#Jennifer Jareau Fan Fiction
You Can Thank Me Afterward
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Winchester!Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: none
Summary: You and your brothers stake out a town containing vampires when you come across real FBI agents looking for two criminals. When you spot them while staking out a potential nest, you see the couple they’re looking for. This gives you an excuse to contact the hot, hot FBI agent who hasn’t left your mind since she shows up at your door.
Square Filled: jennifer jareau (cmxspn crossover) for @fandombingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Sharing a motel room with your older brothers isn’t something you like doing but you’re on a tight budget and can’t always have separate rooms. Normally, you three have a routine you stick to but you’re getting fed up with them. They’ve been bickering since you arrived in Virginia and it’s starting to give you a headache.
“All I’m saying is I think we should split up. We’ll cover more ground that way. We have four houses to stake out.”
“Well don’t just think. I don’t need you lying in a ditch somewhere with all your blood sucked out or Y/N used as a blood bag for these dicks,” Dean snaps.
“Okay, while you two figure your shit out, I’m getting my own room,” you say and get up.
“You two argue like an old married couple. I don’t want to hear it.”
Before you can take another step, someone knocks on the door. Both your brothers are on alert because there are at least a dozen vampires running amok in town, and it’s already nighttime. Anyone can be at the door. You step back to let Sam pass you, and he approaches the door with his gun in hand. He looks into the peephole and sees two people in professional clothes. He opens the door cautiously while keeping the barrel of the gun on the door just in case he needs to use it.
Who you see standing on the other side takes your breath away. There is a tall black man and a shorter blonde woman. While the black man is very attractive, you’re more attracted to the blonde. Defined cheekbones, long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Everything you love in a woman. You don’t discriminate against the type of women you date but you have a type.
“Hi, my name is Agent Jareau with the FBI and this is Agent Morgan.” Both of them show their badges and Sam discreetly puts his gun away. “We’re asking everyone in this motel for their help.”
“What can we do for you?” Dean asks.
“We’re looking for a couple that’s staying here.” Agent Jareau takes out two photos and holds them up for you to see. “Have you seen them?”
“No, we haven’t. We just got here, unfortunately,” you say.
JJ reaches into her pocket and pulls out her agent card before holding it out to you.
“Give me a call if something comes up, okay?”
“Sure.” You clear your throat to fix your squeaky voice and take the card from her hand. “I mean, I will. Thanks.”
“These two are highly dangerous people. Be careful,” Agent Morgan says.
“We will. Thanks for stopping by.” Sam closes the door and both brothers look at you with small smirks on their faces. “What?”
“Are you gonna pick your panties up off the floor?” Dean jokes.
“Shut the fuck up.” You look at her card and can’t help but smile at her name. Jennifer Jareau. The name suits her. “Did you see how beautiful she was?”
“Maybe she’ll be around after the hunt. I should ask her to have a drink with me,” Dean says.
“Hey! I call dibs!”
“That’s not a thing.”
“It’s always been a thing.”
“You always steal the girls I think are hot.”
“Not my fault I have more rizz than you.”
“Okay, why don’t we focus on the hunt? It’s already nine. We should get going if we’re going to hit the four houses tonight,” Sam says. “It’ll take longer since we’re not splitting up, apparently.”
“I already said no. Stop talking about it,” Dean snaps.
The first house you hit is a dud. It was previously a slaughterhouse and it still has all the equipment still inside it. If vampires are staying in there, it wouldn’t be comfortable. The next place had potential until the family owning the house came back from vacation. You’re at the third location and it’s nearing one in the morning. If you’re right about this one, then vampires will be coming and going from the place. You’d see some kind of activity going on since they are very active at night.
“So, are you going to call her?” Dean asks from behind the wheel.
iHop is the only place that’s open so Dean got some food before coming here. The car stinks of pancake batter but Dean is happy.
“Maybe I will.”
“Don’t sound too desperate. Girls don’t like that. Oh, and--”
“Dean, I’m gonna stop you right there. Who was it that came to me because he was having trouble with women?” Dean immediately shuts his mouth and looks away from you, and you laugh. “I’ll be fine.”
Another two hours pass by and you see some movement out of the corner of your eye. Sam had left the car to inspect the house to make sure you’re not wasting your time but he hasn’t come back yet. You look to the right and see a couple underneath the glow of the streetlight. You don’t think anything of it until you do a double-take and immediately recognize the couple. It’s the couple Jennifer and her partner are looking for. Judging by the lack of police cars, they haven’t found them.
“Dean, look, it’s the couple those two agents are looking for,” you say and point to them.
Sam runs out from the treeline back to the car and gets in with a disappointed sigh.
“No one is living there. I might have scared the shit out of some squatters but they weren't vampires.”
“Let’s go to the next one,” Dean sighs and starts the car,
Thankfully, the noise didn’t disrupt the couple who looked to be arguing. You take out your phone and JJ’s card before calling her.
“This is Agent Jareau,” she answers.
“Jennifer, hi, it’s Y/N.” You pause. “I’m sorry, I never told you my name. You gave me your card when you asked my brothers and me if we’d seen the couple you’re looking for at the motel last night?”
“Did you see them?”
“Yeah.” You give her the location you’re at. “They’re just arguing with each other. I can’t hear what they’re saying.”
“No, don’t approach them. Thank you for calling. We got it from here.”
You don’t have a chance to say anything else before she hangs up. The call was professional but butterflies exploded in your stomach from the sound of her voice. Yeah, you’re whipped and you don’t even know her.
Dean pulls out of the parking lot without being seen and heads to the fourth and final location. If the vampires aren’t in this place, then they must have packed up and moved to a different town. However, the place is alive with action even before you get close to it. The vampires are having some sort of party that’s only exclusive to their own kind without a care in the world.
You and your brothers weren't invited but you’re always down to crash a shitty party. It took two more hours to kill them all, but you considered it a job well done at the end. Sam and Dean are exhausted but you are alive with energy. If luck is on your side tonight, then JJ and her team might still be in the same location where the couple was.
Dean has to drive by the area to get back to the motel, and you practically hit the back of his head to get him to stop when you see red and blue police sirens.
“Pull over.”
Dean does and you are the only one who gets out. You never go to a hunt without a change of clothes so you’re not all bloody if you need to stop anywhere else afterward. You have on a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt when you approach the blocked-off police line. Your hair got some blood in it which is why it’s in a ponytail and stuffed inside a hat. You don’t want to scare the FBI and think you’re some kind of murderer before you have a chance to ask Jennifer out.
JJ is talking with Agent Morgan when she spots you approaching the police tape. She excuses herself and walks over to you with a smile.
“Did you catch them?”
“We did, thanks to you. They were leaving town when we caught them. Had they left, we probably would have never been able to catch them. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you smile. “So, was that your personal phone number on the card you gave me?”
“Yeah,” she blushes.
“I know this pretty great restaurant not far from here if you’re interested in properly saying thank you. Maybe tomorrow night at seven?”
“I should be the one asking you out,” she chuckles. “I’m the one that needs to thank you.”
“Don’t worry. You can thank me afterward,” you smirk.
“Okay, seven it is. I know where you’re staying so how about I pick you up?”
“It’s a date.”
You leave the area with a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. You got a date with the hot FBI agent. Go me. Now, all you need to do is convince your brothers to stay in this town for one more night. Easy enough.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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scarlettjemily · 2 months
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Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau
Word Count: 2.4k words
Summary: Inspired by the song Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl by Chappel Roan.
Emily is a bartender and she sees JJ on a date with a guy that is clearly not going well. Emily being Emily, she suggests that her and JJ leave the bar and she can help redeem her Friday night.
Warnings: swearing, alluding to smut, not actual smut (sorry whores), alcohol, Emily in a red tank top lmaooo. I think that’s it?
Pictures from Pinterest. | 1 | 2 | 3 |
“Do you wanna dance?” JJ asked over the pulsing music in the bar. The room was dark, with red lighting flickering along with the beat.
The man she’d come with was sitting next to her, nursing his beer. “Oh no, no. I’m not a dancer,” he said, shaking his head.
JJ couldn’t hold back the eye roll. She instantly knew this date was over. She was looking for fun, and this guy was the complete opposite. She’d been trying to get a glimpse of his personality all night, but he was giving her nothing.
The guy awkwardly sipped his beer. “I’m just gonna go to the bathroom!” JJ raised her eyebrows, giving him a small nod, truly not caring what he did at this point. “Don’t spike my drink!” he attempted to joke, but it fell flat. JJ stared at him, unable to force any sort of reaction. He quickly took that as his sign to leave.
“I think you’re in need of this, sweetheart,” a shot glass filled with clear liquid appeared in front of JJ’s face, spilling slightly as the bartender placed it down.
The brunette woman who worked behind the bar placed a second shot glass down beside JJ’s. “And I’ll have one with you because I need it after having to sit here and watch that train wreck all night,” she said, pouring her shot with precision.
JJ lifted her shot, clinking it with the bartender’s, throwing it back with ease. The liquid warmed her insides, and she let out a light groan, her shoulders shivering slightly when the alcohol hit her stomach. JJ couldn’t help but smile at the woman, who took her shot without a single reaction to the warm liquor. “Didn’t think bartenders were allowed to drink on the job?” JJ leaned her chin on her propped-up arm, watching the other woman move around behind the bar.
“Not technically, but you needed rescuing,” she said, taking the empty shot glasses and tossing them into the sink. She effortlessly removed her waist apron and threw it into a basket under the bar. “I’m clocking off now. If you need me to whisk you away, I’d be more than happy to.”
JJ admired the woman’s confidence. The way she carried herself made JJ intrigued to get to know her. “I don’t even know your name, and you want me to leave with you?” A smirk flashed across JJ’s mouth, excitement rushing through her. The woman was the complete opposite of the man she’d arrived with.
JJ watched as the brunette woman hauled herself up onto the bar, sitting directly next to her. She leaned down, her mouth close to JJ’s ear. “It’s Emily. Now you know. Are we getting out of here?” She hopped off the bar, landing on her feet beside JJ.
JJ got up and grabbed her purse. “Should I wait for the guy? At least tell him I’m leaving?”
Emily laughed and grabbed JJ’s hand. “Sweetheart, let’s not waste any more of this night on a shitty first date. Especially with that guy.” She led JJ away from the bar, toward the exit.
JJ couldn’t help the giddiness that flowed through her as she gripped the woman’s hand and followed her out of the bar.
JJ’s chest thumped once they got outside, and she was finally able to get a proper look at the woman in the brightness of the streetlights. She was beautiful. Her pale skin contrasted against her dark brown, almost black hair. The woman wore boots, black jeans, and a red tank top, making her skin glow in a way JJ couldn’t quite grasp.
“Now usually I tell people to never waste their Friday night on a first date, but that’s too late. So what do you wanna do? How’re we gonna redeem your Friday?” Emily asked, motioning to the street and taking her eyes away from JJ for a second. “Club?”
