#Emma looks kind of scary here
neerons · 4 months
Some of Gilbert von Obsidian's best quotes
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[Warning: Heavy spoilers about Gilbert's route]
"Ahaha, what is the prince of Obsidian, if not rotten?"
"I hate people."
"No matter how hard I try not to, I can't help but be gentle with her. What kind of villain am I?" (—Gilbert talking about Emma to himself)
"(...) I hope you don't accidentally end up calling me 'big bro' or anything." (—Gilbert to Leon)
"(...) You were just saying what you really think. I don't think doing that is rude. And it's true I'm someone scary."
"I like you because you're so warm, little rabbit."
"Ahaha! You're so sassy. But I like that about you."
"I want to make things awkward for you."
"You can't just focus on the best of someone while ignoring the worst of them."
"If you were a bother, I'd kill you, so don't worry." *smile intensifies*
"...I'm no match for that pure, innocent gaze of yours. You're the only one capable of pushing me around, you know."
"Depending on what you say next, I might just take your head clean off." (—Angry Gilbert to Emma)
"(...) You nearly died. ...Do you have any idea how much that chilled me to the core?"
"The only thing I can ever be for you is a villain. ...Unfortunately."
"...Thank you. I almost got murdered by some dust."
"If you keep on lying over and over about being fine, I might just... Well, you can guess, right?"
"I found it in a book in the little rabbit's room. They need to understand what happens to them if they try to interfere with what's mine... Don't they?" (—Gilbert talking about a poisoned needle targeting Emma to Roderic)
"You said it, remember? You said you wanted me to learn to love Rhodolite. To me, you are Rhodolite."
"Those born with status have the right to do whatever they like to those who are lesser than them. That's what you want to say, isn't it? (...) Hmm? What's that? You look a little distressed for some reason. But I suppose that's no surprise. You see, I have the right to tyrannize you however I please, just as you tyrannized those children who had no one to protect them. I'm imperial royalty, and you're just a third-rate aristocrat. So I'm going to have to teach you just how different our social positions are... Aren't I? (...) Aren't you lucky that we're in Rhodolite? You've narrowly escaped death. If this was Obsidian, you'd be dead for sure. After all, we have no need for disgusting nobles who defile the purity of children." (—Gilbert to a Baron of Rhodolite)
"Wait, so you're telling me you baked cookies for another man, even though I'm right here. Ouch, that hurts."
"(...) if by chance I run into your dear papa, he'll kill me." (—Gilbert talking about Akatsuki)
"Welcome to Obsidian. (...) I introduced myself as Gilbert von Obsidian, didn't I? There's only one person in this country allowed to use the Obsidian name. And that's the emperor."
"There's nothing about you or me that makes one of us intrinsically inferior or superior to the other. Humans are all basically the same. And naturally, from a societal perspective, we probably need people who can take the lead. People who are capable, and talented, who can bring others together, and build a better tomorrow. That's a healthy way to be. I'm the ruler of a country that knows deception and decay all too well, so I understand better than most. That's why my ideal, my ambition, is to conquer all the royalty that have infested this whole continent, and free the people who are under their control."
"I wrote that story based on you. (...) Akatsuki told me a lot of stories about you, and they were always stories about you showing love and affection for others. He made it sound like you believed that the true nature of people is love, and that the happiness of others was what made you the happiest. The idea of living like that was repulsive to me, but at the same time, it made me curious. I got to wondering what sort of choices you'd make, if you were in the same position I was."
"You were bullying small children to amuse yourselves. That Rhodolitian might have stopped at just punching you, but I'm not that kind. Did I make military regulations or didn't I? And do those regulations say attacking non-combattants is forbidden, or don't they?" (—Gilbert to Obsidianite soldiers)
"Then how about you call me papa?" (—Gilbert to Luke)
"...Don't go. (...) I don't know... if I can hold on... until you get back. Being on my own... is lonely..."
"...You're the only one I'll ever love."
"I'm taking your daughter." *smile intensifies* (—Gilbert to Akatsuki)
"I'm not oppressing you with my power, it's just my love for you, overflowing."
"You can't do things like this with other men... Unless you want to see dead bodies."
"You're liked by everybody. A lot of the princes helped you out today. That's because people adore you, and they naturally want to help you out. They're all beasts with strong characters, but you're important to all of them. Do you know how rare that is? That means you're charming to everyone you meet. ...Including me, of course."
"There's no way I'd ever let anyone else kill you. It has to be me."
"I can't just bare my body for free."
"I've never liked seeing you clothe your body in things that other people have put their hands all over."
"Don't force yourself to talk. I'm not so narrow-minded that I'll go around saying you're disrespectful just because you didn't thank me. You're sick; you're supposed to just drink medicine and sleep."
"Wah, boohoo. I can't believe we were on different pages this whole time. I've given you my entire heart, and yet, look at what you've done with it! (...) Waaah, I'm so heartbroken that the only thing that could bury my sadness is world domination!"
"For his sake, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear him call me 'eyepatch bastard'. Rude." (—Gilbert's thoughts about Silvio)
"Her ability to right what was wrong, purify what was once sullied... It runs at complete odds with my nature. I may have truly met my match." (—Gilbert's thoughts about Emma)
"I blinked a few times as my vision seemed to expand all at once... and the little rabbit become clearer and even more beautiful." (—Gilbert's thoughts about Emma)
"I'm never letting you go. If you run away from me, I'll conquer the whole world and follow you to the ends of the earth if that's what it takes. No wait... I just need to control your heart, so that you'll never even want to leave me." (—Gilbert's thoughts about Emma)
"We all approach life differently. Chevalier slices hearts in two. I trample on them. But, you... You respect them."
"I wanted to see you bawling your eyes out."
"You're... the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"I like the little rabbit very much, you see. So I certainly hope that bold declaration of yours doesn't end up turning into a lie." (—Gilbert to Silvio, in Silvio's route)
"I'm not interested in the average woman. There's someone that caught my eye when I was young." (—Gilbert talking to Silvio, Rio, Keith, Sariel and Emma)
"You like these stories, don't you? Ones where a lowly village girl falls in love with a big, bad emperor and makes him change his ways—"
"It's a good thing I was born with a pretty face. If I looked scary without even trying, it would almost be TOO perfect."
"Keith, if you get tired, we can swap places. (...) Shame, Daddy says we can't." (—Gilbert talking about carrying Emma instead of Keith, but is stopped by Sariel)
"I was able to find some... treasure too, so I'm very satisfied with today." (—Gilbert most probably talking about Emma to the other princes and Emma)
"What? You'd like some new heads to decorate the castle's gates?" (—Gilbert to Emma telling him she wants friends)
"After a while of being betrayed over and over again, you start thinking to yourself. That maybe the world would be a better place if everyone who wasn't your friend just dropped dead."
"I know her. But only in fantasy. Because there's no way an Obsidianite royalty can have anything to do with a mere bookstore worker. (...) Die without meeting her? Or die after meeting her. Well, that's easy. I prefer the latter in that case." (—Gilbert's thoughts about Emma)
"I tried to hold down my excitement as I knocked softly on the door. (...) The door opened softly, revealing a woman that was different from what I had imagined. Strange. I thought she'd be more childish looking based on his stories. Her eyes that looked directly at me were clear and devoid of any baseless optimism. She was clearly a woman, not a child. I smiled to carefully hide my surprise. (...) She's purer and prettier than I imagined." (—Gilbert's thoughts about meeting Emma for the very first time)
"Oh, I get it. You think I was with another woman, don't you? Ahaha, you get jealous so easily. But don't worry, I only see you.If it would make you feel better though, I could always kill each and every single woman that gets close to me."
"...And so we've decided to officially hold our wedding ceremony. Can we count on your blessing, papa?" (—Gilbert to Akatsuki)
"You're much more important to me than family, you know. (...) After all, you're still alive, aren't you? I wouldn't kill you no matter what you did."
"I really do love you. And it's because I love you that I want to look good in front of you, and hide the things that I don't want you to see." (—Gilbert talking about his health condition to Emma)
"Do you know how long I've been wanting to officially bind you to me?" (—Gilbert's thoughts)
"Oh, that hurts... I just wanted to shower my beloved fiancee with my love, but I guess you don't want to... I'm absolutely heartbroken now. I might just have to go out and conquer one of the neighboring countries just to soothe myself."
"You're my type of lady. Do you know why? (...) I, for one, enjoy the rebellious, sassy look you always have in your eyes. I feel this strong will— that you will never bow down to me. That even though you're terrified, you won't run away."
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miss---lu · 1 year
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Walks on the Beach
She came to the loop not to long ago, yet no one could figure out what her peculiarity was. She always dodged the question, never looking uncomfortable just not answering.Claire and Olive believed she must have a more scary peculiarity, otherwise why wouldn’t she share it?
Enoch watched as YN walked outside in the garden. He was peering though his window, just studying her movements. Her steps seemed to be with intent, all incredibly light.
He saw how Olive was walking on over towards her. Her heavy boots dragging in the grass. YN just smiled at the young girl as she continued on her path. She was leaving the garden and heading towards what looked like the beach.
Against his better judgement, Enoch decided to follow after. He quickly made his way down the stairs, trying to avoid his housemates, but he was not that lucky.
He ran straight into the bird and started apologizing profusely. She just tutted at him and gestured for him to follow behind her.
“Mr O’Connor what has you in such a hurry? Typically you spend your free hour after lunch working on those puppets of yours.”
Enoch just shrugged, but he felt a soft, warm feeling start to bubble in his chest. “I don’t know, just thought I’d spend some time outside with the others.”
Miss Peregrine narrowed her eyes as she looked at the boy. “You were going after Miss LN, weren’t you?”
Enoch’s face started to heat up as he went to shake his head. It was too late, though. The bird already knew.
“Mister O’Connor,” she stopped and gave a small smile, “you know Miss LN happens to go the beach during this time. She considers it her tranquility period where she can just roam.”
Enoch nodded. After seeing that he was still standing there the bird ushered for his to continue on his journey. He smiled back at her as he made his way out the door.
. . .
YN stood on the beach barefoot as she watched the waves. Her eyes were closed, so Enoch approached her slowly. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, she started talking:
“I know you’re there, Enoch. I can sense your presence.”
Enoch let out a small chuckle. “Was I loud?”
YN turned to face him and laughed. “No. You were very quiet, but you see, it’s my peculiarity.”
Enoch cocked an eyebrow, confused by what she meant.
YN just laughed again before continuing, “I’m what they call an earthwalker. I can control the ground kind of how Emma can control fire.”
“That’s fascinating.”
“Thanks,” she giggled. “That’s why I don’t like wearing shoes. When I have skin on the earth I can feel what’s touching it, what’s inside it, etc. I can also cause the rocks to shift.”
YN suddenly stomped her foot on the ground and Enoch felt the earth tremble below him. YN only smiled at his shocked expression.
“See? I can manipulate the fault lines.”
Enoch smiled softly as he went to take her hand. “You want to just sit here with me?”
“I’d like that. And maybe you can show me some of your homunculus creations.”
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caffedrine · 2 months
Rio Ortiz - Beyond the Connection Between the Past and the Present – Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
On her day off, Emma sits in Rio’s room, drinking the tea he brewed.
Suddenly the door slams open, and to Emma’s shock a little kid who looks like a mini-Rio walks in, only to stop and stare at her as if she was the interloper.
The kid asks who she is, also asking what she thinks she’s doing in his room. Rio, who is also in the room, asks the kid who he is.
Huh, that name rings a bell for some reason.
Rio kindly introduces himself and asks Valerio about his circumstances. 
Well, he was just at the courtyard pool in the garden, but before he knew it, he was magically in the palace hallway. It was weird and scary, so he returned to his room, only to find them.
Rio nods and surmises that this is himself as a child somehow transported to the future. Emma feels like there were a lot of jumps to that reasoning - but here they are with a kid who looks like he’s doing his best not to cry, so she’ll go with it.
Besides, he looks just like a mini-Rio - all cute and adorable.
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(Picture this but clingier)
Valerio does, unfortunately, break down into tears, and he asks them why he is here and what should he do. Emma reaches out and pulls him into an embrace, which Valerio admits he likes. 
Rio explains that somehow Valerio has found himself in his own future. Until they find a way to send him back to his own world, it might be better if Valerio stayed with them.
Since they’re here now, Emma asks if Valerio would like to play some games with him. Valerio cheers at this, he wants to go swimming, can they go to the beach.
He’s cute and a little spoiled, but Emma can’t bring herself to mind. She offers to make the three of them lunch to Valerio’s delight.
Literally peeling Valerio off of Emma, Rio offers to arrange the carriage. 
Valerio complains, he was comfortable hugging Emma, and she smells nice too!
Rio explains that Emma is his fiancé, and surely Valerio isn’t so rude as to try to cuddle someone else’s fiancé.
Well, if Rio is Valerio’s future self, that means Emma is his fiancé too. So, where is the problem?
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(No! We are not applying logic to this situation!)
Oh, there is a big problem. Rio is the one who fell in love with Emma, confessed his feelings, grew his love with Emma, and got her to fall in love with him. Not Valerio. Yet.
Valerio grumbles that his adult self is especially heartless. Come to think of it, they have different names too . . . 
Rio explains the concept of nicknames to Valerio, which blows his younger self’s mind. 
Besides, it’s the name Emma picked for him .  . . 
Valerio complains about the weird expression Rio is making. Rio explains that he is never normal when he talks about Emma. He launches into a speech about all of Emma’s wonderful and excellent qualities.
Rio ends his profuse compliments by comparing Emma to an angel, which Valerio latches on. With shining eyes, he asks if Emma really is an angel.
Angels are kind, and pretty, and probably smell as nice as Emma. After listening intently to Rio, Valerio is now convinced that Emma is an angel touching down on earth.
Emma tries to explain metaphors to Valerio.
Valerio gives her a really big wink; angels are supposed to pretend they’re human when they walk on earth. Don’t worry, he totally understands.
Emma turns to Rio for help.
Rio muses that Valerio has a point, and besides, it’s not like she has ever proved that she’s not an angel. 
Valerio is happy, he’s going to the beach with an angel!
Defeated, Emma goes with it. Valerio is smart, he’ll figure it out eventually.
At the beach, Valerio puts his mind to collecting beautiful seashells for his angel- oops- his fiancé. Rio helps, and soon it’s time for lunch. 
Valerio cheers at eating lunch on the beach, and Rio fawns over Emma’s homemade meals.
They make sandcastles - or at least something similar. Valerio is proud of his boat; Emma thinks her rose cake is quite nice and Rio . . . Rio made an effigy of Emma out of sand. Rio is satisfied with his near-lifelike idol of Emma - he can admit that there are limits to how cute something that is not Emma could be. 
It’s starting to get late, so Rio suggests they return to the castle. Valerio, finally showing signs of exhaustion, agrees. Emma suggests that they bring back some of the seashells and make a decoration out of them to commemorate this trip. 
Valerio grows quiet - he likes the idea, but anything he ‘owns’ will be taken from him.
Oh, right, back then Rio wasn’t allowed to have things. 
Rio assures him that in this day and age, that won’t happen. Valerio snaps back that Rio is a liar, everything is always stolen from him. 
Emma comforts Valerio and asks him to trust her. She’s an angel, so her words are true, right? He doesn’t need to worry about that happening here.
Valerio relaxes, smiling up at her with pure trust. 
Rio remarks that all teasing aside, Emma is an angel to him and Valerio. The smile that he gives her is gentler than Valerio’s dazzling smile, but no less warm and trusting.
Maybe, if only for these two, being an angel isn’t so bad.
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arsenal-womens-1 · 7 months
Im gay
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It has been a week since I kissed a girl for the first time. I couldn't get it out of my head. 
I only did it for a dare, if I'm being honest. I have wanted to kiss a girl for a long time now. 
I don't get what I'm feeling. I have had multiple boyfriends, but I've never felt in love. They have felt more like friends than a boyfriend, but when it comes to girls, I feel more attracted to them, and it's kind of scary to me because I can't be...
"Y/n!"" I snap out of my daydream and see a few of the team members at the door saying, "Come on, or we are going to be late to training." 
I get up and walk out. The few that were waiting at the door run out to the pitch to not get the wrong form. Emma I walk,
I know I probably should run , but my head is so loud and busy trying to figure shit out that I don't give a shit if I get shouted at, "y/n hurry up." I jog to the pitch, where everyone is sent off to do the stuff they have to do. 
But Emma asks to speak with me, "Lilly, are you okay? You normally are one of the first to be here, and you have been zoning out a lot." looking down at the ground, then pass Emma. "I'm good, all good, nothing to worry about." 
She looks at me a bit worried. "You can tell me anything if you want to; you know where to find me or one of the others." I nod my head and join the rest of the players. 
We have been out here for a bit now. We are in 4s and are passing the ball. I'm not really listening to them. I'm thinking about my life. I think no. I know I like women and not men. 
But I'm scared to say it out loud. I know I can trust the girls. I mean, I know they won't have anything to say because some of them are in relationships with each other.
I think it's because if I say it out loud, it makes it real. I don't know if I want it to be. 
3 days later 
We are on the bus to Manchester. We are playing at Old Trafford. I'm sitting in a seat next to Guro Magdalena Pernille, and to my left is Sam. Lauren Millie and Fran 
I have decided I was going to tell one of my teammates, but I was scared. What if my mom and dad fined out? 
They would kick me out of the family. I knew they would because they said if any of their kids were gay, they would 
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Guro snapping her fingers in my face. "Y/n, you ok?" 
I look at her, then out the window, . "Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking about something, that's all." 
She looks at Pernille and Magda says, "What were you thinking about?" I lean my head back on the chair and look at them .
"Nothing interesting." looking out the window, putting my headphones on, and listen to music . 
