#Emily Prentiss Is A Lssbian
charlleyx · 4 months
Jemily Fan Fiction
Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
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Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
This is my first 'case' in my series of Jemily one shots and multi-chapter instalments. They are all connected but won't be in any order. They will be all about the relationship between Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau and the life they create together. It was span years of time. Some may follow loosely to some canon events but it should all become clear as you read and any changes I hope to explain in my writing as it comes up.
They will vary wildly in length and rating. Some will be short, some like this one multiple long chapters, some two shots and so on. Some will be rated T and some will go all the way to E. Some will contain smut, some will be fluff, some angst, some a mix of some or all of the above.
This is the first one I am posting
What happens when JJ decides on the 25th anniversary of her older sister's death that she will take Emily, her wife and their two young daughters to spend the long weekend with JJ's mother, Sandy. Will it help JJ's mother deal with her grief? Can a strained relationship between JJ and her mother be healed with the help of JJ's daughters presence. What will happen when before the anniversary date actually hits, JJ and Emily get called away on a case? Is leaving their young daughters with Sandy a smart move or could tragedy be lurking around the corner yet again?
The Case Of : Tragedy Strikes To The Day
Chapter 1 : Homecoming
Chapter 2 : Duty Calls
Chapter 3 : Trust Instincts
Chapter 4 : Finding Strength
Chapter 5 : It Comes In Waves
Chapter 6 : Let Me Hold You
Chapter 7 : Connections Strengthen
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