#Eugene peterson
apesoformythoughts · 1 year
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theinwardlight · 1 year
When it comes to doing something about what is wrong in the world, Jesus is best known for his fondness for the minute, the invisible, the quiet, the slow – yeast, salt, seeds, light. And manure.
Eugene Peterson, Tell It Slant
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jkoessler · 2 months
Spitting Away From the Angels: Faith, Imagination, & the Reality of the Church
You might think that imagination would be antithetical both to reason and to faith. We view reason as a realm of facts. Faith seems to us to be inconsistent with imagination. Yet faith, imagination, and reality are intimately connected.
The church is a caravan. It travels in company. In one of his sermons on the nature of Christ, Saint Augustine pictures the church as being in motion. The church“which is now traveling on its journey,” he observes, “is joined to that heavenly Church where we have the angels as our fellow citizens.” Augustine is saying this not only of the saints in heaven but also of those on earth. His view was…
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humorwithatwist · 3 months
The Difficulty is the Point
“The difficulty is the point…. Sometimes we need the difficulty to get us to slow down and look at ourselves.” James K.A. Smith (How to Inhabit Time, xv) Right now, parenting has me at something of an impasse. One of my children (who will remain nameless) is struggling to routinely accomplish a normal, everyday task. We have coached them through this task, helped show them how it’s done, offered…
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professorgtnt · 4 months
捨棄是將自我的雜質、錯謬的靈和虛假的生命一掃而空,騰出我們裡面的空間給神、真實的靈及永恆的生命。 eugene peterson
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heatherofthemoore · 5 months
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Lake Argyle
The word 'Christian' means different things to different people. To one person it means a stiff, upright, inflexible way of life, colourless and unbending. To another, it means a risky, surprise-filled venture, lived tiptoe at the edge of expectation. . . If we get our information from the biblical material, there is no doubt that the Christian life is a dancing, leaping, daring life.
~ Eugene Peterson, 'Travelling Light', p.45.
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bethf1300 · 6 months
Artists of the Everyday
Revisiting inspirational books I’ve been revisiting favorite books on my shelf – two that stand out are written by Eugene Peterson. Leap Over a Wall is about David’s life, and Run with the Horses is about Jeremiah. I wish I had dated my notes in these books. I may have been reading them for more than 20 years. A chapter in Run with the Horses is perfect for January when we reconsider our…
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castyourline · 9 months
“Christian discipleship is a decision to walk in his ways, steadily and firmly, and then finding that the way integrates all our interests, passions, and gifts, our human needs and eternal aspirations. It is the way of life we were created for.”
― Eugene Peterson
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Learning to Walk 13
Learning to see grace in ugly places...
CAMINHO PORTUGUÊS – Agueda (36,252 STEPS – 27.20 KMS – 16.89 MILES) “I say more: the just man justices; Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces…” – Gerald Manley Hopkins, As Kingfishers Catch Fire Guides Colors Paths The Last Will Be First… I was the last pilgrim to leave the Hilarios Albergue this morning, at least pilgrims heading towards Santiago. There was a pilgrim going the…
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Propaganda works another person's will upon us, attempting to manipulate us to an action or belief. Insofar as we are moved by it, we become less, the puppet of a puppeteer writer/speaker. There is no dignity, no soul, in a puppet. - Eugene Peterson, Eat This Book
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apesoformythoughts · 1 year
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drrus · 1 year
Expressing Love
It seems the body of Christ spends more time attempting to define the different levels of love from John 21.
I’ve discovered along this journey how love, which should be simple as we are called to “love one another” as Christ “has loved us” (John 15:12), is a complicated thing. Maybe the Queen song from the late 1970’s was right, it’s a “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. (more…) “”
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paulrosevear · 2 years
To be human is to be in trouble.
Eugene Peterson
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professorgtnt · 4 months
Eugene Peterson
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yngsuk · 2 years
“The fractures wrought by reducing trans children to a reservoir of racial plasticity persist into the present day, as scholars’ work on the contemporary pediatric endocrine clinic shows. Claudia Castañeda argues that it is precisely the liberal edge of pediatric trans medicine that leverages children for ends other than their own, promising through puberty suppression therapy a form of transition at an early age that is aimed against those trans people who transition as adults. In this developmental framework, visible trans difference produced by transitioning after puberty is increasingly cast as an atavistic relic, so that adult transitioning “becomes a kind of lesser version of transgender—because less completely trans-gendered in a bodily sense” than the child who pauses puberty. While there is no inherent reason to confine puberty suppression therapy to this particular narrative, Sahar Sadjadi and Tey Meadow’s important ethnographic work in the contemporary clinic shows how the desire and extreme pressure to find a biological etiology for trans life by locating gender’s development “in the brain” has packaged profoundly normalizing rhetoric as scientific and progressive. An early and gender normative transition has become valuable insofar as it uses children’s exceptional plasticity to promise a future that erases trans visibility itself, a disturbing reconsolidation of the sex and gender binary that also evokes eugenic echoes of the “proper” racial phenotypes of human sex from early twentieth-century endocrinology. Rather than resisting a binary system, in this case plasticity continues to reinforce and even strengthen it.”
Jules Gill-Peterson, Histories of the Transgender Child
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bethf1300 · 6 months
Bat-Blind and Chosen
Today, I have an assortment of random thoughts and quotes that resonate deeply. While I am infinitesimally small, God has chosen me. As the Psalmist said, “what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” (Psalm 8:4) Eugene Peterson uses a phrase in his book, Leap Over a Wall, that resonates tonight …  “in my insignificant, sheep-keeping…
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