We get to the place we are staying at. And go to our rooms. We were lucky to get one each.
I decided I'm going to tell somebody. Now I don't know who I am going to tell . I get up and go out of my room. walking to room 125. It was the room Magda and Pernille were staying in. Standing out there for about 5 minutes, then knocking on the door. 
I hear moving from inside as the door opens. Magda is standing in front of me. I must have looked sick. "Y/n, are you ok? You look sick." staying quiet for a minute. "Hey, err, can I come inside please? I need to tell you something." 
She looks worried and opens the door fully. going in and see Pernille sitting on the bed on her phone. She looks up and sees me. She must have got the feeling that I was here to say something. 
Magda sits next to her. I pace back and forth. letting a few tears fall. I hear one of them get up. "Y/n, what's wrong? What do you need to tell us?" 
The person who now I know is Magda. Sits me down on the bed. "All of this just because I went to a party.
There was silence for a minute. "What happened because of a party?" looking at them then I lay back on the bed
"I went to a party where we were playing truth or dare, and I picked dare, and I was dared to kiss someone. The person got to pick who I have had boyfriends in the past, and I've not felt anything from them; they felt more like a friend than a person I was meant to love. The person dared me to kiss a girl, so I did, but when I did, it hit me that the reason I didn't feel in love with the boys I dated was because I liked girls, but I don't want to because I will lose my family if I tell them or anyone else." 
I was having a full-blown panic attack. I can't believe I had just said that. Omg, I had actually told someone. No, I had told two people. I felt their arms wrap around me I just brack down. I knew my life would never truly be the same now. I know that I will be kicked out of the family. I know that new people were going to look at me differently. 
But I know I was definitely going to be happy. For the first time in my life .
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 10
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, show level violence
Word Count: 7,447
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Sorry again that this chapter got postponed a day. But here is the conclusion of the series. (Except for the epilogue coming next Saturday - or maybe a little earlier. 😉) I've absolutely loved writing this series. Loved living in the Endverse for a while, so thank you so much to everyone who came along with me. And an extra, super-duper thank you to everyone who commented and reblogged their thoughts about the story as we went along. Kind words fuel authors. ❤️ And oh yeah, this chapter's a bit long. Sorry! 😊
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Y/N didn’t want to look away, she wanted to keep her eyes on Dean. But the white light was absolutely blinding and she eventually had no choice but to turn away from it. The rush of white noise was almost deafening before becoming suddenly silent. 
There was only darkness behind her eyelids now so Y/N opened her eyes and stood up straight, looking at Dean where he still stood, halfway between her and Zachariah. His back was to her and she took a step towards him.
“Dean?” She questioned quietly.
He turned slightly so he could see her over his shoulder. He peered at her for a moment, almost scientifically, before he gave his head a brief shake.
Y/N would never be able to explain it, but somehow it was Dean’s face, Dean's voice, and yet it wasn’t him. Something was missing from his sparkling, jewel green eyes.
This was Michael. Dean was gone.
Without a moment’s pause, the archangel strode towards the other angels and in the span of a breath they were all gone, leaving behind only the sound of fluttering wings. 
Y/N stood stock still, staring at the empty, open field where Dean had stood less than a minute before. Around her chaos began to spread. The people who’d been putting out the fire were rushing towards them now, trying to find out what was going on. Screams echoed as people saw Johnston lying dead on the ground.
Everyone was asking her questions, but she had no answers, she had no words. She just stood, as people rushed around her, feeling as though she’d wake up at any moment. She’d wake up and Dean’s arms would be around her and when he woke she’d tell him about the horrible dream and how scary it had been and he’d hold her gently and tell her it was all just a nightmare.
“...I have my arms wrapped tightly around you and we’re both safe…Close your eyes and stay there, in that moment.”
Dean’s soft words whispered their way into her mind and she shivered. This couldn’t be happening.
Without warning her knees buckled and she fell to the muddy, wet ground, her muscles simply going limp. She covered her face as more tears began to fall. She felt the weight of all her tears gathering in her chest, threatening to crush her, when suddenly she heard Risa calling her name.
When she looked up the soldier was standing over her, still holding Emma in her arms. 
“Y/N, you can’t. You just can’t right now. Emma needs you, and I’ve got to… “ She waved an arm towards the people who were panicking all around them.
Y/N felt her mind rebelling, all she wanted was to sit there in the mud and let the cool night air numb her to the all-consuming ache spreading throughout her body. 
But she looked up into Emma’s little, terrified face, and forced herself to really hear the horror and confusion all around her; she knew she couldn’t just fall apart. 
She nodded at Risa and pushed herself to her feet. She took Emma from her and the other woman gave her a nod and moved into action, working with Cas and her fellow soldiers to start organizing the chaos, trying to get campers back to their tents. They also started debating how best to deal with the burnt out cabin and Johnston’s lifeless body
For her part, Y/N simply turned away from the cacophony and walked slowly back to the red tent. Emma was sobbing on her shoulder and Y/N gathered every ounce of her exhausted strength to try and console her little girl.
When they reached the tent Y/N set Emma down on her cot and wrapped a warm blanket around her while she went to light the stove and warm up the tent. After standing out in the cool night air for so long with no jackets, getting them warm was the first order of business.
Before long the little stove was chugging out ample heat, and she went back over to Emma and snuggled her daughter into her lap. After a while the little girl’s tears subsided into deep, shuddering breaths. Her voice was tiny and quiet when she spoke.
“Dean is gone.”
Y/N felt the whispered words pierce her heart. “Yeah, baby.”
“Will he come back?”
“Yes.” Y/N said it without thinking, her soul making the decision. But she didn’t want to lie to her child either, so she amended her comment. “I’m sure he’s going to try really hard to come back.”
Emma seemed to accept that and was quiet for a little while. Then she spoke again, her soft words tinged with fear. 
“Did the bad man kill Eric?”
Y/N squeezed her tighter and nodded against the top of her head. “Yes, baby, because he’s a very bad man.”
“Will he come back to kill us?”
Y/N felt her stomach plummet with fear and heartbreak that her daughter’s mind was so clouded with terror.
Y/N shook her head. “No, baby. He won’t come back now.” She hoped she wasn’t lying.
“Because Dean saved us?”
Y/N felt as though her heart was being crushed. “Yeah, sweet pea, because Dean saved us.”
The next few days passed in a haze for Y/N. She was trying desperately to keep it together for Emma’s sake. Her daughter was having nightmares every night and the last thing she needed was her mother crumbling on her. But Y/N was barely sleeping, no more than a couple of hours a night. Every ounce of her being felt exhausted - worn out beyond measure. 
There were no classes to teach, thank goodness; the camp was still disorganized and a bit scattered. A dozen or so campers had left, afraid of more angel retaliation. The campers left behind were trying to salvage what they could from the big cabin, and deal with the rest of the burnt out building. 
Three days after Dean had gone, Cas came to their tent in the evening, carrying extra wood and asking Y/N if she needed anything.
“No, Cas, we’re good. You don’t have to worry about us.” She said with a forced smile.
“I told Dean I would take care of you.” He said with conviction. “It’s still cold at night, hence the wood. What else do you need?”
Y/N shook her head. “Nothing, Cas. Really.”
He lifted his chin towards Emma who was sleeping on her cot. “How is she?”
Y/N gave a small shrug. “She's trying to cope, like all of us.” 
He nodded and then headed out. As he lifted the tent flap, Y/N called him back. When he turned his bright blue gaze on her she hesitated before asking the question that wouldn't leave her mind.
“Can we get him back? Somehow?”
Cas stared at her intensely for a moment before his eyes softened slightly; his deep voice was gentle as he spoke. 
“We can hope.”
Y/N closed her eyes. “Yes. Hope.”
When she opened her eyes again, the angel was gone.
A week after Dean left they still hadn't figured out any way to get him back, or even how to find him. Cas had begun to hear angel radio again, but the angels were being very quiet. Just the odd remark here and there that made Cas believe that they were still in Kansas, but he couldn't be sure.
The camp had gone back to functioning - mostly. But people kept saying things like, “We’ll run it by the Boss and see what he says.” before realizing that was impossible. The soldiers were trying to run things smoothly between them, and Brandy was helping to keep things as organized as possible. 
But Dean was very missed.
A full eight days after losing him, Y/N sat up at the table one night, desperately trying to think up a way to get Dean back to her. Her eyes were scratchy and red-rimmed as she let her head fall into her hands.
She may have fallen asleep right there if there hadn't been a sudden burst of white light. It lit up the tent, blinding her. As it faded slightly, she could just make out a man's shape. Her heart leapt for a moment before realizing this man was much too small to be Dean. 
A deep booming voice spoke and shook the ground around them. 
“Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Fear not, Y/N: for thou hast - Ow! Son of a bitch!” 
The angel cut off his proclamation and held up his hands as Y/N smacked him repeatedly with a broom. The last of his angelic light went out like a candle and he grabbed the broom away from Y/N and snapped it with incredible ease. 
“What the hell, lady?” He rubbed the side of his head where she'd walloped him. “You know that worked great with Mary. SHE knew how to be ‘sore afraid’.”
Y/N went to Emma's cot where her daughter was crying silently, obviously horrified to see another angel, inside their tent this time. 
“Get out!” Y/N said with as much strength as she could muster.
“You really don't want that, trust me.” The angel said, his hazel eyes twinkling, a smirk on his thin lips.
“Who are you; what do you want?”
He gave a little bow. “Name’s Gabriel, but I prefer Loki.”
The tent flap opened and suddenly Cas was there with Risa and Patrick flanking him. But Cas pulled up short when he saw the other angel.
“Hey, bro!” Gabriel said cheerfully.
Cas looked to the two soldiers on either side of him. “I'm fine here. You should patrol the area. Look for anything amiss or out of place. But don't approach it without me.”
Both soldiers gave a curt nod and left.
Cas came fully into the tent and his face was very wary. “Gabriel, what are you doing here? Where have you been for the last thousand Millenia or so? Most of us thought you were dead.”
“Nope.” Gabriel's voice was still nonchalant and cheery. “Just in a sort of witness relocation. Got sick to death of Daddy's beefs and Lucifer and Michael's petty squabbling. So, I took a little time off. Sailed around, saw the world, got myself a brand new face.” 
He framed his face with his two hands. “Cute, right?”
Cas just frowned at him and Gabriel rolled his eyes. “You have never known how to have fun Castiel.”
Cas raised an eyebrow. “Well, these humans are under my protection, so I'll save the fun until after you tell me what you're doing here.”
Gabriel lost his smirk and he crossed his arms. “Isn't it obvious? I'm here to save the day, as always.”
Cas scoffed. “Not likely. You tend to sew chaos.”
Gabriel shrugged. “What can I say, it's a talent.” He moved back to lean against the table. 
“But seriously, I'm so over this apocalypse. As soon as Lucy dumped his little virus on this world, I was outta here. No fun to be had with a bunch of humans barely clinging to life. So, I traveled near and far, all over the galaxy and a little bit further. It's been sort of fun. But let me tell you, there are only so many green-skinned, six-legged chicks you can bang before you start pining for home, you know?”
He gave his head a shake. “Don't know how Captain Kirk did it.”
“Get to the point, brother.” Cas said, annoyance lacing his tone.
“I'm here to help.”
“So you said. How?” Cas asked harshly.
Gabriel shrugged again. “I have a way to shove Lucifer and Michael into the cage.”
From his pocket he pulled out an oddly shaped object. It was an X made up of four circles, four rings, by the looks of it.
He held it up. “Borrowed these from the horsemen. Well,” he shrugged, “to be fair, only Death was willing to part with his, the others didn't wanna give ‘em up easily. But, you know, archangel trumps most. I was glad Death was so cooperative though, he woulda been a tough one to beat.”
Cas stepped up to him and held out his hand. Gabriel dropped the cross into it and Cas peered at it closely.
“The horsemen’s rings. What will this do?”
Gabriel's voice was quiet. “Keys to the cage, brother.”
Cas’ eyes widened. “Lucifer’s cage?”
Gabriel nodded. “And Michael’s too.” He paused for a beat. “And mine.”
Cas frowned. “Yours? Why would you throw yourself into the cage?”
Gabriel shrugged, but Y/N could see a flicker of some deep emotion pass over his mobile features. 
“Someone’s gotta pull those two down there. And I’d say after millions of years, and untold damage to the world, me and my brothers could use some time alone and family therapy.”
He allowed a smile to turn up the corner of his mouth.”From what I understand old Raffy’s taken up as a god on some distant planet. He always did like to be worshiped.” He shrugged again, his smirk firmly back in place. “So, it’s just the three of us.”
Cas shook his head. “Why are you doing all of this, Gabriel?”
The archangel took back the key to the cage and slipped it into his pocket. “Told ya, got sick of banging green chicks on Mars.”
“No. That's…there are no green women on Mars.” Cas said, looking at Y/N as though to reassure her. 
Y/N stood up and walked the few steps to where Gabriel stood, looking him straight in the eye. “Can you bring Dean back?”
Gabriel contemplated her for a moment and then shook his head. “No.” 
Y/N felt her stomach lurch, and she opened her mouth to shout at him, but Gabriel held up a hand, patting his pocket with the other. “With this I can open the cage, and I can pull my brothers down with me to be locked away. But if you want Dean back, you’ve gotta get him to toss Michael first. Otherwise, his body and soul come down too.”
Y/N began to panic. “What are you talking about? You are not dragging Dean down to hell, no matter what!” She shouted, her fists balled. “I will not let you.”
Gabriel’s smile looked genuine for the first time as he looked at Y/N fuming in front of him before turning to Cas. “She’s feisty! Dean knows how to pick ‘em!”
He looked back at Y/N and held both his hands up in surrender. “Look, I can’t extract Michael from Dean’s body, it doesn’t work that way; Dean has to be the one to throw him out. And there’s nothing I could say to give him that kind of strength.” He tilted his head slightly. “But you might be able to. You’re our best shot.”
He looked to Cas. “If she can get Dean to toss Michael, I’ll grab on to him. I’ll be able to hold him for a little while. Hopefully long enough to get to Lucifer and try to get Sam Winchester to eject him.” 
He shook his head. “That one’s gonna be a lot harder, and I’m not gonna lie, I don’t hold out very much hope. I also don’t know what kind of shape Sam’s gonna be in even if he can get him out. He’s held Lucifer for five years now, he might be too far gone.”
Cas nodded. “If we can get Dean, he can get Sam. Or, he’ll be the best chance anyway. And if Sam manages to eject Lucifer, Dean won’t care what condition he’s in, he’ll fix him.”
Gabriel gave a nod. “We’ll see, I suppose. But we gotta start with Dean so…” He looked at Y/N. “What do you say, beautiful?”
Y/N contemplated him for a moment before looking at Cas. “Do you trust him?”
Cas was quiet for a long time, looking Gabriel over, the debate clear in his expression. 
The archangel rolled his eyes. “Thanks, bro.”
Finally Cas nodded. “Yes, I believe we can trust him.”
Y/N took a deep breath, hope and fear spreading throughout her body in equal measure. “Okay, then let’s go save the Winchesters.”
Their traveling party was prepared and ready to go in very little time, most of which was spent explaining to Emma why she couldn’t come. 
Y/N knew how terrified her little girl must be, thinking she was losing her mother now too. Eventually though, her tears subsided and her little face became resolved to what was happening. It broke Y/N’s heart to see that resolve, to know that her daughter’s soft heart was getting tougher. 
Y/N swore to herself that she was going to bring Dean home, and they would live happily ever after, spoiling Emma and letting her go soft once again.
Before they left, Y/N gave Monique a hug and thanked her again. She’d pulled her friend aside earlier and spoken quietly with her, asking her to take care of Emma if anything should happen to her. Tears had welled up in Monique’s beautiful amber eyes but she’d clasped Y/N’s hands tightly. 
“I will always look after Emma as my very own.” She shook her head and dashed away her tears. “But you’ll be back in no time, I’m sure. So, I’ll see you soon.”
The soldiers, Brandy and Monique had all checked privately with Y/N about whether or not she was really okay to set off with two angels. Y/N reassured them that she trusted Cas completely and he trusted Gabriel. So she did too. Besides, she’d reasoned, if this was their only possibility to save Dean, she had to take it. 
Gabriel said he knew just where Michael was staying, so she held Cas’ hand as the archangel tapped his brother’s shoulder and in a blink they were suddenly standing just outside a rundown Victorian house. 
The springtime sun was just beginning to lighten the sky in the East as they popped into existence on the sidewalk outside the house.
She hadn’t even had time to wave goodbye.
The three of them walked slowly up the front stairs and through the door. As they entered the house they heard a voice call from the back. 
“The polite thing to do would have been to call first, you know.”
Y/N felt her heart leap. She recognized Dean’s voice, but it sounded different. The consonants were more clipped, the words more even in tone, almost bland, bored. His voice had none of Dean’s rough, expressive way of speaking.
The dissonance continued as they walked into the sitting room and found Dean. He held himself ramrod straight, and when he turned towards them, his face held none of Dean’s stony anger, or joyful exuberance. It too was bland, cold, his normally shining, emerald eyes looked almost empty.
Looking at this version of Dean was very difficult. Somehow being in front of this non-Dean made Y/N miss him even more. 
But he never spared her a glance. All his attention was on his brothers. “Castiel, it’s been a long time. And Gabriel,” he looked him up and down, “it’s been even longer. Millions of years, in fact. I almost didn’t recognize you in this vessel.”
“Yeah, got this one custom made by a good friend of mine.” He ran a hand across his chest. “I’ve grown quite fond of my earthly form, so I’m happy I don’t have to share it with a human, and I don’t ever have to turn into a bright white mist, cause there's no human inside to reject me. This beautiful face is mine all mine.”
