#Ellen Furey
longleglegacy · 5 months
• "I Have Such a Horrible Voice" une œuvre de Gui B.B (Création + Direction artistique + Performance) en collaboration avec moi (Jad Mroue) (Conception sonore + Performance) • Œuvres en verre par Geneviève Grenier • Œil extérieur + Conseil dramaturgique + Voyance par Ellen Furey
"Dans un long poème corporel spectral, Gui B.B s’engage dans une exploration complexe de son expérience de la dette en y explorant la manière dont celle-ci est à la fois subie et combattue au sein de son propre corps. L’artiste établit un lieu symbolique trans où elle revendique l’ambiguïté, l’incertitude, l’hyper-vulnérabilité et le chaos. Elle nous convie ainsi dans un espace hanté où elle conjure la précarité inhérente à sa vie endettée, la métamorphosant en une force vitale. Elle exsude au passage son propre fantôme, comme l’offrande d’un corps qui échoue à n’être qu’un système.
Réfléchissant à la performance comme une pratique de construction de mondes, Gui B.B déploie des énoncés performatifs indisciplinaires où la théâtralité, l’ironie et la voix apparaissent comme matériaux principaux. En s’engageant dans différentes formes de parentés, tout en explorant une dramaturgie du corps revendicatrice, son processus fait émerger de nouvelles constellations, de possibles reconfigurations aux récits dominants. Dans un foisonnement d’objets-gestes, elle crée des espaces dans lesquels le public peut faire l’expérience du non-sens, une éruption d’altérations aux identifications normatives. C’est dans des espaces baroques qu’elle imagine des « trans-fictions » ludiques, des récits poétiques où se crée une mythologie dissidente."
Teaser réalisé, filmé et monté par moi et Gui B.B
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13bis · 6 years
SOFTLAMP.autonomies, Ellen Furey et Malik Nashad Sharpe, 2018.
via Ménagerie de verre
SOFTLAMP.autonomies is a dance co-created by Malik Nashad Sharpe (who regularly choreographs under the alias marikiscryrycry) and Ellen Furey, built on desires to embody not-yet-here, not-yet-attainable notions of solidarities across borders. It moves, dreams, and longs for re-configured and indeterminate conceptions of personal autonomy. Solo practices rub up against each other in order to test modalities of compassion and fellowship and also to generate pluralistic aesthetics that suggest possibilities beyond incessant nationalist and/or authoritarian visions conjuring coping mechanisms, anxiety rituals, theories, and more, as keys to our emotional survival in frightening times. SOFTLAMP.autonomies is an emptied slogan repurposed as a dance-floor ^ office with windows that open onto potential ruptures in the present, recurrent, hegemonic push. Our giant blood aunt, *Vaporwave, along with the invisible and undisclosed labour of each of her creators, embraces us in an aesthetic and under-dramatic, ultra midnight hug.
SOFTLAMP.autonomies est un objet chorégraphique co-créé par Ellen Furey et Malik Nashad Sharpe, qui signe régulièrement sous l'alias marikiscryrycry. Construit à partir du désir d'incarner des notions non-encore-existantes et non-encore-actualisables de solidarité à travers les frontières, cet objet interroge ce qui bouge, rêve et aspire à des conceptions reconfigurées et indéterminées de l'autonomie personnelle. Les solos travaillés se frottent les uns aux autres afin de mettre à l’essai des modalités de compassion et de sororité à l’œuvre. Sont ainsi générées des esthétiques pluralistes explorant les possibilités qui s’inscrivent par-delà les nationalismes et / ou les autoritarismes persistants et qui font apparaitre des clés de survie en ces temps effrayants, notamment divers mécanismes d'adaptation, des rituels anxiogènes, des théories, etc.  SOFTLAMP.autonomies est un slogan vidé de ses prémisses et reconverti en  bureau^dance-floor dont les fenêtres ouvrent sur des potentielles ruptures dans la montée actuelle, hégémonique et récurrente. Et notre giant blood aunt, *Vaporwave, accompagnée du travail invisible et invisibilisé des concepteurs et conceptrices, nous embrasse dans un câlin esthétique, sous-dramatique et ultra-nocturne.
img via La Chapelle twitter
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atlanticcanada · 4 years
N.L front-line health care workers receive province’s first COVID-19 vaccine
The first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was administered in Newfoundland and Labrador today.
Ellen Foley-Vik, a registered nurse with public health, and Dr. Jatin Morkar, a clinical chief with the medicine program received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the province this afternoon.
