#Eminem Tour 2016
smolwritingchick · 10 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 1- The Foreign Trainee
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Chapter Summary: After being scouted to be a part of a new girl group thanks to an audition, Jen worked alongside her four bandmates to form the group "Amity". Things went great at first but then after a while, Jen starts to get concerned about her position in the group while the company starts to focus on the other members and their success. She then learns the unfortunate truth about the situation she's in and makes a decision. Motivated, she continues to be persistent in achieving her dreams thanks to an audition in her area which happened to be for BigHit Entertainment. 
Jen meets Taehyung and starts to build a friendship with him. For those interested in being the Bangtan Girl, they learn the Bulletproof dance and No More Dream dance. They're also hit with a homework assignment, create a verse for Bulletproof and present it to the audition. Jen hopes to impress the company with her efforts and earn the spot.
Words: 10,000+
Author's Note:  Hey! I wrote this story back in 2016 on some fanfic websites and am bringing it back as I edit the chapters. I wanted to put my perspective and imagination on what if BTS had a black girl in their group from America. This'll be a long story starting from their debut so enjoy the ride!
I have so many chapters already written. I had stopped in the story around late 2016 before the MAMA Awards. As I wrote this story over the years I wanted this character to be relatable and grow as a performer as well as go through hardships. It'll be a slow start but it will get better as the chapters go on, I hope you give it a chance.
This will mainly start with friendship. Not just the character and the love interest. I didn't want to rush things and I tried my best to add a lot of bonding and cute moments. 
This is a SLOW BURN with my OC and Jungkook. The two will not become a couple until 2016.
As I planned to create this story years ago it took me months to prepare and research so I could get a good timeline. I wanted to add a lot of things like K-Con, going to school, Variety Shows, interviews, American Hustle Life, V-Lives, sasaeng fans and so on. 
Please note this is fiction. Yeah it may be unrealistic for this to happen but I had a lot of fun ideas and just went for it. Also I am not a song writer so sometimes the custom lyrics may be a little silly
It was November 9th, 2012. Backstage at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia, 14-year-old Jen sat in a chair, getting the finishing touches on her curly light brown hair, which was put into a high ponytail. She and the rest of her group named Amity were to perform at their last concert of their small tour.
Amity consisted of five members. 16 year old Hailey, who was the leader and main vocalist, 16 year old Trinity who was the lead dancer, 15 year old Layla who covered the high and dramatic notes and 17 year old Angelina who took care of the raps. 
And then there's Jen.
Who was she?
Who was she in the group?
She never got the chance to showcase her talent on stage.
So was this worth it?
Back in early 2011, a rising new company named SongStress Entertainment was looking for young female talents to form another girl group. They partnered up with Disney and started to put up commercials and ads everywhere to promote auditions. When Jen heard about it from a TV commercial, she quickly went to tell her parents. After some persuading, and chores around the house, they took her to the audition in New York that was set in March. No matter what the challenges were, she remained persistent and her family supported her because of her passion for singing and dancing.
She wanted to perform ever since she was ten years old. Listening to artists like Rihanna, 2NE1, Mariah Carey, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, Whitney Houston, and Eminem sparked her interest as she begged her parents to pay for singing and dancing lessons. The lessons seemed to have paid off because after she auditioned she was called back a week later.
When she passed the second callback, Jen and her parents wasted no time signing the contract as she went on to debut with four other unknown girls, to form the group Amity at 13 years old. They got popular fast, from their adorable charm to their catchy songs and music videos. Things were great. But things weren't always what they seemed to be. 
Egos began to get in the way.
As time went on, the company began to pay more attention to more girls than others. The leader, Hailey, even felt threatened by Jen's dance skills and the company forced her to dance slower, and with less effort to feel like she was a sluggish dancer. To Jen, it didn't make any sense since Trinity was the most talented dancer in the group and Hailey didn't say anything to her about her dancing. Favoritism came into play.
What caught Jen's attention was that she started to not get a lot of lines like she used to in the songs. She would only sing the chorus with the group. She is also the only one who doesn't have a solo song, while the rest have their songs recorded and performed at concerts whenever Amity goes on stage for a performance.
Jen was also set over the edge, finding out that Amity had recorded songs without her. Her voice was great at harmony but she wasn't credited for it. They recorded her and made it seem like Hailey sang the beautiful harmonious notes. As she took all the credit, Jen couldn't do anything about it because of the contract.
Whose fault was that? Jen's.
So maybe she did get a little too excited by the fact that she was going to be signed to a record company. Maybe she and her parents didn't read the contract despite the president's reassuring that everything would be fine and fair.
She was naïve and young.
Rushing into things without really thinking things through. Not thinking of a backup plan just in case things like this happen.
She wasn't like the rest of her bandmates. Her love for KPOP, thanks to listening to Wonder Girls, Big Bang and 2NE1, motivated her to learn the Korean language while the company thought it was pointless.
They asked her, "Who would you speak Korean to?"
"Why are you trying to learn that language if you're in America?"
"We're not touring in South Korea; you're wasting your time."
However, she continued to learn for her enjoyment and love for the Korean culture. It was difficult at first. She had a difficult time pronouncing the words. There were times she wanted to stop but her parents gave her encouragement because they knew how much she loved KPOP. For her studying, she tried to study Korean for at least an hour or two a day since she was 13.
Thankfully it's been beginning to pay off.
Sometimes she ponders what if she didn't do the audition and stayed in school just like her two older sisters. She could probably get somewhere with a college degree. But she loved being an artist. She wanted to do this.
And as much as she hated to admit it, this company wasn't the place for her to do it. She finally got her dream to be a performer, and now she was thinking about letting it go because of the mistreatment. She had to do what was best for her.
"This'll bring out those pretty eyes." The makeup artist explained with enthusiasm as she applied mascara to Jen's eyes.
"Oh make sure you put on more makeup on her. She needs it." An unfortunate familiar mocking voice belonging to Hailey was heard as she shot Jen an innocent smile. The harsh words made Jen clench her fists and glare at her. "What? Just telling the truth. They always say the truth hurts."
"Hailey, stop it. Don't be such a brat. That's so friggin' rude. Go somewhere." Angelina sternly called her out. Hailey responds with a shrug and walks away to get mic'd up. Angelina walks over to Jen with a smile and puts a hand on her shoulder. "You look fine, Jen Jen. Don't listen to her."
Jen didn't reply as she continued to be in deep thought about being in Amity. Everyone should be getting along, not trying to bring each other down.
The redheaded Angelina notices her frowning and snaps her out of it as the makeup artist finishes her make up. 
"You know you have to stop doing that. Letting people get to you and ruining your pretty smile with frowns. Is it Hailey again?" Angelina asked.
Jen looked up at her friend. Best friend. The only friend she had in this girl group. Angelina was the one who had her back in this company and wasn't self-centered or had the fame go to her head. She was the one who let Jen know about the company recording without her as well. She was very grateful she had someone looking out for her.
"I don't care anymore. I'm not paying her any mind." Jen firmly asserted with a sigh.
"Ten minutes until the show!" The manager called out as everyone ran frantically for finishing touches.
"We'll talk later." Jen promised as they both walked outside the dressing room to get mic'd up.
"Come on Jen, we ain't got all day!" The manager escorted her to the stage before giving her a jacket to put over her dark brown skin. "And remember, don't dance so hard."
"I don't understand what the big deal is." She mumbled, shaking her head in disapproval.
"Big deal? Hailey needs the spotlight. It would be great if you remember to stand back, this time. You aren't the visual, get that through your head. How many times do we have to tell you that? This is your last warning."
Jen frowns in response as she watches the manager walk away. Frustration was beginning to build up inside of her. Whatever happened to equality? Not one person is better than the other. She wanted to be in a company that had equal opportunities.
The show was like the others. Fake smiles, watching Hailey's back, it wasn't fun anymore. Jen believed she had so much potential to improve and become a great performer, but her talent was wasted and not used the way she wanted it to be. She didn't want to be wasted and neglected.
Amity was supposed to be a team. A five-member girl group who had each other's backs. Be great friends and treat each other as equals. Not a competition of who's better than each other. It was sad that the entertainment business was like that these days.
After the show, Jen checks out her Twitter account and tweets 'Thank you for an awesome show Philly! #AmityInPhilly'
She didn't have a whole bunch of fans like the others since they were on TV shows, interviews and other photoshoots to get more publicity. She always pondered why SongStress didn't do that for her. They never really gave her a chance to show off what she could do as a singer and dancer. Or even as an actress if she could try that out.
She didn't say anything because she was too humbled. She was grateful for all the things she had done so far in Amity. All she ever wanted was to perform and she got that. She would ask occasionally if her solo would come up, or if any photoshoot or show opportunity was available for her. But SongStress would always give her the same answer.
"Not at the moment. Soon."
How far away was "Soon?"
She felt discouraged. It was like she was just there. She might as well be called a backup dancer.
While backstage in the dressing room, lounging on the couch, she checked the #AmityInPhilly hashtag since it was trending on Twitter while the rest of her bandmates came in. Jennie began to think about her birthday which was tomorrow and it started to boost her mood.
"Hey guys, I wanted to talk to you about something." She spoke softly, gaining their attention. "Since my birthday is tomorrow, I planned this singing exhibit where people around the area can showcase their singing for fun. Do a little meet and greet, pictures...all sorts of stuff. It'll be a fun gathering. I also made a song and I'd like you all to be there to support me."
"You know we have to practice right?" Trinity recalled in a flat tone.
The indifference in Trinity's voice made Jennie's stomach drop as she timidly replied, "I-It's after practice."
"And where is this?"
"In my hometown. Here in Philly. It'll start around 7:00PM."
"Does SongStress know about this?" Hailey asked, looking skeptical at the event that's been planned.
"Why wouldn't they?" Jen questioned.
"We'll see about the event. Anyway, group meeting!" Hailey called out. "I'm so proud of us! We definitely have to celebrate tonight. We're going to dinner. But uh Jen, remember what the manager told you about your diet. And you were a bit sloppy out there. Don't make us look bad out there. Did you practice at all?"
All the happiness about the upcoming event for her birthday left Jennie's body as annoyance was clearly shown on her sweaty face. Okay, so she didn't have a flat stomach like the rest of them did. She had a curved stomach with a small pudge but that was nothing to go on a diet for. She was already satisfied with how she looked. She told herself she did want to work out to gain more muscle and possible abs on her stomach when she gets a little older, but she wasn't going to feel obligated to do so. She'll do it in her free time.
Her hair was naturally curly and her thighs were a bit thicker than theirs. She even had light stretch marks on her hips but so what? Why does that have to make her go on a diet? She was born this way, and she was fine with how she was. Why should she change her look because someone else wanted her to? She wanted to look natural, not a Barbie doll. She was still going through puberty as well. The baby fat was still there but it'll most likely disappear from her body and face soon enough when she's a little older.
"You know I really don't understand why I'm the only one who has to go on a diet. I'm perfectly fine. I'm the same size as you. I'm not starving myself." Jennie protested with irritation.
"Well you're not going out with us, so get food at the hotel and get yelled at by the manager. It's on you."
Jennie shakes her head in disbelief. "I really can't stand you."
"Whoa, what did I do?" Hailey faked a shocked look.
"I think you know what you've done. This is so unfair."
"It's not that serious." Layla sighed
"It is serious. Almost all of you have the biggest egos I've ever seen and it's like you're forgetting that we all made Amity and we work as a team. Can't you see how wrong this is? How I'm the only one who has to dance slower while you guys give it your all? I want to put as much effort as everyone else." Jen exclaimed
"Jen everything is going to be okay-" Angelina tried to reassure but she waved her hand and shook her head.
"I'm gonna go. Enjoy dinner." She grabs her bags and leaves the room.
Hailey sighs out of annoyance. "This is why you don't have young people in groups because they always want to act like brats. It should've just been the 4 of us, but no~ they wanted one more person and they had to pick her out of all people. She doesn't do anything but whine and complain-"
"Hailey shut up!" Angelina exclaimed sharply while standing up. "You're the brat here."
"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?"
"You're not superior to any of us just because you're the leader. And if I were betting on the future of Amity...I'd say we'll disband and it'll all be because of you."
Hailey huffed in dissatisfaction. "I am so telling the manager on the both of you."
"Oh go ahead. The only reason you're here is because the vice president is your father. Did you even audition for SongStress or did you get everything handed to you on a silver platter?" The redhead questioned. Taking the silence as an answer, she retrieved her bag and grumbled, "That's what I thought." 
An hour had passed since Jen left backstage and went back into the hotel room she shared with Angelina. She was lying on her back in bed, looking at the ceiling as her stomach continued to growl mercilessly.
"I'm so hungry." She grumbled and clutched her stomach.
She managed to buy a couple of bags of chips in a vending machine with the paper money she had on her but she craved food to satisfy her hunger.
Suddenly she sees Angelina with a bright smile on her face and a large box of pizza in hand, walking inside the room.
"Let's eat biatch~!" she cheerfully said and placed the pizza on the bed before parking herself on the bed as well.
"I thought you were at dinner!" Jen stammered, looking wide-eyed at the pizza on the bed.
"I can't stand those girls, I'm not hanging out with them." She responded with a shrug.
"But I'm supposed to go on that dumb diet..." Jen grumbled.
"Bitch eat. I don't give a crap what they say, you are eating to your heart's content. Don't starve yourself because they want you to look a certain way. You know what they're trying to do is wrong. I see it, you see it. You have to stand your ground and speak up."
"But if it gets me fired then what?"
"I would rather be fired. I'm eating all the pizza I want. They can't stop me. And they won't stop you. Sit. Eat. Chill. I gotta vent to you about Hailey."
Jen happily sits back on the bed and bites into the hot, cheesy pepperoni pizza that was fresh from Pizza Hut. "What happened with you and Hailey?"
"Oh my gosh...I don't think I can take much more of this. She keeps talking crap about you. She thinks the world revolves around her. And it's like the others are followers, I swear. They always wanna just back up what she says. Or just stand there and agree with everything she says. Like are you blind?" She retorted as she started to get angry thinking about the situation.
"Well, she does have power over us because of her father..." Jen grumbled.
"And that shouldn't be the case. She should work hard and not get an easy route just because of some connection with family. I always see that these days. I mean I know it is great to have connections but still endure the hard work that others dealt with who started from the bottom."
"Yeah, but that's not how the world seems to work." Jennie trailed off, thinking about the future.
"Enough about her. I have another serious question to ask."
"What is it?"
"You thinking of leaving?" Angelina assumed. From the shocked look on Jennie's face, she gets her answer, mumbling "I thought so."
"I have to, I just can't do this anymore." Jen pointed out with a sad smile. "I talked to my agent and let her know everything."
"I understand. But are you still going to sing?"
"Yes. I still want to perform."
The redheaded girl nodded in approval. "Good. Whenever you leave, it'll be worth it. So don't worry. Just stay in touch with me. I'm gonna miss you. Whatever the future holds for you, I'll be supporting you."
Jen smiled. "Thank you, Angie. I'll be supporting you too!"
"Now let's watch some Spongebob." She grabbed the remote off the nightstand.
Jennie giggled at her. "Aren't you too old for that?"
"Ha! You're NEVER too old for Spongebob."
November 10th 2012. Jennie was finally 15 years old. She went to the studio in a bright mood, happily thanking everyone for the birthday wishes. She received birthday phone calls from her family and tweets from fans.
The day starts like always. Dance practice and then recording in the studio. But she couldn't help but wonder if she'd get a surprise party just like all the other girls have on their birthdays. But as the day went on, she didn't receive anything after she left the studio. She tried not to feel too disappointed as she got herself ready for the 1st annual Singing Exhibit she created. It was called, "Avid Vocals" that was in a small lounge with a stage.
When she arrived, she was grateful for the turnout. There were over 120 people in the place. A good start for a nice little event, to meet people who are passionate about singing and dancing like herself.
She makes her way up the stage and gives her welcoming speech.
"What's up, everybody!?" She grinned at the crowd and waved. "Thank you so much for coming tonight to the first annual Avid Vocals where we all come together to sing and dance to our heart's content and meet and greet with each other. I've been wanting to do this for a while now, bringing people together who enjoy performing for fun, and I'm very happy with the turnout so far. At this time, let's get started with the first performance! And if anyone else wants to perform, there's a sign-in sheet by the table. So just write your name and the song, and sing out! Enjoy the show!" 
Once she left the stage, she made her way to mingle and talk with fans, signing autographs and taking photos. The performances so far were all very unique and fun to watch. There were goofy performances, singing songs like YMCA, We Will Rock You and Party Rock Anthem. Then there were performances that slayed with Single Ladies, TiK ToK, and So What by Pink.
After watching some performances, it was time for her to get on stage. She sat on a stool with her guitar in her hands. 
"I've written a little song and wanted to share it with you guys." She looked around to find any members of Amity but didn't. "I hope you guys enjoy!"
They applaud her as she begins to strum along on her guitar. While she sang, she tried to search for any members of Amity in the crowd but couldn't find anyone. After she finished her song, she received a huge positive feedback from the crowd as she went backstage.
She looked at her phone while thinking that any members would find her backstage to see her but sees a text message sent 30 minutes before she went on stage from Angelina.
'You are SO not gonna believe this...the assholes kept me back and forced me to work on my raps...the rest went out somewhere to the movies. I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to support you...I'll see you back at the hotel and we'll hang :'('
Jennie lets out a sigh. She knew Angelina was telling the truth. She had a feeling Hailey would try to do something after asking her if the manager knew about it. She wasn't mad at anyone. It'd be a waste of energy.
As soon as Jennie goes back into her hotel room, she sees Angelina waiting for her anxiously. Once she heard the door close, her head shot up and she quickly got off the bed.
"They kept me on purpose, I tried everything, I'm so sorry I wasn't there." Angelina had tears in her eyes and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Jen responded with a sigh.
"No, it's not."
"Don't worry about it, I still had a nice birthday." She reassured. "I'm just glad I got to meet some nice fans and perform today."
"I'm sure it was a fun event. Hey, I got you something to make up for it. I hope you like it."
Hearing that, Jen's eyes light up. "Really!?"
"Yep! Close them eyes girl. And no peeking." She addressed, going back to the bed. After a few moments, she hands her a small bag. "You can open them."
Jen quickly opens her eyes and sees a pink bag in front of her. She grins widely and digs right inside to see all the CDs so far from Wonder Girls and 2NE1. "GAH! MY GIRLS~" She wrapped her arms around her for a big hug, earning a loud laugh from the redhead.
"I knew you'd react like that." Angelina chuckled and was released. "I'm not really into KPOP, never really heard of it, but I went on YouTube, listened to it and they sound pretty damn good. Both groups."
"Thank you, for this. Really. This is awesome."
"Of course. Oh, and this one group...Bang bang-wait no, it's called Big Bang." She corrected herself as Jen nodded at the correct name of the group. 
"Why are they all so hot?" Angelina questioned, making Jen laugh out loud. "No, I'm serious. That is too much sexiness. That's not nice!" She crossed her arms, shaking her head.
"You'll never get used to it, trust me." The birthday girl sits on the bed. "My favorite is T.O.P. I have a big crush on him. He's so cool. I would love to meet him one day. Along with Wonder Girls and 2NE1."
"Hey, you never know. Maybe you'll get some VIP Tickets to a concert if they're in America."
"Yeah...but I wouldn't mind performing like them."
"What do you mean?"
"I wouldn't mind performing KPOP. Easier said than done right? But I love how they perform and their awesome dances."
"KPOP? That'll be interesting to see. Whatever your heart desires, I say go for it. Work hard, do research, and go for it. Anything is possible as long as you work hard for it. I would talk to your agent about that."
Jen nodded. "That's not a bad idea."
"So we're renewing our contracts tomorrow. Are you going to renew it?"
Jennie shakes her head. "I was talking to my family and agent about it. I think it's time for me to close this chapter in my life and move on."
Angelina nodded. "Do what's best for you."
Today was the most difficult day for Jennie as she made her way to SongStress' office to meet in the boardroom. She walked with her agent, who has been a family friend of hers since she started in Amity. Her name was Diana Parker.
Jen's parents made sure to do their research when finding someone to really aid and be there for her while she was in the entertainment business. And Diana wasn't going to let SongStress make Jennie feel obligated to resign with them after all the crap she's dealt with.
Once they walked in, they sat in front of the manager, the President of SongStress, the Vice President, HR, the Supervisor, and the executive.
"All right Jen, here, you can sign right here." The Vice President handed her the pen. 
"I won't be needing that." She replied in a low voice.
"Oh? Did you bring your own? Came here prepared, I admire that." He chuckled.
"No, I mean I'm not signing that."
The room goes silent as everyone but Diana stares at her, trying to comprehend what she just said.
"...What do you mean you're not signing?" The President slowly asked.
"I don't want to renew my contract." She firmly said as they looked at her in shock.
"How about we put more money in for you? Then you'll sign?" The President suggested.
"You heard the girl. She's not signing." Her agent spoke up.
"I wasn't talking to you." He snapped at Diana and turned back to Jen in a panic. "How much do you want for the next few years?"
"No sir, I think my time is up here." Jen declared.
"What do you want to have your solo? Is that what this is about? Okay fine. We'll have your solo for the next album." The Vice President exclaimed.
Diana managed to keep her laughs to herself at how panicked SongStress was. "This is too funny." She murmured. "You feel obligated to do this, right?"
SongStress continued to ignore her as their full attention was on Jen. Jen felt like this was the most attention they had given her since she first started in the group. 
"You want to be in TV Shows? We got you covered." The manager pointed out.