He smiled wide, but Michael just frowned. “That’s sacrilege, brother. Our angelic form is greater than any human disguise.”
Gabriel shrugged. “But they sure come in handy don’t they. If you wanna get anything done on earth, they really are a necessity.” He raised a hand towards him. “Hence all your trouble to get this one.” 
Gabriel's tone became grandiose and overwrought. “For here is your sword, your one true vessel. Destined for eons to be the one human whose bones you were the most eager to jump.”
Michael stared at him soundlessly for a moment and then spoke in the same even, emotionless tone. “Why are you here, Gabriel? And why have you brought this human?” He pointed at Y/N, but still didn’t look at her.
Gabriel paused a beat before answering. “Well, we have a bone to pick with you.” 
That was the signal to spur Cas into action. A white light shot out from Gabriel’s hands, connecting him to Michael. As the two archangels fought, Michael trying desperately to break the hold Gabriel had on him, Cas ran in front of him, drawing a straight line from wall to wall in holy oil and then dropping a lit match, trapping Michael behind the line of flame. 
Gabriel let his brother go, grunting with effort as the connection broke. Michael’s borrowed face was no longer emotionless, it was furious and bubbling with hate. 
“How dare you!” He shouted at Gabriel. “How dare you try to interfere with my destiny. This fight has been postponed for five long years while Lucifer ran amok. It is my duty to fight him and end him!”
Gabriel was scowling at his big brother a moment before a wide grin spread across his face. “You said doody.”
Everyone paused to look at him askance, and he shrugged. “What? That’s funny! Nobody has a sense of humor these days.” 
He shook his finger at Michael. “You know who would have laughed at that, the man you’re possessing. He would have thought it was hilarious. Or at least, he would have before the apocalypse struck. Been a bit down in the mouth since Lucifer possessed his brother and ended the world.”
Michael was still livid and he spoke through gritted teeth. “We tried to tell Dean that I needed my sword, that I needed my vessel to fight Lucifer, but he wouldn’t listen. He brought this on humanity.”
“Bullshit!” Gabriel called out and all traces of his humor were gone. “You could have used another vessel, you could have made due as Lucifer did before Sam. But no, you wanted THIS vessel.” He pointed at Dean. “And you were pissed you couldn’t have him, so you threw a hissy fit and left the world to burn.”
Silence reigned for a moment before Gabriel spoke again, quiet now. “And I left with you. I cashed in my chips and walked away from the table. But I kept an eye on humanity while I was galivanting around the universe. Kind of an old habit, and what I saw shocked me. The world was over, civilization destroyed, and yet - on they all trudged. These people. These humans. They kept on fighting. These flawed broken toys we all mocked and looked down on, they fought, they loved, they helped each other, they won and lost, but no matter what, they just kept going.”
Michael was motionless as Gabriel continued, pointing towards Y/N. “And just as there was a possibility of hope, just as they found a way they might be able to win, might be able to restart the world, here you come again, army in tow, ready to level the planet all over. And for what? So you can fight some ancient grudge match with our brother?” He shook his head. “What is the bloody point?”
Dean’s jaw ticked with Michael’s annoyance. “It’s my destiny. It’s what I was created to do.”
Gabriel looked sad as he glanced over at Y/N. “Well, not if she can help it.”
Y/N knew this was her time, it was on her now to help Dean find strength enough to eject the possessing angel. Michael’s cold eyes looked at her through Dean’s sparkling jade and she closed her own for a moment, imagining the warmth in Dean’s expression before she opened her eyes and smiled at him.
“Dean, can you hear me? I need you to listen, I need you to trust me. Throw him out. I’ll be safe, Emma and I will both be safe now. But I need you to come back home.”
“Dean isn’t available at the moment.” Michael said darkly. But she could see him squinting, almost as though he was in pain and Y/N chose to believe that Dean was fighting him from the inside. 
She kept talking as though Michael hadn't spoken.
“I have so many plans for us. Once we’ve made the cure possible, and the world is able to begin again, I really want us to go back home, back to Chitaqua. I wanna build a cabin there. Nothing fancy, you know, just something a bit bigger than the tent, but still cozy - with a bedroom door that locks.” She finished with a wide grin.
She stepped a little closer to him, careful to avoid the flame. “And, of course, I think we’re gonna have to get Emma that dog she asked for. And we can celebrate birthdays and holidays with all of our friends and family. We’ll keep them all close, and safe.”
Michael was stepping back from her, looking away and shaking his head as though he was dizzy. 
“Dean, I love you so much. All I want is to spend my life with you. Please kick him out. I know how strong you are, I know you can do it.”
“I’ll kill her!” Michael screamed out suddenly, as though his inner thoughts weren’t loud enough for Dean to hear. “You understand me? If you want her to live, want to keep her safe, stop fighting me. Now!”
Michael was breathing hard, but a joyless smile was spreading across Dean's beautiful face; the archangel was obviously pleased. 
“That's better.” He whispered, still slightly out of breath.
They were losing Dean, she could see it. Michael was terrorizing him again with threats against her. So, acting purely on instinct, Y/N made one last attempt, one huge Hail Mary. 
She took a deep breath and leapt over the fire, throwing her arms around Dean’s neck. She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him with every ounce of love and passion she could muster. 
She put everything into the kiss, every moment she’d loved him, and every promise she was making him were all there, tied up with all the hope in her heart. 
She felt a tingling against her lips that started to burn as she pulled away. She jumped back and fell to the ground as Dean let out a roar, and his mouth opened wide. The blinding white light that had consumed him was being forced back out of him, in an incredible light show that ended abruptly as Gabriel reached out and pulled the light into himself.
The darkness was complete for a moment before Y/N’s eyes could adjust. As the world came into focus, she could see Gabriel on the other side of the flame, breathing hard and fast. Cas walked to his side and poured some of his own white light into Gabriel, which seemed to stabilize him slightly. 
But his voice was still wobbly when he spoke. “We gotta go. I don’t know how long I can hold him in here with me.”
Y/N nodded and crawled over to where Dean had fallen to the floor. She turned his face towards her just as his eyes fluttered open. 
“Y/N?” He whispered and she nodded at him with tears flowing.
“Yeah, I’m here, I’m safe. We’re all safe.”
Dean shook his head. “But how…” He sat up slowly and looked towards where Cas and Gabriel stood. He squinted and shook his head in confusion. “The Trickster’s an angel?”
Cas’ eyes widened as he looked at Gabriel. “You were the Trickster the boys went up against? Twice?” 
Dean’s voice was slightly annoyed. “Yeah, he killed me like a million times.”
Y/N felt her stomach lurch, but Gabriel just waved it away as nothing. “I was trying to teach you boys something; wasn’t my finest moment maybe, but you gotta admit, the tacos were funny.”
“Not to me, asshole.” Dean grumbled. Y/N was very confused and about to ask for clarification when Gabriel bent double.
“Ugh!” He groaned. “Okay, could you postpone my spanking for that very hilarious prank until after I’ve saved you all?”
Y/N nodded and helped Dean to his feet. Gabriel looked at him. “Okay, pal, this one’s on you. We’re gonna go get Lucifer so I can toss all of us into the cage. We can try to get Sam to chuck him first. We’ll need you for that. But if you can’t get him, and it seems like Lucifer might get away, I’ll grab Sam as is and jump into the cage.”
Dean stormed up to him. “You are not taking my brother to hell, you understand me?” 
Gabriel just shrugged. “Then I guess you better reach him before it’s too late.”
He groaned again as he fought his brother internally, closing his eyes and putting a hand to his head. Without saying any more, they all got into position so Gabriel could zap them to Lucifer’s location. 
Just before he could manage it however, there was a bellow of rage from behind them, making them all turn. From the doorway, Zachariah charged forward, angel blade bared and aimed for Dean’s jugular. 
Dean shoved Y/N out of the way as the angel charged them like a bull. But when he was just a couple feet from Dean, Cas stuck his foot out, sending the furious angel spilling to the ground in a comical looking pratfall. 
He fell onto the still burning holy fire and screamed in pain, rolling around, trying to escape the flames. Before he could pull himself free, however, Dean grabbed onto the silver blade the angel had dropped. He raised it high, and then plunged it deep into his throat, forever freezing the angel's sadistic face in agony. 
More blinding white lights burst out of the dying angel, forcing Y/N to once again cover her head and shield her eyes. When she reopened them, she could see the angel’s blackened wings, as his empty vessel was slowly consumed in the flame. 
Dean stood up and then helped Y/N to her feet. After giving her a once over to determine she was alright, he turned to Cas. 
“Nice job, buddy. Very Keystone Cops.”
Cas frowned. “I don’t know an officer by that name.”
Dean just smiled and then slipped the blade into his pocket as he looked down at the dead angel. 
“Good riddance.” He said under his breath before a panting Gabriel yanked him back into position and zapped them all away.
Suddenly, in another heartbeat, they were all standing in a bombed out street; the buildings around them were crumbling and burnt. It was all that was left after some of the original fighting between the army and the Croats five years before. The bombings hadn’t worked. 
As they stood looking around, a man caught their eye. He was strolling out of one of the buildings less than twenty feet away; he was very tall and had long brown hair and an easy stride. 
Y/N could hear Dean gasp slightly beside her and she took his hand. The man, who could only be Lucifer, slowed down as he approached them. His smile was soft and patronizing.
“Well, well. This is a surprise. What a merry little band of rebels you’ve all turned into.” 
He nodded at Gabriel. “Our brothers and sisters all thought you must have been killed somewhere, but I knew better.” He studied him for a minute before smirking. “And I see he got hold of you, Mikey!” He said loudly. He chuckled. “He always was a cuck.”
He frowned slightly as he spared barely a glance for the rest of them. “But Gabe, buddy if you’re here to try and put me back in that cage?” He raised his hand and closed it into a fist and Gabriel began coughing as though he was choking. “Well, that simply isn’t going to happen.” 
Cas ran forward to help, but Lucifer tossed him aside with a sweep of his hand. Dean pushed Y/N to crouch behind an upside down car. “Stay here.” He warned, before turning back towards his brother.
“Sammy?” He called tentatively. Lucifer looked over at him and dropped Gabriel to the ground as he let him go. He faced Dean and shook his head. 
“You.” The devil said, his voice menacing. “You have no idea how sick I am of you. Do you know how many times I’ve had to listen to Sammy bellyaching about how he was letting you down? Do you know how ANNOYING it is to execute a perfect reign of terror just to have this boy,” he banged his chest, “weeping in my head instead of truly reveling in it with me?”
He shook his head. “It’s only been quiet in here since I threatened to find you and end you. See that’s how I got Sammy’s cooperation in the first place. I promised that if he said yes I wouldn’t snap your neck like kindling.” 
He waved towards Dean dismissively. “You were sound asleep at the time, you wouldn’t remember this. But Sam finally said yes, as I always knew he would, and in return I promised that you could keep on living. So when Sam wouldn’t shut up and stop whining, a simple threat to revoke our original deal was enough to silence him.”
He smiled, and Y/N thought it was pure sin for such a sweet, dimpled smile to sit on the face of evil. Lucifer tilted his head slightly as though he was listening to something. 
“But now…hey Sammy.” He said in a silky tone. “Been quiet so long, I'd actually started to miss you.”
Dean took a step closer. “Sammy, can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here and I’m so sorry, more than I can ever say. I never should’ve walked away from you. We should have fought these assholes together. I should have known that we’re stronger together than apart.”
He swallowed. “But you’ve gotta chuck him. We’ve got a plan, little brother, we can win. Believe me.”
Lucifer rolled Sam’s bright, hazel eyes just before he slammed his fist into Dean’s face, almost knocking him to the ground. 
Gabriel shot light at his brother, but it was much weaker than what he’d thrown at Michael; so much of his strength was being used to keep Michael locked inside himself. Cas added his strength, but Lucifer quickly pushed them both away, severing their hold on him. 
Blood gushed from Dean’s lip, his jaw already swollen and purple, as he started forward again. 
“Sammy, I need you to force him out. I know how strong you are. I know you can do it. I never should have doubted it, never should have believed they could defeat us. We are Winchesters and we never-” 
He broke off as Lucifer landed two more swift blows to his face, causing a sickening crack as Dean’s nose shattered and he crashed to the ground.
Y/N gasped and jumped up, running forward even though there was nothing she could possibly do. Gabriel and Cas fought him again, forcing Lucifer to stumble back slightly. But he found his footing quickly and severed the hold as he had before, this time sending both angels sailing through the air. 
Lucifer stared at Dean, hatred spreading across Sam's handsome features. "I am done with you." He shouted. "You are not worth my time."
Looking as though it was a struggle, as though the body he was possessing was fighting back, Lucifer raised his arm, his fingers poised to snap. Y/N screamed, memories bursting in her mind of the swiftness with which Zachariah had ended Johnston’s life with a mere snap.
But before he could manage it, Lucifer once again stumbled backwards. This time, however, Cas and Gabriel had barely risen from the ground and were just walking back towards them. 
Lucifer dropped his arm and fell suddenly to his knees. “No.” He whispered, shock suffusing the word, and then he screamed. “No!” The ground shook and rumbled, knocking all of them down.
Suddenly a burst of white light erupted from Sam’s mouth, and as he had before, Gabriel reached forward with his own light to trap his brother. 
The light suffused the archangel-turned-Trickster; it was no longer being wholly contained within himself, but spilling out of him as he tried to hold on to all of their angelic forms within his one custom-made vessel. 
Jerkily he reached into his pocket and threw the key at Cas. “Now, brother!” 
Cas tossed it to the ground and began chanting. As the chant ended, a wide hole began to crack open in the street.
Gabriel pitched forward towards the hole, but his body seemed to be disobeying his commands - his brothers were fighting against him with all their strength. The light emanating from Gabriel seemed to be splitting, as though the other two archangels were separating from him.
With one last surge of strength, Gabriel leapt forward and dove headfirst into the hole in front of him. There were deafening sounds of furious screaming that were quickly swallowed up as the ground closed around them.
There was only silence for a long time, as they all struggled to get their bearings, to reconcile what had just happened. 
Y/N was the first to move, running to Dean just as he stood up, and then collapsing in his arms. Dean held her tightly, kissing the top of her head and then cupping her cheeks to kiss her mouth, hard and fast. He pulled away and smiled.
Cas stepped forward to tap his fingers to Dean's forehead, instantly clearing the blood and bruises. 
Dean nodded and smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks, Cas.”
He looked back at Y/N and his beautiful eyes and mobile, expressive face were once again his own and Y/N rejoiced.
Dean turned them both to face Sam where he still knelt on the ground. With a quick squeeze, Dean stepped away from her to reach out a hand to his little brother.
Sam hesitated only a moment before he took it and let Dean pull him to his feet. The two men stared at each other for a minute before Dean yanked Sam towards him to wrap the taller man up in a bear hug, his arms wrapping over Sam’s shoulders and clinging tightly. 
Sam’s face crumpled slightly and he crushed his brother’s ribs as he hugged him back. “I’m so sorry, Dean. I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t…” He trailed off, but Dean was shaking his head. 
“No, Sam, no.” He pulled back to clap his hand against the side of Sam’s neck. “This isn’t on you.” Sam gave him a look and Dean shook his head. “Well, it’s certainly not all on you. We both fucked up, but we have a chance to fix things now.”
He turned back to Y/N and held his arm out towards her. She stepped forward to take his hand. Dean was beaming as he made the introductions.
“Sam, Y/N, Y/N, Sam.” Sam raised an eyebrow and Dean grinned. “Meet my wife.”
Sam’s eyes widened and Y/N gasped. “What?” She squeaked. 
Dean shrugged. “Well okay, maybe there’s still the formalities to go through, like the wedding ceremony.”
“And a proposal!” Y/N said, laughing from sheer joy, utter exhaustion and the madness of their new reality.
Dean grinned at her. “You saying you don’t wanna?”
Y/N beamed up at him. “Definitely not saying that.”
Cas interrupted. “Before you start planning the wedding, can we go home?”
Sam looked dazed and spoke softly as though trying to decide if it was all just a dream. “Where is home?”
Dean clapped him on the back. “Camp Chitaqua. You’re gonna love it, Sammy! Trust me. It’s paradise.”
“With outhouses.” Y/N said with a snort.
Sam’s smile was soft, and it suited his kind, handsome face much more than it had ever fit the devil.
“Sounds perfect. Let’s go home.”
Cas stepped forward and in a blink they were back in the field where the spring vegetables were just sprouting - where they could hear the voices of their friends and neighbors, and smell the thick scent of pine and new earth.
There was a cry of shock as the campers saw them all suddenly standing there. Shouts conveyed the message quickly throughout the camp and everyone came running to see their return. 
Y/N let out a cry of happiness as she saw Emma racing towards her, her little legs eating up the distance surprisingly fast. As she reached them, Dean scooped her up and pulled Y/N into the circle of his embrace so that the three of them hugged each other tightly. 
The rest of the day was spent celebrating and rejoicing, hours of storytelling, and off-key singing around campfires, food shared and enjoyed by everyone. 
Eventually, Dean, Y/N and Emma broke away to bring Sam to Dean’s old tent. They lit a lamp and Dean gave Sam the grand tour, pointing the way to the outhouses from there, and assuring him the cot was more comfortable than it looked. 
Sam nodded, still looking as though he couldn’t take it all in. Seeing his confusion, Y/N kissed Dean on the cheek and picked up Emma’s hand. 
“You boys have so much to catch up on. You should take some time together.”
Sam shook his head. “No, you’ve been away from each other long enough. This reunion should be yours.” He said, nodding at Y/N and Dean. Throughout the day he’d been caught up on how everything went down with Michael and Zachariah. 
But Y/N shook her head. “We’ve been apart a week, you’ve been apart for years. You need this time.”
