#Eva Thorne
indeepertidesif · 10 months
Does Thorne resent his mom at all??
Thorne loves his mom so much and she totally dotes on him, to be honest. She also 100% approves of his antics with the other upperclass socialites.
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supermarket-goblin · 1 year
I've been looking through the Burrows End tags on this cursed site and thinking about the pins for this season and which ones specifically glow in the dark. I have a little bit of a theory that might be a bit far fetched. These are the characters who have been touched by the blue, which is probably some form of pollution or nuclear reaction. Thorn Vale has, in cannon, already had several encounters with the Blue. He knows what it smells like. Eva has been alive a long time. She's been out of the burrow, out into the world somewhere where she clearly got attacked, she has had plenty of experiences that could have exposed her to the blue. Tula is a bit more difficult, in all the art she seems undamaged saved from the stress but she has got damage. She's an oath of redemption paladin so clearly there's something that she thinks she has done wrong. Maybe it's something to do with her husband? Her children's father? She speaks so fondly of him and doesn't want to replace him. Maybe that is her redemption, never letting him truly die, never letting his children forget him. Maybe what killed her husband was the blue like her children thought. In the trailer, we see her say that the blue is in all of us, but maybe the event that killed her husband is how she truly became infected with the blue.
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chaosinkest1996 · 1 year
In The Graveyard with Lilith Rose Shelby (and Jack Nelson)
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This work is inspired by @zablife and her 2K celebration: An Evening at The Arrow House. The OC of Lilith Rose Shelby is my own. The characters of Scarlet Shelby, Aurora Sabini, Heaven Shelby and Eva Smith belong to @zablife, @evita-shelby and @call-sign-shark. I only mentioned them because they inspired me. Eva is only mentioned by name but I did my best to do Scarlet and Heaven justice. Thank you for inspiring me.
TW: Violence, Sexual Content, Swearing.
Lilith Rose Shelby was all grown up. She’d flown the coop and (unlike most members of the Shelby clan) had miraculously escaped the clutches of Tommy’s schemes. Some suspected that her untapped freedom had to do with her immense luck in life… but for those who knew better….it was because Thomas Shelby loved no one more than his youngest sister. No one held such an influence over the greatest gangster turned MP in all of Great Britain (and its dominions) than Lilith, no one else had the keys to his smile or to his heart. You might ask Why, then, she was allowed to roam free? Not shackled to the Arrow House as Ada had once been to the shithole in small heath. Not obligated to attend every family dinner or family meeting that Tommy threw whenever he felt like it.
       “Why?” The new Mrs Shelby kissed up Tommy’s back as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Will she not meet me?” Of all the people she desired to make a friend of in this family, Mrs Shelby wanted to make the best first impression on her mysterious good sister. Everyone spoke of her with reverence. Lilith’s name was the very essence of sorcery. Once spoken, even whispered in corridors and in dark corners, a shiver danced up one’s spine…or one’s blood spiked with adrenalin and excitement.  
Thomas bristled and stiffened, not responding. Mrs Shelby paused, a pout forming on her nervous lips. In truth, she had expected for Thomas to be eager for his new wife to meet Lilith. The siblings were so close, that she’d expected for her to have been the first person he’d have introduced her to. Instead she was met with a cagey Thomas.
       “Lilith doesn’t like Arrow House.” He deflected easily, lighting a cigarette as he stood up and wandered to the window, looking out into the foggy grey autumnal morning. He exhaled some smoke in the way that had her swooning, before he spoke again. “It reminds her of Grace.” Mrs Shelby’s heart dropped. Grace, the woman whose shadow she was forever enshrouded by. She didn’t openly wish to express her dislike of Grace or Lizzie, but she was beginning to despise them. She knew their spirits were mourned and honoured in this house…. if only by the staff and the children. It was complicated. But she hated being compared to them, hated the way the children refused to acknowledge her but would gaze in awe at the portraits of their respective mothers. It made her feel like a replacement…. nothing more. Perhaps Lilith would think the same of her. She chewed on her lip.
        “She must have loved Grace a lot.” She mused. Tommy scoffed.
        “On the contrary, Lilith hated Grace.” He licked his lips, glancing at his wife. He’d put it politely for her, spared some of the details. No one hated Grace more than Tommy’s beloved little demoness. “She disliked Lizzie as well, but for different reasons.”