These are the names of the first recipients of the vaccine: Ellen Foley-Vik, registered nurse with public health 
Dr. Jatin Morkar, clinical chief with the medicine program 
Photo has Premier Furey holding the first dose ready to go.@NTVNewsNL #covid19nfld pic.twitter.com/mOCl6gtvky
— Kelly-Anne Roberts (@KellyAnneNTV) December 16, 2020
The vaccine itself will be distributed from the Health Sciences Centre in St. John’s, with additional administration sites planned for Gander, Corner Brook, Labrador City/Wabush and Happy Valley-Goose Bay.
Public Health officials say they hope to have 28 000 people in the province vaccinated by the first quarter of 2021.
In terms of who will be receiving this first round of inoculations, the priority list is as follows:
Congregate living settings for seniors
Health care workers at high risk of exposure of COVID-19 and those involved with the pandemic response
Advanced age individuals
Remote or isolated Indigenous communities
The post N.L front-line health care workers receive province’s first COVID-19 vaccine appeared first on ntv.ca.
from ntv.ca https://ift.tt/3ae3afr
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lisboabeat · 4 years
25.11.20 Crew Hassan  FatoMacaco 
FatoMacaco mergulha na obra poética do recém-falecido Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas. Partindo da poesia deste mestre do Surrealismo Português, as palavras serão guias numa sessão de improviso musical, ancorado em loops gravados ao vivo. Fato Macaco é poética Fato Macaco original Fato Macaco é orgânico Fato Macaco banal, Fato Macaco são Gonçalo Antunes e David Caiado.
Horário: 19:00
25.11.20 LUX FRÁGIL
Ela não está presente na pornografia deles. Não a encontramos nos seus erotismos.
Ela nem sequer faz parte do seu próprio mundo de fantasia. CUTLASS SPRING é o que sexo pode significar para mim neste momento.
Deambularei dentro de uma questão: como posso identificar a minha identidade sexual no seio de uma multiplicidade de identidades complementares e aparentemente contraditórias – enquanto intérprete, mãe, filha, amante, estranha? Traçarei uma educação sexual – com todas as suas encarnações, fabricações e dissociações. 
Seguirei essa trajetória até à forma menos explícita de pornografia, para descobrir o que refreio e o que torno explícito. Ela venderá o corpo e todas as muitas coisas que fazem parte da sua pessoa. Ela dar-se-á conta do que fica nela para contemplação sexual.
Avançando gradualmente em direção à ausência de censura, envolvendo o potencial infinito dos objetos quotidianos, CUTLASS SPRING é simultaneamente um manifesto e uma reflexão acesa, uma etnografia da compreensão sexual e uma arqueologia do desejo. Dana Michel & Michael Nardone
Dança 1.º Piso do Lux Frágil Integrado no Alkantara Festival 12€ Menores de 25 anos: 5€ Duração 60 min. O acesso ao Lux Frágil é para M/16 Criação e interpretação: Dana Michel Dinamizadores artísticos: Ellen Furey, Peter James, Mathieu Léger, Heidi Louis, Roscoe Michel, Karlyn Percil, Yoan Sorin, Alanna Stuart Consultor de som: David Drury Desenho de luz e Direção técnica: Karine Gauthier Produtora: Dana Michel Produção executiva: Par B.L.eux Distribuição: Key Performance, Anna Skonecka e Koen Vanhove Residências artísticas: Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans, National Arts Centre.
CounterPulse, Dancemakers, da:ns lab, Galerie du Dourven – Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, PAF - Performing Arts Forum, Par B.L.eux, Usine C, Reykjavík Dance Festival, Tanzhaus Zurich Apoio financeiro: Canada Council for the Arts, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec. Apoio: Visiting Dance Artist Program, a joint initiative of the National Arts Centre and the Canada Council for the Arts Coprodução BY Arsenic - Centre d’art cénique contemporain, Rosendal Teater, Black Box Teater, Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans, National Arts Center, Festival TransAmériques, Julidans, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Montpellier Danse, Moving in NovemberDana Michel é artista associada da Par B.L.eux 
CUTLASS SPRING é apresentado no Alkantara Festival em Portugal em parceria com o Teatro Municipal do Porto.
