against a single cause. Daisy, however, is doing the same as Fink albeit, in a much more moralistic light, she uses people like tools to achieve her goals for the sake of revenge. Daisy exclusively uses facts and statements to prove her points. She often does that within her speeches and we can hear one of these speeches inside of the Graveyard Shift bar in Shantytown when Booker and Elizabeth enter the tear which allows the Vox populi to have their weapons for their revolution. Daisy mentions that if you were able to rationally think you’d be striving for your own dreams and aspirations. Not the aspirations of men who want to control you by telling you when to eat, when to sleep, when to stand or when to sit down. The thing is, Daisy Fitzroy is absolutely correct men like Fink and Comstock seek to control the people of Columbia, especially minorities such as Daisy Fitzroy. It’s entirely rational and in your own self-interest to defend yourself against people who will use you until you hit your breaking point. They only care for their self-benefit and will dispose of you when they’re done. Overall Daisy Fitzroy is a noble example of a TE user it was her structured mind that united the people of Shantytown against all of Columbia. She isn’t doing it because it’s the right thing to do. She’s doing it because it makes logical sense to not want to be oppressed, how could you succeed in life if every action you take is controlled by another individual. As Malcolm X once said, “I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice, and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.” Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition  Daisy Fitzroy is a visionary and opportunist who knows how to use her NI function wisely. We’ll be backing up that claim with a brilliant example. During the start of the game, after Elizabeth knocks out Booker, he’s left unconscious on the First Lady airship. Daisy boards the airship with her Vox populi and runs into Booker. He demands her to get off his airship; she retorts by mentioning they’re in the middle of a war and that she needs his help. She does this by telling him if he wants his airship back he must work for her by getting her the weapons she needs for her revolution. She then knocks him out of the airship, sending him on his new quest. Her intuition about Booker ends up being correct. He succeeds and recovers the weapons she required to kick off her revolution. But now there’s an additional problem. Booker and Elizabeth needed to open up 2 tears into parallel universes to get this job done. Meaning this deal never happened when they meet up with Daisy Fitzroy again. Our next example of her NI function being used exceptionally is seen when Elizabeth and Booker return to Columbia through a tear, they arrive in a world where Booker died for the Vox populi. As they contact Daisy Fitzroy, she mentions there’s no way he survived since she saw him die with her own eyes she then turns her guards against these “imposters”. This ends up being a clever ruse. Fitzroy willingly sacrifices her men to lure Elizabeth and Booker closer to her. Once they reach her she pretends that she’s gone mad with power and she’s willing to kill children for her revolution. This causes Elizabeth to freak-out and murder Fitzroy while Booker distracts her. This plan was designed to harden Elizabeth by turning her into a killer. This action ultimately would be the one to ensure the success of Fitzroy’s revolution, the destruction of her oppressors, and all the events that occur in the original BioShock. Fitzroy may have not known it, but her sacrifice also saved the Little Sisters in Rapture and allowed Elizabeth to murder the final Comstock. We can see our last NI example in the DLC Burial at Sea in Fink’s private quarters. Within those quarters is a seized kinetoscope from the Graveyard Shift bar. Inside that kinetoscope lies Fitzroy's thoughts about God. She believes there is no God and claims men like Comstock use the idea of God to control the common folk by shaming them. " If there were no God, you could rest assured the first deed done by the first rich man would be inventin’ him.” - Daisy Fitzroy. Within a historical context, Fitzroy is correct, the rich and powerful often used the “Wrath” of God to control the public. This was especially true in the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing  Daisy Fitzroy doesn’t seem too interested in her Se function and prefers to use her dominant and auxiliary functions. However, that doesn’t mean she completely neglects it. We can see her Se function within her actions. These actions are usually caused by TE-SE loops. They often end up being violent because that is the quickest way to get results. To Daisy, actions are louder than words. Sure you can reason with people, but will it get you what you want right away? No, therefore take action. She keeps this mentality throughout the game. Most of these actions can be seen by how the Vox populi functions. She’s instructed them to act first by killing everyone and then decorate the area with red by claiming this is their territory now. Daisy is concerned about the future as seen by NI function but will achieve that by first destroying everything and striking fear into the hearts of the people who align themselves with the oppressors. Her tactics are basic overwhelm the enemy, do what you have to do, and execute the ones who won’t cooperate. Many of her speeches are driven by TE-SE loops, she’ll go on about facts, and then she’ll refer to the actions that The Founders have taken against the minorities to convince them fighting is the only choice. Our main example of SE can be seen in the Speech she makes about Booker DeWitt dying for the cause. She mentions he died for the cause and now we must stand true to the cause by killing Fink, to only relate it back to Booker’s death. With that logic she’s suggesting because Booker died for the cause we must also sacrifice our lives like he did because that is the truest way to show your dedication to the cause after all he’s a hero you want to be a hero right? Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling We can definitely see that Fitzroy struggles with her FI function. On one hand, she is very aware of how her feelings often control her when she enters angered states and that they drive her revolution but on another hand, she knows when they’re appropriate and when to seal them away. We can hear her speaking about that within her voxophone recordings. Most of the recordings will follow the same premise she reflects on her morals and feelings towards her actions and then justifies it. So we’ll be using one voxophone example. This voxophone recording can found in the office of Jeremiah Fink chief executive area in the Burial at Sea DLC. This is before Daisy organized the Vox populi and rose up against her oppressors. Within the recording, she recognizes that violence only causes violence and that the rational mind wants to find a peaceful solution but she asks herself what does a father do when he sees his child bleed out on the streets? Do you deny him his vengeance? She then refers to her own moral code and understands because she’s been there and lived through it, this leads to the biggest question “Will I be able to stay the hand” From the actions we’ve seen in-game Daisy Fitzroy could not stay the hand and instead she gave in to her feelings and lead a revolution very much knowing she will hurt others to achieve her goals. She does, however, redeem herself within our last example. This occurs when the Luteces let her know she must make Elizabeth think she will harm Fink’s son so she could have her revolution succeed. That action was driven by her NI function to piece together the puzzle for the long term but was completely inspired by her FI function. Her moral code would not be broken even with all the anger in her heart Daisy never planned on harming children, especially Fink’s child because he did nothing wrong. “I will not hold the son to account for the deeds of his father” https://youtu.be/2r6btwu_hPA
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Booker DeWitt Booker DeWitt is the Main Protagonist of BioShock Infinite and the Secondary Protagonist of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. He’s part of two multi-verses so we’ll be segmenting this analysis into 2 parts. BioShock Infinite: The Main Story. Burial at Sea Booker: This takes place after the events of Bioshock Infinite with an alternate version of Booker. Dominant Function: Introverted Thinking BioShock Infinite: Booker Booker DeWitt is a prime example of an individual that’s driven by situational logic. His views throughout the entire game change drastically. At first, he’s introduced as a very cautious character who doesn’t trust his environment, but he immediately adapts to it. His main goal is to pay off his debt and to achieve that goal he must find Elizabeth and bring her to New York. As he embarks on his adventure, he ends up being caught in unique situations. Such as unknowingly entering the Pilgrim’s Rocket and being transported to a new society that exists within the sky. This alone would cause most people to freak-out and have a panic attack, but not Booker. Instead, he casually moved on as if nothing happened. He immediately then ran into another problem he needed to get baptized by Preaching Witting. He was unwilling but did it anyway because that was the only way into the city. After practically being drowned Booker runs into his first challenge and this is where we first see his TI function in action. He needs to get passed a locked gate to proceed on his quest. He solves this by trying a possession vigor that a hawker is offering free samples of. Booker quickly figures out he can use it on machines and uses it on the automaton guarding the door, therefore unlocking it. He then ends up accidentally entering a raffle and being forced to use yet another piece of unknown technology, the Sky-hook to protect himself from the officers who are trying to harm him. This adaptive style of learning is present throughout everything Booker does in Columbia, from trying new vigors to instructing Elizabeth where to best open “tears” so they can live another day. But that’s not all Booker also has other Introverted Thinking indicators. Such as suppressing his emotions, not because he’s unemotional but because he would rather stay level headed at all times to solve situations, this causes strain on his relationships with other people since FE is his lowest function. This especially affects Elizabeth, who’s quite a sensitive individual, and because of this they often butt heads. We have a lovely example of one of these situations. After rescuing Elizabeth from her prison, Booker lies and promises to bring her to Paris by stealing the First Lady Airship. Before they can do that they must go through the ticket station that leads to Soldier’s Field, this is where things get ugly, the receptionist stabs his hand forcing him to become violent which ends in the death of his assaulters. Elizabeth, experiencing death for the first time, becomes horrified and tries to run away. Booker catches up to a defensive Elizabeth and uses logic to reason with her. He explains that she’s an investment and that those men won’t stop coming after her so she has no choice but to leave Columbia. As the game progresses Booker becomes more comfortable with his surroundings thus starts asking Elizabeth more questions. Such as how do you make these “tears” or why does the Songbird always appear when he hears a specific melody. Before we get to the Burial at sea segment, I want to contest Booker being an SI-TE function user. The first indicator of not having SI can be seen in Booker’s poor attention to detail and memory, this occurs often he forgets about the actions he takes. For instance, the time he forgot he helped interracial couple at the start of the game or the time he forgot about Chen Lin’s tools and machines or the fact that he cares nothing for tradition, duty, or his experiences. Instead, he rather live in the moment. If Booker was a TE user, he’d share similarities to Elizabeth such as her love for facts, systems and seeing things in black and white. However, Booker sees the world in shades of grey, prefers to remain flexible, and follows his own internal logical framework. Although I can recognize why people would perceive Booker as a TE user and that’s because of his cautious and aggressive nature which makes him seem more rigid than he is. Next up we’ll be looking into his TI functional traits and examples within the Burial at Sea DLC. Burial at Sea Booker: We get to meet a unique version of Booker who uses the mentioned TI functional traits much more effectively here. Unlike in Columbia, this Booker doesn’t have a debt to pay nor is he constantly stressed by life or death situations we can see a more accurate representation of his personality. Even in a different environment, his core traits remain the same, and if anything they’re enhanced. Let’s look at some examples. During their adventures in Rapture, Booker becomes acquainted with Elizabeth and notices logical inconsistencies within her actions and speech. This