        “Grace betrayed me. Lilith refused to forgive that. The only reason she refrained from dancing with joy when she died was that she loved me too much.”
        “And Lizzie?”
        “Lizzie broke John’s heart.”  Tommy spoke casually, remorselessly as though he’d had nothing to do with it.
        “I’ve not done anything to hurt anyone.” Mrs Shelby sulked, looking at the floor. Tommy strolled back over to the bed and took her into his arms.
        “Quite right.” He kissed her forehead. “Perhaps it’s not such a bad idea to invite her this weekend.”
        “But she hates the Arrow House.”
        “She’ll come for the family, and for me. The kids will be delighted to see her”
        “She’s good with them?” Her interest was piqued. Perhaps Lilith could shed light on the way to Charlie and Ruby’s hearts.
        “She dotes on them.” He smiled, a real genuine smile. “They’re mine, after all.”
Mrs Shelby skipped towards Tommy, her letter filled left hand raised in triumph. Her sparkling sapphire engagement ring sparkled in the light.
     “They’re coming.” She kissed him joyously. “They’re all coming.”
     “All?” He chuckled.
     “All.” She confirmed. “And they’re all staying. Scarlet and Luca will stay in the room opposite Finn and Aurora. Alfie and Ada will stay in the room opposite Polly and Aberamma.” Tommy smiled as she babbled out her arrangements. He imagined it was a good idea that Alfie and Arthur should stay in separate wings of the house…. otherwise Ada and Heaven would be forced to intervene, and no one wanted a mess. Gina and Michael would go next to Ada and Alfie. John and Tatiana would have to be kept in the room next to Tommy and Mrs Shelby so he could keep an eye on that mad bitch. Speaking of that insane Russian duchess…. she’d have to be kept as far away from Lilith and her beloved husband, Jack Nelson. Last Christmas had been a disaster when Tatiana – having had way too much to drink – announced that herself and Lilith had been lovers for the entire year before Lilith had met Jack. Jack had hated her guts since. The children would have three whole rooms to themselves. Something Mrs Shelby wasn’t sure was appropriate, but something Tommy had insisted was necessary.
     “They all love being together.” He insisted. “And it’s not like we’re giving them the entire house.”
     “I’m still so shocked they’re all coming.” She smiled dreamily up at him. “I’ve always wanted a big family.”
     “Well, now you have one.”
     “You never told me Lilith was married.”
     “Ah.” Tommy looked sheepish. “I didn’t think she’d bring him.”
Two years ago she’d eloped with Jack Nelson, the last man on earth Tommy had thought suitable or good enough for Lilith. Jack Nelson was everything Tommy (ironically) hated. He was unfaithful, violent, a fascistic Irish American and he was the most obnoxious, ambitious, cunning bastard he’d ever encountered…It was like looking in an ever so slightly warped mirror. His dislike of the American hadn’t stopped Lilith marrying him though…And yet somehow, the marriage worked. Jack followed the little Shelby witch round like a lost puppy, salivating whenever she looked at him. It was like she held some sort of magical enchantment over him. The loved up pair made Thomas feel a little bit sick. Mrs Shelby smiled teasingly.
      “You can’t stand him, can you?”
      “He’s not good enough for her.” He grouched. “But for some unfathomable reason, he makes her happy. That’s enough for me.” From the way he gritted his teeth it seemed like that hardest thing he’d ever had to say.
      “Everyone thinks you’re a big bad gangster…but I know you’re really just a big softy.”
      “Don’t go telling everyone, ey.” He laughed, “I have a reputation to uphold.” Wrapping his arms around her waist he hoisted her up onto the table, taking her lips with his own. Someone coughed. Tommy turned to see Mary, the maid.
       “The house is all prepared for the guests, Mr Shelby.”
        “Thank you, Mary. That will be all.” She nodded, turning to leave but not before she eyed Mrs Shelby with frigid, calculating eyes. Thomas didn’t seem to notice though as he shifted his attention back to Mrs Shelby as his fingers slid beneath the hem of her dress.
They were nothing like she expected. None of them. Polly arrived first, gliding in like the image of sophistication, barely glancing at Mrs Shelby. Aberamma following closely at her heels. He grunted in greeting, simply tilting his head after removing his hat. Arthur and Heaven arrived at the same time as Scarlet and Luca. Arthur’s greeting had been sweet. He seemed to like her, spluttering over his words to greet her. His hands shook and his eyes looked a little wild. But he meant well. Heaven waltzed in behind him, looking like an angel in her white fur coat. The snow haired beauty’s presence seemed to ease Arthur’s nervousness. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she held out her hand for Mrs Shelby to shake.
