cumbercookiebatchs · 4 years
Okay, so, this is my first time joining something like this and im pretty nervous, but here’s my take for @enjoltaire-winter-week
7.12- Family x Colors
Everything started when Combeferre had a break down.
Enjolras still couldn’t think about it, but between university, his job and the numerous project he was carrying to top it all, even Combeferre had fallen under the pressure, unleashing a concatenation of events that had found its end in Courfeyrac’s offer for them all to go and spend Christmas at his family’s cabin.
“Won’t your parents object?” He’d asked because, yeah, with a cabin on the alps ,Enjolras guessed they’d want to spend Christmas there, with snow and all that.
“Nah, they’ll spend Christmas with my aunt”
So, it was settled, and a week later the amis found themselves on the road, so early in the morning the sun had yet to come up.
Enjolras didn’t mind that much though, sat as he was, plastered against Grantaire and his warmth. He didn’t even know how he’d ended up there, but coming to think of it, it could have been because of Cosette and the scheming she started as soon as she’d learned about his crush on Grantaire.
Oh well.
The chattering from the front seats was low and steady, and soon he was asleep again, blinking his eyes open when something tickled his nose.
It took him a few seconds to realize what was really going on, how he was hugging Grantaire’s arm, with his head on his shoulder, but when he did his whole face went ablaze.
Grantaire didn’t seem to have a problem with it though, and just smiled at him that cute little smile of his, “We’re here, Jo” and, yeah, right, the car wasn’t moving anymore.
He tried to get a grip on himself and moved away to free Grantaire’s arm, stifling a yawn in the process and definitely not peeking at Grantaire and at how well his coat framed his shoulders. Uh.
Another smile, and Grantaire stepped outside on the snow-covered soil. He stretched his legs and bent down, smug face grinning at Enjolras through the car’s window “Oi, did you know that you snore?”
Enjolras gasped, throwing his hat at his face, “Liar!”, he screamed, but Grantaire was already jogging inside, leaving Enjolras in the car, blushing and without his hat.
And, yeah, that coat was really something.
Sighing at himself and at his horrible romance skills, he got out of the car too, taking in the landscape before him for the first time. Everything was white and silent, the snow shined under the bright sunlight and jumped into his eyes. Enjolras filled his lungs with the icy air  before stepping inside.
 The cabin was a bit of a dusty mess, but by night everyone was settled, the whole place cleaned up and on its way to look like Santa’s village.
On the far side of the room, the Christmas three glittered red and green, just like the lights Jean was draping everywhere. Courfeyrac moved around the room spreading tinsel and chocolate and kisses alike, and it  felt  so much like home, the laughers, the warmth, filling his chest with love and affection. A sweet smell of cookies came from the kitchen, and suddenly everything was too much, melancholy wrapping around him like a cloak.
Sighing, he rested his temple and shoulder on the frigid window, confused by himself and his treacherous mind.
It was so dark outside, the sky filled with stars.
He shivered but he paid it no mind, watching his own breath fall humid on the window.
Something fell on his shoulders – a blanket, he noticed- and Grantaire sat down beside him right after, rubbing his palms on his jeans. He was wearing antlers toppled with bells, and they giggled when he leaned down.
“Is everything alright?” he murmured, as if catching the strange daze overcoming Enjolras, and he was just so, so endearing, with his warm ugly sweater and his crocked nose, it was so hard for Enjolras not to curl up beside him and bask in his warmth, but he settled with a tiny shrug of his shoulders instead. “I’m just, not used to spend Christmas like this. Makes me notice what I’ve missed, I guess”
“Your family’s not much for the holidays?”
“My family’s not much for family.”
“Oh, I see.”
Grantaire’s voice was soft, his eyes warm as he scooted closer, cradling Enjolras’ palms and playing with his fingers. He wasn’t looking at him, his gaze on their intertwined hands, but Enjolras ‘eyes were fixed on him, on his fringe and how it fell on his forehead, on his little smile that showed off his dimples, and another wave of feelings washed over him, made him falter as his heart sped up.
Grantaire ran the rough pad of his thumb on Enjolras’ knuckles, looking at him from under his lashes.
Enjolras felt his cheeks heat up violently, feverishly so, breath hitching when Grantaire leaned in again,“You know, - he said- as a wise man once said, family doesn’t end with blood, and it seems to me that we both did a pretty good job in finding our own family, don’t you think?” and, his smile was so tender, doing all kind of things to Enjolras’ heart.