causes him to question her intentions and ask about how she isn’t aware of Rapture's structural system. Such as the time she asks about Little Sisters or what are Splicers. This is common knowledge in Rapture and Booker knows this and calls her out for being a fraud. Elizabeth knows how Booker’s personality functions and evades his questions and manipulates him by using Sally as her leverage against him. Elizabeth also has many questions on why people take certain actions, and Booker always answers with situational logic. An excellent example of that occurs when retrieving the Shock Jockey plasmid. Elizabeth asks why Andrew Ryan imprisoned Fontane's men if he was all about the free market? Booker responds with “All those ideas lose their luster when the quarterly earnings come in and you find the other guy’s eating your lunch” Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Sensing Extroverted Sensing function is often associated with the one-man army trope or within over the top action heroes, and Booker falls directly into both those categories. He’s a man driven by action and can always adapt to every situation that comes his way. From learning how to use unfamiliar weapons and tools with ease. To blowing up blimps and escaping from a gigantic angry robotic bird. Booker definitely sees a lot of action. But the Se function is more than just action. It’s directly related to receiving information from the 5 senses accurately while other functions process that information at slower a slower pace. That makes Extroverted Sensing dominant and auxiliary users quite versatile with physical tasks, such as sports or surviving in a city full of religious fanatics who want to kill you. There are downsides, however, and we can spot many of these within our protagonist. SE users have a hard time with possibilities, unique ideas, or scenarios. Booker thinks the Luteces are absolutely insane and criticizes them for not living within the present but rather within the idea of possibilities. We can see this as fear when Booker discovers that Elizabeth could create “tears” which shouldn’t be physically possible, but as time moves on Booker becomes comfortable and curious with the idea of “tears” since he can interact with them. This makes Booker appear closed-minded, but that’s only because reacting to possibilities he never thought were possible. Another weakness of SE is taking information at face value. Booker doesn’t search for hidden meanings or symbolism within objects, people, or information like Elizabeth. Instead, he would rather be direct and pragmatic. Speaking of his pragmatic and direct nature, Booker often solves problems by doing he’s a kinesthetic learner. This is how he’s able to learn how to use the Sky-hook so quickly. The last example of Booker’s SE function will be an unhealthy one. Booker has three problems, he’s addicted to physical forms of risk-taking, pleasure, and escapism. This is how he got himself stuck in this situation in the first place. He was a well-known drinker and gambler before the events of BioShock Infinite. The reasons differ but, In Columbia’s universe, he drank and gambled to deal with the passing of his wife. In the Rapture universe, he just drank and gambled himself into debt for the pleasure which caused him to lose his adapted daughter Sally. Regardless of the universe, Booker will always drink and gamble. Time for a fun fact before we move on to Booker’s Tertiary function. The detective agency Booker DeWitt worked for is real and still exists today! It’s called the Pinkerton National Detective Agency and was established in 1850 by Allan Pinkerton. They were best known for foiling a plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, working as his personal security during the Civil War and hiring the first female detective in America. However, fame soon turned into infamy during the labor strikes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The efficiency of the Pinkertons prompted businessmen to hire them to infiltrate unions to keep strikers and unionists out of factories. To make matters worse, they hired goon squads to intimidate workers to prevent them from striking. Today the Pinkertons are known as the Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations, Inc and they’re of the oldest and most influential detective agencies in the world. Tertiary Function: Introverted Intuition Booker DeWitt’s use of Introverted Intuition is interesting, he often represses it to the point of it being an unconscious function because he doesn’t enjoy thinking too far into the future and prefers living in here and now. Yet somehow he’s constantly foreshadowing future events! Such as his dream of New York burning or Foreshadowing Elizabeth’s torture device that would brainwash her after she asked Booker why Comstock imprisoned her. Or the time Booker leaves Cornelius Slate alive and then claims that leaving him alive wasn’t mercy, Comstock’s men will capture and torture him. This ends up being true and Cornelius can be found mentally broken in an interrogation room in Fink’s jailhouse. Booker is either a brilliant detective who can deduce situations so fast that it looks like he’s predicting the future or his NI function usage is exceptional. Our last example takes place in Rapture after Booker collects the Old Man Winter plasmid. He stops Elizabeth after suspecting her of being a fraud and demands answers; She scoffs at him and lies. This causes him to predict that he’s being set up. Turns out he was right. Inferior Function: Extroverted Feeling Booker starts with an unhealthy usage of the FE function and slowly develops it throughout the title. At the start of his quest in Columbia, Booker remains disconnected from his emotions and closed off because he sees no reason to express them. We can especially see in Battleship Bay when Booker is trying to get Elizabeth's attention while she's dancing. He wants to leave Columbia so he can complete his mission, but first needs to stop her from dancing. At first he tries to be polite, then he tries using a more aggressive tone and finally he manipulates her by mentioning the First Lady Airship and how it can bring her to Paris. It’s an effective use of the FE function but used unhealthily. Booker lies to her for the first half of the game, telling her he’ll bring her to Paris, with the actual intention of bringing her to New York to pay off his debts. Or how he wasn’t able to empathize with Mrs. Lin at the loss of her husband instead he kept asking questions hoping she could give him an answer that would help track down her husband. As the game progresses, we can