“Yes,” JJ felt as though she would’ve blindly followed this woman wherever she wanted. There was something about the bold move she made that hooked JJ instantly.
“So is this technically our first date?” Emily looked over at the woman next to her as they walked down the street. She chuckled at her question, thankful the vibe between them wasn’t something she’d made up in her head.
“If you want it to be, it can be,” Emily replied with a slightly raised eyebrow, waiting to see what JJ would say. Emily almost melted when JJ smiled, her nose scrunching slightly in the center of her face.
“I might as well have one successful date tonight, even if this is the craziest start to a date I’ve ever had.” JJ knew it was slightly insane to be going off with this woman, but she felt safe enough. Emily had saved her from her train wreck of a date, so she thought she might as well make the most of it.
Emily chuckled to herself, noticing that JJ was already having a much better time than at the bar. She had been watching her most of her shift, and it was rough. JJ was trying to talk to him, but he must’ve been a bit shy. Regardless, Emily felt compelled to help the woman.
“So, what’s JJ short for?” Emily asked, looking at JJ as they continued to weave through the busy street together.
“Oh, uh, Jennifer. My last name also starts with J, so people just call me JJ.”
JJ halted when Emily came to a stop. “Jennifer? What a girl-next-door kind of name. How adorable,” she said, guiding JJ into a doorway leading down to what she assumed was a nightclub. The music was thumping and getting louder with each step they took.
Emily casually grabbed JJ’s hand, slightly taking her off guard, but she held on regardless.
“Hi Penelope! Care to do me a solid and let me and my new girl in?” Emily leaned over the desk, giving the girl at the computer a small smile.
The girl looked away from her computer, crossing her arms. “Emily, that cute smile isn’t going to work on me, but a few shots the next time I’m in your bar might?” Emily laughed and leaned over the desk, giving the woman a quick kiss on the cheek. “Deal! Thanks, Pen!”
Emily pulled JJ along. “Oh, and this is Jennifer!” she yelled quickly before they both pushed through the doors.
“Pays to know people, sweetheart.” JJ let out a small laugh, loving this woman’s personality. She was everything her other date wasn’t.
They made their way, hand in hand, toward the bar. The club was packed, every inch of the floor covered in bodies, dancing and having fun. Despite that, Emily held on tightly to JJ’s hand as they made it through the sea of people.
“What would you like to drink?” JJ shivered slightly when Emily’s arm landed softly on her lower back. Her breath warmed her ear as she spoke.
“Shots? I’ll have whatever you have,” she replied, her mouth just as close to Emily’s ear as hers previously was. JJ watched her as she motioned to the bartender, ordering their drinks for them.
The bartender poured two shots for the women before serving another customer.
“Do we not have to pay for them?” JJ yelled over the loud music, struggling to even hear her own voice. She grabbed her shot, following Emily’s lead and throwing it back quickly.
“Connections, Jennifer. What’d I tell you?” She winked at JJ, making the blonde’s stomach flip.
“Now how many women have you brought here on a first date?” JJ playfully asked.
“Not as many as you’d think.” Emily’s eyes traveled past JJ’s shoulders, checking out the dance floor. “Shall we go dance?”
JJ’s face lit up, making Emily smile. “Yes, yes! Let’s go!” JJ instantly turned to guide them to the dance floor. She let go of Emily’s hand after placing it on her hip so they wouldn’t lose each other.
When they hit the dance floor, JJ’s body was already moving along with the music. Emily couldn’t keep her eyes off her. She was infatuated.
When they finally found an opening in the crowd, JJ spun around, her body moving in sync with the beat of the music.
Instantly, it was as if there was an invisible pull between the two women. Their bodies got closer with each loud thump of the song. The closer they got, the temperature between them rose.
Anyone looking at them wouldn’t believe they’d only just met. Their bodies swayed to the music like it was muscle memory.
The beat of the song dropped a few octaves, making the bass heavy in a way that vibrated through their chests. JJ casually laced her fingers into Emily’s so both their hands were connected.
Emily’s heart skipped a beat when their faces became so close, their noses almost touching. She guided JJ’s hands to rest around her neck while her own hands snaked around her waist.
All the chaos around them suddenly drowned out and blended into the music. The only thing JJ was focused on was Emily. Her fingers moved into the brunette’s hair as she pulled her lips against her own.
Emily immediately kissed back, pulling JJ impossibly closer by her hips. It started off soft at first, but the connection they felt was hard to deny. Their lips parted, the kiss deepening with each passing second.
JJ pulled away, letting out a deep breath, their noses still touching, her hand still tangled in Emily’s hair. “Wanna find somewhere to sit?” she whispered against Emily’s ear, leaving a soft kiss on it as she spoke.
Despite the warm temperature of the club, Emily shivered in response to the kiss JJ pressed on her ear. “Let’s go.” She grabbed JJ’s hand and led her to a quieter corner of the club. She saw a vacant seat in the corner, but there was only room for one. Emily sat down and, without a word, pulled JJ to sit on her lap.
JJ laughed, immediately wrapping her arms around Emily's neck and leaning down to capture her lips.
One of Emily's arms snaked around JJ's waist, pulling her body closer. Her other hand rested softly on JJ's neck, holding her still as she kissed her back.
Their lips moved together perfectly, despite having just met that night. The shared kisses between them made both women equally excited.
JJ let out a moan that vibrated against Emily's lips. Their movements became more urgent, more desperate. Both women tried to get closer to the other, but there wasn't a single inch left between them.
Emily held JJ's waist against her, hands roaming her body, trying to feel her curves and commit them to memory, not wanting to forget a single thing.
"Wanna get out of here?" Emily breathed out, momentarily pulling away from her. JJ nodded, both hands tangling into Emily's hair, slightly pulling her head back so her face was tilted up towards her.
"Fuck, you're gorgeous," JJ mumbled, kissing Emily again. She wanted to get out of the club, but she couldn't keep her hands off the brunette.
Minutes passed, the kiss a complete display of desperation.
When they finally separated their swollen lips, their breathing was noticeably uneven. "Let's go," JJ slipped off Emily's lap, pulling her up by her hands.
Emily couldn't help but smile as she looked JJ up and down. Her mind was racing with all the possibilities of how the night would continue. "Lead the way, sweetheart."
The two women left the club and walked down the street hand in hand.
"So, has this night been better than you thought it was going to be?" Emily asked, snaking her arm around JJ's waist as they walked.
JJ couldn't help but smile at the shivers she felt when the other woman held her firmly around her hips. "Oh, so much better. Seriously, thank you for such a fun night," she smiled up at Emily, stopping in the middle of the footpath.
"I mean, it doesn't have to end now, you know," JJ stated, feeling herself fold slightly inward, her confidence disappearing momentarily, worried about what the other woman would say.
Emily's eyebrow raised, chuckling slightly at JJ's sudden coyness. "Jennifer, darling, are you insinuating that I sleep with people on the first date?" she teased, now having both arms around JJ's waist.
JJ's cheeks deepened to a light shade of pink. "No, not insinuating, kind of hoping?" Her head lolled to the side, her face scrunching in embarrassment. "You did say never waste a Friday night on a first date, so I'm really trying not to waste it."
Emily's hand lifted to rest on the side of JJ's face. "You're so fucking adorable," she whispered, pressing her lips to JJ's.
She could tell how nervous JJ was, but when she parted her lips, deepening the kiss, she could physically feel the other woman relax. "Let's go."
They ended up at JJ's apartment, Emily following her inside and taking it all in.
She didn't expect her night to end this way, but she also didn't want the night to end anytime soon.
JJ watched as Emily looked around the apartment. The brunette woman sat down on her couch, smiling when she realized JJ was watching her.
"Your apartment is so cozy," Emily said, tucking her legs up on the couch and hugging her knees. "I could sit on this couch for hours and watch movies."
JJ made her way to the couch and dropped down next to her. "Are you saying you want to skip the sex and put a movie on?" she questioned, teasing Emily.
Emily laughed, shaking her head. "I mean, I don't see why we can't do both?" She smirked, her legs dropping as she pulled JJ onto her lap in one swift movement.
JJ laughed loudly as she straddled Emily's lap. "You're something else, aren't you?" She wrapped her arms around Emily's neck, her fingers tangling in her hair.
Emily's hands traveled along JJ's body, feeling every curve. "I'm so glad that guy didn't have what it took to be with a girl like you."
JJ let out a breathy laugh, hungrily kissing Emily's lips. She felt eternally grateful that she didn't get stuck with her original date because Emily was exactly the type of person she wanted to be spending her Friday night with.
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charlleyx · 4 months
Jemily Fan Fiction
Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
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Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
This is my first 'case' in my series of Jemily one shots and multi-chapter instalments. They are all connected but won't be in any order. They will be all about the relationship between Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau and the life they create together. It was span years of time. Some may follow loosely to some canon events but it should all become clear as you read and any changes I hope to explain in my writing as it comes up.
They will vary wildly in length and rating. Some will be short, some like this one multiple long chapters, some two shots and so on. Some will be rated T and some will go all the way to E. Some will contain smut, some will be fluff, some angst, some a mix of some or all of the above.
This is the first one I am posting
What happens when JJ decides on the 25th anniversary of her older sister's death that she will take Emily, her wife and their two young daughters to spend the long weekend with JJ's mother, Sandy. Will it help JJ's mother deal with her grief? Can a strained relationship between JJ and her mother be healed with the help of JJ's daughters presence. What will happen when before the anniversary date actually hits, JJ and Emily get called away on a case? Is leaving their young daughters with Sandy a smart move or could tragedy be lurking around the corner yet again?
The Case Of : Tragedy Strikes To The Day
Chapter 1 : Homecoming
Chapter 2 : Duty Calls
Chapter 3 : Trust Instincts
Chapter 4 : Finding Strength
Chapter 5 : It Comes In Waves
Chapter 6 : Let Me Hold You
Chapter 7 : Connections Strengthen
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hotchsreader · 4 months
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Small Things
Word Count: 1.5k
Quick little fic about jjxreader
You're having a bad day, and JJ notices. She brings you into her office for a quick talk, a talk happens but so does a kiss...
Link on ao3
Today had been a clusterfuck. Everything you thought you had all planned out for the day started unraveling the minute you stepped through the doors of the BAU. JJ had gone over the case you guys were taking the night before, but since the need to travel wasn't needed due to the case taking place so close to home, the team was able to go home to sleep and get there early to plan the way they were going to handle everything. The problem arose when a new victim had turned up, even though they had gone over everything related to the case and never saw something like this happening. you started to feel like there was something you had missed, and that this girl dying had somehow been your fault. 
“Are you okay?” You heard Spencer behind you, not getting too close to protect you from the others noticing something was wrong.