Dean looked down at her, love shining in his gaze, before tossing his brother a smile. “Don’t bother arguing, Sammy, she always wins.”
He bent down and kissed Y/N deeply, making Emma curl her lip.
“Ew.” She said succinctly, and Y/N laughed as she pulled out of the kiss. 
She looked at Sam and then moved in for a hug. Sam hugged her back and she beamed up at him. 
“I'm so glad to know you, Sam Winchester. Welcome home.”
With that she pulled Emma out of the tent to let the brothers get to know each other again.
Hours and hours later, the camp was finally quiet. A lamp glowed here and there as people slowly settled into their tents for the night. A happy peace settled over the camp, blanketing it in coziness and calm.
Y/N had sung Emma to sleep an hour before and was now stretched out on her own cot. She was planning on waiting for Dean to come back from visiting with his brother. But almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, her absolute exhaustion hit her and she was out immediately.
She woke with a start some time later, and then sighed deeply as she felt Dean’s arms tighten around her. Across the room she could hear Emma’s soft snores and her eyes filled with tears as the reality hit her anew that they were all truly together again, safe and sound. She turned in Dean’s arms so she could face him.
“Dean.” She whispered. 
He smiled a sleepy smile and kissed her softly. “You were sleeping so soundly when I got home, I didn’t want to disturb you.” He whispered back, voice craggy with sleep.
“How is Sam?” She asked.
Dean sighed. “He’s okay. Gonna take time for him to be a hundred percent, you know. But he’s here, and he’s smiling, and he’s...Sammy.” He shrugged slightly. “So, that’s enough for now.”
Y/N nodded and wiped away a tear, finally making Dean notice them in the dark. His voice sounded slightly worried as he cupped her cheek and thumbed away the wetness. “Sweetheart, you're crying. Why?”
Y/N shook her head. “Because all my hopes and dreams have come true. We’re together, we’re safe, the camp is safe, the devil’s gone, and we actually have a real chance of remaking the world.”
Dean’s voice voice was a bit choked up too as he responded, grinning. “Yeah, but I don't plan on forgetting that promise you made me. When the world is fixed, we’re coming back here to live out our days in a big log cabin with locking doors and indoor plumbing, right?”
Y/N giggled. “I’m not sure about the indoor plumbing, but everything else is definitely in the cards, I hope.”
Dean pulled her close and tucked her head beneath his chin. “Well, we’re in the business of hope, so I think our chances are good.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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sammy-deserves-better · 9 months
Hey people who definitely didn’t follow me for my AUs here’s another AU I thought up on the spot!!!
Fantasy/Royalty AU bam lets get into it
Julia and Bowie are the princess and prince of the kingdom, as you do, it’s gay and lesbian hostility in that castle every day
Axel, Wayne, Raj and Emma are knights with Axel being the head of the knights, Emma is also secretly a florist because why not
Priya is the head of the guards while Caleb is the personal guard/advisor to the king
Chase is a travelling bard who loves to talk about his ‘amazing’ adventures of ‘helping’ people
Nichelle is still a famous actress but instead of movies she’s like, famous from plays and all that jazz
Ripper’s a barbarian that’s pretty good at his job, unfortunately he is not taken very seriously
Millie is a famous writer but she’s so damn difficult to find at times and only a few people know where she actually lives
Damien is a wizard’s apprentice, he’s still learning but he’s got some real talent within him
Zee is the court jester, he didn’t even like try out for the role he just started talking one time and the king thought he was hilarious
Scary Girl is a famous necromancer because she is, funnily enough, scarily good at her job
And MK, silly ol’ MK, is a master thief who is wanted all over the world, but can never be located, always managing to escape at the last moment
Alright here’s some more details yippee
Raj and Bowie are like, in love, obviously, knight x prince romance! Forbidden love that isn’t really forbidden but like it’s super cute and Raj is so smitten and Bowie just loves this handsome knight that would do anything for him
Wayne and Emma are friends here because I also think they’re silly, Wayne’s the only one who knows Emma’s secret florist job because she trusts him enough and also he accidentally found out but it’s fine!! But he also nearly gives away Emma’s secret so many damn times because he’s just a little bit stupid
‘Man I wish I could get Bowie a nice bouquet…’
‘Oh well Emma is actually a fl-‘
And then Wayne gets elbowed so hard he can’t breath for 2 minutes
Emma also definitely has a thing for the cute court jester but she has no idea on how to actually approach Zee so she just sends him flowers anonymously and sighs while looking at him lovingly
Julia and MK meet because MK climbs up the damn castle walls at 2am and sneaks into Julia’s room just to rob her, gets absolutely slammed by the princess, wakes up and is tied to a damn chair with Julia right up in her face about to rip her to shreds and all MK can say is ‘you are REALLY attractive oh my gods’
This throws Julia off, they start talking, Julia realises that despite the fact she is holding one of the most wanted criminals hostage in her room, she wants to keep seeing MK because she’s entertaining and mean and just slightly pathetic, so she lets MK go on the promise that the thief will come back every night and so she does and yadda yadda lesbians toxic yuri wins
Millie’s stories actually come to life because shocker she’s actually a wizard in disguise and she needs to be really careful about what she writes so that’s why she hides herself away and is so hard to track down because if the wrong people knew about her magic capabilities oh no that’s a lot of blood and injury and angst and 10k words every chapter
Millie’s parents also had this ability to create anything from mere writing, they shared this ability with the kingdom, and so if an important figure asked them to say…make a protector of the kingdom, they would do so, and they did, and that’s where our villain/antagonist comes in but that’s a story for another day
The older gens are also involved in this one way or another as well, most are just backgrounders but some hold important to the story
Damien is the wizard apprentice to Leonard and Tammy, two great and powerful sages who spend their time helping the world
DJ is the one who taught Emma how to be a florist, he’s kind and understanding and always helps Emma choose the right flowers to give to Zee
Eva trains Ripper under her watchful eye, she’s proud of how far he’s come, but feels he can do just a bit more
Aleheather are the king and queen of the kingdom, Bowie and Julia are their adopted children
And that’s all I got for now uhhhh add whatever you want to this it’s just a silly time
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naughtyneganjdm · 11 months
The Perfect Costume
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Summary: Negan goes to a Halloween store with his family in search of costumes to wear.
Characters: Negan & the reader (OC, second person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991043
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, a little smut (not very detailed), dirty minded Negan, etc
Notes: This is meant to be a sweet little fic with Negan being naughty in the way he talks and the smut is very miniscule and not very detailed. Just a short little Halloween fic. Enjoy!
“Any idea what kind of costume you have in mind kiddo?” Negan questioned following around your five-year-old daughter while she ran down the aisles of the Halloween store you were in. Negan had your eight-month-old son Noah strapped to his chest in a baby carrier while he held onto your hand. “Emma? Baby girl. Are we looking for something that is cute? Scary? Some kind of animal? We’re running on nothing here baby.”
“I don’t know daddy,” Emma exclaimed, stopping in her tracks to look back at Negan with a frown. Tossing her hands up, her dimples sank in looking around the aisle. “There is so much here! When I see it, I just know I’ll know that’s it!”
“Remember we’re looking for all of our costumes baby girl,” you reminded your daughter knowing that she had begged both you and Negan to pick everyone’s costume this year. “So you have four costumes to pick out.”
“I know, I know,” Emma blew off the responsibility of it all causing Negan to snort since she was so lost inside of the store that she really didn’t have a care in the world what either one of you were saying. “Finding a good Halloween costume is…really…really important. It can determine how much candy I get this year. Y’know?”
“Solid point baby girl,” Negan snorted, his fingers tightening around yours while you continued to follow your daughter around the Halloween store. It was like she was lost in a toy store and she was amazed with everything often stopping when she saw something that she thought was cool.
“Daddy!” she seemed in awe of something while she stepped before it. It was a monster mask that when you pushed a button, it looked like it oozed blood. An amused bout of laughter fell from her throat when she threw her head back to look at Negan. “It’s so ugly! I love it!”
It made both of you laugh, but her awe didn’t last long before she was running off to go look at something else that caught her eyes, “The interest lasted ten seconds before she’s off.”
“She is my daughter. She can’t focus on just one thing,” Negan snickered at the thought trying to keep up with Emma while she looked over everything. “I will take credit for all this pent-up energy. I have a hard time focusing too.”
“You? No,” you teased Negan, hitting him on his shoulder playfully. “You aren’t like that at all.”
“I notice the sarcasm in your tone,” Negan chuckled, his head lowering down with his lips hovering in over yours. Bringing your lips together in a lingering kiss, you heard the disgusted breath falling from your daughter. Pulling away slightly, you saw her staring up at the two of you with her hands on her hips. It made Negan let out a big belly laugh, his nose nuzzling in against the side of your neck with the anger that she was sharing for the two of you kissing. “I feel like a young boy getting scolded by my parents.”
“What did I tell the two of you about kissing?” Emma folded her arms out in front of her chest in attempts to lecture you. “Dial it back on the kissing. It’s gross.”
“It’s my way of telling your mother that I love her kiddo,” Negan pressed a faint kiss over the side of your cheek before kneeling down, hooking his arm around Noah who let out a small squeal when they were eye level with Emma. “Kisses aren’t a bad thing.”
“The last time the two of you got super kissy, I ended up with a little brother,” Emma blurt out causing Negan to choke and then laugh. Looking up at you with his big hazel eyes, Negan couldn’t help but smile and nod his head. “And while I love Noah, we don’t need another baby in the family. Not now at least. He cries a lot during the middle of the night.”
“That’s because he’s a baby sweetheart,” you reminded your daughter, stepping forward to place your hand in over your daughter’s shoulder in a tender squeeze. “Babies do that.”
“Imagine two babies doing that,” Emma circled her finger around Noah and his big eyes followed the movements of his sister’s finger from where he was strapped to Negan’s chest. “Noah is cute. And I like how he smiles, but the crying? No thank you!”
“You know, you used to cry too sweet pea,” Negan reached out to pull Emma in closer to him, careful enough to keep Noah safe while he peppered kisses over your daughter’s face. At first, she tried to hold it in, but the more Negan kissed at her face she couldn’t help but giggle. Her small hands placed in over the sides of Negan’s face and he laughed along with her.
“Your beard is itchy,” she tipped up on her toes to press a kiss over the side of Negan’s cheek. “I love you daddy, it’s just embarrassing how much you and mommy kiss. At home, okay. But in public, you need to cool it.”
“Got it,” Negan’s nose wrinkled and he gazed up at you again from where you were standing beside them. “We’ll work on it.”
“No you won’t,” Emma sighed gazing between both of you. Throwing her hands up in the air, she dramatically shook her head and shrugged. “I’m just gonna have to get used to babies. So many babies.”
“Emma,” you laughed watching your daughter turn on her heel after she gave Noah a quick kiss on his head.
“I’m okay with lots of babies,” Negan pointed out, letting out a grunt when he got up from his knees. Glancing back at him, you heard Negan laugh and shrug his shoulders. “I like being a dad. And I like what we have to do in order to make babies.”
“What does that mean?” Emma stopped in her tracks making your face flush over with a warmth when you reached for Emma’s hand.
“Nothing,” you immediately answered for Negan hearing his amused chuckle from behind you. “Now let’s find us some good costumes here.”
“Yeah. Maybe we should talk about what we are going to want for daddy’s costume. Maybe a vampire. I’ve got the looks and the charm for a vampire,” Negan suggested trying to keep up with the two of you while you looked through the aisles again. “Or maybe I can be like a zombie baseball player. Or like a wizard or something.”
“A wizard?” Emma stopped walking to look back at Negan. “What’s cool about a wizard?”
“I don’t know, they do magic and what not,” Negan looked to some of the costumes that were hanging.
“You’re not magical,” Emma heard Negan snort and he turned to look back at his daughter. “You’ve never been interested in magic tricks.”
“That’s not true,” Negan held his finger up in the air, his dimples sinking in when he let out a long exhale. “You should see the magic trick I can do when it comes to your mother’s pants.”
“Knock it off,” you groaned out, rolling your eyes noticing the mischievous sound that followed.
“What does he mean?” Emma looked up at you with big eyes and you shook your head. “Mom?”
“He’s just being silly,” you responded to your daughter who turned away and you let out a yelp when Negan moved in behind you to pinch your bottom. Emma stopped, giving you a strange expression with the sound you made. “Sorry honey.”
“I think it’s pretty magical how fast I can get your pants off,” Negan whispered in your ear and you rolled your eyes, pushing your hand into Negan’s shoulder to put some distance between the two of you. “I could be a killer clown. I think I’m pretty funny.”
“No,” Emma slurred out her words causing Negan to huff out loud. Emma was denying all the suggestions that Negan was throwing out for his personal costume and you found it amusing how she was ignoring her father’s ideas.
“How about this one for you mama?” Negan called out pulling a costume out that was very skimpy with devil horns on it. “Or, if you don’t like that one…”
Negan pulled out something similar and held it up to show that it was an angel costume, “This one is just as nice and we can use it after the kids go to sleep.”
“That looks cold,” Emma noted after you gave your husband a glare. “It’s going to be cold at night daddy. She doesn’t want something like that.”
“I was just thinking for after we go trick or treating,” Negan gazed between the two before setting the angel costume down and grabbing the devil one. “I think I’ll get this. Just in case.”
“You’re weird,” Emma commented, squeezing her fingers tighter around yours and it made you snicker. “Why would you want to wear a costume when you’re not trick or treating?”
“He’s just being goofy like daddy often is,” you gave Negan a glance and he tipped his head to the side. “Has anything caught your eye yet honey?”
“So many things! That’s the problem,” Emma exclaimed gazing around at everything in frustration. “I love it all.”
“Well you are going to have multiple Halloweens after this honey,” you suggested hearing Noah coo out and you looked back to see that he was curling his fingers around Negan’s index finger holding tightly to it. “I think your little brother is hungry.”
“He will eat soon, we just have to figure this out,” Emma insisted tugging firmly on your hand to pull you toward a section of the store where she had seemed to have the most interest.
“I found two things that I think you should get for me,” Negan’s voice drew your attention when he returned with trophies in his hands. Holding them out to you, you accepted one to see that it said biggest cock on the block and then reached for the other to see that it said pussy eating champion on it. You choked back on your laughter trying not to draw attention to the items that he had grabbed. You were thankful your kids were too small to understand these things at this point. “They fit, right?”
“Did you go out in search of the naughty section of the store?” you shook your head in disbelief hearing his amused laughter follow. “You need to chill.”
“I don’t understand, why would you want to eat cats?” Emma’s voice beckoned the both of you and you saw that she was standing up on her toes to read the trophies that Negan had grabbed. “Daddy, you’re allergic to cats. Your eyes would puff up and that’s just gross. Who eats cats?”
The immediate laughter that followed from Negan when you noticed two other parents staring out at you in disbelief made your face hot with embarrassment but you couldn’t help but laugh too at the situation. Both from your daughter’s innocence and the situations Negan always put you in.
“You’re a dick,” you breathed out under your breath knowing that by the wickedness of Negan’s laughter that he was proud of himself.
“Why is no one answering me?” Emma seemed frustrated, but Negan walked off to go return the trophies. “Why would he want to eat cats?”
“He doesn’t want to eat cats baby,” you assured your daughter with a sigh noticing that Negan was in quite a spunky mood today. “Let’s find those costumes.”
“You both are weird today,” Emma noted and you didn’t disagree with her there. When Emma found something, you saw her eyes light up at the sight of it. “Mommy! I’ve got it! This can be daddy’s costume!”
When Negan returned, he was singing one of the Halloween songs to Noah that was clearly on his mind.
“Your daughter found you something,” you pointed to the outfit that Emma had found for Negan and he looked up letting out a long, lingering groan. “This is yours.”
“Oh come on,” Negan grumbled seeing Emma look back at him at excitement.
“Isn’t it great daddy?” Emma held the costume out and Negan looked to you, his dimples sucking in when he breathed loudly.
“Yeah, honey, it’s just great,” Negan sighed, feigning a smile knowing that he would do anything for his daughter. “I can’t wait to try it on.”
“Daddy this is so freaking cool!” Emma boasted running down the driveway from the home she had just trick or treated at with you. The ears from her Tigger costume bounced when she went to give Negan a hug, slamming into him with excitement. “I told you the right costume would get me all the best candy. That woman gave me full sized candy bars,” she pulled back to reveal the candy that was in her bag. “You should go up with me next time so maybe we can get more.”
“I’m super happy for you kiddo,” Negan reached down to pick up Emma while you carried Noah. “You know, I get why you made your little brother Piglet, but is there a reason you let your mama be a pretty witch and I had to be Winnie the Pooh?”
Involuntarily a laugh fell from your throat when you looked to Negan and the costume he was wearing. It was an oversized the Winnie the Pooh costume and you could see his face flushing over with red when a few kids from the school he worked at walked by.
“You always call mommy honey, so I just thought it fit daddy!” Emma exclaimed, clinging tightly to Negan while he made it to the next house. “You tell me I’m bouncing off the walls all the time. So I make the best Tigger. Noah is always hungry and he’s small. So Piglet makes sense y’know?”
“And mama gets to be a pretty witch? Why wasn’t she Eeyore instead?” Negan wondered looking to you knowing that you found amusement in all of this.
“Because mommy isn’t sad like that. She’s pretty and I think witches are cool!” Emma explained with a tiny laugh when she wiggled out of Negan’s arms to reach for his hand to eagerly lead him up toward the door and you followed not far behind with Noah. Once you finished up at that house, when you got to the bottom of the driveway Emma hugged Negan again causing another groan to fall from his throat. “Come on guys.”
