#Emmanuel - God With Us
dramoor · 6 months
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“‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel,’ which means, ‘God with us.’” - Matthew 1:23
~Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!~
(Icon by Tatiana Nikolova-Houston)
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a-pirate · 10 months
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castielafflicted · 11 months
someone else with religious trauma tell me why i think the casifer line "if it makes you comfy, you can call me god" is so hot. and why in fics cas going by emmanuel Does Something to me. and dean praying to cas in nsfw fics. and
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By the light of nature we see God as a God above us, by the light of the law we see Him as a God against us, but by the light of the gospel we see Him as Emmanuel, God with us.
Matthew Henry
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psalmonesermons · 6 months
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Immanuel our best ever Christmas gift
Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:23
Isaiah 7:14 says The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.
Permit me to explain
These gracious words were spoken by the Hebrew prophet Isaiah about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. This prophecy like some other old testament prophecies seemed to have a double fulfilment.
That is the prophecy was fulfilled in the days around when it was first given for King Ahaz.
However, its second and much greater fulfilment came several hundred years later when Jesus Christ was born.
We know this Immanuel prophecy about was about Jesus because the Gospel of
Matthew 1:23 quotes the Isaiah 7:14 scripture as follows
Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Please note that both spellings are acceptable that is Immanuel and Emmanuel.
So, what does Emmanuel or 'God with us' mean?
Emmanuel in a sense is an overview of God's full plan of salvation for mankind.
First God becomes a actual man of flesh and blood, he can feel pain and the full range of human emotions.
This brings God in a new way into a full identification with mankind.
He now knows exactly what it is like to be a human being.
This baby born in a manger, grows up to become the Messiah the Saviour, who at the end of his life saves mankind from our greatest foe...not the Romans, not the Egyptians, not the Russians… mankind's biggest foe is sin or we could say acting against God's wishes.
This unique baby went on to provide a way back to God for mankind for all of us have gone astray.
Imagine that, God the Son was with us and is still with us!
What does that mean to you?
Yes, that little baby in the manger, grew up to become the suffering Messiah who has provided a way back to God for all who want it.
We can rejoice in Emmanuel
We rejoice that God is with us.
We can rejoice in God’s greatest ever gift Christmas gift- Immanuel, Jesus Christ who came to take our sins. If this is new to you then check out the teaching below 'How to be born again'.
Personal prayer
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handgiven · 10 months
Lord, make me your lantern. I shall burn out but I shall also grant others your light.
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Emmanuel was created as a promise. An angel whose purpose was to personify the fact that עִמָּנוּאֵל, ‘Īmmānū'ēl, Deus nobiscum, God is with us. It made little sense at first, of course, for God was everywhere and all there was was with God. The many meanings a single name could take on had revealed themselves upon the split of Heaven and Hell.
It was against Emmanuel’s nature to join Hell, the weight of his name keeping him from ever even considering going against the Holy. It was against his character however to become a battlecry. Neither Heaven nor Hell could have him for any part of their agenda, as he discovered to his bewilderment a side uncalled for. The suffering, the wounded, the forgotten. The very universe was ripping at the seams for a holy war and none of those that have put love and care into its creation seemed to have it in them to take a single look.
When in doubt, lean in to the side of mercy. When in doubt, find that which is kind. When in doubt, think of a God that is good before all else.
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Emmanuel’s existence may have been an act of godly narcissism, same as it could have been an act of self-awareness. The angel never had it in him to question that part of his nature, nor try to consider the Creator’s point of view.  He knows this: he is the helping hand given by God to the land, the stars, the living beings. He is to help wherever he can and bring comfort where he cannot. And he does that alone more often than not. And he does it always, up until the moment he falls apart. And yet there is so much suffering left in this world, and all the others. But how could you expect a single angel to handle it all?
Nowadays, he inhabits the spaces in between. Abandoned flats in abandoned buildings all over the world. His most often used ability to bend space-time & make use of more than the four dimensions we know as people is exactly this. He has a space of his own which is made out of different spaces all around the world, for as long as those places are free to be inhabited by him.
To a human entering his cottage or a flat or a tiny room inside a lighthouse those are all that they will see. A cottage interior inside a cottage, a tiny flat with a window facing a wall containing precisely that within it – even the lighthouse will seem just a lighthouse. Emmanuel can however move freely between these spaces he temporarily links, and if he wants to make tea in a kettle he forgot in one of these places, he can just reach there and seemingly charm it out of thin air.
Emmanuel can appear as your neighbour the day your neighbours move out. You might meet him in the staircase and he will smile. He will stay as long as that flat is empty and then disappear like he was never there. he leaves behind a feeling of fondness for a place, a sort of appreciation. That’s how he lives, nowhere and everywhere. Following his duty, and being a guardian angel to the entire universe, until it tears him apart.
