#Ethyr is a gray character
arches-and-angels · 1 year
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Ethyrion - The Fatebringer - He/It/Null Ethyrion (pronounced EE-th-Ear-EE-ON, not EE-ther-EE-un) is known as The Fatebringer, or the judge of fate.
(More under cut)
He has no solid ties to anyone, be that the council, those within hell, or those like the machines. That being said, null is known to feel very positively of Bezaliel and seems to have a brotherly sort of relationship to the fallen angel. Not that he'd admit that aloud, its not one to share such information.
Ethyrion has a twisted sense of balance and order, which leads to the shaky relationships with others. One minute, its morals align with the heavenly council, then in an instant, null fights alongside those like King Minos. There's been a few times where the morality shifts in the middle of a fight.
The best comparison to use would be him seeing others as pawns in chess, rather than one force or another. Everything is a convoluted game, and playing pieces in certain manners elicits different results. At least, that's what Ethyrion believes.
Null also sees others and believes that they have certain paths to follow: paths of fate. His goal in life is to make certain fates reality, while others are lost to time. It's all in his hands, and it doesn't take this power lightly. Not in the slightest.
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