"Why are you doing all this now and not when I was patiently waiting and asking when it would be my turn?" Jen questioned.
"Look we have been busy and-"
"Very busy with Hailey, that's for sure." She pointed out.
"Look we need you-" The President looked at her in despair.
"No, you don't. You need me to have Hailey be the spotlight. I said no, so please just let me leave this company." She pleaded, earning harsh glares from them as they gave up.
"Fine. Then leave." The President waved her away.
"Thank you for this experience." She stood up and headed to the door with Diana.
"Oh and Jen?" The President spoke up as she stopped and turned. "I hope you realize how much of a mistake you're making." He warned, narrowing his eyes.
She smiled and turned back around. "I hope you realize how much of a blessing this decision was for me."
After packing her things, and saying goodbye to Angelina, Jen decides to unfollow Amity on Instagram and Twitter but Angelina as fans started questioning it. After a couple of hours, she was fed up with the constant notifications of Amity and decided to just deactivate her Twitter and delete her Instagram to get away from it all.
After leaving and going back home, Jennie went back to high school, while continuing to learn Korean and training for singing and dancing. Things were how they used to be. Going to school, still singing and dancing for fun. But she felt like something was missing. She still wanted to perform. But she didn't want to be in another situation like she was with SongStress. As a result, she researched different companies. The K-Pop itch came back as she decided to check out what SM Entertainment and YG Entertainment were offering.
She managed to go to an SM Entertainment audition but they told her she was not what they were looking for and she didn't look like a K-Pop star. She was upset at the unsuccessful attempt but she was glad they didn't take her. She didn't want to get any plastic surgery if they wanted her to.
As much as she wanted to be a part of SM Entertainment, she felt like their style wasn't for her and she wanted to be a part of a company that wasn't one of the huge companies if possible. Start from the bottom and work her way up. Win awards and break records that aren't from the Big 3 companies.
As 2013 rolls around, she suddenly gets a phone call out of the blue from Diana in mid-January.
"This is rare!" Jen beamed, happy to hear her voice.
"Very, it's been a while! How you been?"
"I'm doing all right. But I'm getting that itch again."
"Well, you're in luck because it's about to be scratched."
"What do you mean?"
"I was just curious, you still want to sing and dance, right?"
"You still studying Korean?"
"You betcha!"
"There's an audition coming up, for a South Korean Company called BigHit Entertainment. They're looking for some trainees. Now, I know it's not like SM Entertainment or YG Entertainment, and BigHit seems like they're not big on foreigners at the moment but you never know what'll happen. Don't let that discourage you. You up for it?"
"It's worth a shot. I want to try."
"Okay, I'll set you up so you can go to the audition in New York. Start preparing. I'll email you what they're looking for so you can practice."
"Thank you so much!"
After a week of training, Jen and her parents arrive at the private audition. She heads inside to sit in the waiting room, while she sees others, older and even younger people preparing for their audition. One by one their names were called as they went inside.
"Jennifer Walker." A woman called her name, standing in the doorway with a clipboard in hand.
Hearing her name get called caused her stomach to drop. Jennie attempts to ignore the nervousness as she stands up and is led inside by the woman.
'Everything is going to be OK. You worked hard, things will be fine.' She tries to reassure herself as she goes into a dance practice room where she sees the panel of three males, staring at her as soon as she walks in.
The three males look up at her. Before they were checking out her headshots and information.
Age 15
5 foot 5
Her experience with singing and dancing since elementary school and being a part of SongStress Entertainment with Amity for over a year. She also has four years of experience playing the guitar. Her heart began to race as she remembered to bow and politely greet them.
"So you have experience with music videos and performing live?" She was asked.
"Yes. Amity has done several music videos and a tour around the US."
"Why did you leave?"
Jennie swallowed as she, unfortunately, remembered bad memories. "New opportunities. I felt like SongStress wasn't the place for me. I still want to perform. I love performing." 
"Sing an English song for us." 
She decides to sing Rihanna's California King Bed with an instrumental from her phone. She starts nervously, but after a few lines, she gains more confidence and sings out, before they stop her after the chorus. Afterward, she had to sing a Korean song, and she chose Wonder Girls' Me In as she found an instrumental on her phone.
"Hey beautiful boy, let me love you, right now~" The nervousness was gone from her singing and filled with more power and confidence as she sang until after the chorus. She began to feel her face heat up after they told her to stop while she was getting too into it.
After the singing, they told her to dance, so she put on 2NE1's I Am The Best, nailing the dance moves on beat, and almost forgetting that this was an audition because she felt like she was in her room again, dancing happily to the song like she always does.
Finally, they take photos of her for headshots and to see how she'll look on camera. 
After the photos, the audition was over and she went back to the panel and was told by the men at the table, "We're developing a boy group and were thinking of having one girl in it too. We'll get back to you. That's all for today."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to see me." She bowed again.
A week later, Jen was on her laptop with her headphones in, listening to 2NE1's I Am The Best while checking her email. She suddenly sees an email from BigHit a couple of hours ago. Her eyes widen and her stomach drops.
Was this the result of the audition?
She slowly clicks it open and her throat tightens, making hot tears fill up her eyes. She read the email a couple of times to comprehend what was happening. She passed and they wanted her to become a trainee at their company. She wipes the tears of joy from her eyes and screams in her pillow. Afterwards, she tries to collect herself. 
"Let's not get too ahead of myself. Let's take it one day at a time, Jennie. Things are going to be just fine. Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening!" She said excitedly and then ran downstairs to tell her parents. "Guys, I got great news!"
After telling her agent and her parents about the shocking news, they all made their way to Seoul, South Korea. Jen's nerves got to her as she wished the flight was quicker. She was so excited to be able to get an opportunity to work in the K-Pop industry. She hopes to break down the barriers of being a foreigner and an African American in the K-Pop industry. Although she still was not aware of how different their work ethic is from America, she believed that she would be ready for the challenge.
After the plane lands, safely, the party finds someone that had Jen's name on a sign and they are escorted to Big Hit's building. Jen was in awe, gazing out the window as the car went past various streets in Seoul. She never knew how beautiful the area looked until she saw it up close and personal. She was looking forward to doing everything here. Eating, shopping, school, taking walks around, everything. So many things went through her head that before she knew it, the car stopped and they were in front of Big Hit's building. 
Jen's stomach drops at the sight.
She was here.
The agency that wanted to take a chance on her.
The place who thought she had what it takes.
Big Hit Entertainment.
Her mom puts a hand on Jen's thick curly hair. "Sweetie, are you ready?" She smiled. 
Jen nods twice and they all get out of the car. As they head inside, they go to the receptionist to let them know about their reason for being there and they make their way to Bang Shi-Hyuk's office with a translator.
"Music and Artist for Healing, huh?" Jen's dad read the slogan and nodded in approval. "I like it."
"Sweetie, you haven't said a word. Are you okay?" Jen's mom looked concerned at her daughter's silence.
Jen looked up and smiled nervously. "I'm excited just nervous."
"Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry, honey."
"You can come in." A staff member said in English as he opened the door for them.
As soon as they all walk in, they see the man himself, Bang Shi-Hyuk. 
"You must be Jennifer Walker." He speaks in Korean. 
The sound of his voice made her timid as she bowed politely. She'll have to get in a habit of bowing in South Korea. As she looks at him, she starts to remember his face. He was the one sitting in the middle during her audition.
"Yes, I am." Her voice affirmed in a shaky tone in Korean.
He let out a chuckle. "I'm not that scary, am I?"
"No, sorry, just nervous."
He nodded and smiled. "Don't be. I want this to be a happy environment." 
"Thank you. These are my parents." She introduced herself as her parents continued to look at her in surprise at how well her Korean was. "And my agent." She pointed to Diana
"What is he saying? And what did you say?" Jen's mom eagerly asks.
"I just introduced you guys," Jen responded in English and the translator took over to help Diana and her parents understand.
"Your daughter did very well during the audition. I believe she'll do great things for my company. She's in good hands here." Bang PD noted 
"Thank you for allowing our daughter to chase her dreams here." Her father spoke.
"Sit down, please. I want to discuss the contract." Bang PD motioned them to sit and they complied. 
As he started going over the contract, Jen's butterflies came back in her stomach. Would her family let her be out of the country for so many years to become a K-Pop star? She'll miss birthdays, weddings, graduations, births, even funerals.
"What is he saying?" Diana asked as the translator explained that they need Jen and her parents to sign and it's for a lot of years. 
"A-a lot of years?" Her mom asked as she bit her lip. "We're not going to see you that often, are we?"
"If I am in a group and our schedules are fully packed, most likely not, Mom." The teen could see the tears developing in her mother's eyes. 
Her mom grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "My little girl...in South Korea...chasing her dream to perform." 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Her father asked in a serious tone, keeping his emotions together. "Is this truly what you want, Jennifer?"
"I really want to do this. I'll call, I'll text, I'll Skype you, anything, I will keep in touch. If I can visit I will, I promise. I want this. I love K-Pop, and I truly believe this company is the best for me. I'm going to train hard to achieve my dream. Please. Let me do this."
"We're not going to be able to see you that often. We're not going to watch you grow up into a beautiful young lady." Her mom smiled sadly.
"If any boys give you trouble...I'm a phone call away, sweetheart," Her father placed a hand on her shoulder as he tried to hold back the tears. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you. I love you guys." Tears raced down Jen's cheeks as she tried to wipe them away.
Her father turned to Bang PD and nodded. "We'll sign it."
Bang PD nodded and handed them the contract. After they read over everything with Diana, Jen's father signs it first, and shortly afterward, her mom does the same and hands the pen to Jen. She lets out a breath and signs her name before handing it to Bang PD with two hands. 
"Thank you. I will work hard." Jen bowed with a bright smile.
"As of today, you'll be a trainee. I'll be watching you, kid." Bang PD smiled.
After receiving a new iPhone and keys to the dorm to stay with the other chosen female trainees, Jen spends a few more hours with her family before a heartfelt goodbye as they go back to America. Her agent, Diana, stays with her in Seoul as she works with Big Hit as well. Once she heads to the dorm, she is greeted by the rest of the female trainees and quickly opens up to all of them. They welcomed her with open arms and she was grateful that she could communicate with them, with the Korean that she knew without any language barriers.
One thing she did wish she learned before she got to Seoul was how to eat with chopsticks. It took her forever to learn how to use chopsticks when eating and how different Korean eating habits were from America's. She had a lot to learn about South Korea's culture and was looking forward to it.
The next day was Jen's first day of training. Learning various dances and getting singing lessons. She also met other dancers and trainees. The training was so much different than in America, it was insane. She admired how passionate and hard the dances were.
A few weeks went by and on a certain Thursday night, after dancing was over, she decided to stay a little longer to clean up the choreography that she learned for hours.
With her curly hair in a puffball after all the perspiration, she groans at how she is going to be doing her hair while in South Korea. Maybe she should get a weave. But she'll probably have to order weaves to have it shipped to her. And order American products for her. She should've thought things through. 
As she packed up after spending another hour practicing, she heard a happy English voice behind her. 
"Hello~" The cheerful voice filled her ears. 
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She stands up and turns around to see a guy with curly blond hair and a boxy grin on his face.
"H-hi! Are you talking to me?" She responded in English with a smile.
"Y-yes. You...Am-erica? America?" He questioned in broken English.
She chuckled and nods. He sounded really cute while trying to speak English. It sounded like he was asking her if she was American. 
"Yes, I am. And I speak Korean. I'm still learning but I should be fluent soon." She answered in Korean as his eyes widened. 
His happy vibes were getting to her because she couldn't stop smiling at him. His positivity was off the charts. She needed that.
"Really? That's great!" He goes back to his native tongue. "My name is Taehyung."
"Nice to meet you! I'm Jennifer. You can call me Jennie, Jen, any nickname you can think of. How long have you been training?"
"I've been training a while, I'm working with BTS, right now. My stage name is V. But don't tell anyone, I'm a secret member for now. I haven't been revealed yet." He playfully grinned.
Jen couldn't help but drop her jaw. "You're a part of the upcoming new group? Gosh, I want to try to get that spot as the Bangtan Girl. I've been hearing everyone talking about how they want a girl in the group."
"Ah, the girls are training quite hard for that spot. I wish you luck! How do you like it here so far?"
"I love it here. Everyone is so welcoming. I still need to learn how to eat properly with chopsticks. I was a bit too excited to come here." She sheepishly grinned and rubbed the back of her neck.
"I don't mind teaching you!" He eagerly offered.
"Sounds like fun! You're really nice. Can I call you Tae?"
"Anything you like! Can I call you Ennie?"
"Haha, sure."
"I gotta go. I wanted to stop by and say hi. I hope to see you, again! Let's exchange numbers! Have you tried Korean beef yet?"
"No, I haven't. Is it good?" 
"You'll love it! Hopefully, when we're both free, I'll take you so you can try some."
"O-okay!" She exchanged numbers with him. 
She was still in awe of how friendly he was. She had a strong feeling they were going to be best friends very soon.
...And boy was she ever correct.
Whenever they were free, he would hang out with her and show her different sights in Seoul. She even fell in love with Korean beef. Taehyung was right when he said that she would love it. As the weeks went by, Jen continued to train while remaining best friends with Taehyung. She had gotten used to his goofiness and he made her less homesick whenever she thought about America.
It was March 1st. Jen just got off the phone with her parents and her two older sisters who were 18 and seniors in high school. Her sisters, Alani and Vienna were preparing to apply to colleges and improving their SAT and ACT scores.
Alani wanted to major in Journalism, to get into interviewing. Jen could see her being an anchor, interviewing celebs and hosting shows. While Vienna wants to major in Theater, getting into plays and other acting gigs. She was proud of them, and they were proud of her too. They told her how much they missed messing with her and it feels weird without her home. One thing that got to her was the fact that she would be missing their graduation. She informed her family about the upcoming practice for the Bangtan Girl audition. It was tomorrow.
The next day, Jennie made sure to get to the practice room early, wearing grey sweatpants, and a black tank top with a black sports bra. She made sure to put her curly thick hair in a messy bun and began to stretch. She saw there were 8 other girls in the room, that also wanted a spot to be the Bangtan Girl. She lets out a breath. This was going to be a tough competition. She prayed that things would go smoothly and that everyone would do well.
After everyone stretches, Son Seongdeuk, the choreographer for BTS arrives. He looks at every girl in the room as he stands before them. "All right, so the group I'm looking at now, is the group that wants to be that special young lady to be the Bangtan Girl of BTS."
"Currently BTS is working on two songs and we have the instrumental for them. I'm going to teach you the dances for both songs. No More Dream, and Bulletproof. I want to see how your flow is and your unique style of dance. After a few weeks, we'll have the audition." Mr. Son continued as he walked around.
"Now let me inform you of what we are looking for. The Bangtan Girl is fierce, tough, has attitude, beauty, and as the song says, bulletproof. What we are looking for is someone who can fit that persona." he informed. "And you nine ladies believe you have what it takes. And I want you to show me. I'm going to show you the dance for Bulletproof. Have a seat and watch."
The girls comply and sit down while he puts on 'We Are Bulletproof Pt 2. The first few beats made Jennie nod her head to the song. The beat was sick...but as soon as he started dancing, her eyes were about to pop out at the fierce dancing the choreographer was showing. Her jaw couldn't be shut as she watched how quick and strong the dance moves were.
'I...I have to LEARN THAT!? I can't do that! Is it too late to back out?! Wait no. No backing out. You gotta show them how much you want this. Things are going to be OK.'
'Yooooo. How am I supposed to whip my head back and forth that quick?'
'How can I move my chest like that?'
'BRUH...Those fluid movements and smooth footwork! I never did that!'
'I'm screwed.'
'H-how do you do that!?'
'Is that even HUMAN!?'
'The human body can do that?!'
There were all the thoughts in her head as she continued to watch his dancing. After he was done, the girls applauded and he told them to stand up so they could begin learning the choreography. The dance was hard and intense. Extremely intense. Nothing that she had ever danced before. It was more fluent and harder than any dance she danced in America but she was determined. 
After practice, she was exhausted and stayed one more hour to try to work on the dance before her body just couldn't take any more for the day.
A week went by after learning the Bulletproof dance and they went to the No More Dream dance. Jennie still was mind-boggled at how she managed to do a hip thrust after some difficulty. Guys make it look so easy. She wasn't used to moving that part of her body yet. It must've been a hilarious sight to see her practicing hip thrusting back at the dorm while the other trainees were there. A week went by after that and it was now Friday. Mr. Son just finished the final practice day for the No More Dream dance with Bang PD watching the progress closely.
Jen lays her back on the floor, panting heavily. "So. Much. Dancing. I need a hot bath." She murmured in English before forcing herself to sit up. She looked around at the other girls who were just as exhausted if not even more than her.
Bang PD stands up from his seat after watching the whole dance practice. "You ladies have homework. The audition for the Bangtan Girl is on Monday. You have the weekend to practice. The homework is to create a verse for Bulletproof. Mr. Son gave you the instrumental when you first started learning the dance, so you can practice during your free time. The Bangtan Girl always sings with the Bangtan Boys. I want to see what you can come up with for the song and bring in your attitude and style to it."
"Just one verse?" Jen asked earning a nod from him as they got dismissed.
How was she going to create a verse? It's been a while since she wrote a song. The last song was during her Singing Exhibit for her birthday last year.
During the weekend, Jennie could not think of anything. When she tried to, it went well but she ended up scrapping it and throwing it in the recycle bin because it wasn't what she thought it would be. It was tough to admit that she started to get a writer's block. Saturday night she tried again, listening to the instrumental a couple of times.
"I have no fear so don't try to stop me..." she wrote and looked at it. "Eh...something needs to go in the middle of that..." 
'Tellin' me your doubts won't change my mind'
'Staying up all night dancing'
"Ugh, I don't like it." She threw it away and sighed, running her hands through her messy curls. "I hope to learn more about lyric writing while I'm in this company. Right now this is terrible." 
She groaned and tried again.
'Unlike you partying all night while I focused on my dreams'
'Everywhere I go, everything I do, I will show you and all the people who looked down on me'
'I'm in my own lane'
"Ah...this is so corny!" She exclaimed and frowned. "They're not gonna accept this. I'll just put down what I can. I can't stress over it."
Monday came by quickly as the girls, Bang PD, Namjoon, Mr. Son, and Taehyung were in the practice room. Jennie wore white sweatpants, a white jacket, white Nikes, and a white tank top for the occasion. She even put a black bandana as a crown over her curly hair that was put down.
First, all the girls were to perform the Bulletproof dance. Jen's efforts were successful, thankfully remembering the dance. She tried to put more flavor into it with thuggish facial expressions that didn't seem too forced, and it went well, showing more attitude to fit the instrumental.
After that, one by one the girls presented their custom verses while doing random dance moves to go with the verse and beat of the song. Namjoon had his black shades on and his head down, deep in thought as he listened to each girl's verse. Jen had a hard time trying to figure out what he was thinking when each girl auditioned. Meanwhile, V kept dancing and nodding his head to their verses. Each girl did so well, but she hoped that she could stand out from them.
"Next." Mr. Son turned to Jennie. 
She swallows hard as she lets out a shaky breath. Standing up, she received a mic.
'I got this...remember what you practiced, girl. Time to slay them all.' Jen gave herself some last words of encouragement as she stood in the middle of the practice room. 
The girls watched behind her while she stood in front of the men watching her. She turns to Mr. Son and nods as he puts on the instrumental of Bulletproof. The instrumental comes on for the second verse of the song as she begins.
Badda bing badda boom
Jennie's here
I have no fear...so don't try to stop me
Tellin' me your doubts...won't change my mind
With his ears perking up, Namjoon slowly looked up to watch her perform, fully engaged in how she sounded. 
You want me to party? I don't have time
I've been busy workin' (she slowly shimmies to the right with the beat)
I've been busy dancin' (she slowly shimmies to the left with the beat)
I'm never prancin'
Just enhancin' (She flips her hair)
I will persevere and you can't stop my flow (She stands tall, looking strong)
I'm in my own lane
I'm here to attain (She makes a fist up in the air)
I got people asking, Who's the girl?' (She looks both ways)
The one with the curls, representing the girls (She ruffles her curly hair while strutting forward)
"I'm the one with the swag and I don't mean to brag but I broke oppositions to get where I am at today!" she ended her verse just before the chorus came with a fierce expression on her face. 
The song stops and she lets out a breath as everyone applauds for her. A proud smile came across her features as she bowed to everyone, thanking them. The butterflies were no longer in her stomach and she was glad to get it over with. She hoped it was enough to please them to earn that spot.
The next day was the most nerve-racking because Jennie was called to Bang PD's office. She didn't know if she had done something wrong or if it was good news. She knocked on his door and he told her to come in. She walks him to see him turn around in his chair looking at her sternly.
"Y-you wanted to see me?" She asked softly, trying to ignore his stern look. 
Was he mad at her? If so what the heck did she do? She didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
"Do you know why you're here?" He questioned in a sharp tone as he crossed his arms.
"I-is it because of my audition?" She looked uncertain.
"How do you think you did? Do you think what you've done was what we were looking for?" His voice was serious as he narrowed his eyes.
'I'm about to get dropped aren't I?' She thought nervously.
"Y-yes I do." She quickly let out. "I think I've done well and tried my best."
After a few seconds of silence and staring, he speaks up again. "Well, you thought right, Bangtan Girl." He dropped his mean demeanor and smiled. "Welcome to BTS."
"Wh-what?" Her ears perked up as she widened her eyes. "What did you just say?"
"I had to keep myself from laughing." He chuckled. "I was trying to act as serious as possible. I hope I didn't scare you, too much. Congratulations, you are the Bangtan Girl. Your audition was great. You've done well."