“Yeah… yeah I’ll be fine Spence. Thanks for asking.” You didn’t even look up at him, you just rearranged a few things on your desk hoping that he would get the hint and leave you alone. You wanted to desperately to be left alone and to deal with things on your own. You were never one to ask for help, and today was not the day you were going to start. 
“Hey.” You heard a softer voice speak behind you. You wanted to turn around and yell in anger but you knew who was there, and you never wanted to hurt her. She meant well and was just checking on you. 
You turned around, with tears in your eyes, and looked at her. She didn’t say another word. She came up to you, grabbed your hand, and led you up the stairs to her office. That was how the two of you worked most of the time, words were no longer needed, and all it took was a second to see how the other was acting to gauge what was needed. JJ knew if you were out there for any longer, you would have a meltdown, and it would absolutely embarrass you to the point of no return if that were to happen. 
As soon as you both entered her office, she set you down in a chair and she sat in the one opposite you. She held your hand and looked up at you, her face a mix of concern and empathy. You hated when people looked at you with concern, you wanted to be the person no one had to worry about, you could handle everything on your own, and JJ knew that. But here she was, worrying about you because no matter how hard you tried to prove to her that you didn’t need anyone to care about you, she refused to listen to you. You wanted to keep your head down and to look at your legs instead of up at JJ but you knew she wouldn’t let you do that. You forced yourself to crane your neck up and look at her, and as soon as you did a tear rolled out of your eye and you flung your hand up to stop it from going any further. 
“What is going on?” She asked, not in a harsh tone, but in one that you knew meant she wanted the truth and not some half-assed answer you would give anyone else. 
“Today didn’t go how it was supposed to JJ, we were supposed to find the Unsub before anything bad happened again. This all feels like I failed somehow. I feel like I was supposed to stop this from happening, I had it all planned out how we were going to catch him but he still managed to take another girl's life before we could.” The last few words came out broken through the sobs that were tearing their way out of your body. You had tried so hard to keep them in, but in front of JJ, it didn’t matter how hard you tried. She had this way about her that made you feel comforted and safe, and your emotions knew you didn’t have to hide around her. She was the type of person who could break down walls you or she didn’t know were there. She was herself, and it brought out the best in everyone around her.
“What happened today was not your fault. It was no one's fault. We cannot fully predict another person’s actions no matter how hard we try. We can try our damnedest but sometimes people act irrationally under pressure and they do things that even we as profilers cannot see happening.” She rubbed her thumb over your knuckles to keep you grounded in what she was saying, to keep you present. You knew from the moment you stepped foot in this office that she would be able to make you combat the hard feelings that were swirling around in your head. 
“Also, asking for help does not make you weak. You are the strongest person I know, even now with tears running down your face, actually especially now.” 
You sighed, “You’re just saying that to make me feel better aren't you?” 
She didn’t smile. She looked stone-faced, which made you a bit nervous, scared that you somehow had made her mad at you, which was the absolute last thing you wanted.
“I am completely serious here. You are a strong person, and your being upset right now shows how much you care about your job and the people you help. That is something that no one can take away from you and something that shows the amount of strength you have to be able to continue to do this job every single day.” She didn’t break eye contact with you the entire time she spoke. Her face had begun to get softer the more she spoke to you, showing how genuine she was about how she felt, about how strong and caring you were.  
You both just sat there for a few moments, you soaking in what she said, and her letting you deal with whatever was going on in your mind. You never really understood why it was so hard for you to ask for help, or why you held yourself to such a high standard. You would never think poorly of one of your teammates for crying or even just having a hard time on a case. You would think they just simply cared about their job enough to still be human and have strong emotions. 
“I know you’re going through your feelings right now, and just know whenever you’re ready to talk, or even if you just want to sit here and be together I can do whatever. I also have some cheese puffs in my drawer over there if you want some.” 
This made you smile, “JJ, you have my favorite snacks in your drawer?”
A blush passed over her cheeks, which filled you almost with a sense of pride that you made her happy. 
“I maybe have your favorite snack in my drawer, and I maybe bought them when you told me what your favorite snack was. I wanted them in case you ever needed or wanted them.” She turned her head away from you for a second and you just sat there and smiled at her.
JJ was the first person on this team to make you feel appreciated and that made you feel a part of the team. She was the type of person who would make every single person in the room with her feel comfortable and allow them to have time to speak. If someone talked over someone around her she would make the point to make sure they got the chance to speak about whatever they were trying to say. She was just simply put, a good person. Of course, she had your favorite snack in her drawer, only she would. 
When she turned her head back to you, you leaned forward and kissed her. It was a soft kiss at first, allowing her to back away if she didn’t feel the same way about you. Once she pressed harder into you and deepened the kiss you knew it was over for you both. The kiss quickly became more passionate. You pressed your hand against her cheek and she ran her fingers through your hand, pulling a bit which made a moan escape your lips. You could feel her smile against your mouth. You went to reach to move her top off of her shoulder when you both heard someone walk by her office and Hotch, your boss, began talking. 
You quickly stood up, began to rearrange your clothes, and fix your hair. You smiled down at JJ who was looking up at you with stars in her eyes. She started laughing a mix of panic and just pure amusement. Neither of you planned for this to happen. It was just a friend helping a friend in need, and then it progressed to what felt like two school girls doing something while the principal was doing his rounds. It honestly was the best thing that came out of this terrible day. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better to make everything feel right again. 
You reached down and kissed JJ on the forehead, “That was…”
JJ didn’t hesitate to finish your sentence, “Yeah.” With a quick smile, you both walked out of her office, knowing you were going to finish that later.
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BAU!Reader Instagram (Pt. II)
note: aaahh!! thank you for the love for my first post! I'm quite fond of the instagram format posts so here's more 🥹🫶🏼
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Liked by ahotchner, emprentiss and 24 others
mrshotch my team favorites ❤️
bbgirlgarcia I miss my kisses @/derekmorgan! 🥺
derekmorgan @/bbgirlgarcia almost home babygirl 😘
mrshotchner i left my phone for 5 minutes @/derekmorgan!! 😤 you two look cute though won't delete
jjlamontagne @/mrshotch right???
derekmorgan @/mrshotch 😇
emprentiss awww yuck i know for a fact I'm @/mrshotch's favorite
mrshotch @/emprentiss yes you are and I already miss you so much!!
ahotchner @/mrshotch not your husband?
mrshotch @/ahotchner you're also my boss so no 😁
derekmorgan smells like trouble in paradise 🫢
2 days ago
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Liked by dave.rossi, dralexblake and 124 others
mrshotch 30 degrees out here yet somehow I feel hot 🥵 how did i get so lucky @/ahotchner 😍
dave.rossi good to see you kids enjoying your vacation
derekmorgan damn @/ahotchner 🔥🔥
emprentiss your camera might be broken how did @/ahotchner look this good?
ahotchner @/emprentiss 🙄
bbgirlgarcia 😮 our boss!! used!! an emoji!!
4 weeks ago
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Liked by ahotchner, bbgirlgarcia and 34 others
mrshotch I asked him if he'd still love me if I was a worm, we had a long argument about it, and now we're good ☺️ love you @/ahotchner 💕
ahotchner I still don't know why you'd be a worm, but I'll love you the same sweetheart
bbgirlgarcia GOD I SHIP YOU TWO SO BAD 🥰🥰
doctorreid But that's not even a worm. That's a millipede which are arthropods under class diplopoda. Millipedes have legs which you can see right there. They have an exoskeleton whereas worms don't have them. Fun fact, millipedes are actually some of the oldest creatures to live on land.
emprentiss why did I even read all of this
doctorreid also what worm would you even be @/mrshotch? there are lots of worms which are classified under three main phyla: Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, and Annelida. I think Hotch will love you if you were an earthworm. But if you were a tapeworm or ringworm or any other parasitic worm, I don't think so.
derekmorgan @/doctorreid🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️
mrshotch @/doctorreid🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
jjlamontagne @/doctorreid🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
5 weeks ago
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Liked by ahotchner, emprentiss and 63 others
mrshotch 3rd valentine's with the boss/husband 💕
mrshotch thank you @/bbgirlcarcia for hooking me up on the cute pen 🤗
bbgirlgarcia @/mrshotch just give us more hotch babies asap!
mrshotch @/bbgirlcarcia on it 😉
emprentiss @/mrshotch ew too much information
derekmorgan @/mrshotch ew too much information
emprentiss @/derekmorgan jinx u owe me a soda
ahotchner I love you, sweetheart
mrshotch @/ahotchner I love you too, bub 😘💕
7 weeks ago
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jareaul0ver · 8 months
Maybe in Another Universe
Summary: The clock was ticking. There wasn’t much time left before the Unsub would crack and finally take JJ’s life, but Y/N would try her best to save her, no matter the outcome.
wc: 1.08k warnings: blood, gun shot, kidnapping, death (?), loss of a loved one pairing: jennifer jareau x female!reader
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Maybe in another universe, she could have saved. Maybe in another universe, the events lined up and things ended differently. Maybe in another universe, Y/N and JJ are soulmates.
Just not in this one.
Y/N had her gun pointed towards the entrance of the parking garage that her and Reid were about to bust in to. She looked over to him and nodded. He pulled down on the chain that opened the door of the garage. Y/N directed her flashlight inside before entering, her gun at the ready. Reid followed closely behind her, his gun at the ready as well.
Y/N and Reid cleared the floor they were on. She pulled out her radio. “First floor is clear, no sign of the Unsub.. Or JJ.” She clenched her jaw and waited for a response.
Not even a second later Hotch’s voice sounded through the speaker. “Second floor is clear, let’s head to the top.” Y/N and Spencer took off without hesitation, making their way quickly and cautiously up the steps all the way to the third and top floor. Hotch and Morgan were at a staircase on the other side of the complex, trying to corner the Unsub in between the groups to keep JJ as safe as possible.
Y/N busted through the door with her gun aimed forward. She knew that she shouldn’t, but the second she would see the Unsub her gun would fire. She would do anything to protect JJ, especially in this moment. Especially after yesterday.
“Come on, Y/N.” JJ tilted her head to the side and smiled gently at the younger girl. “I know something’s on your mind.”
Y/N shrugged. “Really, Jayje, I’m just tired. That’s all, I promise.” But really that wasn’t all. She wasn’t tired, no. In fact her mind couldn’t rest at all. Every step JJ took closer to her, every longing glance, every small graze of a hand or a shoulder drove her brain and body insane. The way that she swore JJ’s eyes lingered down at her lips as she talked.
All she wanted to do was scream “I love you” at her, but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She didn’t know what was stopping her; maybe the fear of being rejected, the fear of losing her best friend, the fear of JJ not thinking she’s good enough for her. She couldn’t exactly put her finger on it, but there was some factor there, something engrained into her head that completely disallowed her to flood JJ’s ears with her words of love.