observe Booker loosening up and expressing his emotions in healthier ways by showing worry and care for Elizabeth during hardships. Such as the time where she killed Daisy Fitzroy. Booker recognized the look of horror in Elizabeth’s eyes, chased her down. He immediately attempted to comfort her by asking if she was okay and tried to relate to her feelings so she would feel better. Another example occurs after Elizabeth finds out her mother and the Luteces were killed by Comstock. She then says she’s just a specimen to be poked and prodded. Booker comforts her by letting her know she doesn’t deserve the stuffing she’s been through. Before we complete this segment, I’ll be mentioning 2 extra examples. The first one relates to FE grip that occurs when Booker realizes he’s Elizabeth’s father, he goes through a complete mental breakdown and irrationally wants to end it all. The second example is a moral example of FE. During the second half of the game Elizabeth and Booker run into a locked door that requires Lady Comstock’s finger print to enter. Elizabeth impulsively decides she will take it from her mothers corpse, Booker tries to stop her and suggests that it’s morally incorrect. But her decision is already made, Booker decides he will remove the finger for her. Our last FE indicator can be seen at the end of the game. Booker sacrifices himself to Elizabeth. He does this to stop Comstock from ever being born, Elizabeth takes him to Comstock's birthplace and Booker immediately realizes he’s both Booker DeWitt and Zachery Hale Comstock. He then allows the Elizabeths to drown him so she may break the circle. https://youtu.be/Dbjql-8coDw
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Jeremiah Fink Jeremiah Fink is a major side character who acts as a secondary villain towards the protagonists and the Vox populi faction. Before we analyze him, we'll be taking a brief look into his past. Not much is known about his birth but we know that he is one of The Founders of Columbia. Fink gained his massive empire through “persuasive” monopolization and through his close ties with Zachery Hale Comstock. His wealth knew no bounds, and in no time he had the police force in his pocket. Comstock noticed Fink’s increasing influence and hired him to “accidentally” get rid of the Lutece twins. His reward would be ownership of the Luteces’ patents. We will continue our story within his Dominant Function analysis. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking  If you could describe Jeremiah Fink in one word, it would efficient. Jeremiah Fink is what happens when a TE user is extremely unhealthy. His concept of morals doesn't exist, all he cares for is efficiency and monetary gain. Now we’ll return to his story since his TE function will play a huge role in it. He “killed” the Lutece’s by destroying their Lutece Device. He was efficient since this action got rid of them from that timeline, but he wasn’t effective. That action had consequences such as accidentally making the Luteces’ capable of existing across multiple dimensions. This would be his downfall. The problem with Fink is that he wants work done fast and he doesn’t care how it turns out since he’ll replace the workers with other workers who could do it faster and better. Another fascinating example of his TE function can be observed by how he organizes his office and workplace. Every action he takes is timed and he can’t stand when time is wasted because he could be doing something productive. This need to be productive is so extreme that he even has a giant clock that is used to control which rooms open at what times in his private quarters! He’s a complete control freak and sadly, this treatment is also extended to his employees. In a way, Fink is a one-dimensional being who only focuses on one aspect of Extroverted Thinking... Say it with me... EFFICIENCY. Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition Fink is the example of an NI user with a rotten core. He uses this function to understand people’s intentions so he may further control them like the puppets he perceives them to be. We can see this within his actions and speeches towards his workers. Fink actively discourages his employees from being self-sufficient and ambitious since being ambitious is too much work, and why would you want to work harder than you’re already working? As Fink says, “Simplicity is beauty“ He purposely manipulates his workers so he may further exploit them, which is his end goal for every worker that works under his establishment. For him, they’re simply tools. One of the best examples of Fink’s NI function can be seen in how he predicts Booker will come for Chen Lin and kills him. But he doesn’t just kill him, he manipulates Booker and Elizabeth into thinking they have a chance of saving Chen Lin even though he was already dead. Since Fink knows Booker needs Chen Lin to get the First Lady airship to escape Columbia to pay his debts, he figures if he removes Chen Lin from the equation Booker will have no choice to work for him and if Elizabeth wasn’t able to make tears into different universes that would be absolutely true. Even Fink’s success can be attributed to his NI function. Fink may be obsessed with efficiency and success as we mentioned in his TE function segment, but he also can think outside the box and often does to achieve his goals. Fink uses tears to look into alternative realities and takes inspiration from them. This results in him making his variations of what he sees. Such as vigors, he used what he saw in a Rapture tear and then observed Yi Suchong using slugs to extract ADAM. Fink copied Suchong’s idea and added a twist to it. But due to Fink’s need for efficient results, his invention of the vigor was much more costly and 10x less effective than Suchong’s plasmids. Speaking of “borrowing” ideas, Fink also made a profit by sending his brother to tears that contained music from the future. They both plagiarized songs such as Everybody Wants to Rule the World from Tears For Fears and Happy Shiny People from R.E.M and tweaked them slightly to match their time-period. This borrowing of ideas and innovation eventually got the attention of Suchong, who started to copy off Fink. They both indirectly collaborated with each-other on the inventions such as the Songbird which was based on the Big Daddy and the idea of imprinting their creations onto desired hosts which was also influenced by the Big Daddy. Fink may have cheated by viewing tears into the future, but he innovated on the ideas he saw and put them to use in Columbia by improving the lives of its citizens and his wallet. Our last NI example links back to our first example, Fink pays his employees in “Fink coins” why Fink coins you ask? Well, of course, it’s for controlling them so they can’t buy any other products at other establishments. This causes the cash-flow to always return to Fink, limiting his losses to almost 0%. Pretty intelligent if you ask me, and equally cutthroat. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing Fink is a unique individual he both uses and neglects his SE function at the same time. His usage of the function can often be seen within a TE-SE loop. Our first example takes place at the Columbia Day Raffle. To celebrate, Jeremiah Fink set up a large carnival for the people filled with attractions based on his company. Such as Fink product trails, Fink’s music, and Vox populi shoot-'em-up games. Fink did all of that because he understood the power of propaganda and his physical appearance. If he makes himself look like a celebrity more people will buy his products is his logic. Our next example can be seen within Fink’s surroundings. He’s obsessed with beauty. This is best seen in his Private office which contains a giant golden clock, gigantic windows, fancy curtains, and 4 other rooms within it. That’s not all. He also has 2 humongous golden statues of himself in his work district. It’s commonly known that SE users are the most sensitive to beauty thus desire the most. Our last example occurs when he’s “interviewing” Booker DeWitt for a new job position of head security of Fink industries! This interview is forced onto Booker, who’s confused to why Fink is doing this. Fink retorts by claiming that Booker needs to kill the other applicants if he wants the job. But in reality, Fink just wants to be entertained by Booker’s ability to kill others. Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling We’re going to be straightforward on this function. Fink only uses the FI functions for 2 things. To spread his ideas about how work is hard and how everyone should work as hard as possible and for his projection of his “strong” values on which humans are worthy of his respect and which ones are tools to be used. This is driven by his white supremacist morals and ideals. Fink only hires non-American white people such as the Irish and minorities of all backgrounds. He does this intending to keep everyone underpaid and overworked. He wants to control their lives since he doesn’t see them as human. It’s pretty bad, but that’s how he functions Jeremiah Fink represents the extreme values of the 1900s America. He also represents a human who has been stripped away of all morality, thus resulting in Fink only caring for his own personal gain and the thrill of crushing his competition or anyone he deems a risk. These traits can be linked to psychopathy. https://youtu.be/FVhDUf-speQ
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Cornelius Slate Cornelius Slate is a side character within BioShock Infinite, he’s a disturbed man with an interesting backstory who stands in the way of our protagonists because he wants a worthy death. We’ll be taking a deep look into his history and the history of the battles he took part in. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking Outspoken, organized, efficient, practical, rigid, stubborn, aggressive, and a leader, Slate bleeds TE dominant traits. To start our analysis on him, we’ll first need to know some of his backstory. Captain Cornelius Slate served in the United States Armed Forces. He participated in several battles but most notably the Battle of Wounded Knee where he became acquainted with Booker DeWitt, The Battle of San Juan Hill which is not mentioned with the game and The Battle of Peking during the Boxer Rebellion on behalf of Columbia who was allied with the U.S. After the battles Slate questioned Comstock’s systematic whitewashing of history. Slate wanted the truth and confronted Comstock. This defiance against the prophet stripped Slate of his rank, publicly branded him a liar, and forced him to work at Finkton. Slate immediately vowed to destroy Comstock. This prompted him to join the Vox populi and united they waged war on Comstock, this action was inspired by a TE-NE loop. His first action was to take over the Hall of Heroes and vandalize it, calling it the Hall of Whores. Comstock is a sellout who changed history. This action was meant to enrage Comstock and make him face a real soldier aka Slate. He believes practical action always trumps political subterfuge and strongly dislikes when anyone isn’t honest or direct. We can identify Slate’s TE-SI traits through his beliefs, and actions he takes against Zachery Hale Comstock. Such as organizing an army who willingly joined him to fight Comstock. Slate also tests Booker DeWitt to see if he can meet his expectations to consider him a worthy soldier by sending hoards of soldiers at him. This impresses Slate since Booker provides his men with the glorious death they seek. Slate only cares for the feelings of his men and can see Booker has no interest in harming him or them. Apparently, this is how Slate has always been he’s been disregarding others and always making enemies as Booker claims.  Auxiliary Function: Introverted Sensing Before we venture into Cornelius Slate’s SI function, we’ll be looking into the battles Slate was a part of so we can better understand his experiences. (If you have no interest in history, you can skip this segment) The Battle Of Wounded Knee or better known as the Wounded Knee Massacre which took place on December 29, 1890, near Wounded Knee Creek in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota. Tensions were high before this battle took place because the U.S. government was seizing Lakota Sioux lands and refused to stop. There was great unrest. Later, a prophet named Wovoka founded the Ghost Dance religion. This caused a movement. The Ghost Dance movement was associated with Wovoka’s prophecy of an end to white expansion while preaching goals of clean living, an honest life, cross-cultural cooperation, and peace. This united the Lakota Sioux peoples, and in 1889 they gathered at Wounded Knee to participle in the Ghost Dance. Fearing large numbers of armed Lakota Sioux peoples, the U.S. military surrounded Wounded Knee and attempted to ban the Ghost Dance ceremony. This failed, and the government sent Indian agency police to arrest Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa Lakota leader whom they suspected in joining the Ghost Dance Movement. This ended in bloodshed and resulted in the death of Sitting Bull. Tensions drastically increased and on the morning of December 