     “You must be Heaven.” Mrs Shelby stuttered, transfixed by her crystalline eyes.
     “Pleasure.” Heaven’s eyes slid to Tommy and her expression instantly shifted to a predatory one. “Bastard.” She acknowledged with a cat like smile.
      “Yes. He is.” Scarlet stated as she sauntered through, pushing her way past them and following Polly into the drawing room.
      “You’re not going to say hello, Tesoro?” Luca paused in the hallway, smiling at Mary as she took his hat and coat.
       “There’s no point in greeting Tommy’s latest victim. Knowing him, she won’t last the year.” Scarlet called back. Tommy watched Mrs Shelby’s confidence dissipate momentarily. Headlights glowed in the driveway.
       “Heaven, why don’t you take Arthur and Luca into the drawing room.” Tommy suggested. Heaven’s icy eyes hardened before narrowing at him. Her lips parted in order to respond in a somewhat poisonous manner but Mrs Shelby stepped forward and whispered to her.
       “I wouldn’t normally agree with Tommy but Alfie’s just arrived.” Heaven observed the mouse like woman Tommy had married for a moment before she nodded, escorting her husband and brother in law to the drawing room. Music blared as the door opened and Mrs Shelby could see the reflection of Scarlet in the large mirror as she turned the gramophone up.
       “SHALOM Thomas!” Roared the bear of a man as he wandered in. Ada rolled her eyes beside him. She hugged Thomas tightly before embracing Mrs Shelby, much to her surprise.
       “I hope they’ve not been too scathing to you.” She whispered. “Don’t worry, they’ll warm to you with time.” She pulled back and smiled. “This is my son, Karl, my daughter, Elizabeth and this,” She brushed her hand over her swollen midsection as Alfie beamed with joy. “Is baby Solomons.” Tommy paled as she spoke, only just noticing the pregnancy.
        “Jesus Christ.” He muttered beneath his breath.  Mrs Shelby held his hand and gave it a squeeze as she spoke.
        “You’d better head on in before he has a stroke.”
Tommy had just about recovered when the door to the drawing room opened and he heard Arthur exclaim.
         “Fookin’ hell Ada! You bloody kept that quiet, din’t ya?!”
Finn and Aurora Sabini arrived next. Polite and jovial as ever, though Aurora didn’t appear to like the way the youngest Shelby boy looked at his new sister in law. John, Tatiana, Michael and Gina all arrived together. Lawrence ran in from the cold, zooming in circles around Tommy and Mrs Shelby before running past them to the drawing room, banging on the door and yelling “Granma, Granma!”
       “My boy!” Polly called in joy as she came out and greeted him, swooping down and collecting him in her arms before slipping back inside. Gina made a noise of disgust.
       “Thomas.” She acknowledged.
       “Regina.” She scowled as he full named her.
       “So this is you’re newest whore?” She studied Mrs Shelby with critical eyes. “She doesn’t look like much, I’m surprised you’re so taken with her.”
        “She’s worth ten of you, Regina.” He snapped.
       “Michael.” Mrs Shelby smiled warmly. “Thank you for coming.”
        “It’s nice to see you again, love. I hope he’s treating you right.”
        “He is. Very Much.”
        “I took the liberty of bringing a wedding gift. It’s out the front.”
        “That’s very generous of you. Really, you didn’t have to.”
        “Yes, Michael. You didn’t have to.” Gina snapped before stalking off to the drawing room and loudly demanding a drink. Michael winked at Mrs Shelby, smirked at Tommy and left them to it. He turned to greet John and Tatiana and froze.
      “Fuck!” He fumed. “What the fuck are you wearing?!” He looked at John. “What the fuck is she wearing John-boy!”
      “Don’t worry, Thomas.” Tatiana purred sensually. “It’s not for you…or your wife.” She stepped around him, the thin scrap of material she called a dress clinging to her figure. “Tatiana Petrovna Shelby, delighted to make your acquaintance.” Mrs Shelby blushed and stepped closer to Tommy as the Russian duchess invaded her space. Grabbing her jaw, Tatiana kissed both of Mrs Shelby’s cheeks.”