JJ sighed. “If you say so.” She placed a comforting hand on Y/N’s arm and gave it a small squeeze before walking out of the kitchen, her coffee in her hand.
In the distance, she saw a figure sitting in a chair, and another with a gun, pointing it at the firsts head. Y/N’s heart dropped. That couldn’t be JJ. She looked back at Spencer and he nodded.
She turned back around and kept her gun pointed over in the direction as the two of them moved closer. “Francis, it’s the FBI! Drop the gun!” Y/N’s voice wavered. She tried to hide it as well as possible but everyone could hear the fear shining through.
He took a few steps around, keeping the gun pointed at JJ’s head. Y/N and Spencer were eventually close enough to see the blood on JJ’s face, to see it mixing with the tears running hard down her face. Y/N’s heart nearly stopped at the sight.
“I don’t think I will.” He grinned as he strolled back behind JJ. He pressed the gun to the back of her head and she flinched. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath and her senses started to fog. She had tunnel vision, get JJ out of here no matter the cost.
“You don’t want to hurt her, Francis.” Spencer said from next to Y/N. The words went into one ear and out of her other. She couldn’t focus. “Just let her go, and we can figure it out from there.”
He chuckled, loading a bullet into the chamber of the gun. “Stop acting like this is some game, Dr. Reid. You won’t get a prize for saving poor Agent Jareau.” He leaned his head down near the side of JJ’s and gently caressed her face.
I felt my chest tighten up. All I could hear was the sound of him cocking the gun. He placed it on the side of JJ’s head, and her eyes met Y/N’s before closing. His finger hovered on the trigger.
“Wait!” Y/N called out. “Don’t- don’t shoot her. Take me instead.” Spencer glanced over at Y/N and JJ’s eyes shot open.
“Y/N, no-“ JJ started, but Y/N spoke again.
“You don’t want her. She’s only the media liaison.” Y/N sucked in a shaky breath. “I’m a profiler. I’m much more valuable.”
Francis stared at Y/N for a moment before slowly pulling the gun away from JJ’s head. JJ let out a sigh of relief.
It was a very short moment of relief, though, as Francis quickly raised his arm and shot Y/N directly in the chest. The impact of the bullet sent her falling to the ground. Not a second later, Spencer fired his gun, and the bullet landed perfectly in Francis’s forehead. Hotch and Morgan rushed up from the side and went to free JJ from her restraints. It was proven to be a difficult task as she was thrashing in the chair, trying to free herself and run to Y/N.
JJ was free and sprinted over to Y/N, placing a hand on her cheek and tucking her head into the woman’s neck. "No, no, no. Y/N, no!" She sobbed. JJ's body collapsed onto Y/N's.
She hadn't felt this much pain in losing someone since she lost her sister all those years ago. It felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest and someone was stomping on it over and over again.
"Y/N, please, I-" Her voice broke and tears rolled down from her face and landed on Y/N's shoulder. "Please, I love you." She waited a few beats for a response, but when she didn't get one, she rolled onto the cold ground next to her body. She gave up.
Spencer crouched down next to her. His knees landed in the pool of blood that her body was laying in. His fingers landed on Y/N’s neck and his body slumped with defeat. He looked over at Hotch and Derek and simply shook his head.
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hotchnissonly · 3 months
Stolen Glances Chapter 24 - out now!
He was stunned, words failing him as his brain tried and failed to understand where this had come from. She wasn’t requesting a transfer; she was quitting the Bureau, terminating her career within the FBI. He knew the last few cases had been hard on her, but never in a million years did he expect those words to come out of her mouth.
He told her he didn’t understand, that he thought she was making a mistake, but her face said otherwise. When she announced that she would be taking the Foreign Service exam, he was shocked, but not as shocked as when she said she would lean on her connections to get a position within the State Department.
He recalled her first week on the team, how offended she had been when he insinuated she had used those same connections to get into the BAU. By now, he definitely knew her well enough to know that she would never use those connections unless backed into a corner and forced to do so. She prided herself on her self-attained career.
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
First Case
Summary: Bonnie is invited to assist on her first case, and got more than what she was expecting.
Characters: Bonnie McBride (OC), Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Jason Gideon
AU: Criminal Minds
Episode: Own
Word count: 4.9K
A/N: I make a lot of stuff up in this so just go with it! I make facts up a lot lol
TW: detail of blood and gore
Reblogs and likes help me a lot!! Help a little account out <3
“Wheels up in thirty.” Agent Hotchner announced and Bonnie could have hit the roof and landed in Seattle already not having needed to use the jet.
It had been three months this she started her new job as the BAU’s (Agents Hotchners) assistant and she’d been invited to assist on a case. Not as a profiler or an agent, but to help out. Sort things, write down information, and keep up to date. Like a walking talking diary for the team.
Her go bag has been ready since her first day and followed Emily closely towards the jet, it was magnificent. She’d never imagine she’d ever step foot in something like this.
“You like it?” Emily asked knowingly, and Bonnie chuckled.
“It’s amazing.”
“Very comfy too!”
And the two entered and found a seat.
The rest of the team followed shortly and she thought it was a bit cramped for seven people, but it was fine none the less.
“Three killings, all stabbed and had their hair cut off, all dumped around the Livingstone park. Within four weeks. Which means around one killing per week.” Agent Hotchner read from his file, one that each agent had been given by Jennifer and Bonnie began writing in her notepad.
“The hair means something to him. Women love their hair, this dude hates women. So what does he do? Take away their identity and their looks. He’s angry and wants them to feel as low as he does.” Derek waded in, and by instinct Bonnie stroked her own hair. She did love hers. It was unique. Bright orange when the sun shone down on her, and cool ginger when there was no light. She’d hate to have it all cut off or lose it somehow.
“I think he knows the area. That park is two thousand acres, he can cover a lot of ground.” Said Emily.
“Are we sure it’s a guy? I mean, it seems like it could be jealousy. Possibly a woman who doesn’t see herself as pretty or well liked and she attacks attractive women then defiles something that most of us care for and always want to look nice, our hair.” Jennifer commented and Agent Gideon frowned.
“You might be onto something JJ. They leave the bodies face up, no remorse for what they’ve done. It could either me a man suffering from rejection or a woman full of jealousy. We’ll have to take a closer look when we get down there.”
“Did you know that in a recent survey taken in a Las Vegas high school, girls were asked what aspect of themselves they treasure most, and the highest answer was their hair. Not their body or maybe their face, but their hair. I-I think it’s because your hair can really change the way you look. You can change your face with makeup and surgery and your body by exercising and-and eating, but it’s easier to get a haircut or dye it.” Spencer gifted the team with his extensive knowledge.
“So you think whoever’s doing this is to make their victims… ugly?” Agent Gideon questioned, looking down to Spencer who nodded.
“Well all the girls do look kinda similar. Dark hair, blue eyes, skinny.” Derek had said before Agent Hotchner spoke.
“When we arrive I want Reid, Morgan, JJ, down at the police station find out anything you can about what’s been done. Gideon, and Prentiss, and I will visit the dump site.” He closed the conversation swiftly, along with his file.
“What will I do?” Bonnie asked eagerly.
Agent Hotchner thought for a moment. “Come with me. But if you feel sick or something you can head back and go to the police station with the others.”
But she swore she wouldn’t. This is what she’s preparing for. Her future. She’d have to get used to gory scenes at some point. And she wanted to prove she was capable of helping the team.
“Yes sir.”
And shortly after, the jet landed and Bonnie dug her nails into the arms of her chair, scared they would crash but had instead rolled smoothly into an airport.
Immediately, agent Hotchner, Gideon, and Emily were on their way to the Livingstone National Park, Bonnie in the backseat next to Emily.
“You ever seen a dead body before.” Emily asked suddenly and Bonnie almost laughed at how absurd that question was.
“Once.” She kept her answer short. Not wanting to give any more information about her past to the team.
It was rough growing up. Her mother and father migrated to America from Scotland when she was twenty two, Bonnie was four. Her red hair a flame and full of wonder. Her parents were convinced about the American dream, but neither of them had ever kept down a job, instead they fell down a hole of drug addiction. At the age of eighteen, her mother had found herself pregnant after a faulty condom broke, then six years later, it was her little girl who found her father laying lifeless in their apartment bathroom. A drug overdose. Since then her and her mother have been eating small plates and sometimes using cold water for showers. The apartment in which they live in now isn’t great. It needs a lot of work but neither of them have money to pay for it. Bonnie was accepted to college for outstanding grades as a young age. Child prodigy as her mother would say and tell her every day how proud she was of her. But lately she hasn’t seen her much, or heard anything similar in a couple of years.
“Who was it?”
“Emily.” Agent Hotchner had a stern look on his face and she gulped.
“It’s ok. I’m sure you guys have seen lots. I’m just excited to be helping.”
Agent Gideon smiled a little. “Let’s hope you still feel that way when we’re done.”
They arrived at the park, and were welcomed by one of the rangers.
“Thank you for coming Sir. I’m Sandy Parker, head of the rangers and the park.” A broad woman possibly in her mid thirties with short red hair, a tattoo on her left arm, and a bulbous nose shook Agent Hotchners hand. She had been leaning up against a pick-up truck, the same colour as her hair.
“Thank you for letting us in. I’m SSA Aaron Hotchner, this here is SSA Jason Gideon, SSA Emily Prentiss, and Bonnie.”
And Bonnie. It sounded a little funny. Here’s three intelligent agents, and a kid. We’re here to solve the crime. Just like scooby doo.
“Oh my god am I the dog?” Bonnie thought to herself.
“Right this way. One of my coworkers Andy found her. He hasn’t blinked since.” Her tone was steady, deep, she must be very professional, or has seen something like this before.
As they were led through the forest, Bonnie noted how close the trees were. Not really good for entering. And she wrote it down. There had to be another entrance somewhere. It would be hard to move around in here without making a noise or dropping the body you carried.
Before she even knew it, the agents had stopped walking, and the three of them were staring downwards. So Bonnie did too, and almost vomited.
It was horrible. The girl must have been around her age. Brunette, small, skinny, but perky. That’s the ideal type isn’t it? To be thin but also have a little something going on. She knew that she want to be like that. But was rather flat, as she would put it when looking in the mirror.
The girls hair was chopped right to the scalp, bald patches shining here and there and some cuts on where the shearing had gone too close to the head.
The girls face was grey, totally lifeless. But what the worst part of it was, was that it was hardly a face. It had been mutilated with a blade.
“Fifteen stab wounds. Most to the face, some to the body which is probably what killed her.” Sandy sighed. “Poor girl. You never think something like this could ever happen to you. She was so pretty too… shame.” Sandy said staring right down at the girls bloody corpse.
In her notes, Bonnie wrote down about the overkill. The rage.
But was there hair here? On the ground? Or any blood splatters? If the girl was killed here, the hair that was cut should be here too.
“There’s no hair around here. Or blood.” She said.
