#Enzo Fernández
glimmerofawesome · 10 months
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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charlewiss · 2 years
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river plate (2021) x argentina nt (2022)
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pernilleharders · 11 months
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ENZO FERNÁNDEZ Chelsea vs. Blackburn Rovers | Carabao Cup 1 November 2023
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
can i ask for an enzo fernandez smut PLEASE
Pairing: Enzo Fernández x fem! Reader
Warnings: smut, language, cheating, mentions of unhappy relationship, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving)
Summary: friends -> lovers. After Argentina’s glorious World Cup victory, you follow your best friend to his hotel room with the intention of getting a good night sleep before your flight the next morning. To your surprise, the conversation topic makes you question things about your life, specifically, your relationship.
Word Count: 5.2k
Disclaimer: please send a plot next time! I was in the process of writing this for fun which is why I’m ignoring my rule :D
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~pretend they’re talking in Spanish I don’t know nearly enough Spanish to write this fic in Spanish :)~
They won. They did it. They fucking did it.
My heart was racing as I dashed onto the field. The audience was overjoyed. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric. Everyone (except the French) was giddy with joy. The roar of the audience set my nerves ablaze. I was buzzing.
I only had one task, to find Enzo. My gaze moved over the various faces, searching for a familiar one. Families hugged, and players consoled one another. Enzo had become completely lost in the sea of euphoric bodies.
I turned my head, praying my name wasn't a figment of my imagination. He stood tall, the aura of a champion accompanying his figure. I dashed over to him, swiftly closing the gap. My body warmed as he encircled me in a tight hug. With a huge grin on his face, he quickly drew back.
“We won Y/N! How cool is that?”
Enzo lightly shook my shoulders to emphasize his joy. His tone suggested that he was on the verge of happy tears.
“I never had a doubt.”
Enzo chuckled. His eyes were misty, with a few droplets cascading down his flushed cheeks.
¨You have much more faith than I do. When France caught up I thought we were done. I really did.¨
I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. He smelled strongly of turf and sweat.
¨I knew you guys would win.¨
I wasn't completely truthful. To be honest, there were times during the game when I worried I'd have to spend the night comforting a distressed rookie. Despite my concerns, the team was able to come out on top.
¨You did great. You really did.¨
Enzo shrugged, placing his hands smugly on his hips.
“I appreciate the praise. It’s not easy carrying the team.”
He remarked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes amusingly. His demeanor had shifted from tears of joy to smug and cocky.
“Well, I’m thrilled to know that, at the very least, you are amazing at being humble.”
We laughed in sync. When the laughter faded away, Enzo glanced around. I cocked an eyebrow, perplexed as to who or what he was searching for.
“Where’s Nick?”
“Oh! Nick couldn’t make it.”
Enzo cocked an eyebrow.
“You said he was coming?”
“Well, I said maybe. He had… an unexpected work thing.”
Enzo scoffed.
“Right, work.”
I didn't want to venture a guess as to what he was implying with his little scoff and suggestive tone. Enzo approached me and slung an arm over my shoulder, a pearly white smile contrasting his tanned face.
“Well, good, that means I got you all to myself tonight.”
I gave him a light smack.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Fernandez. Remember, I’m someone’s fiancée.”
Would it ever feel normal to describe myself as a fiancée? Enzo pursed his lips.
He said, his voice encompassing a hint of sterness. The smile on his face turned tight. I could tell Enzo didn't like Nicholas. He never explicitly said it, but his body language and tone when speaking of him made his feelings on the subject painfully clear.
“Well, enough of him. You wanna meet a few of my teammates?”
I smiled, relieved that we had moved on from the sensitive subject.
“I’d love to.”
Enzo introduced me to one player after the other. The increasing number of names being crammed into my head confused me. Fortunately, the team had to leave for the trophy ceremony before the amount of letters became unbearable.
A few stray tears fell during the trophy ceremony. It was fantastic to see Enzo named the best young player. Of course, the final lift of the World Cup trophy was flawless. I remembered all the fun times Enzo and I had when he swore he'd be playing for the Argentine national team. Although it seemed like a distant ambition at the time, I had faith in him. It felt good to know that all of my beliefs had paid off.
