#Emmet may not be the best at helping on the farm but why would you marry him for that... If you want a farmhand Ingo is right there
subwaytostardew · 10 months
There was a screenshot of a letter Ingo sends the player with Emmet's spouse patio in the back, what inspired it to akin to a tea party table? Ingo's being the berry garden makes sense (2 heart event), do we have a tea party with Emmet at some point?
Emmet's spouse patio was tricky for us to figure out since... Emmet is miserable most of the time! He wouldn't really like how dirty it is outside on the farm, either...
Though he did have a pleasant time outdoors once! That was when he was serving as a Butler-Subway-Boss extraordinaire! The table (and Joltik cart) was sprited based on their shared butler costume sync pair mindscape visual (but with more blues and greens in reference to his EX colors, red is more of Ingo's color). They each take one aspect from it: Ingo with the berry plants and Emmet with the tea party table.
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As for a proper tea party... Emmet will have one for his 14 heart event! He'll present a scrapbook of him and the player together there. We aren't anywhere near done with his 8 and 10 heart events, so we don't have a script for that or anything yet. That aside, I plan to reference/add onto what he learned from Piers in pokemas' tea party event for that event! Emmet has workaholic tendencies and doesn't trust that he isn't just what he can offer. He's written to struggle comprehending/believing in relationships that aren't transactional, so his main theme is making him understand that expressing how he's "artistic" *cough* autistic is enough to win someone's love. He's getting better mentally but still struggles with his various issues. He needs constant affirmation. Becuase is Emmet. What he does. What he says. Always the same.
Until then! I still need to figure out his 8 and 10 heart events. Though I do have a lot of thoughts regarding his 14 heart event, I wouldn't want to jump straight to it since I want to try having the events build off of each other better. (The 2 and 6 heart events flow better since they were made one after the other, Emmet's 4 and 5 heart events were tricky to write afterwards... I'd like to minimize working backwards from now on!)
The 10 heart event is still in the planning phase, but you do get to have a nice meal with Emmet before the actual tea party/14 heart event! Here's a snippet from my (verrrry rough) event planning draft for it when I was jotting down ideas way too early.
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I don't have anything to show off for the 8 heart event regarding this subject but there's a snack break somewhere there too... I guess....
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
Sweet Home Texas- Chapter 1
Read Entire Story on Ao3
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When Alice returned to her hometown for her brother's wedding the last thing she expected was that Jasper would have forgotten her completely. 
When Jasper was driving to his cousins wedding he didn't expect to run into a mysterious girl who knows him, but he doesn't remember her.
With five days before Alice leaves will Jasper be able to figure out who she is and remedy the biggest regret of his life?
Written for Jalice Week Day 7- YeeHaw
"I'm so fucking late." Alice thought to herself as she hunched over the hood of the car one-handed. Her height made this task difficult enough on its own, nevermind having to do it with one hand as the other held her phone as a torch. When the car pulled over behind her, she was tentatively hopeful, either someone would be able to help her get the piece of garbage car up and running, or she was about to be murdered.
"What seems to be the problem, little lady?" A voice called out in a thick Texan accent, one that she only kind of missed. Only on those days when she thought of him, she'd have to deal with that soon enough. For now, she really did need to get off the highway. She was flooded with relief as she turned around, though soon enough was apparently right now; a friendly face was more than she could hope for. "Jasper, thank GOD. I have no idea what's wrong with this thing. Think I could hitch a ride to town?"
Rather than look at him, she pulled out her phone, quickly ordering a tow truck to get the now useless car off the road. She hoped to high heaven that the phone screen didn't illuminate the blush she could feel setting into her cheeks. Turns out, being away for five years did not reduce the impact your high school crush had on you.
"My apologies, ma'am," She looked up at that, glad to know he was still polite as always. That man didn't have a mean bone in his body, one of the many things she found exceptionally attractive. "But I can't seem to recall having met you."
That caused her to roll her eyes, less happy to know he was still a jokester. "Hahaha, very funny, Jas. Seriously though, we're both super late, and the toe truck is already on its... way..." She looked up to a bashful apologetic smile; realization hit her, causing her to double over in laughter. "Holy shit, you really don't remember me, do you? That's too fucking funny."
"I'm sorry I don't, but if you'd let me buy you a drink, I'd love to catch up."