       “She’d got a beautiful neck, Thomas. I can see why you like her.” She paused. “And that ring!” She snatched Mrs Shelby’s hand, admiring the sapphire encrusted in diamonds. She tutted. “I would have thought you’d learned your lesson with sapphires.”
       “They’re a particular favourite of my wife’s.”
       “Grace liked sapphires too.” Tatiana smirked, her dark eyes flickering madly in the candle-light. “Is Lilith here yet?” She changed the subject.
       “Is she the reason you’re dressed like a whore?” Tommy took a swig of the amber liquid in his tumbler. “You not bothered by this John?”
       “As long as I’m the only man she fucks, doesn’t matter to me.” He joked.
       “It’ll only ever be you Johnny.” Tatiana turned and kissed him.
       “Aye, John-boy. As long as you’re a Shelby, she’s not picky.”
       “What’s that supposed to mean?” Mrs Shelby asked, nervously glancing at Tommy.
       “It means that before she chose me, she was fucking Tommy…until she got bored of him.” John answered. 
         “Are we interupptin’ somethin’?” Came Uncle Charlie’s deep gravelly voice. He stopped short to shake Tommy’s hand, flanked by Johnny Doggs, Isiah and Curly. Curly smiled bashfully at Mrs Shelby and handed her some flowers. She blushed.
         “Thank you Curly.”
         “How’re you findin’ us so far, petal?” Johnny Doggs asked loudly.
         “So far I’m struggling to find someone who likes both of us. Polly, Aurora and Gina dislike me, everyone else has a gripe with Tommy.” Johnny Doggs barked out a laugh. “Welcome to the clan!”
          “Families.” Isiah scoffed. “Who’d have em?”
Lilith Rose Shelby was the most beautiful creature Mrs Shelby had ever seen. So beautiful, that the air rocketed out of her lungs when she first saw her. They heard Jack first as he escorted her up the steps and held the door open for her. She looked like a goddess, draped in silk. Tommy was fascinated that Jack never once looked away from her. His only greeting to the new Mrs Shelby was a nod and a smirk. He sneered at Tommy before his attention gravitated back to his wife. She had the most beguiling dark eyes Mrs Shelby had ever seen. They were like pools of endless night. Lilith catapulted herself into Tommy, who embraced her tightly and inhaled her scent. Pomegranate and dark amber. She relaxed into him. Releasing her, Tommy cupped his baby sister’s face in his hands and looked at her for a moment.
     “You grow more and more beautiful every time I see you.” He smiled.
     “Brother.” She spoke quietly….and she sounded like magic. Soft and sensual. “You look well.” She beamed at him. And Mrs Shelby’s heart fluttered at her smile. Jack snaked a hand around Lilith’s waist and pulled her back against him.
      “Shelby.” Jack acknowledged. “Married again? You can’t seem to get em’ to stay, can ya?”
      “Nelson.” Tommy spoke evenly. “I can keep women just fine. In fact, I’ve never had to cross a continent and steal a woman away to make her mine. I suppose that means I have better luck than you.” Lilith covered Jack’s hand with her own.
     “Or,” She interrupted loudly, “It simply means that I was special enough that he had to travel all this way to find me.” Mrs Shelby watched, fascinated as both men melted at Lilith words. Jack kissed Lilith’s forehead and Tommy smiled.
    “Could be.” He agreed. Lilith stepped away from Jack and turned her attention to Mrs Shelby. All the noise fell away. She couldn’t hear anything. Apart from the sound of her blood pulsing through her at a rapid speed. She glanced at her husband, and watched his beautiful lips move as he spoke to Lilith and Jack. She watched Lilith study her, eyes raking over her in an unreadable manner. Mrs Shelby’s finger twitched as Lilith’s eyes pause over her engagement ring, her full soft lips quirking into a small smile for a moment before it vanishes. Mrs Shelby gasped, startled when Lilith unexpectedly stepped forward and smiled at her. Lilith took Mrs Shelby’s left hand in both of hers. Her thumb brushed over the sapphire. Her eyes pierced into Mrs Shelby’s hypnotically and Mrs Shelby found herself transfixed as Thomas brushed a hand up and down her back, comfortingly…. obliviously.
      “Sister.” Lilith tested the word on her tongue as she surveyed Mrs Shelby. “You’ll be good to him, yes?” She sounded so innocent. So angelic. Her eyes held no malice. Mrs Shelby stuttered.
