#Ethnic lawn wear
hezzabeth · 9 months
In this part of the story we are introduced to the concept of cousin siblings. We are also introduced to clone ethnic minorities. By the year 3856 A.D human cloning is common and legal in many parts of the solar system. Two centuries prior in the year 38337 A.D clones were given equal rights on Mars, the moons of Jupiter and the Pacifica Empire. Sibling cousins are cousins who happen to have clone parents. Twin cousins on the other hand are people whose clone parents reproduced with another set of clones. A clone ethnic minority are a group of people who descend from a single cloned person. The Bun clan for example descends from nine clones. By the year 3856 A.D the inner system census documented 23,000 members of the Bun clan. They are well known for their ability to speak to plants and their unique hair in different shades of pink.
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"Is that the famous Lilyfield summer home? I read about it in my travel books!" She said with an eager whisper to Mrs. Bun.
"Oh yes! The flowers are open, which means the summer social season is on! They'll host a big ball for Apple day tomorrow," Mrs. Bun smiled.
"She wasn't like this before, she was acting all weird and prickly at the telehub," Revati whispered to Brigadeiro.
"Maybe she had a concussion? One time I had one, and I bought two dozen cupcakes, and then I smashed them all over that wall," Brigadeiro replied as they scooted past a pond and onto grass that appeared to be made of real gold.
Brigadeiro was pointing at a house perched right next to the golden grass lawn. Unlike the fantastic homes they had passed, the building Brigadeiro was pointing at was thankfully ordinary. The walls were painted bright white with navy trimmings. The space station's false holographic "sun" was beginning to set behind the pointy roof. Next to the house, there was another similar building, this one surrounded by a crowd of people.
"And that building?" Pauletta asked.
"Oh, that? That's just the family house," Mrs. Bun explained as they pulled to a stop. The crowd of people had all gathered around outdoor tables covered in platters of food.
"It's more than a family home; your mother would love this! Our house is almost three thousand years old," Brigadeiro explained, helping Revati out of the cart.
"Three thousand years old, shouldn't this place be in a museum?" Revati asked, staring at the house. Actual historical buildings from old Earth were rare.
"This place was built in Australia in the year 1810 by a sea captain who hunted some sort of monster called whales! It was called Collingwood House," Brigadeiro explained as several family members descended upon them.
"And now it's here? How?" Revati asked, completely shocked.
"When the space station was first opened, it had a museum, and this was part of it! Then when my great-grandpa got cloned, the Mill family gave him this place as a reward," Brigadeiro explained, ignoring all the relatives who were frantically asking him about the terrorist attack.
Within seconds, Revati found herself jostled and pushed away from Brigadeiro.
"Sit! Sit," someone shrieked, and Revati found herself sitting down at one of the tables. Two old ladies who almost looked like twins were sitting down fanning themselves. Their grey-streaked pink curls were pinned under massive yellow disc hats, and they were wearing matching yellow dresses.
"So you're the Martian then? I'm Auntie Saffron," said the old lady to the left with a birthmark on her nose said.
"Mars has over forty-six countries and territories; calling me 'the Martian' is like calling someone 'the alien,'" Revati replied, looking down at her bowl. The meal on it appeared to be some sort of savory stew garnished with apple slices.
"Hah, she has you there! I'm Auntie Magdalena! I have to apologize for my sister-cousin; she thinks us being the oldest family members gives us the right to be rude," the second old lady smiled.
Here's the corrected version of the text:
"Cousin sister?" Revati had to ask after taking a mouthful of the stew. The stew filled her mouth with earthy, spicy heat.
"Our fathers were clones who married clones, genetically we're sisters," Auntie Saffron said, studying Revati as she ate. "You can handle my daughter's gumbo; I thought it was far too spicy," she remarked.
"It's spicy? Really? Most food on Mars can melt through carpets when you spill it," Revati shot back, and Auntie Magdalena cackled.
"You're not going to scare this one off easily. I heard she saved Bridgadeiro's life three times," Auntie Magdalena said to her sister-cousin.
"Actually, we're up to five times. He fell into a ditch two months ago, and yesterday a hairdryer tried to strangle him," Revati admitted after drinking some apple.
"A hairdryer! Bubby! You never told your parents about that," Auntie Magdalena shrieked as Bridgadeiro sat down next to Revati holding a plate of muffins.
"Well, I was a bit distracted by the enemy attack and getting Revati here," Bridgadeiro replied.
"I don't know why your parents keep letting you run off to Mars! I've tried to discuss it with my nephew, but he keeps insisting you're an adult now," sniffed Auntie Saffron.
"I'm almost twenty-two! Also, I told you I need to complete three months of field research on a terraformed world for my doctorate," Bridgadeiro replied.
"Surely you must have finished it all by now! I thought once you inherited this place you'd be back," Auntie Saffron whined, raising a snooty eyebrow.
"So! What do you do?" Auntie Magdalena asked Revati, yelling over her sister-cousin.
"Do? Well, right now I'm eating..." Revati pointed out.
"She means what do you do to earn money; people ask that here a lot," Bridgadeiro said.
"Oh! I follow a ghost haunting an android about on her quest to find her long-lost daughter, who's also my sister," Revati explained, taking another spoonful of gumbo.
"How interesting! And where did you go to school? I heard that New Singapore has many fantastic universities," Auntie Saffron remarked dryly.
"My mother and her partner educated me in an abandoned Victorian doll museum," Revati replied, glaring back.
"Your mother educates you? So you don't have any vocational training?" asked Auntie Saffron.
Revati dropped her spoon on the table, staining the tablecloth.
"Before the appliance war, Revati's mother was a history teacher at one of the best schools in her country, and she's written an entire book about the appliance war," Bridgadeiro said, grabbing Revati's hand. "She did the best she could. Before Bridgadeiro came along, none of us could leave my home without risking freezing to death," Revati explained.
"Freeze to death? Really?" Auntie Saffron asked doubtfully.
"Yes, and if you were lucky to have a tent for protection, you still ran the risk of getting kidnapped by a wasteland gang," Revati added.
"That's how Revati and I met! She saved me from a group of actors that were going to kill me in a play," Bridgadeiro added.
"My word! What an interesting life your little friend leads!" Auntie Saffron drawled, and Bridgadeiro nodded towards their hands.
"She's far more than a friend, Auntie Saffron," Bridgadeiro replied coldly, and Auntie Magdalena giggled nervously.
"Why don't you go take Revati to the desserts? Your Mama is serving up her Tarte De Maca," Auntie Magdalena asked, gesturing to another table.
Was Bridgadeiro far more than a friend? It was a curious thing to consider. First of all, Revati only considered a few people, such as Aurora, Little Hardi, and her favorite feral child, as friends. Now that she thought about it, she had never slotted Bridgadeiro neatly into that category.
There were nights when he visited her on the road. Cold nights when the android switched herself off to charge, and they huddled together under a blanket playing Buggle on down. Nights where the game often ended in a way it never did with her actual platonic friends. There were warmer days where the android was waiting in some distant city for a new DNA trace. Revati and Bridgadeiro would wander the streets together, Bridgadeiro pointing out a particular rare plant. One time a band was playing music, and her head dropped against his head as they danced. Of course, it always ended the same way. The Android would detect a sample of Dityaa's DNA, and they would head out. Bridgadeiro would pack up as well and head back to his university. Sometimes he sent her messages. Sometimes she didn't hear from him for weeks. And then came the Diwali with Margarine.
Despite all that, she hadn't been able to file him into his proper place. Instead, he floated about in her subconscious, occasionally popping up in strange dreams.
Mrs. Bun gave her a sympathetic look as she handed Revati a plate. Vanilla, who was standing next to Mrs. Bun, shook their head with a knowing smile.
"Was Auntie Saffron bullying you? She made me cry three times during my first Apple day," Mrs. Bun said, handing another plate to Bridgadeiro.
"She brought up me coming back, then she called Revati's life interesting and referred to her as my little friend," Bridgadeiro said.
"Oh dear," Mrs. Bun winced, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.
"Don't worry, Auntie Saffron referred to me as Barley's coworker at our wedding," Vanilla reassured Revati.
"She called me the housekeeper at Bridgadeiro's color day," Mrs. Bun winced.
"And you just put up with that? If anyone spoke to me that way back home, I'd stun them until they smelled like fried hair," Revati remarked, glaring at Auntie Saffron.
Auntie Saffron merely waved at their table with a heavy-ringed hand.
"Stunning people is illegal here; it's a form of assault," Bridgadeiro explained.
"Is it? How annoying," Revati remarked, still glaring at Auntie Saffron.
For a fraction of a moment, her eyes traveled further toward the crystal pond. Someone was moving amongst the waist-length clear crystal reeds. Someone with mint-green skin dressed in gold. They turned towards the party. Revati's eyes, well-trained from spending years staring into the dark, saw familiar weedy features.