Here’s your sorrow, and here’s my shoulder.
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us.” —Matthew 1:23 (NABRE)
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momentsbeforemass · 2 years
The why of Christmas
Thinking up the worst possible outcome.
Maybe even two or three or more ways that it can go wrong. And then getting stuck thinking about them.
It’s one of my least useful skills.
Especially when it comes to imagining how someone is going to respond to something hard. Or how a difficult situation is going to work out.
If you’re like me, then you know how this “skill” can really run you through the wringer. Long before anything has actually happened. Much less anything bad.
One of the worst ways that this plays out? With other people. Especially people we don’t really know. When we have to rely on what someone has told us about them.
Probably the most obvious (and most damaging) example of this is with God.
Here’s why I say that. We live in a culture that’s created a lot of versions of God that are horrible.
And it’s not just people who supposedly hate God. Some of the people who proclaim their faith the loudest proudly show off their petty, vengeful, resentful, hateful versions of God.
So it’s really no surprise that even people who don’t horrible-ize things imagine the worst possible outcomes from any interaction with God. They’ve been given every reason to get stuck thinking about God that way. They’ve been given every reason to stay away.
Except the truth.
Today’s Gospel (Matthew 1:1-25) gives the names of the Son of God – Jesus and Emmanuel.
Jesus means “God saves.” It tells us what God will do through Jesus, and how God works.
Emmanuel means “God with us.” It tells us who Jesus is, and what’s in God’s heart.
That’s the truth about God. How do we know that’s really the truth about God?
Because that’s what plays out in the Incarnation. In the pattern of redemption that runs from Christmas through Good Friday to Easter.
God saves. And He does it by being who He is, by being God with us.
The thing to know is how God does it.
God doesn’t save us begrudgingly. God isn’t the God of “if-I-have-to.”
God doesn’t save us judgmentally (although some of God’s noisiest alleged followers want Him to be). God isn’t the God of condemnation.
So how does God do it?
Isaiah tells us in the first reading (Isaiah 62:1-5), and it has zero to do with anything about what you and I have done. Or how far we’ve wandered. Or how much we don’t fit in someone else’s messed up version God.
Here’s the truth. And it’s the why of Christmas, the source of the joy of Christmas.
God looks at you and loves you.
God looks at you and gets excited about being with you.
God delights in you.
This Christmas, may God fill your heart with the joy that comes from knowing just how much you mean to Him.
Readings for Christmas Eve
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Harper's Magazine, Christmas 1898 by Harvey Ellis.
給~每一個在苦難中依然有盼望的人 To everyone who still has kept the hope in suffering. Lan~*
🙏 天主與我們同在! ("厄瑪奴耳 Emmanuel "就是耶穌,喻意天主祂透過耶穌實踐對我們的愛,居住在我們中間。Amen.)
厄瑪奴耳,懇求降臨 Veni Veni Emmanuel (O'come O'come Emmanuel)是一首期待���世主的歌,非常適合將臨期。 這個版本的特殊在於演出者是猶太人,在耶路撒冷的達味塔以英語及猶太語演唱。 兩千年前猶太人太看重自己對救世主的期待,而忽略了救主的臨在,那麼現在的我們是否也只是為了自己的期待而錯過了當下與主接近的契機? Veni Veni Emmanuel (O'come O'come Emmanuel) is a song of expecting a savior, perfect for Advent. This version is special in that the performers are Jewish, and it is sung in English and Jewish at the Tower of David in Jerusalem. Two thousand years ago, the Jews paid too much attention to their expectations of the Savior, but ignored the presence of the Savior. So now, are we just missing the opportunity to get close to the Lord because of our own expectations?
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winewithdann · 2 years
Happy birthday King 👑✨💫💖
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Happy Catholic New Year!!
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dramoor · 6 months
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~O come let us adore Him~
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drgluckenstein · 2 years
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brucedinsman · 29 days
Daily Service: Jesus is God
Daily Service: Jesus is God Sixth in the series “Jesus is”  – I will include scriptures, references, graphics, and songs also. Ever present (Omniscient), all knowing, ever powerful, not limited by our human understanding. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. John 1:1 NKJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.[1] Matthew…
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by K.J. Drake | In John‘s prologue we are given a transcendent perspective on the identity and mission of Jesus Christ. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1) Unlike the other Gospels that begin the story of Christ with his genealogy and virginal conception (Matthew and Luke) or his public ministry (Mark), John guides us behind and above these events and history itself to the eternal ground of Jesus’s identity: The Son of Mary is the eternal Son of God...
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cattyroo-blog · 4 months
A virgin will be with child. She will bring forth a son. His name will be Emmanuel, which means God with us. Matthew 1:23
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