#Enderal Star Summer Night
zevranstits · 6 days
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I've spent a lot of time in hospitals these days but couldn't miss it 👁👁
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jilljoycearts · 1 year
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🌌Star Summer Night Masquerade Ball ✨🎆
Enjoy the fun!
I decided to go extra as can be clearly seen 😏 This style appeared to be very challenging and it took me about 60 hours in total. Zoom in! It’s worth it. I hope.
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spicylief · 1 year
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Late, but I’m done~
Ended up giving them more modern outfits because I wanted to.
Enjoy finding all the little details~
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sefirots · 1 year
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my lil lady for the enderal star summer night :D!
ok ngl i regret not doing an illustrative piece but i also finished this during finals week so yk what. it’s okay. i deserve a break
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gabriellerudessa · 1 year
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My contribution to the Enderal Star Summer Night :)
I also have the idea for a short story about this moment, but I don't know if I'll have the time and mental energy to write it anytime soon, so I'm sharing the painting now :)
Arelyel's mask (the Prophetess) was based on an Urutau or Brazilian Ghost Bird. In my mind she would hear and see the bird as a kid in Nehrim and really loved it.
Also, since MASQUERADE, I really used metallic watercolors on their masks and clothes, but I couldn't get all the shimmer with Cam Scanner 😔
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jhara-ivez · 1 year
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Fashionably late.
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teeceratops · 1 year
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almost on time. don't look at the date :')
the father crashing the party at the star summer night ball in style, as he should
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We go to the Masquerade Ball together ✨
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tinta--branca--art · 1 year
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POV ur standing between them and the buffet table
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beck-nightengale · 1 year
Was talking about the Enderal spring event ball on Discord. Now all I can think about how Jade would be initially confused at the concept of a "ball" and be like
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(Also would she be allowed to take one of her ghost girlfriends as a date? Like I know Phasmalism is "forbidden magic" and all but Zar'ah would make a great dance partner and for maximum awkward interactions with poor Jespar.)
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giselberts · 1 year
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fancy little tharael who deserves to wear eyeliner :) yes this is a reupload ignore my old watermark <3
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zevranstits · 1 year
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Art for celebration of the Star Summer Night 💫 (I'm late as usual)
I wanted to draw girls in fancy dresses and that's a great opportunity >:D
Took a lot of time tho and now my finger hurts from pressing stillus a lot but thats worth it uwu
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jilljoycearts · 1 year
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✨Star Summer Night - Masquerade Ball 🎆
Greetings, Enderal Fandom,
I have some exciting news to share with you all! The Star Summer Night celebration is fast approaching, and it would be delightful if you would join me on June 1st! 🎇
Although canonically this holiday is celebrated on the first day of spring - according to the Butcher of Ark books, we are choosing to be fashionably late this year - and our good friend Nico approves. He has even kindly provided us with a list of animal costumes that the canon characters would wear for the masquerade🦁
By the way, I will include the text of both letters under the cut below.
So, whether you are an artist, a writer, or simply someone who loves Enderal, we would be thrilled to see what you can come up with. You can share your work on social media using the hashtag #EnderalStarSummerNight.
Can’t wait to see all the fantastic things you create and to share in the excitement of this amazing event together 🎭
Text of the letters from the image:
“Dear Esteemed Guest, You are cordially invited to attend a grandiose celebration of the Star Summer Night, a masquerade ball of utmost elegance and grandeur. This enchanting event will be held at the renowned Ark Theatre on the first day of the summer, commencing at the dusk hour and extending until the wee hours of the morn. The theme of the event is as unique as it is fantastical; we humbly request that you grace us with your presence dressed as the animal of your choosing. Allow your imagination to soar and your spirit to take flight, as we honor the arrival of summer under the light of the stars. With great anticipation, we eagerly await your arrival. Sincerely, The Organizers of the Star Summer Night Masquerade Ball.”
And the second one, which is an addition:
“Esteemed Guest, It is with great pleasure that we anticipate your presence at the Star Summer Night Masquerade Ball. We write to inform you that several individuals, whom you may be acquainted with, have already confirmed their attendance and selected their attire for the evening's festivities: Jespar Dal’Varek — Wolverine, Calia Sakaresh — Red Fox, Tharael Narys — Panther / Hyena, Dijaam Onelys — Scorpion, Lishari Peghast — Cat, Lexil Merrayil — Otter, Yuslan Sha’Rim — Moray Eel, Konstantin Firespark — Grumpy Old Hippo, Tealor Arantheal — Lion, Natara Dal’Veram — Lioness Esme — Albatross, Ryneus — Butterfly, The Father — Immortal Jellyfish We trust that this information will be of interest to you, and we eagerly anticipate your own unique representation at this enchanted gathering. Warm Regards, The Organizers of the Star Summer Night Masquerade Ball.”
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lyralit · 2 years
50 books to read in a lifetime.