"No way. No friggin way, are you serious right now!?" She started to form hot tears in her eyes as she started to get emotional.
"Your stage name is Jennie just like in your verse. I'm looking forward to watching you grow here. I'll be watching you closely. I have faith in you, kid." He said as she bowed
"Thank you so much." She wiped her tears. She had to urge to hug him but she wanted to try to stay professional.
"Your stuff is being moved to BTS' dorm. You'll be staying there from now on," He dismissed her.
She leaves the office and jumps up and down, running down the hallway with excitement. She quickly calls her parents. "Mom!"
"What?! What happened!? Is everything okay!?" She exclaimed in panic at Jen's sudden yelling.
"I'm the Bangtan Girl! I passed the audition! They picked me!" She yelled as her mom screamed and yelled to her husband to tell him the good news.
"I knew you could do it kiddo!" Jennie hears her father's voice.
After she finishes her conversation with her parents, she calls V and meets him in front of the Big Hit building. V runs and wraps his arms around her in a giant bear hug, spinning her around. 
"I knew you could do it Ennie!" He laughed.
"This is so surreal, Tae. I'm in BTS!" She shakes him as he continues to laugh at her excitement.
"Come on, let's head to the dorm."
"R-right now?"
"Yeah!" He grabbed her hand to walk with her. "Don't be nervous! They're all very eager to meet you!"
"We found out right after the audition and when you girls left."
"I still can't believe this is happening."
"Believe it Ennie!"
As they make their way to the dorm, Tae opens the door. "MEET THE NEWEST MEMBER OF BTS! THE BANGTAN GIRL! JENNIE IS HERE!" He happily yelled in the dorm.
Almost instantly she hears yells and happy screams of excitement as the guys rush up to her while V gently pushes her inside and shuts the door. She almost laughed at how eager everyone was to meet her. They were bursting with energy. She could get used to this warm welcome.
"There she is!" Hobi screeched out of excitement
"We've been waiting for you!" Jin grinned
"She's pretty!" Jimin yelled
"H-hi!" She nervously greeted them as they all started talking at once.
"Yah! Guys, don't smother her! Let her breathe! One at a time! One-at-a-time!" Tae protectively grabbed her hand and took her further into the dorm as the rest of the boys followed them, continuing to ask questions.
"You two are just in time for dinner! Let's eat!" Jin announced.
"Aren't you gonna introduce us to her, Tae?" Jimin pointed out as they got settled to eat
"Ladies first." Namjoon gestured as Jen smiled nervously.
"My name is Jennifer, you can call me Jennie, Jen, or whatever nickname you come up with for me. I'm from America. I'm 15. Bang PD told me my stage name in BTS will be Jennie. I have two sisters who are 18, and I'm looking forward to working with you guys."
"You have a pretty smile!" Hobi pointed out. "So adorable!"
Jennie starts to feel her face heat up at the constant compliments. She wasn't used to this at all. She buries her face in her hands.
"Ahhh she's shy!" Hobi yelled as the guys started getting wild but Namjoon.
"Yah! Pipe down!" Namjoon calmed them down and turned to her. "Hello, I'm Namjoon. Better known as Rap Monster. I'm the leader of the group. Looking forward to working with you. I was impressed by your performance."
"Nice to meet you. I noticed you watching me closely. I was a bit intimidated." She admitted.
"Haha, really?" He raised a brow. 
"Yeah like you and the glasses and everything. You scared me a bit." She chuckled.
"Sorry if I scared you. I was so focused on your performance. You just caught my attention." he smiled, revealing his dimples. "They made a good choice. Looking forward to seeing what else you can do."
"He's not scary at all, trust me," Hobi reassured. "Hello~ I'm Hoseok. You can call me by my stage name is J-Hope or Hobi."
"I'm the oldest, Jin. Anything you need, just let me know." Jin smiled politely.
"I'm Jimin. The coolest member of the group." He boasted as the guys disagreed and started hitting him with pillows, making Jennie laugh out loud. She could get used to their shenanigans.
Jungkook was usually shy around girls but Jen's demeanor made him relax and less nervous. He smiled awkwardly and looked away, avoiding eye contact until he heard her warm voice which made him look into her eyes.
"Hi, I'm Jennie. Nice to meet you. Your name?" She greeted.
"I'm Jungkook." 
"I'm Min Yoongi. You can call me Suga." He greeted her as she nodded and smiled
"Eat up!" Jin gestured as they all began to eat. 
Jennie finally managed to use chopsticks the proper way and chowed away.
"Guess you'll be a part of the Maknae line," Namjoon confirmed, remembering she said she was 15. "Your birthday?"
"November 10th."
"Ahh she's younger than Jungkook! She'll be our baby girl!" Jimin announced. "So what is America like?"
"It's what you make of it. I hope one day we'll all be able to go together and you can experience it yourselves." She smiled. "I still need to get used to eating properly and bowing here. I'm still not adjusted to your culture yet but I will soon. Please be patient with me guys."
"You're fine, don't worry about it." Yoongi waved her doubts away.
"What are your passions," Hobi asked
"I really love performing and meeting fans. I just love to sing and dance for fun. Music is my life." She happily revealed.
"What do you like to eat? I can put it in future references." Jin chimed in.
"Some foods I like are pizza, white chocolate, fish and chicken."
"Once we get some Korean food in you, I'm sure that'll also be your favorite food, too."
"I bet they will."
"Hey, what's your favorite color?" Jungkook eagerly asked.
"I like purple." She responded
"Any hobbies?" Namjoon questioned
"I like to play the guitar. Play occasional video games and golf." Jen addressed.
"Golf?" Jin asked in amazement.
"I'm not that good but I like the sport. It's fascinating to check out." She pointed out.
The rest of the dinner went great as she started to feel less nervous and excited to be working with BTS. The boys were so nice and welcoming towards her.
"Oh yeah, let's show Jen her room!" Yoongi announced as he stood up. The boys escorted her to a small room in the dorm. "Since you're a girl, we're sure you wanted your privacy. It's smaller than the rest of ours. I hope it's all right."
"No, it's perfect." She turned to them, looking appreciative. "Thanks, guys."
Later that night, everyone got ready for bed. Jennie said goodnight to everyone and laid under the covers in her new home. On her back, she looked up at the ceiling with a huge smile on her face.
"I'm going to like it here...I'm so happy. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity." She sighed in contentment and fell asleep.
54 notes · View notes
carebearboy02 · 2 years
Kyo Kaneko: Hip Hop Karaoke Stream setlist
Busta Rhymes - Dangerous (1998)
Will Smith - Miami (1999)
DMX - Party Up In Here (2000)
Nelly - Ride With Me (2001)
Eminem - Loose Yourself (2002)
50 Cent - In Da Club (2003)
Petey Pablo - Freek A Leek (2004)
Kanye West - Gold Digger (2005)
Dem Franchize Boyz Feat. Peanut & Charley - lean Wit It Rock Wit It (2006)
T.I - Big Things Poppin (2007)
Lil Wayne Feat Static Major - Lollipop (2008)
Fabolous Feat The Dream - Throw It In the Bag (2009)
Waka Flocka Flame Feat. Wale & Rosco Dash - No Hands (2010)
Wiz Khalifa - Roll Up (2011)
B.o.B – So Good (2012)
Drake - Started From The Botton (2013)
Pitbull Feat John Ryan - Fireball (2014)
Rae Sremmurd Feat. Nicki Minaj and Young Thug - Throw Sum Mo (2015)
Kent Jones - Don't Mind (2016)
Lil Uzi Vert - XO Tour Life (2017)
Post Malone Feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Psycho (2018)
Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (2019)
24K Golden Featuring iann dior – Mood (2020)
Lil Nas X – Montero (Call Me By Your Name) (2021)
11 notes · View notes
seoul-italybts · 1 year
[✎ ITA 📽] Disney+ : SUGA : Road to D-DAY, Road Map | 10.04.23⠸
INTERVISTA : SUGA, Road to D-DAY - Road Map
Questo è il singolo principale dalla mia prima mixtape <Agust D>, del 2016.
Non è che stessi cercando di scrivere musica o trasmettere messaggi aggressivi, ma era un periodo in cui non eravamo riconosciuti come idol dai fan della musica idol è criticati dagli altri per non essere musicisti, ma idol. Quindi io ero un po' ossessionato da questa cosa, mi sentivo ferito nell'orgoglio e volevo dimostrare loro che eravamo artisti.
Ora che mi sto preparando per il tour, ho riascoltato alcune delle canzoni di quel periodo e mi sono reso conto che rappavo davvero con un ritmo serrato.
Quando ho registrato <Agust D>, insomma, ero piuttosto arrabbiato e facilmente irritabile. Ascoltando 'Agust D', noterete tutta quella rabbia (ride).
Descrivi chi è SUGA e chi è Agust D usando una sola parola ciascuno, separatamente
A dire il vero, non posso separarli. Sia SUGA che Agust D sono me. Credo, forse, potrei esprimerli entrambi attraverso il mio vero nome, Min Yoongi.
Inizialmente, ero solito fare distinzioni rispetto al mio nome ed identità d'arte, perché c'erano moltə artistə che facevano lo stesso – come Eminem e Nicky Minaj. Non saprei. Sono cresciuto ascoltando un sacco di musica hip-hop e pop, quindi volevo fare anche io così (ride).
Non era tanto per separare le identità, ma devo aver pensato "Se dovessi rilasciare un brano sotto altro nome, magari mi tratteranno da musicista o comunque senza pregiudizi, no?" (ride)
Quale messaggio volevi trasmettere attraverso la tua prima mixtape?
<Agust D>.. In quel periodo, avevo tutta quella rabbia.. Credo il nostro 2016 sia veramente stato ciò che potremmo descrivere un inferno, per noi. Eravamo costantemente sotto attacco da tutti i lati e sotto diversi aspetti e non sapevamo neppure perché.
"Perché ci odiano così tanto?", non riuscivamo a pensare ad altro ed io ero pieno di rabbia. A ripensarci ora, mi sembra davvero immaturo, ma allora non facevo che aspirare al successo così da poter avere la mia rivincita su tutta quella gente.
Dato che ho iniziato a fare musica fin da quando ero molto giovane, le persone che avevo attorno si sono sempre mostrate contrarie. Ora sono a questo livello, ma allora volevo davvero dimostrare loro di cosa ero capace, che avevo ragione. Alla fine ci sono riuscito.
Ma sì, si può dire che il mio messaggio e motivazione principale, allora, fosse la rabbia. Ora non più, ovviamente, ma <Agust D> è pieno di musica di quel genere.
2. 724148
La seconda destinazione è "724148", un brano della mia mixtape <Agust D>. È un titolo davvero particolare, vero? È la combinazione del numero di due bus che ero solito prendere. Quando ero alle superiori, ho trovato un lavoro (part-time) in uno studio (di registrazione). Il 724 era il bus che prendevo da Dongseong-ro fino a casa mia. L'148, invece, era quello che prendevo dal mio alloggio fino a scuola, quando mi sono trasferito a Seoul. È una canzone che ho scritto ripensando ai miei anni di scuola, insomma. Quand'era? 7 anni fa, mi pare. Sette anni fa, io avevo 24, 25 anni.
Lavoro nell'ambito della musica fin da quando ero uno studente e sono entrato a far parte dell'Associazione Coreana per il Copyright quando avevo tra i 17 e i 18 anni.
Questa è una canzone che contiene molte storie risalenti al periodo in cui facevo musica a Daegu City. Fin da quando ero adolescente, desideravo con tutto me stesso avere successo e in questo brano potete trovare alcuni aneddoti a riguardo.
Hai iniziato a comporre e produrre musica fin da quando eri un trainee, puoi parlarcene?
Ero un po' diverso dagli altri trainee. Allora, nelle audizioni c'erano tre categorie: rap, ballo e composizione. Visto che volevo portare avanti il rap, ho provato in quella categoria e nella composizione. Quando sono diventato un trainee, mi esercitavo nel ballo solo due giorni la settimana, su passi e coreografie piuttosto semplici, mentre gli altri si esercitavano tutti i giorni ad ogni ora. Io, invece, passavo la maggior parte del mio tempo insieme ai produttori. Avevo un mio studio di fianco a quelli dei produttori e compositori professionisti ed ero quasi sempre lì. Ho scritto molte canzoni, in quello studio, e tante sono poi finite nella mia prima mixtape.
"Agust D" l'ho scritta quando ero alle superiori e ho creato anche un brano usando dei sample delle canzoni di James Brown. Ho davvero dato tutto me stesso per quel primo singolo solista.
Non sapevo effettivamente come lavorassero i compositori professionisti, quindi non facevo che trascorrere notte dopo notte in studio, a lavorare, fino a perdere la cognizione del tempo e dei giorni. Bang PD-nim mi stava accanto ed aiutava finché non finivo la traccia... in questo studio minuscolo. È così che ho avuto un primo assaggio di quel mondo.
Poi ho lavorato a diversi album, come la serie <The Most Beautiful Moment in Life>.. Credo di aver editato il testo dell'intro qualcosa come 30 volte.
Ora che sono formato su tutti quegli aspetti, posso ridurre di molto le mie ore lavorative, ma potete immaginare quanto fossi immaturo, subito dopo il debutto... eravamo appena 20enni.. (ride) Quindi abbiamo continuato a lavorare e a perfezionarci e ora che conosco i segreti del mestiere, mi è molto più facile scrivere canzoni.
Per che cosa sei maggiormente grato al te stesso di allora, con tutto il lavoro ed impegno di quegli anni?
Gli sono infinitamente grato per non essersi mai lamentato. Continuavo semplicemente a fare il mio lavoro o ciò che mi dicevano di fare. Non me ne lamentavo. Quando c'erano delle scadenze da rispettare, in un modo o nell'altro cercavo di farcela. E poi ho iniziato a lavorare con persone più grandi e con maggiore esperienza di me, quindi davo quelle difficoltà per scontate. Se devo essere sincero, è qualcosa di cui vado molto fiero. Credo, in fin dei conti, fossi abbastanza maturo da capire e considerare quelle difficoltà come parte naturale del mio percorso di apprendimento. Quindi, sì, sono molto grato al Min Yoongi di 20 anni.
3. Daechwita
La terza destinazione è "Daechwita", il singolo principale della mia seconda mixtape, <D-2>, rilasciata nel 2020.
Sono appassionato di musica tradizionale coreana e questo brano è nato campionando le marce 'daechwita'. È una canzone rilasciata a maggio 2020. Credevo di aver ormai realizzato tutto ciò che desideravo, quindi ho pensato sarebbe stato figo scrivere una canzone in cui mi sento come il re del mondo (imbarazzato). Perché questo tipo di musica (daechwita) veniva suonata durante gli spostamenti o parate militari del sovrano. Ma è stato un po' immaturo da parte mia.
Era un periodo in cui non stavo molto bene emotivamente/mentalmente. Ovviamente, ora va molto meglio, ma avevamo in programma un tour.. Dopo le attività promozionali per l'album, avevamo in programma un tour mondiale, tra gennaio e febbraio, e poi avremmo dovuto iniziare il nostro servizio militare. Poi, però, tutti i nostri piani sono stati annullati a causa del Covid-19. Vedere tutti i nostri impegni cancellati, uno ad uno, mi ha fatto molto male.
Avevamo già venduto tutti i biglietti ed i preparativi per le esibizioni erano ultimati, ma noi non potevamo salire sul palco. Tutti quei biglietti sono stati cancellati, allora, e rimborsati. Abbiamo dovuto smantellare tutte le attrezzature e scenografie per i concerti, perché tenerli in deposito sarebbe costato troppo. Per un bel po' di tempo, fare attività promozionali o tour è diventato impossibile. Non c'era più nulla che funzionasse a dovere.
Data la situazione, ho pensato che avrei potuto approfittarne per rilasciare la mia mixtape, riorganizzando i brani che non avevo ancora potuto pubblicare fino ad allora.
E poi è uscita "Dynamite". Abbiamo ottenuto la posizione n.1 sulla Billboard Hot 100 e pensavo fossimo arrivati al culmine, e invece abbiamo ottenuto risultati ancor migliori.
È stato divertente lavorare a "Daechwita". Mi sono procurato diversi sample e strumenti tradizionali coreani in versione virtuale, e da lì ho scritto diverse altre canzoni. Ma già prima di quell'occasione, mi piaceva scrivere canzoni usando la musica della nostra tradizione. Aggiungono molto colore e carattere ai brani. Quando li uso, il sound che ottengo è davvero unico ed inedito. Anche il video musicale è venuto bene. Credo sia la mia migliore canzone solista, tra quelle che ho scritto. Ma mi è dispiaciuto un po' (inizialmente) non fosse sulle piattaforme di streaming.
Qual è l'origine della sicurezza di SUGA?
Sono stati fatti molti studi ed analisi riguardo il nostro gruppo. Cose del tipo, "Come sono nati i BTS?" o anche "Qual è il segreto dietro al successo dei BTS?". Come potete vedere dalle nostre performance, siamo bravi. Credo la ragione sia perché ci siamo esercitati molto più duramente di altri e continuiamo tutt'ora. Quando siamo sul palco, sappiamo di essere al nostro meglio, ogni esibizione. Ovviamente non è una gara sportiva, ma ho sempre pensato fossimo pienamente in grado di vincere quando messi a confronto con altri. Ci siamo preparati talmente tanto. Sul serio, non abbiamo sempre avuto questo successo fin dall'inizio. Ne abbiamo affrontate tante, di conseguenza siamo pronti a tutto e credo sia per questo che, sul palco, ce la sappiamo cavare così bene. Proprio perché abbiamo già sperimentato molti tipi di esibizioni e palcoscenici. Credo queste siano le basi della mia sicurezza.
Qual è il tuo prossimo obiettivo?
Ad esser sincero, è un po' che non penso a sogni od obiettivi. Ho sempre creduto fossero cose importanti.. ma ora penso, piuttosto, a come rendere divertente e piacevole il mio lavoro. Penso di aver già, bene o male, raggiunto tutto ciò che potevo desiderare. Abbiamo ottenuto la posizione n.1 sulla Billboard Hot100, e non ci siamo rimasti solo una settimana, ma parecchie. Facciamo tour negli stadi... Abbiamo raggiunto i nostri obiettivi, e non solo in Corea, ma in tutto il mondo, come gli altri artisti internazionali. Quindi non sono più così assetato di successo, e cerco e spero, piuttosto, di continuare a fare musica e a salire sul palco con il gruppo e le/i nostrə fan il più a lungo possibile. Quello è il nostro obiettivo principale, ora.
4. People
La quarta destinazione è una canzone intitolata "People", parte della mia seconda mixtape, <D-2>. Rispetto alle tracce presentate fin'ora, è piuttosto lirica. In questa canzone mi sentirete sia rappare che cantare.
C'è questo detto, "qualsiasi delle 10 dita morderai, il dolore sarà uguale per tutte", ma io sono convinto che alcune facciano meno male. Questa canzone è una delle più dolorose per me, nonché una delle mie preferite. Questo brano è nato quando Jimin mi ha chiesto una traccia per una sua canzone, parlo di quando gli è stata assegnata l'intro "Serendipity". Ovviamente, ero ben disposto a passargli una delle mie canzoni. Lui mi ha chiesto "Puoi darmi una delle tracce che hai scritto, se ne hai da parte?". Solitamente io non lavoro su quel genere, quindi ho scritto un nuovo beat apposta, in hotel, mentre eravamo in tour. È stato rifiutato.. Beh (ride), non rifiutato, ma comunque non è stato selezionato. Era un beat che mi piaceva molto, però, quindi me lo sono tenuto da parte. Poi, mentre lavoravo a <D-2>, l'ho riascoltato e non era affatto male. Mi sono chiesto "Perché non l'hai ancora usato?", quindi mi sono messo subito al lavoro. Canzoni di questo tipo sono molto facili da scrivere. I brani e progetti che mi piacciono mi riescono molto più rapidamente di altri, ed è stato lo stesso anche per "People". Ho scritto la strofa ed il ritornello in meno di un giorno. L'ho scritta e poi l'ho registrata subito. Avevo l'attrezzatura a casa, quindi ho subito creato una versione guida con ciò che avevo a disposizione. E poi l'ho solo editata un po'.
Quando sto attraversando un periodo difficile, ascolto molto questa canzone. Ho pianto un sacco, ascoltandola. Quindi, sì, è una delle mie tracce preferite.
Moltissime persone traggono conforto da questo brano, tu che cosa ne pensi?
Era un periodo in cui avevo difficoltà a rapportarmi con il prossimo... Sapete cosa intendo, a volte le persone ci feriscono e quindi ho voluto parlarne.
Inizialmente, non era disponibile sulle piattaforme streaming quindi non era così facile trovarla. Quando è stata rilasciata ufficialmente, molte delle persone che conosco l'hanno ascoltata, e non parlo solo della gente del settore, ma anche dei/lle mie/i conoscenti. In moltə mi hanno detto che sono rimastə commossə. Se devo essere sincero, non mi diceva poi molto, fino a quando non ci ho lavorato più seriamente. Mi piaceva di più "Daechwita" (ride). Ovviamente, ho sempre rappato e scrivo canzoni da tanto, ma penso di cavarmela abbastanza con canzoni simili. Anche quelle che ho scritto per altrə artistə erano su quello stile, più tranquille. Ho realizzato d'essere bravo con brani più lirici, ma pensavo fosse qualcosa che non mi si addicesse. Tra me e me pensavo, "no, queste non sono canzoni da me... Io non canto". Ma dopo aver scritto questa traccia, ho acquisito maggiore sicurezza in entrambi gli ambiti, quindi ho iniziato ad esercitarmi nel canto. Dunque, sì, in un certo senso è una canzone molto preziosa e speciale, per me.