His eyes even watered, just a little bit.
“You’re right. You really are.”
Grantaire gasped playfully, maybe to lighten up the mood, Enjolras didn’t know but was glad anyway, subtly wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
“Yeah, you’re right, but don’t think I missed the Supernatural quote” he said, chuckling and leaning his head on Grantaire’s shoulder, in what he hoped would pass as a simple show of gratitude. Their hands were still intertwined, resting where they were on Grantaire’s thigh, and Enjolras squeezed them. He felt the rumble of Grantaire’s voice right on his skin, “well it was fitting, don’t you think?”
And, yes. It was.
It was fitting, and true, and Grantaire was warm and soft beside him, left Enjolras with no choice but to lean up and kiss his cheek softly, uncaring of their surroundings and his own reddened cheeks.
Grantaire blushed too, though, so Enjolras considered them even.
okay so, this is some sort fo an hybrid thing? Like- i wanted this to be a multichapter, but it turned out more like a collection of one shots, some of them (maybe all, if i can) sharing this same setting. 
anyway, i hope you like this and i didn’t went off theme.
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 2: Fire / Oheň
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci Lengt: Oneshot, 2.500+ words     Rating: G (General) Warning: None Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire, Joly, Bossuet Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friendship, Fluff, Pre-relationship, Sick fic, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​.
Grantaire, nasáklý nejen vínem a dobrými vtipy, ale také notnou dávkou sarkasmu, ironie a cynismu; se tentokrát kousnul do jazyka a předtím, než mohl říct nějakou hloupost, si jen zhluboka oddechl, což způsobilo další příval kašle. Joly ho opatrně pohladil po zádech v naději, že mu trochu pomůže. Bossuet se podíval na jeho prázdnou sklenku s horkým vínem a okamžitě se zvedl, aby mohl objednat další. Nebo raději nějaký bylinkový čaj. Enjolras se ještě více zamračil a nervózně poklepal nohou. Když přestal černovlásek kašlat, oddechl si. „N-no, asi moc ne,“ přiznal. „Jsi nemocný?“ zeptal se ho Enjolras opatrně. x  Grantaire, soaked not only with wine and good jokes, but also with a good dose of sarcasm, irony and cynicism; bit his tongue this time, and before he could say any nonsense, he just took a deep breath, causing another rush of cough. Joly stroked his back carefully, hoping to help him a little. Bossuet looked at his empty glass of hot wine and immediately got up to order another. Or rather some herbal tea. Enjolras frowned even more and tapped his foot nervously.  When the brunette stopped coughing, he breathed a sigh of relief. “W-well, probably not much,” he admitted.  “Are you sick?” Enjolras asked cautiously.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Povídka měla vypadat trošku jinak, ale jelikož by se jednalo o jedinou, která by porušovala G/T rating, rozhodla jsem se to trochu upravit a nakonec mi z toho vznikla tahle sladká povídka. :D Líbí se vám?
A/N ENG: The story was supposed to look a little different, but since it would be the only one that would violate the G/T rating, I decided to adjust it a bit and in the end this sweet story came out of it. :D Do you like it?
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Starting tomorrow!
Don't forget to let me know about your works. You can do it with:
1. Directly tagging this account
2. Put one - or all - of the tags under your work. Tags for this week are - #EWW, #EWW2020, #Enjoltairewinterweek or #Enjoltaire Winter Week .
3. Both!
I'm excited to see all your works. 😍
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 1: Family / Rodina
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci Lengt: Oneshot, 2.800+ words   Rating: G (General) Warning: None Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire, background - Éponine, Jehan, Bahorel, Joly, Bossuet, Gavroche Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friendship, Fluff, Light Angst, Winter, Christmas Fluff, Kissing, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​.
Když dával do trouby další plech, zazvonil mu telefon. Utřel si zamazané ruce od mouky a těsta do zástěry, kterou měl uvázanou kolem boků a sebral ze stolu telefon, který už netrpělivě poskakoval. Jakmile uviděl známé jméno na displayi, široce se usmál. „Enjolrasi,“ řekl radostně, když hovor zvedl. „Čemu vděčím za zavolání?“ „…Máš čas?“ „Na tebe? Vždycky.“ „Mohl bys vyjít ven před svůj byt?“ x His phone rang as he put another plate in the oven. He wiped his smeared hands with flour and dough on the apron he had tied around his hips and picked up the phone from the table, which was already hopping impatiently. When he saw the familiar name on the display, he smiled broadly. “Enjolras,” he said happily as he picked up the call. “What do I owe for the call?”  “…Do you have time?”  “For you? Always.”  “Could you go out in front of your apartment?”