“Where are you staying? I’ll get you an Uber or something.”
Enzo inquired, once we were on the street.
“Oh, uh, I don’t really know.”
I took out my phone and began scrolling through my email, searching for the reservation.
“Nick did all that for me. He found me someplace.”
I retrieved the reservation and showed it to Enzo. Enzo shook his head in disappointment.
“Hell no, that place sucks.”
I raised my eyebrows.
I was completely taken aback. I assumed Nick had reserved a nice hotel for the night. Enzo confidently nodded.
“Oh yeah.”
I narrowed my eyes, unsure if he was telling the truth.
“Are you just saying that because you hate Nicholas or are you saying that because this place actually sucks?”
Enzo held up his hands in defense.
“I’m being serious! We were looking for places to stay and decided not to stay there because the staff was rude and the reviews were awful! The only reason it comes up first when you search is because it's a paid advertisement.”
I furrowed my brow.
“No way! I don’t believe you!”
When I hunted for reviews, I discovered that the vast majority of them were negative.
I said meekly, my shoulders sagging as I realized I was going to spend the night in a dirty room with rude staff.
“Well, It’s not like I have another option.”
I stuffed my phone back into my jean pocket, my happy mood dampened. Enzo shook his head vigorously, his arms crossed over his well defined chest.
“Why don’t you stay with me?”
He inquired casually. My eyes widened.
“Oh! No, I couldn’t do that.”
Enzo shrugged nonchalantly.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
Enzo dismissed my concerns.
“You know you’re always welcome at my place, Y/N.”
He flashed me a bright white smile. I must admit, it was a tempting offer.
“You just won the World Cup, Enzo. You need your sleep and I-”
“Well unless you’re gonna keep me up all night I think I’ll be perfectly fine.”
I gnawed on my lower lip. Enzo could sense my hesitancy to accept his offer.
“Trust me Y/N, you won’t be a bother. I have more room than I need.”
Enzo was listening intently, waiting to hear me accept his offer with sincerity.
“Okay, fine.”
Enzo tried his best to hide the true extent of his joy.
“Amazing. I knew you’d say yes. I do have to leave tomorrow morning though, and get back to Argentina.”
I shrugged.
“That’s fine by me. I’m leaving tomorrow as well.”
The Uber ride was nearly silent. I hadn’t seen Enzo in forever. Now, the one night of my trip we had together, neither of us could speak. I wasn't bothered. I'm sure he was tired, as was I.
The streets of Qatar were beautiful. The sparkling city lights were dazzling to behold. Despite having had the pleasure of taking in the gorgeous scene prior to this night, I gawked in awe as we rolled between the tall buildings.
“It feels so weird. I’m seeing you for the first time in ages tonight and we’re already both leaving tomorrow morning.”
Enzo said. With a sigh, I slid onto the couch, kicking off my shoes in the process.
“I know. We need to be more consistent with our weekly calls.”
It was difficult to live in America when your best friend was always on the move, going wherever the world of fútbol called him. Even when we did have a conversation, it was rarely long enough to be meaningful. Our calls were usually limited to a quick chat at halftime or a few minutes to say hello before bed. As a result, it felt as if I hadn't truly heard from him in ages.
Enzo slid onto the couch, throwing his head back with an obnoxiously loud sigh of relief.
“Do you wanna turn on a movie or something?”
I asked.
“How about we just talk.”
I nodded.
“Sure. I’d like that.”
The air was still. The soft hum of traffic continued below. I drew my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my calves to secure my position.
“So, what was it like playing in the World Cup?”
Enzo scoffed.
“It was amazing, obviously. But, like, at the same time I’m really glad it’s over. But, at the same time I’d do it all again if I was asked to, y’know?”
My attention was drawn to his stunning side profile. Thankfully, Enzo’s eyes were closed. Damn. Did he always look this good?
I must still be buzzing from the adrenaline rush.
“Yeah, that makes sense.”
I drew my attention away from him, knowing that if I focused on him for too long, my mind would wander to places I didn't want it to.
“How’s life besides soccer? All good? Any new relationships I should know about?”