Ciò che è speciale è prerogativa di Min Yoongi mentre a SUGA spetta l'ordinario?
Credo uno dei miei punti di forza sia la calma. Cerco sempre di non lasciarmi trasportare dalle situazioni. La gente tende a non capirmi e fraintendermi, è perché non sono bravo ad esprimere le mie emozioni. Non è facile fare o ricevere complimenti. Credo sia proprio parte della mia personalità, mantenere la calma. Ciò che è ordinario per me.. Ne parlo anche nel testo (di "People"), di ciò che è speciale e ordinario per me... Sono più di 10 anni che vivo come una celebrità e ciò che voi fate nel vostro quotidiano è qualcosa che io non posso permettermi, non in modo comune, almeno. Per contro, ciò che io considero ordinario, sono tutte cose che la maggior parte di voi probabilmente non avrà mai provato. Come le esibizioni negli stadi o le cerimonie di premiazione oltreoceano. Ovviamente, sono tutte occasioni speciali, esperienze preziose e so bene che è qualcosa che non tuttə possono permettersi. E tutto questo è merito delle/i fan. Credo quella sia la differenza tra ciò che è speciale e ciò che è ordinario.
5. D-DAY
Sfortunatamente, questa è la nostra ultima destinazione. Si tratta del mio primo album solista, <D-DAY>, di prossima uscita. Finalmente ne è stato annunciato il rilascio. Attraverso quest'album, credo potrò raccontarvi nuove storie e svelarvi lati di me diversi da quelli che vi ho mostrato nelle due mixtape precedenti. In particolare, dopo "People" - contenuta in <D-2> - in quest'album troverete "People Pt.2 (feat. IU)", quindi vi prego di avere ancora un po' di pazienza ed aspettare con entusiasmo.
Per quanto riguarda il documentario, vi ho incluso delle clip live delle mie vecchie canzoni, oltre che di quelle nuove, quindi potrete godervi queste esibizioni prima ancora del tour. Spero le aspetterete con trepidazione e vorrete mostrare tanto amore.
Quale messaggio vorresti trasmettere con D-DAY?
Ogni volta che rilascio un nuovo album, includo sempre 10 canzoni; anche questa volta,
quindi. Qualcuno forse penserà "Hai sempre lo stesso stile!", altri invece si stupiranno "Oh, sa fare anche questo?" e questo perché ho incluso tante canzoni di stili diversi. Come ho menzionato prima, fin'ora ho sempre scritto album basandomi sui miei traumi personali o sulla rabbia, ma credo, per quest'album, di aver riorganizzato i miei brani partendo da un approccio più maturo. Credo di poter dire d'essermi totalmente liberato di quella negatività. Mi sento molto leggero e sereno e non mi faccio chissà quali aspettative grandiose, per quest'album. Spero semplicemente che le/i fan lo ascolteranno ed apprezzeranno.
Hai detto che D-1 (*Agust D) è il passato mentre D-2 è il presente, qual è il significato di <D-DAY>, dunque?
<D-DAY> è il presente. Ne parlo in diversi testi. Ad essere sincero, non ho più molto da dire riguardo il passato. Ne sono anche abbastanza stufo, ormai (ride). Quindi mi sono concentrato sul presente. Molte persone non riescono a vivere il presente perché si vergognano del passato e hanno paura del futuro. Vale lo stesso per me. È per quello che ho scritto versi in cui dico "cerchiamo di vivere nel presente". Spero lo aspetterete con entusiasmo.
Puoi parlarci delle clip live inedite incluse nel documentario?
Ad esser sincero, credo avrei potuto far di meglio. La gente che ha ascoltato l'album, mi ha detto "è bello!" Ma è proprio questo il punto, io mi aspetto sempre troppo e provo un po' di rimpianti. Ma potrò rifarmi durante il tour. Spero guarderete il documentario e verrete anche a vedermi dal vivo.
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
The Sims 4: Sims Sessions Official Details and Web Page
The Sims team has announced Sims Sessions, a social media and in-game experience that will be free for players who own The Sims 4. Maxis has launched the Sims Sessions web page with details and information on the music artists featured in the event.
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Sims Sessions (Key Features)
Light up your summer with the hottest tracks from your favorite artists. Experience Bebe Rexha, Glass Animals, and Joy Oladokun for the first time all over again—in Simlish! Catch the live event from June 29 at 10 a.m. PT to July 7 at 10 p.m. PT.
Shop the Festival – Buy artist-themed merchandise, run your own craft sales table, or snack like a rockstar at a food stand!
Camp Out – Festivals are fun but exhausting! Get some sleep in one of the tents—or Woohoo to the music.
Enjoy the Show – Gather around the stage to watch, dance, and cheer on the performances!
Perform on Stage – After the performances, go on stage and keep the tunes flowing. Jam on the piano and sing your heart out.
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Sims Sessions (Featured Artists)
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Bebe Rexha
Diamond-selling and two-time GRAMMY®-nominated New York City native Bebe Rexha is a musical force to be reckoned with. Her RIAA Platinum-certified debut album Expectations (released June 2018 on Warner Records) contained the Platinum single “I’m a Mess” and the global chart-topping smash “Meant to Be” (featuring Florida Georgia Line), now RIAA Certified Diamond. “Meant to Be” held the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for a record-setting 50 straight weeks, the longest reign ever by a female lead artist, and won Top Country Song at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards and Best Collaboration at the 2018 iHeart Radio Music Awards. It was subsequently nominated for Best Country Duo/Group Performance at the 61st annual GRAMMY Awards® in February 2019, where Bebe was also nominated for Best New Artist.
Early in her career, Bebe won the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences’ Best Teen Songwriter Award, and then formally burst onto the scene when she wrote “The Monster,” a worldwide hit for Eminem and Rihanna that was certified 6x Platinum by the RIAA. Bebe went on to co-write and carry the instantly recognizable hook for the 3x Platinum “Hey Mama,” by David Guetta, which was nominated for a Billboard Music Award for Top Dance/Electronic Song. Bebe also hit #1 on the Billboard Pop and Rap charts with her 5x Platinum “Me, Myself & I” with G-Eazy. In 2017, Bebe released the critically acclaimed EPs, All Your Fault: Part 1 (with the Platinum single “I Got You”) and All Your Fault: Part 2 (with “Meant to Be”). In conjunction with GRAMMY® Week 2019, Bebe launched the GRAMMY® Music Education Coalition’s (GMEC) national campaign on behalf of its new All-Star Ambassador program. Better Mistakes, her new album, includes the hit singles “Baby, I’m Jealous” feat. Doja Cat and “Sacrifice.” To date, Bebe has amassed over four billion YouTube views and over 12 billion total global streams.
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Glass Animals
Since 2010, Glass Animals have redefined alternative pop with their experimental sounds, cinematic visuals, and narrative lyrics. The Platinum-Certified UK quartet—Dave Bayley [lead vocals, guitar], Drew MacFarlane [guitar, keys, backing vocals], Ed Irwin-Singer [bass, keys, backing vocals], and Joe Seaward [drums, backing vocals]—first presented their signature style on their 2014 breakout debut, ZABA. It yielded the Platinum single “Gooey” and elevated the band into the global spotlight. 2016’s How To Be A Human Being notably garnered a nomination for the prestigious Mercury Prize. However, Glass Animals lifted off to a new stratosphere with Dreamland in 2020. It marked their first Top 10 debut on the Billboard Top 200, while their global smash hit “Heat Waves” has amassed millions of streams to date, went Platinum in numerous countries, gave the band their first #1 on the U.S. Alternative Radio Chart, Top 15 at Top 40 Radio, and hit Top 10 on Spotify’s US Chart. Skyrocketing to the forefront of popular culture, they garnered nominations in the categories of “Top Rock Song” and “Top Rock Album” at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards, delivered knockout performances on Billboard Music Awards, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Late Late Show with James Corden, and Ellen, and lined up global headline dates for the 2021 Dreamland Tour everywhere from legendary amphitheaters such as Red Rocks to Bonnaroo, Life Is Beautiful, Outside Lands, and more. The band sold over 130,000 tickets in three days for their 2021-2022 North American tour, with the majority of the tickets selling out instantly. All the while maintaining their unique connection to their fans by creating their open sourced website where fans can create artwork based on the world of Dreamland, putting on a “Live In The Internet” concert that sold 25,000 tickets worldwide, and more. They created unique music videos during the 2020 pandemic by DIY-shooting solo in Dave Bayley’s apartment directed solely over Zoom (“Dreamland”), asking neighbors to shoot on their iPhones while Dave walked down the street (“Heat Waves”), and inviting fans to take 3D scans of their heads (“Tangerine”). Racking up billions of streams across their catalogue, they even made history as “the first UK band to capture #1 on Triple J’s Hottest 100 since 2009” with “Heat Waves” down under in Australia, leading to the longest run at #1 in 2021 on the ARIA Official Singles Chart. Ultimately, Glass Animals continue to redefine what alternative can be, while they quietly overtake the mainstream.
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Joy Oladokun
With a guitar in hand, baseball cap over her eyes, and hooded sweatshirt loose, a woman sings with all of the poetry, pain, passion, and power her soul can muster. She is a new kind of American troubadour. She is Joy Oladokun. The Delaware-born, Arizona-raised, and Nashville-based Nigerian-American singer, songwriter, and producer projects unfiltered spirit over stark piano and delicate guitar. Her music and story galvanized a growing fan base as she completed a successful Kickstarter campaign to release her independent debut, Carry. Her song “No Turning Back” soundtracked a viral baby announcement by Ciara and Russell Wilson, opening up the floodgates. She landed a string of high-profile syncs, including NBC’s This Is Us, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, and Showtime’s The L Word: Generation Q. On the heels of in defense of my own happiness (the beginnings), she garnered unanimous critical praise. Billboard touted the album as one of the “Top 10 Best LGBTQ Albums of 2020,” while NPR included “i see america” among the “100 Best Songs of 2020.” Predicted as on the verge of a massive breakthrough, she emerged on various tastemaker lists, including Spotify’s RADAR Artists to Watch 2021, YouTube “Black Voices Class of 2021,” NPR’s 2021 “Artists To Watch,” and Amazon Music’s “Artist To Watch 2021.” Not to mention, Vogue crowned her #1 “LBTQ+ Musician To Listen To.” She kicked off the new year by making her television debut on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with a stunning and stirring performance of “breathe again.”After attracting acclaim from Vogue, NPR, and American Songwriter, her words arrive at a time right when we need them the most.
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bananaofswifts · 4 years
Swift’s total weeks at No. 1 now stands at 47, one more than Houston’s tally of 46.
Taylor Swift’s Folklore album returns to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, collecting a seventh nonconsecutive week atop the tally. In doing so, Swift surpasses Whitney Houston’s longstanding record, among women, for the most cumulative weeks at No. 1, across all of her chart-topping albums. Swift’s total weeks at No. 1 now stands at 47, one more than Houston’s tally of 46. Folklore earned 87,000 equivalent album units in the U.S. in the week ending Sept. 24 (up 97 percent), according to Nielsen Music/MRC Data.
The Billboard 200 chart ranks the most popular albums of the week in the U.S. based on multi-metric consumption as measured in equivalent album units. Units comprise album sales, track equivalent albums (TEA) and streaming equivalent albums (SEA). Each unit equals one album sale, or 10 individual tracks sold from an album, or 3,750 ad-supported or 1,250 paid/subscription on-demand official audio and video streams generated by songs from an album. The new Oct. 3-dated chart (where Folklore returns to No. 1) will be posted in full on Billboard's website on Sept. 29. For all chart news, follow @billboard and @billboardcharts on both Twitter and Instagram.
Of Folklore’s 87,000 units earned in the tracking week ending Sept. 24, album sales comprise 56,000 (up 339 percent), SEA units comprise 30,000 (down 4 percent) equaling 39.8 million on-demand streams of the album’s songs) and TEA units total 1,000 (up 38 percent).
Folklore’s fortunes perked up in the newest tracking week, as Swift sold more signed CD copies of the album through her official webstore and via independent record stores (as she’s done in previous weeks) and also issued more merchandise/album bundles in her webstore. She additionally profits from the release of a new live version of the album’s single "Betty," as performed on the Academy of Country Music Awards (held on Sept. 16). The live rendition was released to YouTube shortly after the awards, while it reached digital retail and other streaming services on Sept. 18. For tracking purposes, the new version of "Betty" is combined with its original version.
Swift also promoted Folklore on streaming services with another release (on Sept. 21) of a thematic "chapter" of songs from the album (as she’s done in previous weeks). Such collections of songs get prominent placement on streaming services, appearing as the latest release from Swift.
As noted above, Folklore returns to No. 1 for a seventh nonconsecutive week on top. In doing so, Swift’s total weeks at No. 1 -- across all seven of her chart-topping albums -- now stands at 47, a new record among female artists. She surpasses Whitney Houston’s sum of 46 weeks at No. 1. (Houston held the record for the most weeks at No. 1 among women since 1987.)
Houston notched four No. 1 albums: her self-titled debut (14 weeks at No. 1 in 1986), her sophomore release Whitney (11 in 1987), The Bodyguard soundtrack (20 in 1992-93) and I Look to You (one week in 2009).
Following Swift and Houston, Adele has the third-most weeks at No. 1 among women, with 34 weeks from her two No. 1s: 21 (24 in 2011-12) and 25 (10 in 2015-16).
The all-time leaders with the most weeks at No. 1 are The Beatles, with 132 weeks at No. 1 across their record 19 chart-topping albums. The male act (and solo artist) with the most weeks atop the list is Elvis Presley, with 67.
Here’s a roundup of every act with at least 30 weeks at No. 1, since the Billboard 200 chart began publishing on a regular weekly basis on March 24, 1956: The Beatles (132 weeks), Elvis Presley (67), Garth Brooks (52), Michael Jackson (51), Taylor Swift (47), Whitney Houston (46), The Kingston Trio (46), Elton John (39), Fleetwood Mac (38), The Rolling Stones (38), Harry Belafonte (37), The Monkees (37), Prince (35), Adele (34), Eminem (34), Eagles (30) and Mariah Carey (30).
Folklore additionally continues to have the most weeks at No. 1 for any album since Drake’s Views ruled for 13 nonconsecutive weeks in 2016. Folklore also continues to have the most weeks at No. 1 among all non-R&B/hip-hop titles, and albums by women, since Adele’s 25 landed 10 nonconsecutive weeks at No. 1 in 2015-16.
At No. 2 on the new Billboard 200, Pop Smoke’s former leader, Shoot for the Stars Aim for the Moon, is a non-mover with 75,000 equivalent album units earned (up 2 percent).YoungBoy Never Broke Again’s Top falls from No. 1 to No. 3 in its second week on the list, earning 63,000 equivalent album units (down 50 percent).
Alicia Keys collects her eighth top 10 album, as her latest studio effort, Alicia, bows at No. 4 with 62,000 equivalent album units earned. Of that sum, 51,000 are from album sales, 10,000 from SEA units (equaling 13.6 million in on-demand streams of the set’s tracks) and 1,000 from TEA units. Alicia’s album sales were bolstered by a concert ticket/album sale redemption offer with her upcoming U.S. tour, which was slated to begin on July 28, but has since been postponed to 2021.
Alicia was initially set for release on March 20, but was delayed due to concerns relating to COVID-19. Alicia is Keys’ first studio set since 2016’s Here debuted and peaked at No. 2. All seven of Keys’ studio albums have reached the top four on the Billboard 200. She additionally logged a top 10 with the No. 1 live set Unplugged in 2005.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Todrick Hall
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Todrick Hall (born April 4, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, actor, director, choreographer and YouTuber. He first gained national attention on the 9th season of the reality singing competition American Idol, where he made it to the semi-finals. Following this, he amassed a following on YouTube with multiple viral videos including original songs, parodies, and skits. A documentary series about his video-making process titled Todrick aired on MTV in 2015.
Starting with season 8, Hall became a resident choreographer on RuPaul's Drag Race, and occasional judge. From 2016 to 2017, Hall starred as Lola in Kinky Boots on Broadway. Later in 2017, he began appearances as Billy Flynn in Chicago on Broadway and the West End.
As a singer-songwriter he has released three studio albums, including the visual albums Straight Outta Oz (2016) and Forbidden (2018).
Early life
Todrick Hall was born in Plainview, Texas, on April 4, 1985. His family consists of his mother, father, one brother, and a stepfather. He knew he was different, he liked playing with dolls, and worried if they would still accept him if he turned out to be one of those gay people they made fun of on television. Hall began studying ballet at nine-years-old, and later worked with Fantasia in The Color Purple. He came out as gay to his family when he was fifteen; it took them a few years to accept. He also appeared in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, and performed with Royal Caribbean, Holland America Line, and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts.
2009–2010: American Idol
On August 24, 2009, Hall auditioned to the ninth season of American Idol in Dallas, Texas. He sang a self-composed song mentioning the judges – Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Kara DioGuardi, and guest judge Joe Jonas – to plead his case for inclusion in the program. All four judges approved of his participation; he went into Hollywood week and eventually the semi-finals. In the Top 24, he sang Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" and in the Top 20, he performed Tina Turner's "What's Love Got to Do with It". He was eliminated in the Top 16 on 11 March 2010 after his rendition of Queen's "Somebody to Love;" he was one of four contestants eliminated in that round, and thus ranked between 13th and 16th overall.
2011–2013: Career growth and YouTube fame
Hall joined YouTube on May 27, 2006, and posted his first video to the site, a performance of "It's Hard to Say Goodbye", in 2008. In following years, his audience has grown considerably: as of June, 2019, Hall currently has 3.1 million subscribers on YouTube, and as of March 2018, his videos have been viewed 531.9 million times. Hall's videos include several of his own original songs and music videos, choreographed flash mobs for Ariana Grande and Beyoncé performed in an actual Target store, (the latter of which Beyoncé personally recognized Hall for), musical collaborations with Pentatonix, and personal updates.
In May 2011, he released a video audition for the third season of Glee titled "I Wanna Be on Glee", for possible inclusion in the show. Though the video was popular, Hall was not cast in the program.In November 2013, Virgin America produced a pop-music safety video directed by Jon M. Chu with music by Jean-Yves Decornet. Hall wrote the song and lyrics and starred in the video.
In December 2013, Hall released a Christmas album entitled Dear Santa, with covers of "This Christmas" and "Sleigh Bells", produced by wiidope as well as original songs "So Cold" and "SplitsOnXmasTrees".
2014–2015: Pop Star High and Todrick docuseries
From April 1 to May 13, 2014, Hall released an eight episode web series on his YouTube channel called Pop Star High. The series takes place in a world where all of the most famous Pop Stars of our day all went to high school together. The series portrays and parodies pop stars like Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, Taylor Swift, Ne-Yo, Kanye West, Eminem, Jay-Z, and Tyga, and draws on the tropes of high school comedy movies. The soundtrack for the series was released on April 1, 2014.
On October 22, 2014, MTV announced Todrick, a docuseries following Hall, would premiere in 2015. On 20 December 2014, Hall produced and appeared in a commercial for the series and featured other celebrities' holiday wishes. Eight episodes of the docuseries were ordered and aired throughout 2015. The soundtrack for the show was released on October 13, 2015.
In October 2015, he was picked as Elvis Duran's Artist of the Month and was featured on NBC's Today show hosted by Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb and broadcast nationally where he performed live his single "Wind It Up".
2016–2017: Straight Outta Oz, Broadway, and RuPaul's Drag Race
Hall appeared as a guest judge on the eighth season of RuPaul's Drag Race; the episode, which featured a Wizard of Oz-inspired challenge, first aired on April 11, 2016. Hall reappeared as a full-time judge for RuPaul's Drag Race: All Stars 2 later in 2016 and again for the ninth season aired throughout 2017.
Along with Drag Race, Hall frequently appeared on Logo TV's game show Gay for Play Game Show Starring RuPaul alongside other celebrities. A second Season of Gay for Play is expected.
On June 23, 2016, Todrick self-released his second album, Straight Outta Oz. Straight Outta Oz is a visual concept album that uses the imagery of The Wizard of Oz to explore Todrick's own life and rise to fame. The project's first video was posted to YouTube on June 23, 2016 as well. Shortly thereafter, Hall announced the Straight Outta Oz Tour to promote the album. The tour originally ran between July 7, and August 12, 2016 in the United States and Canada.
The Straight Outta Oz Tour was interrupted by Hall's casting in the Broadway musical Kinky Boots. Hall starred as Lola, a drag queen cabaret performer. Hall's performance was well received by critics. He performed as Lola from November 1, 2016, to March 1, 2017.
The Straight Outta Oz Tour was revived in 2017 and ran between March 30, and June 5, in various North American, European, and Australian locations. It was accompanied by an expanded deluxe edition that included songs that were featured on the tour but not on the original version of the album. Additionally, the album included an extended version and new video for "Wrong Bitch" featuring Bob the Drag Queen, and a rerecorded version of Todrick's previous single "Low" featuring RuPaul.
In August 2017, he had a cameo as a back-up dancer in the music video for Taylor Swift's song, "Look What You Made Me Do".
From November 30, 2017, to January 14, 2018, played Billy Flynn in a limited engagement role in Chicago. During his tenure, the show had its best-grossing week in its 21-year Broadway history.