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: První část výzvy je tady! Budeme se teď vídat celý týden. Těšíte se? :) 
A/N ENG: The first part of the challenge is here! We'll see each other all week now. You are looking forward? :)
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 5: Church / Kostel
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci     Lengt: Oneshot, 2.000+ words       Rating: G (General)     Warning: None   Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Mabeuf, Grantaire Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, Established Relationship, Enjolras Has Feelings, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​​ .
A dnes, stejně jako poprvé před třemi lety, seděl blonďatý mladík na konci lavice a díval se na své spojené dlaně, ve kterých měl položený zlatý prsten. Mabeuf přešel k němu, položil mu ruku na rameno – kabát měl celý chladný, musel zde sedět již několik desítek minut – a jemně jej stiskl. Enjolras – jak znělo mladíkovo jméno – jen hlasitě polkl, zvedl se a zastrčil prsten do kapsy. „Jsem připraven,“ oznámil mu. x And today, as for the first time three years ago, a blond young man was sitting at the end of a bench, looking at his joined palms, with a gold ring in them. Mabeuf walked over to him, put his hand on his shoulder - his coat was cold, had to sit here for tens of minutes - and squeezed it gently. Enjolras - as the young man's name sounded - just swallowed loudly, got up and tucked the ring in his pocket. "I'm ready," he told him.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Uf, tohle bolelo.
A/N ENG: Ugh, it hurt.
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 4: Ice / Led
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci   Lengt: Oneshot, 3.000+ words       Rating: G (General)   Warning: None   Parning(s): Enjolras/Grantaire   Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friendship, Fluff, Pre-relationship, Enjolras Has Feelings, Idiots in Love, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​​ .
Už z dálky si všiml zářivé rudého kabátu. Jeho majitel seděl na lavičce u břehu a díval se nepřítomně před sebe. Grantaire přimhouřil oči. Byl si jistý, že zpod černé čepice viděl pár blonďatých pramenů vlasů. Muž vytáhl ruce z kapes – obě měl v černých, elegantních rukavicích – a podíval se na hodinky. Zlaté, zářivé, s rudým kamenem nad číslovkou 12. Tyhle hodinky by poznal naprosto všude. Nosil je—„No to snad ne!“ Byl hlasitější, než zamýšlel. Mladík se otočil a jakmile se jejich oči střetli, blonďáček si hlasitě povzdechl a pozdravil ho: „Grantaire.“ „No to se mi snad jenom zdá, já na tebe narazím prostě všude, a to se říká, že je Paříž velká,“ zasmál se Grantaire, když došel k Enjolrasovi a podíval se mu do očí.  x  From a distance he noticed a bright red coat. Its owner was sitting on a bench by the shore, looking absently in front of him. Grantaire's eyes narrowed. He was sure he saw a pair of blond strands of hair under his black hat. The man pulled his hands out of his pockets — both in black, elegant gloves — and looked at his watch. Gold, shining, with a red stone above the number 12. He would know this watch everywhere. This belonged to— "Don’t tell!"  He was louder than he intended. The young man turned, and as soon as their eyes met, the blond sighed loudly and greeted him, "Grantaire."  "Well, it just seems to me, I'll just run into you everywhere, and it's said that Paris is big," Grantaire laughed as he walked over to Enjolras and looked him in the eye. 
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Jak jsem slíbila, tak také konám! :) Dnes delší povídka s lepším tématem a i trochu spokojenou autorkou. Na tohle téma jsem se těšila ze všech nejvíce, možná kvůli tomu, že mi bruslení chybí... :)
A/N ENG: As I promised, I did! :) Today a longer story with a better theme and a slightly satisfied author. I was looking forward to this topic the most, maybe because I miss skating ... :)
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 7: Your favorite winter headcanon
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci       Lengt: Oneshot, 1.500+ words         Rating: G (General)       Warning: None     Parning(s): pre-Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Grantaire   Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Pre-relationship, Mutual Pining, Enjolras Has Feelings, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​​ .