“You’re right…” Agent Hotchner mumbled. “He’s not killing them here. He might be holding them.” And he flipped out his phone.
“Garcia, I need you to find missing persons report on brunette young girls, typically attractive, thin, and small.”
“She’s on it. Hopefully we can find out his type. And he might already found his next victim.”
Bonnie gulped hard.
Once there was nothing else to look at, the four began travelling back to the car through branches and twigs.
“That was some good spotting kid.” Agent Gideon made Bonnie jump.
“Oh… thank you sir.” Smiling gratefully.
“I hear your studying criminal justice?”
“Yes sir I am. I’m almost finished. I’ve been skipping a lot of grades and should be finished next year at some point.”
“Oh another genius! So tell me, what are you planning to do once you’re done?”
“FBI training.” She said proudly and Agent Gideon smiled.
“Well you’ve proven you know your stuff well. Keep it up and you’ll be in the BAU in no time. I’ll make sure of it. That’s how Spencer got in! Knew him when he was studying and could see his wits from miles away. Once he was done all he had to do was give me a call.”
If he was hinting at her doing the same thing, she might faint.
She’s always had a passion for justice. She was smart and wanted to use it for good. Help others. Save them. Make something of herself instead of falling into the same path are the one her mother is taking.
“So what have you found?” Agent Hotchner asked Jennifer who began filling him in on missing girl cases and had three pictures up on a clear board which Spencer was scribbling profusely on, while Derek read over the victims files.
“No sexual assault on any of them. I think JJ might be right. It might be a woman.”
Jennifer sighed. “But how is she doing it?”
“Being nice?” Bonnie suggested.
“Gaining their trust.” Said Gideon, taking a seat. “These young girls wouldn’t think twice about a woman or another young girl showing kindness would they? They’re more trustworthy than men.”
“I don’t know about you guys but I wouldn’t just walk away with a strange woman just because she’s nice to me.” Jennifer commented and Bonnie nodded her head agreeing.
Then Emily added, “Trustworthy. People of authority uh… police officers, nurses maybe, someone the public is brought up to know will help them.”
“So how’s she getting rid of the bodies.” Agent Hotchner asked the question they were all thinking.
“A car would be too small I think. Too easy to get evidence on it. So maybe a van, or a truck. Something bigger that would have space to hold someone.” Spencer spoke to the board he was staring at.
“Great. We’re ready to deliver the profile, good work guys.” Agent Hotchner left the room with the team following in his footsteps.
The whole police departement sat before them, looking up at them eagerly wanting just as much they did to catch the person doing this. Sandy from the park had also arrived. She wanted to find who was defiling her beloved park just like everyone else.
Agent Hotchner spoke first. “The person were looking for is female. All victims have been white so we feel safe to assume this unsub is too.”
Then Derek. “She’s someone trustworthy. It could be someone of the law or of some other authority. These girls don’t have to question whether or not they’re safe with the unsub.”
“She’s full of rage. These women are everything that she wants to be. Small, thin, pretty, and she’s taking her own insecurities out on them, shown by the over kill and cutting of hair.” Emily spoke up.
“So we’re looking for a woman who may not be the same age as these victims. She’s old enough to know the Livingstone area well and clever enough to plan out her attacks and kidnappings.” Said Spencer.
“That’s right. These aren’t spree killings or sudden fits of anger. These girls are being kidnapped, held, tortured, then murdered.” Agent Gideon finished, all of the detectives and officers had their mouths gaping. Sandy’s expression was sour and Bonnie couldn’t blame her. The innocence of these young girls were ripped from them cruelly. All because some bitch never learned how to love herself.
“That’s all for now. Thank you.” Agent Hotchner allowed the detectives to go back to work.
At that moment, Sandy had her phone to her ear, and looked wide eyed to Agent Hotchner. “Sir, they’ve found another body.”
“What? Already?” Bonnie followed quickly to keep up with his long strides and they ended up in the jeep, Emily and Derek in the back as Bonnie had accidentally taken the passenger seat. She could tell Derek was a little annoyed at that.
“Another body… they’re picking up the pace man.” Derek said worriedly and Agent Hotchner nodded.
“It’s weird… we were literally just there and the second we leave there’s another body… how?”
“Maybe they were watching us. They knew we were there and waited until we were gone to dump another.” Emily commented from her back seat.
Bonnie hadn’t seen anyone in the trees… maybe they were high up like a bird and she had missed it.
“Over this way!” Sandy yelled having beat them to the scene, this time in a small black car. The truck must be used for park purposes.
The team followed into the scraggly bushes, and went deep into the forest about a ten minute walk until they laid eyes on their latest victim.
Just the same as the last, but a more violent attack had occurred. The girls ear was missing, the other still intact with a dangly sapphire earring. Her face was practically gone. Mush.
“How could…” Bonnie choked and Emily lay a gently hand on her shoulder.
From the rest of her body, she looked young. Nineteen maybe twenty or eighteen. She had her whole life ahead of her and now it was nothing but ashes. They couldn’t even identify her yet…
“ID in her pocket. Drivers licence. Katy Darnwall, seventeen.” One of the officers handed Agent Hotchner the girls card with a glove. She was one of the girls on Spencer’s board.
Seventeen… possibly the youngest of the lot. Probably still in high school not yet completed her exams…
“That’s disgusting…” holding the back of her hand against her mouth, Bonnie took a deep breath while Emily squeezed her grip.
“How long has she been here?” Derek asked the officers.
“Dumped today. She’s still warm. A dog found her. He was off his leash.”
“If you like I can take you to the park station and we can call her parents.” Sandy suggested, looking down at the girl.
“No… we need to have a look around. See how the unsub got this deep in. There’s close trees, there has to be a path easier to get in.” Agent Hotchner shook his head and turned his attention to Emily and Derek.
“Split up and try and find the entrance, you too Bonnie, note down anything suspicious.”
And she obliged immediately. Anything not to look at the blood still pouring out of the young girls face.
On her way she went. Separating from the group with her notepad in hand. Writing as her mind refused to stop thinking for just a second.
“Woman… older… not very pretty, or thin.” She spoke out loud. “Truck or van…” just subconsciously, a face blinked in her mind. Sandy was a bit like that. She wasn’t trying to be mean or insulting but that’s just what the description made her think of. Maybe there’s someone living out here pretending to be a guide and luring these girls into a cabin or shed.
Bonnie had been walking through a dirt path for about ten minutes now, not even realising, and saw at the bottom of a hill was in fact, a shed. It was hard to see. Moss covered the sides and blended the building into the trees and bushes. Just like the rest of the forest, the trees were close together. Anyone walking past wouldn’t have even seen it.
But Bonnie really did love quizzes and challenges. Amazing at spot the difference and games were you had to find hidden objects in pictures that blended into its surroundings. She didn’t know what that game was called but she had named it ‘the chameleon game.’
Immediately she pulled out her phone to dial Agent Hotchners number, but no signal.
“Shit!” She cursed and turned back to the shed that looked pretty old. Shabby but… well kept. There was a garden with flowers. Tulips. And a small lake, almost like a big puddle about twenty feet away.
She couldn’t turn back now, she was afraid she’d forget her steps. So she went forward towards the shed.
Watching her footing, careful not to trip, she began her descent, and noticed there was a path to her left. That must be how this person is getting the victims out easily, instead of treading through all these branches. Another on the right near the puddle lake. Must be how they get in.
“Hey.” Bonnie’s soul almost left her body and she slipped down onto the dirty ground, covering her skirt in dry mud.
Whipping around she saw Sandy and sighed with relief, getting back to her feet. “Hey… did you know this shed was here?” She asked, pointing in the direction.
“Never seen that thing in my life.” The woman shrugged.
But she’s the head of the rangers right? She needs to know all about the park.
“How come?” She asked innocently, as anxiety began to fill her stomach, something wasn’t right.
“Just never saw it. Some of these woods are still undiscovered.”
Well that couldn’t be true. There was a map at the station for visitors so they don’t get lost. Unless this wasn’t on the map.
“Oh right… well…” she didn’t really know what to do now.
“We’ll check it out together alright? I’m here with you. Nothing to be afraid of.” Sandy’s smile had eased her, so she began to walk. Trusting her.
The closer to the shed she got, the louder the alarms were in her head. But she didn’t know what to do about them. Sandy was here, but Bonnie was beginning to doubt whether that was a good thing.
Older woman, not ideally pretty, not thin, trustworthy, authoritative, truck… it all added up and formed into the woman walking right next to her.
And… had she been following her? She was a long way away from the dump site, why hadn’t she let herself be known…
Sandy was a few steps in front of her, and Bonnie caught a glimpse of something shiny. “What’s that?” She had suddenly asked, curious on the little blue gem in Sandy’s hand, twirling between her fingers.
“Just a little something I found.”
Katy Darnwall’s missing earrings.
The look of realisation must have been clear, as Sandy smiled and approached Bonnie slowly, and once reached, took strands of her hair through her stubby fingers, admiring it in her hand.
“Y’know, in all my life I’ve actually never seen someone with ginger hair before. Must be a foreign thing. It’s very pretty. Just like you. You’re thin, small, got nice rosy cheeks.” To which she pinched Bonnies face. A little too hard and Bonnies breathing hitched.
She wanted to cry out of fear. Scream for Agent Hotchner or Emily who wouldn’t even hear her. Someone safe. Someone to save her.
“And gorgeous blue eyes! Y’know how rare it is for ginger people to have blue eyes? Only zero point two percent in the entire world has that.” She looked down at Bonnie with a twisted smile, still playing with her hair in her fingers, with her free hand she stroked her cheek.
“I bet you’ve had a lot of boyfriends huh?”
“N-no… I’ve never dated anyone.” And that was true. She didn’t have the time nor the confidence to do so.
“Oh really? Why’s that? You’re a really beautiful girl. No one would ever want to date someone like me.” Sandy laughed, a little crazed. “But you… I know everyone wants a piece of you, and I hate you!” The hair between Sandy’s fingers was yanked hair and Bonnie fell down, suddenly feeling the weight of a boulder coming down on her face.
Scared and unsure what was happening, she pushed up hard, and rolled down the rest of the hill with Sandy running behind her. Hitting her head on stones or twigs on the earthy ground until she came to a quick stop and jumped, bolting for the shed.
“Get back here you little shit!” Bonnie screamed with fright and tried to door handle which didn’t budge, and dipped out the way before the pocket knife in which Sandy had pulled out collider with the wooden door, piercing it right through.
As she sprinted behind the shed she whipped out her phone and prayed for even just a little signal, but came up blank. But she pressed the call button anyways, letting it ring in her pocket.
There was the path to her left. The one which Sandy must have been using to dispose the bodies. If she followed it, it could lead her back to the team. Back to Agent Hotchner who’d know what to do.