I queried, sarcastically. Enzo laughed. I cracked a smile. Even if it was quiet, it felt good to hear his laugh after such a long period of absence. The sound made my heart warm with nostalgia.
“No, nothing super interesting.”
His lack of a social life piqued my interest. I mean, I'm his closest friend. I know he's a wonderful person. So why hadn't anyone else noticed?
“Really? Why?”
Enzo shrugged.
“I’ve been really busy, I guess. There hasn’t been a lot of time to search for hot new singles in my area.”
I noticed a faint smile on his lips. He was pleased with himself for cracking that wonderful joke. Leaning my head against my knees, I chuckled.
“That’s fair.”
I swallowed uncomfortably, knowing that questions about my life would follow. And with questions came the inevitable discussion of a subject I knew Enzo detested. I cast a glance down at my sparkly engagement ring.
“I guess it’s my turn.”
Enzo said with a hint of cheekiness. I exhaled shakily.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
I returned my stare to Enzo. His eyes were open, and his gaze was soft and enticing.
“So, how’s your life?”
I smiled and gave him a meek nod.
“It’s good.”
Enzo's eyes fell to my hand, where he noticed me fondling my engagement ring. He hummed in a disapproving manner before returning his gaze to mine. His pupils were dark, and his stare possessed a hard undertone.
“How’s Nick?”
Oh shit. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.
“He’s fine. He’s great, even.”
Enzo shook his head and pursed his lips into a straight line. I couldn't help but scoff at his disapproval. To be honest, I was tired of his games. I needed to put a stop to his childish behavior.
“Enzo, I get it. You hate my fiancé. But can you please for the love of God at least pretend to be happy for me?”
Enzo leaned forward, and his sudden closeness made my heart skip a beat.
“No. I can’t.”
His voice was stern. His gaze had significantly hardened.
I rolled my eyes.
“Why do I hate your fiancé?”
He gestured to himself.
“I think the better question is why don’t you hate your fiancé?”
My gaze narrowed.
“He’s a jerk! He treats you like shit! The only reason he bought you that ring was so you’d have a reason to talk about him while he’s out partying with his country club friends.”
I shook my head. Enzo exhaled sharply through his nose.
“You know I’m right Y/N. I don’t think you love him-”
“He's a safe choice!-”
“Why are you settling for him? When have you ever cared about being safe? You were always the one telling me I could do anything I wanted if I tried. You deserve so much better than that asshole!”
I clenched my teeth. I felt compelled to spit fire. I wanted to tell Enzo that he was mistaken and that I was madly in love with my fiancé. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't bring myself to lie. So, in an effort to be argumentative, I spoke without thinking.
“Who do I deserve then? Huh? You and only you?”
Enzo's face fell into a neutral expression. I was perplexed for a moment. What made him suddenly stoic?
Then it hit me. My stomach dropped to the floor.
I averted my gaze from him and concentrated on the plain wall ahead. I breathed evenly, working to process the confession I'd just heard.
“I wasn’t planning on telling you like this Y/N.”
“How long?”
“Um-like, a long time.”
“Is that the reason why you wanted me in your hotel room tonight?”
Enzo was deafeningly silent. The traffic continued to move, and the city continued to live around us. Despite being trapped in the middle of a life-changing experience, the world did not come to a halt.
His voice trailed off into the heavy night air.
I sighed.
Although the possibility of him luring me into his room solely for the possibility of sex should be upsetting, I couldn’t grow angry.
“I really want to be mad. I really do. But… I can’t.”
I knew him better than anyone. I knew exactly where his heart was at this precise moment. I also knew exactly where my own heart was, and I knew they were both in the same place. I swiveled my head to face him, catching his eager gaze before lowering my eyes to my engagement ring.
The sight of it made me sick.
I slid it off my finger in one fluid motion and slammed it down onto the glass coffee table in a rather dramatic fashion.
Then I twisted my body around to face Enzo. His posture was flawless. He was tense, anticipating my next move. My gaze was drawn to his plush lips before returning to meet his anxious eyes.
I cut to the chase. I reached forward, clenching my fist around his collar and pulling him into me. He received the message and pressed his surprisingly soft lips against mine. On his hot skin, the scent of turf and sweat lingered.