"Hang on, who's that?" Revati asked, pointing at the person as they disappeared into the reeds.
"No idea; must be a guest of Lord Mills! Sometimes they get lost and wander into the private staff areas," Bridgadeiro remarked.
Revati merely shook her head, putting the plate back on the table.
"I'll be right back," she said before running to the pond.
In the dim light the stranger looked exactly like the Duke of Io.
Lakes, ponds, and oceans always seemed vaguely sinister to Revati. She knew that on faraway distant worlds, people swam in the waters and surfed the waves. The only body of water in Olde Landon was a man-made river filled with melted snow. Before the invasion, tourists would ride on lantern boats across the clear waters.
Authentic "bathing machines" had been set up on the pebble-covered beach. After the invasion, Revati would use the machines as makeshift showers. They never went further than the shallows. Skeletons lay in the sunken darkness. After the appliances invaded, the dead had been thrown off the bridge into the water.
Revati found herself standing at the very edge of the pond. Up close, the translucent reeds were tall and sticky, brushing against her dress. Something moved in the purple twilight, and Revati spun around. "I know you're there! I saw you all the way up from the party," Revati hissed, and there was another rustling sound. "Leave us alone," a man's voice hissed, and Revati's hand anxiously grabbed her golden necklace. No weapons, no bandages, and no bits of string. "It's you, isn't it? The Duke of IO? Or at least the appliance pretending to be him," Revati remarked, pushing her way through the reeds.
The reeds suddenly parted, revealing the glimmering pond. "I'm not pretending to be anyone! I'm the Duke and an appliance; two things can be true," the Duke of IO snapped back, his voice hidden from a boat floating on the pond. "I don't care who you are! Take me to my sister," Revati said, stepping into the water so she could wade over to the boat. "She doesn't want to see you! We didn't even know you would be here," the Duke's voice snapped back, and Revati grabbed the boat, rocking the edge. "I can't drown you, idiot!" the Duke shrieked.
"No, but you can probably sink," Revati snapped back, rocking the boat again. "Stop it right now, Sissy!" Dityaa's voice yelled, and Revati glanced over her shoulder.
Revati often dreamed about what she would do if she finally found Dityaa. The dreams were often filled with suffocating rage. Sometimes she would follow her, demanding to know why she never came back, how she could do such an awful thing to their mother. But in the dim light of the pond, Revati now felt nothing more than the cold water lapping around her legs. Dityaa was watching her from the other side of the small pond.
A different, somewhat more fragile Dityaa, her body stooped over as if she was in pain. Revati let go of the boat and waded towards Dityaa. The water now reached her waist. Dityaa was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of grey pants. Her feet were bare. "What did you do to her?" Revati screeched at the Duke. "I didn't do anything!" The Duke protested, glancing over the eye of the boat. "You kidnapped her! And now look, she isn't even wearing a dress!" Revati protested. Dityaa often claimed she was allergic to pants. "He didn't kidnap me! I ran away with him, and we got married," Dityaa wheezed. "You married him! I've been chasing you for four years because you got married?" Revati shrieked, unable to believe it.
But then a thought occurred to Revati. "You got married! You literally wore a wedding dress to Medieval Faire," Revati snapped, wading towards Dityaa. "I knew you wouldn't approve," Dityaa murmured, her eyes fluttering. "I can't believe you did this! You almost killed Nanni! It would have taken three seconds to message anyone saying you were alright," Revati snapped, and suddenly Dityaa sighed before collapsing face-first into the water. "Darling!" The Duke cried with relief. "My darling," she whispered back with a small smile. Her eyes shut again, and she began to loudly snore. "You better not have brought that bitch of a maternity droid with you," the Duke said, and Revati violently shook her head. "Are you talking about the ghost who's Dityaa's real mother? I left her on Mars," Revati and the Duke nodded as if relieved. "She needs a bed; expelling the energy can be exhausting," The Duke said. "I don't live here! I can't just magically pull a bed out of nowhere," Revati pointed out. "It's fine, we have plenty of room in the kitchen building," Bridgadeiro's voice called. "How much of that did you see?" Revati had to ask, "I saw everything, but I think the party just saw you running back to the lake with the pie," Bridgadeiro replied.
Dityaa had, of course, managed to get the best room in "the kitchen building". Once Mrs. Bun realized the strange unconscious girl was Revati's sick sister, she insisted upon it. The kitchen building turned out to be much larger than the actual house. "In ancient times, it was used as a sleeping area by convicts and to store meat; now we use it for extended family," Bridgadeiro explained. Mrs. Bun merely made tutting sounds as she tucked Dityaa into bed. The walls of the bedroom were covered in thick thorny rose bushes. Gigantic pink and red roses bloomed everywhere, scattering the floor with heavily scented petals. The bed was fitted with pale pink sheets and pillows. "Why the rose bushes?" Revati had to ask. "Roses are excellent at monitoring the health of sleeping people; if something happens to her, they'll alert us," Bridgadeiro explained, shutting the door.
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour TORONTO, ON May 30 2023
With special guests THE ACADEMIC & SNARLS!
Important Times:
6PM: Doors Open
7:00 PM Snarls
7:45 PM The Academic
9PM Louis Tomlinson
Show times approximate, subject to change. For more click here
General admission (pit tickets):
No pit, all seats. No need to queue.
GA in in the back in the lawn.
Here are important policies:
The venue is CASHLESS! Pay with a card or mobile pay!
Seat upgrades here ($15) Section LOOKOUT. Row GA1. Includes: Elevated lawn deck, Premium Bar, Private Restrooms, Premium Entrance.
Please give yourself extra time to get to your event. We strongly encourage fans to take public transit. Details here.
Parking can be purchased here ($35). Parking map here. Parking details here. Please note that parking on site at Ontario Place is extremely limited due to other events and construction projects taking place in the area of Budweiser Stage, as a result traffic and parking will be affected. 
ADA info here 
Cameras: ONLY non-professional cameras (point & shoots, disposables). Professional recording devices and cameras with detachable lenses are prohibited.
Homemade food wrapped in plastic is ALLOWED.
Blankets are ALLOWED.
One sealed plastic bottle of water ALLOWED.
Small collapsible umbrellas are ALLOWED.
NO drugs OR paraphernalia
NO glass, plastic or metal containers or bottles of any kind
NO hard sided coolers
NO knives, firearms or weapons of any kind
NO aerosols
NO Ipads, tablets, laptops
NO selfie sticks
NO animals (service animals excepted)
NO oversized lawn chairs
View food and drink menus and restaurants here.
Smoking and vaping is not permitted in reserved seating areas, lawns or East & West Plaza at Budweiser Stage. Should you need to smoke or vape, the Riverwalk and South Plaza is the designated smoking and vaping area.
Guests attending a show at Budweiser Stage or RBC Echo Beach may bring in and consume cannabis or cannabis accessories subject to the following policy.
Stay hydrated and drink lots of water
Wear sunscreen and dress for the weather
There is NO RE-ENTRY!
We are committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for everyone. We ask that your conduct contribute to everyone’s enjoyment of the event, be legally appropriate, and not be offensive or abusive to others. For your safety and comfort, unacceptable conduct is subject to ejection and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Use of foul, threatening, offensive or abusive language or gestures.
Discrimination, bullying or hate that harasses, victimizes, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, race, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, age, ability, physical appearance or other.
Harassment, including unwelcome or hostile behavior, physical contact or sexual attention.
Fighting or any other type of violence.
Wearing or using clothing, signs, and banners which are offensive in nature.
Intoxication or impairment due to alcohol/cannabis or consumption of illegal substances.
Throwing objects or interfering with the progress of the event.
Possessing alcohol not purchased inside the venue.
Being a minor in possession of alcohol or providing a minor with alcohol.
Being in possession of weapons, illegal substances or any other prohibited items.
Smoking (including e-cigarettes, personal vapourizers, and cannabis) outside of the designated smoking areas.
Unpermitted access and breaching the perimeter of the venue.
Any other conduct that may be deemed by Budweiser Stage to be inappropriate or which may adversely affect the safety of persons or property, or disruption of the event.
For more details click here
Bag Policy
Bags that are clear plastic and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”
Small clutch bags, which cannot exceed 6” x 9” in size, with or without handle or a strap
One-gallon clear plastic freezer bags (Ziploc bag)
Medical Bags or kits are acceptable and will be searched at the gate
For more details click here
Banners, signs and flag policy:
NO signs or banners which are offensive in nature.
