#Ernst Platner
the-chomsky-hash · 9 months
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russelramharack · 3 years
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Before opening your eyes in the morning, in the half-awake half-asleep twilight state, have you ever noticed how your mind generates creative solutions, deep insights, dream like imagery and symbolism, while having an almost omniscient quality? Or ten minutes into your morning shower, have you ever experienced a stream of einstein-like thoughts, striking like random bolts of lightning?
Though German physician and philosopher Ernst Platner officially coined the now well known term "unconscious mind," psychological/ philosophical thinkers like Freud, Jung, Paracelsus, Shakespeare, and Nietzsche have long known there to be some kind of uber-complex, multi-leveled hierarchy to the human mind.
These deep thinkers were highly aware that just below the surface of their conscious mind(s) was a dormant volcano of powerful thought energy just waiting to erupt — with a few of them tapping into, perhaps even somewhat controlling this infinite force to produce their timeless, highly-influential bodies of work.
There is greatness in all of us.
I believe it is possible.
Follow your dreams.
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