"Are... are you trying to flirt with me now?" It was too much; this was quite possibly the most hilarious thing to have ever happened to her. A devious grin spread across her face; she always had like playing games with him; why stop now. "Tell you what, when you can remember who I am, if you still want to ask me out, I'll go on a date with you."
"Do I get any hints?" As expected, he responded positively to the idea.
"Oh no, you have to figure it out on your own. Now help me into your ridiculously oversized truck... like you used to."
"Ma'am," He chuckled as he lifted her up, "I reckon that's a hint of sorts."
"It's whatever you want it to be, cowboy." She buckled up and pulled out her cell once again, tapping out a message to her soon to be sister in law. She explained the situation and begged her to inform all their friends to not tell Jasper her name. He had to figure this one out on his own.
Jasper tried questioning her the entire ride to the restaurant. She had quickly given him a set of ground rules; he couldn't ask her about her life before age twenty, her family, or how she knew anyone in town. So he asked about her line of work, hobbies, etc.
She responded by giving out as little information as possible, thinking that things would click as soon as they got to the restaurant. She was wrong.
Walking into the restaurant, the first person to greet them was Jasper's little sister Charlotte.
"It's great to see you again!" The woman wrapped her up in a hug before turning to Jasper. "You're an absolute idiot. How could you not remember her? And after what you did..."
"What exactly did I do?" He looked at his sister with pleading eyes hoping she would bail him out like she usually did when he got in trouble.
"No, I'm not helping you this time, bro. You deserve it." With a flip of her hair, she left him standing there.
"What did you do?" He leaned down to whisper. "How does my sister already know about our deal?"
"I may or may not have asked the bride to inform her guests of our little arrangement. Or did you think I'd let you off that easy? You may not remember, but I am a formidable opponent, Mr. Whitlock."
"Game on, little lady." He smirked at her fondly, causing her heart to race, God she'd missed that look.
He looked as though he wanted to say something when Emmett came bounding up to the pair picking up Alice into a giant bear hug. He set her down before turning to Jasper. "Thanks for giving this one a ride, man. I keep telling her to replace that old car and get a truck."
"I'll die before anyone catches me driving one of those monstrosities you country boys think are so cool. By the way, your lift kit makes you look like a douchebag. Besides, that cars got sentimental value."
"You bought it off a farm for $300 five years ago. What sort of sentimental value could it possibly have child?"
"Okay, not a child. I'm twenty-five, so get that straight. You don't know the whole story behind how I got that car, so you can just move right along." Emmett laughed as he walked away, obliging the request to greet more of his guests. Meanwhile, Alice reflected on a memory.
"I think you've got it, Al." Jasper nodded approvingly from the passenger's seat. They had been cruising along backroads for weeks now. After she'd informed him, she didn't dive because she didn't know how; his immediate response had been to teach her. "Could probably go take the test tomorrow. I got time in the afternoon."
"I don't have anything to take it in, but at least now I can drive in an emergency. Like next time you or Emmet hurt yourselves actin' like idiots."
"I'll sell ya this one. $300, never use it anyway since I got the truck now. Just sits around collectin dust."
"Daddy's gonna kill me for gettin a license; I don't even wanna know how he'd react to my gettin a car."
"Keep it at my place then," He'd shrugged.
"Why are you so adamant about selling me this car." She questioned him.
"Don't worry about it." He looked away from her flustered, "It's yours whether you pay me or not, so get over it. Now drive us back to my place so I can take you home. It's gettin' late."
"You alright, Ma'am?" Jasper's voice in the present brought her back to reality.
"Yeah, just remembering something."
The rest of the dinner had gone off without a hitch; Jasper followed her around, waiting for someone to slip and give up her name. Alice greeted numerous friends from her childhood, and thankfully no one spoiled her game, many of them actually insulting Jasper's intelligence. She'd been a bit concerned Maria would give her away. Her former best friend had been so excited to introduce Alice to her fiance, a man from Washington named Riley, that she'd let out the first syllable of her name.
"So it starts with an A then." He'd smirked, thinking he was onto something.
As the night went on, Rosalie pulled her to the side, shooting Jasper one of her famous glares silently communicating, 'If you follow us, I will kill you.' She gave Alice a hug, informed her of what dates she needed to be where for bridesmaid duties, told her she thought the thing with Jasper was hilarious, and broke th
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ask-fallout-mayhem · 6 years
[Below the cut is the first part of the encounters between @ask-fallout-emmet-brickowski and @ask-fallout-mayhem]
One (1) General Mayhem arrives at a Deathclaw farm, and quickly checks her pip-boy to make sure everything is on track.