The air was went still. Bonnie stifled sobs from pressing her back against the shed, trying to hear footsteps or dirt crunching to get an idea on where Sandy was now.
But there was nothing. Which was more terrifying actually.
Run for it. You’re quick and she’s a little bigger than you are. She might not catch you.
Bonnie crept to the edge of the shed where she reluctantly peeked her head round the corner to see it open. Wanting to not think about anything anymore, her legs took control and she was running towards the path.
That was when Sandy pounced. She was a hunter. Knew how to catch prey in these woods, and she was pretty quick on her feet.
“HELP!” Bonnie screamed into the woods as hot tears rolled down her face. She didn’t have protection like the others with their guns. She had her bare hands and feet that were shaking all over she didn’t know how much she could run.
“HOTCH!” She screamed again, begging for the one member of the team she longed for. His approval, his praise, everything. He was just amazing. So calm and preserved yet caring and understanding. She felt safe when she worked with him and always felt bubbly when he smiled at her. He was the only person she thought of when running.
Sandy was catching at a frightening speed, like a cheeta chasing an antelope, and Bonnies skirt wasn’t in her favour, restricting the movement of her legs, which she would curse out later for possibly being the reason she had been caught so quickly.
Sandy was on top of her again in a flash, but she kicked with all her might and strength in her body to stop the woman from turning her into her next victim.
“Bonnie!” The sound of a man’s voice slipped through her ears, not really processing it at all as her brain was too busy instructing Bonnie on how to dodge a blade.
One hard kick after bringing her knees up close to her chin had done the trick to loosen the larger woman’s grip on her and she crawled backwards, eyes manic with fear but she had forgotten how to stand.
Though she didn’t have to.
“Stop right there!” It was Derek, standing on higher ground pointing his gun directly at Sandy who had not paid him any attention. Instead she was looking hungrily in the direction of Bonnies small frame. Snarling like an animal fighting for food.
The woman lunged and Bonnie screamed.
Then a gunshot.
Bonnies shut eyes tentatively opened, and was horrified by the bloody scene in front of her.
Sandy had been shot through the chest. One clean shot. Her blood pooled around her body, as well as dripped from Bonnies nose.
“Kid?! Are you alright?” Derek’s voice was muffled. She couldn’t stop staring at the woman.
“She tried… she tried to…” she was ashamed on how her sobs broke loose but was comforted by the strong arms of Derek around her.
Picking her up swiftly with the young girl clinging onto his shoulders, legs weak, she watched as Sandy’s lifeless figure became smaller and smaller until she was gone.
She must have fallen asleep or passed out because when she opened her eyes again, her and Derek had just arrived back at the park station.
The strong man put her down and steadied her with his hand.
“You alright? You’re not hurt or anything?” He questioned frantically, checking her for cuts or bruises.
“I don’t know… my arm is a little sore.” Derek pulled her blazer up and winced.
“Must have got you and you didn’t realise. Will need stitches.” His gaze softened and his hand caressed her cheek, it was much more friendly than Sandy’s.
“Some first case right?” She had tried to joke but choked on a sob afterwards.
There was embarrassment and let down. She wanted to be in this field so badly but had fumbled her first chance.
“Bonnie! Oh my god, thank god you’re safe.” Once the pair walked in, Agent Hotchner sped over and had engulfed her in a hug, which she returned tightly. “You did it. You found her, seriously well done.”
She didn’t understand.
“What do you mean?”
“Your call to me, Garcia tracked it and Derek found you first. Officers are down at the shed and have found two girls. Without you, they wouldn’t have been found.”
Bonnie could have vomited now with the knowledge that she had been right at that shed and had no idea… but how could she? She tried the door and it was locked. She couldn’t get in if she wanted to. She couldn’t kick down door the way Derek could.
“But I failed.” Her lip quivered.
“Failed?” Jennifer scoffed with a smile. “Bonnie you caught her. And those other girls are safe now because of you. I’d call that success.”
“Days in the field are hard. Sometimes it gets rough.” Agent Gideon nodded his head.
“But if Derek hadn’t-“
“No. Enough. You did good. And I’m sorry for sending you out there alone… if I had any idea then…” Agent Hotchner sighed. “We found out probably the same time as you when we realised Sandy had gone. We were looking everywhere and your call helped us find you.”
Bonnie pulled the phone out of her pocket and checked that it had eventually went through.
“Thank you.” She whispered and Agent Hotchner led her outside with the rest of the team, away to get some medical treatment to which Bonnie still couldn’t really feel her arm. She just knew that it hurt. The blood on her coat said otherwise however.”
Fresh stitches, clean clothes, a good rest. The plane back to DC would be a little while and she was very excited to sleep, though she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to commit to it.
She’d never been attacked like that before. It had been a serious eye opener to who the BAU actually deal with. But then there was thrill to do it all over.
“So…caught your first bad guy today huh?” Emily said with a smirk on her face at the other side of the table in the jet.
Bonnie chuckled. “I guess so.”
“I read your notes. You were ahead of us. I couldn’t imagine how scary that must have been though. Figuring it out alone when the person is right there next to you… that must have sucked ass.”
“It did. But it’s over now.”
Emily winked to Bonnie. “Damn right it’s over. If you were of age I’d offer you a drink.”
“Legal age in Scotland is eighteen y’know.”
“Yeah well, I’m not ready to lose my badge yet.” The two of them laughed. Bonnie didn’t drink anyways, she hated it.
“So… would you like to tell me what the first body you ever saw was then?” Emily asked and Bonnie twisted her mouth as she stared around the window at the soft clouds passing by.
“My dad.” She said absently. “Drug overdose. I was six. Me and my mum have been ourselves ever since.”
Emily frowned deeply and stretched her hand over to where Bonnies lay on the table. “Well, if you ever need someone I’m only a phone call away. We all are. Each of us all have some sort of trouble one way or another… you’re part of the team even if you’re an assistant. You’re part of the BAU.”
Bonnie smiled in spite of the void in her chest, sniffed before closing her eyes.
“Thank you… Emily.”
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙚 | 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙
When an old unsolved case falls back onto their desks, the BAU calls in reinforcements from Emily's days with Interpol. Becca's arrival stirs the case up, as well as the heart of a certain Dr Reid...
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1: 𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘎𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵
Warnings: Descriptions of violence
Word count: 1,518
Becca sighed as the elevator came to a stop on the sixth floor, straightening her black dress as the doors opened slowly. Stepping out, she walked towards the large glass doors across the corridor. She pulled the heavy door open, the sound of people bustling around filling her ears.
"Excuse me," she smiled to the tall man pouring himself a coffee, towering over her even in her heels as he pushed his hair back from his face. "I'm looking for Emily Prentiss?" He smiled down at her, gesturing towards the far corner of the room.
"That's her office in the corner."
"Perfect, thank you," she smiled as she turned and made her way towards the open door. She paused in the doorway, smiling as she peeked her head around the corner. Emily was hunched over her desk, scribbling away at some paperwork. "Did someone call for an exhausted Brit?" She laughed, Emily's face lighting up as she heard her voice.
"Oh my god, it's so good to see you," Emily exclaimed, jumping up from her desk and running to the doorway, pulling her friend into a tight hug.
"You too Em," Becca smiled as she pulled away, pushing her long dark hair behind her ear. "I wish it were under better circumstances though," she added sadly.
"Yeah, true story," Emily muttered as she walked back around her desk, taking a seat and gesturing for Becca to sit down opposite her. "So how are you? I was really sorry to hear you and Adam broke up."
"Oh god, don't be! I'll fill you in some time, but trust me, it's a good thing," Becca laughed. "But I'm good, thank you. How about you?"
"Really good. The last few years have been a whirlwind, but I'm glad I decided to come back," Emily said, nodding slowly. "Thank you for getting here so quickly. You must be really jetlagged." Becca raised her eyebrows, nodding dramatically.
"Just a bit!" She laughed. "But if we can catch this fucker between us, it'll be worth it. How many times has he hit in Washington?"
"Two so far, but it's been a couple of weeks since his last kill so he's going to snap again sooner or later," Emily explained.
"I'm just glad your analyst managed to link them. Without her, we might never have spotted them all," Becca said.
"Garcia is the best of the best," Emily smiled. "She did leave the BAU for a few months, and I can't tell you how glad we all are that she's back. The team are waiting for me in the round table room, you ready to get started?" Becca smiled, rising eagerly from her seat.
"Let's do it. I can't wait to meet them with everything you've told me," she smiled. Emily walked from her office, gesturing for Becca to follow.
As she followed Emily along the raised walkway that ran around the outside edge of the room, she glanced around the large office. There were files lining the far wall, and banks of desks filled the room, people milling around busily, and a kitchen area in the corner nearest to the large glass doors.
She smiled to herself, picturing her tiny room in the basement of the Interpol offices in London, with its tiny window high in the wall that even if she was tall enough to see out of it, all she'd see was the back alley of the building. Very far removed from the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the walkway, with panoramic views of the Quantico complex.
As they reached the closed door, Emily paused, her hand on the door handle.
"Prior warning. Penelope is going to go crazy for your British accent," Emily laughed. "Also, don't try shaking Spencer's hand. He's a bit of a germophobe and believe me, you don't want his speech about it being safer to kiss."
"Noted," Becca laughed softly as Emily pushed the door open and strolled inside.
"Ok guys, our special guest has arrived, let's get started," Emily said loudly as she made her way to the large circular table and took a seat, Becca sitting down beside her.
"First, let me introduce you to Dr Rebecca Harding. She teaches forensic psychology in England and she consults for Interpol, which is how our paths crossed. Becca is here to work with us on some recent killings in Washington, and I want you to consider her a part of this team for as long as she's here," Emily instructed the team.
"If she's not too tired from her trip, I was thinking maybe Becca could join us all for drinks tonight?" Emily suggested, looking at Becca, her lips curling into a small smile.
"Count me in," Becca smiled.
"Oh!" Garcia exclaimed. "I love the British accent!" She grinned, clapping her hands excitedly. "Would you like some tea mate?" She laughed in a very bad attempt at a British accent, earning a snorted laugh from the Hispanic man sitting opposite Becca.
Becca already knew she and Garcia would become great friends. She was warm and friendly, her clothes bright and cheerful, even matching her glasses.
"I mean, that was more Australian than British, but I never turn down tea," Becca chuckled.
"Can't say I didn't warn you," Emily laughed quietly. "Let me just tell you who everyone is and then I'll let Garcia talk us through the case. To your left is Dr Tara Lewis, then Matt Simmons, Jennifer Jareau, Luke Alvez, David Rossi and Dr Spencer Reid," Emily introduced everyone, all smiling warmly at Becca as Emily pointed to them in turn. She recognised Spencer as the tall stranger who she had spoken to when she first arrived. "And this delightful creature is Penelope Garcia, our tech analyst."
"And knower of all things both knowable and unknowable," Garcia chirped, bouncing out of her seat and across to the large screen at the front of the room, her bright blue heels clicking against the ground as she went.