      “Y-Yes. I shall try to be all that he deserves.”
Lilith beamed at her and released her hand. Mrs Shelby’s ring finger throbbed momentarily as she watched her fascinating sister turn and enter the drawing room with Jack. She saw through the reflection in the mirror as Polly embraced her niece tightly and was startled to see Lilith’s reflection gazing predatorily through the looking glass at her.
Dinner was a fucking disaster. It had been nothing like she had hoped. Perhaps she was just projecting her own fears but it seemed that none of them liked her…. even the ones who appeared to. It seemed as though they were watching her every move with a pre-existing negative judgement. She was guilty to them, of something. The problem was she didn’t know what and she didn’t know how to change that. Tommy had enough to deal with, especially after Tatiana had goaded Jack into a row and she was swearing at him in Russian. Arthur had had way too much to drink. Scarlet was screaming at Tommy for something he’d done years ago and Luca was trying desperately to calm her down. She turned to look at Michael, who was in a heated discussion with Gina…and Aurora kept throwing her dirty looks.  In the end she’d left the table, claiming to check on dessert. She’d just found a quiet alcove to take a few moments when someone touched her shoulder. She jolted and turned to see Lilith.
    “Feeling overwhelmed?” Her voice was so soft, sympathy swirled in her onyx eyes.
    “A little.”
A lot. I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.
    “I know. We can be a lot to handle.” She looked out into the darkened garden. “Why don’t we go for a walk.” She suggested. “Take a moment to ourselves.” Mrs Shelby’s heart soared at the prospect of having a moment alone with someone who might actually like her and in doing so, might sway the opinion of the others. She nodded and took Lilith’s offered arm as the two of them stepped out into the cool autumn air.
It hadn’t been long since they had returned from their honeymoon and so Mrs Shelby hadn’t yet had time to explore the grounds of the Arrow House properly. In the dark murkiness of the evening she couldn’t really see where she was going and clutched on to Lilith’s bare arm a little closer for security. She smelt dizzyingly alluring. Away from all the smoke and whiskey the magic of her perfumed the air in a wonderful way. 
    “How did you meet my brother, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    “Da’s one of his employees at Shelby Company ltd. I met Tommy when I brought Da his lunch.”
    “How…. quaint.”
Mrs Shelby wasn’t paying attention. She was too bust staring at the purple love bites littering Lilith’s creamy throat. Lilith flushed and giggled when she noticed.
    “I’m sorry, I should have covered up more, Jack can get carried away some times.”
    “He’s very fond of you.”
    “And I, him.” Lilith patted Mrs Shelby’s hand. “I never expected to find Jack. But he’s my better half. As Heaven is Arthur’s and Luca is Scarlet’s. We were worried Thomas would never find someone….worthy.” Lilith stopped her movements and released Mrs Shelby’s arm. For the first time, Mrs Shelby noticed her surroundings. Lilith had brought her to the churchyard close to the Arrow House. She turned, only just able to see the outline of it looming in the moonlight. She shivered, looking back to Lilith who was now staring at something in front of her. “Thomas has very specific needs.” Her voice had lost all of its warmth. Mrs Shelby’s mouth ran dry as she read the names on the gravestones in front of her.
Grace Burgess Shelby.
Daughter, Mother, Beloved Wife.
Elizabeth Stark Shelby
Mother, wife, friend. Lost to childbirth.
Something rustled behind them. Lilith turned and smiled adoringly as Jack stepped out of the shadows. Mrs Shelby wondered how he had known where to find them. “You have to be a certain kind of person to survive in this family. Don’t you, my love?”
    “Ya got that right. It’s an honour to love a Shelby…to be prepared to kill and die for them.”
“Thomas needs a fighter.” Lilith reached out and caressed Mrs Shelby’s cheek. “You didn’t fight tonight. You fled, little mouse.” Lilith tutted and stepped closer, so close, Mrs Shelby could feel Lilith’s sweet, warm breath burning against her flesh. “How can I trust that you’ll fulfil him?” Lilith shook her head, looking sad, disappointed even. Jack brushed his wife’s hair off her shoulder, exposing her flesh. He pressed a kiss into the crook of her neck. Mrs Shelby watched Lilith relax a little. “You’re not good enough for him.” Lilith purred softly, Jack’s lips and tongue trailed down Lilith’s neck as she spoke. “Neither of them were, either.” She glanced to the gravestones behind her. “I was lucky with Lizzie; God took care of her. But I had to intervene with Grace.”