I was expecting this moment to be tense or astounding, but it just felt… right. It was peaceful and serene. This was meant to happen, in this place, at this time, with this person.
After a brief moment of hesitation, Enzo allowed his hands to crawl towards my waist. His body melted into the kiss, his mouth moving in impeccable unison with mine.
My opposite hand brushed through the short hairs on the nape of his neck. Enzo groaned, and the vibrations echoed down my throat.
I whispered, already breathless with love.
He inquired, hurriedly reconnecting the kiss despite knowing I had more to say.
I drew back, softly smiling as I noticed the prominent blush on his face. His lips were swollen from the passionate kiss, and his pupils were blown with lust.
“Fuck me like you mean it.”
I said, demanding he follow my orders.
“Yes ma’am.”
He remarked lightheartedly. As he began kissing me without hesitation, I could feel the prominent smirk on his face. Enzo’s tongue soon slipped between my lips. My eyes fluttered shut, and I allowed my mouth to move in response to his.
Enzo hoisted me atop his lap with ease. I groaned as his growing bulge brushed against my hot core. My nails raked along his scalp, eliciting a low groan from deep within his throat.
“Oh Jesus baby.”
Enzo mumbled erotically, breaking the kiss to trail his wet mouth down my jugular.
“You have no clue how much I’ve thought about this.”
He placed fiery hot kisses along my cool skin. I sighed softly, muscles relaxing as he located my sweet spot. My lower abdomen was already buzzing with a gentle hum of pleasure.
“God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Enzo dipped his hands under the hem of my shirt, teasing the skin above my waistband with his thumbs. Despite his warm hands, the featherlight touches caused goosebumps to appear on my skin.
“I get so hot when I think about fucking you. You have no idea.”
The mere image of Enzo with his hand far past his waistband made my cunt throb with desire. I pictured him softly groaning my name while thrusting his hips into his calloused palm. He would try not to cum too quickly, but the image of me wrapped around his cock would be far too sweet to deny.
“My hand can only do so much.”
Shit. My suspicions were confirmed.
“Take me to the bedroom, Enzo.”
I begged, my tone breathless with lust. Enzo pulled back, his calloused hands trailing downwards to grasp my soft thighs. A faint smirk was visible on his swollen lips.
“Yes ma’am.”
He stood, lifting me effortlessly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and my legs around his waist. Our faces were in close proximity due to my firm grip on his body. I reconnected our fiery kiss, confident that Enzo could decipher his way to the bedroom completely blind.
Fortunately, I was correct. I was so engrossed in the sensation of his tongue flowing in perfect unison with mine that I didn't perceive we were in the bedroom until my back collided with the mattress.
My body weight did not cause the springs to groan. They didn't want to disrupt our passionate connection. Enzo hovered above me, his kisses intensifying now that he had me where he wanted me. I, like him, quickly became breathless. The collective gasps as we struggled to refill our spent lungs were like music to my ears.
My hands dipped beneath the hem of his shirt. Enzo’s abdomen rippled under my soft fingertips. I moved upwards, caressing every inch of his perfectly sculpted chest before breaking the kiss momentarily to throw the jersey over his head. I threw it to the floor, out of sight, out of mind.
Enzo hastily followed suit. He grasped the hem of my shirt and threw it to the ground, swiftly reigniting the spark between our mouths. He was clearly not as patient as I was. I arched my back as a silent indication to remove my bra. The message was delivered. Enzo reached behind me and unclipped my bra in a singular fluid motion.
I shrugged off the straps and discarded the piece of fabric. Enzo pulled back, his hungry eyes drinking in my bare torso. I quickly grew hot under his gaze. My face flushed and my core grew wet.
“So pretty.”
Enzo muttered, his tongue trailing along his lower lip. He was studying every inch of my chest, carving every minute detail into his brain so he could possess a mental image of me laid out for him.
He pressed his wet mouth to the valley of my breasts, beginning his gradual descent to the area which I desired him most.
“You’re gorgeous, you know that?”
My stomach fluttered. Enzo placed hot, open mouthed kisses along my skin. The saliva he left in his wake was hit by a cool draft, sending chills down my spine.