“You know, I love her hugs,” Negan began as you followed Emma on the sidewalk as she continued to skip to the next house, “but I can’t wait until she gets a little bit taller. Every single time she runs and hugs me, she headbutts me right in the nuts.”
“Negan,” you couldn’t help but laughed watching him reach down with his big Winnie the Pooh paw to try to adjust himself in a way that wouldn’t draw attention to it, but it looked pretty ridiculous.
“I’m not kidding. I’ve been headbutted in the nuts about fifty times today alone,” Negan informed you with a tiny rumble of a laugh. “And that shit hurts. Even being in a padded chubby bear costume.”
“Come on daddy!” Emma called out reaching for Negan who eagerly stumbled up the driveway with his daughter. Emma was so excited and Noah was really just enjoying the lights and all the costumes, letting out small laughs from where he was strapped to your chest in his baby carrier.
Negan urged Emma to keep going until the very end of trick or treating and by the time you had gotten home, Negan had grabbed Noah and went to the kitchen table to help sort through the candy that they had gotten. You couldn’t help but be in awe of your husband seeing him sitting at the kitchen table with both your son and daughter sitting on his lap still dressed in his Winnie the Pooh costume. The amount of pictures you took tonight were ridiculous, but you couldn’t help how cute you found everything.
At the end of the night, Negan had fallen asleep on the couch still in his costume with both Emma and Noah on his chest after watching movies together. You had taken your costume off and you were cleaning up things, but you couldn’t help but be in awe of the way your husband was with your children. As silly or ridiculous as he was, Negan always showed up when it came to being a dad. He made things fun for your children and he showed them endless amounts of love.
The sound of movement drew your attention seeing the way that Negan carefully moved off the couch to carry both a sleeping Emma over his shoulder and Noah in his other arm, “You need some help there Pooh?”
“I’ve got this,” Negan assured you and you followed him up the stairs of your home to the second floor. Watching Negan put your children to bed helped you to realize how much you truly loved your husband. He was a great father and there was no question that was the sexiest thing about him. After he peppered Emma with kisses, Negan followed you back out into the hallway and threw his hands up in the air. “I need to get this costume off.”
“Let me help you,” you reached for his hand, laughing when the paw accepted your grasp. Leading him to the bedroom, you closed the door and moved around Negan to undo the zipper at the back of the costume. Negan pushed down the head of the costume and grunted when he tugged his arms out of the material. “You know, I thought you were pretty hot when I first met you. Wearing that leather jacket looking like a bad ass.”
“Yeah?” Negan’s eyebrow arched in curiosity, sitting down on the edge of the bed. His hair was wet from being sweaty while he worked to get the legs of the costume off. When he was done, he tossed the costume aside and was sitting before you in a white t-shirt and black athletic pants that he had worn underneath the costume.
“But nothing tops how sexy I found you tonight,” you informed him, moving forward to curl your finger in underneath his chin to get him to look up at you. There was an amused expression over his features while you caressed over his face. “Dressed in a costume you hated, making our children happy being the sweetest father.”
“Ah,” Negan snickered, turning his head to the side to place a kiss over the center of your palm. “You have a Winnie the Pooh kink, huh?”
“Oh stop,” you rolled your eyes hearing his laughter follow and he tugged you down to fall in over his lap. Hooking his arms around you, Negan started to tease you with the idea of kissing you, but it was just a faint brush of his lips over yours. “I just love you. So much.”
“I love you more,” Negan hummed, finally claiming your lips in a kiss. Your kisses grew in strength and before you knew it, you found yourself at the center of your bed with Negan crawling in over you after he managed to strip off the remainder of his clothes. “It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to be with one another like this. We usually have one of the kids with us at all times.”
“Then we better take advantage,” you suggested, brushing your fingers through his wet hair drawing him to your lips again letting out a soft moan when he entered you. The rolling of his hips was slow over you while he took time to pamper you. “Negan.”
“We should have grabbed that devil costume before we did this,” Negan hummed against the side of your neck making you both laugh. Dropping his forehead against yours, Negan’s winces grew louder with every thrust he made over you. “Fuck.”
“Yes,” you purred in his ear, curling your fingers into the curls at the back of his neck.
“Yeah?” Negan breathed out, his hazel eyes locked on yours when every move he made grew in strength. The sound of crying filled the air over the baby monitor and Negan let out an overwhelmed sound, his head burying against the side of your neck. “No, no. Fucking, shit.”
Amusement flooded your veins when you stroked your fingers through Negan’s wet hair realizing that you weren’t going to be able to finish with Noah crying, “I can get him.”
“No,” Negan groaned out, pulling his hips back and away from you with a wince. Reaching for his athletic pants, he pulled them up and over his hips adjusting himself when they were on. “I’ve got this.”
“Maybe Emma was right. We should stop at two,” you teased watching Negan swiftly crawling back in over the bed to pepper kisses over your lips.
“Nah. I want a fucking baseball team,” Negan slurred against your lips and it made you chuckle against his flesh. “I got this, but when I’m done with the little dude, I’m coming back in here and we’re finishing this up.”
“Sure we are,” you mused knowing that it would probably take a while to get Noah settled again. Negan held his finger out and pointed at you which made you laugh. Even if you didn’t get as much romantic time as you may have wanted with Negan, it was all worth it to you. Because living your life with Negan was better than anything you could have hoped for.
Tags: @slutlanna976 @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor​ @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan​ @redmercysugar @caprithebunny​ @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth​ @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx​  @insertneganhere​ @haleygreen23​ @xhannahbananax03​ @sanctuaryforthelost​ @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight  @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes​ @tone-stark @lanadelnegan
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
emma and nick wake up in the woods the morning after turning and sort out what happened the night before, specifically what happened at the campfire
(preferably abi is still alive)
🐼Admittedly, I snagged this one to practice writing Nick's POV, but I'm also so emo for Furblygbank already so we're kind of killing two birds with one stone. Thanks for the ask, anon :)
The rising sun’s golden hue was almost blinding to Nick’s bleary eyes. He’d just woken up in the middle of the woods in his underwear and needed a second to regain his grip on reality. The last thing he remembered was…red. Like, an entire red room. Before that, he was in the poolhouse, and Abi —
Did he kill Abi?
“Hello? Anyone in there?”
Nick blinked and squinted at the person pestering him. Emma was leaning over him with her hand outstretched, and she was soaked with blood. He refused her hand and scrambled to his feet, attempting to string his words together into a poor facsimile of a sentence. “What…where did…why are you bloody?”
Emma looked him up and down. “I could ask you the same question. Let me guess; you were also attacked by a big scary animal with glowing eyes and massive claws?”
“Yeah…right after you pashed me in front of Abi at the campfire and left to go have fun with Jacob.” Nick didn’t mean to sound bitter, especially since it seemed as though Emma had had an equally shitty night, but he’d admit that he was a bit…jealous. Of what? He didn’t know.
“Oh, come on.” Emma rolled her eyes. “Don’t act like you weren’t at least a little bit into it.”
Were they really doing this? Right now, when he was wrestling with the notion that he very well could have murdered his crush when he was — he didn’t know what had happened to him — transformed? Nick lowered his gaze toward the dew-laden grass embracing his bare feet. He would have thought it beautiful or poetic or something if he wasn’t currently having a mental breakdown. “Emma, I—I think I may have killed Abi.”
She stared at him with a tired expression. “Nick…” her voice trailed off. “...we should go try to find the others. I was with Jacob, but he—he turned into one of those things.” Great. It was spreading. “Do you have any idea where we are?”
Nick assessed their surroundings; they were near where he and Abi had collected sticks and watched the sunset not even a day ago. He could pinpoint the lodge from here. “Um…I think the lodge is this way. Yeah, definitely this way.” Nodding toward their destination, he began to tentatively walk in that direction.
Emma followed. “Hey, for the record, I think Abi might be okay.”
“I was sitting in the van trying to hide from these old guys with guns, and then I think I turned into one of whatever these things are, and I saw Abi. She was running away from me.” Emma winced. “And I think Dylan shot me.”
“Dylan? Are you sure it wasn’t a hallucination?” Nick couldn’t believe he was amused by that thought. Perhaps this god-awful night wasn’t as bad for the other counselors as it had been for him.
“You know, Nick, I’m not really sure any of what’s happened tonight was real, including this conversation, so no, I’m not,” Emma sighed. The exhaustion was setting in for both of them. Nick wondered what the chances were that they could take a quick power nap back at the lodge. Probably slim.
They trekked together in silence until Nick couldn’t take it. “Are we bad people?”
Emma shot him an offended glance. “I don’t think kissing someone on a dare makes you a bad person.”
Nick knew it wasn’t that black and white. That kiss was not just a kiss. “No, but choosing to kiss someone you know your best friend likes, and who also likes them back, and bragging about it afterward might.”
“It got you two to go and have a nice, romantic kiss in the moonlight, didn’t it?” Emma replied dismissively.
“N—no. No, Emma. We were attacked. I got bitten by that animal and then I told Abi I only liked her because she was stupid and easy to manipulate. She was nothing but kind to me and I—” Nick inhaled sharply. His eyes stung at the sudden recollection of those last moments. “Easy pickings. Right off the bone,” he’d growled before tossing her across the poolhouse. Who says that? Who does that?
“Hey, come back to me. I’m…I’m sorry.” Emma’s voice was soft. She placed a hand on his arm. “You’re right; kissing you was a dick move. You two were just so scared to make the first move that I thought I could fix it with a little drama. I’d say it backfired pretty spectacularly.”
Nick said nothing. At this rate, he’d be a sobbing mess by the time they reached the lodge.
Emma continued. “I don’t know what happened between you two, but I do know that Abi’s got a big heart and she likes you a lot. She won’t hold a grudge against you for something out of your control. Me, on the other hand…I’m not so sure after all of this. I think I’ve burned that bridge.”
I think we both have, Nick thought as the lodge came into view. Maybe it would have been better for him to have killed Abi. He wasn’t prepared to face her yet. He probably would never be.
Right as they reached the bottom steps, the front door opened. Abi stood in the doorway, blood and sweat matting her already dark red hair and the remnants of a nasty bite still visible on her shoulder. “Oh my god.” She rushed down the stairs toward them.
“Abi…” Nick started, but the air was knocked out of him before he could pull an apology out of his arse. She wrapped him in a tight embrace.
“You’re okay. I thought I’d killed you,” her voice buzzed in his chest.
Nick had no idea how to respond to that. Wasn’t he supposed to be the rabid monster who was killing people? “L—likewise.”
Abi lifted her head and looked at Emma. “You too. Come here.” She reached out her arm and pulled Emma close.
“Abs, we’re not exactly clean right now,” Emma said in a nervous huff of laughter. “You don’t have to—”
“Oh, shut it. I’ll take bloody friends over werewolves any day.”
Werewolves? Was that what he was? Fucking hell.
The three of them held onto each other in silence. They’d survived the night. Maybe there was still hope for their fractured bond to do the same.
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alessiathepirate · 11 months
The Quarry
TAKING RISKS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Chris Hackett x fem!reader
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Summary: This is quite risky, she thinks but the thought disappears as soon as his lips touch her skin...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes
This is quite risky, the thought appears at the back of her mind, but it disappears just as quickly when Chris Hackett's lips touch her neck.
His kisses are slow, lingering; the kind that makes her forget about everything other than him. Her right hand runs along his back, caressing it even if his shirt is in the way - the gentle touch becomes rough a few times, when his kisses roughen up, making her whole being burn.
"Chris-" she tries to get his attention unsuccessfully, because the man is paying more attention to her skin and how his touch makes her act.
She can hear the music downstairs, she can hear the kids singing - her friends are probably there too, wondering where she went. They are doing their job, the job she also should be doing. Instead she's feeling really close to Heaven with her back against a door and Chris' body so close to hers.
"Chris-" she tries again and this time she's successful.
Her lover looks her in the eyes as his kisses come to a stop, but even then his hands are still moving. One is beside her head, keeping the both of them steady; while the other is holding her waist, his thumb gently drawing shapes into the material of her shirt.
"What is it darling?"
The way he says 'darling' sets her insides on fire and she almost forgets what she wanted to say in the first place.
"They'll figure it out." she starts explaining. "We both disappeared on them."
"Let them." he says as he presses a kiss to her cheek. "At least they'll have something to gossip about."
It would be so easy to forget about the dinner downstairs and let Chris love her and prove his love to her. She could easily let them gossip, let herself be the reason for those gossips as well.
She could let all of that happen. They aren't doing anything wrong after all, they're both adults who can date if they want to. She could let Emma call her a whore playfully, she could let Dylan send her teasing looks...
She could let go just this once...
She's about to let her feelings rule her body, when she hears a pretty scary sound from behind the door. Someone stepped inside Chris' office, the room what's right behind her. For a second she thinks she forgot how to breath.
"Mr. H?" a voice calls out and she bites her lower lip to keep her sounds of pleasure back after Chris playfully bit her skin as his hand kept on drawing those shapes.
She knows that voice. Ryan is the one in the other room, he is the one who could hear everything if they aren't quiet, he is the one who could open that door and make them fall in any second.
She puts her hand on Chris' shoulder, pushing him back. Their eyes meet and Chris smiles, his gestures hiding a special kind of mischief, the kind only she could see and no one else.
"He isn't here?" another voice speaks up and she freezes completely - that's Dylan. God, it's a risky situation!
"No." Ryan answers. "But I really need to talk to him."
"About the swimming lessons?"
"Yeah, about those too."
Her gaze must be full of fear. Chris must be able to read that correctly, but he doesn't seem to care. Instead he leans in and kisses her, their lips meeting in a slow and loving kiss - later forming into something more passionate.
Her mind is blank, empty, unable to focus on anything else but him, not being able to care about her own fear of becoming the whore of her friendgroup. She can't think that through, because Chris' kisses are too good.
"Did you check in here?"
The kisses linger and soon her neck is bitten and sucked again, and she has to press her lips tightly together to stay quiet.
Only then does it occur to her that Dylan means the door - the door behind which she is being kissed and loved. She tries to make Chris listen to her even if she can't speak up. She tries to tell him silently that if they don't stop they are screwed. She tries all of that with the last pieces of care she has in herself - and then, after a kiss right under her ear and the feeling of his fingertips touching and grabbing her naked skin under her shirt, she whimpers. She gives up and prays, not finding anymore power to refuse all the affection.
She hears a very quiet click. She feels Chris' other arm move and realizes with a grin that he just locked the door.
"Dude, just let it go. We'll see him at the firepit later anyway."
The doorknob still jiggles and the wood still shakes. Dylan still tries to open it, unsuccessfully.
"I always wanted to know what's behind that door."
It'd be a great surprise, she thinks.
As Dylan's steps fade away a bit, the kisses stop and she hears an almost unnoticeable whisper: 'Be quiet now...'.
She hears the smile in his voice even if she can't see it. She can imagine the almost smirk like curl of his lips.
Stay quiet.
She leans back, tilting her head to the side to give Chris more access to her neck.
Damn what the others think or know. Damn Emma's teasing words and Dylan's playful looks.
She can feel good about herself for a day too.
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i wrote down all my thoughts episode by episode when i watched the new season. here they are. enjoy!
episode one
just from her intro priya is giving me courtney vibes
i love zee’s voice
ripper’s voice jumpscared me
LAUREN??? why does she have a baby voice
okay WHAT is going on between emma and chase
i love mk’s voice
wayne and raj are already annoying me
this cast is so bi
julia’s intro is so fucking funny
wait its been 15 years and chris and chef look the exact same??
this is actually pretty funny/witty
millie is so fucking funny just writing down everyone being dumb though i do wonder if ppl are gonna find her reserach and turn on her like courtney’s list [prediction: correct]
okay wayne is still annoying but wearing a cup on total drama is the smartest move anyone has ever made
“straight couples amiright?” to “straight couples are messed up” 10/10 gay writing for bowie right there
bowie!! finally a smart elimination!! sorry caleb
episode two
emma bowie friendship is everything
axel you are everything to me
that’s probably gonna get her eliminated though [prediction: correct]
this pirate music is so fun
are priya’s parents friends with sierra’s mom or something
chris drew a shark on his hand to remember to release the sharks (but fr that doesn’t seem like og chris he wouldn’t have forgotten. its the old age)
scary girl vs the frogs of death… scary girl is gonna win. idk how but she will
now zee or axel are gonna go home and i like them both :(
okay wayne and raj are getting less annoying and more endearing. surfer dudes vibes. also its cute how wayne calls raj rajy
okay that was kind of an awesome amputee reveal
sdlkfghjfdghjkfdls zee exploiting his disability to stay on the show. king.