Stejně jako roky před tím, Grantaire maloval. Ruka se mu volně pohybovala po papíře a maloval vše, co ho napadlo. Portréty lidí, které viděl v kavárně. Malůvky monster, které se mu tu noc proháněly ve snech. Drobné kresby snů, na které pod tíhou reálného života už skoro zapomněl. Vždy, když se ráno vracel domů, skicák měl celý pokreslený a schoval ho do skříně, ze kterého už nikdy nevytáhl. Vše, co tu noc namaloval, bylo až moc opravdové, živé a surové. Nechtěl si připouštět, že by byl ještě takových mocných emocí schopen. A tak, jen jeden den v roce, je nechával volně plynout, aby pak celý další rok mohl tak kvalitně hrát svou naučenou roli. x As years before, Grantaire painted. His hand moved freely on the paper, painting everything he could think of. Portraits of people he saw in a cafe. The little monsters that drove through his dreams that night. Tiny drawings of dreams, which he had almost forgotten under the weight of real life. Every time he returned home in the morning, his sketch was all drawn and hid in a closet he never pulled out. Everything he painted that night was too real, alive and raw. He didn't want to admit that he was still capable of such powerful emotions. And so, only one day a year, he let them flow freely, so that he could play his learned role so well throughout the next year.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: A je to tady, poslední část je vzájemně poslední povídka pro Bídníky v tomto roce. :) Přeji vám tímto krásné svátky, hodně pohody a klidu a uvidíme se zase v novém roce s dalšími povídkami. Doufám, že se těšíte stejně jako já. :) PS: Stále netuším, jak jednoduše přeložit slovo "headcanon". Máte nějaké nápady?
A/N ENG: And here it is, the last part of today’s week is also last story for Les Misérables this year. :) I wish you a beautiful holiday, a lot of peace and quiet and see you again in the new year with more stories. I hope you are as happy as I am. :)
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
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Day 6: Tradition / Tradice
Fandom: Les Misérables/Bídníci     Lengt: Oneshot, 1.500+ words         Rating: G (General)     Warning: None     Parning(s): pre-Enjolras/Grantaire Character(s): Enjolras, Mabeuf, Grantaire   Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Pre-relationship, Mutual Pining, Enjolras Has Feelings, Not Beta Read For “Enjoltaire Winter Week” by @enjoltaire-winter-week​​ .
Tohle všechno začalo před třemi lety. Jehan tenkrát zůstal poprvé na Vánoce sám, a tak se všichni z Přátel Abecedy rozhodli, že ho musí rozveselit. Sešli se v kavárně Musain a oznámili mu, že každý z nich udělá jednu věc, kterou po nich bude chtít. Bez odmlouvání. Bahorel naříkal, že toho jistě nejmladší člen jejich skupiny využije, ale Grantaire ho upozornil, že na rozdíl od nich, je ještě stále dost nevinný. Jehan, který měl od té doby zorničky roztažené vzrušením a zapisoval si do svého notesu všechny různé nápady, pak najednou vykřikl: „Lovci pokladů!“ x It all started three years ago. At that time, Jehan was left alone for the first time at Christmas, so all of the Friends of the Alphabet decided that he had to cheer him up. They met at the Musain Café and told him that each of them would do one thing he wanted. Bahorel lamented that the youngest member of their group would certainly take advantage, but Grantaire warned him that, unlike them, he was still quite innocent. Jehan, who had had his pupils dilated with excitement ever since and was writing down all his various ideas in his notebook, then suddenly shouted, "Treasure hunters!"
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Také by se vám taková vánoční tradice líbila? :)
A/N ENG: Would you also like such a Christmas tradition? :)
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2wnikiangel · 4 years
Hello ♥️ I'm sorry to bother you, I was wondering if the Enjoltaire Winter Week will happen? I read the prompts and I loved them, and it felt like such a sweet idea honestly, to soothe this 2020 with something sweet and good♥️
Anyway I hope you have a great day ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hi! Don't apologize, you aren't bothering me in any way! Don't worry. 😊
Yes! The Enjoltaire Winter Week is starting next week on Monday - 7th December. I will reblog every work with tags (#EWW and #Enjoltairewinterweek) on official page @enjoltaire-winter-week ! 😊
I'm so glad you're looking forward to this week. I was - and still a little am - anxious how it will turn out, but this ask made my day soooo much better. Thank you! ❤️ I hope at least 10 people will join and more will enjoy the final works.
Have a nice day! ❤️ And I guess - see you soon! 🤗
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