“I can’t believe that asshole got to see this before I did.”
The erotic tone had returned. His hands found my breasts, and began to knead the soft flesh. I groaned in pleasure, my eyes fluttering shut.
Enzo’s knee bumped my clothed core. I convulsed, involuntarily rolling my hips along his thigh, desperate for friction.
He chuckled against my breastbone.
“Jesus baby, you’re so worked up and I’ve barely touched you. I can’t wait to see what you do when I fuck you.”
In response, all I could manage was a groan. I tangled my fingers in his hair, my eyes opening to perceive his movements along my stomach. While his lips trailed downwards, Enzo continued to knead my breasts. His movements came to a sudden halt when he reached the waistband of my jeans.
I could feel the uncomfortable pool between my thighs. I was growing antsy, desperate for him to make me cum. Fortunately, it appeared Enzo was growing impatient as well. He removed his hands from my chest, hastily unbuttoning my jeans and tugging them down my legs. I kicked them to the floor, shortening the process. My panties soon found the floor along with the rest of my clothing.
Enzo nestled between my spread thighs, his large hands caressing the soft flesh. I grew impatient as he refused to give me what I truly desired. Instead, he resorted to placing tender kisses along my inner thighs, being cautious to keep his distance from my aching cunt. Typically I appreciate sensuality, but after a long hiatus from erotic pleasure, I was sexually frustrated.
I tugged on his roots, urging him to move towards my core. Enzo smirked against my thigh.
“Jesus baby, you’re impatient. How often does he touch you?”
He glanced at me through his lashes. I grit my teeth, not wanting to provide him with an answer. Enzo scoffed.
“That’s pitiful. If you were mine I’d touch you all the goddamn time.”
His movements looked promising. He was now slowly inching towards my core, presumably with no intent of stopping.
“You’d be so full of my cock.”
My entire lower half was throbbing with desire. The anticipation was coursing through my body in waves. God, how I wished he’d just hurry up and eat me out.
“I’d fuck you so good every single day. God you wouldn’t be able to go two minutes without thinking of me inside you.”
That sure as hell sounded like a good life. Unfortunately, it appeared that he wanted to further prolong my suffering.
“Enzo,” I begged, “please, I’m aching.”
“Sorry baby, that was rude of me.”
I was about to roll my eyes, but a sudden wave of pleasure halted my movements. Enzo’s warm mouth enveloped my clit. My back arched off the bed. I tightened my grip in his hair, tugging a few loose strands from the roots.
“You’re so wet for me baby.”
He murmured, the vibrations reverberating throughout my cunt. I moaned loudly, crushing his head between my thighs. Enzo’s movements didn’t falter. He was precise and intense. Each flick of my clit was carefully placed and timed in order to give me the most intense pleasure possible.
I was soon reduced to a moaning mess. I was panting, my head thrown back and my jaw on the floor. I couldn’t prevent the whimpers and groans that passed over my plush lips.
“Your moans are so pretty.”
Enzo rolled his hips against the mattress, searching for friction to somewhat dampen the ache pumping through his painfully hard erection.
“Keep moaning, just like that, let the whole world know how good I make you feel.”
Two fingers prodded at my entrance. Moments later, when his long digits pushed into me, I swore I saw stars. He began a steady pace with his fingers, fondling my g spot with every thrust.
I bit back the impending orgasm, trying to ignore the tightness in my lower abdomen. I wanted to preserve this glorious feeling. To my surprise, Enzo slowed down. I groaned from the lack of stimulation.
“Keep moaning baby. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
I gulped, a large lump forming in my throat.
“I’m not gonna last much longer.”
Only when I spoke did I realize how pitiful and breathless I sounded.
“I don’t care.”
Enzo resumed his pace, this time, with tenfold the intensity as before. I obeyed his command, and didn’t hold back. Every sound that crept up my throat was released into the still night air.
I was close, so painfully close. The wet sound of his fingers fucking me along with the slurping was truly erotic. The coil was pulled tight, and would release with the tiniest of pushes.
Enzo could tell I was teetering on the verge of an orgasm.
