#ENFP 7w6
camzverse · 1 month
vanessa shelly is sooo sp6. u dont even know. its insane
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mistype360 · 1 month
i’m curious about the e8 sin of lust/excess, i’m an e9 and i do relate to the “self laziness” thing but i also definitely crave the sensory experience and stimulation, the satisfaction, the “adventure” and feeding of my “hunger” and to do what i want autonomously and to live life to the fullest/on “10” - but i’m also a se dom with a 7 fix lmao 😭 so i wonder where the distinction is i guess?
what an interesting, complex, beautiful, stimulating question 🥺🥺 mamma mia
e7: gluttony
i feel like the difference between e7 and e8 is the same difference between gluttony and lust.
lust (8) is all about intensity or "quality." gluttony (7) is all about "quantity."
up to some point, an 8 will be satisfied with what they have, but 7's don't really ever feel satisfied. an 8 will seek joy, pleasure and whatnot until they feel "powerful" or "in control." a 7 won't ever feel like they have enough no matter how much they have.
another difference is that 8's are much more focused on a set amount or specific pleasure. for example, they might have a certain vision that they really really really want to travel the world (as you say, is your "adventure"). drinking might make them happy, but they could never substitute that for traveling.
a 7 on the other hand will find a way to fulfill themselves no matter what. if the are unable to travel, they'll "fill the hole" with other things: gambling, watching tv, etc. sure, they might be small differences. but they get the same feeling from all.
the 8 seeks a "thing." the 7 seeks a "feeling"
e9: numbness
i think e9 and e8's difference is relatively clear in terms of hunger, but e9 and e7 are very very similar in the aspect of indulgences you describe- especially an sp9.
descriptions just don't do them justice when trying to tell the difference, so i will give an example:
an enneagram 7 likes to party. they come back from a night out, and they feel great! but after a while that feeling goes away and they just want more. they go to another one, and another one, and another one...and they keep thinking that each time will be better than the last. it's a constant chase, but it's as if they can never really achieve it
an enneagram 9 has already given up. they realize that parties are unfulfilling and recognize how it might harm them. but a single moment they feel happy at the party is basically enough for them to keep doing it. it's almost as if instead of chasing, like the e7, they have just "given up" and let themselves indulge. they kind of have this "eh, whatever" thinking: "i am going to seek this out anyways so might as well go"
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disneymbti · 3 months
Hello! Could I request The Halliwell sisters (Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige) from Charmed for the MBTI?
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Prue Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon and Capricorn Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral [The Balanced]
These characters believe in balance and avoid taking sides. They don’t take moral or ethical stances, but assess situations pragmatically.
Piper Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISFJ [The Defender]
ISFJ types need time alone to re-energize. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and prefer to focus on the details of every situation. They listen to and follow past experience and present understandings.
Defenders prioritize the emotional needs of others. They make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what might make most logical sense.
They also prefer structure and organization, tending to follow rules and processes to an end goal. They are responsible and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Pisces Moon and Taurus Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Taurus Rising: Those with Taurus risings exude grace and sophistication, and handle business with a sweet disposition.
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
Phoebe Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Pisces Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Sagittarius Moon: The Moon is considered to be lucky in Sagittarius, as it brings excitement, adventure, and abundance. However, those with Sagittarius Moons can be defensive at times.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
Paige Matthews' MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENTP [The Debater]
As extroverts, ENTP types have higher levels of energy and love being around other people. They tend to avoid being alone.
They are more interested in the big picture than on specifics and details. They love solving complex problems and have a great sense of intuition. 
Debaters make decisions based on logic. They care less about what makes people happy and more about what’s right.
They dislike schedules and routine, preferring to keep their options open. They love surprise experiences and challenge the need for rules and regulations.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon and Aquarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about.
Aquarius Rising: This rising sign can speak lucidly on a number of topics, using their lofty knowledge to charm crowds and solve problems alike.
Enneagram Type: 4w5 [The Free Spirit]
Basic Fear: Four wing fives fear having no impact on the world. They may be reserved, but they seek recognition and admiration.