  “B-but we’re happy.” Mrs Shelby spluttered, fear creeping into her voice every second longer that she spent in Lilith’s presence.
   “For now. Until he realises that you’re not enough for him.” She paused, relishing in the look of despair on Mrs Shelby’s features. “Don’t worry. He’ll be happier than ever with Eva. They’ll be perfect together.” Jack hummed in agreement with his beloved and imprinted his teeth in a perfect love bite into her neck as she slid home a beautiful carved and somewhat bejewelled blade into Mrs Shelby’s sternum. Mrs Shelby gasped in pain, a sharp sound leaving her soft lips. “She’s earned him, you haven’t.” Lilith continued as she twisted the hilt, a horrible tearing noise was heard before Lilith let go. Mrs Shelby staggered back and fell back against the willow tree overhanging the makeshift graveyard.  Lilith looked down at her blood spattered fingers. Lifting them to her face she licked one, smearing her lips in the substance. Greedily, Jack took her fingers and painted his own mouth with them. Lilith spun in Jack’s arms, giggling and moaning as their lips fused, unbuckling his belt. She murmured something to him and he acquiesced without question, sitting and leaning back against Grace’s headstone. Lilith slipped her dress over her head until she was wearing barely anything in the coldness of the autumn night. She straddled Jack, kissing him deeply before sliding down onto him in the ghostly glow of the full moon.
Mrs Shelby heaved, opening her mouth. She tried to call for help but no sound emerged. Instead she found herself mute, only coughing and spluttering on the crimson blood as it tried to liberate itself from her mouth. Her vision grew blurry for a moment as tears gathered and obscured her sight.
And then she saw them.
The ghosts of Grace Burgess and Lizzie Stark, both completely drenched in blood and staring in horror, not at her but at Lilith and Jack, as he flipped his wife over and took her like an animal. Lizzie’s expression was melancholic. Her hair loose and wild, eyes ceaselessly spilling tears and her mouth agape in silent cries of agony. Her body had been slit open from chest to lower abdomen and still, even in death, she was bleeding. Grace stood beside her still in the gown she wore the night she was murdered. the bullet wound on her chest still wept even though she didn’t. Her face was curiously, disturbingly calm. The sapphire around her neck pulsed and throbbed and pulsed and throbbed. And suddenly Grace wasn’t looking at Lilith and Jack anymore, her pale grey eyes locking onto her second replacement. Mrs Shelby found herself growing shivery and yet unable to move, unable to scramble backwards as the sapphire whispered to her over and over some kind of spell in Romani. The curse…. she recalled hazily as she forced her limbs in an attempt to move. Tommy believed it had been cursed by the Russians. Mrs Shelby’s fingers dug into the soil as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Every movement was excruciating in both pain and in effort. Her eyes fluttered closed in exhaustion and the spell of the sapphire seemed to sing louder and louder, it’s feminine voice echoing seductively in her ears. She realised it was coming not only from the necklace Grace’s ghost wore, but also from the ring on her engagement finger. Struggling, she tried desperately to remove it. But to no avail, it was as though it had fused to her flesh, strangling her finger.
Mrs Shelby’s eyes snapped open. Just in time to see the ghost of Grace stood over her.
“I should feel sorry for you.” Grace whispered. “You’re a victim of this family, just like me.” She paused, licking her discoloured corpse lips. Grace heard it too. She heard that it was Lilith’s voice cursing her inside the blue sapphires, not Tatiana’s. “And Tommy does love you.” There was a moment of silence. “But… I’ve come to realise something.” Grace leaned down and kissed Mrs Shelby’s lips, her ghostly fingers coming up to wrap around Mrs Shelby’s throat. “If I can’t have Tommy…” Grace murmured as she pulled back looking deeply into Mrs Shelby’s eyes.
Her grip tightened...and tightened…and tightened. Mrs Shelby choked and spluttered, her body convulsing. The last thing she saw was Lilith’s dark eyes staring at her over Jack’s shoulder, her nails digging into his back as he held her to him. And Grace’s hoarse voice looming over her.
“Then no one can.”  
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archivist-goldfish · 1 year
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paisholotus · 2 years
What tf is going on in the black panther Fandom? Why are Letitia and Dom fans fighting? Why are y'all getting mad at Letitia and Eva possibly being gay? Why are y'all harassing Letitia's female friends? As if you could ever have a chance with her!