In December he released the documentary film Behind the Curtain about the production behind Straight Outta Oz. It was screened in select theatres and later released on home video. Later that month he had a guest appearance in the Bob's Burgers Season 8 episode "The Bleakening" as drag queen Miss Triple-Xmas (or Cleavage to Beaver) performing the song "Twinkly Lights". He also released a medley of covers of songs from the Pitch Perfect film series that was featured on the Pitch Perfect 3 Special Edition soundtrack.
2018–present: Forbidden, Haus Party & The Greatest Dancer
In March 2018 he announced his new visual album follow-up to Straight Outta Oz called Forbidden. It was released on March 27, 2018. To promote the album, Hall embarked on Forbidden: The Tour across the United States, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
On May 15, 2019, Hall revealed that he will be releasing a trilogy of extended plays to be released across the next six months. The first EP, Haus Party, Pt. 1, was released on May 23, 2019. The first single "Glitter" was released with the album pre-order on May 16, 2019. It also featured Hall's first big hit "Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels." The EPs will be supported by the Haus Party World Tour. While it was originally announced that Part Two would be released in July followed by Party Three in September 2019, the release of Haus Party, Pt. 2 was delayed to September 19, 2019.. It was supported by the singles "Wig", "Fag", and "Dripeesha" (featuring Tiffany Haddish). Part Three was originally announced to be released on October 30, 2019, then November 27. It was put up for pre-order on January 10, 2020 with two singles available, "Blue" and "Pink Dreams", and an announced release date of February 14, 2020. However, this was later pushed back to May 1, 2020.
On June 17, 2019, Hall appeared in the music video for singer-songwriter Taylor Swift's song "You Need to Calm Down"; he co-executive produced the video with Swift. On June 19, 2019, Hall announced that he will be returning to Broadway to play Ogie Anhorn in the musical Waitress opposite friend Colleen Ballinger, who will be making her Broadway debut as Dawn Williams from August 20 until September 15.
In August 2019 he joined the panel of Dance Captains for the second series of The Greatest Dancer alongside the other Dance Captains Cheryl, Oti Mabuse and Matthew Morrison. The series aired on BBC One in January 2020.
Hall is a baritenor with a soulful, expressive voice, including falsetto; in addition to a singer, Hall is also a rapper. The genre of his works include R&B, pop, hip hop, neo-soul, funk, and musical theatre. Many of his lyrics include elements of social commentary, such as gun violence in and against black communities in "Water Guns" (featuring Jordin Sparks), acceptance of interracial relationships in "Color" (featuring Jay Armstrong Johnson) and queer culture; Hall writes and produces much of his own music with Jeeve Ducornet and wiidope. Hall also posts musical tributes to his favorite musical artists such as Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Taylor Swift. These tributes feature elaborately-produced mashups of the artists' songs sung by Hall.
Hall's music videos often feature extravagant production value not typically associated with artists outside major labels. Hall's videos often include bespoke costumes and urban fashion, elaborate sets, and extensive choreography, much of which is designed or created by Hall himself. He frequently directs his own videos as well. As part of his style, many of Hall's music videos include drag as a central component, either featuring Hall in drag himself or famous drag queens including RuPaul, Bob the Drag Queen, Willam Belli, and Alaska Thunderfuck, among others.
Personal life
He came out as gay at the age of fifteen.
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musichead84 · 5 years
Seen as of 2019:
ACL - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Bonnaroo - 2012, 2013
Coachella - 2010, 2014
Float Fest - 2014
Index Fest - 2013, 2014
Lollapalooza - 2006, 2009, 2011
Wakarusa - 2015
Fun Fun Fun Fest - 2014, 2015
35 Denton - 2016
Untapped Fort Worth Festival - 2016
Untapped Dallas Festival - 2016
Edgefest - 2017 (many more than this year’s…)
Old 97′s County Fair - 2018
Aerosmith (Dallas)
Afghan Whigs (Liberty Lunch, Antone’s, ACL 12, Coachella 14)
Alkaline Trio (Austin)
Aloha (Dallas)
Andrew Bird (Lolla 09)
All 4 One (Austin)
Animal Collective (Lolla 09)
Arcade Fire x3 (ACL 07, Lolla 06, Coachella 14)
Arctic Monkeys x 2 (Lolla 09, ACL, Edgefest 22)
Adair (Dallas)
American Eyes ( Dallas )
As I Lay Dying ( Dallas )
Atreyu ( Dallas )
Atoms for Peace  (Coachella 10)
Allison Moorer (Austin)
Aubra Mae (Dallas)
A Perfect Circle (Lolla 11, Verizon Theatre)
AfroJack (Lolla 11)
Atmosphere (Lolla 11)
Alton Brown (Chef - Frisco) - Barnes & Noble
Atlas Genius (Edgefest23)
Airborne Toxic Event (Edgefest23)
AWOLNation x2 (Edgefest23, EF2015)
Annie Clark (Dallas)
A Day to Remember (Edgefest 23)
Alt-J (Roo 13)
The Avett Brothers (Summer Cut 2)
Austra (Granada Theater)
Alice in Chains (Gexa Pavilion)
Antemasque (FFFfest 15)
Alvvays (FFFfest 15)
American Werewolves (Three Links - Dallas)
At the Drive In (Red7, Trees, Club Dada, Southside Ballroom)
Aaron Lewis (Billy Bob’s)
American Aquarium (The Statler Ballroom)
Badfish x 6 (Dallas, Wildflower Fest)
Beck x 3 (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Ben Harper x 2 (Lolla 09, Austin, Waka 2015)
Big Head Todd & the Monsters (ATX, House of Blues - Dallas)
Black Crowes (Dallas)
Blind Melon (Dallas)
Bloc Party (Lolla 06, Dallas)
Blood Brothers (dallas)
Blue October (Austin, Dallas)
Burden Brothers (Austin, Dallas)
Broke (Dallas)
Band of Horses (Lolla 09)
Bassnectar (Lolla09, ACL12)
Ben Folds (chicago)
Beach House (coachella10)
Ben Gibbard (dallas)
Bert Kreischer - (comedian) Addison Improv (2), Irvine Improv
Black Lips (Lolla 11)
Bruno Mars (Lolla 11)
Busy P (Lolla11)
Black Keys (Dallas, Edgefest, ACL12)
Bush (Edgefest23)
Bjork (Roo13)
Big Gigantic (BreakwayFest)
Bear Mountain (Dallas)
Born & Raised (Dallas)
Bastille (Coachella 14)
Bush (Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Blackberry Smoke (ACL14)
Bouncing Souls (Dallas)
Broken Gold (Dallas)
Ben Howard (Dallas)
Blue, the misfit (Dallas)
Brutal Juice (Dallas)
Best Coast (Dallas)
Bully (Dallas)
Bobby Patterson (HG6)
Black Fire Pistol (HG6)
Belle & Sebastian (Summer Cut ‘15)
Broncho (FFFfest 15)
Big Freedia (FFFfest 15, The Bomb Factory)
Bottle Rockets  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Bombay Bicycle Club (coachella 14)
Built to Spill (Granada Theater, Untapped 16)
Breaking Benjamin (Gexa)
Blink 182 (Edgefest 2017)
Brandi Carlile (ACL 2018)
Brock Hampton (ACL 2018)
Blood Orange (ACL 2018 Bowling for Soup (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Cage the Elephant (Coachella 10, Frisco, Lolla09/11, Edgefest 22, Coachella 14)
Christina Aguilera (Tx State Fair 1998)
Chevelle (Dallas, Ft Worth, Edgefest 2017)
Coal Chamber(killeen)
Coheed & Cambria (Austin, Coachella10, Lolla06, Dallas)
Cody Shaw & The Rhythm Boys (Hank’s)
ColdWarKids (Lolla06, ACL)
Common (Lolla09)
Cross Canadian Ragweed (austin)
The Confession
Collective Soul (dallas)
Carolyn Wonderland (austin)
The Cush (denton)
Cee-Lo Green (Lolla11)
Chico Trujillo (Lolla11)
City & Colour (Lolla11, Roo12, Dallas - Granada Theater)
The Chain Gang of 1974 (Lolla11, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Carina Round (Austin)
Charlie Murphy (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Christopher Titus (Dallas - Addison Improv)
Civil Twilight (Edgefest22)
Cake (Edgefest22)
Chris Lake (El Paso)
Capital Cities (Edgefest23)
Crizzly (BreakawayFest)
CHVRCHES (Dallas, Coachella 14, ACL 14)
Commotion  (Dallas)
Courtney Barnett (FFFFest 6)
Chance the Rapper (Waka15)
Carrie Brownstein (Dallas)
Craig Finn (Trees)
Chris Stapleton (Dallas, ACL 16)
Cheap Trick (FFFfest 15)
Chromeo (FFFfest 15)
Calvin Harris (Coachella 14)
The Cult (Toyota Music Factory)
Camila Cabello (ACL 2018)
Dead Sara (Edgefest22)
Damian Marley (Lolla11)
Death From Above 1979 (Lolla11)
Daughtry (addison,dallas,frisco)
Dashboard Confessional (ACL05)
Death Cab For Cutie (Lolla 06, EF 15)
Decemberists (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Deftones (Dallas, Lolla 11, Edgefest23, ACL 2018)
Devotchka (Dallas - HOB, Indexfest 2)
Delta Spirit (Lolla11)
Drive-by Truckers (dallas)
Destiny’s Child (Tx State Fair 1998)
Dredg (dallas)
Death in the Family (dallas)
Dead Weather (coachella10, ACL09)
Depeche Mode (chicago)
Dirty Heads x 3 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas, Waka15)
Dwight Yokam (Grand Prairie - Lonestar Park)
The Drums (Lolla11)
The DA (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
D'Angelo (Roo 12)
Deadmau5 (El Paso, Dallas)
Dim Locator (Hailey’s - Denton)
Danny Avila (BreakwayFest)
Dave Chappell (Dallas - Oddball Comedy Tour)
Dirty River Boys (McKinney - Hanks)
Dum Dum Girls (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
David Ramirez (Kessler Theater, Untapped 16)
Dark Rooms x 3 (Dallas, Denton)
Doug Benson (FFFfest 15)
Dag nasty (FFFfest 15)
Dillion Francis (Coachella 14)
Disturbed (Gexa)
DJ Sober (The Best of Big D 16)
Dalton Domino (The Statler Ballroom)
David Byrne (ACL 2018)
Dead Flowers (The Rustic)
The Doobie Brothers (Dallas)
The Expendables (austin)
Eminem (Lolla 11, ACL 14)
Explosions in the Sky (Lolla 11, Breakaway Fest)
Empire of the Sun (Breakway Fest)
El-P (indexfest2)
Erykah Badu (Dallas)
Eric Andre (FFFfest 15)
Esme Patterson (The Rustic)
Erika Wennerstron (2018 Old 97′s County Fair, The Rustic)
Finger Eleven (dallas)
Fleet Foxes (Lolla 09)
Foo Fighters (Dallas, Lolla 11)
Foster the People (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Frank Black (Austin)
Funeral for a Friend (Dallas)
For Felix (Dallas)
Franz Ferdinand (Austin)
Frank Turner (Dallas, Coachella 14)
Fuel (Mayflower Fest)
Friendly Fires (Lolla 11)
Flogging Molly (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Fitz & the Tantrums (Lolla 11 - met them, HOB - Dallas - met them, Roo 12, Edgefest 23, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Foxy Shazam (Edgefest 22)
Florence & the Machines (ACL 12)
Frightened Rabbit (Dallas)
Flash Gordon (Edgefest 23)
Flight of the Concords (Dallas)
Fatboy Slim (Coachella 14)
Foxygen (Index Fest 3, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
First Aid Kit (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Flying Lotus (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
FKA Twigs (Trees - Dallas)
Future Islands (Index Fest 3, FFFFest15)
Fantastic Negrito (Summer Cut '15)
Father John Misty (Dallas)
The Gaslight Anthem x 3 (Lolla06,Edgefest23,Dallas)
Gin Blossoms (Addison, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Gnarls Barkley x 2 (Lolla06,dallas)
Gomez (Lolla 09)
Gossip (coachella10)
Greeley Estates (dallas)
The Gourds (austin)
Goo Goo Dolls (Dallas / Wildflower Fest 2018)
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals x 2 (lolla11, Summer Cut 2)
Grouplove (Lolla 11, Stubb’s, Roo 12, Coachella 14)
Garbage (Edgefest 22)
Girl Talk x 3 (indexfest 2, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, EF 15)
The Growlers (Waka 15)
Glass Animals (Waka 15)
Galactic (Waka 15)
Gogol Bordello (FFFfest 15, Untapped Dallas 16)
Grimes (FFFfest 15)
Greg Dulli (Kessler Theater Dallas)
Grupo Fantasma (Untapped 16)
Glorietta (Kessler - Dallas)
The Guess Who (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Heartless Bastards x 11 (Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Denton - met twice, smoked with Jesse, and took pics with them)
Hole (Edgefest)
Hockey (Coachella 10)
The Hope Trust x 2 (Dallas, Denton)
The Holler Time (Denton)
Haim (Roo13)
Harland Williams (Comedian - Addison Improv)
Hozier (EF15)
Hayes Carll (Untapped 16)
Incubus (x3)(dallas)
Interpol (dallas)
DJ Irene (killeen)
Ishi (Dallas)
Israel Nash (Summer Cut '15)
I’m With Her (Ryman Auditorium)
Jay-Z (Coachella 10)
Jane’s Addiction (Lolla09,Dallas)
Jeff Klein (austin)
Jim Ward (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Jimmy Eat World (Dallas, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Johnny Cooper (Mckinney - Hank’s)
John Hiatt (Stubbs, HOB Dallas)
Jerry Lee Lewis (Richardson - Wildflower Fest 11)
Jim Jefferies x 3 (Comedian - Dallas)
Jim Breuer (Comedian - Dallas)
Jarrod Gorbel (Dallas)
James Vandervelde (austin)
Jack White (ACL12)
Japandroid (Roo13)
Jack Johnson (Roo13)
Juicy J (BreakwayFest)
Jenny Lewis (Dallas)
J Mascis (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Jessica Lea Mayfield (Dallas)
Jack Kerowax (Dallas)
Jamie xx (GvB V)
Joey Bada$$ (FFFfest 15)
Jason Isbell (Southside Ballroom Dallas, Dallas)
Jason Aldean (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Jaime Wyatt (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Jibe (Gas Monkey Live!)
Justice (ACL 2018)
Judah & The Lion (Wildflower Fest 2019)
Jason Bonham (Toyota Music Pavilion)
Kansas (Norfolk, VA - my very first concert!)
KISS (Frisco)
Kaskade (Lolla 09)
Killers x 2 (Austin, Dallas)
Kings of Leon x 3 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Kid Cudi (Lolla 11, Coachella 14)
Killer Mike (indexfest2)
Kevin Devine (Dallas - Rustic)
Kopecky (Waka 15)Kaela Sinclair (Dallas)
Kurt Vile (Red Rocks Amphitheater)
Kacey Musgraves (ACL 16)
Kaleo (Untapped Dallas 16)
K-Flay (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Khalid (ACL 2018)
The Lusitania (Austin)
Lennon (killeen)
LCD Soundsystem (Coachella 10, ACL 16, The Bomb Factory)
Local Natives (Coachella10, Lolla11, Roo13, ACL 16)
Los Lonely Boys (Austin)
The Lumineers (ACL12, Dallas)
Lil Twist (BreakwayFest)
Lower Dens (GvB V, Club Dada Dallas)
L-P (Index Fest 2)
Lindi Ortega (Denton)
Lucero (Southside Ballroom, The Rusticx3)
L7 (FFFfest 15, Granada Theater Dallas)
Le Bucherettes (Dallas)
Lord Huron  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Lifehouse (Wildflower Fest 2018)
Lukas Nelson (The Rustic)
MC Flipside (2001 - Killeen)
MGMT (coachella 10, coachella 14)
mewithoutYou (dallas)
Modest Mouse (ACL 05, Dallas, Fun Fun Fun Fest 6, Edgefest '15)
Metric (Lolla11,Edgefest11,ACL12)
Muse (dallas,Edgefest10,Lolla11)
My Morning Jacket (austin)
Millionaire (dallas)
Matisyahu (Lolla06, Dallas)(Met outside of Granada Theater, have autograph)
Manchester Orchestra (Lolla 09/11, Dallas - Rustic, ACL 2018)
Mogwai (Lolla 11)
Mexicans At Night (El Paso - Tricky Falls)
M83 (ACL 12)
Major Lazer (Roo 12, ACL 14, Waka 15)
Mariachi El Bronx (Roo 12)
Matt&Kim (Summer Cut 2, Roo 13, BreakwayFest '13)
MsMr (Dallas - HOB, Coachella 14)
Midlake (Dallas)
Macy Gray (Waka 15)
Ms. Lauryn Hill (FFFfest 15)
Midnight Stroll (Trees Dallas)
Miike Snow (ACL 16)
Mumford & Sons (ACL 16)
Marilyn Manson (Dos Equis Pavilion)
The Mavericks  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Mad Mexicans (Gas Monkey Live!)