The Magician's Nephew, C.S. Lewis
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis
The Horse and His Boy, C.S. Lewis
Prince Caspian, C.S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C.S. Lewis
The Silver Chair, C.S. Lewis
The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Avonlea, L.M. Montgomery
Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, V.E. Schwab
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Charlotte's Web, E.B. White
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
James and the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.K. Rowling
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
The Giver, Lois Lowry
Ghost Boys, Jewell Parker Rhodes
The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman
Macbeth, William Shakespeare
Ready Player One, Ernest Cline
These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
Our Violent Ends, Chloe Gong
Holes, Louis Sachar
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saénz
Life of Pi, Yann Martel
Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
The Mysterious Benedict Society, Tristan Lee Stewart
Les Trois Mousquetaires, Alexandre Dumas
The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas
Winnie-the-Pooh, A.A. Milne
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers
A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine Miller
The Fault in Our Stars, John Green
Looking for Alaska, John Green
Genuine Fraud, E. Lockhart
Scythe, Neil Shusterman
The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
Le Horla, Guy de Maupassant
Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief, Rick Riordan
To all the Boys I've Loved Before, Jenny Han
The Summer I Turned Pretty, Jenny Han
If We Were Villains, M.L. Rio
Dracula, Bram Stoker
Le Tour du Monde en Quatre-Vingts Jours, Jules Verne
side note: all of these are in different genres with different age groups and levels of appropriate-ness. some are older and may contain controversial subjects. I speak for none of the authors: I liked the book, and that's it.
tag and comment your favourite books to be added to the list!
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Congratulations on 500!! You earned it! For a request could you do prompt: “The World Ender” for Alex/Barry? There’s a lot of stories where the reader is helping him, but not really anything for the other way around!
Author's Note | this concept is actually so creative?? like wow, anon, I hadn’t actually thought of something like this too much before!! so thank you so much for the request!!
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Being roommates with Alex should be simple, in theory. He's used to living small. Minimizing himself until he's barely noticeable. Call it a product of his childhood, but he usually feels the most useful when he's quiet. But he's not sure if he actually enjoys that existence. Or if he'd simply lived it for so long that it was all he knew.
This is why it really isn't easy being his roommate. Having known you for practically half his life, he's well aware of how...spirited...you can be. You live in a way that he's not used to. So far removed from how Holly had raised him to be: broken apart until he fit into any mold the world could throw at him.
He has a hard time expressing it, but in a strange way, he's grateful. Being around such a strong personality brings him out a little more. You don't overwhelm his senses. He's tuned into your energy; how you move, how you breathe, how you speak. He can't say that about many people. And you wouldn't think he'd be so analytical just from looking at him. But that's one good thing the silence gave him; his intuition.
It's how he knows something is wrong when you come through the front door and sit down on the couch. You don't say a single word to him, just stare blankly at the cooking show he'd clicked on when he got home from work.
"What's wrong?" he asks, his tone soft.
Within seconds, your cold demeanor washes away. You head falls to the back of the couch and you close your eyes, letting out a sigh that you wish could flush out your nerves.
"Pullman fired me today." you reply quickly.
Alex's heart drops to his stomach. You'd worked so hard at that job; picking up all the extra hours they gave you in hopes they would see your dedication and reward you in some way. Of course they didn't. In their eyes, you're nothing special. Just another cog in the machine that could easily be plucked and tossed to the side. The world has plenty of other cogs that will fit just fine; thank you.
Alex has always been supportive of you. Every time you vented about the stress, he did his best to listen and to offer comfort where he could. But this was a different hurt that he hadn't felt radiating off of you before. And as he searches through his mind for some way to help, he thinks of the best idea.
Wordlessly, he rises from the couch, leaving you behind only for a moment as he heads to the hallway closet. Flipping on the yellow hall light and scanning over the shelves, he searched for the right blanket. He runs his hand down the stack, feeling each texture until he gets to a large quilt. He distinctly remembers you using it one night when you and him had a movie night a while back. It's perfect.
You hear the sliding glass door leading to the backyard open and close but ignore it. A handful of minutes later you hear it again. And when you open your eyes, Alex stands beside you, nudging your shoulder with a gentle hand. "Come outside." he says simply.
Figuring he must've found another frog outside, you follow. But instead, you find yourself standing on the porch, looking out over the small patch of land that constitutes your background. Right in the center of the lawn, Alex had laid out the blanket perfectly; no wrinkles or folds in the fabric.
As he sits cross-legged on the left side of the blanket, he motions for you to join him.
You take the spot beside him, grateful that the stifling summer air has faded into a comfortable breeze. The lush green grass was all the more comfortable with the blanket placed over the top of it.
"Look," Alex points up towards the endless night sky. "Stars."
"Stars." you conclude. For a little while, your pain blows away as you lay back on the blanket, bringing your hands behind your head. You stare into the void of the universe. And, funnily enough, the memory of Pullman calling you into his office and curtly informing you that you'd been fired...it seemed so meaningless. But in the most comforting way possible. These were the moments that mattered most to your soul; not stupid job and your idiot manager.
"Does this help?" Alex mumbles.
He feels euphoric seeing you smile even a tiny bit as you answer, "Yeah. It does. Thanks, bud."
This quiet isn't the kind of quiet that the world forced him into. This is the kind of quiet that heals. The kind of quiet that makes him feel like he can exist safely and peacefully with someone. That he can be useful in a brand new way.
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gabriellerudessa · 1 year
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Things are calmer this moment at home, so I managed to finish the sketch for the Enderal event. Now to use a Traditional Artist Best Friend (aka carbon paper lol) to transfer it to a clean paper and paint it 🙃🙃🙃 Final version will def take some time to be posted 😩
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