"Well, my fine furry friends, we have a doozy for you today. Six years ago, the BAU consulted on four murders in Los Angeles," Garcia began, pressing buttons on the remote control in her hand, bringing up the pictures of four women on the screen. "This charming unsub likes to mutilate the genitals of his victims before stabbing them precisely thirteen times in the chest and stomach before slitting their throats and cutting their tongues out," Garcia grimaced, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
"Talk about overkill," Tara muttered. "This guy is angry."
"Garcia, were the victims sexually assaulted?" Matt asked.
"The M.E. found it difficult to say for sure because of all the, cutting," Garcia stuttered, scrunching her nose in disgust. "But he believes they were raped beforehand. No DNA left behind though." Matt nodded slowly, chewing on the lid of his pen.
"So, we're looking at a very angry sexual sadist," Luke said quietly.
"You know, I think I remember this case," Spencer said, leaning forward in his seat. "I didn't work it but I remember Hotch and Morgan discussing it. The unsub left the bodies in public parks posed under trees, right?" Garcia nodded, pressing the remote again, bringing up a new image on the screen of one of the victims at a dump site. "If I remember correctly, the unsub then fell dormant. There were four victims and then it all just stopped."
Becca watched Spencer as he spoke quickly, his hands gesturing with every word. His hair was longer, falling in soft chocolate waves that stopped just below his ears and often fell across his hazel eyes. His style was a little different to her normal type, although she did like his combination of a suit and Converse high tops, and she had to admit he was cute. And painfully smart from what she could remember Emily telling her about him.
"You're partially correct, boy genius," Garcia said. "The killings stopped in L.A., but two months later, similar murders started in London, England. Which is where Dr Harding comes in," Garcia explained, smiling as she gestured towards Becca.
"I was called in by Interpol to help with profiling this delightful guy, which is how I met Em," Becca explained, smiling at Emily. "The murders in London were basically an exact replica of the L.A. ones. Same victimology, same M.O., same timeline. And they stopped just as abruptly a year ago."
"We got a call from the police department in Washington a few days ago about a suspected serial," Emily explained. "When Garcia ran the details through ViCAP, she noticed the links between all of the murders, and I called Becca. Thank you again for dropping everything," she smiled at Becca.
"You think I was gonna pass up the chance to work with the BAU?" Becca laughed. "Not likely!"
"It's getting late, and I'm sure this one would like a nap before we hit the bar, so head home. We'll get started in the morning," Emily said, rising from her chair. "I'll text you the address for the bar," she smiled to Becca.
"Perfect, can't wait," Becca smiled.
Chapter 2
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scorpsik · 1 year
FIC: Fledgling
The BAU hasn't welcomed Emily and she thinks she ought to go.
Season 2. Em, Gideon, JJ.
Humour and self-doubt and I really enjoyed this one. I hope you do too xx
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Not Your Type...?
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: fluff
Summary: JJ needs help getting ready for a party, and you're the only one in the apartment who can.
Square Filled: friends to lovers for @anyfandomgoesbingo
Author’s Note: JJ and the reader are in college
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Another weekend. Another night of being alone in your room watching your favorite movies. Movies that you can recite word for word. All your homework is done with nothing being due for another week so you have all night and all weekend to do whatever you want without stressing about school.
Once you’ve placed the third blanket on your bed, you leave your room to grab movie snacks and drinks so that you don’t have to leave your room for the rest of the night. You pass by your roommate’s room with the door ajar, but she isn’t in there. She must be in the bathroom that conjoins your two rooms together getting ready for a big party she couldn't stop talking about all month.
You were never the one to go out and party even though that’s what all your friends did in high school and the first half of your college career. You’d much rather stay inside, cuddle in bed, and cry over Tadashi Hamada dying and leaving Baymax in the hands of his younger brother. Movies that bring you to tears comfort you since you know the feeling of heartbreak isn’t real. It’s not really happening to you so you allow yourself to be vulnerable for that two hours you’re watching the movie.
JJ, on the other hand, would much rather go to parties, get drunk, and have the time of her life before she gets a serious job. She has a thing for criminal justice, and you know she is going to do great in that field. She’s very smart. She’s got more than her brain going for her. She’s a gorgeous woman who has you wrapped around her finger even if she doesn’t know it.
The only reason you haven’t done anything about the major crush you have on her is because whenever she goes to parties, she always comes back with a man. It’s never a woman so that tells you she isn’t into women like you are. You have thin walls; you can hear everything that goes on in her bedroom. She wouldn’t go for you.
No, she won’t like me the same way. Just pretend I don’t like her until I move on. Yeah, that seems like a good plan.
After making some popcorn, you walk back to your room, passing JJ’s.
“Y/N? Can you come in here for a second?” she calls out for you.
You pause by her room and walk inside. She is by her mirror struggling to keep her red dress from falling. The entire back is open, and your mouth goes dry at seeing her bare skin. The dress is very fitting to her body, a body you’d love nothing more than to explore. Damn, pretending isn’t going to be very easy for you.
“Can you help me? Can you zip me up?”
You set the bowl of popcorn on top of her dresser and approach her from behind. You reach out for the zipper and hesitate. One touch of her skin will send you into a fucking puddle on the ground, but you have to compose yourself or else she’d know your feelings for her. The last thing you want to do is make her uncomfortable. Still, you grab the zipper and zip the back of the dress up.
“Wow, you look amazing.”
“Thank you. Maybe I’ll get lucky tonight.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
She is so close to you that you can smell her perfume. It’s making your head dizzy. I have to get out of here. You turn to grab your bowl when JJ stops you. She steps so close to you that all you can smell is her.
“Hey, can I call you if I need you? Like if anything happens?”
“Yeah, you can kiss me.” Your eyes widen when you realize your mistake. “I didn’t mean that. I meant to call me. You can call me.”
“Too bad,” she smirks. “I was gonna do it.”
She winks at you and leaves her room, leaving you with your mouth agape.
“Wait!” You rush after her, leaving your popcorn in her room. “What did you say?”
“It’s a shame you’re not coming with me.”
“I hate parties.”
“I know.”
She walks to the kitchen and grabs a shot glass before grabbing one of the alcohol bottles from the fridge. She fills the shot to the top and tosses it back effortlessly.
“One for the road. Don’t worry, I’m not driving there or back.”
Before she leaves, she approaches you in determination. She grabs both your cheeks and pulls you in for a kiss. You’re too shocked to even do anything, and she is pulling away before you know it.
“Only because you asked for it. See you later,” she winks. 
She is already out the door before you can say or do anything.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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!Request Rules!
I won't write non-con/rape
Incest is a huge no
Child sexual abuse
No sexual content with characters under 16
Zero romanticising mental illness
I do not write anything with a daddy kink. Mommy kink though- 👀
No step-family in sexual content
(Characters between 16-18 with those 18+ is still child sexual abuse/assault because anyone under 18 cannot give consent! This may be fan-fiction but I will not write anything like that!)
Other than that, don't hesitate to request something, even if you think it's weird, there's no judgement here.
A list of fan-fiction and characters you request can be found below. 👇
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Merle Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Greene
Negan Smith
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Denki Kaminari
Eijirou Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Hanta Sero
Tenya Iida
Momo Yaoyorozu
Kyouka Jirou
Toshinori Yagi
Shouta Aizawa
Hizashi Yamada
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso
Tamaki Amajiki
Tomura Shigiraki
Himiko Toga
Enji Todoroki
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Max Mayfield
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Tom Riddle (non-weird snake bald thing)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Bonnie Bennett
Jeremy Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Kai Parker
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Freddy Krueger
Hannibal Lecter
Will Graham
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawer
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire
Tony Stark
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Loki Laufeyson
Alec Lightwood
Isabelle Lightwood
Magnus Bane
I can't wait for your requests!
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charlleyx · 5 months
Jemily Fan Fiction
Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
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Jareau-Prentiss : Case Histories
This is my first 'case' in my series of Jemily one shots and multi-chapter instalments. They are all connected but won't be in any order. They will be all about the relationship between Emily Prentiss and Jennifer Jareau and the life they create together. It was span years of time. Some may follow loosely to some canon events but it should all become clear as you read and any changes I hope to explain in my writing as it comes up.
They will vary wildly in length and rating. Some will be short, some like this one multiple long chapters, some two shots and so on. Some will be rated T and some will go all the way to E. Some will contain smut, some will be fluff, some angst, some a mix of some or all of the above.
This is the first one I am posting
What happens when JJ decides on the 25th anniversary of her older sister's death that she will take Emily, her wife and their two young daughters to spend the long weekend with JJ's mother, Sandy. Will it help JJ's mother deal with her grief? Can a strained relationship between JJ and her mother be healed with the help of JJ's daughters presence. What will happen when before the anniversary date actually hits, JJ and Emily get called away on a case? Is leaving their young daughters with Sandy a smart move or could tragedy be lurking around the corner yet again?
The Case Of : Tragedy Strikes To The Day
Chapter 1 : Homecoming
Chapter 2 : Duty Calls
Chapter 3 : Trust Instincts
Chapter 4 : Finding Strength
Chapter 5 : It Comes In Waves
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theognatster · 2 months
about me ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
favorite artists
Ayesha Erotica, Billie Eilish, The Cure, Hall & Oates, Green Day, Laufey, Madison Beer, MARINA, Mazzy Star, ODETARI, Olivia Rodrigo, Phoebe Bridgers, Sabrina Carpenter, The Smiths, Taylor Swift
favorite shows
Gilmore girls, Shameless, B99, OTH, Criminal Minds
favorite movies
Easy A, Funny Face, Singing in the Rain, Little Women, Dazed and Confused, Barbie
favorite youtubers
sturniolo triplets, drew gooden, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, sinjin drowning
comfort characters
Lorelai Gilmore, Logan Huntzberger, Jake Peralta, Hermione Granger, Percy Jackson, Spencer Reid, Tuxedo Sam, Snoopy
who do I think is hot af (irl)
Chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, Madison beer, Sabrina Carpenter, Nick Sturniolo, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Emma Stone, Emma Watson, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Matthew Grey Gubler, AJ Cook, Paget Brewster
who do I think is hot (fiction)
Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Elle Greenaway, Luke Alvez, Logan Huntzberger, Jess Mariano, Rory Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmore, Dave Rygalski, Fiona Gallagher, Lip Gallagher, Lucas Scott, Amy Santiago
facts ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
hispanic, october libra, film nerd, alice in wonderland enthusiast, sanrio enjoyer, poster lover, music fan, academic achiever, autumn lover, coke fan
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hotchnissonly · 4 months
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Stolen Glances Chapter 11 - out now!
I hope you guys like this one! Feel free to comment or message me any feedback/ideas you have! ♥️
Snippet from this chapter -
As she sat down they gave silent nods of thanks for the drinks and clinked their glasses before Hayley spoke.