Basic Desire: They desire their own personal identity, and may retreat within themselves to discover who they really are.
Free Spirits tend to defend themselves either by withdrawing from others or adapting characteristics of loved ones.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil [The Tyrant]
These characters are well-organized and disciplined, but use rules and order to serve their own sinister purposes.
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sp6ghetti · 2 years
Enneatype 7 summarised!!
Core type- Passion: gluttony. E7s think that when something brings them pleasure, they should need an unlimited amount of said things to keep themselves happy. They continue this routine until they reach a state of uncomfort and so the cycle goes. Fixation: planning. While this isn’t the typical idea people have by the word planning, it's still very future focused. The mind constantly goes from one thing to another, considering many projects to take on at once. Trap: idealism. The e7 wants to form the present in a way that makes the future seem ideal. Later being disappointed by it and starting over once again. Defence mechanism: rationalisation. To avoid unhappiness they logicalize, rationalise, their negative emotions to lessen their effects and so stay focused on whatever it is they’ve dumped themselves on. Virtue: sobriety. Instead of starting and dropping project after project, they need to find a way to focus on patience and learn that external pleasure won’t get them the perfect future they desire. Key traits: Self-referencing, positive reframing/optimism, hedonism, rebelliousness, lack of focus/discipline.
Subtypes-  Self preservation [sp]: The sp7 is focused the most on the actual reality they’re in. Instead of merely thinking about what they want they focus on actually getting there. Because of this they can often be seen as more self-centred. On occasion they might even use other people to materialise this future they strive for.  Sexual [sx]: Opposite to the materialisation of the sp7, sx7s do mostly dream. True reality is too boring to them, so instead they focus on made up opportunities to escape this. They can often be very gullible into believing the best case scenarios, constantly searching for these to escape the pain that is ordinaryness.  Social [so]: So7s strive to create reality perfect for everyone. Their gluttony is more focused on the group than themselves, they would gladly give something away if someone else needed it more. They can look similar to e2s, the main difference is that so7s don’t necessarily need the love and attention e2s want. 
Contradictions- INTP, ISTP, INTJ, ISTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, INFJ, ISFP, ESFP, ESFJ, ESTJ While Naranjo compares e7 and INTJ at some point in character and neurosis, this comparison doesn’t make much sense to me. He describes far too many cognitively extroverted traits for the type to even be a bit compatible, so I'm very sceptical of this. On top of introversion, another (partial) incompatible dichotomy is sensing, this is mostly due to their fixation and trap. However, the passion gluttony makes sp7 debatable for ESTP. Types you might want to look into if you are on this list are e2, e3, e4, e5, e8 and e9.
Compatible types-  Self preservation: ENTP, ESTP, ENTJ Sexual: ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ Social: ENTP, ENFP, ENFJ
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scruffycatio · 1 year
ENFP 7w8 teasing INTJ 5w6 for kissing ENTP 7w6 while ISFP 9w1 is like 😒
ENFP: intj kissed entp!
INTJ: no I didn’t!
ENFP: yes you did!
INTJ: didn’t!
ENFP: diiiiiiiid
INTJ: did…not!
ENFP: did did did did did did did did did did did
ISFP: *Ahem*
ISFP: ugh I could break this tie ISFP: They totally did.
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding Type 7
An intro to enneagram 7
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Alex Russo (WOWP) ESTP 7w8 sp/sx
Core Desire (Fullfilment)- They crave joy and happiness. They love the idea of a truly satisfied life. 
Vice (Gluttony)- Will look to ignore reality in order to find more pleasurable outcomes in which pain isnt a possibility. 
Fixation (Exploration)- They are interested in looking for multiple ways to find enjoyment in their life. 
7w6 (The Pathfinder)- Due to the 6 wing this type 7 will focus in interpersonal side of joy. They will look for comfort and joy in the company of others. They are Enthusiastic and kind. They can be seen as goofy or childish. Maybe be a bit anxious compared to the 7w8. Since their wing is 6 they will focus on being more likable and approachable to others. 