Condições de acesso TBA no Lux: -O acesso ao Lux Frágil é para M/16 -Haverá medição de temperatura sem registo, por parte do Porteiro, ao público -É obrigatório o uso de máscara dentro do edifício antes, durante e depois das sessões - Desinfete as mãos e adote as medidas de etiqueta respiratória -Mantenha uma distância de segurança de 2 metros e evite o aglomerar de pessoas -Traga o seu bilhete de casa ou, caso tenha mesmo de comprar o bilhete no Lux Frágil, escolha o pagamento contactless por cartão de débito ou MBway. -Coloque as máscaras e luvas descartáveis nos caixotes de lixo indicados -Nas entradas e saídas, siga as recomendações da equipa do Teatro e do Lux Frágil. -Devido às indicações da Direção-Geral de Saúde, não é possível entrar na sala após o início da sessão ou alterar o seu lugar após indicação do mesmo pela Frente de Sala. -- CUTLASS SPRING is what sex might mean to me right now. I will roam inside a question: How might I locate my sexual identity within a multitude of complimentary and seemingly contradictory identities – as a performer, as a mother, as a daughter, as a lover, as a stranger? I will map a sexual education – with all of its embodiments, fabrications, and disassociations. I will follow these trajectories toward their softest core so as to discover what I hold back and what I make explicit.Dana Michel
26.11.2020 LUX FRÁGIL Dana Michel “Cutlass Spring”
Piso 1 - 19:00
27.11.2020 LUX FRÁGIL Inês Duarte Unreleased by Xinobi
Terraço 16h - 22h Inês DuartePiso 1 19h30 - Unreleased by Xinobi Piso 0 19h - TBA no Lux: Plataforma285 "EmpowerBank"
NOVO HORÁRIO sex 27 novembro 19h NOVO HORÁRIO sáb 28 novembro 10H30 NOVO HORÁRIO dom 29 novembro 10h30
Dada a conjuntura cósmica que atravessa o arcano menor da ursa maior, tudo lhe pode parecer perdido. Suffocation. No breathing. Planos de recuperação. Bolsinhas de emergência. É fruto dos tempos – não somos nada! Mas não se deixe knockoutear pela vida. Aceite o mantra: “o desespero ataca aquele que lhe dá abrigo”.
EmpowerBank é um espetáculo sobre a obsessão contemporânea pelos movimentos que promovem a ideia de salvação – do Mindfulness às experiências de “conhece-te a ti próprio”. Da respiração boca a boca ao Yoga do olho. Tudo o que ajudar. Prometemos sangue, suor e outras surpresas. A solução é um puzzle que mora no interior. Tenha mão na sua vida! Empower me.
Empower you. Empowerbank. Banco do poder. Poder no banco. Dinheiro no colchão. Colchão no chão? Não! Não! Não! A Plataforma285 é um coletivo multidisciplinar fundado em 2011.
Ao longo das suas 15 criações, tem procurado desenvolver uma dramaturgia original assente na procura da não teatralidade, construindo realidades habitadas por atores e não por personagens. 
Piso 0 do Lux Frágil Integrado no festival Temps d’Images 12€ Menores de 25 anos: 5€ Duração 70 min. O acesso ao Lux Frágil é para M/16 NOVOS HORÁRIOS Antecipando o possível prolongamento de um estado de emergência, as sessões de 28 e 29 novembro foram alteradas para as 10h30. Os bilhetes destas sessões ficam automaticamente válidos para os novos horários. Direção artística e Texto Raimundo Cosme e Cecília Henriques Interpretação Cecília Henriques, Cláudia Jardim e João Duarte Costa Direção Coreográfica e Interpretação Francisco Rolo Direção Musical e Interpretação Van Ayres Direção Técnica João Quintela Assistência Técnica Som Miguel Ferrador Figurinos Nuno Braz de Oliveira Mestre costureira Rosário Balbi Cenografia Bruno José Silva Direção de Produção Raquel Bravo Direção de Comunicação Beatriz Vasconcelos Fotografia Joana Correia Assistência de Produção Ana Ladislau e Mariana Sá Marques Edição de Vídeo Ana Ladislau Produção Plataforma285 Co-produção Temps d’Images Co-apresentação Teatro do Bairro Alto Projeto financiado por Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação GDA Apoio Pro. Dança e CML
A Plataforma285 é uma estrutura associada de Cão Solteiro, O Espaço do Tempo e Appleton – associação cultural Condições de acesso TBA no Lux:
-O acesso ao Lux Frágil é para M/16 -Haverá medição de temperatura sem registo, por parte do Porteiro, ao público -É obrigatório o uso de máscara dentro do edifício antes, durante e depois das sessões. -Desinfete as mãos e adote as medidas de etiqueta respiratória -Mantenha uma distância de segurança de 2 metros e evite o aglomerar de pessoas. -Traga o seu bilhete de casa ou, caso tenha mesmo de comprar o bilhete no Lux Frágil, escolha o pagamento contactless por cartão de débito ou MBway. -Coloque as máscaras e luvas descartáveis nos caixotes de lixo indicados -Nas entradas e saídas, siga as recomendações da equipa do Teatro e do Lux Frágil. -Devido às indicações da Direção-Geral de Saúde, não é possível entrar na sala após o início da sessão ou alterar o seu lugar após indicação do mesmo pela Frente de Sala.
EmporwerBank is a performance about the contemporary obsession with movements promoting the idea of salvation – from Mindfulness to “get to know yourself” experiences. From mouth to mouth breathing to Eye Yoga. Anything that helps. The solution is a puzzle that lives within. Take charge of your life. Empower me. Empower you. EmpowerBank. Bank of power. Power to the bank. Money in the mattress. Mattress on the floor? No! No! No! 