NOOOOOOOO HOW DARE YOU CHOOSE RIPPER OVER AXEL. literally my least fav and my fav
yes!! bite him!!
episode three
nichelle as a flight attendant so cute!!
priya i love you. new favorite. millie as well their friendship is so cute
zee just out here lying. love that
raj bowie relationship??
wait nevermind
actually that’s so cute. wayne is just gonna be oblivious isn’t he [prediction: incorrect. extremely incorrect]
freckled intern is so cute
damien you are so smart and so dumb i love you
ripper really said sexism huh
scary girl is so one dimensional but so silly
there are bears living in the climbing wall????
chref married moment
mk i love you
new predicition priya is gonna prove herself to the team and do awesome but still not win and ripper is eliminated [prediction: incorrect]
mk you are so smart i love you
i love emma’s vengeance
raj you are having a gay awakening and i am HERE for it
new new prediction, damien will get himself voted out so he can leave
well he pretty much confirmed that as soon as i hit play again [prediction: correct?]
i gotta say i do appreciate the openly gay character not to be the pining one
oof yeah i kinda saw this coming with nichelle
“cringe” okay fair bowie
nichelle is having a fucking. existential crisis
goodbye nichelle :(
episode four
sdlkhgfjklsghfkdjs the arrow signs
chase is here to be awful huh
do they all have hydroflasks
millie and priya are so cute i love them
priya training millie is gonna be the death of this friendship, however [prediction: kinda correct?]
zee you are so dumb i love you
new prediction, scary girl is getting voted out for being scary [prediction: correct]
also why did chris announce her as lauren and then everyone’s called her scary girl
new prediction, mk is gonna win bc she’s good at stealing [prediction: kinda correct?]
since when is chef responsible
never mind he’s not
chref moment
okay wayne and raj have officially gone from annoying to endearing. i love them now
mk scarlett moment lmao
yeah this is for sure raj’s gay awakening
ripper’s voice actor sounds so familiar i gotta look him up
YOURE TELLING ME WAYNE FIGURED IT OUT BEFORE RAJ??? WAYNE??? I THOUGHT HED BE OBLIVIOUS THIS WHOLE TIME??? but fr that was so cute im actually impressed with how theyre writing this whole thing because yknow. its total drama
ripper. please leave.
nooooo scary girl. that was a great exit though. but millie why didn’t you vote with priya?? i know something’s up
“she took the skull?” “she took the skull” LMFAO
episode five
okay this priya millie thing is becoming a commando zoey arc [prediction: kinda correct?]
i love millie’s hair
damien is really campaigning against himself lmao. what if he wins that would be so fucking funny [prediction: incorrect]
nooooooo not the farting episode
animatronic raptors, im calling it [prediction: incorrect??]
what the FUCK is chase’s ass doing. horrifying
extreme bi zee moment
zee you are a genius i love you
wayne is so ready to be supportive this is so cute (im also shocked that they differentiated between gay and bi on fucking. total drama.)
them skating is so cute
mk’s tell all about the confessionals is gonna be shown as footage to make ppl maaaaaaaad [prediction: kinda correct?]
julia is a dawnkota baby
noooo justice for that raptor
holy shit damien. im actually starting to think you might win now [prediction: incorrect]
new prediction: bowie and raj are gonna have a thing and keep it a secret and mk is gonna find out and air it like with julia’s video and then wayne is gonna be upset raj never got the chance to tell him [prediction: incorrect]
so are they straight up not gonna explain the dinosaurs
episode six
sklhgjfkdshgfdjklshgjkflds chris yelling at the fans and chef reigning him in
millie and priya are gonna be the top wlw ship for this cast, they’ve gotta be
ripper sucks but “you cant slap a man with his own burrito” was fucking funny
why is the hairball thing more funny than gross
mk you are becoming icarus babygirl [prediction: kinda correct?]
emma. destroy this man.
priya. destroy this man.
millie and priya are SO FLIPPIN CUTE
when would chef ever say safety first on og total drama. this is dramarama chef in the total drama universe
get wrecked chase
bowie you are an icon i love you im so glad they didnt make you a pathetic guy
“its like im—“ like you’re what chris?? what?? 
also its so cute how wayne is waiting for raj to tell him on his own terms even though he knows????
prediction: zee doesn’t make it to the 10k bc his leg falls off and messes with priya’s calculations [prediction: mostly incorrect]
zee is out here lyingggggg i love him
“thats not how the laws of physics work” millie i love you
what the fuck is zee actually high
this episode is sooooooooo bowie/raj millie/priya
good fucking bye julia
nooooooo mk don’t let this happen i love her
bowie really said YEET
as he should that was smart
anyway bowie’s little “i got kissed” thing was very cute
wait… mk is an alenoah baby
episode seven
priya/millie gives me bridgney vibes tbh
wayne you are such a sweet ally i love you
its merge time!
is this foreshadowing for an emma/priya finale? that would slap and we’ve never had an f/f finale before. i feel like there’s too much setup for them to get voted off before then though [prediction: half correct, half incorrect]
ripper you are so dumb how did you make the merge. fuck you man
chase and emma are getting stuck together aren’t they. sigh. [prediction: incorrect]
this is skave all over again. julia get chase outta here
oh thank god i thought there was gonna be bowie/raj/wayne trouble over partners but that was easy. friendship babey!!
wayne trying to be so hard to be supportive is actually the best drawn out plot line this show has ever had because its so dang wholesome
julia’s voice sounds familiar too gotta look her up
the zee & ripper cassowary scene is giving major noah & owen komodo dragon scene vibes
emma’s dance is so cringe but i appreciate the enthusiasm
jesus christ emma and chase CANNOT get back together
julia when the fuck did you get smart
did she just stare in horror at her hand having 5 fingers instead of four. what.
wait fuck why didn’t i see it before. priya is a zoerra baby
they’re so gay i love them
ripper you better fucking not who are you heather with all the times youve escaped immunity?? watching you go down is gonna be SWEET
what is this the rapa phooey episode
oh millie…
this is the fucking stepbrothers getting wrecked by that kangaroo
okay i wish that confession was better but it was very sweet
oh zee. what is happening
and not even a goodbye with bowie :(
them singing was pretty funny though
episode eight
zee you’re so silly i love you
bowie you’re so gay i love you. also the mouthguard gift was incredibly geoff of raj
why is the food rainbow and what was that cooking sequence
julia is having a real heather moment huh
bowie you are so right to diss chase
this is really just brunch of disgustingness isn’t it
damn millie really just dipped
…that’s why the food was rainbow
at least its less disgusting than actual puke colors
bummed bowie’s out already though
zee is gonna win this he’s gotta [prediction: incorrect :( ]
julia don’t do my boy zee like this
are they having this wheel spin in the order of the rainbow
chase and emma. stop.
oh thank fucking god they did.
noooooo priya you trained for this
zee what do you mean you’ve never drank milk. zee. what.
noooooooo my boy
but actually its funny that MILK is the thing zee gets grossed out by because he knows nothing about it
…THEY HAVE TO  EAT. A FUCKING T A P E W O R M ???????????????
that is not chef. chef would not tell chris to not serve the tapeworm
fucking. lady and the tramp moment. get wrecked ripper
why did we have to end with THAT
if millie gets out and not ripper. i will SCREAM
episode nine
wait this alliance is awesome actually
zee my beloved
double alliance zee moment. please let this be what makes him win and not what gets him booted
no this is soooooo foreshadowing for zee getting booted [prediction: correct]
this is so fucking dramarama chef he’s got the unicorn drink and everything
the bears digging a grave lmaooooo
how many waterfall jumpscares can this show have
“why are you like this” best chef line
since when does chef care about the kids. what.
another fucking volcano. of course
leave his ass emma
and julia better not get immunity i stg
another bisexual zee moment. but buddy you are getting voted off for this :(
god damn it julia
chef chiding bowie was so funny
bowie why are you gunning for priya??
oh zee. buddy :(
slkjhfgdkjhgfdjksghfdkjslk zee pointing out the confessional nonsense
episode ten
priya with a bun!! so cute!!
carry me?? puppy eyes?? girlfriends. girlfriends.
okay im vibing with this challenge
everyone saying no to switching poles with chase is so funny he’s so lame
i love watching everyone slowly lose it
why is everyone so obsessed with letting priya read millie’s notebook. poor writing methinks
“skewer the children”
i would win this challenge. btw.
bowie’s gonna stir up drama isn’t he
THE PHONE please be usable
please dont let this be the end of priya and millie
emma punching everyone lmao
awww we still get raj/bowie
noooo priya
julia if you win immunity 3 times in a row. well that’s just poor writing
chase you are god awful
aww dancing emma
chase gets eliminated this episode bc everyone know how much he sucks calling it [prediction: correct]
what the fuck was that dive
nooo bowies gonna get millie out [prediction: technically correct? but much later on?]
i love chef chastising everyone 
why are there only 4 marshmallows 
noooooooooooooo emma why
they really said the final five is for the girls and gays 
episode eleven
PRIYA MILLIE GIRLFRIENDS this is such s5 gwourtney energy
evil julia behind the door lmao
bowie is right to be annoyed emma wtf
bowie does NOT get out like this. if its him or emma emma’s gotta go [prediction: correct]
okay i know its a selfie challenge but this is creative and fun i like it
elimination prediction: emma/millie, julia, priya v bowie finale [prediction: mostly correct]
smart move emma. also chris sending ppl stuff in a group chat for a challenge is so funny to me
emma don’t betray my boy bowie like this for your garbage bf
priya and millie ragging on julia we love to see it
wait numbers wise there’s gotta be a double elim. and if its priya and millie ill cry
emma please get eliminated now
emma you suck
please don’t let that pic of priya disqualify her
nooooooo priya and millie :( bowies gotta win this
julia just waltzing through the challenge lmao
noooooo bowie 
god dammit julia
wait nvm good on you for turning it against emma
only three marshmallows??
wait the immune person doesn’t get a marshmallow nvm
girl you are delusional 
episode twelve
millie is adorable
aww priyas pjs
shut julia downnnnn
bowies plan is actually so good 
julia bun!! cute!!
chef talking ab the monster lol
love all these two person confessionals
priya you absolute girlboss
stop throwing millie tokens!!
ooooooo bowie blowup
julia do NOT win this
awwwwwww millie
everything about this priya millie plot line is incredible 
uh oh that gift is the notebook
bowie you ICON
episode thirteen
awwwww millie
priya having a courtney moment
damien good choice
ripper rippppppppp
nooooooo axel. julia is unfortunate 
girl brought a CONTRACT
why is ripper lowkey helpful
NICHELLES FACE axel i love you
damien you’re so supportive i love you
bowie i love you
the popcorn lmao love the commentary 
awwww raj 
love the angry betrayed priya energy she’s like the new courtney
bowie that was COLD
wayne and raj crying awww
this really is season 3 finale 
what is this spongebob music while bowie talks about eating goat
new chef is just og chef
these milk drinking shots are horrible 
awww raj and bowie
i legit think this is my favorite season of total drama ever :’)
117 notes · View notes
Lost & Found - Chapter Twelve.
Thank you so much to everyone for your reads, reblogs and reviews. I appreciate you hugely :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven
Words - 3,465
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse.
“You okay?” 
She took a moment to assess that, pulling the helmet from her head as she looked over at the clubhouse. “I think so.” 
Guero slid an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek. “Just remember, everyone here is a friend. Nobody wants to hurt you.” 
“It isn’t that,” she quickly corrected, fluffing her hair as she let out a long breath. “It’s just the last time I came here, I was still so scared and bent out of shape. I hate the term triggering, but that’s kind of what it is.” 
He could understand that stance. The clubhouse was home from home to him, but for Emma, it symbolised a time she was desperately trying to move forward from, being so distrusting and suspicious of the new place and everybody within it, all bar him. And maybe one other person.  
“Tell you what, we gotta head in now, but I know EZ will want you to confirm everything I’ll go in there and tell him. You wait with Lee, and I’ll come get you when we’re done.” It was Monday, Guero calling EZ on Saturday night and informing him he had something to bring to the table, his president telling him he’d schedule something for Monday. It was a lot easier for communications if the guys didn’t all have raging hangovers, as was the norm for a Sunday.  
She nodded, receiving a kiss from him before he pointed her in the direction of the workshop, Emma walking over, looking all around as she did. It was much bigger than she’d noticed when there in the darkened early hours of the morning, bits of bikes littering the immediate space around the workshop. It was very in place with the haphazard collection of scrap that walled their surroundings. 
“Oil hose, we ain’t buddies. Why’d the fuck do you keep leaking, you’re brand new!” she heard Lee muttering, coming to a stop and clearing her throat. “Emma! How you doin’, how’s it going, you good?” 
She smiled at her chirp. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. Or at least better than when you last saw me.” 
“I’ll fuckin’ say!” she snorted, clamping off the hose and shaking her head, giving it the double middle finger salute, standing to wipe her dirty hands on a rag. “You look great, sugar. Put on a couple of much needed pounds, I see. You were kinda scary skinny when we met.” 
She remembered back to the shocking sight of herself in the bathroom mirror, nodding as she fiddled with her hair. “Yeah, I was. I never want to see a protein bar again, or I’ll barf. It’s what I survived on in the container.”  
Lee snorted softly, raising her eyebrows. “I can see why. If nothing else than they taste fuckin’ awful. My old man snacks on ‘em and I can’t bear the damned things. Taste vile, like dried dough, stale cookies, man!” She paused for a second, looking between Emma and the bike she was working on, feeling awkward.  
It was entirely mutual.  
They had shared a personal experience together, Lee being the person Emma had trusted enough in a state of fear and anxiety to look after her, yet not knowing one another at all. The elephant in the room that was Emma’s arrival in her life also made it difficult, Lee knowing she was tiptoeing around blurting out that very question. She curbed her usual bluntness, though.  
“Cut looks like it’s healed nicely,” she finally spoke, Emma approaching the bike she was working on, wondering how anyone kept it on two wheels. It was enormous, reminding her of one her dad had when she was five.  
She thumbed her head, nodding. “Yeah, it did. Guero took the stitches out for me last night as they were starting to come undone and push out.” Lee resisted the urge to say that a biker with a cute smile and a steady hand could have still ballsed it up easily, noting it wasn’t a necessary observation when he’d done a good job, Emma continuing. “Do you want a hand with anything?”  
“Nah, don’t want you to ruin your dress, sunshine,” she replied, waving her hand casually. 
Emma smirked, looking down at the beige, pink and blue flowery dress she had on with her new (to her) cowboy boots she’d bought from a thrift store a few days back. “It only cost a couple a’ five bucks, it’s not irreplicable. I need to get to buying some better clothes, actually. Guero has a limit of twenty minutes with being taken shopping before he gets bored, so I don’t want to torture him.” 
A couple a’ five bucks, Lee recognised that syntax instantly. New Jersey, although Emma didn’t have the accent at all. She’d served with troops who hailed from the garden state, and they used the same speech patterns. “He’s just like Obispo.” A slight twitch of her eye confirmed that it was a name she hadn’t heard. “That’s Bishop’s actual name.”  
“Yeah, so me being somewhat of a loner where girlfriends are concerned, I just go by myself to circumvent the fuckin’ sour face and frowning,” she snorted, once again trying the hose only for oil to come dripping out. “Fuck’s sake! Fuckin’ thing! Complete bastard!” she fumed. “So yeah, if you ever wanna come with me, I’d love the company.”  
“I’d really like that. Thanks, Lee,” she smiled, looking down at the oil stopped dripping, Lee clamping the hose off once more. Her eyes took a little tour over the drips, noticing something that perhaps the pretty lady mechanic might’ve missed. “Here, the sealing washer has dropped out. That’s why it’s leaking.” 
Lee rolled her eyes. “Well, I’ll be fuckin’ bent over and poked up the butt with a ten-inch cock!” she exclaimed, Emma snort laughing at her expression, remembering back to the afternoon before where she’d received just that. She wasn’t sure Guero’s cock was quite that long, but it couldn’t be too far off. “Thanks, sugar. That’s a good eye you have, especially knowing what it was. Alrighty, let’s get it back on the hose.”  
“My dad used to do up old bikes. Some he kept; most he sold on. I’d sit in his garage and help him, so I picked stuff up,” she explained, Lee nodding as she listened, refitting the hose with its sealing washer back in and unclamping it. No drips.  
“Yes! Gimme some knucks!” She held her fist out, Emma bumping hers against it with a smile. “I might have to take you up on your offer to help me out. I just got rid of my last guy; he became too preoccupied with the idea of joining the MC.”  
“Oh, was it Bottles?” she asked curiously, Lee shaking her head. 
“Nah. He was a guy they wouldn’t even consider. Didn’t have the mettle, and you fuckin’ gotta have balls to live in this life.” Emma could well imagine. It was the same as people willingly wanting to join the life she’d left behind. Entrenched in the world of the mafia, only the strong survived. Was she strong, she wondered, or just lucky? She’d gotten out alive but not unscathed, so perhaps a little of both. 
“Sounds like what I’m used to,” she replied quietly, picking a crumb of mud from the bike’s exhaust pipe. They fell into an uncomfortable silence, Lee chewing the inside of her cheek as she looked between Emma and the Harley a few times. “You want to ask me about it, don’t you?”  
She did. It had been itching at her curiosity, but she didn’t want to be insensitive. “Yeah, but only if that’s cool with you. You can tell me I’m being a nosey ole’ bag if you like, I don’t mind. I mean shit, I dunno if you’ve even fuckin’ said anything to Guero yet. Yeah, yeah ignore me, pay no mind, I’ll shut up.” She made an annoyed noise in her throat, shaking her head of wild, blonde waves. “Poor chick walked up to your fuckin’ workshop all of ten minutes ago and you’re expecting her to spill!” 
Emma sensed a very good person within Lee, someone she could perhaps come to call friend. “It’s okay, I’ll tell you. You got a seat?”  
Two old beer bottle crates were proffered forth, Lee pulling out her cigarettes and lighting up, offering the pack to Emma as they sat down. “Don’t smoke, but thanks. So yeah, I was in that container because I ran away from Rocco Lombardi, who’d been holding me prisoner for nineteen years.”  
She went into her explanation, not quite as detailed as the one she’d given Guero, but all the same, it contained enough details to make Lee’s jaw drop in absolute horror at several points throughout. By the time she was finished, the woman at her side sat with her hands clasped over her mouth, shaking her head. 
“Sums it up nicely, huh?” 
“Fuck!” She dropped her hands in her lap, scoffing in disbelief, her eyes bewildered. “I’m not a hugger, I really ain’t, but Christ, sugar.” Emma felt herself pulled into slender, tattooed arms, Lee stroking her back as she held her. “You’re so brave, enduring all that. Fuckin’ fuck, no wonder you were that way when you first arrived here!” 