For additional questions please call the venue at 416-260-5600. Email them [email protected] . You can also access their website. Check their twitter here and IG here for updates. Address: 909 Lake Shore Blvd W Toronto, ON
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amairadutta · 17 days
10 Must-Know Tips for Perfect Planning of Outdoor Wedding.
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Marriage is a beautiful and empowering union of two individuals who commit to supporting one another in the journey of life. It also allies the families of the groom and bride. As the sanctity and essence of marriage inspire passionate devotion and a strong desire to make the wedding the best occasion of togetherness, rigorous planning is on the cards for every couple. The wedding day in itself becomes the first milestone for the couple and their families in their pursuit of perfection. What could be more divine than tying the knot, sealing the wedding kiss, or the vows in the presence of Mother Nature? Feeling one with nature, surrounded by your loved ones, stealing glances at your partner, basking in the joy of getting married and starting a new chapter, all in the outdoor Wedding Venue.
This opens doors to outdoorsy planning. Outdoor weddings can bring qualms and pure bliss of beautifying the wedding to the delight of the couple. We have got your back with ten must-know tips to design an outdoor-themed wedding. Why ten? The groom and the bride join their two hands, five fingers intertwined with another five fingers, to begin outdoor wedding planning and step into marriage. With the couple’s journey in mind, let’s start with
1. Outdoor venues
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Venues like vineyards, meadows, farms, gardens, lawns, or backyards of estates could add a magical element to your outdoor-themed wedding. A beautiful landscape of sprawling acres, grass, brick floors, and tree-filled scenery, outlined with clouds would make for a very picturesque outdoor ceremony wedding. Not to mention the breathtaking pictures that could be clicked. Patios and gazebos could spark inspiration for pretty decorations.
2. Decor and outdoor setting
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Outdoor venues can allow for creative decors such as fresh flowers string lights or fairy lights hanging down the patio. A vibrant flower trellis can add more glamor and serenity to outdoor weddings while garden stake torch lights lining the pathways of the outdoor venue bring coziness to the night. Setting up tents or lighting up the trees in your outdoor venue will act as props enhancing the aesthetics of the outdoor themed wedding. A flower wall with colorful flowers can beautify the wall and bring quirkiness. Wooden lanterns can bring a rustic charm to the outdoor wedding.
3. Guest experience
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Suppose, it is an outdoor wedding reception. The married couple have had long hours of entertaining themselves and their guests. Of course, exhaustion is understandable for the bride and groom. The feeling of saturation could peak faster especially if it is scorching hot outside. To make the outdoor wedding or the reception most comfortable and smooth sailing, it is preferable to have effective cooling devices, air coolers, fans, water coolers, and the like, to keep the bride and groom feeling cool and ready to take on their wedding with the best attitude. To protect the crowd from rain, umbrellas will be helpful, and heavy-duty plastic tarpaulins can shield against harsh winds or downpours.  
4. The clothing game
For the ladies, a dress that is breathable, bright, and makes the bride feel at ease would be wonderful for the summertime. She could wear thicker material should the weather be chilly. The comfort mobility, and feasibility matters when it comes to outdoor weddings. Keeping a few extra dresses as a backup will not harm you and can truly help out in case of unpredictable hurdles that come along the way, be it food or drink spills, downpours, or anything else.
For the gentlemen, any suit or ethnic wear that makes them feel the most confident would be the way to go. Understanding the fabric and its effects given the weather would be important when planning an outdoor ceremony wedding. Keeping an extra pair of clothes, and shoes, carrying hygiene essentials and a first-aid kit for the couple would be ideal.
5. Kit essentials
Anything could happen in a backyard wedding and keeping a stock of emergency supplies including makeup, first aid, paper towels, etc will always come in handy. If ever, they don’t get utilized, the couple can choose to take it home or gift it to their loved ones.
6. The weather-ready refreshments
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So we have the cooling system covered for the couple ensuring a seamless outdoor ceremony wedding. It is also imperative to be careful that the couple remains hydrated and feels fresh throughout the day and or night. Having a good amount of water, refreshing drinks, fresh fruit juices, and the like will make the sunny hours delightful. Should the outdoor wedding be carried out in winter, a couple of steaming mugs of wholesome brewed beverages would be thoughtful to keep the couple warm, fuzzy and in their lovey-dovey feels. Serving drinks through visually appealing stalls or booths can boost guests’ immersion in the outdoor wedding.
7. The outdoor food
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When deciding the catering for the outdoor-themed wedding, it would be helpful to know the season and the kind of venue. For the bride, easy-to-eat dishes help maintain her makeup. Platters of cheese, meat, and veggies are always a hit. It would be desirable if the couple decided the menu based on their liking as their wedding is their special day! It is imperative to keep food allergies and preferences in mind to have a smooth-sailing and comfortable wedding. Wood-fired pizzas are crowd-pleasers. A pizza toppings stall can engage guests in the wedding festivities.
8. Dressing room
A cozy spot for the couple to have a breather would be most welcome. Also, a place where they can fix their dresses or freshen up their looks will keep them feeling good for their outdoor wedding.
9. Budgeting business
Splurging hard-earned money mindlessly is a big no. The couple can use the money mindfully to make informed financial decisions in life to sustain and nurture their married life. Having a wedding planner help organize and arrange the outdoor-themed wedding can make the process hassle-free.
10. Entertainment setup
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An outdoor wedding will be absolutely enjoyable with entertainment avenues for the couple and the guests. You could think of photo booths or stalls with creative props aligning with a wedding theme or standing out on their own. Outdoor music setup is key to getting everyone grooving to the beat and rhythm of music. A DJ could be hired to install outdoor music systems such as speakers and mics to provide delightful entertainment. Some lawn games designed to the liking of the crowd would add a fun element to the backyard wedding. A live band or dance performance can create memorable moments for the couple and the crowd.
With our blessings and tips for your perfect outdoor wedding, you may go ahead and have the wedding of your dreams.
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6614patelbrother · 22 days
Discover the Best Pakistani Suit in India: Elevate Your Ethnic Fashion Game
In recent years, the fashion world has witnessed a resurgence of ethnic wear, with Pakistani suits emerging as a top choice for fashion-conscious individuals. The intricate designs, rich fabrics, and exquisite craftsmanship of Pakistani suits have made them a favorite not just in Pakistan but also in India. If you're on the lookout for the best Pakistani suit in India, you've come to the right place.
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Why Pakistani Suits?
Pakistani suits are known for their unique blend of traditional and contemporary designs. They often feature intricate embroidery, vibrant colors, and luxurious fabrics like chiffon, lawn, and cotton. Whether it's a casual gathering or a festive occasion, these suits offer a perfect balance of style and comfort.
Where to Find the Best Pakistani Suit in India
Finding the best Pakistani suit in India can be a daunting task, given the myriad of options available. Here are some top places where you can find authentic Pakistani suits:
Online Shopping Platforms: Websites like [YourWebsiteName] offer a wide range of Pakistani suits, ensuring that you get the best quality and design delivered right to your doorstep.
Boutiques and Retail Stores: Major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad have boutiques that specialize in Pakistani fashion. These stores often have exclusive collections that you won't find elsewhere.
Exhibitions and Fashion Shows: Keep an eye out for fashion exhibitions and shows that feature Pakistani designers. These events are great opportunities to discover unique pieces.
Tips for Choosing the Best Pakistani Suit
When selecting the best Pakistani suit in India, consider the following:
Fabric Quality: Opt for high-quality fabrics like lawn cotton or chiffon for comfort and durability.
Design and Embroidery: Look for suits with intricate embroidery and detailed designs that reflect the essence of Pakistani fashion.
Fit and Size: Ensure the suit fits well and is tailored to your body shape for the best look.
Color and Style: Choose colors and styles that complement your skin tone and personal taste.
Why Choose Us for the Best Pakistani Suit in India?
At patel brothers.com we pride ourselves on offering the best Pakistani suits in India. Our collection is carefully curated to bring you the finest designs, straight from the heart of Pakistan. With a wide range of options, from casual wear to bridal collections, we ensure that every piece is a work of art.
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bigfeathercouter · 2 months
Best Salwar Suits For Womens 2024
Are you a fashionista? If so, 2024 has the best salwar suit designs for you. Women's salwar suits have a rich history, originating from India and its neighboring regions. These outfits, commonly known as salwar kameez or salwar kurta, feature a tunic called kameez paired with a pajama-style bottom called salwar and a dupatta, which can be worn like a scarf.
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Salwar suits have evolved beyond the traditional three-piece set. Today, you can find versions with jackets, capes, and even layered styles. One modern twist is the pre-stitched dupatta paired with pant-style salwar suits.
Latest Trends in Salwar Suits
Leading designers have kept the salwar kameez trendy with heavy embroideries, vibrant colors, various fabrics, and innovative cuts. The classic salwar kameez consists of a tunic (kameez) and loose bottoms (salwar), offering endless design possibilities through fabric, embellishments, and cuts. This attire is quick to wear and universally appealing, unlike the more festive or formal sari or lehenga choli.
The Latest Salwar Suit Designs for Fashion Stars in 2024
Kaftan Suit Set: Kaftans have become a wardrobe staple. This versatile design can be styled in various ways, from loungewear to party wear, and pairs well with churidar jeans or palazzo pants.