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Which it does seem to be! And what luck, there seems to be people already outside on the far, so in an intentionally intimidating she heads towards them in her bulky power armor.
-- “Uh, Rex,” Emmet tells the man who is working in the field next to him. “Do you know who that is?”
The man in question looks up to also see the masked figure approaching. He stands up with his gun ready and shouts to the mysterious figure. “Hey! Who are you and why are you here?”
Oh crabapples, Mayhem thoughts begin to flow through her heard rapidly, maybe intentionally intimidating was not the way to go here, these guys just seem to be some normal ranchers, okay just gotta introduce myself in a normal person way.
“Greetings, I am General Mayhem of the Systar System’s Management, there is no need to use your weapons right now as I mean you no harm, I am simply looking for an officer from New Reno I have business with, do you know if I can locate him here? “
Was that normal? I think that was normalish, a little intimidating, but they are pointing a gun at me, so it’s a reasonable amount of intimidating.
Rex lowers his weapon slightly but still keeps his eyes on Mayhem. “Emmet, go get Bad Cop.”
Emmet nods and runs down the path that leads to the house. As he does so, Rex’s deathclaws come over to see what is happening. “We may but, if I may ask, what kind of business do you have with him?”
Well this is going way better than the last recruitment mission, they almost seem trusting, there has to be a catch, annnnnnnd the catch is he has deathclaws.
Mayhem sweats a little under her helmet, but tries to not let her surprise at the death claws effect her voice.
“ I’m here to offer him a tour of the Systar System’s Management HQ, we’re moving forward with a self image improvement plan by showing our faculties to high rankingindividuals of different areas, and I was told he was very prominent figure in the security, so he would be a valuable asset if he were to tell others that the Management was a trustworthy organization. “
Her eyes keep glancing back from Rex to the Deathclaws, she really wanted to ask if she could pet one, but alas she has a mission to do. Maybe she could come visit at a later time, if these guys didn’t end up hating her.
“I see…” Rex says as his deathclaws stand next to him. Emmet and Bad Cop then turn up causing the deathclaws to move away slightly so they can stand next to Rex.
“So, where do you plan to take us?” Bad Cop asks as he loads his laser rifle.“We would also like to know who this Management is controlled by before we make any decisions.”
Okay more guns, I gotta give a sarcastic yay to that, he knows I’m wearing power armor though, right? That gun isn’t gonna do a whole lot of damage. Wait didn’t the report mention something about two cops, but I only needed to bring back one guy, so if I get in trouble I’ll blame Susan for writing up bad reports.
But these guys aren’t like the Master Builders or anything, so I think I can try to be a little more friendly with them.
“I take it you’re the security personal I’m looking for, so nice meet you, and as I was explaining to your, uh friend here, I was planning to take you to our HQ, it’s located in the Mojave Wasteland, not to far from the New Vegas Strip, just inside of your run of the mill underground bunker.
And the head of the management is our Great Leader Wa'nabi, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Usually at this point an individual would have made comment on how they don’t trust the Management, or how they’ve heard bad things about it, which leads Mayhem to ask,
“I take it none of you have heard about the the Management before?”
They all shook their heads no.
“We have lived out the general Mojave area for years and we have never heard of this Management before.” Bad Cop tells her before flipping up his sunglasses to allow Good Cop to take over. “Of course, we would be interested in going if we can learn some more about this Great Leader Wa’nabi and their goals.”
“You haven’t heard of it before..? “
She asks, a happy little surprise on her part, a lot of groups like to spread untrue rumors about the Management, because it’s scary and new, and has some sort of undead general, it was finally nice to have some people who weren’t assuming anything about it!
“That’s great! Not that it’s great that you haven’t heard anything about it, it’s great that you havent heard of some of the totally untrue rumors!
And I mean it was founded only 5 years ago, and only in the last 2 years have we been expanding our reach, so to speak, so it makes since you might not have heard about it before.
And as for the Great Leader Wa'nabi, I mean I guess Great Leader is an opinion, but lots of other people think she’s great so it’s a good opinion.”