28.11.2020 LUX FRÁGIL Yen Sung
Terraço - 10:00 - 13:00
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automaticvr · 4 years
The latest project by international intermedia artist Freya Olafson reveals how virtual reality technology destabilizes meaning(s) of the corporeal body. MÆ - Motion Aftereffect explores motion-capture, ready-made 3D models and monologues found online, ranging from experiences with virtual reality in live gameplay to out-of-body experiences and astral projection tutorials. The work addresses the impact of emerging consumer technologies associated with AR - Augmented Reality, VR - Virtual Reality, MR - Mixed Reality, XR - Extended Reality and 360° video. Monologues sourced from the internet provide the infrastructure for the work; an in-ear monitor feeds Olafson the monologues onstage, challenging her to listen and speak simultaneously. This dual action of listening and speaking enables her to embody a state of presence that references data streaming, live processing, and gaming. As a performer she becomes a conduit, medium, or interface, broadcasting edited monologues from the internet to the audience. The action of performing the work becomes like playing a video or VR game. more info: www.freyaolafson.com 60 minute work Concept, Performance, Video & Production Freya Björg Olafson | VR Motion Capture Freya Olafson | VR Interaction Yağız Mungan | Sound Freya Olafson and Emma Hendrix | Co-presence Lise McMillan | Lighting Design, Stage Manager & Production Consultant Hugh Conacher | Costume Wanda Farian | Advisor Tedd Robinson FUNDING / RESIDENCY / RESEARCH SUPPORT Canada Council for the Arts Manitoba Arts Council Winnipeg Arts Council CounterPulse (San Francisco) ‘Artist Residency Commissioning Program’ - generously supported by the Ken Hempel Fund for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Oregon Story Board, Eyebeam and Upfor Gallery in Portland - ‘AR/VR Artist Research Residency Pilot’ OBORO - Media Arts Residency in Montréal Prairie Theatre Exchange - Production Residency in Winnipeg Montréal Danse - 13th Annual Choreographic Workshop Research contributions from: Thomas Wester in Portland, Kathy Casey, Larry Lavender, Rachel Harris and Ellen Furey in Montreal, Yağız Mungan in San Francisco, James Phillips and Will Pappenheimer in Montréal, as well as Tedd Robinson in Ottawa
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thebestplltheories · 7 years
PLL 7x11 Playtime - (long) thoughts
Overall, for a premiere episode, it was slightly underwhelming in the sense that it doesn’t justify the appearances on Ellen, GMA, Facebook lives, etc. But as a general episode of PLL, it was honestly great. Like I’ve always said, season 7’s episodes are incomparable to season 6 which was a total flop.
I am OBSESSED with this board game! What a brilliant idea for the reveal of the endgame. If every episode is structured by a couple moves on the game plus (somewhat interesting) filler, they’ve got a recipe for success.
The board game is so high tech, which unfortunately reminds me of LucAs. I hope not, but it’s likely. The board in general is great. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the tasks are.
Whoever wrote the episode, kudos to you. This episode had some of the best writing. Forget plot progression, answers, and all that good stuff. I’m talking actual writing. The words and dialogue between characters. Holden’s comment about having a heart attack was a nice touch for long time fans and Veronica and Spencer’s scenes were tragically beautiful. “What did she tell you?” and “what do you think she told me?” - and all those comments about Veronica still being Spencer’s mother at heart; and Mona saying “too bad about Noel. Not really” (homage to their season 1 relationship) - the writing was overall great.
When I see people complain about getting no answers, I just scroll past it. I’m not going to let unnecessary negativity get in my head. I was actually shocked that Spencer confronted Veronica about this and that was an appropriate amount of answers for one episode. I’ve seen people say that we weren’t told anything we didn’t already know - but I think that’s our theory caps talking. We already knew everything Veronica said (and that there was a second shooter; AD) because we theorised it months ago. Seeing our theories verbalised in the show are probably coming across as if nothing is happening because we’ve “known” for so long. But things WERE answered. What a big moment for the PLL series - Veronica freaking admitted to Spencer not being her daughter!
Oh how could I forget: I GOT IT RIGHT!!! Peter and Mary are Spencer’s parents and Peter got Mary pregnant thinking it was Jessica. SO FAR, ONE THEORY IS CORRECT! Let’s see if I stop there for the rest of the season or if I manage to get anything else right…
(Please don’t forget that there was a 1 week later note on screen. Spencer and Toby didn’t get out of the hospital in all of 3 minutes. People complain over nothing.)
Yvonne will not make it out of that coma, no doubt about it.