Drape Jumpsuits: If you're bored with traditional salwar suits, drape jumpsuits offer a contemporary ethnic option that will make you stand out.
Salwar Suits with Jacket Overlays: Elevate a simple salwar kameez by adding an embroidered jacket for an instant transformation.
Crop Top and Palazzo Pants: This straightforward yet stylish combination is perfect for any occasion, balancing a motif-adorned crop top with oversized palazzos.
Pakistani Suits: Known for their elegance, Pakistani suits feature long, flowy designs that are both luxurious and creative.
Stylish Kurta and Cigarette Pants: Versatile and chic, cigarette pants can be worn for various occasions, from the office to parties.
Angaraka Suits: Crossbody kurtas paired with beautiful dupattas and oxidized jewelry offer a stylish yet understated look.
Modern Churidar Suits: Churidars, with their vibrant or pastel colors and intricate embroidery, are a versatile choice akin to skinny jeans.
Bell Bottom Suits: Combining bell-bottom pants with ethnic kurtas creates a powerful, stylish look.
Maxi Style Suits: Long kurtas with exclusive fabric details at the hem are elegant and perfect for showcasing your salwar.
Chikankari Suits: The timeless Lucknow Chikankari suits are versatile, suitable for both casual and formal occasions.
Side Slit Suits: Ideal for showing off stylish bottoms or heels, side slit kurtas offer a slim and sleek silhouette.
Patiala Salwar Suit Designs: Comfortable and prominent in Punjab, these loose-fitting salwar suits are great for corporate, homemaker, and college-goer wardrobes.
Floor Length Salwar Kameez Designs: For a confident look, opt for floor-length designs that flatter any figure.
Skirt Style Suits: Perfect for bridesmaids and festive functions, skirt-style suits draw attention with their elegance.
Dhoti Style Suits: Minimal yet edgy, these suits pair a cropped jacket with a kurta and dhoti pants, ideal for the holiday season.
Peekaboo Pants: Pakistani straight-cut pants with peekaboo embroidery add a touch of glamour to any outfit.
Straight-Cut Pants and Kurta: A stylish choice for casual outings, this look can be accessorized with metal jewelry and heels.
Ghararas: Short kurtas paired with shararas allow for creative styling, including off-shoulder or halter tops.
Luxury Pantsuits: For a luxurious indo-western look, luxury pantsuits are a must-have.
Frock Style Salwar Suits: Perfect for Navratri, these short dresses paired with dhoti pants epitomize high-end Indian fashion.
Lawn Suits: Made from lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen, these suits are ideal for summer and warmer climates.
Cape Style Suits: Perfect for weddings and parties, cape-style suits are a trendy choice.
Key Takeaways
With so many trending designs, it's time to start shopping for salwar suits from Big Feather Couters.
Kurtis For Women: Big Feather Couters Kurtis Collection Suits For Women: Big Feather Couters Suits Collection Western Wear Dress For Women: Big Feather Couters Frock Dress Collection
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fashion-diva20 · 3 months
Women Collection-A Gateway to Fashion
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Explore Our Exquisite Fashion and Beauty Realm
At She Collection, we believe to acknowledge every women collection and unique style and beauty. Our online store, she collection is designed to cater all your fashion and beauty needs, ensuring you look and feel your best.
Whether you’re searching for the perfect dress, the ideal eye makeup, nourishing serums, traditional khussa, or luxurious lip shine, we have everything in a wide range specially for you. Here elegance, style, and sophistication blend logically, offering fashion enthusiasts a haven for exclusive finds
Ladies Dresses: Women Collection To Redefine Grace
Step into the world of elegant charm and trendsetting styles with our artfully curated collection of traditional and non traditional dresses From casual wear Lawn cotton suit to  show-stopping Turkish frill log maxi, our range is precisely crafted to cater to every occasion.
Grey Gotta Dress
 Whether you are looking up for  a captivating best Gray gotta dress or a statement-making Red Fancy shalwar kameez, She Collection is your definitive source for opulent and versatile attire.
Formal Dresses
When it’s time to make a statement, our formal dresses are your go-to choice. Featuring elegant designs and exquisite details, these dresses are perfect for weddings, parties, and special events.
Traditional Dresses
Embrace tradition with our ethnic collection. From intricately embroidered outfits to vibrant prints, our ethnic dresses celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan.
  Eye Makeup: Unleash  your inner allure
With our extensive arrangement of eye makeup products. From bold trendy liquid eyeliners to velvety long lasting eyeshadows, our collection of latest eyeshadows comprises a diverse range  that assures to enhance your natural beauty and infuse an enchanting allure into your look.
Here define your eyes with our collection of eyeliners. Whether you prefer a precise liquid liner or a smudgy pencil, our eyeliners offer long-lasting wear and intense color payoff.
Get voluminous, lengthened lashes with our range of mascaras. Formulated to lift and separate each lash, our mascaras give you a wide-eyed, dramatic look.
Eyebrow Pencil
Experience the beauty of paraben-free brows with our ClaraLine eyebrow pencil. Achieve effortless, natural-looking eye brows in just a few strokes. Our creamy formula slip on with precision, giving you the perfect eye brow look.
 And don’t forget to explore our best-priced eyeshadow collection to complete your makeup routine. Elevate your beauty game with ClaraLine!
 Serums for Radiant Skin Awaits
Achieving healthy, glowing skin is effortless with our variety of serums. Formulated with dynamic ingredients, our serums address various skin concerns and enhance your skincare routine.
Vitamin C Serum
 Infused with vitamin C and other moisturizing ingredients, our best ultra C  serums provide deep cleaning hydration by leaving your skin plump and smooth.
Skin Lightening Serum
 Combat signs of two toned skin with our skin lightening serums. Enriched with retinol, these serums even out skin tone, remove pigmentation, fine lines, and improve skin elasticity. And visibly reduce dullness and discoloration. You can also check our range of best whitening serums.
Khussa: Step into Tradition
 Embrace tradition and elegance with our magnificent range of khussas, handcrafted with precision and adorned with intricate designs and vibrant hues. Celebrating heritage and finesse.
Kundan Khussa
 our modern Kundan khussa collection seeks to elevate your everyday style with footwear crafted for both comfort and elegancy.
White Pearl Khussa for women collection
Khussa, the traditional footwear, is an integral part of Pakistani culture. At She Collection, we bring you a beautiful selection of elegant white khussa that blend tradition with contemporary designs
Pearl Ice Embroidered Khussa
Our embroidered khussa are adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant threads, perfect for weddings and festive occasions. More our Multicolored Women’s Fancy Khussa are bombshell.
Leather Khussa
For everyday wear, our new leather casual khussa offer comfort and style. Made from soft materials, they are ideal for pairing with your casual outfits. More you can enhance your footwear game with our classic designer khussa.
Featuring unique designs and embellishments, these khussa are perfect match for making a fashion statement.
Here you can also enjoy your bridal look with our exquisite latest bridal khussa collection. Handcrafted with attention to detail, they add a glimpse of elegance to your special day.
 Lip Shine: Your Ultimate Pout Perfection
No makeup look is complete without the perfect lip shine. At She Collection, our eye catchy lip gloss range offers a variety of shades and finishes to suit every mood and occasion.A good addition to women collection.
Long Lasting Lip Shine
Our lip shine collection is meticulously curated to elevate your makeup routine, providing a wide array of options designed to deliver a lustrous sheen, long-lasting hydration, and captivating color payoff.
Lustrous Lipsticks
Whether you gravitate towards understated nude shades, seeking an effortless everyday elegance, or you prefer bold, statement hues for a striking and confident allure, our lipsticks range has been well crafted to cater your mood according to your occasion.
Lip Liner Pencils
When you indulge in our lip pencils range, you embark on a journey that transcends mere beauty products
Each variant in our collection contains the essence of sophistication and style, delivering not just a cosmetic product, but a symbol of empowerment and self-expression.
Why Shop at She Collection?
We pride ourselves on offering high-quality products that meet your expectations and needs. Each product is carefully selected to ensure it meets our standards of quality and style to make best women collection. we are committed to offering a seamless shopping experience underpinned by uncompromising quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction.
Eager to elevate your style journey? Immerse yourself in our wide collection and uncover a realm of fashion, beauty, and refinement within immediate reach. Start your style journey with She Collection – a realm where boundaries cease to exist, and every ensemble narrates a compelling story of elegance and individuality.
Women Collection-A Fashion Store
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samkkshopping · 3 months
Ready to Rock a Salwar Kameez? Top Trends for 2024 from Samyakk
“Fashion is cyclical, and the Salwar Kameez is back with a bang! This year, expect a kaleidoscope of colors and intricate details.”