And then Mayhem goes on to prattle on the memorized introduction story for the Management, almost bored as she tells it, simply because of the number of times she has recited it in the last five years.
“After some major battle she was left without a home or family, and traveled the wasteland trying to find her place, but only found destruction and pain, and that just broke her heart and she decided to make a place where everyone has a chance to live a peaceful life. So she founded the Systar System, a group of interconnected settlements that helped each other out, but she felt that wasn’t enough, and went on the make the the Systars System’s Management, a more unified version of her vision. And it’s great, we take in people who don’t have homes or places to go, give them a shelter, a job, and a whole new life.”
And with the long sob story out the way she clasps her two hands together with a loud thunk, and says,
“And that’s sort of our goal, to just help people out, I hope that answer is satisfactory to you.”
“They sound awesome G!” Emmet tells Good Cop. “I think you should go! I mean if you want to, but I personally would.”
Good Cop nods and goes to tell her his answer but is interrupted by Rex. “As great as the Systar System sounds, how can we be sure that this isn’t a ploy to brainwash him?”
Ah the age old question, one of the hardest to prove, almost as hard as ‘prove you’re not a synth’. Luckily both questions Mayhem spends up all night thinking about instead of sleeping. Because she doesn’t really sleep more than once a month. 
She thinks to herself that maybe she needs to put more thought into that ‘prove I’m not a synth’ question.
Right the question at hand, she places her hands on her hips and starts going through her list of reasons why the Systar System wouldn’t brainwash people.
“Cause that would be something bad guys would do, and we’re not the bad guys here, I can assure you.”
Which seemed true enough to her, she helped people all the time, and that made her a good guy, and a good guy wouldn’t brainwash someone.
“Not to mention brainwashing is almost technically impossible, unless you have some sort of computer chip hardwired into your brain, and even then you couldn’t 100% control the person only alter their memories and motivations, but the science just isn’t there yet, so he shouldn’t have to worry about brainwashing for the foreseeable future, unless he’s like a synth, it’s probably really easy to brainwash a synth, he’s not a synth right, Im pretty sure he’s not a synth, not that there’s anything wrong with synths if he was one.”
The second part of her constructed argument came from her time as a bio-engineer where she helped some of her lab mates develop brain modification units, but they had discovered that they couldn’t truly control the brain, but she didn’t spend a whole lot of time on that research, most of her time was spent splicing Deathclaw DNA.
“But if you’re really scared of the possible brainwashing, you two could accompany him as protection, to make sure no brainwashing takes place.”
The last comment wasn’t really to get them to feel better, she had just noticed that Emmet made the comment he wanted to go, and he seemed like a perfect for the Systar System, quiet, polite, sweet, innocent, so she wanted to give him an excuse to join along.
Rex huffs before holstering his weapon. “Alright, we will go with him. Just don’t try anything.”
He motions for his deathclaws to follow and opens the gate that separated the farm from the outside world. As he leaves, he calls to Emmet and Good Cop to follow him. Once he is far enough way, Emmet turns to Mayhem.
“So, how long will this take? Rex probably wants to get back to his farm as soon as possible.”
“It should take an hour to get there, if we take my helibird,” which she had parked not to far, “but uh Rex wasn’t planning on bringing the deathclaws was he? I don’t know if they can fit on the ship, fitting four people on it might already be pushing the limits of what it can handle.” She did take the bigger ship with her, as she thought she might be needing to take two police officers back to the base, but even still it wasn’t like this was the best air craft in the world, it can’t handle a pack of deathclaws, you’d need a whole airship for that. That would be cool though, have your own air ship, travel around, scare people with how cool you are.
“He usually doesn’t go anywhere without one at his side but let me see if he is willing to leave them behind.” Emmet tells her before shouting to Rex. “Hey Rex! Mayhem says that she won’t be able to take your deathclaws with! Can you leave them behind?”
Rex turns around and shouts back, “You know that I don’t go anywhere without one of them, Emmet!”
“But Rex, Mayhem says that she can’t bring them with if we want to go with Bad Cop!” After Emmet shouts to Rex, the man looks like he is about to bark back something but stops to throw his hands up in the air in defeat. He calls over his deathclaws and puts some collars on them before pointing them back to the farm.
As they leave, he shouts back, “Alright, they’re gone! Are we now ready to get this show on the road?”
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