“So how are they treating you at the BAU Emily?” She asked, there was something about the way she asked that Emily couldn’t quite put her finger on. It was as if there was a secret agenda behind her words that Emily wasn’t privy too.
“She means am I being nice to you.” Hotch said, and Hayley pointed at him as if he had made the correct translation. Emily looked at him as he took a sip of his drink, she could see he was using the glass to hide his face from Hayley, and symbolically swallowing the look of guilt that was threatening to spill his secrets.
“Actually everyone’s been incredibly nice.” She said smiling back at Hayley, before quickly locking eyes with Hotch. It was only a split second, but she saw a wave of relief cross his face, his eyes saying “thank you.”
Thankfully Penelope interrupted the conversation, her inner thoughts spilling out of her mouth. As Emily and Hayley joked jovially about Derek, Aaron took this opportunity to distract his wife from anymore conversations that would get him in trouble when they got home. Emily had covered for him once but he couldn’t expect her to keep that up all night. So he grabbed her hand, leading her to the dance floor.
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
The interview
Summary: Bonnie Mcbride is a young girl with her heart set on becoming an FBI agent, and has successfully secured an interview with the head of the BAU for an assistants job.
Main characters: Bonnie McBride (OC), Aaron Hotchner.
Side characters: Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia
Other: platonic, just for fun writing
Word count: 2k
The first of many things to come for this idea
Well the building was huge first and foremost. Her pencil skirt tight over her opaque tights, white blouse tucked neatly, and her blazer freshly ironed and still warm. Her emotional support book back over one arm.
For a year now, she was studying. Criminal justice. It was a piece of cake really. Every single word she read tattooed itself under her eyelids, there wasn’t a single thing she could forget. Which is how she’s ended up so far ahead so young. She couldn’t explain it. She skipped grades and was in college before she even knew it. All with one thing on her mind. Justice. Just as the course said. Not for any terrible reason however. She wanted to give her mother a life. One she was never able to grab for herself.
It was Bonnies deep secret. Her mother was a prostitute. Amongst other jobs here and there. She wanted to see her mother in a nice house rather than the shabby one they lived in right now. And with the money made from this assistant job she could really help!
So in she stepped and was blinded by how white everything was. So clean it was intimidating. She placed her bag through the metal detectors and took off her earrings to pass the test. Nodding politely towards the security guard who towered over her small body, and took her bag to the lift and pressed the number six button, and held her breath.
“Hey, are you lost?” A pretty young woman with straight blonde hair stopped with a concerned smile.
Bonnie shook her head. “No. Well- kind of. I’m looking for Agent Hotchner, I have an interview for an assistant job.” The woman laughed.
“Oh right! Sorry, my mistake. If you would like to follow me I’ll take you.” And Bonnie gladly did that, while admiring the framed pictures of men and women in uniform all over the walls.
“What’s your name? Excuse me for being so rude there.”
“Bonnie.” She smiled with rosy lips, already liking this woman.
“Nice to meet you Bonnie. My names Jennifer but everyone calls me JJ.”
“Jennifer… that’s really nice.”
“Why thank you!” Jennifer giggled and led Bonnie through the glass doors for the BAU, and she was met with many people older than herself working at desks.
“Agent Hotchners office is that one at the top, just knock and he’ll answer.” With that, Jennifer gave Bonnie a supportive thumbs up before heading back out the way they came in.
Before Bonnie could thank her, being too overwhelmed with the authority surrounding her. Every person in here must have a gun on them, and she found herself standing and wondering if she made one wrong footstep would they draw them?
Eventually she knocked on the door, and a “come in!” Was heard.
This was it!
“Hello, I’m Bonnie, I’m here for your assistant interview?”
“Assistant interview? I didn’t know I had one.” Bonnie froze awkwardly, stroking the strap of her book bag.
“Oh… uhm, I have the paperwork here if you’d like to take a look sir.” She took the neat unfolded paper from her bag and approached the desk while this man stared at her confused, but took the paper.
“Oh… right well, have a seat then. Sorry for the confusion.” She tried to laugh it off but all the confidence she had seemed to drain out of her and was replaced with blush. “If you just give me one minute.” And he excused himself out of his office, leaving her to fidget with her bag strap once more.
He really did come back in a minute, and she jumped not hearing him come back in.
“So… I won’t lie to you I had no idea there was an assistant interview, it was my other coworker who decided to set it up, but I’m more than happy to follow through with this if that’s still what you want.”
Bonnie nodded. “I’d like that sir.”
“So…” he began to read her CV. “Bonnie McBride? Scottish?”
“Yes sir.” Her accent sounded thicker now that she were on the spot.
“Only eighteen?”
“Yes sir. October thirty.”
“And you’ve already been enrolled in criminal justice?”
“Yes sir. Started when I was sixteen in Georgetown. One more year to go if I keep doing what I’m doing.”
“And what are your plans for after?”
She felt a little embarrassed talking to the unit chief who was clearly very successful in what he did. “I wish to become an FBI agent.” To which she thought he almost smiled.
“Well you’re heading in the right direction that’s for sure… and why would you want to be an assistant here?”
“Because… I really appreciate the work that yourself and your team do. I would like to be able to give something back whether that be filing things so you won’t have to stress or always being on hand if someone needs something like a drink or-“
“Not because you’re a spy?”
Bonnies eyes widened comically and her jaw dropped. Agent Hotchner was so serious she thought he was going to draw his weapon until he laughed.
“I’m just kidding. You seem like a lovely girl but I’m worried that what you may see in here will affect you negatively.”
“Don’t worry about that sir! I wish to work in law enforcement and will have to get used to it sooner or later won’t I?”
“I understand… but what about your studies? We can be away for days, weeks, or even months at a time.”
“There’s the option of online courses which I’m set to apply for if… if I’m successful in this interview.”
“Well… convince me then. How will you assist us.”
Us. He said. Not just him.
“I’d get to know everyone. What they and what they dislike. I’m quick on my feet and make terrific coffee, best ever if I do say so myself. I can read a room like a book and I love organising and cleaning, one of my hobbies actually! I’m great with computers and my time management, I’m never late for anything only early. And if need be I can also stay out of the way, do my work until my phone pings for me to set off!”
Agent Hotchner listened intently before his eyes averted towards the blinds in his office.
“Come up here, and tell me what you see.”
Nervously, she followed and peeked through the window.
“The other agents?”
“Yes but, you said you could read a room. Prove it to me.”
She swallowed hard, and her attention landed on a skinny boy who was spinning on his chair.
“That man there, with the curly hair spinning on his chair, that must be a way to relax or concentrate as the motion of the air and dizziness of the head takes away anything else surrounding. His hand at clasped bear his face, he’s thinking. Oh- now he’s writing, very quickly at that. He’s onto something.”
Agent Hotchner nodded.
“And that man there.” Now she was looking at the broad shouldered man with a cup of something in his hand. “The way here hold himself, the mug in one hand the other on his hip. He’s confident. He doesn’t need two hand to steady whatever’s in his cup because he moves so swiftly. The hand on the hip can also be defensive. He’s brave and looking for danger, maybe even trying to be intimidating as if to say ‘don’t even think about it.’ And he obviously works out! His shoulders are very big…” she began to lose track.
Right up until she saw Jennifer.
“And there’s Jennifer! I met her after the lift up. She’s very kind and maybe even worries a lot about others, seeing as she had approached me to ask if I was lost. She cares a lot about others and is looking over peoples shoulders to make sure they’re working. Very passionate about her job and work, because she knows that what they do affects others.”
An older man exited one of the offices.
“That man… walks fast, he has places to go and things to do. Hardly takes a break. Maybe a little stressed but at the end of the day takes a lot of pride in his work because of how hard he works to help people. He looks authoritative, been here a while. Knows the place inside and out he doesn’t have to look where he’s going…”
“That’s Jason Gideon. Former unit chief. A legacy left behind but he’s still going.”
Bonnie felt very proud of herself.
“Oh! And what about her.” The agent pointed to a plump girl with crazy blonde hair and red high heeled earrings dangling over her shoulders, matching the shoes on her feet.
“Hm…” she thought hard.
“Unique. She’s herself at all times. She only cares about what she thinks of herself and-“ she watched the woman lean a hand on top of the broad shouldered man’s desk. “Fancies that man?” Agent Hotchner snorted, and physically wiped the smirk off his face.
“Yes it does seem that way doesn’t it? But I can assure you they’re just the best of friends.”
Then yet another woman who Bonnie swore would be the last she profiled was very attractive. Black hair curled not very long, but she couldn’t get anything for this woman. Nothing. “I have no idea about that woman.”
“That’s Emily. She’s sealed like a safe.”
“Secretive? Defensive?”
“Something like that yes.” The Agent sighed. “Well, now for the next test. How good is your coffee really?”
“Very sir.” She smiled, and he led the way out of the door and into the office again.
Each of the peoples heads she had talked about turned to their direction and she pretended that she didn’t notice how they all started whispering.
She only focused on the mug in front of her.
“Do you like it light, normal, or strong?”
“Strong.” She scooped three teaspoons into the mug.
“No thanks.”
She added a little hot water and mixed it was all dissolved.
“No thanks.”
“You look like an americano guy.”
“Oh really? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh sorry sir! I didn’t mean it as an insult.”
“No it’s fine. I’d like to know why though.”
Bonnie wished she hadn’t spoke at all.
“Well… you keep a straight face. Being the boss you have to remain on guard and professional. No time for fun and games when lives are at stake. And maybe the strong coffee keeps you up for the day and the lack of sugar and milk would mean that you just want to taste the coffee, rather than something else. Because the thought of drinking just coffee acts as a placebo to heighten your awareness. Milk and sugar would falter that.”
“I’m actually just lactose intolerant. But you’re right about the sugar. I like the bitter taste because it reminds me I’m drinking coffee which includes caffeine. The sugar distracts me.” The agent was smiling.
Bonnie laughed and handed the man the cup she had prepared after stirring more water in to almost the top, anxiously waiting his reaction.
He brought it to his rough lips and hummed. “That is quite good actually… Bonnie, I’ve made up my mind.”
Everything had went very well so far… she crossed his fingers.
Instead of speaking, she led her to the group of desks where the agents had disbanded back to their work after their boss began approaching. Except from the man called Jason Gideon.
“Everyone, I’d like you to welcome Bonnie to our team. She’s our new assistant.”
“Well done Bonnie!” Jennifer grinned.
“Welcome to the team kid.” Said the broad man’s who’s desk read ‘Derek Morgan.’
Then the spinning man, ‘Spencer Reid.’ “Good job!”
“Hope you’ll enjoy it here!” The attractive woman chuckled.
“It’s great! Never a boring day!” The woman with the crazy earrings clapped her hands.
“I knew you’d love an assistant Aaron.” Jason laughed.
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