We have seen many fashion bloggers out there writing about the Trendiest Salwar Suit. Looks and stuff related to Salwar Kameez like Upcoming designs as per season, so what Samyakk is delivering here extra???? Why will someone read through this blog to know the same thing which people are singing already??? Let’s see
The Salwar Kameez Trends, that timeless symbol of elegance and comfort, is constantly evolving. This year, 2024, offers a stunning array of fresh designs and Hottest Salwar Kameez Trends with Neo-Classic flair. Get ready to embrace intricate embellishments, contemporary silhouettes, and a touch of the unexpected! Whether you’re seeking a statement piece for a festive occasion or a breezy ensemble for everyday wear, this season’s hottest trends have something for every woman.
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And for a dose of inspiration, look no further than the stunning collections at Samyakk. Their exquisite designs perfectly capture the essence of these trends, offering a treasure trove of Indian Salwar Kameez that will turn heads wherever you go.
This year’s Salwar Kameez trends are all about celebrating individuality and modern twists on classic silhouettes. Here’s what’s hot:
A Playful Palette: Colors are a major focus! From cool pastels like light blues and peaches to vibrant earth tones like rust and mustard, there’s a shade to suit every mood.
Embellished Elegance: Intricate embroidery is back in a big way, with designers showcasing mirror work, phulkari work, and Chikankari on everything from festive wear to everyday suits.
Silhouette Sensations: This season is all about variety. Flowy Anarkali suits remain popular, while Sharara Suits with wide legs and Straight-cut Suits with Palazzo Suits pants offer a contemporary touch.
Fusion Flair: The line between traditional and modern blurs with fusion styles. Think capes paired with Tunics and Kurtis, asymmetrical cuts, and Indo-western jacket styles.
Comfort is Key: Breathable fabrics like lawn and Cotton and Linen are all the rage, perfect for the summer heat. Look for relaxed fits and soft textures for effortless style.
These trends come alive in the stunning designs by Samyakk. From their vibrant color palettes to their exquisite embroidery and contemporary silhouettes, Samyakk offers a treasure trove of Salwar Kameez that embodies the spirit of 2024.
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A Guide to the Hottest Salwar Kameez Trends
The Salwar Kameez, a symbol of grace and elegance, continues to be a wardrobe staple for women across the globe. But this timeless piece never stands still. Every year, new Salwar Kameez designs emerge, keeping the tradition fresh and exciting. If you’re looking to revamp your ethnic wear collection or simply stay updated on the latest trends, then you’ve come to the right place! This guide will explore the hottest new Salwar Kameez collections that perfectly capture the essence of Indian ethnic wear trends in 2024.
A Kaleidoscope of Colors
Colors are taking center stage this season! Gone are the days of solely traditional reds and maroons. The 2024 Salwar Kameez palette is a vibrant playground. New Salwar Kameez collections boast an array of cool pastels like baby blues and peaches, offering a refreshing and airy feel. For those who love bolder choices, vibrant earth tones like rust and mustard yellow are also trending, adding a touch of warmth and energy.
Embellished Elegance
Intricate embellishments are making a strong comeback, adding a touch of luxury to Salwar Kameez designs. Mirror work, phulkari work, and Chikankari are just a few of the stunning embroidery techniques adorning new arrival Salwar suits. These embellishments aren’t just reserved for festive wear — designers are incorporating them tastefully into everyday suits as well, creating a sense of understated luxury.
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Silhouettes for Every Occasion
The beauty of the Salwar Kameez lies in its versatility. This year, the trend is all about offering a diverse range of silhouettes to suit any occasion. The ever-popular flowing Anarkali suits remain a favorite for weddings and grand events. But for those seeking a more contemporary look, palazzo suits with their wide-legged pants and sharara suits with their dramatic flair offer a stylish alternative.
The Fusion Flair
The line between traditional and modern continues to blur, giving rise to the ever-popular indo western Salwar Kameez. New Salwar Kameez collections are experimenting with capes paired with kurtas, asymmetrical cuts, and indo western jacket styles. These fusion pieces offer a unique way to embrace your heritage with a touch of modern flair.
Comfort Reigns Supreme
Gone are the days of stiff fabrics and uncomfortable fits. In 2024, comfort is key! Breathable fabrics like lawn and cotton are all the rage, making Salwar Kameez the perfect choice for the summer heat. Look for relaxed fits and soft textures that allow for effortless movement and all-day comfort.
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Beyond the Salwar Kameez
The world of Indian ethnic wear extends beyond the traditional three-piece ensemble. Tunics & Kurtis are a versatile option, perfect for layering or pairing with jeans or leggings for a more casual look. Ethnic Salwar comes in a variety of styles, from the classic Patiala to the more contemporary cigarette pants, offering endless options for creating unique outfits.
Where to Find Your Dream Salwar Kameez
Designer trendy Salwar collections are readily available, offering exquisite craftsmanship and unique designs. For those seeking the latest trends, new arrival Salwar suits are constantly popping up, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.
Samyakk Collections: Inspiration at Your Fingertips
When searching for the perfect Salwar Kameez new design, look no further than Samyakk Collections. Their latest Salwar collection embodies all the hottest trends of 2024. From vibrant color palettes to intricate embroidery and contemporary silhouettes, Samyakk offers a treasure trove of Salwar Kameez that will take you from weddings and parties to everyday wear in effortless style.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are the hottest colors for Salwar Kameez in 2024? A: The trend is all about variety! Cool pastels like baby blues and peaches offer a refreshing feel, while bold earth tones like rust and mustard yellow add warmth and energy.
2. Are embellished Salwar Kameez still in style? A: Absolutely! Intricate embroidery techniques like mirror work, phulkari work, and Chikankari are making a strong comeback, adding a touch of luxury to both festive and everyday wear.
3. What are some popular silhouettes for Salwar Kameez in 2024? A: The good news is there’s a silhouette for every occasion! Classic Anarkali suits remain a favorite, while palazzo pants and dramatic sharara suits offer a contemporary twist.
4. Can I find a Salwar Kameez that’s both stylish and comfortable? You most definitely can! Breathable fabrics like lawn and cotton are trending, along with relaxed fits and soft textures that ensure all-day comfort.
5. Where can I find trendy Salwar Kameez collections? Look for “designer trendy Salwar” collections for unique pieces and “new arrival Salwar suits” to stay on top of the latest trends. Samyakk Collections is a great place to start, offering a treasure trove of designs that embody the spirit of 2024.
So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the world of Salwar Kameez designs and discover the perfect piece to express your unique style. With the plethora of options available, you’re sure to find a new Salwar Kameez collection @ Samyakk online website and do visit their store in Bangalore that speaks to your heart and keeps you on top of the latest Indian ethnic wear trends in 2024!
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shivanesboutique-blog · 5 months
Discover the Comfort and Style of Cotton Salwar Materials
Everyday ethnic clothing needs to be comfortable, but compromising on style? That’s not an option, particularly for Indian women who value both comfort and taste in their daily outfits. When it comes to everyday comfort, one cannot overlook the importance of a classic must-have clothing fabric: cotton salwar materials. 
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You might be wondering why cotton? Because cotton is the best material to wear on an everyday basis. Its texture, breathable quality, and versatility make it the perfect go-to choice. 
Let's talk about the various kinds of cotton fabrics and their different characteristics. There's handloom cotton, which is simple and plain, and then there's block-printed cotton, which comes with different types of patterns. Each type of cotton goes well with different styles and what people like. 
Understanding the Different Types of Cotton Fabrics 
Cotton, known for its breathability, soft texture, and versatile quality has become an everyday essential in all Indian households. When it comes to cotton salwar materials, understanding the different types of cotton fabrics can help you choose better based on your comfort and preferences. 
Let's discuss the three main categories of cotton: lightweight, medium-weight, and medium to heavy-weight cotton fabrics. 
Lightweight Cotton Fabrics 
Perfect for warm weather and casual loungewear, lightweight cotton fabrics possess the most breathability and comfort. For cotton, fabrics like voile and lawn are popular choices, while silk cotton materials combine the softness of cotton with the classy shine of silk. 
Voile has a transparent, breezy feel that makes it ideal for creating salwars and salwar suits. This makes it a favorite summer must-have in India. Lawn fabric, known for its crisp and smooth finish, provides a glossy look while guaranteeing comfort for throughout the day. Batiste, another lightweight cotton fabric, offers a soft and gentle feel, making it a good choice for creating elegant salwar kameez sets. 
Medium Weight Cotton Fabrics 
Medium weight cotton textiles are adaptable for multiple occasions and festivities because they maintain a balance between the breathable quality and the additional weight of the fabric. This category includes textiles including twill, poplin, and chambray. 
Poplin fabric is tightly woven, so it's strong and feels smooth on the skin. It’s used for both casual and fancy salwar materials. 
Chambray looks like denim but it's lighter. It gives a laid-back but stylish vibe to salwar sets. Twill cotton, known for its diagonal rib pattern, provides structure, making it perfect for tailored salwar sets. 