7w8 (The Opportunist) - The 7w8 finds joy on its own power and ambition. They are less jovial than the 7w6 and more grounded in reality and focused on the reality of things rather than distracting themselves with interpersonal connections. Due to the wing 8 they can be seen as uncaring and uninterested in anything concerning themselves. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
While E5 distracts themselves with knowledge and the E6 district themselves through interpersonal journey the E7 runs away in from orders in order to find joy and fun. 
Harmonic Triad- Positive (2-7-9)
Will create situations to distract themselves from the bad things In life even if it is self sabotaging. 
Hornevian Triad- Assertive (3-7-8)
They have a demand to have fun and can be seen as entitled to get what they want in this demand.
Object Relations- Frustration (1-4-7)
Will have shallow experiences in life in the look for true emotional satisfaction. 
Social (so)- Since this is the counter type of 7 this subtypes will not focus on the look for joy and happiness through their selfish wants but rather will focus on acts of virtue and service in order to help others. Due to being a Soc type they will focus on the outer world in which they can create a world where everyone can expirience joy and happiness equally. This subtype will counter the 7s vice (gluttony) through acts of service and due to this they may look like E2. 
Ex- Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) ENFP 7w6 so/sp, Buffy Summers (BTVS) ESFP 7w6 so/sx and Dani Clayton (THOBM) ENFP 7w6 so/sx 
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Sexual (sx)- This subtype will focus on the look for an interpersonal relationship that can make them forget the world away. They want to find joy through an ideal relationship. Their view of the world tends to be more empathic and kind that it actually is. Often will ignore the bad of situations and others due to this. This subtype isnt interested in subverting their gluttony but finding it through interpersonal connections. They want to attract others with this idea of the world as a Utopia. They can look like E8 or E9. 
Theodore “Laurie” Laurence (Little Woman) ISFP 7w6 sx/sp , Maya Ishi-Peters (PEN15) ESFP 7w8 sx/so and Jules Vaugh (Euphoria) ENFP 7w6 sx/sp
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Self-Preservation (sp)- The self-preservation 7 will over indulge in their own needs and will often only associate who agree with these needs. Due to this they are good at social networking and will often be surrounded by allot of friends. They often prioritize social networking and they find joy in the distraction of their own social needs and they tend to be the one that indulges in their gluttony the most. They can often look like E3 (but without the interest in status or goals) or E6 (Without the anxiety and paranoia). 
Ex- Fleabag ENTP 7w8 sp/sx , Ava Coleman (Abbott Elementary) ESTP 7w8 sp/sx and Hailey Dunphy (Modern Family) ESTP 7w8 sp/sx 
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 5
Positive-  They learn to become more objective and will be more careful with their habits. Will present a more mature and composed exterior. 
Negative- They'll become aggressive and avoidant of any responsibility
Moves to 1
Positive- Gains a lot of more discipline and control over their actions. 
Negative- Frigid and uninterested in anything other than being nitpicky and stingy. 
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
The Truman Show: Truman Burbank [ENFP 7w6]
MBTI Type: ENFP It took Truman a long time to realize his life was all a lie (why would he distrust it?), but one or two weird incidents causes him to start noticing the patterns all around him that, until then, he had been wholly oblivious to with his low sensing function—such as people going around the block on a loop, to make the place seem busy. Things happening on clue. Elevators that don’t…
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roboobin · 1 year
i love mbti i love astrology i love enneagram i love dumb personality things i love sorting my friends
yes i am autistic what about it
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phlve · 2 years
Subtype Trait Structures: sx7
The sexual E7 is a particular form of quackery. He tends to talk a lot, even more than the other subtypes of the E7. He is a loquacious and talkative character, who does not stop occupying the space with the word. It really does have a lot of struggles, you could almost say an inability to be quiet, in a chatter that is defined by its superficiality, thematic dispersal, and inability to go deeper.
Verbal incontinence, together with the speed and mental effervescence that it possesses, turn the talk of a sexual E7 into a bombardment of words that ends up devastating in an almost hypnotic chain of light ideas that, one after another, end up being heavy.