“Cum all over my fingers pretty girl.”
I came undone. My entire body convulsed. The walls of my cunt clenched around Enzo’s thick fingers. I was lifted into a world of pure euphoria. If it wasn’t for the soft pumping of Enzo’s fingers, I would’ve sworn I went straight to heaven.
I loosened my death grip on his roots, stretching my cramped fingers as Enzo relished in the taste of my juices.
“You taste so good.”
He said softly.
Jesus. I wasn’t even done with my first orgasm and I was already growing impatient for the next one.
Enzo climbed over me once he was satisfied, nestling between my shaky legs. His lips were wet, yet I wasted no time in reconnecting our hungry mouths. I could taste myself on his tongue.
I dragged my open palms down his chest, gathering sweat beads as I went. I eventually reached his waistband. Fortunately, the band was stretchy, allowing me to easily dip my hand into his shorts and cup his painfully hard erection.
Enzo groaned, resisting the urge to buck his hips into my warm hand.
“Hurry up and take those off baby.”
I hooked my finger into the waistbands of both his boxers and shorts. Then I began pulling them down his thighs. I pushed them down as far as I could, and when I couldn't reach, Enzo took charge. He stripped the remainder of his clothing, leaving him bare.
Enzo pressed his body against mine, leaving little room to breathe comfortably. I made no complaint. I was already breathless from his dizzying kiss, and the comforting sensation of his body weight resting atop me made my stomach flutter. He was incredibly warm, and the prominent heat blossoming from his erection contributed to the steady thrum of pleasure building within my stomach.
Enzo rocked his pelvis forward, the swollen tip of his cock prodding at my entrance. I whimpered against his mouth, the messy kiss swallowing my noises.
“I know baby, I’ll fuck you.”
He reached between our bodies, lining his cock up with my entrance. Enzo rolled his pelvis forward, burying himself deep within me. The wetness of my cunt made it easy for him to stretch my walls to the absolute brim. I broke the kiss, throwing my head back and squeezing my eyes shut as he bottomed out.
“Jesus Enzo, you’re really fucking big.”
I shuddered. Enzo gave me a moment to adjust, placing hot kisses to my neck as he waited for my body to relax. After a sufficient period of time, Enzo began rolling his hips, beginning a steady rhythm.
“Good girl, you’re taking my cock so well.”
I whimpered, the dull pain of his thick length slowly transforming into pleasure. Enzo nestled his face into the crook of my neck, his hot breath cascading across my skin.
“Oh fuck baby, you feel so good. So nice and tight.”
His erotic tone was punctuated by deep breaths. The sensation of my wet cunt wrapped around his thick cock was far too wonderful to deny.
“Faster, please.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Enzo began to increase his pace, the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix. I shuddered as I dug my nails into his strong back, breaking the skin. Enzo let out a guttural groan.
I mumbled.
“Don’t be, I like it.”
Enzo grasped my thigh and hooked a leg around his waist. The new position provided the perfect angle for his cock to slam into my g spot with each thrust. His lower abdomen brushed against my clit and allowed for the perfect amount of delicious stimulation to pair with the rigorous snap of his pelvis.
“Who can make you feel this good?”
He murmured. I stared blankly at the plain ceiling, my mind trapped in a foggy daze. My muscles completely relaxed, my body succumbing to the effects of the pleasure.
“What was that?”
He pulled back, igniting a moment of intense eye contact as he fucked me into the matress. I cupped his cheek, pulling his face forward to reestablish contact between our lips. It was a heated mess of tongue and clashing teeth.
“You, only you.”
I whispered against his lips, mustering all of the remaining self-control I had to make my voice as clear as possible.
The coil within my lower abdomen was pulling tight. I could feel the delicious release seeping into the corners of my brain.
“Enzo, I’m gonna cum.”
Enzo drew back, our noses brushing against each other as he maintained the rigorous pace of his hips.
“Look at me, I wanna see your face as you cum all over my cock.”
Enzo released my thigh and brought his hand upwards to gently cup my face. The gentle touch of his calloused fingertips provided yet another area of stimulation. I kept my face still and my eyes open, allowing any expression to waft over my features.