Metallica (ACL 18)
Margo Price (The Rustic)
Mipso (Ryman Auditorium)
Nas (Lolla11, Roo13)
The Naked & Famous (Lolla 11, dallas)
The National (Dallas - HOB, Southside Ballroom, Roo 13, ACL 18)
Neko Case (Lolla 09)
North Mississippi Allstars (Austin - Stubb’s)
Neon Trees (Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2019)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse (ACL 12)
The Neighbourhood (Edgefest 23)
Nahko & Medicine for the People (Waka 15)
New Politics (Edgefest 15)
Neon Indian (FFFfest 15)
NOFX (FFFfest 15)
The Nixons (Edgefest 2017)
NIN (Las Vegas - The Joint x2)
NALGADAS - Gas Monkey
Nelly (ACL 2018)
Old 97’s (Austin, HG6, 2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Owen Pallett (Dallas)
Of Monsters & Men (Roo 13)
Other Lives (Dallas)
The Offspring (Edgefest 2017)
Oil Boom (HG6)
Olivia Chaney (Dallas)
ODESZA (FFFfest 15, ACL 2018, Dallas)
Orville Peck (Southside Ballroom)
Paul Green’s School of Rock All-Stars – Austin, TX
Pavement (Dallas)
Portugal. The Man (Coachella 10, Lolla 11, Roo 13, Dallas - Granada Theater)
Paramore (Dallas, Edgefest 23)
Pearl Jam (ACL 09/14, Dallas - AAC)
Pepper (Dallas - Granada Theater)
Pixies (ACL 2005)
Placebo (Edgefest)
Pelican (Edgefest)
Phoenix (Coachella 10, Edgefest 21, Edgefest 23)
Passion Pit (coachella 10, dallas)
Pat Green (frisco)
Pretty Lights (Lolla11)
Puscifer (Austin - Long Center, Bonnaroo 2012)
Phish (Bonnaroo 2012 )
Pauly Shore (Edgefest 23)
Purity Ring (Roo13)
Paul McCartney (Roo13)
Phantogram (ACL14)
Paws (Dallas)
Parquet Courts (FFFfest 15)
Peaches (FFFfest 15)
Patricio (Coachella 14)
Pete Yorn (ACL 16)
Prayers (Verizon Theatre)
Paul Cauthen  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
Peter Frampton (Toyota Music Factory)
Queens of the Stone Age (ACL, Dallas)
?uestlove (Roo12)
The Quaker City Night Hawks x 2 (Dallas)
Quintron & Miss Pussy Cat (Dallas)
Ratatat (Lolla 11)
Rancid (Dallas - Gypsy Ballroom)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (Lolla 06, Dallas - AAC, Roo 12)
Rilo Kiley (Dallas)
Rise Against (Dallas)
The Receiving End of Sirens (Dallas)
The Record Hop (Denton)
Ramesh (Dallas)
The Roots (Roo 12, ACL 12, Waka 15)
Radiohead (Roo 12, Lolla 11)
Rodrigo & Gabriela & C.U.B.A. (Roo 12)
Robert Delong (Edgefest 23)
Ra Ra Riot (BreakwayFest)
The Replacements (with Billy Jo Armstrong @ Coachella14, ACL14)
Riothorse Royale (Dallas)
Roosevelt (FFFfest 15)
Ride (FFFfest 15)
Robert Plant (Bomb Factory Dallas)
Ryan Adams (Red Rocks Amphitheater, The Pavilion - Irving)
Roger Waters (American Airlines Center)
Street Sweeper Social Club (Coachella 10)
She & Him (Coachella 10)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
Say Anything (Edgefest)
Seven Mary Three x 11 (Dallas, Waco, Wildflower Fest - have Giti’s autograph)
Silverchair (How the Edge Stole Xmas)
Silversun Pickups (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Sleepercar (Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth)
Snoop Dogg (Lolla 09)
Sparta x 15 (Mohawk, Austin, Lolla 09, Dallas, Tricky Falls, Barracuda, Gas Monkey)
Spoon x 4 (Austin, ACL 14, HOB Dallas, HG 6, Wildflower Fest 18)
Staind (Dallas)
Steve Earle (ACL 07, Dallas, ACL 12)
STP (austin, Edgefest, Toyota Music Factory)
Silverstein (Dallas)
Santigold (Lolla 09)
The Smashup (Dallas)
Story of the Year (Dallas)
Street Drum Corps (Dallas)
Sublime w/ Rome (Dallas)
Switchfoot x 3 (Dallas, Edgefest 22, Wildflower Fest 2018)
Skrillex (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
Sarah Jaffe x 4 (Indexfest 2, Dallas, Summer Cut '15)
Shaky Graves (Dallas - Granada Theater, Kessler Theater, HG6, ACL 2018)
Sam Lao (Dallas)
STS9 (Waka15)
Slightly Stoopid (Waka 15)
Sphynx (HG6)
Sealion (HG6)
Saul Williams (Dallas - Club Dada)
Sons of Illustrious Father (Dallas - Club Dada)
Social Distortion (HOB Houston)
Slow Magic (FFF fest 15)
Stoney Larue (Billy Bob’s Texas)
Slipknot (Dos Equis Pavilion)
Shovels & Rope (South Side Music Hall 2016)
Sweater Beats (Coachella 14)
Sylvan Esso (ACL 18)
Santana (Dallas)
Tegan & Sara (ACL 12)
Taking Back Sunday x 4 (Dallas)
Thursday (Dallas)
Tito & The Tarantulas (Austin)
Toadies x 13 (Austin, Dallas)
Tool (Lolla 09, Dallas - AAC, Grand Prairie - Nokia)
Them Crooked Vultures (Coachella 10)
Tragically Hip x 4 (Austin - Stubb’s, Dallas - HOB)
Trish Murphy (ACL 05)
TV on the Radio (Lolla 09, Dallas, Untapped Dallas 16)
Thrice (Dallas)
The Heist (Dallas)
Twilight Singers (Dallas - Gypsy Tea Room & Granada Theater 2011)
Three Days Grace (Dallas)
Two Door Cinema Club (Lolla 11, ACL 12, Roo 12)
The Tings Tings (Edgefest22)
The Temper Trap (Lolla 11, Roo 12)
Twenty-One Pilots (Edgefest23)
The TonTons (Dallas - Trees)
Tame Impala (Dallas - Southside Ballroom)
Tinariwen (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
Tei Shi (GvB V)
Toro y Moi (FFFfest 15)
Tanlines (Trees Dallas)
Thomas Rhett (Gexa Energy Pavilion)
Travis Scott (ACL 2018)
Texas Gentlemen (Kessler - Dallas)
Uh Huh Her (Dallas)
Unknown Mortal Orchestra (Club Dada Dallas)
Van Halen (Dallas)
Vampire Weekend (Lolla 09)
Viet Cong (FFF fest 15)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
Valerie June  (2018 Old 97′s County Fair)
White Lies (Lolla 11)
White Rabbit x 2 (Dallas)
Warpaint x 2 (Dallas - Granada Theater, index fest 2)
Wailers x 4 (Dallas, Wildflower Festival)
Weezer (Dallas)
Wilco (Austin)
Wintersleep x 3 (Austin, Dallas - Trees (pic with them))
Walking the Moon (Dallas)
White Arrows (Dallas)
Walk the Moon (Roo 13, Dos Equis Pavilion)
Wu-Tang Clan (Breakaway Fest)
Wiz Khalifa (Fun Fun Fun Fest 6)
War On Drugs (Granada Theater)
White Denim (Index Fest 3)
We Are Scientists (Club Dada Dallas)
Wrestlers (Trees Dallas)
Wussy (Three Links - Dallas)
Vaadat Charigim (35 Denton 2016)
The xx - x 4 (Coachella 10, Dallas x 2, Roo 13)
Yeah Yeah Yeah’s x 2 (Lolla 09, Dallas)
Young the Giant x 3 (Lolla 11, Dallas, Austin, Waka 15)
Yumi Zouma (GvB V)
Zola Jesus (Dallas - Granada Theater)
ZZ Top (Roo 13)
Zobc (Coachella 14)
The Zolas (Dallas)
311 (Dallas, Edgefest 2017)
30 Seconds to Mars (Dallas, Edgefest, Dos Equis Pavilion)
18 notes · View notes
omdaily10 · 5 years
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Writers: Olly Murs, Ed Drewett, Jim Eliot
Producers: Ed Drewett, Jim Eliot
Album: Right Place Right Time
Release Date: 26/05/2013
B-Side: ‘Don’t You Worry Child (BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge)’ (Writers: Axel Hedfors, Steve Angello, Sebastian Ingrosso, John Martin Lindström, Michel Zitron)
Chart Positions: #5 (UK), #1 (Austria), #1 (Luxembourg), #2 (Germany), #2 (Iceland), #2 (Lebanon), #4 (Scotland), #4 (Australia), #5 (Switzerland), #6 (Slovenia), #7 (Czech Republic), #8 (Ireland), #10 (Poland), #27 (Romania), #28 (New Zealand), #29 (Slovakia), #38 (Sweden), #68 (Belgium)
Sales: 700k (UK, Platinum)
Nominations: ‘Best British Single’, BRIT Awards 2014
As we established last week, ‘Army of Two’ was not a single release that Olly had been entirely happy with. ‘Troublemaker’ had launched the third album in a blaze of success and glory – not just in the UK but globally - and the ‘Right Place Right Time’ album was ticking over nicely sales wise. But he needed another single from there that could, if not better, at least match the success of that. Thankfully, the very song to be the third single was more obvious than he realised.
‘Dear Darlin’’ was one of the very first songs to come out of his sessions with Ed Drewett back in the summer of 2012. The genesis of it began when Ed – recently split from his long-term girlfriend – was talking about how he was struggling to process the fallout of the separation. During the sessions, on an iTunes binge, they’d been listening to ‘Stan’, the landmark 2000 hit for US rap superstar Eminem – well noted for its conversational style with each line starting ‘Dear Slim’, as an obsessed fan writes to their idol.
Obviously, no one in an Olly song was going to psychotically lock their girlfriend in the car of a boot and drive off a bridge to their untimely demise when the fan letters went unanswered by their hero - he’s not that kind of artist - but the idea of turning a ‘Dear John’ style letter into a pop song hadn’t really been done before. And thus from such little seeds of an idea, the mighty oak of a modern pop classic was born.
Many reviewers immediately highlighted the song as one of the key moments on the album when that was released. Olly’s vocal was at its most powerful, most broken-hearted and emotionally connecting here, the vulnerable simplicity of that and the piano contrasting with the song’s shuffly trip hop inclinations that called to mind 90s giants of the genre like Massive Attack and Urban Species.
Interest in the song on a public scale was initially heightened when he performed stripped back acoustic versions of it on both The Xtra Factor and This Morning during the early part of the album promo campaign before Christmas 2012. The reaction to it from the audience on tour the following spring consolidated its popularity, and in a three-way tie to be the next single (‘Hey You Beautiful’ and the song we’ll be meeting next week were the other options put forward), ‘Dear Darlin’’ was chosen.
It certainly seemed to be a risk to release such a slower paced song as a single just as the weather started to turn the corner towards summer, but with the likes of Daft Punk with Pharrell and Robin Thicke already owning the dancefloor that year, it immediately stood a better chance of standing out amongst their nu-disco thumpers like ‘Get Lucky’ and ‘Blurred Lines’ that characterised the long hot summer of 2013.
When released at the end of May, it took everyone by surprise, not least of all Olly, how well the single flew when it went to radio and TV, not only eventually crowning him with his first UK top 10 smash outside of his number ones since ‘Thinking of Me’ two years previously, but also bringing the ‘Right Place Right Time’ album back to the UK top 10 for much of the summer.
Internationally, it also hit the top 10 in twelve other countries – including Austria and Luxembourg, where it crowned him with a second number one hit in each of those countries, as well as being the 20th biggest selling single of 2013 in the UK. All really impressive stuff for a third single off an already huge selling album, but it just demonstrates how much he was riding the crest of a wave at this point, and this was the theme tune to that.
Along with ‘Troublemaker’ and ‘Dance With Me Tonight’, ‘Dear Darlin’’ is in the holy trinity of Olly’s all-time great singles for a reason. Even when performed on tour now, it only takes seconds for torches on phones to be held aloft because it’s the most universally connecting of all his back catalogue. And when you have a record like that in your canon, you know you’re on the way to pop legend status.
Both the digital bundle and the Germany/Europe only CD single paid host to the commercial release of one of many tracks first performed by Olly for the popular ‘Live Lounge’ slot on BBC Radio 1’s mid-morning show, famously hosted by Jo Whiley, then by Fearne Cotton (who was the host at the time of this particular recording during promo for ‘Army of Two’ in March 2013) and more recently Clara Amfo.
‘Don’t You Worry Child’ had been a huge hit for EDM supergroup Swedish House Mafia the previous year, and Olly’s take on it is stripped back, soulful and immediately likeable. His other covers he’s performed over the years in the slot, for reference: ‘Without You’ by David Guetta and Usher (November 2011), ‘Changing’ by Sigma and Paloma Faith (December 2014) and ‘Can’t Stop The Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake (September 2016).
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onestowatch · 5 years
6 Ones to Know If You’re a Fan of BROCKHAMPTON
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Rap is expanding. New sub-genres, especially alternative hip hop, have come out of the shadows and into the mainstream. Shout out to “America’s Favorite Boyband,” Brockhampton, for being at the forefront of all of this awesomeness. With their cult-like impact and ability to capture younger demographics, those that fall into this genre (or lack thereof) make some wonder where this music has been their entire life. 
With the recent release of Brockhampton lead man Kevin Abstract’s latest track & video, we curated 6 rappers (or groups) who are also ready to make a splash in the world of hip-hop. These six artists are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of pushing the current boundaries, and we must say the future of rap looks pretty good. Go on, read on!
Injury Reserve
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The trio that makes up Injury Reserve hails from the unexpected city of Tempe, Arizona. Formed in 2013, the group consists of producer Parker Corey and rappers Stepa J. Groggs and Ritchie With a T. Reminiscent of A Tribe Called Quest and Black Sheep, Injury Reserve pushes the boundaries of hip hop, not only with their beats but also with their lyrics. Their song topics range from criticism of the music industry, to racism in America, and even to hype-beast culture. Since releasing Live From the Dentist Office in 2015, the group has released two more full projects and singles while captivating the ears of many. Their most recent single, “Jawbreaker,” which dropped in 2019, featured Rico Nasty. Plan to dedicate a lot of your time getting to know Injury Reserve.
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There’s something about Texas and its ability to produce highly talented rap groups. Pronounced Pantheon, the 10-man rap collective from San Marcos is building off groups like Wu-Tang Klan, A$AP Mob, Odd Future and of course Brockhampton. Although those groups opened the gates, PNTHN only further widens them. They have hit the ground running since forming in March 2017. The collective has already released two EPs and has toured with acts like Vince Staples and Freddie Gibbs. Their diversity and ability to produce both chill and hype beats has put them on the radar. Recently, the group showcased their live performance abilities at SXSW. If you want to say “I told you so” to your friends in the future, peep these dudes.
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Not that much is known about Dre’es, which adds to his mystique. Born Dre’es de la Pena, he grew up in Wilmington, California. Dre’es is signed to Futile Sounds, which had led him to collaborate with artists such as Mia and Pontiac. The first single Dre’es released was in 2017 and since then, it has gone on to reach nearly 7 million streams. His songs are wavy, yet he still maintains an amazing ability to turn it up and tear into a verse. Dre’es is not only different, but also exciting. It is clear that Dre’es is influenced by pioneers Frank Ocean and Tyler, The Creator. Although he currently raps about being a struggling rapper, don’t be surprised if 2019 is a huge year for Dre’es.
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Sophisticated is a good place to start when talking about JPEGMafia. JPEG, AKA Peggy, often greets listeners with “damn Peggy” in his intros. Hailing from East Flatbush, New York, JPEGMafia is one the newest rapper to embrace the role of genre expander. At the age of 13, JPEG had his first experience with racism which not only affected his mindset, but also his future music endeavors. JPEG later enlisted in the military where he served time in Iraq and also started to let his creative juices flow. Between 2009 and 2015, JPEG released 7 mixtapes and since 2016, he has released 3 studio albums. JPEG’s most recent project Veteran will leave you wanting more. Buckle down and dive deep into the gifted brain of JPEGMafia.  
Mick Jenkins
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Born in Alabama but raised in Chicago, Mick Jenkins was exposed to other Chicago rappers Chance the Rapper and Vic Mensa as early as 2013 -- but his rise has been slow and steady. Many are familiar with his hit single “Jazz,” but Jenkins is more than that. Collectively, he has released 4 mixtapes, 3 EPs, and 2 albums since 2012. His bars are smooth, filled with meaning, and draw emotion from listeners. As he has grown, he also has become more confident. His true capabilities shine through on his newest project, Pieces of a Man, which further prove that Mick’s rapping is true talent. As he rounds out his international tour, don’t be surprised if his popularity continues to rise. 
KOTA the Friend
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Brooklyn based KOTA the Friend is crafty. Growing up listening to the likes of Ms. Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, Nas, and Eminem, it’s no surprise KOTA got into rapping. As he grew, music became a way for the artist to communicate with those who previously misunderstood him. KOTA would now describe his music as a fusion between Jay-Z, Jimi Hendrix, D’Angelo, Bob Dylan, Ingrid Michelson and more. Not many other rappers can say that they incorporate Dylan into their bars. KOTA is the complete package, and his music not only inspires but also unites his listeners. His unique voice melts over the beats making it impossible to not bop along to the music. His vibe is simplistic, but don’t be shocked when he’s the next one to get stuck in your head.
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fandom-glazed · 6 years
music asks!
FAVORITES 1. what are your favorite bands? Lord Of The Lost, Porcupine Tree, Nightmare, Frost*, newer: Scarlet Dorn 2. what are your favorite singers? Lady Gaga, Steven Wilson, Zia, Lorde, newer: Down To Eden 3. what are your favorite albums? Thornstar by Lord Of The Lost, In Absentia by Porcupine Tree, To The Bone and Transience by Steven Wilson 4. what are your favorite songs? Six Feet Underground by Lord Of The Lost, Trains by Porcupine Tree, What I’ve Done, In The End and Numb by Linkin Park, My Demons and Ricochet by Starset, From The Flame by Leprous, Lovesongs (They Kill Me) by Cinema Bizarre, Would It Matter by Skillet, Hyperventilate, Experiments in Mass Appeal and Snowman by Frost* 5. what do you think the best popular song of the year is so far? I honestly don’t know. 6. which genres of music do you tend to like the best? Prog, Metal and any heavy stuff (not including “brutal” Death Metal - on a daily basis), Indie, Alternative, Soundtracks 7. what is the best concert you’ve ever been to? Either the Steven Wilson To The Bone Tour concert(s) in Hamburg 2018, or the Lord Of The Lost MEGA tour concert in Munich 2016 8. song of the year? My personal songs of the year (not released in 2019) at the moment: Kiss Me by Rob Vischer, While This Way by Árstíðir .2: 2019 still has to deliver! 9. album of the year? See 8.2 10. what are the best songs your parents have gotten you into? Anything by Keane, Evanescence, Depeche Mode,... 11. how did you first find out about your favorite band/singer? My own, like, nothing I inherited from my parents, favorite band was probably Cinema Bizarre and I found them through their first single being played 24/7 on Viva. 12. when/where do you first remember having heard your favorite song? I don’t remember anymore, sadly. I first heard Trains on a train station. 13. about how many times have you listened to your favorite song? I have absolutely no idea, any number I’d name would be too low. 14. if someone asks you what music they should check out, what are your go-to recommendations? I always assume my taste in music is nothing most people would care to listen to, but I’d say everyone should check out Steven Wilson(’s projects) at least once. And I’d promote my favourites in Lord Of The Lost till I die.
NOSTALGIA 15. what songs give you the most nostalgia? Anything by Evanescence, Keane, 80s music in general, The Corrs, Kylie Minogue, HIM... 16. what kinds of music were you raised on? Mostly 80s stuff, some rock, much pop, my mother brought some jazz as well, unfortunately. 17. what are your favorite songs that have ever been popular? See 15., probably :D I love almost every song by Gaga, I’d say she’s definitely popular! 18. who were your favorite musicians as a kid? I adopted my parent’s favorites, mostly The Corrs, specifically their drummer Caroline. Eisblume. Cinema Bizarre. Though that was already in my teens. 19. how did you feel about music as a kid? Music is and has always been my love and a great hobby. 20. what was your first concert? if you haven’t been to one, what do you want your first concert to be? I was six years old and I remember my dad telling me to say I’m seven so the security would let us in. It was The Corrs and I think it was either in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart, or in the Olympiahalle Munich. We went to several concerts in that year. (So that’s where I got that from!)
PERFORMANCE 21. how do live performances, whether they’re from your friends or professionals, tend to make you feel? Like in another dimension. 22. singing in the shower or singing in the car? I don’t drive, so, rather in the shower. But mostly at my desktop, extremely loudly. 23. if you were to become a musician, what kind of musician would you be? I am a pianist/multi-instrumentalist, but I think I’d never want to be a professional. 24. if you could pick one instrument to learn how to play, what would it be? If improving on the piano doesn’t count, like, learn something completely new, I’d say, maybe the harp, the cello (though I tried it some years ago). 25. what is your singing voice like? what singers do you remind yourself of? I don’t have a super special singing voice (I’m told otherwise), but I hit all the notes thanks to my trained hearing. I don’t really remind myself of someone particular, but I can make my voice sound like different singers like Scarlet Dorn, Lorde or the singer of a band, I just discovered, Trees Of Eternity. 26. have you ever been involved in any music programs? which ones and for how long? I have been member of my music school’s programme/ensemble. 27. which instruments do you know how to play? what’s your skill level? I’ve been playing the piano for 13 years, if I’d kept up the hard work I put in it until 2016, I’d be rather high-skilled, I started to play the guitar some years ago, but I was never really sufficiently active. I also began playing drums and even cello, but due to price and neighbours I couldn’t continue. I am an autodidact singer and I can play the bodhran. 28. if you took music lessons as a kid, are you glad you did? if not, do you wish you had? I am glad I took piano lessons, but I wish I had started taking guitar lessons sooner. I’d be much better by now and I also adored my teacher as a person. He kinda reminds me of my actual mentor now.
SOUNDTRACKS 29. how do you feel about video game soundtracks? I love video game soundtracks. 30. what soundtracks do you enjoy listening to the most? It changes from time to time, but at the moment I love the Mass Effect: Andromeda soundtrack and also the Dragon Age soundtracks, as well as most of the Marvel movies’, Ghibli movies’ and Game Of Thrones’. 31. which soundtracks do you think are objectively the best (or what are some that you think deserve appreciation)? I’d say check out Trevor Morris, Joe Hisaishi and Ramin Djawadi and you’re on the right scent. 32. how do you feel about musicals? I absolutely love musicals and used to visit some as often as I could with my aunt. 33. do you have any favorite composers, including classical ones? See 31, as for classical ones, I love Rachmaninov, Bach and Chopin. 34. are there any soundtracks or kinds of soundtracks that you just can’t stand? Can’t think of any at the moment. 35. what are your favorite songs/soundtracks from movies? I stared to obsess with Under Stars by AURORA from the ME: Andromeda credits, I love the Misty Mountains, The Marvel Avengers theme and the Harry Potter soundtrack, actually I can’t possibly remember everything to write it down.
LYRICS 36. what are some songs whose lyrics you relate to? Ou, that’s a personal one. There are many. But to name a few: Would It Matter by Skillet, Covered In Gold and Walls Of Utopia by Oh Fyo!, Don’t Hate Me and Prodigal by Porcupine Tree, Pariah and Hand Cannot Erase by Steven Wilson, No Me No You by Frost*, almost everything by Scarlet Dorn as well as Black Halo and most of all Cut Me Out by Lord Of The Lost 37. pick a song and analyse its lyrics. Can’t do, shouldn’t do, probably. 38. which songs do you think have the best lyrics? There’s just SO many. 39. what are some songs whose lyrics you think most people just don’t get? Six Feet Underground by Lord Of The Lost, not your typical love songTM, Harmony Korine by Steven Wilson, also so much by Steven Wilson. 40. are there any musicians whose lyrics you particularly tend to like? Steven Wilson. Next! :D 41. do you prefer songs that have good melodies or songs that have good lyrics? Good melodies, generally. But once I got hooked on by the sound I live for good lyrics.
CHALLENGES 42. name five songs you like that were released in the 90s. Join Me In Death by HIM, Walking In My Shoes by Depeche Mode, Rosier by Luna Sea, Viva Forever by Spice Girls, Enter Sandman by Metallica 43. name five songs you like that were released at least 50 years ago. I could name you some classical compositions... 44. write a parody of at least a verse of any song you’d like. Reign, reign on me, reign on me, reign on me. Reign, wash away, triangles and tears, blur all your plot and reign on me. 45. name 5 songs you can’t stand. Despacito, Despacito, Despacito,... 46. look at your country’s song charts, listen to the first unfamiliar song you can find, and share your opinion on it. I didn’t know and didn’t like any of the first eight I looked at. That’s how much I love chart music! 47. turn a song lyric into a pickup line. Until the end of night... (listen to Blood For Blood by Lord Of The Lost. I won’t explain any further.) 48. name the last 5 songs you listened to. While This Way by Árstíðir, Loreley by Lord Of The Lost, Ten Feet High by Andrea Corr, a song I mixed and mastered, Sinking Ships by Trees Of Eternity
RANDOM 49. what are your favorite album covers? In Absentia by Porcupine Tree, Thornstar by Lord Of The Lost, Hand Cannot Erase by Steven Wilson, Resist by Within Temptation, Milliontown by Frost* ... 50. any cover versions that you think are better than the original? I mostly like the cover version and the original. 51. how often do you listen to music? 24/7 52. do you collect vinyls? if so, what have been your best finds? I do have some by Lord Of The Lost and Steven Wilson. 53. if you could meet any musician you’d like, who would it be? Steven Wilson. By faaaar. 54. how do you feel about classical music? I love classical music. 55. would you ever want to have a career in music? I am, in fact, an aspiring audio engineer. 56. if you had a stage name, what would it be? My stage name for audio productions and art is nadzumi. 57. on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is music to you? 11. 58. how do you feel about rap music? Don’t like it. Only a few songs. I like Eminem. And I found the influence in Linkin Park very interesting. But I’d rather stay away. 59. what do you think the best “era” for music was? I’d say the 80s, some of the 90s and now, because there’s such a diversity, everyone will find something they can love. 60. how has music affected you as a person? I’d say I am music. (Music has affected everything.) Feel free to ask away any number if you want me to answer it in more detail!