28, the U.S. Army’s 7th Cavalry surrounded a band of Ghost Dancers under Spotted Elk, a Miniconjou Lakota chief. They demanded Spotted Elk to surrender his peoples weapons, they complied since they did not want violence, they were escorted to Wounded Knee and asked to set up camp there so 7th Calvary could slowly remove their weapons. It’s now December 29 and this is when the massacre would start. No one truly knows who fired the first shot, but some claims mention a misunderstanding broke out between a solider and a Lakota warrior. Thus the bloody massacre had begun. Historians estimate 150—300 Lakota peoples perished in that battle. Half of the casualties were unarmed women and children. While 25 U.S. soldiers died and 39 were wounded. This battle was the last major battle of the American Indian wars. Our next battle is the Battle of Peking, which took place during the Boxer Rebellion on August 14th to 15th 1900 in Beijing. Before we get into the battle, we need to understand how it started. In the mid-1880s a secret society called the Yìhéquán or the Fists of Harmony and Justice started to gain power within the Qing Dynasty. By 1899 their numbers increased drastically. Their numbers swelled to 50 000 to 100 0000 members, they were now known as the “Boxers” to the rest of the world. They oppressed the Westernization of China and Christian missionary activities being practiced by foreigners. Eventually, the Boxers became violent. They torched Western churches, murder Chinese citizens who practiced Christianity, and attacked foreigners. This kicked off the Boxer Rebellion and lead to the Battle of Peking. The battle was massive over 18 000 soldiers from the British Empire, Russia, France, Japan, Germany, the United States, Italy, Austria-Hungary joined forces with the Mutual Protection of Southeast China against the Boxers and the Qing Dynasty. The objective of this battle was to fight their way into the city of “Peking” to rescue 900 foreigners who were captured by the Chinese Army since the 20th of June. Peking had formidable defenses. The city was surrounded by walls that spanned 21 miles with 16 gates. The wall around the inner city was 40 feet tall and 40 feet wide. On the dreadful night of August 13, The Eight-Nation Alliance thought they failed their rescue mission because the sounds of heavy artillery and machine-gun fire could be heard within the city. Within those walls, another battle was taking place. The Pei-Tang cathedral was being sieged by the Boxers and the Chinese army. 28 foreign priests and nuns, 42 French and Italian soldiers, and 3400 Chinese Catholic citizens defended that church. Inside that church 2800 Chinese Christians took shelter. Several hundred people died from starvation and disease, while 66 of the 900 foreigners died and 150 were wounded during that battle. Sadly, the casualties among the Chinese Christians were not recorded. But that’s not all the battle still rages on! It’s now 3:00 am on August 14 that assault from the allies has started, each nation attacks a different gate. First to attack was the Russians who broke formation and took the Americans designated gate. This resulted in the Russian army getting pinned by opposing forces, 26 of their soldiers die and 102 are wounded. The Americans arrive at their gate at 11:03 am to find the Russians pinned down both join forces and scale the walls. By 4:30 pm the siege has ended. There were 60 recorded deaths and 205 wounded within the Eight-Nation Alliance. As a consequence, the city was looted and burned. Many of the nations committed atrocities and even the captured civilians, missionaries and Chinese citizens pillaged the city for all it’s worth. At the end of it all, China had to pay $335 million (over $4 billion in current dollars) plus interest for 39 years, exile the government supporters of the Boxers, and destroy Chinese forts within northern China. The Qing Dynasty would end in 1911 as a consequence of the Boxer Rebellion. Alright, the history lesson is over, we’ll be returning to the analysis. Slate took part in both battles. He massacred the Lakota Sioux peoples and set fire to Peking. During that battle, he lost 30 men and his left eye. He’s so obsessed about these battles that he forces Booker and Elizabeth to combat his soldiers through “replicas” of them. These battles also have shaped his personality and identity. Therefore Comstock changing history hurt Slate since he was part of that chaos and he’s the one who suffered. To Slate, you should never change history, especially if you didn't fight within it. Most of the time Slate's SI function is used interchangeably with his TE function. However, his SI function is overdeveloped and refuses to let go of the past. Instead, he’ll drag others into like Booker and Elizabeth. Here are 2 examples influenced by SI usage that involve protagonists. As Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth enter the Hall of Heroes, they spot a grand statue of Zachery Comstock. Slate immediately contacts Booker and remembers him being a true soldier and demands Booker to kill his men. “All my men have left is a choice: die at the hands of a tin soldier, or a real one!” This forces Booker's hand who has no interest in harming Slate or his men. We can see another example after Booker kills Slate’s men, Slate calls Booker a hero and Booker disagrees. Slate then explains to Booker that if he takes away all parts of Booker DeWitt that Booker tries to erase, then what’s left? Slate is suggesting that our past is exactly what makes us. By deleting your past, you delete yourself. The last example of his SI function can be seen within his attire. To further prove he’s still living in the past and denial, Slate still wears his uniform but with a twist, he has an American flag on his right shoulder and a Pinkerton badge on his eye. It’s possible Slate views the Pinkerton detective agency as an organization that deserves his respect thus uses it to cover his left eye to fill what he’s missing with justice and law. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Intuition Slate often ignores the NE function for his dominant TE and auxiliary SI functions but will use it effectively when he feels threatened or wants to prove a point. Slate has a problem with Comstock altering history other than his strong personal feelings towards the subject. Changing history means Comstock is becoming a tyrant and will silence anyone who opposes him, including Slate himself who is a known war hero. Slate proves his point by having Elizabeth and Booker walk-through Comstock’s false history. Slate also ends being correct about Comstock silencing him. His disagreements with the prophet got him arrested and sent to work in Finkton. Slate isn’t dumb though and saw this situation as an opportunity and joined the Vox populi. He knew that after he’d defeat Comstock he’d be labelled as an assassin and would trade Comstock’s lie for another. This suggests that thinks the Vox populi would change history to indoctrinated younger generations as Comstock did. His analysis is completely based on inductive logic and patterns that have occurred in our history. This type of thinking can be seen within individuals who use both TE and NE. TI users rely on deductive and situational logic. Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling The FI function is pretty tricky with Slate, since most of his feelings are driven by his past and how he refuses to let go of it. Oh, and he’s also gone completely mad. Naturally, this causes him to become trapped in an FI grip. For Slate, he must remain as true to himself as possible, and he projects this idea onto his soldiers. Slate believes he’s still a soldier, therefore he must do his duty as one, and if that fails he must die as one. Slate and his men believe to die in battle is honorable, but they don’t want to die to fake “Tin men” but rather a real soldier such as Booker DeWitt who’s proven his worth time and time again. This belief is so extreme that if Booker refuses to kill Slate at the end of the Hall of Heroes battle, he will equate Booker to a heartless “Tin Man” and will allow himself to get captured by Comstock to be tortured into submission. To Slate, if a real soldier like Booker doesn’t kill him then he is not worthy of an honorable death. Here’s a bonus fact. Ken Levine’s inspiration to create Slate was driven by the pathologizing of soldiers in war. In the end, Cornelius Slate was a victim of his own inner war. An unwavering soldier to the end. https://youtu.be/jJMc0ishwbs
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Zachery Hale Comstock Zachery Hale Comstock is the Main Antagonist of BioShock Infinite and the Secondary Protagonist/Antagonist of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Since he’s part of two multi-verses so we’ll be segmenting this analysis into 2 parts. BioShock Infinite: The Main Story. Burial at Sea Comstock: This takes place after the events of Bioshock Infinite and concludes Comstock’s story. Dominant Function: Extroverted Feeling Our baddie Zachery Hale Comstock is a superb example of an unhealthy FE user. He’s a pathological liar and a master of manipulation. He was so charismatic and popular with the people that the United States government funded his creation of Columbia. This is where we see his influence explode. He created a party called The Founders and instilled the beliefs he gained from the culture below upon them. Before we proceed, keep in mind that America’s society in the late 19th century had vastly different views and values than today's American society. Some of the views revolved around elitism, militarism, white supremacy, and ultra-nationalism. Comstock being an unhealthy FE user took those values to heart and turned it up a notch. Even the Confederacy has nothing on this guy. Eventually, Comstock met Rosalind Lutece, and they both worked together for a while. He provided her income to fuel her research and experimentation. She made his city float Comstock knows how to strike a good deal! As time advanced Comstock gained more power and influence over his subjects, he proclaimed himself as The Prophet of their society. He used tears created by the Lutece machine and “predicted” the future to prove that he could see the future. His supporters concluded he could truly predict the future, and he against used that to his advantage and furthered his ambitions. A lot of this information can be found on the Wiki for Comstock and The Founders. Now we’ll be looking into Fe examples we can recognize within the game. The most obvious example is how Comstock can manipulate anyone into believing him by using emotional pitches. He often does this to both Booker and Elizabeth. Here are two examples. For Booker’s example Comstock had all his guards stand down because he wanted to deceive Booker into accepting that he’s an omnipotent prophet that knows everything about him, this does somewhat get under Booker’s skin. This tactic was designed to dishearten Booker by making him feel insignificant and powerless against the almighty being that is Zachery Comstock. For Elizabeth, he attempts to mislead her into believing that Booker is the false shepherd that would lead her astray and then he uses the siphon on her causing her to scream in pain while explaining that he does all this for love. This is a classic example of the manipulation tactic called “playing the victim” where the abuser pretends they’re the victim and that they don’t want to hurt the actual victim. Almost every action Comstock takes is driven by his overwhelming emotions. Even his desire to burn the Sodom below was because America disowned him after he opened fire on Chinese citizens during the Boxer Rebellion. Oh, this also caused him to promote Columbia as the only true America to further unite the people in by making them feel unique.   Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition Zachery Comstock may be a fake prophet, but man does he ever use his NI function effectively! I’ll be explaining this through a brief story about how Comstock was born. At 16 years old, Booker DeWitt felt regret for his actions at Wounded Knee and sought redemption through baptism. From that baptism, he was forever changed. He no longer was Booker DeWitt, for he was born anew in the blood of the lamb! After this event, he changed his name to Zachery Hale Comstock and his identity along with it. Comstock became infatuated with Christianity and wanted to share his beliefs with everyone, after all, it saved him from his sinful past. One day an angel named Columbia gave him a vision of a city that he would create for his followers. He named the city Columbia after the angel. According to the wiki, Comstock began to view the idea of America as “the New Eden,” and the Founding Fathers as prophets of God’s Great Plan. His vision was now set into motion he immediately turned the Founding Fathers George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin into saints who would guide his citizens to righteousness. As time passed Comstock’s idea grew more and more radical. This caused disagreements with the American government leading to Columbia and Comstock being disowned by them. Comstock’s idea of America being “the New