The underlying motivation is to release anxiety, and fill the inner void and the interpersonal space with words. It is also a way to control one's own and others' emotions. What is important is not so much what is said but the expression itself (language in phatic function). It's pure oral incontinence. If a sexual E7 is asked about what he just said, he may have a hard time repeating it, because he doesn't even listen to himself.
Grandiose and Exaggerated
He is a character with delusions of grandeur, who looks at life in a big way, who makes excessive plans that he later cannot achieve... But that grandiloquence and exaggeration hides the need for a look that will rescue him from his low self-esteem. He confuses being admired with cultivating his self-love; hence, he measures his personal worth based on how dazzled others are.
His narcissistic self-inflation attempts to compensate for his schizoid inner emptiness and less admissible feelings of unworthiness, insecurity, and guilt, of which he is often unaware. Deep down, he reassures himself and self-indulgences so much, through the recognition of others, that it is not surprising that he is defined as an “enchanted charmer.”
By exhibitionism we understand here that particular way of constantly attracting attention practiced by the sexual E7. Both his attire (garishly colored, sometimes with feathers or exotic accessories and, in general, not very discreet) as well as his way of moving and speaking denote an intense activity aimed at becoming the center of attention. It is like a peacock, only with a peculiar way of understanding elegance, which is not exactly what the canons command, but rather that of a mountebank or a buffoon.
His verbal incontinence and his exhibitionism make the E7 sexually invasive. With words and gestures, he occupies the mental and even physical space of the other. Is capable of diverting attention or the focus of the conversation by making parallel comments, introducing new distracting incepts, with jokes that change the mood or simply blurting out some superficiality out of context. Interrupts conversations, either directly or with encouragement sideways as a whisper. He is an expert destabilizer of meetings or conversations that do not interest him or in which he is not the center of attention.
He sneaks into parties where he hasn't been invited, shows up unannounced, takes places or privileges he hasn't earned... Of course, once he manages to be attended to, he doesn't easily let go of the place of centrality, food of his narcissism.
Impertinent and Cheekiness
It combines freshness with a shamelessness that reaches rudeness. He is capable of approaching and confronting the source of power so equally, with such daring, that it borders on irreverence. In his approaches, he is usually very direct and self-assured, even limiting the unpleasant effects of his impudence with jokes and various complications, putting vaseline on at every step.
However, under his apparent friendliness and sense of humor, he has scathing and corrosive words. In the irony he hides his competitiveness and even contempt and, aggressively, he exhibits his dialectical skills to ridicule his opponents with devastating weapons. His impudence comes from the incontinence of his desires, which they do impulsively, straight to what they want immediately. It is a staging of their rebellion and indiscipline. Either by A or by B, the focus is directed both at destabilizing the other and at attracting attention. Depending on the fear that he has of the situation, and depending on the strength that he grants to the other, he will use the style of covert rebellion, guerrilla warfare type, or the most open and daring, sniper type. It is common that, in a conference or meeting, he interrupts the speaker, asking some incisive and far-fetched question that nobody understands. It is possible that the subject does not interest him too much, but he will abuse the word as a way to show off to the group.
The impudence of the sexual E7 can be such that he dares to preach what he lacks so much, that is, being ethical and honest. It is not uncommon to hear him giving advice or moralizing, from idealization, about what is correct. To remember here that the E7 suffers a direct influence of the moralism, rigidity, and perfection of the E1. As the preacher Groucho Marx teaches: “The secret of life is honesty and fair play; if you can simulate that, you've done it."
An Oblivious Clown
He can approach social situations with ease, aided by his low sense of the ridiculous as well as the courage to use himself as a caricature. He is especially witty at making fun of himself. He has little shame and makes fun of his own faults or defects as a way of taking iron from them. He is adept at parodying his own life.
It would seem that the sexual E7 does not know how to be anywhere other than the joke. Always sharpening everything, the sweetener, useful in so many moments, ends up cloying. The abuse of humor makes him invasive, impertinent, and inadequate in many moments in which that attitude does not apply.