Medium to Heavy-Weight Cotton Fabrics 
For cooler climates or occasions that require a more substantial fabric, medium to heavy-weight cotton fabrics are the go-to pick. Fabrics such as denim, canvas, and corduroy come under this category. 
While denim is commonly known for its rugged quality, it also offers versatility in creating chic salwars. Canvas’s durability, adds a functional feel to cotton salwar materials, perfect for adding a touch of functionality to your outfits. Corduroy, with its ribbed texture, adds a cozy element to salwars, making them ideal as winter wear. 
Shivane’s Boutique: Your Go-To for Sarees & Material Collections 
If you're in search of beautiful pure handloom silk sarees, ready-made kurtis, or fabric collections, Shivane’s Boutique is the perfect place for you. We know that shopping is not just an activity; it's an experience. That's why we are dedicated to curating only the finest sarees and materials, ensuring that every customer’s visit is nothing short of extraordinary. 
At Shivane’s Boutique, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse selection that caters to every taste and celebration. From the timeless handloom silk sarees to the exclusive material collections, our collection embodies sophistication and tradition. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion, dressing for daily wear, or seeking the perfect gift such as tussar silk materials, our curated selection promises to fulfill your expectations. 
Shivane’s Boutique sets the standard for excellence with their commitment to customer satisfaction, in silk sarees and other clothing products.
For more: Discover the Comfort and Style of Cotton Salwar Materials
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hamaylfabrics · 7 months
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Pakistani lawn suits, Lawn dresses, Lawn prints, Designer lawn, Summer lawn collection, Pakistani lawn fashion, Lawn fabric, Lawn clothing, Lawn unstitched suits, Embroidered lawn suits, Digital printed lawn, Floral lawn prints, Lawn dupattas, Premium lawn collection, Exclusive lawn designs, Traditional lawn wear, Luxury lawn outfits, Summer lawn trends, Vibrant lawn colors, Pakistani lawn brands, Lawn shalwar kameez, Lawn salwar suits, Lawn trousers, Printed lawn shirts, Ethnic lawn wear, Lawn kurta designs, Lawn party wear, Pakistani lawn dresses, Lawn fabric online, Lawn attire, Lawn prints online, Lawn clothes online, Women's lawn collection, Men's lawn collection, Kids' lawn collection, Latest lawn trends, Pakistani lawn designers, Lawn material, Lawn catalog, Lawn sale, Lawn price, Lawn suits online, Lawn clothes shopping, Lawn outfit ideas, Lawn fashionista, Lawn wear for summer, Lawn clothing store, Lawn boutique, Lawn wardrobe essentials, Pakistani fashion lawn, Lawn dress designs, Lawn collection 2024, Lawn wear for women, Lawn wear for men, Lawn wear for kids, Lawn suits stitching, Lawn dresses stitching, Custom lawn suits, Stitched lawn suits, Pakistani lawn suits wholesale, Lawn suits export, Pakistani lawn suits online shopping, Lawn suit retailers, Lawn clothes boutique, Lawn fabric shop, Lawn fabric exporters, Lawn cloth market, Lawn print industry, Lawn material suppliers, Pakistani lawn clothing, Lawn wear brands, Lawn dress material, Lawn fashion online, Lawn dress shop, Lawn apparel, Lawn style, Lawn outfit inspiration, Lawn dress catalogue, Lawn wear blog, Lawn fashion trends, Lawn styling tips, Lawn fashion influencers, Lawn clothing ideas, Lawn wear lookbook, Lawn fashion shoot, Lawn outfit goals, Lawn style guide, Lawn fabric types, Lawn print techniques, Lawn clothing industry, Lawn fashion market, Lawn outfit coordination, Lawn fashionista community, Lawn clothing business, Lawn wear for occasions, Lawn dress up games, Lawn fashion inspiration, Lawn clothes for festivals, Lawn fashion events, Lawn apparel trends.
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rakesh0khokhar · 11 months
Latest dresses for ladies
Are you ready for the latest collection of dresses for ladies? We have launched a collection of the latest dresses for women. From casual dresses to glamorous dresses for ladies. We have created a collection that contains all the latest trending dresses for the girls. You must visit our store for ‘latest dresses for ladies’.
    top dresses for girls
Maxi Skirts:-
Maxi skirts have attracted the hearts of fashion enthusiasm for decades offering a perfect style, comfort and versatility. Maxi skirts are characterized by gracefully flowing  to the ankles and floor.  Maxi skirts are a timeless embodiment of effortless elegance.
From casual outings to formal gatherings, these skirts give a beautiful look. 
Minidresses and skirts:- 
When it comes to fashion, sometimes less is more where the skirts and mini dresses come in the trend. In the year 2023 the skirts and mini dresses are trending in the fashion world. Minidresses and skirts are not only a piece of cloth but also the symbol of confidence and style. You can see different types of minidresses and skirts in our store.
Floral print dresses:-
Floral print dresses are the timeless trends in the fashion world. They offer a versatile canvas to express your style and bring the touch of timeless elegance and vibrancy to your wardrobe.  We can always see the different types of floral print dresses according to the time. In the year 2023 we have the latest collection of floral print dresses.
A Slip Dress:- 
A slip dress is a symbol of understanding elegance and sensuality. This is a perfect dress for a night out that is paired with heels that exude sophistication and allure.
Its adaptability and timeless charm make the slip dress a must-have in any fashion-savvy individual’s wardrobe, ensuring a touch of sophistication for both casual and formal affairs.
Gown dresses:-
Gown dresses are the epitome of grace, femininity, and sophistication in the world of fashion. These garments are known for their floor-length design and graceful silhouette, exuding a sense of sophistication and charm. As fashion trends evolve, gowns maintain their allure and remain a staple for those seeking to make a  lasting impression at life's most significant events. From classic to contemporary, gowns continue to stand the test of time, embodying the essence of grace and luxury.  
Off shoulder dress:-
The off shoulder design has a timeless fashion trend that every woman wants in their wardrobe. Off shoulder dresses are stylish and trendy dresses. Off Shoulder dresses come in different types of styles. Off shoulder dresses provide different looks and different levels of comfort to the women. 
Lawn dresses  
Lawn dresses are made from lawn fabric that is lightweight and breathable made from cotton line blends. Lawn dresses are for daily dresses and special events. Lawn dresses are a choice for comfort and style. The vibrant colors, intricate prints and variety of design contribute to widespread popularity of lawn fabric in the fashion world. We have a large collection of lawn fabric in our store.
Ethnic Crop Top 
Ethnic crop tops are stylish garments. Ethnic crop top is a symbol of cultural heritage of any particular ethnic culture. Wearing an ethnic crop top shows the importance and  respect of the cultural significance behind the design. We have a large collection of ethnic crop tops for girls. 
Chic cocktail dresses
Chic cocktail dresses are the best choice for formal and family functions. These dresses are designed to represent the style and grace, making them staple in any fashion conscious women's wardrobe. These types of dresses come in a variety of styles, cut and fabric. Popular designs are off-the-shoulder necklines, sleeveless or short sleeveless or short sleeveless etc. 
Sporty dress
Sporty dress gives you a comfortable and stylish look. You can wear these dresses on various occasions, gym, casual outings and some social events.  
Our collection has a large range of trending dresses for women. Including trending lawn dresses, maxi dresses, gown dresses, ethnic crop tops, and different types of floral print dresses. We always have the  best fashion trends in our collection for the womens and girls. If you want to increase your wardrobe experience and stay ahead in the fashion game then you must visit our store.
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mycharacterdump · 1 year
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MAISIE WOZNIAK-JENSEN + character profile.
FULL NAME: margaret elaine wozniak-jensen.
NICKNAME(S): maisie, maze. 
DATE OF BIRTH: december 3rd.
ETHNICITY: caucasian + ¼ filipino.
GENDER: cis woman.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
ORIENTATION: demiromantic, heterosexual.
RELIGION: learning buddhism.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: bilingual in asl + tagalog.
FACE CLAIM: millie bobby brown
HAIR COLOUR/STYLE: naturally dark brown; left medium length and curly.
EYE COLOUR: honey brown eyes that are often seen as golden. 
HEIGHT: five foot three.
WEIGHT: 111 lbs.
BUILD: skinny.
TATTOOS: none. 
PIERCINGS: both lobes, + a hidden septum piercing administered by a friend. 
CLOTHING STYLE: sports a lot of button-ups; ranging from plain shirt button-ups to plaids. wears baggy pants and custom canvas sneakers that she both paints herself. her great grandmother stella’s heart-shaped locket.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: freckles that span across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
AESTHETICS: a collection of CDs, piles of books all over the place loud noise, loud laughter, a smile so wide and contagious, thrifting for home decor and clothes, papers all over their space, a pencil behind their ear, bedhead, a compassionate love for animals, sleeves under big t-shirts, constellations drawn in notebooks, space buns, the northern lights, wishing on every first star you see, stargazing on a lawn, having your head in space, believing in aliens, reading horoscopes. 