She shrugged a little, chewing her thumb as they parted. “I don’t know if I’d call it brave entirely. I kind of froze myself to it, accepted my fate. Like I said too, Marie made it better. At least I had her, but it’s still kicking me in the ass, that I abandoned her.” 
“I understand,” Lee nodded, shaking herself suddenly. “Well no, I don’t, but I get what you mean. Listen, babe, you couldn’t stay for her. She might’ve been mom to you, but you know you didn’t fuckin’ belong there, and what’s more so did she. I bet she completely understands.” 
“Unless she’s worried out of her mind that Rocco offed me and my body got dumped into the sea or similar.”  
“Why not reach out to her? I can bet as soon as Marie reads that message, she’ll be smart enough to delete it. But like, don’t let me dictate. If you wanna just vanish it’s up to you, your call, you make the decision.”  
Emma continued chewing her thumb for a few moments, weighing it up. “I think I might, you know. Think I might. Her and the kids are literally the only things I miss.”  
“At least you’d be able to let her know you’re alright before you move on,” Lee smiled thinly, folding her arms on her thighs and resting her head down. She was tired. Not that she didn’t love her husband to his very bones, but she did wish his horny time wasn’t between one and three in the morning. “About that, though. How will it sit with you, knowing of course that the club deals with the very man you escaped? I mean whatever it is that’s bloomed between you and pretty boy specifically.”  
Of course, it had played on her mind, being right there in the midst of Rocco’s drug runners ever since she arrived. Since things had turned up a gear between her and Guero, though, she’d been too dizzy with happiness to think more on it. Lee’s question was valid, though. “I knew exactly who and what Guero was from the first second I saw him, a member of the MC who ran drugs for Rocco. I’m fine with it. I know it happens, I might’ve come here all shaky and wide eyed, but I’m not a naïve woman.  
“Living in the world I did for so long; I know the deal. I just have to hope that he never comes to visit unexpectedly, but why would he? As long as the guys continue to keep on running his heroin over the border and up to the docks, he won’t have to move his ass to oversee anything.” 
Thinking on her words, Lee had to admit that it made perfect sense, such a standpoint. She’d survived in a world steeped in organised crime; she’d acclimatise perfectly to being involved with an outlaw. With a few layers of her trauma peeled back, it was clear that Emma was intelligent, sensible and strong. Probably a lot stronger than she realised.  
“Well, here’s fuckin’ hoping he stays up on his Staten Island throne, huh?” Just then they were disturbed by the approach of the one Lee had referred to as pretty boy, Emma’s face lighting up. Lee side eyed her with a little knowing grin. She remembered that face, back when she’d begun dating Bishop, often catching her reflection and trying to dial it back. Such had never been attainable. She loved him way too much.  
“Can I steal my girl?”  
Emma thought her heart was about to thump clean out of her chest, hearing him call her that. Lee’s reply was the perfect antidote to her falling too far into enamoured dizziness, though.  
“No, she’s mine now, you can’t have her back! I need her, she has good eyes for things I apparently miss, like fuckin’ sealing washers.” 
Guero cocked his head, looking entertained. “If you actually wore your glasses on your face rather than your head, you’d miss a lot less.”  
“Bah!” she dismissed, standing up and lighting herself another cigarette. “They make me look old!” 
“That’s because you are old.”  
Oh, his smart mouth. How it’d be his downfall. “You know it’s never, ever wise to anger a woman who can tamper with your brake lines and make it look like a manufacturing fault, don’t you, Ortiz?”  
His eyebrows fluttered, his grin widening. “I’ll make sure I never do, then.”  
Her lips tightened, her eyes narrowing as he laughed. “Fuckin’ smart ass. Get outta here!”  
“I was going anyway.” He received a soft elbow from Emma as they began to walk, calling over her shoulder to Lee that she’d see her later. Walking back over to the clubhouse, he could feel Emma’s body beginning to tense at his side, placing a splayed hand across her lower back. “S’okay, mamas. You’re not gonna have a big audience, just EZ and Bish.”  
Those words reassured her, Guero opening the door and gesturing with his hand, Emma entering the clubhouse. The sound of laughing as pool balls clicked and music she recognised as Motorhead (one of Guero’s favourite bands) filtering from the speakers filled the space, the scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke just as strong as she’d remembered. God, she could really go to town on cleaning the place, she thought, being steered to her right.  
There at a table sat EZ and Bishop, the former standing with a wide smile. “Well, well. You look a hell of a lot better than you did two weeks ago, sweetheart.” He reached to pat her arm gently, gesturing to the couch opposite where he and the president were sitting.  
He could see the nervousness flickering in her eyes still, of course knowing she wasn’t out of the woods from her ordeal just yet. It’d take a long time, but the improvement she had made was noticeable. She stood a little taller, looked much less anxious even though it of course was still just under the surface with her.  
She moved to take a seat, jumping a little when Gilly loudly celebrated his potting of a ball over at the pool table, her stiffened body relaxing a fraction when Guero took his place at her side. 
“Good to see you looking less spooked, Emma,” EZ acknowledged with a nod and a wide smile. “Again, I apologise for my actions when we first met.” She wasn’t convinced that the apology was at all genuine, something about him giving her a feeling of unease. “Alright, tell us what you know about this alleged trafficking you think we’re gonna be propositioned to get involved with.” 
As if speaking of Marie earlier to Lee had invoked a little of her courage, Emma’s reply was forthright and crisp. “There’s nothing alleged about it. They’ve been dabbling in it for nearly twenty years, snatching children from the arms of their parents, but in recent times they’ve become much shrewder. Runaways, young kids on the streets, those who won’t be so easily noticed as missing, like I was.” 
“And you heard him say in as many words that he planned to begin bringing undocumented kids over?” Bishop asked, his eyes narrowing at the very thought of any other children facing what Emma had suffered. Guero hadn’t gone into huge amounts of detail, but what he had shared with them, it’d been bad enough.  
She scoffed a little, cocking her head with a shy smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “He was never stupid enough to say it in as many words, but I got to know his lingo, his code phrases. Tiny consignment meant kids, and when he called meetings at his home, usually under the guise of an innocent guy's night playing poker, I’d overhear. It was always his intention to begin running the tiny consignment along with golden brown. You’ll get the reference if you’re familiar with the song by The Stranglers.” Of course, she meant the heroin, the song long thought to either be about a girl of Mediterranean heritage, or the pleasure of the narcotic.  
Both men nodded, Emma continuing. “I have no idea when he’s going to put his proposition to you, I’m afraid I can’t be helpful there. At a guess I’d say a while, though. He probably wants to ensure the runs you’re making for him continue to go smoothly before you’ll be expected to begin trafficking children, too. Just know that he will, and if you don’t comply, well.” She paused, gulping. If they didn’t, they’d all be dead, and she’d be back on Staten Island. “I don’t have to spell it out for any of you.” 
“I guess we play the waiting game. Moving heroin is one thing, trafficking kids? We aren’t about that,” EZ spoke, exchanging a glance with Bishop.  
He began nodding, scratching his beard. This was what he’d been waiting for ever since their first meet with Lombardi up in Vegas. Here it was, the other shoe. “Emma, we appreciate your information. If there’s anything we can do for you, just say the word.” 
“There is, actually. I need access to a doctor, but I can’t use my real identity. He’ll be looking for me, and while reason dictates that if he had any clue where I was at all, he’d have found me by now, I want to remain vanished. I don’t know what that’ll look like long term, but I do know that right now I need help from a doctor off the books. Do you guys know of anyone?”  
“I do,” EZ confirmed, “I’ll give him a call and get back to you on it. He can be discreet for a price.”  
She nodded, feeling relieved. “Thank you. One more thing. Can I borrow a prepay, please? Not one you contact Rocco on?”  
Bishop rose from his seat, going behind the bar and shuffling around, coming back with an old Samsung flip phone and handing it over. “Thanks again, baby. Don’t worry about him either, we ain’t gonna advertise that you’re here to nobody. You’re safe with us.”  
She thanked him, taking the phone and flipping it open. Taking a few moments, wondering how to word her message, she rested her hand to Guero’s thigh as Bishop and EZ walked away, placing the phone in her lap and beginning to chew her thumb... 
Marie was cleaning down the counters in the kitchen of her beautiful mansion when her phone dinged, reaching a well-manicured hand across to grab where she’d placed it out of the way in a large, ornate fruit bowl. Opening the message, her eyes widened.  
Safe. Pinky swear. Love you all the world, mom xxx 
“Oh, Mother Mary!” she sobbed, a hand flying to her mouth as her knees buckled, taking her to the floor as she cried tears of pure relief. Pinky swear, love you all the world. Only one other person knew it was their thing, and that was the little girl she’d raised into the young woman she thought of as her own. And she was safe. At last.  
Love you too, Emsy. Will love you forever. Don’t you ever come back. It’s your time to live. I’m so proud of you xxx 
Pressing send, she immediately deleted all evidence of the messages, while over two thousand miles away, her daughter by love rather than blood sobbed in the arms of her boyfriend after reading her reply. 
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canonically47 · 10 months
my queer hcs for 2023 TDI reboot characters <3
hello all! after watching all the way through to episode four of the second season, i realized my old hcs kind of contradict canon, and they've changed drastically based on that.
here are my new and updated headcanons, how much of them is canon, and why i hc them this way!
bowie: gay (canon), cisgender, he/him
raj: gay (canon), transgender ftm, he/him
wayne: aroace, cisgender, he/him
caleb: straight, cisgender, he/him
zee: panromantic demiaroace, non-binary, they/them
ripper: straight, cisgender, he/him
chase: straight, cisgender, he/him
damien: biromantic demisexual, transgender ftm, he/him
scary girl: aroace, agender, it/she (it/itself preference)
julia: lesbian, cisgender, she/her
MK: lesbian, non-binary, they/she (they/them preference)
axel: bisexual, transgender mtf, she/her
nichelle: lesbian, transgender mtf, she/her
priya: bisexual, cisgender, she/her
millie: unlabelled, cisgender, she/her
emma: aromantic sapphic, cisgender, she/her
details such as reasonings, closeness to canon etc.:
bowie: canonically gay. there's not much to say about him. i don't see a bit of transness in him, but he is definitely a strong ally.
raj: canonicaly gay. also not much to say; i just think he's... a bit cooler than gender.
wayne: he's just like me fr!! well the aromantic part but! he is so much like me!!!
caleb: funnily enough, i hced him as gay before this season. now i have changed my ways; i'm actually rooting for him and priya to get together. look at that dynamic!
zee: zee is beyond gender and sexuality. they like everyone, but they only feel attracted to people sexually and romantically when they know them on a deeper level. i also am debating whether or not i like them and damien together atm, so that's cool :3
ripper: my man! his romance with axel this season is great so far, and i cannot for the life of me believe i am saying this. he's such a guy, and has proven himself better this season. just look at he!
chase: yeah fuck this guy that's all
damien: similarly to zee, sexual attraction only comes to my man if he knows the person. i feel like this is pretty in-character. i also hc him as biromantic, but he probably fears romantic interactions equally for each gender, for which he's questioned his sexuality multiple times and thought he might even be aromantic. i feel like this hc also appeals to both priyamien and dwayne shippers so you're welcome /hj
scary girl: it just is this way you're welcome
julia: look at her dynamic with MK. and then get back to me if you can't see it. /j
MK: same as above! i love mkulia <3
axel: heLLOOO have you LOOKED at her. she is bisexual but a DISASTER bisexual at that!!! i hc that before realizing her feelings for ripper she was helplessly in love with nichelle and just gazed at her from afar like... oh my god pretty girlfailure... must kiss... which is kinda the reason she fell for ripper too, SHE LIKES HER MEN, WOMEN AND ANYTHING BEYOND DUMB AS A ROCK!!!
nichelle: not much to say just. her!
priya: even before this season i could not for the life of me ship her with anyone, i settled for just heterosexual, but NOW i can see why. NOW... there's caleb. and i like where their relationship is going. seeing both caleb and priya so in love is hilarious and adorable. i still think she would be good with a girl, maybe not necessarrily one on the cast but. A girl
millie: she is so?? confused?? what the fuck is going on?????? like she likes people but also. not?? is that a thing????? what????????????
emma: she's just like me fr. she thought she wanted a man that treats her right GIRL NO! she doesn't want a man PERIOD!
and finally, pairings:
bowie x raj. do i need to add anything?
zee x damien. hear me out.
zee x emma but like... not romantically, not platonically, but a secret third thing
ripper x axel. i fucking adore them.
caleb x priya. the slowburn can and will be so real with these two.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Together with a Prince - Sariel Noir (premium end)
aka the event where Emma turns into a child
Sariel brings Emma to a flower field full of colorful wildflowers near the castle. Emma happily runs through the sea of flowers while Sariel watches on. Luckily Clavis hasn’t followed them. He then notices Emma sitting with her head down so he goes to check on her, but it turns out she’s just making a flower crown. She finishes her crown in no time and asks Sariel to crouch down. He does as she asks and Emma places a crown of white flowers on the court devil. Sariel asks if it’s really alright for him to have it since it’s such a lovely crown and Emma tells him that she made it just for him as thanks for playing with her. 
She then says that he’s like an angel, which surprises him. The crown’s like a halo. Not only that, he’s kind and is always by her side. He’s her angel! Sariel’s at a loss for words. For all his life at court, he’s been feared and called the devil. Yet here we have a child calling him an angel. Truly, looking after a little girl’s different from looking after young princes. Sariel had thought that he’d scare the girl. But in her eyes, Sariel is just Sariel. He thanks Emma for the gift and says he’ll treasure it. Initially, she’s happy to hear it, but then her smile drops a bit as she realizes something. Flowers eventually die, so the crown will wither. If only she could preserve its beauty. 
Sariel tells her not to look so glum. Since the flowers are small, the beauty can be preserved with magic. Emma looks at him with curiosity again and asks Sariel if he’s a magician. It’s supposed to be a secret, but he’s going to show her a bit of magic. He tells her to pick a flower to cast a spell on. After that, they’ll have to return to the castle without anyone getting caught by anyone or else the spell will be broken. 
Back in Sariel’s room, Emma’s making pressed flowers. When he tells her that they’ll need to be pressed for a whole night, Emma complains that her arms will get tired. Sariel can’t help but find it adorable that Emma planned on personally pressing the flowers down the whole time. He puts around 5 books on top of the flowers. He assures her that the flowers won’t wither. Emma can’t wait until morning. They’ll look at them together, right? Sariel better not look at them first without her. Emma then directs her attention to the flower crown on the desk. Sariel assures her that things will be alright. In addition to the flower crown, he received something that’ll never wither. Something he’ll treasure forever. Internally, he’s thinking about how he felt when she called him an angel. 
Night falls and the day’s work has piled up. Sariel’s working at his desk while Emma remains quiet so as not to disturb him. She’s still not sleepy though, even after having dinner and being bathed by a maid. She’s just sitting on the bed staring at the pressed flowers under the books. Emma asks if the flowers are ready yet, and Sariel tells her that it hasn’t been a night yet. And it’s time for her to go to bed.
Emma: But I’m not sleepy. Sariel: If you say things like that, scary demons will come for you.
For a moment, Emma looks frightened, but then she heads over to the bookshelf and pulls out a black leather-bound book. She’ll read until she falls asleep. Sariel fears that the book will be too difficult for her so he’ll get another book for her from the library, but Emma’s fine. She wants to read what he reads. Emma sits back on the bed, opens the book, and starts reading. Though it’s doubtful she understands what she’s reading. Sariel sets his work down, sits next to Emma and asks her to give him the book. He’ll read to her instead. Emma happily obliges and snuggles up against his side. As he reads, he thinks about the state that Emma’s in again. He’s sure she’ll return to normal eventually, but until then, he’ll watch over her.
In the epilogue, Emma does return to normal the next morning.
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caffedrine · 16 days
Keith Howell vs. Kagari Amagase - The Beast Tempts the Rabbit - Keith Ending Summary.
A big thanks to @otomehoneyybearr who is kindly letting me bleb off their translation of the Kagari vs Keith Event.
The Keith Ending follows their excellent translation of the common route found here and here.
Again, the event story assumes that Emma/MC got through Part 2 without romancing anyone.
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
With a hand over her mouth, Emma was dragged backward into a room. The other person wasn’t anyone Emma recognized, but ominously, he was holding a bare knife in his hand. His clothing was festive, suitable for the party, but his sharp eyes indicated he wasn’t interested in celebrating.
He addresses her as the woman who came with the red-headed man. Emma wonders if this means that he’s not familiar with Kagari’s name and if he’s just a hireling.
He asks Emma what her purpose in coming here is. Emma tells him that she has no choice but to come here. Privately she thinks that she is not so far from the main area and could make it if she needed to.
The man does not like that answer, and his knife stabs at her, piercing through her clothes and stopping at the skin. Emma suppresses a scream, it’s scary, but she can manage.
The man decides she’s a useful tool to buy more time, and gestures with his chin, and the knife scraping against her skin, to open the hallway door.
If Keith, standing on the other side of the door, is surprised to see her, he quickly recovers. 
Emma wonders if he came looking for her since she was late returning and feels herself start to tremble with repressed fear.
Giving out a murderous intent beyond anything Emma has felt before, he pulls her towards him by the shoulders and kicks the man back into the room. The man hits the wall and falls unconscious as if knocked out.
Emma watches Keith glare at the man with cold unforgiving eyes, completely different from how he was earlier. 
This is a different Keith.
Keith has a secret that he can’t tell anyone. He has two personalities, and while the one everyone encounters most often is the kind, friendly, Nice!Keith, his other personality is cold and as ferocious as any beast.
Alter!Keith asks what that man did to her and Emma assures him that nothing happened beyond being threatened with a knife. Alter! Keith’s eyebrows furrow and he awkwardly touches her as if to verify that she’s alright. Emma did notice how his face briefly relaxed when she told him she was unharmed.