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realjennyrae · 2 months
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Bailey-Moon Family Rotation 4:
Lately, things have seemed perfect. Ariel Bailey-Moon is close with both of Orange Bailey-Moon's parents, and she has an intimate relationship with Orange. She found him chatting with his dad, pulled him to the hallway, and asked for some fun time with him.
Ariel's been hoping for a baby. She's been checking regularly, but has had no luck so far. She's not super upset to not have a baby by now, after all they just married, but it would be nice. They're both plenty well off enough to have a kid now, and have the space, too!
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Meanwhile, Orange has different priorities. He wanted to catch up with his old friend Olivia Jang. She's super attractive to him, so he figured he'd shoot his shot. Poorly.
"So, I know you're like a 'lesbian' and all, but wanna give me a ride?"
"What the HELL, Orange??" She left, a little bummed because she was hoping they could be friends like they used to as kids.
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Orange wasn't too let down. He has plenty of other options. He went to the club with Thorne Bailey, who loves to party just as much as his son. Orange started dancing, when he was suddenly approached by a very hot woman.
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Orange did his best to impress her, before asking if she'd like to be one of his girls. She accepted, and he kissed her all the way downstairs to a private space.
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Thorne was still dancing upstairs, when Orange finished with the closet. He came back up and told Thorne about it, then Thorne also noticed Olivia Jang there. He also found her breathtaking, and attempted to flirt with her. She was flattered, as he was more tasteful.
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Thorne accepted her rejection, but she still let him kiss her hands as he left. He is a celebrity, after all! Orange was thinking, too. It's about time to move to the next stage with Ariel, if he wants the paparazzi to be on him more. Gotta think about the fame, after all!
Sims 4 Rotation 4 || Del Sol Valley || Bailey-Moon Family
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lifeinbooks · 3 months
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🌷Nedjelja 💚
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arcticsctan · 1 year
☃️❄️ Lela Mayflower ❄️☃️
• part time Bartender at southside
•cold woman
• graduated at Manhattan College
• moved to LA to dance, serve
• She devil’s bitch
Rp only. Feel free to hmu
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Rank in order from most to least talkative of all your MCs and LIs. Please. 😘
Hey Nonny! What a fun ask. Hmm... let's see... let's put them into categories...
Trystan Thorne - The man is like the Energizer Bunny.
Zoe Rivera - It works for her and Eli, though. Balance is needed. And she does have to be quiet when zombies are around.
Casey MacTavish - Babble, sing, talk, smile, giggle, hug, repeat. (Bryce Lahela isn't one of my main characters, but if he was, he'd be right here, too. Honestly, Troy Hassan would be, also. And Casey's mini-me, Brooke Carrick.)
4. Tobias Carrick - He'd be higher up on the list if he were still single, but Casey barely lets him get a word in, so... 5. Kaycee MacClennan - Definitely a talker, but a little less hyper about it than her alter-ego, Casey. 6. Carolina Rose - She doesn't think she talks a lot because she can control it - but she's a New Yorker... she talks a lot, it's colorful, and she uses her hands. (Vivan Carrick would be here, as would her mini-me Samantha Carrick. Emma Ramsey would also be here.)
7. Eva Mendoza - Y'all haven't seen much of her yet... she will talk... in fact, she could talk your ear off, but it's not a common occurrence. 8. Ethan Ramsey - Sure, he talks. But he doesn't require a lot of it, and he really doesn't want to hear a lot of it from most people. lol (My vision of Sienna Trinh would be here - definitely a talker, but also content to sit in peace. Not my character, but @storyofmychoices Olivia Hadley also appears in my T/C world at times, and I picture her here. She'll definitely talk, but she can also keep quiet and observe.) WHISPERED IN THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE
9. Eli Sipes - Definitely the quietest of any of my pixelated people. But - he will talk Zoe's ear off on occasion - no one believes her, but it's true. (Not my OC; he belongs fully to @mydemonsdrivealimo, but since Jensen Valentine does visit my T/C universe, he's here too. Also, Kayla Carrick. The youngest in that family - she wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise even if she wanted to - and I don't think she wants to.)
Thanks to Run!DMC, Rhianna, Depeche Mode, and Simon & Garfunkel for the titles, Thanks to Nonny for the fun ask!