Eden” was challenged he then later claimed Columbia was the only “True America” and the true New Eden! Now that we know that information we can discuss NI examples that can be seen in the game. We can observe our first example in his action to murder Lady Annabelle Comstock and the Luteces. Our dastardly villain predicted that his wife would betray him by telling the citizens of Columbia that Elizabeth was not their daughter. To stop this from happening, he formulated a plot, murder Lady Comstock while her maid Daisy Fitzroy was working and blamed it on her. As for the Luteces, Comstock predicted, once they saw the future he wanted for Columbia they’d try to stop him. He was right. He sent Jeremiah Fink to sabotage their Lutece Device while both Rosalind Lutece and Robert Lutece were inside of it. This killed them, but also indirectly caused the Luteces to exist across all space and time…  We can see our second example in how Comstock changed history to make him and Columbia look like heroes while antagonizing minorities and individuals who fight for them such as Abraham Lincoln. He knows if history contradicts his actions people will see him as a fraud, therefore why not change history? Comstock is a clever man, I’ll give him that. Before we discuss our last example there is a downfall to using too much NI, this can be seen at the end of the game when Booker and Elizabeth meet Comstock face to face. He realizes that he planned everything for nothing. He should've just went to Elizabeth in person and convinced her to join his cause using charisma. Instead of waiting for Booker to rescue her and bring her to him. Sometimes the practical solution can be the most effective. Too much NI causes an individual to become delusional with their dreams and visions, which disconnects them from reality. Such as believing your city is the new Noah’s ark, and that it’s your duty to cleanse the Sodom below of sin through righteous fire because you were chosen by God! Yep… Speaking of setting the world on fire, our final NI example is exactly that. Comstock had a vision that Elizabeth would be the one to set the world below on fire and guess what? He was right. Too bad he also didn’t realize that Elizabeth would break out of her brainwashed state and save Booker from death to stop this all from happening. Still, he’s one hell of a prophet. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing Zachery Hale Comstock does not shy away from this function, he embraces it and often enters FE-SE loops. He often uses this function when he’s manipulating others by reading their body language and using it against them. His Se function also manifests within his surroundings if anything Comstock is obsessed with the idea of beauty and tries to make everything he’s involved within look stunning such as his fake history museum exhibit within the Hall of Heroes. The design of the Columbia which he designed himself or the sheer beauty of his personal chambers. Fun fact we often observe this level of interest in beauty within INFJs and INTJs, which is fascinating. This is because the NI function absorbs information from the unconscious mind which makes them highly sensitive to beauty, be it visual, metaphorical, or otherwise. One of the most interesting in-game examples of his SE can be seen when Comstock presents himself in front of an armed Booker DeWitt and commands a nun to set herself on fire to slow down Booker from reaching Monument Island. He does this to mess with Booker because he knows Booker will survive the outcome, but he wants to see him struggle before he reaches Elizabeth. Inferior Function: Introverted Thinking  Comstock neglects his TI function. This is because he has an extremely developed FE function. This causes him to not rationally think out solutions since his decisions are based on his emotions and morals. He believes the world should burn because America didn’t agree with his "righteous and pure” ideals and principles. This is because he truly believes he was chosen by God, therefore his reasoning must be just and true. If you disagree with it, then you are not worthy and will either be disposed of or humiliated. We can see his lack of TI in allowing Booker to meet him in person. Comstock knows Booker is dangerous and has killed everything he’s thrown at him, yet he assaults Elizabeth in front of him. What did he think would happen? Did he assume Booker would just allow him to harm Elizabeth in front of him without any consequences? No, instead Comstock thought he could use emotional manipulation to get what he wanted from the situation and relied on his vision that Elizabeth would serve his goals regardless of what happened. Truly a foolish way to die. Before we wrap up this analysis, we’ll be looking into the last example of his poor usage of the TI function. This example takes place in the Burial at Sea DLC. In an alternate universe where Comstock and Booker fought over Anna and instead of Comstock winning, he lost to Booker. Sadly Booker wasn’t able to pull away Anna from Comstock fast enough this caused the tear to decapitate her. Fun fact! For that to have happened the Luteces sent over 123 alternate Booker DeWitts to Comstock universes to stop Comstock from winning over Anna. In one of these universes, after losing Anna, Booker ended up becoming the leader of the Vox populi. This means both Comstock and Booker who are the same person waged wars on themselves. Man, I love this lore of this game! Anyway, back to our analysis. Comstock was mortified by the decapitation of Anna and instead of finding a rational way of dealing with the situation he decided he was done with it all and asked the Luteces to send him far away from his timeline. They obliged and sent him to Rapture. The effects of using a tear caused Comstock to forget who he was and returned him to being Booker DeWitt. However, that didn’t fix the core issue Comstock has shared through each multiverse version of himself. His goal is always to steal Booker’s child and if he couldn’t succeed that he’d get another child. That core issue would be his downfall, ignorance doesn’t fix our problems. Eventually, Elizabeth, filled with vengeance, hunted him down as he was masquerading as Booker DeWitt. She exploited his problem and made him realize who he was. After Comstock realized who he was, a Big Daddy impaled him with his drill. Thus ending his life. Elizabeth’s goal in breaking the circle succeeded. All because Comstock didn’t have enough introspection to deal with his problems in a logical and mature way. https://youtu.be/Dp3rHyO1kQw
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