Alter!Keith apologizes for coming late, and Emma thanks him for saving her.
Also, she greets Alter!Keith.
Alter!Keith tells her not to greet him as if they just bumped into each other, reminding her that he can see everything Nice!Keith sees. If anything, she should be apologizing for acknowledging him so late. 
Alter!Keith guesses that the now unconscious man is somehow involved with the man Kagari is after. Emma agrees but adds that he wasn’t familiar with who Kagari is. They agree that this man was probably hired for protection. Kagari muses that it was probably a cheap distraction hire.
Emma is startled, she hadn’t even seen Kagari join them. Kagari looks at Emma and asks what the man did to her. 
Absentmindedly Kagari tells Keith that he already called for a guard to take care of the man. He then wonders where his target went. Emma recalls and gives Kagari directions.
Just as Kagari begins to dart off, Keith reaches out and grabs him by the collar, stopping him. He tells Kagari to take a knight with him.
Kagari assures Keith that he’ll be fine, but Keith disagrees. The knight isn’t to protect Kagari - but to prevent him from killing anyone. Keith reminds Kagari that if he ‘accidentally’ kills one of Jade’s civilians, Kagari will be barred from ever entering Jade again. In fact, Jade would no longer engage in the trade of medical herbs with him. 
Kagari complains that Keith has developed a very mean personality. After a moment, he reluctantly agrees to obey Jade’s laws. This once.
Since they found the man Kagari is looking for, Keith is going to hand this matter off to Kagari to deal with. As Jade knights catch up to them Keith warns Kagari not to overdo it. He takes Emma’s hand, leading her away.
Before she turns away from him, Kagari gives Emma a small ‘goodbye’ wave.
Alter!Keith tells Emma to hold on just a moment longer. Emma whines that she’s at her limit, but Keith tells her to endure just a few more seconds, and he’ll give her a reward.
The game master cheers and congratulates them - they managed to score first and second place! He holds up his stamp and tells them to give him their stamp cards.
Kagari’s matter settled to Keith’s satisfaction, he had immediately brought her to the festival to enjoy it together. Their recent booth was a game that involved throwing balls into baskets on top of a house’s roof. 
Suddenly, Alter!Keith grabs Emma’s arms and begins to massage them. Startled, Emma asks what he’s doing, and Keith reminds her that he promised her a reward. 
Emma makes an embarrassing noise, and Keith asks if she really likes his massage. Emma confesses that it kind of tickles - and distracts him by asking what their next booth is. 
Smiling wickedly, Alter!Keith accepts this distraction and holds up the list of booths, under the heading ‘Flower Tour Stamp Rally’.
The idea is that one could go around to booths and shop, play minigames, and participate in hands-on demonstrations to receive stamps on their cards. Once you have enough stamps, you can get a prize in a first-come first-serve basis.
Alter!Keith sees the next closest booth is a flower shop with a flower crown-making activity. Emma laughs and offers to make Alter!Keith a very pretty crown. Alter!Keith is happy to accept anything that is made for him - or maybe anything that Emma specifically makes for him. Emma thinks that Alter!Keith rarely receives any gift specifically for himself.
As Keith pulls her to the next shop, Emma wonders about Kagari, if he’s okay. As if reading her mind, Alter!Keith assures her that Kagari is fine, and if anything, she should be worried about his target. 
Besides, she was the one dragged into Kagari’s mess, she shouldn’t feel obligated to see it through. Instead, she should enjoy Jade, a place she rarely visits. 
Suddenly Alter!Keith pulls Emma close and whispers in her ear to pay more attention to him. They rarely see each other, and he’s right here right now. It’s unfair of her to only play with Kagari.
Emma grumbles that if one of them is being unfair - it’s Alter!Keith. He’s usually mean and carefree, but sometimes he gets like this, cute and pouty. It’s bad for Emma’s heart. 
Alter!Keith was mean and cold, but he had immediately reacted to her being in danger. He probably even dragged her out of the mansion and to the festival to cheer her up from that frightening experience. No matter how he acts, at his heart, he is as kind and sweet as Nice!Keith.
Emma tries to distract Keith by pointing out the flower shop and rushing to it. Alter!Keith warns her not to run, and she assures him that she’s fine. Besides, if she gets hurt, she won’t be able to play with him anymore. Alter!Keith agrees and tells her to not leave him behind.
Together they visit more shops, playing together like they’re children again. Their stamp cards quickly fill up, and soon they claim their prizes.
Eventually, Alter!Keith brings Emma to a greenhouse full of flowers as tall as she is. She feels like this is an extra reward, and next to her, Alter!Keith is happy enough to hum under his breath. She wonders if he rarely gets a chance to let loose and just have fun. 
Alter!Keith directs her attention to some cream-colored flowers with small blossoms, explaining that they’re difficult to grow and only bloom once a year. Suddenly he leans close to her to whisper in her ear. There’s a saying that if you look at them with the one you love, you’ll be forever united. 
Emma thinks that’s a sweet story, but oddly she’s becoming aware of Alter!Keith pressed up against her. Alter!Keith laughs, Emma is as innocent and as clueless as ever. He complains that he was hoping she would look at him instead of the flower. 
Emma grumbles that Alter!Keith has just gotten meaner since they last met. It’s starting to worry her, how much Nice!Keith has to put up with.
Alter!Keith considers this and comes up with the perfect solution. Emma should just move to Jade and live with them, then she can make sure he’s not too mean. Both Keiths would be happy to have her around, and she would always stay by their side. 
Emma complains about Alter!Keith teasing her again. It’s getting bad for her heart.
Alter!Keith tells her that she only has herself to blame, she’s too fun and easy to tease. Emma grumbles that she’ll have to brace herself so that next time she visits, Alter!Keith won’t get to her.
Together they walk around the greenhouse, looking at more plants and flowers. However, the flush in Emma’s face does not go away. Eventually, it grows late, and Emma tells Keith it’s time for her to return to her lodging. 
Emma thanks Alter!Keith for everything today, the stamp festival, the greenhouse visit, and even what happened earlier at the mansion.
Jade and Rhodolite are neighbors, but it will be difficult for Emma to visit again. Andrea, their status is so difficult, even if Emma finds herself in Jade, it will be difficult to spend time together. The thought makes Emma feel lonely. 
To Emma’s surprise, Alter!Keith rests his head on her shoulder. He asks her not to leave yet and then rests his entire body against Emma. 
Emma stumbles: Keith is larger and more muscular than the average man, and his weight quickly becomes unbearable. Just as she begins to totter over, arms grab her and Keith rightens himself. 
Keith looks confused, but when he realizes the state he and Emma are in, he rightens them quickly, his face going red. He looks around them, bewildered and teary-eyed. Emma recalls that Nice!Keith has no memory of what Alter!Keith does when he’s in control. 
Near panicking, Nice!Keith wonders why he’s holding Emma, and what they’re doing in the greenhouse. He begins apologizing for whatever ‘he’ did. 
Emma quickly assures Keith that nothing bad happened, and if anything, she welcomes being this close to Keith. Then she realizes what she just said at the same time Keith does and they both go red.
As Keith tries to recover his composure, Emma thinks that Nice!Keith didn’t initiate this switch. So why did Alter!Keith switch?
While Emma considers this question, she quickly catches Nice!Keith up on the events of the day, and Keith’s anxious expression begins to fade. He’s pleased that Kagari found the person he was gaffer, and that Alter!Keith was able to set things up to prevent Kagari from committing any crimes. Though he would have preferred it if everyone had been a bit more subtle. 
Anyways, he will have to thank ‘him’ - he kept Emma from getting hurt. Absent-mindedly, Keith reaches out to touch Emma before immediately pulling back. Instead, he asks if she is alright, and apologizes for always doing weird things around her. Emma assures him that she never thinks that he’s strange nor is his concern unwelcome. Keith smiles at her with a face like a flower blooming. 
Emma recalls that she was heading back to her lodging and began to excuse herself. Dejected, Keith recalls that she was heading back when he switched. He offers to arrange for a room at the castle for her. It’s thanks to her that they were able to find the fugitive, and Keith would like to thank her.
Emma politely assures Keith that isn’t necessary - she decided on her own to help them. Besides, she got to attend the stamp festival, and Keith gave her this lovely dress. 
Honestly, Emma would like to accept Keith’s invitation, but she is aware of the difference in their social status. She can’t just take up Keith’s time these days, even if they are friends.
Besides, if she stays with Keith any longer, she’ll never want to leave again.
Suddenly Keith tells her that he was lying earlier. He doesn’t care about rewarding her or thanking her. It was a pretense to mask his true intentions. He wraps his large hands around hers, apologizing. He just wants to spend more time with her, for any reason that she’ll accept.
He stares directly into Emma’s eyes and asks her to stay. 
Maybe this is why Alter!Keith switched with Nice!Keith.
Emma tells him that she was wrong, she wasn’t fine earlier. She didn’t want to say goodbye to Keith either. So, would it be alright to accept his offer to stay at the castle with him?
Keith smiles, and Emma thinks she can stare at that smile forever.
With flowers fluttering all around him, Keith kisses the back of Emma’s hand. He admits that he was unable to forget her after his visit to Rhodolite. When he was with her, he felt like it was the only time he had to truly be himself. 
So, when he saw her in town, Keith was trying to restrain himself from jumping for joy. He admits to being a little jealous of Kagari. Northgate, wait, in all honesty, he was very jealous of Kagari. 
Now that he has her to himself, Keith feels like he’s soaring, just like a weed that has just been doused with nourishing water. 
Emma doesn’t quite understand his unique analogy, but she understands his intent and smiles. 
Emma’s heart is happy and light as well, but she understands that all they are doing is prolonging their inevitable parting. 
A messenger visits Emma in her bookstore, delivering a carefully wrapped package with Beaufort flower motifs on the paper. 
The last gift was wrapped in paper with a rose design, and this one is just as beautiful. Emma carefully unwraps it, preserving as much of the gift wrapping as possible, only to reveal a book. It is the famous author Sonia’s latest release. 
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(Meanwhile, Chevalier is still waiting for the books he asked Emma to pick up for him a year ago)
She picks up the letter attached to the book; the envelope also has a beautiful flower embossed on the paper. 
The letter starts, as they always do, with Keith stating his name.
Keith thanks Emma for her last letter and the gift of rose tea. The scent reminds him of her, and he often prepares the tea when he needs to relax. He’s now at the point that the tea is running low, and there is enough only for about three more cups. 
Keith apologizes for wording his letter like a diary and changes the subject to something more important.
Keith’s letter begins to talk about a new medicine discovered, and Emma smiles as she continues to read it. Then Emma notices a different handwriting in the margins and realizes that Alter!Keith is also writing to her. 
The last time they met, Emma made a request to Keith. She wanted to write him letters, so that way she could talk to him even if they were apart. She assures him that she doesn’t expect him to reply to her, she just doesn’t want this to be the last they can ever ‘speak’ to each other. 
Keith is so delighted by this idea, that he wonders if he’s dreaming it. Oh, he’s so happy he could just collapse from joy!
Keith will definitely respond to her letters; he likes the idea of tangible evidence of their feelings.
Just remembering Keith’s expression makes Emma sigh dreamily. She traces her fingers over Keith’s letters, imagining the feelings he poured into this paper and his expression while writing it.
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(Pictured above: Keith's expression while writing to Emma)
It’s difficult for two people to meet when they live in Rhodolite and Jade respectively. But with these letters, the distance between her and Keith seems a little less vast.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships headcanons for mals mom because i
She treats lilly like her own daughter. In hell when she feels like Aponi is not included enough in mother daughter bonding with mal, she makes sure she joins as well because she knew exactly what kind of mother deborah was
Carmellia is just so generous fr. She gives the hotel crew snacks
She never found love again because Mal was enough for her. Literally no one could compare to her own baby. Her hope and lifeline.
She had a chance to go to heaven and redeem herself, but she chose to stay because Mal didn’t wanna leave hell.
Teaches Vox how to cook because all he probably knows is to make cereals and sandwiches
every time Mallory (when she was little) would come home to Japan Carmellia always checked her body for bruises to make sure. Whenever she bathes her she would always check and make sure nothing is getting covered up.
the mom aponi wished deborah was fr. She’s such a great parent it was a shame James had more power over her.
like she would not just check on Mal but on Aponi as well.
this means she does not threaten only Vox iyk what i mean
But with her gentleness comes with a “stern asian mother who would throw sandal”
only she can call mal “Mallory”
”the right person isn’t something you find.. it’s something that finds you.. all of a sudden.. without warning. It’s not a necessity that you need to have to survive.. It’s more of a luxury. We all long for pretty jewels but not having them doesn’t make us worthless now, does it?” Carmellia says, comforting a heartbroken aponi in hamilton au getting cheated on
no like fr James probably cheated on her with even more women. Al was the lesser of two evils
so she gets it and she understands.
like.. instead of aponi thinking “it’s easy for them to say because they’re in a happy relationship (Mal for example)” she thinks she’s speaking facts
babysat emma obvi
Okay while Ma was a great mom she still needed help and I guess Emma just really likes her grandma
Carmellia: “oh, there’s two of you now.” *she says to Mal seeing how hyper toddler Emma was*
While I love aponi killing James I think his ex wife fucking him up slays
Like lils babe save some for a very much vengeful mother who would fuck someone up with a sandal and a knife
She makes sushi VERY loudly when Chaz is around, looking straight into his eyes
so I guess mal is her mother’s daughter
One time Carmellia was like “Oh, I wanna watch my daughter perform!” And when she actually saw her perform, half the time she was like “🫣”
Also Roxxie!! She’s very supportive of her! Aponi’s friends are important to her as well because she’s basically been a daughter to her.
she’s kinda scary asf tho because how can someone that nice be able to survive hell for years hmmmm
Vox wondered that aloud and told Mal they were VERY alike
Mal: it’s almost like she’s my mom
Vox is like “im a powerful overlord yet here I am in a fucking apron with my wife’s mom and I am TERRIFIED”
Aside from all the “protective mom who threatens boyfriend” stuff her and Vox got along well
and ofcourse, Carmellia showing Mal baby pictures to him.
Mal: MOM NO—
how did she get them, you say? *I.M.P jingle plays in the background*
Aponi: ..why do you care so much about me? I’m only your daughter’s best friend.
Carmellia: That doesn’t mean I should care less..
basically she had everyone with mommy issues wrapped around her finger
hell, even Alastor likes her
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Sooo... I did a thing. Here's the list of Pokémon I think would fit the td reboot cast. Choices are based on either esthetic, personality, certain characteristics or a mix of everything. I'm planning on doing the other casts as well, btw.
Axel: Scizor - I thought about an "axe" Pokémon, and the only thing that came to mind was Kleavor, but since I didn't want to give her a Pokémon from 200 years ago (no, I don't count the fact that you can have it on SV), I thought about the closest thing to it, and that was Scizor, which is still pretty fitting, if you ask me.
Bowie: Meowscarada - I decided to have Bowie and Priya foil each other. I haven't played SV, but from the Pokédex entries I've read, it seems like Meowscarada uses deceit to hit it's enemies. Plus, I think Dark type fits Bowie pretty well, and it also has his color palette (green and purple, though in reverse quantity).
Caleb: Dragonair - At first I wanted to go for a pink Pokémon since it's his main color, but I already headcanoned Milotic with Alejandro, so I went with the next closest thing. Plus, if in season 2 his own description ends up being true (strong and kind) Dragonite could be pretty fitting too.
Chase: Impidimp - A reddish little trickster gremlin who likes to cause chaos. I don't think I need to explain more.
Damien: Kecleon - Decided to go with his "biology nerd" side. A Kecleon seems like a species he would be really interested in, while also being a not-too-strong Pokémon.
Emma: Morpeko - I couldn't help thinking about the "Bad Emma" during the pole challenge. Plus, an overall cute Pokémon who gets angry because of a specific reason seems pretty on point.
Julia: Zweilous - Two-faced Dark type Pokémon, violent and strong. The colors are actually the opposite of hers (white, yellow and light blue vs black, blue and red). She probably wouldn't use it too often, but it does fit.
Millie: Gothita - I started thinking Psychic types would fit her well, so I started looking into it, and Gothita's Dex description is funnily on point. Observes other Pokémon and Humans to watch things only it seems to see (self-explanatory), and it apparently talks alone (which could represente her notebook).
MK: Nickit - Didn't know whether to go with the technology side or the thieving side, but in the end I chose the more obvious one.
Nichelle: Mime Jr. - A pink little Fairy, who becomes a full fledged performer (both as Mr. Mime and Mr. Rime), is the closest thing to an actor I could think about for her.
Priya: Quaquaval - Foiling Bowie, a Fighting type fitting of her, with her same blue palette and oriental elements in the design. Meowscarada and Quaquaval also have a weakness and a resistance to each other. Also a callback to when she acted as a bird to save Millie from the cassowary.
Raj: Alolan Vulpix - Ice type who become a Fairy type, the more trickster type (he was the one who came up with the idea to stop the raptor). Funnily enough both Ice and Fairy are super effective against Bowie's Meowscarada.
Ripper: Stunky - Do I really need to explain this? At some point he even does the same pose.
Scary Girl: Mimikyu - I could have gone with any Ghost type, but I thought about when Zee said she dressed like a doll, so I decided it was either Mimikyu or Banette.
Wayne: Alolan Sandshrew - Ice type who's also a Steel type, more strong willed and super effective against Raj's fairy (the leader and more competitive).
Zee: Slowpoke - I thought Water types fit Zee pretty well, and Slowpoke is probably the laxest and dumbest Pokémon I could have chosen. Psyduck was also an option at some point, but Golduck was too cool-looking for him.
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