AILMENTS: completely deaf; wears a hearing aid; has autism spectrum disorder.
DRUG USE: none. 
ALCOHOL USE: only socially. 
LABEL: the bohemian.
POSITIVE TRAITS: dedicated, amicable, supportive, empathetic, experimental, inquisitive, whimsical. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: awkward, pretentious, patronizing, feckless, anxious, feeble, judgmental, stubborn.
FEARS: being alone/forgotten. 
HOBBIES: starcharting, painting, crafting, upcycling clothes.
HABITS: fidgeting with her hearing aid, humming too loudly when in thought.
WEATHER: clear night skies.
COLOUR: all of them. 
MUSIC: alternative, indie folk.
MOVIES: space documentaries. 
SPORT: tennis. 
BEVERAGE: cornelian-cherry tea. 
FOOD: anything filipino that she can help cook.
FATHER: spencer jensen (alive.)
MOTHER: reina wozniak-jensen (alive.)
SIBLING(S): is in a pair of triplets, others include michaela ‘mim’ jensen + maxwell ‘max’ jensen; younger siblings include honey jensen, india jensen, harrison jensen + sebastian jensen.
PET(S): a ferret named flower.
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phullkari · 1 year
"Breezy Elegance: A Guide to Selecting the Perfect Ethnic Suits for Summer"
As the scorching summer heat approaches, it's essential to revamp your wardrobe with comfortable and stylish clothing options. When choosing the best ethnic suits for summers, there are a few factors to consider to ensure comfort, style, and suitability for the hot weather. Phullkari invites you to discover the magic within exquisite collection of women's wear.  Explore Phullkari's extensive selection of ethnic wear, featuring a diverse range of styles, patterns, and fabrics.
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Here are some tips to help you select the right cotton ethnic suits for the summer season.
Opt for lightweight and breathable cotton fabrics such as cotton lawn, cotton voile, or cotton chambray. These fabrics allow air circulation and help in keeping you cool.
2. Weave:
Look for suits with a loose or open weave. This allows for better airflow and ventilation, keeping you comfortable in the heat. Fabrics like handloom cotton or cotton muslin are great options.
3. Colour: 
Choose light-coloured suits as they reflect sunlight and heat. Pastel shades and whites are particularly suitable for summer. Avoid dark colours as they tend to absorb heat. Ethnic suits come in various styles, such as salwar kameez, churidar, anarkali, or straight-cut suits. Consider your body type, personal style, and the occasion when selecting a style and colour. 
4. Print and Design:
Consider opting for suits with light or medium-sized prints and designs. Floral patterns, small motifs, or geometric prints are popular choices. Avoid heavy embroideries or embellishments that can weigh you down and add extra heat.
5. Style and Fit: 
Look for loose and relaxed-fitting suits that allow air to circulate around your body. Straight-cut or A-line kurtas with comfortable salwars or palazzos are ideal for summer. Avoid tight-fitting outfits as they can restrict movement and cause discomfort in hot weather.
6. Sleeve Length:
Choose suits with shorter sleeves or sleeveless designs to allow more air circulation and keep your arms cool. If you prefer longer sleeves, look for styles with loose-fitting or three-quarter sleeves.
7. Dupatta: 
The dupatta (scarf) is a quintessential part of ethnic suits. For summer, choose lightweight dupattas in breathable fabrics like chiffon or cotton. Experiment with different draping styles or consider a stole or a sheer cape as alternatives to the traditional dupatta, allowing you to personalise  your ensemble.
8. Finishing Details: 
Pay attention to the finishing details of the suit. Ensure that the seams and edges are well stitched, and there are no scratchy or uncomfortable elements that could cause irritation on your skin.
9. Comfort and Mobility: 
When trying on the suits, move around and ensure that you feel comfortable and unrestricted in your movements. The suit should allow you to enjoy your day without feeling constricted or sweaty. Lastly, choose suits made from high-quality cotton fabric that will last you through the summer season. Look for trusted brands or reputable sellers known for their quality ethnic wear.
10. Accessories and Footwear:
Complete your summer ethnic look with the right accessories and footwear. Pair your cotton suit with statement earrings, bangles, or a delicate necklace that complements the colours and style. For footwear, opt for comfortable sandals, juttis, or wedges that offer both style and ease.
With this guide, you're now equipped to select the perfect cotton ethnic suits for a breezy and elegant summer look. Discover an extensive collection of the latest styles that will elevate your wardrobe to new heights. With Phulkari, embrace your unique style and unleash your fashion potential. Shop with confidence and stay ahead of the fashion curve. Explore Phulkari today and step into a world of unparalleled style and elegance."
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Wholesale Pakistani Suits: Embrace Exquisite Designs and High-Quality Fabrics
When it comes to ethnic fashion, Pakistani suits have gained immense popularity in the Indian textile market. These suits are known for their exquisite designs, high-quality fabrics, and unique blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Shenaya Fashion, a leading online Surat's Pakistani Suits wholesaler store, offers a wide range of wholesale Pakistani suits that are sure to enhance your wardrobe. 
In this blog, we will explore the basic features of Pakistani suits. Moreover, we will also talk about various types of Pakistani suits popular in the Indian textile market and provide tips on uplifting your style with complementing accessories.
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Understanding Pakistani Suits:
Pakistani Suits manufacturer in Surat have gained significant popularity in the world of ethnic fashion due to their unique designs and distinct features. These elegant ensembles are known for their long, flowing silhouettes, intricate embroidery, and high-quality fabrics. Let's dive deeper into understanding Pakistani suits and what makes them so special.
Silhouette and Style:
Wholesale Pakistani replica suits from Surat are characterized by their graceful and elongated silhouette. The kameez (tunic) is usually long, reaching below the knees or even the ankles. This elongated length creates a regal and sophisticated look when paired with straight pants, palazzos, or flared shararas. The overall style of Pakistani suits is inspired by traditional Mughal and Persian influences, combined with modern elements to create a fusion of elegance and contemporary fashion.
Pakistani suits are crafted using a variety of high-quality fabrics to ensure comfort, durability, and a luxurious feel. Some commonly used fabrics include:
- Chiffon: Chiffon is a lightweight, sheer fabric that drapes beautifully and adds a touch of delicacy to Pakistani suits. It is often used for the kameez and dupatta, creating an ethereal and flowy look.
- Georgette: Georgette is another popular fabric choice for Pakistani suits. It has a slightly crinkled texture and provides a balance of elegance and comfort. Georgette suits are often adorned with intricate embroidery or embellishments.
- Silk: Silk is synonymous with luxury and is highly favored for special occasions and festive wear. Silk Pakistani suits offer a smooth, lustrous finish that exudes opulence and grandeur.
- Cotton: Cotton suits are perfect for everyday wear and casual occasions. They are breathable, lightweight, and comfortable, making them a popular choice for Pakistani suits.
Intricate Embroidery and Embellishments:
One of the distinguishing features of Pakistani suits is the intricate embroidery and embellishments that adorn the garments. Skilled artisans and a dress material wholesale supplier in Surat create stunning patterns using techniques such as zari work, resham embroidery, mirror work, sequins, and stone embellishments. These intricate details add depth, texture, and visual appeal to the suits, making them stand out and reflect the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan.
Color Palette:
Catalog Pakistani lawn suits wholesale from Surat embrace a wide range of colors, from vibrant and bold hues to soft pastels and earthy tones. Traditional colors such as deep red, royal blue, and emerald green are often seen in Pakistani suits, representing the cultural heritage of the region. However, modern designs also incorporate contemporary color palettes, allowing individuals to choose from a diverse range of shades that suit their personal preferences.
Versatility and Occasions:
Pakistani suits are versatile and suitable for various occasions. They can be worn for weddings, festivals, parties, or even as everyday ethnic wear. The style and embellishments can be chosen according to the level of formality and personal taste. Whether you prefer a heavily embroidered ensemble for a grand celebration or a subtle, minimalistic design for a casual outing, Pakistani suits offer a wide range of options to cater to different occasions and personal styles.
Popular Types of Pakistani Suits:
Anarkali Suits: 
Anarkali suits feature a flared kameez that exudes elegance and grace. They are often adorned with intricate embroidery, sequins, or zari work. Anarkali suits are perfect for weddings, parties, and festive occasions.
Sharara Suits: 
Sharara suits consist of wide-legged pants paired with a kameez. The pants are flared from the waist and provide a stylish and contemporary look. Sharara suits are ideal for sangeet ceremonies and other cultural events.
Palazzo Suits: 
Palazzo suits have gained popularity for their comfortable yet fashionable appeal. The wide-legged pants, known as palazzos, are paired with a kameez. These suits are perfect for casual outings, office wear, and social gatherings.