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chocolateheal · 6 years
How To Leave Best Black Female Singers 23 Without Being Noticed | best black female singers 23
There are a whopping eight acts in the chic this year, so to advice you accumulate them beeline (and maybe alike affect your accompany with your trivia skills), actuality are some capital things to apperceive about anniversary one.
Black Women in Music – Dinah Washington – best black female singers 2013 | best black female singers 2013
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• That is her real name. “Dua” agency adulation in Albanian.
• Her parents are from Kosovo and she was built-in in London in 1995. Music runs in the family: Dad Dukagjin Lipa, a business manager, was the frontman of a Kosovar bedrock bandage alleged Oda. “I did a actualization in Kosovo two summers ago and me and my bandage absitively to abruptness my dad and sing it,” Lipa told Rolling Stone in 2018. “It was so surreal, because anybody in the admirers was singing along.”
• She got her alpha at 14 on YouTube, announcement videos of herself singing covers by her admired artists, such as Pink and Christina Aguilera (though she is additionally a apprentice of hip-hop), afore scoring a almanac accord with Warner Music Accumulation in 2015.
• Pre-full-time music jobs included clay for ASOS and alive as a hostess at a Mexican restaurant in London’s contemporary Soho district. 
• Her self-titled admission album was appear in June 2017, which apparently fabricated her acceptable for Best New Artist last year… but bigger backward than never for the “New Rules” singer, who has opened for Bruno Mars, been the agreeable bedfellow on Saturday Night Live and can calculation Taylor Swift as a fan. She is additionally nominated for Best Dance Recording, for “Electricity.”
• Responding to aftermost year’s Grammys controversy, back Recording Academy President Neil Portnow said that women bare to “step up” if they capital to be added visible, Lipa told Rolling Stone, “Women are dispatch up. We aloof charge to be accustomed a chance. These men in ability should be acknowledging aggregate that’s happening, acknowledging equality, rather than saying,’You’re aloof not alive adamantine enough.'”
• Some of her cultural faves these days: Cardi B, Camila Cabello and Rami Malek’s achievement in Bohemian Rhapsody.
Rich Fury/Getty Images for iHeartMedia
• Her complete aboriginal name is Bleta and, like Dua Lipa, her ancestry is Albanian. Dad Flamur Rexha emigrated to New York, area he met her mom, Bukurije, who was built-in in the U.S. to Albanian parents. Bebe hails from Brooklyn and Staten Island.
• She additionally isn’t exactly new, accepting appear her aboriginal single, “I Can’t Stop Bubbler About You,” in 2014. But, her admission LP, Expectations, was a 2018 release—and amid the genre-blending advance all over the album, the song “Meant to Be” with Florida Georgia Line is additionally nominated for Best Country Duo/Group Performance. “I put so abundant blood, diaphoresis and tears into [Expectations],” Rexha told Billboard. “I was consistently afraid to absolution an anthology because I capital it to be so abundant and I’m such a perfectionist. It was the aboriginal allotment of assignment I put out that I was air-conditioned appreciative of.
• She wrote best of Expectations in the bathtub, absorption on the assessment a full-time music career takes on relationships. “For me, it’s one or the other,” she told Rolling Stone. “It’s either my music or love. Appropriate now, it’s all about my music.” Moreover, “I accept actual few but actual able friendships. FaceTiming is a advantage and actually important. It’s boxy but it comes with the territory.”
• Amid the abounding songs she’s had a duke in arch up to her own anthology release, she co-wrote the 2013 Eminem and Rihanna accord “Monster” and sang in Pete Wentz’s ancillary bandage Black Cards. Her aboriginal EP, I Don’t Wanna Abound Up, came out in 2015.
The Top 23 Modern Female Vocalists You Should Know | Spinditty – best black female singers 2013 | best black female singers 2013
• She fabricated her Grammys admission in 2018 as allotment of the rather august achievement of Kesha’s “Praying” additionally featuring Janelle Monae, Camila Cabello, Julia Michaels, Cyndi Lauper and Audra Day. Rexha said it was calmly one of the best defining moments of the year for her. “It was about the changeable movement and acknowledging anniversary other, and the bulletin for all the women in the music business as able-bodied as up and advancing artists… It was actual touching.”
Will Heath/NBC/NBCU Photobank
• The alone bedrock bandage in the agglomeration this year, the accumulation consists of singer Josh Kiszka, guitarist (and Josh’s twin) Jake Kiszka, bassist (and adolescent brother) Sam Kiszka, and bagman Danny Wagner. They got calm in their hometown of Frankenmuth, Mich., in 2012—but originally with, as these bedrock tales tend to go, with a altered drummer. Wagner came on lath in 2017.
• Their name was advancing by a adolescent Frankenmuthian, Gretna Van Fleet.
• They’re additionally nominated for Grammys for Best Bedrock Album, for their EP From the Fires; Best Bedrock Song, for “Black Smoke Rising”; and Best Bedrock Performance, for “Highway Tune.” “We didn’t alike apperceive back the Grammys were or back they would be announced, because as a new band, we generally accede awards agee or ample adjoin the odds,” Sam Kiszka told Vulture.
• Their admission flat LP, Anthem of the Peaceful Army, was panned so adamantine by Pitchfork, the October 2018 analysis became a abnormality in itself. It begins: “Greta Van Fleet complete like they did edger actually once, alleged the cops, and approved to almanac a Led Zeppelin album afore they arrested themselves.”
• As it turns out, they admonish Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin as well. The British accompanist said GVF sounded like “Led Zeppelin I” back asked what accustomed bands he was adequate in 2018.
• Asked about the acrid Pitchfork review, Sam Kiszka told Vulture, “I don’t apperceive the absorbed abaft the piece. I haven’t apprehend it. I’m not abiding if it’s a advertisement aggravating to get absorption or if it’s somebody who actually doesn’t like us and what we’re doing. I actually don’t anticipate we get formed up about that, because here’s one actuality who’s accusatory about it. If you can’t do it, again you aloof address about it. I feel like this man has had a afflicted past. Prayers up for him. But it actually feels actually good, because some of our admired bands accept had some appealing advancing criticism. I anticipate it’s cool.”
• Jeremy D. Larson, who wrote the review, tweeted out that accent passage. And back addition actuality added, “You saw your parents gunned bottomward in an alleyway, and that’s back you absitively to become a music critic,” Larson replied, “Also I can ‘do’ I played sax in a funk-rock bandage alleged Resurrected Grooves and we were to Incubus what they are to Led Zeppelin so aloof goes to actualization anybody sucks.”
Kevin Mazur/WireImage
• The Bailey sisters are from Atlanta, area their ancestor accomplished them about the anatomy of songwriting. Chloe is earlier by two years. At 20 and 18, they’re the youngest nominees in the Best New Artisan category.
• Beyoncé knows. Queen Bey was angry assimilate YouTube brilliant sisters Chloe and Halle Bailey—who launched their approach with a awning of “Best Affair I Never Had”—in 2015. She active them to her Parkwood Entertainment label and featured them, forth with Serena Williams, Zendaya and added badass women, in her epic Lemonade.  Michelle Obama again best them to accessible for her at her 2016 South by Southwest Keynote appearance. 
• Chloe x Halle’s bigger breach yet was aperture for Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s On the Run II Tour, and now their admission album, The Kids Are Alright, is competing against Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s The Carters for Best Urban Contemporary Album.
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• Halle told Essence, “We still feel like we’re absent about the Grammy nominations. We’re consistently grateful, and we apperceive that no added bulk what happens, this honor, it will break with us for the blow of our lives—and it aloof inspires us to accumulate going.”
• You can additionally bolt the sisters on ABC’s Grown-ish with Yara Shahidi.
Lester Cohen/Getty Images for BMG
• The country accompanist already has two flat albums beneath her belt, 2016’s Midwest Farmer’s Daughter and 2017’s All American Made (both appear by Jack White’s Third Man Records) and had been recording and arena for a decade afore that, so Price was a little afraid back her name was called. “I’ve watched the Grammys back I was a kid,” she told Pitchfork. I’ve dreamed about actuality there as continued as I can remember. I was avidity myself.”
• And she’s air-conditioned with the category. “It’s a cliché, but I’m aloof accustomed to be nominated. I think, and actual me if I’m wrong, I ability be the alone indie artisan in that category. So I ability be ‘new’ because I’m still on a abate label. I don’t know, but I’ll booty it.”
• Back she aboriginal confused to Nashville, she took all sorts of jobs to get by, including cat-and-mouse tables at a abode alleged The Flying Saucer. “I fabricated a acceptable bulk of money, but all the girls had to abrasion Catholic babe outfits,” Price told People. “It was affectionate of degrading.”
• All American Made features actual agitating letters about the advancing chains of women and basically anyone disturbing financially in this country. “I apperceive that the anthology didn’t affect everybody,” the Aledo, Ill. (pop: 3,640 in 2010) native told Pitchfork. “I’m abiding it fabricated added organizations shy abroad from me. So it actually agency a lot that the Recording Academy is advantageous absorption and digging what I’m doing.” 
• She’s abundant and due in May! (She alleged herself “in acceptable company,” cerebration about Beyoncé assuming in 2017 while abundant with twins.) Price and bedmate Jeremy Ivey are additionally parents to son Judah, who was built-in in 2010. He was a twin, but his brother, Ezra, died two weeks afterwards they were built-in from a attenuate affection action that anaplasty couldn’t fix. “Nobody should anytime lose a child; I would never ambition that aloft my greatest enemy,” Price told NPR in 2016. “It was article that was actually adamantine for us to get through, but we fabricated it, somehow.” 
• Price fell into a abasement and started bubbler heavily afterwards accident Ezra, at one point catastrophe up in bastille for three canicule afterwards a asperous night. She credits Ivey with allowance her through that aphotic period. “When you lose a adolescent you cope differently,” she told People. “I anticipate it’s amazing that our alliance lasted afterwards that because the statistics are not in our favor. But he’s been there appropriate beside me.” She has a boom on her larboard shoulder, a t
Jerritt Clark/Getty Images for MWP Entertainment Group
• Her date name stands for “Having Aggregate Revealed,” and her complete name is Gabriella Wilson. She goes by Gabi.
• A adolescent piano prodigy from Vallejo, Calif., Wilson was featured on Today when she was 10 accoutrement Alicia Keys, who is hosting the 2019 Grammys. In fact, the two accept accustomed anniversary added for a decade, and Keys told the AP in 2018, “I saw H.E.R. developing as an artist, and she actually had this affair about her that was so agitative because it was such austere musicianship. And again fast forwarding now, X bulk years later, to area she is now and seeing that all appear together, I anticipate the adorableness of that is the actuality that she was actually able to booty her time and be an artisan and advance and be a adolescent girl. Her eyes and her afterlife accept consistently been on this abode and bare to acreage in this world. And it’s alone activity to get brighter, bigger and better.”
• Rolling Stone had the shrouded-in-mystery singer on its 10 New Artists You Charge to Apperceive account in March 2017, calling H.E.R. custom-built for admirers of Aaliyah and Solange.
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• She’s the alone Best New Artisan appointee who is additionally up for Anthology of the Year, for her self-titled debut; as able-bodied as Best R&B Album; Best R&B Song, for “Focus”; and Best R&B Performance, for “Best Part,” featuring Daniel Caesar.
• Wilson, who’s 21, has said that she afraid about not actuality taken actively back she aboriginal started out because of her age, so she didn’t acknowledge abundant about herself, or alike actualization her face. But she told the AP in November 2018, “I’m so beholden that at this point, alike if you see my face or apperceive who I am, it doesn’t matter, because you already adulation the music. You’ve already accustomed it.”
Joseph Okpako/WireImage
• The singer-songwriter hails from the automated boondocks of Walsall in England’s West Midlands. Her father, who’s from Jamaica, sang in a neo-soul accumulation called 2nd Naicha, and consistently encouraged her. “Sound has consistently followed me. A lot of reggae back mum was cooking. I’d address songs with my dad or comedy him annihilation I’d formed on,” she told The Cut in 2018. I wrote my aboriginal abounding song back I was 11, alleged ‘Life Is A Aisle Worth Taking,’ about block the appropriate path. They are consistently assuming me new stuff. My dad texts me links to new being all the time.” She took off for London at 18 and formed at Starbucks while aggravating to accomplish it as an artist.
• Which she did. Her admission single, “Blue Lights,” went viral on SoundCloud; Drake gave a shout-out to her second-ever single, “Where Did I Go?” in Entertainment Weekly; and again it was off to the races. He slid into her DMs, and she’s the Jorja in catechism on his “Jorja Interlude” from More Life. She didn’t appetite to be on “Get It Together” at first, but then she and her admirer bankrupt up and all of a abrupt it fabricated faculty to her. (No, she and Drake accept never dated.)
• Smith told The Cut that she grew up consistently absent to attending altered than she did. “I capital to be pale,” she said. “I didn’t wanna go in the sun, because I was in academy with a lot of white girls. I bethink one babe said to me, ‘You attending bigger pale.’ And I was like, ‘Well, you’re tan!’ She was like, ‘It’s not the same.’ I didn’t wanna accept a bum, I didn’t wanna accept lips.”
• Her admission album, Lost & Found, came out in June 2018, and she sings “I Am” on the Anthology of the Year-nominated Black Panther soundtrack.
Erika Goldring/WireImage
• The North Carolina native’s admission album, This One’s for You, has been certified platinum and was named Billboard’s Top Country Anthology of 2018. So abrogation academy aloof shy of graduation to try and accomplish it in Nashville did prove to be the appropriate choice. And alike if it hadn’t, “I would be accomplishing this in some capacity, whether I was accustomed or a complete nobody,” Combs told Forbes in December 2018.
• His song “Beautiful Crazy” is about his fiancée, Nicole Hocking. “I wrote it about my now-fiancée afore we started dating,” Combs told Forbes. He popped the catechism in November. “I anticipate it was a first-time affair for me as far as accepting that complete afflatus for a song. It’s fun and it’s lighthearted, but it additionally has a message: you’re declared to adulation addition for who they are. That was the abstraction back we wrote the song. There ability be things that are arbitrary or awe-inspiring about somebody, but sometimes, those are the things that draw you to that person.”
• Combs has gone from arena restaurants and confined to festivals and theaters and he is above beholden for the acknowledgment from fans, as able-bodied as the analytical acceptance from his peers, which so far includes a CMA Award for New Artisan of the Year. “To go from arena a craven addition restaurant in Asheville, the Wild Addition Cafe, to affairs out PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte area I acclimated to go see concerts back I was a kid is actually mind-blowing,” he told Forbes. “Having 20,000 bodies buy tickets, that is batty to me.” As for the Grammy nomination, “It’s an complete account and doesn’t alike assume like article that can appear to somebody like myself. There are things that back you abound up lower average chic that assume actual unattainable or unreachable. Goals that you anticipate would be absurd to hit or could never appear to you and that is one of those things.” 
May they all accept a night to remember.
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avaliveradio · 2 years
New Music Release Radar Power Edition with Jacqueline Jax
Today’s episode of the New Music Release Radar Power Edition with Jacqueline Jax.
Listen on Podcast <here>
This new music episode features new indie pop, hip hop and songwriters just released in September 2022.
Enjoy these singles and more on our featured playlist:
Fresh New Indie Songs : New Music Release Radar
The indie music scene is overflowing with fresh new music, follow our daily updates to discover what's happening on the Indie Music Scene. 
Featured Artists
JAK - Adrenaline
Release date: Sep 09, 2022 
Groundbreaking Hip Hop / R&B Music 2022
Trap (Hip-hop), Hip-Hop / Conscious Hip-Hop, Alternative Hip-Hop
Similar artists: Kendrick Lamar, Twista, Busta Rhymes, Eminem
“JAK impresses you with attention grabbing riffs playing behind his intense raps. The combination is both powerful and entrancing. You can really tell he is influenced by Eminem yet he has a strong hold on his own style. Well done. “ An artist who stays true to the roots of rap while looking forward to the future of the sound. JAK takes on the unique task of combining the past and the future into a gift we call the present
Kat Kennedy- Boring
Release date: Sep 02, 2022 (15 days ago)
Adult Contemporary, Singer Songwriter, Acoustic
Similar artists: Carobae, Sasha Sloan, Gracie Abrams, Katelyn Tarver
Pop singer/songwriter Kat Kennedy has toured extensively from Alaska to Brazil, sharing her compelling blend of acoustic and electronic sounds. After graduating Berklee College of music her collaborations with other artists and producers piqued the interest of fans and labels alike. Her 2016 TrapNation release with producer Channels titled "Flare" amassed over 6,000,000 plays across streaming platforms. Kat is regularly feature on coveted Spotify Editorial playlists like "Fresh Finds", "Fresh Finds: Pop", and "Sad Bops".. 
Tadpole Glow - Fun While it lasted 
”The lyrics for “Fun While it Lasted” were inspired by a bit of poetry I wrote in my journal nearly a decade ago after a breakup. It wasn’t even a particularly bad breakup, but I was pondering the way that, in a relationship, if your goal is to change the other person or make them “better” you are probably not meant for each other. You can’t love someone enough to make them a different person”
FLAVA - Oblivion
Release date: Sep 08, 2022
Released by: Kruel Collective
Alternative Rock, Alt Pop
Similar artists: Fka twigs, Lana del Rey
"The first single after the release of their EP Megalomania’Oblivion’  will leave a powerful impression on you. The music is interesting and ever shifting progressing in energy through the single with presence. FLAVA is an independent artist out of Copenhagen.
Sella Dawn - Pull A Thread
Release date: Sep 09, 2022 
Genre: Electro Pop, Adult Contemporary, Alt Pop
Similar artists: Billie Eilish, Lana Del Rey, Charli XCX
“Pull A Thread” blends real and electronic instruments with natural elements to create a unique sound. Lyrically, intimate vocals explore the pain of leaving an abusive relationship and stepping back to finally see the pattern - “Pull A Thread” to unravel what you thought was real. 
Sella Dawn is a new, independent dark pop artist who will make you glad you’re suffering. Her haunting vocals and moody lyrics contrast her driving and expansive music, and she creates an intimacy that you can dance to. Or at least sway.  Based in Toronto, she is the daughter of two symphony musicians who always told her to not go into the family business. Well look at her now, mom. She pulls from her experiences to create stories that hopefully resonate with people and help them feel connected. 
Tony C - Recess
Release date: Sep 13, 2022 
Alternative Hip-Hop
A 28 year old emcee from Roseville, California, Tony C wrote poetry as a child. He didn't turn to music until high school, when he competed in a pep-rally rap battle. At 18, he set his sights on releasing an actual album. His first time ever writing out fully formed songs and recording vocals in an actual studio. He worked with Producer Zak Diebels (Z-Rokk), who Tony met through a high school friend, on a 10 song album.
Indi Faulkner - Reality
Release date: Sep 09, 2022 
Released by: Tony Bugs Records
Singer Songwriter, Indie Pop, Alt Pop
Similar artists: Weyes Blood - Mitski
Lead by a strong female vocal that offers vision with an ethereal start, Reality quickly shifts sonically into a darker psychedelic concept muddled with confusion. The song pokes around in unknown spaces like isolation, delirium, and subtle moments when we're feeling not quite present and a bit more there than here. 
Reality' is an intimate song in the spirit of the 70s singer-songwriter era. Reality is a steady climb through a dreamscape of blended voices, guitars, retro synths, and drums that reaches for a conclusion but ultimately ends more confused than it starts. 
SWATS - Anxiety
Music Genre:  Hip-hop/Rap, Latin Hip-hop, Pop Vibe:  Mellow yet intense Located in: Charlotte, NC Sounds like: Often compared to Torey Lanes and Kindrick Llamar SWATS exceeded my expectations on this one. He’s blended a perfect mix of commercial pop and hiphop with enough edge to make it modern. Then just when you thought you were listening to a groundbreaking single, he takes the song to the next level with latin Hip Hop. This one leaves an impression. My only question is when does the full album arrive? There’s alot more story to tell here.  Link to your streaming page: https://open.spotify.com/track/3Ecin4DN3vifa5vhAzq0Lf?si=054834f53886421f New Indie Single 'Anxiety' by SWATS is an anthem for those who struggle with anxiety
Ankur - Roots
Release date: Sep 07, 2022
Genre: Hip-Hop / Conscious Hip-Hop
Similar artists: G-Eazy, Macklemore, Hilltop Hoods, Illy
This song was inspired the ever-ending discontentment we can feel when chasing external pleasures whether it be achievements, pleasure or other external stimulation. This can lead to behavior such as comparison to our peers and various different addictions. The solution is to look inside of ourselves for our answers and to take it to the ‘Roots’. Ankur is a Sydney, Australia based hip-hop artist with pop/rock influences. Not one to shy away from wearing his heart on his sleeve, Ankur has a natural talent for creating emotionally authentic songs that resonate deep with his listeners. 