He is admiring himself through the fascination he provokes in others as a springboard to feel above others, with aggressive and haughty attitudes. The more admiration you receive, the more you come down and feed the belief that you are “special,” unique, and superior.
Such is the degree of self-referentiality that is the center of attention, and denies the value of others, reduced to mere providers of admiration, a silent public that gives him the egoic pleasure of capturing your interest.
Dreamer With Magic Thinking
It is usual for him to practice various esotericisms, parapsychology, or exotic religions, and to surround himself with an aura of accentuated new age spirituality or practice healthy lifestyles, or anything else designed to attract attention while giving himself airs of transcendental maturity.
Ultimately, he does not stop being a dreamer. Someone who needs to spend a good part of his time in the fantasy worlds he cultivates, disconnected from reality, is oblivious to problems.
Although he does not lack empathy to identify with others, and tends to be kind, humane, and even emotional, his difficulty in connecting with a genuine interest in others is enormous. The sexual E7 is a person with great affective disconnection towards those who return to him, an aspect that, although he is not very aware of it, is one of the most painful for him. In the long run, he feels alone and isolated, since he does not establish real contact but through his self-image. And although he is inflamed by his abilities and triumphs, deep down he himself is aware that he has no real achievements and feels internally fraudulent, quite insecure, and fragile.
Like all E7, the sexual subtype can also be defined as selfish. The priority is the satisfaction of one's desires, everything else is left behind in the order of priorities. He does not see the other; only his own navel. And, of course, he believes that he doesn't need anyone to be well, that he can only handle the vicissitudes of life... Without being the most tricky of the sweet tooth (title held by the conservation E7), he is also a slave to his own desire and shows no scruples when it comes to going for what he wants. Once he succeeds, there is also no remorse for the forms employed, like the child who, unable to contain his frustration, went for the candy at all costs.
Self-indulgence serves as a justification for fraud. The sexual E7 can tell himself and others any kind of story, with the most unlikely alibis to justify his dubious behaviors. He lives in a kind of chronic fiction, entertainment, and permanent comedy that ultimately allows him to do what you want and when you want. And, unlike the conservation E7, he tends to believe his own lies, self-suggesting them.
Explosive and Hypersensitive
A mental character but with an emotional tendency denied in the background. In his day to day, hysterical tantrums are not uncommon, moments in which his understanding is clouded, and he behaves like a small child who, not being attended to, explodes.
This feature also has to do with the general susceptibility of the E7. These are people with such a high sense of their personal importance that anything offends them, and in the case of sexuality, this jeopardy reaches the point of hypersensitivity.
Anti-hierarchical Escapist
They tend to establish non-hierarchical, horizontal relationships, either with the subordinate or with the boss. It establishes a colleague, a closeness, a complicity that, apparently, facilitates camaraderie and trust. Their managerial style is condescending, giving permission for everyone to say and do what they want, but delegating much of the responsibility for tasks to the subordinate. Ultimately, he tends to hang himself, both procrastinating on his tasks and abusively relying on his co-workers. Something similar usually happens in their personal relationships.
Head in the Clouds
In addition to escaping from his responsibilities, he is absent-minded, a “freak” who usually lacks grounding and the ability to get organized in the practical things of life. It is not very well known where his head is or his existential priorities; what is clear is that his thoughts are not of this world.
Childish Optimism
He is an optimistic, lively, fun person... at least on the surface. He has already been designated “the clown of the enneagram” for his immense ability to laugh and make a joke out of any situation. In fact, most of the great comedians are sexual E7s.
Optimism and humor are not only at the service of highlighting the humorous side of situations, but also affect the cheerful spirit of the sexual E7, in its liveliness and joy. Optimistic ingenuity is the lubricant that allows the sexual E7 to glide through existence without the friction of living.
The sexual E7 has remained in that early stage in which the child laughs at anything. There is still no broader understanding that anticipates the sufferings of life and, in the face of any face or stimulus from the environment, the child returns a smile. The hope and joy of living is such that it is only possible to smile with dedication and enthusiasm.