“Shit! Enzo!”
I encircled his neck with my arms, holding him impossibly closer as the coil within my snapped. I came undone, my walls clenching around his cock as I was immersed into a pool of pure euphoria. I moaned pornographically, unable to resist the temptation to squeeze my eyes shut. Enzo didn’t seem to mind. His cock twitched within me as I came, indicating that he was also close to reaching his orgasm.
Jesus, I feel bad for the other guests who came to this hotel hoping for a quiet night full of restful sleep. Our combined moans were enough to rock the walls.
“Shit Y/N.”
Enzo muttered, his head collapsing into the crook of my neck as he coated my walls with his hot cum. He mumbled my name like a prayer while he continued to roll his hips. His soft cock gradually brought me down from the freight train of an orgasm I just experienced.
Enzo came to a complete stop after we had both caught our breath. He collapsed atop me, and I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair. I cocked my head to the side, taking in the glimmer of the city lights through the enormous window.
“What now?”
He inquired meekly, his face nestled comfortably against my neck. I dragged my hand down his back, tenderly rubbing his sweaty skin. Only after the filter of pleasure was removed did I notice he still smelled like an intense fútbol match. And although I knew his question hinted at something more serious. I responded with what should happen next at that precise moment as opposed to worrying about the inevitable problems that I would be forced to address once I touched down in America.
“I think you need a shower now.”
I said, a smile on my face. Enzo chuckled.
“Wanna join me?”
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virfujiwara · 1 year
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M a r t e s 👌🏻
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scalonis-soldier86 · 2 years
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Julián and Enzo when they were at River Plate it was just something else ❤️
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Alexis Mac Allister “we are not a racist country,” “Europe is more sensitive about that stuff,” “we are not used to talking about racism so much,” these are not the defenses against racism you believe them to be! In fact, not talking about racism is one of the best ways to perpetrate it!
This is so deeply disappointing.
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chelseajackarmy · 1 day
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Enzo Fernández // Chelsea Football Club
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dasakuryo · 2 years
Buenassss para la muchachada tricampeona del mundo ⭐⭐⭐🇦🇷 
Here, have a video of Enzo Fernández being cute with his little girl 🥹 💖
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glimmerofawesome · 11 months
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
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"what's your problem? 🤌🏻" "🤬 annoying 🕷️" omg will u stop flirting
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salchipulpis · 1 day
Hola! Hice un fic Cutilicha sobre un retiro espiritual con las actuaciones estelares de otros miembros de la Scaloneta, pasen a leer si gustan 🤓
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pernilleharders · 1 year
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PREMIER LEAGUE 2023-24 Chelsea 1 - 1 Liverpool (August 13, 2023)
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pernillecfcw · 11 months
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hspn · 28 days
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Brother: Noni and Enzo racing to be the new Lukaku. At least this one is funny. Me: I'm hoping Pedro Neto smashed that like button.
Sunday, 18th minute:
Brother: Let's keep feeding Noni. The boos are feeding him. Me: He should say every away town is a shithole. In London, he can say other neighborhoods are shitholes. Brother: It is probably true for most places he has to go to. The best part of the Conference League is I get to learn about new shitty towns that he has to go to. Me: I hope he's learning how to say it in other languages to really piss everyone off.
Noni Madueke scores his first goal, 49th minute:
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Me: Ha ha, the guy sitting behind the hoardings who was just filming Noni running at him. Brother: Well, there's a good chance you can sue someone when Noni is running at the stands. Me: He should sue Wolverhampton for being a shithole.
Madueke completes his hat trick, 63rd minute:
Me: I GUESS YOU ARE A SHITHOLE WOLVERHAMPTON. Brother: WHAT'S THE NEXT SHITTY TOWN WE GO TO? Me: (looks up where Servette is) GENEVA? Well, that's supposed to be nice. Brother: Noni: I cannot score here.
94th minute:
Me: I hope Noni is like NOOOOO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE I LOVE THIS SHIT TOWN NOW. Brother: Well, when we sell him to Wolves next offseason, he will get his dream.
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Brother: Hilarious. Me: Noni: I TOLD YOU I LOVE THIS SHIT TOWN.
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