During the episode I was kind of frustrated at the amount of time they spent on Mona and Hanna and the fashion thing. But, now typing this, I’m smiling. THEY ARE GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THIS. This fashion thing is just a symbol that the writers are using to show that every time Mona tries to help the girls, she gets treated like shit. Just like when Hanna threw out Mona’s bridal shower card unnecessarily. Also it shows Mona’s power over Hanna. This is just the beginning. This filler is going to blow up into something massive and it will reveal Mona’s true alliances down the line. It may be boring now to watch, but they’re going somewhere with it. Keep an eye on it.
I was shocked that Ezra is still staying with Aria without consideration of the circumstances. I thought Nicole would pose a bigger obstacle.
Holden’s return was too corny. “Oh you work here!?” His scenes were probably the most boring of the episode. Whilst it was absolutely great to see this friendly familiar face, I felt underwhelmed that they spent the highly anticipated return episode talking (very slowly and frustrating) about where they want the reception for the wedding to be. That should’ve been saved for a later episode, if not cut out completely.
Bitchy Ali. Hell yes. Welcome back. Please don’t go away too soon. But I did feel bad for Paige. That was just way too bitchy to bring up Paige’s history in the meeting. No one is the same person they were in high school. Paige should’ve slammed back harder because Ali was the worse person in high school.
I know Emison is endgame but… I do like Paige. Always have. Paige is always right about Ali and I won’t forget the accuracy of what Paige said to Emily last finale: call me when you decide to cut the strings with your puppet master.
ALI MIGHT NOT BE PREGNANT. Don’t forget Sasha said at Paley Fest “well Ali says she is (pregnant)” - she didn’t even let Emily come to her appointment!! She’s hiding something. Every time Paige gets in the way, Ali drops a bomb: a kiss, a “I’m pregnant”, “I’m broke and alone, please stay, don’t go out with Paige,” etc. She might not be pregnant after all.
Detective Furey can get lost. I just don’t like him. Is Tanner coming back? What about Holbrook? I liked them. Shit cops obviously, but they were entertaining characters. I hope they’re back before the end.
What was that tiny jigsaw puzzle piece Spencer got and put under the iPhone in the board game? Is that supposed to reveal a picture or something?
So did AD reveal themselves to Jenna - is that what the final scene was? And duh, the liars really thought Jenna and Noel were AD? They didn’t pause to think “where is the A and D coming from then?” I liked hearing that confirmed out loud though.
Overall - an underwhelming PREMIERE, but a fantastic general PLL episode. They’ve got a great formula for success with this board game. I want the girls to turn on each other (but know that they’re doing it because they’re forced! It won’t ruin the friendship.) I want drama. And despite what anyone says, yes we did get some answers and I can’t wait to see what piece to the puzzle we get next week. Another shoutout to the person who wrote this episode because the Veronica/Spencer/Mary reveal was beautiful.
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. ► Polite Canadian Elk Cross The Street At A Crosswalk Sarah Rieger 2. Polite Bears Leave B.C. Backyard After Being Asked Nicely Sima Shakeri Meanwhile In Canada: Winnipeg's Loose Moose  3. P.E.I. Police Say Overly Kind Canadians Are Causing Road Accidents The Canadian Press 4. https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/michael-bolen/canada-america-debt-ceiling-sun-news_b_4032428.html?utm_hp_ref=ca-meanwhile-in-canada 5. That's the message from Sun Media's national affairs columnist Anthony Furey, who argues in his latest piece that Canada should adopt a U.S.-style debt ceiling so our "spendaholic" politicians will be forced to behave more like coupon-clipping regular folks. You see that perpetual crisis down south? The one threatening the health of the entire global economy? Ya, can we get some of that? Pretty please? Canada's number one claim to fame is that we're a less insane version of America. We don't need to import any of the political brinkmanship that has made the U.S. government about as effectual as a two-year-old having a tantrum. The dystopian democracy being practiced in the U.S. today stands in stark contrast to the peace and order in Canada. 6. It Will Soon Be Legal To Challenge Your Nemesis To A Duel In Canada Michelle Butterfield 7. Meanwhile In Canada, Hockey Fans Celebrate In The Most Polite Way Ever 8. https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/12/19/america-fails-to-understand-canada_n_4474179.html?utm_hp_ref=ca-meanwhile-in-canada 9. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=CCXxaazR&id=86B950B63F55C5DA1DEFAE623DC9C455FE8CC654&thid=OIP.CCXxaazRiKW6nb9m1pdf6gHaMF&q=canadian+stars&simid=608009900654199456&selectedIndex=161&ajaxhist=0 10. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=vBOWGE0O&id=FE43348EFB92665BA8ADBBF6444E1B2B41BC2D83&thid=OIP.vBOWGE0OUIG1FMzTP8Z-4wHaLi&q=canadian+stars&simid=608022768381528510&selectedIndex=180&ajaxhist=0 11. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=stxy5QyV&id=6603DF24FAA380188A6854682F5F5A24C4F0A5F7&thid=OIP.stxy5QyV7wWxQcCLmzMzTwHaLI&q=canadian+stars&simid=608025345338379218&selectedIndex=249&ajaxhist=0 12. Scott Speedman was born in London, England, but moved to Toronto at the age of four. Best known for his roles as Ben Covington in the TV series Felicity and Michael Corvin in the horror-action films Underworld, he stars alongside our other Canadian movie hunk Ryan Reynolds in the new film The Captive. Speedman can also be seen in recent films October Gale, a drama/thriller, and the comedy Barefoot, alongside actress Evan Rachel Wood. 13. http://www.realstylenetwork.com/celebrities/2014/10/5-hottest-canadian-actors/ 14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=obsZr3ZZARc 15. http://ethnicelebs.com/christy-turlington 16. Christy Turlington – Ethnicity of Celebs Christy Turlington Birth Name: Christy Nicole Turlington Place of Birth: Walnut Creek, Contra Costa, California, United States Date of Birth: January 2, 1969 Ethnicity: English, Salvadoran Christy Turlington is an American supermodel and actress. She is the daughter of María Elizabeth Parker Infante and Dwain Bryan Turlington. Her father was an American, with English ancestry. Her mother is from Santa Ana, El Salvador, and is said to be of English and Salvadoran descent herself. Christy is married to actorEdward Burns, with whom she has two children. Christy writes about her mother’s immigrant experience here. Christy’s paternal grandfather was Willis Bryan Turlington (the son of Leonidas Lemay Turlington and Laura Frances Sorrell). Leonidas was the son of Randall Turlington and Emaline Charity Utley. Laura was the daughter of John Calvin Sorrell and Nancy Jane Ryals. Christy’s paternal grandmother was Grace Maude Fagg (the daughter of John Thomas Fagg and Nellie Ellen Caton). Christy’s maternal grandparents were Horacio H. Parker and Maria Infante. Sources: Genealogy of Christy’s paternal grandfather, Willis Bryan Turlington – http://www.wikitree.com Death records of Christy’s maternal grandparents, Horacio H. Parker and Maria (Infante) Parker –https://www.findagrave.com photo by DFree / Shutterstock.com Celebs with similar background:Liv TylerAnya Taylor-JoyCallum TurnerAimee TeegardenPhoebe Tonkin These content links are provided byContent.ad. Both Content.ad and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. View our privacy policy here. To learn how you can use Content.ad to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at [email protected]. Family-Friendly Content Only recommend family-friendly content Website owners select the type of content that appears in our units. However, if you would like to ensure that Content.ad always displays family-friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below. Learn More These content links are provided byContent.ad. Both Content.ad and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. View our privacy policy here. To learn how you can use Content.ad to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at [email protected]. Family-Friendly Content Only recommend family-friendly content Website owners select the type of content that appears in our units. However, if you would like to ensure that Content.ad always displays family-friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below. Learn More Author ethnicPosted on February 26, 2010November 17, 2017Categories 1 Actor/Actress, 3 Model, TTags English,Salvadoran 17. - okay through a god other than yourself - okay through someone else's approval; by proving yourself to another, etc; by being something okay to another - okay by others not doing okay/being in not okay conditions, okay by others being deemed less than: "mentally ill," lazy, dumb, etc. I think it's to be that others are to be less than as who suggests [suggest] things are okay that are not supposed to be okay here, such as people to be equal, etc. - It's a horrible place, a dangerous place here. A bad place to find oneself in. It is a high racking up of ways people are to be having some classification as like not what a person would wish, such as mentally ill, etc. A high amount of "riff raff" people, people that are to be less than. They are not a norm, there is a side presence of people nit really served by the way of things, they are people to be protected against, other things. Then there's homelessness, etc, horrible conditions for people, ways people are left to not be okay n it's not something to discontinue. It's just the way it is. 18. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=0cXN1NJ0&id=B61BD08F031F2C108B5F842BC012FA479515206E&thid=OIP.0cXN1NJ0ZA_YcN4J51pRmwHaDv&q=canada&simid=608045149409248212&selectedindex=156&pc=SMSM&ajaxhist=0&first=1 19. https://canadaalive.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/banff-national-park/ 20. https://www.tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool?shareSource=legacy&canonicalUrl=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcanadaalive.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F03%2F18%2Fbanff-national-park%2F&title=Banff+National+Park
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automaticar · 4 years