Impatient, Impulsive, and Intolerant of Frustration
Although he anticipates a lot and acts from the mind, he is often carried away by his impulses. The sexual E7 has a low tolerance for frustration and wants to be one step ahead of reality itself, like a capricious child who, when he wants something, wants it now.
In permanent movement, jumping from one space to another both physically and mentally, he is usually nervous and quiet, with a lot of physical agitation and difficulty staying in one place for a long time. Internally it is also changeable and variable, easily alternating ideas and arguments. Corporally, they are jumpy people, with zigzag, sharp, run over movements. They find it difficult to sit or stay in the same position for a long time, they have difficulty stopping, being at rest. This constant mobility even makes him frequently change his profession, address, partner... Restless agitation is a mechanism to avoid contact with the inner world, where he could connect with discomfort. It's like surfing the waves of life's discomfort, tiptoeing through situations.
Behind the impatience and speed is not wanting to get lost or give up anything. The sexual E7 believes that if it stays in one place (external or internal), or simply slows down, it will have to give up fantastic possibilities in the world's great market. Stopping would also imply attenuating the initial excitement that the new arouses and sustaining the boredom that the stability of the known entails.
Avoiding suffering and repressing pain leads to hypersensitivity to any sign of physical discomfort, which soon turns into constant worry. The sexual E7 has not received attentive and adequate care, and has not found an attentive listening on the part of the adults who had to protect him. Let's say that, also in this sense, he has experienced abandonment.
Furthermore, by taking on a minstrel role to alleviate his mother's sorrows, he had to hide his own. This lack of care and the fear of death itself cause, in the event of any physical symptom, to enter a state of diffuse anxiety that can turn into hypochondria. This indeterminate form of care on one hand reveals his deep fear and on the other, an attempt to take care of himself.
Hypochondriasis increases at the moment when, not having the ability to work through their anxiety, it produces psychosomatic symptoms and a vicious circle is entered.
Source: PDB Wiki
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boshimisnes · 8 months
pls make this real in theory
ship dynamic this ship dynamic that. just consider. a done-with-it dad-energy dumb-smart enthusiast paired with a rabid ravaging rancid rad-yo-whaddup loyalist. yes, the enneagram numbers. yes, he's gay and he's aro-ace. yes, it's qpr. yes, it's the two wolves inside me. one of them is a bear. that's my fursona. yes, i have a fursona. he has a theoretical neural construct of a wolf boyfriend. but they're just mates.
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Now let’s talk about Conscious Disintegration for 6. 6 -> 3. I think it means entering into the 3-ish need to be seen as a stand-out for your achievements, without lying to yourself that you don’t want that.
Perhaps a lot of 6s find relief in identifying as 4s because it is their attempt to Consciously Disintegrate. These 6s really really want to face their Shame, Self-Hate, Image-based neediness, and sense of Inadequacy, which is all caused by 6 -> 3 disintegration not done consciously.
6s have to acknowledge their raging desire to prove they are competent and better than others, instead of pretend they are just the humble helpful Everyman with nothing special about me, Uwu. This is scary for 6s to admit not just from an emotional perspective but from a pragmatic, logical perspective too. The desire to stand out and be exceptional comes with the burden of so much fear. Okay, this is where I really start to relate.
6s can only move to 9 and enjoy life fearlessly once they have acknowledged their 3-ish need for recognition and identity as competent, efficient, great people, with all of the burdens this implies.
It is no wonder a lot of 6s are inf Tes or tert Tes. It fucking sucks admitting we need to be competent and put conscious effort into our competency. it doesn’t come naturally to us.
(I pose there are more low Te 8s than we suspect too. Though 8 has more to do with low Ni than low Te. 8 -> 5 is more about embracing the need for limitations, mental structure, reflection upon your experiences and clearer vision of your own motivations and thoughts and feelings. But 5 is a competency type and Fi rarely likes any sort of competency very much…)
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nandorsaccent · 2 years
my boyfriend and i have the same personality types as ed and stede😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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mistype360 · 8 months
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disneymbti · 2 months
Ayo! Can you do an MBTI and Big three on Darkwing Duck and Launchpad McQuack?