Straight Cut Suits: 
A salwar kameez manufacturer in Surat offers straight-cut suits that feature a long, straight kameez paired with matching pants or churidar. They provide a sophisticated and elegant look and are suitable for both formal and semi-formal occasions.
Embellished Suits: 
Pakistani suits are renowned for their exquisite embellishments. From intricate threadwork and mirror work to stone embellishments and zardozi embroidery, these suits showcase the rich craftsmanship of Pakistani artisans.
Uplifting Your Style with Complementing Accessories:
To enhance your Pakistani suit ensemble, consider the following accessories:
Statement Jewelry: 
Opt for statement earrings, necklaces, or bangles that complement the color and design of your suit. Traditional jhumkas, Kundan jewelry, or chunky oxidized pieces can add a touch of glamour to your look.
Dupatta Styling: 
Experiment with different draping styles for your dupatta. You can drape it over one shoulder, pleat it, or wear it as a cape to create a unique and stylish look.
Pair your Pakistani suit with elegant footwear such as juttis, mojaris, or embellished heels. Choose footwear that matches the color palette of your suit to complete your look.
Clutches or Potlis: 
Carry a beautifully embellished clutch or potli bag that complements your outfit. Opt for traditional designs or contemporary styles that add a touch of sophistication to your ensemble.
Hair and Makeup: 
Consider hairstyles that suit the neckline and style of your Pakistani suit. Traditional braids, loose curls, or elegant updos can elevate your overall look. Complete your look with makeup that enhances your features and matches the theme of the occasion.
Read Our Post: Traditional Elegance: Embrace the Comfort of Suti Cotton Sarees
Pakistani suits have become a staple in the Indian textile market, thanks to their exquisite designs and high-quality fabrics. Shenaya Fashion, an esteemed online store, offers a wide range of wholesale Pakistani suits that cater to diverse preferences. By embracing these beautiful ensembles and accessorizing thoughtfully, you can uplift your style and make a statement at any event or occasion. Explore the world of Pakistani dress in Surat, unleash your creativity, and embrace the elegance and charm they bring to your wardrobe.
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fashidwholesale · 2 years
Ethnic clothes: Renowned for their breath-taking texture and designs
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Sarees are one of the most prominent costumes that woman would want to opt for, be it in occasions or just to maintain traditions. This sort of draperies is loved and taken up by women from almost every corner of the world. Sarees are costumes that date back to the oldest days of human civilisation and they still continue to be some of the most popular among women everywhere. These are available in a vast range of materials and their designs too come in numbers.
Sarees in Indian and Pakistani cultures are quite popular and they give in for basic cultural traits of both theses countries. As a matter of fact, Pakistani women in the olden times were completely used to wear sarees as their staple clothing option. These sarees were majorly made up of silk and cotton and were breath-takingly beautiful. However, times have changed over the years and so did the choices of people. Thus, besides the crazy love for sarees, dresses and suits have also gained grounds. They are also quite popular among women in Pakistan because of their royal appearance and comfortable materials. Among all varieties of dresses, the Original Pakistani lawn suits have quite the popularity among the locals there. These are loved and opted for not only in Pakistan but all across the globe. The material that is especially used to stitch the lawn-suits are literallylightweight and breathable. They are just the right option for a hot and humid weather. However, the durability of these garments is worth a mention. They are indeed strong but also soft and tender on the skin.
Creating a completely fashionable and unique look on the wearer, theses dresses are just fit for any occasion that might be formal or even casual. Availing these dresses is no rocket science as they can be ordered online via Pakistani cotton dresses online. However not only one or two items, the feature of Wholesale sarees buy online is availed bythe businessmen and dealers at large. This holds up with the popularity of such lovely garments throughout the year.a
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smcreation01 · 2 years
6 Tips To Slay Ethnic Wear At Work!
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Wearing The Same Well-Ironed Shirt And Jeans To Work Can Become Tedious After A While. Women Can Spice Up Their Wardrobes By Jazzing Up Their Indian Ethnic Wear. Have You Ever Considered Wearing Ethnic Costumes To Work And Then Dismissed The Idea Because You Believe It Will Not Look Good? Here’s How To Look Good In Ethnic Dress At Work. Not Every Business Has A Laid-Back Atmosphere That Allows You To Wear Whatever You Want. However, Some Workplaces Permit You To Wear Whatever You Like.
When It Comes To Picking Appropriate Work Clothes, We Are Frequently Caught Between A Classic Style And A Corporate-Friendly Look That Does Not Scream Boring, Right? When We Do Live In Dresses, Jeans, Or Even Bits Of Denim To Work, You Have To Realise That Ethnic Wear Has Its Own Beauty That No One Can Deny. You Can Explore Ethnic Wear By Wearing Brilliant Prints, Bright And Bold Colours, And Occasionally Heavily Embroidered Garments.
1. Replace The Dupatta
We Understand That The Dupatta Helps To Tie Your Ethnic Clothing Together, But You Might Choose Not To Wear It At Work. Wear A Shrug Or Jacket Instead Of A Dupatta. If You Don’t Want To Get Rid Of Your Dupatta, You Can Use A Fashionable Belt To Keep It In Place And Give A Modern Touch To Your Overall Look. Wearing Designer Kurtis With Heavy Work On Work Is Never A Good Idea, Therefore Choose Simple And Sober Kurtis With Less Work. Yes, You Can Wear Richly Decorated Kurtis On Occasion.
2. Opt For The Right Kind Of Fabric
Make Sure Your Ethnic Dress Is Not Too Heavy So That You Can Be Comfortable At Work. Consider The Type Of Cloth For Ethnic Wear You Will Be Wearing Before Selecting Your Attire. Rayon, Khadi, Lawn Cotton, Cotton, And Linen Are Some Materials That Are Cool On The Skin And Comfortable To Wear In The Summer. In The Winter, You Can Wear Wool, Faux Fur, Knitted Cloth, Fleece, And Even Cotton And Khadi.
3. Choose The Right Saree
When It Comes To Traditional Indian Apparel, Nothing Beats The Allure Of A Saree. If You Want To Wear A Saree To Work, A Crepe Or AWholesale Georgette SareeIs The Best Option Because They Are Lightweight And Do Not Crease Easily. It Can Be Difficult To Manage A Saree After A Long Day At The Office, But If You Carry A Lightweight Plain Saree, You Will Be OK.
4. Wear Ethnic Jackets Over Kurtis
Wearing An Ethnic Jacket Is An Excellent Approach To Modernising Your Traditional Style. To Add Structure To Your Preferred Appearance, Layer A Jacket Over A Kurti Or A Long Kurti. You Can Choose From Many Styles Such As Full-Length Sleeves And Quarter Sleeves. You Can Even Wear Them In The Winter.
5. Accessorizing Is The Key
You May Add Extra Charm To Any Outfit By Accessorising With Traditional Jewellery. Whether It Be A Western Or Indian Ethnic Dress, Pair Your Outfit With Earrings, A Choker, Or Some Stacking Rings To Add The Ideal Amount Of Blink. Choose Modest Earrings Or Studs That Do Not Draw Too Much Attention. Wear Fewer Accessories If You’re Wearing A Kurti With Designs Or A Lot Of Details.
6. Work With Fusion
The Beauty Of Wearing Ethnic Wear Is That You Can Mix It With Your Western Clothes And Still Appear Desi. Wear A Pure Cotton Kurti With Palazzos Or Cigarette Pants And Pumps, Or Layer A Stylish Blazer Over Your Saree. Ethnic Dress Blended Beautifully With Elegant Western Attire.
SM Creation Is A Fashion Destination For Women ToBuy Wholesale Readymade Dress Material, Kurti, Saree Or Any Other Ethnic Wear Online At The Best Price We Have A Large Collection Of Traditional Clothes. If You Assume That Ethnic Wear Is Boring And Monotonous, SM Creation Will Certainly Prove You Wrong With Its Range, Diversity, And Choices.
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diyaonlineofficial · 2 years
Do you know what’s the truly interesting fact about Shalwar Kameez?
Well! They can be styled in Multiple ways! The availability of contemporary prints, patterns, and Styles have made salwar suits popular enough and the most demanded in Indian traditional wear. 
Whether you want to wear floral Prints for a spring look or shop the cozy ones with soft materials for Monsoon or want a flashy one with prominent complex embroidery or want to add sophistication and class with a plain Indian suit, the extremely attractive Diya Online will Provide impeccably curated designs to your taste. 
When it comes to traditional and upgrading the ethnic collection in your wardrobe, buy Indian salwar kameez. 
At Diya Online You can Shop Ample Variety of Suits like Sharara suit, Lawn suit, Palazzo Suits, Trouser Suits & many more. From all-time favourite solids to pretty floral patterns and embroidered detailing options are a plenty. 
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