The latest project by international intermedia artist Freya Olafson reveals how virtual reality technology destabilizes meaning(s) of the corporeal body. MÆ - Motion Aftereffect explores motion-capture, ready-made 3D models and monologues found online, ranging from experiences with virtual reality in live gameplay to out-of-body experiences and astral projection tutorials. The work addresses the impact of emerging consumer technologies associated with AR - Augmented Reality, VR - Virtual Reality, MR - Mixed Reality, XR - Extended Reality and 360° video. Monologues sourced from the internet provide the infrastructure for the work; an in-ear monitor feeds Olafson the monologues onstage, challenging her to listen and speak simultaneously. This dual action of listening and speaking enables her to embody a state of presence that references data streaming, live processing, and gaming. As a performer she becomes a conduit, medium, or interface, broadcasting edited monologues from the internet to the audience. The action of performing the work becomes like playing a video or VR game. more info: www.freyaolafson.com 60 minute work Concept, Performance, Video & Production Freya Björg Olafson | VR Motion Capture Freya Olafson | VR Interaction Yağız Mungan | Sound Freya Olafson and Emma Hendrix | Co-presence Lise McMillan | Lighting Design, Stage Manager & Production Consultant Hugh Conacher | Costume Wanda Farian | Advisor Tedd Robinson FUNDING / RESIDENCY / RESEARCH SUPPORT Canada Council for the Arts Manitoba Arts Council Winnipeg Arts Council CounterPulse (San Francisco) ‘Artist Residency Commissioning Program’ - generously supported by the Ken Hempel Fund for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, and the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Oregon Story Board, Eyebeam and Upfor Gallery in Portland - ‘AR/VR Artist Research Residency Pilot’ OBORO - Media Arts Residency in Montréal Prairie Theatre Exchange - Production Residency in Winnipeg Montréal Danse - 13th Annual Choreographic Workshop Research contributions from: Thomas Wester in Portland, Kathy Casey, Larry Lavender, Rachel Harris and Ellen Furey in Montreal, Yağız Mungan in San Francisco, James Phillips and Will Pappenheimer in Montréal, as well as Tedd Robinson in Ottawa
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videoconversations · 7 years
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Thanks OAC for your support of my project “Procedures: Audience as Knife” at Harbourfront Hatch.  My work previews September 16-20, we’re developing the work with mini-test audiences.  Anyone welcome to the Studio Theatre, 235 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON, M5J 2G8 from 6:30-9:30pm.  Wheelchair accessible.  Public performance along with Eshan Raffi on Thursday 21 September, and then Ellen Furey, Jonathan Adjemian and Bethany Ides present work on Friday 22 September as part of the Hatch program.  Thanks Evan and the Harbourfront team for making this opportunity possible.  See you there!
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard
► Polite Canadian Elk Cross The Street At A Crosswalk Sarah Rieger Polite Bears Leave B.C. Backyard After Being Asked Nicely Sima Shakeri Meanwhile In Canada: Winnipeg's Loose Moose P.E.I. Police Say Overly Kind Canadians Are Causing Road Accidents The Canadian Press https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/michael-bolen/canada-america-debt-ceiling-sun-news_b_4032428.html?utm_hp_ref=ca-meanwhile-in-canada That's the message from Sun Media's national affairs columnist Anthony Furey, who argues in his latest piece that Canada should adopt a U.S.-style debt ceiling so our "spendaholic" politicians will be forced to behave more like coupon-clipping regular folks. You see that perpetual crisis down south? The one threatening the health of the entire global economy? Ya, can we get some of that? Pretty please? Canada's number one claim to fame is that we're a less insane version of America. We don't need to import any of the political brinkmanship that has made the U.S. government about as effectual as a two-year-old having a tantrum. The dystopian democracy being practiced in the U.S. today stands in stark contrast to the peace and order in Canada. It Will Soon Be Legal To Challenge Your Nemesis To A Duel In Canada Michelle Butterfield Meanwhile In Canada, Hockey Fans Celebrate In The Most Polite Way Ever https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/12/19/america-fails-to-understand-canada_n_4474179.html?utm_hp_ref=ca-meanwhile-in-canada https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=CCXxaazR&id=86B950B63F55C5DA1DEFAE623DC9C455FE8CC654&thid=OIP.CCXxaazRiKW6nb9m1pdf6gHaMF&q=canadian+stars&simid=608009900654199456&selectedIndex=161&ajaxhist=0 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=vBOWGE0O&id=FE43348EFB92665BA8ADBBF6444E1B2B41BC2D83&thid=OIP.vBOWGE0OUIG1FMzTP8Z-4wHaLi&q=canadian+stars&simid=608022768381528510&selectedIndex=180&ajaxhist=0 https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=stxy5QyV&id=6603DF24FAA380188A6854682F5F5A24C4F0A5F7&thid=OIP.stxy5QyV7wWxQcCLmzMzTwHaLI&q=canadian+stars&simid=608025345338379218&selectedIndex=249&ajaxhist=0 Scott Speedman was born in London, England, but moved to Toronto