ZILLION x Mike's Dead- The Basement (feat. Mike's Dead)
Release date: Sep 02, 2022 (16 days ago)
Released by: Potluck Lunch Records LLC
Genre: Alternative Hip-Hop, Alternative Rock
Not much grows north of the Arctic Circle, except dreams and psychosis. Born to an Alaskan drug house protected by a pet wolf, Zillion nurtured both. It’s the classic call to all who destroy or create. Tell your story or your story tells you. Zillion learned to surf his avalanche, to climb out of the belly of the whale, and turned his dirt into fertilizer to grow something that only blooms in the face of darkness.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
10 Labelmates Who Became Enemies
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Kodak Black and Jackboy have had beef on and off the past few years.  Just recently, Jackboy responded with a diss track to Kodak’s EP, Closure.  Jackboy and Kodak were “best friends” and Jackboy is signed to Sniper Gang, Kodak’s record label.  This is not a strange thing in hip-hop.  There have been numerous times where rappers on the same label have dissed each other.  Let’s look at some of them. 10. Megan Thee Stallion and 1501 Megan Thee Stallion and 1501 Certified Entertainment have been feuding for a while now.  She claimed the label was preventing her from releasing new music.  She filed a lawsuit against Carl Crawford, head of 1501 claiming she was only paid $15,000 by them.  Carl Crawford claims Megan started to keep her financial information from the label after doing a deal with Roc Nation.  He said that was a tactic to try to get him to renegotiate her deal.  Recently, Meg was at a concert where she put her middle finger up during a song where the lyrics are “I’m the 1501 queen”.  Their beef is still unsettled. https://twitter.com/bandobritt/status/1536569972188762112?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 9. Kanye West and Consequence Consequence was already apart of Kanye West’s G.O.O.D. music label.  He appeared on tracks with Ye on The College Dropout and Late Registration.  After his absence in the G.O.O.D. Music Cypher at the 2010 BET Awards, Consequence made a diss track towards Kanye called “Man Purses”.  He claims Kanye did not help him with his second album with the label causing him to feel that they weren’t brothers.  Later, Consequence claimed that he wrote a lot of Kanye’s lyrics on The College Dropout.  In 2015, they patched things up as Consequence worked on Kanye’s album, The Life of Pablo. https://twitter.com/defjam/status/1087856319212777472?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 8. Drake and Tyga Tyga and Drake were both on the label Young Money for quite some years.  In 2014, Tyga called Drake “fake” when he did the cover story for VIBE magazine.  He mentioned he didn’t get along with Young Money, Nicki Minaj, or Drake.  Tyga adds that he likes Drake’s music, but just doesn’t like him as a person.  Chris Brown is his close friend and Drake, and Chris Brown were feuding at the time. Drake responded by liking a few of Blac Chyna’s pictures on Instagram, the mother of Tyga’s son.  Tyga then took a few shots at Drake on “Make It Work”.  Drake stayed on Instagram and posted a photo with Kylie Jenner, Tyga’s fling at the time.  Then Drake went to the booth to drop “6 PM in New York” that included some lines for “Rack City” rapper.  In 2016, Tyga said he and Drake were on good terms because of Kanye West. https://twitter.com/prdnuk/status/524946506550640640?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 7. Jeezy and Freddie Gibbs Freddie Gibbs was signed to Jeezy’s CTE record label in 2010 after making the XXL Freshman list.  Two years later though, he revealed he was no longer with Jeezy.  He even put out a few diss tracks including “Real”.  Jeezy dropped his single “Therapy for My Soul” where he spoke on the situation with Freddie Gibbs.  He says he couldn’t trust Gibbs after he invested in him and adds that he isn’t “gangsta” at all. After hearing the track, Gibbs hopped on Twitter to poke fun at the Atlanta rapper, saying BMF put him in a headlock and posted a video of Jeezy dancing.  Jeezy claims that when Freddie was with CTE, he put him on songs with T.I. and Eminem, took him on tour, and paid for his music videos.  When it was time to go to the labels to get Freddie a deal, no one wanted to sign him, so Jeezy cut ties with him over the phone.  Recently, Freddie said he is interested in clearing the air between them two. https://twitter.com/bobby_0511/status/1404717632679464963?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 6. Wale and Meek Mill  Meek Mill & Wale were leading the charge for the Maybach Music Group in the 2010s.  Along the way, Meek Mill felt that Wale was hating on him as his album was about to drop.  He went to Twitter to vent his frustrations about his D.C. labelmate.  Wale responded on Instagram with a photo and a lengthy caption stating he supports Meek but doesn’t feel Meek’s support.  The boss of MMG, Rick Ross, stepped in and said both artists were on the phone, and everything was “all love”.  A year later, Wale discussed Meek’s beef with Drake on The Breakfast Club where he said Meek brought a “pencil to a gun fight”.  Meek didn’t like that and let Wale know through an Instagram post as he berated him.  Rick Ross stepped in again and now the two continue to make millions together. https://twitter.com/supacindy/status/1179106793890418689?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 5. Gillie Da Kid and Lil Wayne Gillie Da Kid and Lil Wayne were both on Cash Money Records.  He left the label in 2003 over disputes with money with label heads Birdman and Slim.  Lil Wayne decided to diss Gillie on the song “Problem Solver” in 2006.  Gillie retaliated by making statements about Wayne and Birdman being frauds in street DVDs.  He even appeared in some videos with Wayne’s Squad Up members who weren’t too happy with Lil Wayne either.  Gillie finally responded to “Problem Solver” with his own diss over the “Cannon” beat.  A beat Lil Wayne rapped over on his Dedication 2 mixtape with DJ Drama.  They traded diss songs once again after that.  Today, when they see each other, they greet each other and that’s about it. https://twitter.com/lilwaynehq_2/status/1526699081531154433?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 4. Eminem and Royce da 5’9 In 1997, Eminem linked up with Royce da 5’9 to form the duo Bad Meets Evil.  They made a lot of songs together and Royce was on Eminem’s debut album, The Slim Shady LP.  Shortly thereafter, Royce’s manager made comments about Dr. Dre in 1999 that Dre didn’t like.  Dre cut ties with Royce and his manager leaving him and Eminem to be disconnected.  A few years later, Royce Da 5’9 gave Eminem a freestyle for the ‘Anger Management’ mixtape.  Eminem took one of Royce’s lines on the freestyle as a diss.  D12 dissed Royce and Royce dissed D12, which ultimately led to Proof and Royce fighting one night at a nightclub.  Proof was killed three years later, slowing down the beef.  They continued their beef on and off again, but today Eminem and Royce da 5’9 have no issues. https://twitter.com/tmz/status/1237264453269442560?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 3. Cam’ron and Jay-Z Dame Dash named Cam’ron president of Roc-A-Fella Records, to which Jay-Z was not aware of.  Jay-Z deleted Cam’ron’s verse on the song “One For Peedi Crakk”.  Cam’ron then decided to take Jay-Z’s verse off the “Oh Boy” remix.  Cam sent shots at Jay-Z on his song “Let Me Know” in 2000.  As Dame and Jay-Z were feuding, Cam’ron took Dame’s side.  He made another diss track at Hov called “You Got to Love It”.  After Jay-Z released his album, Kingdom Come, Cam’ron and Jim Jones dissed him again on “Kingdom Done”.  The beef continued for a while but was recently deaded. https://twitter.com/rondollaz/status/1561650790678282242?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 2. Ice Cube and N.W.A. Ice Cube was the lyrics to N.W.A., simply a poet.  He was smart too as he was the first one to scope out how Easy E was the only one getting paid.  Cube left the group and started his solo career, to which N.W.A. didn’t like.  They dissed him on their EP, “100 Miles and Runnin” and Cube retaliated on his song ‘Jackin For Beats’.  N.W.A fired back and that’s when Ice Cube made the infamous “No Vaseline”.  This attributed to the breaking up of N.W.A. https://twitter.com/jbutler_7/status/1001641937307398145?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg 1. The Game and 50 Cent When 50 Cent was brought in to help with The Game’s debut album, tension started to rise.  After helping write Game’s biggest singles on the album, 50 felt the label was focusing all their attention on Game after they pushed his album back.  The Game was on HOT 97 and said he was going to do a song with Nas, who at the time was beefing with 50 Cent.  A few days later, G-Unit went to HOT 97 and declared Game out of the group.  Game came down there while G-Unit was on the air and a shootout took place.  Game then disses 50 on “300 Bars N Runnin” and 50 retaliated with “Not Rich, Still Lyin”.  They went back and forth over the years, and they are still not cool today. https://twitter.com/fullsendpodcast/status/1542596200960073728?s=21&t=a9w66QW5OujmeUiEHy1rcg   Written by: Brandon Simmons Read the full article
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soitsashowpodcast · 6 years
ep. 44: Dawn Powell? She made the jokes Dorothy Parker got credit for.
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Dawn Powell? Dorothy Parker? Never heard of ‘em. We’re a few steps behind Rory and Lane on this double reference, which is why we gotta dig deep to get to the bottom of the controversy about who really wrote some funny jokes—and the original version of A Star Is Born—in the 1920s and ‘30s. 
Then we gotta figure out why Amy Sherman-Palladino named her production company after one of these ladies, all the weird ways their lives overlap, and, um, where their bodily remains went. Speaking of funny lady writers, we gotta give a special shout-out to writer/director Amy Sherman-Palladino who has now won all the Emmys for The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel! (Okay, or at least a lot of the Emmys.) And whether you decide you’re #TeamDawn or #TeamDorothy, stay tuned—we’ve got a bonus episode coming your way next week to supplement this discussion!
Other pop culture we ref: Katharine Hepburn, Barbara Eden, Sid Vicious, Nancy Spungen, Jack Kerouac, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Earnest Hemingway, Harpo Marx, Robert Benchley, Calvin Coolidge, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Gore Vidal, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Eminem, Edgar Allan Poe, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Amy Schumer
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Gore Vidal’s response to Diana Trilling’s comment about Dorothy Parker stealing Dawn Powell’s witticisms, NYBooks.com (1987)
“The Country and the City,” TheAtlantic.com (2001)
“Minding Other People’s Business: On Dawn Powell,” LAReviewOfBooks.org (2015)
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Review of Dawn Powell: A Biography in The Austin Chronicle (1998)
“Parallel Play” by Tim Page, NewYorker.com (2007)
“Dawn Powell’s Masterful Gossip: Why Won't It Sell?” NewYorker.com (2012)
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“Who really makes the jokes that Dorothy Parker gets credit for?” UDayton.edu (2016)
The New York City walking tour the Dorothy Parker Society hosted to see where Dorothy and Dawn lived (2016)
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Dorothy Parker bio, DorothyParker.com
Listen to Dorothy Parker read her work, DorothyParker.com
Read Dorothy Parker’s work, DorothyParker.com
Read Dorothy Parker’s poetry, PoetryFoundation.org
Dorothy Parker’s bio, Britannica.com
“Dorothy Parker, The Art of Fiction No. 13,” TheParisReview.org (1956)
Amy Sherman-Palladino talks about how much she loves Dorothy Parker, LATimes.com (2001)
“Dorothy Parker’s Stunning Wit and Tragic Life,” BBC.com (2017)
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Us freaking out about Mrs. Maisel winning Best Comedy
Why Mrs. Maisel’s wins are a big deal for Gilmore Girls fans, WashingtonPost.com (2018)
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The episode This Day in History Class that Taylor listened to to learn about the Sacco and Vanzetti trial
Hopsin is super excited Eminem name-dropped him (NME.com, 2018)
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bewhybrasil-blog · 6 years
Entrevista para HYPEBEAST
Conheça BewhY, o Gucci-Obcecado Rapper Coreano assumindo a América
“Eu não estou realmente em marcas de rua convencionais como Supreme e BAPE.”
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Hip-hop se tornou um dos gêneros musicais mais universais do mundo. Embora suas raízes permaneçam firmemente plantadas na paisagem urbana dos Estados Unidos, países como França, Reino Unido, Brasil e Haiti geraram inúmeros artistas do hip-hop que alcançaram fama considerável além de suas províncias de origem. Entretanto, em outras partes do planeta, o gênero continua sendo considerado bastante nicho, reconhecido predominantemente por nomes familiares como Kanye West, Tupac Shakur, Eminem e A$AP Rocky.
Lee Byung-yoon, também conhecido como BewhY, está aqui para mudar isso. Nascido e criado em Incheon, Coréia do Sul, o artista tornou-se a sensação nacional depois de ganhar a quinta temporada do programa de competição de rap Show Me The Money em 2016. Desde então, a fama de BewhY alcançou alturas sem precedentes graças aos seus hits impressionantes, gosto para marcas de designer de luxo e crenças cristãs abertas (que também provocou uma controvérsia considerável na mídia).
Com uma primeira tour pelos Estados Unidos que abrange seis cidades — Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington D.C. e Nova York — começando em novembro, nós encontramos com BewhY durante o Seoul Fashion Week para ouvir mais sobre seus futuros planos de carreira, grande senso de estilo e pensamentos sobre a cena do rap coreano.
➡Quando você entrou pela primeira vez no hip-hop?
Eu primeiro me apaixonei pelo hip-hop quando eu estava no Ensino Médio — no 1º ano. Eu realmente gostava desse grupo coreano de hip-hop chamado Dynamic Duo e eu estava muito impressionado que eles realmente escreviam suas próprias letras. Eu me tornei amigo de um rapper coreano chamado CJamm, e ele me introduziu à cena do hip hop.
➡Quem são suas maiores influências no hip-hop?
Kanye West e Kendrick Lamar.
➡Como você descreve a cena do rap coreano?
Eu acho que existem muitos artistas do hip-hop coreano que merecem mais destaque. Muitas pessoas na Coréia pensam que artistas americanos de hip-hop são mais legais do que os artistas coreanos de hip-hop. Claro, o hip-hop nasceu nos Estados Unidos e somos muitos influenciados por esses artistas americanos, mas eu acredito que os rappers coreanos têm seu próprio som único.
Mas o hip-hop não é muito convencional na Coréia, pelo menos não como nos Estados Unidos. Estava realmente na moda no ano passado, mas aos poucos foi desaparecendo. Eu não estou tão certo de quanto tempo essa música vai durar aqui, para ser sincero.
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➡Descreva seu estilo pessoal. Quais são suas marcas favoritas no momento?
Eu gosto de manter o corte simples e limpo. Minhas marcas favoritas agora são Gucci, Balenciaga, Burberry, The North Face, Kappa, Hummel e Stone Island. Eu não estou realmente em marcas de rua convencionais como Supreme e BAPE.
➡Você diria que a moda coreana é influenciada pelo hip-hop?
Sim, um pouco. O estilo hip-hop era super na moda no ano passado na Coréia, mas agora eu não tenho tanta certeza. Eu acredito que artistas de hip-hop podem fazer qualquer coisa parecer legal; é a cultura que pode absorver vários estilos muito bem.
➡Qual foi o maior momento da sua carreira até agora?
Ano passado quando as pessoas me foram apresentadas pela primeira vez – quando o hip-hop estava “em.” Felizmente, as pessoas continuam amando minha música, mas as pessoas que amam minha música apenas conhecem três músicas – “Forever,” “Day Day” e “The Time Goes On.” Mas eu não fiz muita mídia desde o ano passado, então eu suponho que agora é o momento para eu começar.
➡Como a cultura do rap coreano se diferencia do rap da america?
Eu acredito que os rappers aqui têm uma atitude similar daqueles na america, mas eu acho que os ouvintes são diferentes. Eu não morei nos Estados Unidos então eu não posso falar muito como é lá, mas na Coréia, as pessoas levam as letras muito a sério. Mesmo se eu posto alguma coisa no IG por diversão, ou algo bobo, as pessoas levam isso muito a sério – é como se eles estão tentando julgar o que é certo ou errado. Coreanos são muito críticos e a imagem pessoal na indústria do entretenimento é tudo.
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➡Você é muito aberto sobre a sua fé Cristã. Você enfrentou alguma crítica por causa disso? Como você encontra o equilíbrio entre sua crença pessoal e seu estilo de vida comum associada ao hip-hop?
Eu recebo muitas críticas sobre quão religioso minha música é. Entretanto, eu não vou mudar meu estilo de música ou de vida, porque essa é a razão pela qual eu comecei a fazer música. Mas você sabe, haters vão sempre dar hate. Na realidade, eu acho que sou a primeira pessoa a fazer esse tipo de música na Coréia.
Cerca de três anos atrás, havia tanta música de rap coreano sobre dinheiro e mulheres, e eu não estou julgando isso, mas isso apenas não é meu tipo de música e eu não quero fazer rap sobre esses tipos de coisas. Para ser honesto, eu realmente não quero ou preciso me comprometer porque eu apenas quero fazer rap sobre o que eu penso; eu continuo fazendo a mesma coisa, mas agora, eu estou apenas pensando como eu poderia fazer rap sobre novas e melhores maneiras.
➡Qual é o próximo para você em sua carreira?
A coisa mais importante neste momento é minha turnê pelos Estados Unidos, que começa em 1º de novembro e vai parar em Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington D.C. e Nova York. Além disso, eu apenas planejo fazer mais música e poder me tornar mais estabelecido tanto na Coréia quanto no exterior.
Trad.por BYB
Não retirem sem os créditos.
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cruiseloading902 · 3 years
Asher Roth Believe Hype Mixtapes
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Asher Roth is a young college-educated rapper who made news as the first white rapper featured on a DJ Drama mixtape. Born in Morrisville, PA, he began rapping as a teenager and began to develop a fan base while attending college, thanks largely to social-networking websites such as MySpace and Facebook.His early releases include the 2006 mixtape album 'Believe the Hype'. Scooter Braun and Steve Rifkind rap industry's businessmen, noticed the youngman's talent and then signed him to the major recording album SRC/Universal. In the year 2008 Roth busted into the rap mainstream and took the world by storm with his Greenhouse Effect Mixtape.The Greenhouse Effect Mixtape was made available online as a free download on 'The Daily Kush,' a multimedia blog set up to promote Roth. The mixtape was hosted by Don Cannon and DJ Drama of the renowned Gangsta Grillz mixtape seris.
Asher Roth Now
Asher Roth Believe Hype Mixtapes Bakemonogatari Season 1 Sub Indo The Heirs Yuvasena Movie Hd Video Songs Barry Harris Jazz Workshop Pdf Files New Corel Paradox 9 - Full Version Airpro 7 Game Free Download Download Apocalipticos E Integrados Eco Pdf Mirage Os Mac Hasp Parallel Driver Windows Xp. 02 Asher Roth And Nottz - Gotta Get Up F D A Of Chester French; 03 Asher Roth And Nottz - Enforce The Law; 04 Asher Roth And Nottz - Break Bread; 05 Asher Roth And Nottz - In My Mind; 06 Asher Roth And Nottz - Coming And Going F Rhymefest; 07 Asher Roth And Nottz - Run It Back Rmx F Kardinal Offishall.
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His sounds bring a new edge to the hip hop game. His rhymes shake up the idustry and his flow is undeniable. And his 'white boy' gemic just works in his favor. Do you think that Asher Roth has what it takes to go all the way, and could you balance school while trying to take over the rap game? Listen to his beats on http://asherrothmusic.com/
Artist Biography by Jason Birchmeier
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American rapper Asher Roth ascended from the Pennsylvania suburbs into the world of hip-hop in the late 2000s with a thoughtful flow influenced by Jay-Z and Eminem. Utilizing social media to share his music while he was still a student, he broke into the mainstream with his commercial debut single, 2009's 'I Love College.' That novelty hit was eventually certified double-platinum and helped push his first album, Asleep in the Bread Aisle, to number five on the U.S. charts. Favoring mixtapes and EP releases, he didn't release his sophomore effort, RetroHash, until 2014. A third set, Flowers on the Weekend, landed in 2020.
Born in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, a small suburban community located northeast of Philadelphia, he began rapping as a teenager, penning rhymes about experiences that were more familiar to him and his upbringing. Later, he developed a fan base while attending West Chester University, posting his music on social media. Those early releases included the 2005 EP Just Listen and the 2006 mixtape album Believe the Hype. During his sophomore year, he reached out to Scooter Braun, who quickly became his manager. Braun, along with Steve Rifkind of SRC Records, signed him to a major-label recording contract with Universal Music Group. Meanwhile, Roth continued to build his underground audience with The Greenhouse Effect Mixtape. Hosted by Don Cannon and DJ Drama of the renowned Gangsta Grillz mixtape series, The Greenhouse Effect Mixtape was released online as a free download.
In 2009 he released his commercial debut single, 'I Love College,' a party rap novelty hit that went all the way to number 12 on the Billboard Hot 100. On the heels of this mainstream breakthrough hit and the follow-up single, 'Lark on My Go Kart,' Roth released his full-length solo album debut, Asleep in the Bread Aisle. Produced primarily by Oren Yoel, the gold-certified Asleep in the Bread Aisle drew comparisons between Roth and Eminem (a matter addressed by the rapper himself on the album track 'As I Em') and quickly rose into the U.S. Top 5. Git merge tool for mac. Riding his newfound fame, he toured with Kid Cudi, B.o.B., and blink-182.
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I Love College Asher Roth
In the years that followed, Roth busied himself with a number of mixtape and EP releases, including 2010's Seared Foie Gras with Quince and Cranberry and a 2013 sequel to The Greenhouse Effect. He delivered his sophomore LP RetroHash in 2014. Though it didn't reach the same heights as his debut, the set peaked in the Top 50 and featured guests ZZ Ward, Curren$y, Vic Mensa, and more.
Asher Roth Mixtape
Another significant gap followed, filled with just one EP, the 2016 collaboration with Nottz Raw and Travis Barker, Rawther. Roth returned in 2020 with his third official studio effort, Flowers on the Weekend. Released on his own Retrohash label, Flowers featured 'Way More Fun' with Lil Yachty.
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