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Darkwing Duck's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFJ [The Protagonist]
ENFJs are high-energy people who dislike spending too much time alone. They take initiative and tend to talk more than they listen.
They usually trust their intuition and focus on the future. They are good at analyzing complex ideas. 
Protagonists are motivated by feelings and values. They work to avoid conflict and are very diplomatic.
They like to make lists and schedules, preferring to follow a plan. They are hard-working and responsible.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon and Pisces Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Taurus Moon: The Moon loves to be in the zodiac sign Taurus. Those with Moon in Taurus delight in the earthly pleasures and seek out emotional security.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 2w3 [The Host]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two wing threes fear being unwanted or worthless. They usually avoid this by building personal connections with others and working hard to meet the needs of the community.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people.
Hosts tend to suppress their own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral [The Judge]
These characters are all about order and organization. They strictly follow laws, regardless of whatever it leads to good or evil outcomes.
Launchpad McQuack's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon and Leo Rising
Sagittarius Sun: Sagittarius is governed by the expansive planet Jupiter, and is known for a free-spirited, globe-trotting, philosophical mindset — and wild streak.
Pisces Moon:  Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Leo Rising: Leo ascendants bask in the glow of sunlight, radiating positivity and charm. Performers through and through, those with this friendly, radiant, and outgoing placement exude confidence and strength.
Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
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anime-addictt · 8 months
Spy x Family
Loid Forger - INTJ 6w5 so/ap
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Yor Forger - ISFJ 9w1 sx/so
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Anya Forger - ENFP 7w6 sx/so
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Yuri Briar - ENTJ 6w5 so/sx
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Fiona Frost - ISTJ 5w6 sx/sp
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Damian Desmond - ESTJ 3w4 sp/so
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Franky Franklin - ENTP 7w6 sp/so
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Becky Blackbell - ESFP 2w3 sx/so
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elizaditton · 3 months
Too Small To Be Afraid Character Headshots!
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Hey guys!!! Thought I'd share some artwork I made of the TSTBA gang paired with a bit of info about them!
For those who don't know, Too Small To Be Afraid (which you can read here!) is about a human girl named Kaylin learning to overcome her fear of pertheans (who average 100+ feet tall) at school. I've put a lot of work and worldbuilding into the story over the years, and after so long it's finally blossoming into what I've always dreamed it would become! I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to read it.
ALSO... my commissions are currently open! I offer headshots like these (fully inked and colored) starting at $25! More info here!
Bios are also pasted below the cut! :)
Too Small To Be Afraid, its characters, and artwork © Eliza Ditton
Note: 1 point is 150 cm, or 59.05 inches.
Full Name: Kaylin Anne Finch
Gender: Female
Age: 17 at start of book
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.15 points)
Birthday: May 3rd, 2001 AD; Becka 11th, 2534 RE
Birthplace: Maedri, Koronia, Perthea
Personality: ISFJ-T
Full Name: Brittney Gonzales
Gender: Female
Age: 17 at start of book
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Half Latina, half Caucasian
Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.15 points)
Birthday: September 8th, 2000 AD; Kalea 9th, 2534 RE
Birthplace: Anadale, California, United States, Earth
Personality: ENFP-T; 7w6
Full Name: Derrick Allen Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 17 at start of book
Species: Perthean
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 24.72 points (121 ft 8 in)
Birthday: June 15th, 2000 AD; Rosan 2nd, 2534 RE
Birthplace: Chancelor, Koronia, Perthea
Personality: ESFJ-T; 2w3
Full Name: Kevin Emaeya
Gender: Male
Age: 17 at start of book
Species: Perthean
Ethnicity: Erisian
Height: 24.72 points (121 ft 8 in)
Birthday: August 12th, 2000 AD; Manya 8th, 2534 RE
Birthplace: Chancelor, Koronia, Perthea
Personality: ISTP-A; 6w5
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