at the age of four. Best known for his roles as Ben Covington in the TV series Felicity and Michael Corvin in the horror-action films Underworld, he stars alongside our other Canadian movie hunk Ryan Reynolds in the new film The Captive. Speedman can also be seen in recent films October Gale, a drama/thriller, and the comedy Barefoot, alongside actress Evan Rachel Wood. http://www.realstylenetwork.com/celebrities/2014/10/5-hottest-canadian-actors/https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=obsZr3ZZARc http://ethnicelebs.com/christy-turlington Christy Turlington – Ethnicity of Celebs Christy Turlington Birth Name: Christy Nicole Turlington Place of Birth: Walnut Creek, Contra Costa, California, United States Date of Birth: January 2, 1969 Ethnicity: English, Salvadoran Christy Turlington is an American supermodel and actress. She is the daughter of María Elizabeth Parker Infante and Dwain Bryan Turlington. Her father was an American, with English ancestry. Her mother is from Santa Ana, El Salvador, and is said to be of English and Salvadoran descent herself. Christy is married to actorEdward Burns, with whom she has two children. Christy writes about her mother’s immigrant experience here. Christy’s paternal grandfather was Willis Bryan Turlington (the son of Leonidas Lemay Turlington and Laura Frances Sorrell). Leonidas was the son of Randall Turlington and Emaline Charity Utley. Laura was the daughter of John Calvin Sorrell and Nancy Jane Ryals. Christy’s paternal grandmother was Grace Maude Fagg (the daughter of John Thomas Fagg and Nellie Ellen Caton). Christy’s maternal grandparents were Horacio H. Parker and Maria Infante. Sources: Genealogy of Christy’s paternal grandfather, Willis Bryan Turlington – http://www.wikitree.com Death records of Christy’s maternal grandparents, Horacio H. Parker and Maria (Infante) Parker –https://www.findagrave.com photo by DFree / Shutterstock.com Celebs with similar background:Liv TylerAnya Taylor-JoyCallum TurnerAimee TeegardenPhoebe Tonkin These content links are provided byContent.ad. Both Content.ad and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. View our privacy policy here. To learn how you can use Content.ad to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at [email protected]. Family-Friendly Content Only recommend family-friendly content Website owners select the type of content that appears in our units. However, if you would like to ensure that Content.ad always displays family-friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below. Learn More These content links are provided byContent.ad. Both Content.ad and the web site upon which the links are displayed may receive compensation when readers click on these links. Some of the content you are redirected to may be sponsored content. View our privacy policy here. To learn how you can use Content.ad to drive visitors to your content or add this service to your site, please contact us at [email protected]. Family-Friendly Content Only recommend family-friendly content Website owners select the type of content that appears in our units. However, if you would like to ensure that Content.ad always displays family-friendly content on this device, regardless of what site you are on, check the option below. Learn More Author ethnicPosted on February 26, 2010November 17, 2017Categories 1 Actor/Actress, 3 Model, TTags English,Salvadoran - okay through a god other than yourself - okay through someone else's approval; by proving yourself to another, etc; by being something okay to another - okay by others not doing okay/being in not okay conditions, okay by others being deemed less than: "mentally ill," lazy, dumb, etc. I think it's to be that others are to be less than as who suggests [suggest] things are okay that are not supposed to be okay here, such as people to be equal, etc. - It's a horrible place, a dangerous place here. A bad place to find oneself in. It is a high racking up of ways people are to be having some classification as like not what a person would wish, such as mentally ill, etc. A high amount of "riff raff" people, people that are to be less than. They are not a norm, there is a side presence of people nit really served by the way of things, they are people to be protected against, other things. Then there's homelessness, etc, horrible conditions for people, ways people are left to not be okay n it's not something to discontinue. It's just the way it is. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=0cXN1NJ0&id=B61BD08F031F2C108B5F842BC012FA479515206E&thid=OIP.0cXN1NJ0ZA_YcN4J51pRmwHaDv&q=canada&simid=608045149409248212&selectedindex=156&pc=SMSM&ajaxhist=0&first=1 https://canadaalive.wordpress.com/2013/03/18/banff-national-park/https://www.tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool?shareSource=legacy&canonicalUrl=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcanadaalive.wordpress.com%2F2013%2F03%2F18%2Fbanff-national-park%2F&title=Banff+National+Park
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pcncbaypcncbay · 10 years
pcnc_bay at TICKLE AND TOUCH WORKSHOP by Ellen Furey and Manuel Scheiwiller 16-08-14 Dance Web Space, Impuls Dance Festival, Arsenale, Vienna
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