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
can’t tell you how tempted i am to be absolutely silly and bring more fantasy oc’s onto this blog and create a whole world
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vampzxi · 2 years
streets are saying eva coming to tumblr…y’all stay safe bc i write abt riri 🫣 i need to delete my shuriri fic with urgency
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sandythereadingcafe · 2 months
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THORNS OF DESIRE (Thorns of Omerta 5) by Eva Winners at The Reading Cafe:
' The character driven premise is intriguing, dramatic, dark and intense'
Literally Yours PR
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thereadingcafe · 2 months
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tron20emails · 2 years
Subject: JD Thorne
Date: Mar-03
I suggest we simply inform Thorne's co-workers that he is out sick with a REALLY bad virus :)
Seth Crown III, Attorney
Corporate Attorney
Future Control Industries
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geekyarmorel · 10 months
Could I request something? Mother Miranda/ Reader if you'd be willing to write this of course. Soulmate AU where it's actually a very rare accurance, like once in a lifetime, and it happens to be the reader. She stumbles across the village somehow, she's not from around there. A foreign, if you like. I would like to see something a bit angsty cause it's Mother Miranda, she would probably be in denial, that poor bird, but with a happy ending. Thank you in advance if you decide to write something like this ✨️ If not, that's okay too!
Of course I would love to! Miranda is a favorite of mine. I hope I did your prompt justice! I enjoyed writing it!
What are the chances? (I'd be like this)
A Mother Miranda Oneshot
It wasn't supposed to be like this, it was never supposed to happen. The chances were millions to one, how did it have to happen to her?!
On a cold and balmy day you, an outsider, stumbled upon her village. You had gotten lost and sought help unknowingly signing yourself over to your doom. Or so she had thought, as your eyes connected it was like all the air rushed from her lungs. Her heart leapt like it was going to spring forth from her chest. And she HATED it. She didn't have time for this, for love, especially with some foreigner even though you gave her the sweetest of smiles.
She turned and stalked away, intent on leaving you there but to her irritation (and spark of hope which she promptly tried to stomp out) you followed. She reasoned she could lead you to Alcina and her girls, but a cry of panic from her heart (along with a sharp stab of pain in her chest) caused that thought to be dismissed.
Regretfully she had no choice but to bring you to her home, so she did. The days that followed were torture. You were so nice, so sweet, you helped with everything that she would let you. She was torn between her feelings, the all consuming love that her heart wanted her to give in to and the anger her brain feels. Each passing day her anger grew and festered while her heart kept hoarding all the little bits of affection and love you gave her.
Your fingers would lightly brush hers when you would hand her something. Sometimes when you needed to pass her your hand would lightly touch her upper back to let you know you were behind her. You would joke and tell her stories about your past. You would hum as you worked, send her soft smiles her way. And her greedy heart snatched them all up.
Her anger would simmer while she talked and responded to you. Sometimes you'd make her slip and smile softly at you, before she caught herself and corrected her face. There was something else that started to feel and she couldn't quite place it, well she could but she didn't care to.
It came to a peak when she had yet another failed experiment infront of her. Another step backwards instead of forward. Another day without her Eva. When she came out of her lab, she was furious and you.......you had reached out to her, concern written on your face and it made her snap.
"Don't touch me!" Miranda hissed, hating the way her chest ached as you pulled back. "I don't need you! You've been nothing but a thorn in my side since you've came here! I hate you! I should have saved myself the trouble and left you out there to die!" Tears sprang into your eyes and it nearly made her cry herself. You backed away from her, choking on the knot that buried itself in your throat. "Get out!" She roared, wings snapping up from her back. "GET OUT!"
You fled from her, the door slamming shut behind you. It took awhile before the anger melted away and her heart starting screaming and crying at her. Guilt flooded her for the first time in a long time.
She had let you leave, she had sent you to your death.
It hit her then, the overwhelming pain of losing someone. She gripped the nearest chair to keep herself upright. She hadn't felt this pain so strong since- since her Eva died.
There was no way she could let you go, she had to get you back. You need to be here with her, safe with her. Quickly she sent out her crows, having them search for you. Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity, and when they had finally found you she screamed.
You were being dragged into Castle Dimitrescu.
It took a moment before she was able to gather control of herself but when she did, she melted through the ground flying through veins of mold to the castle. The crows sending images of Alcina bending to bite your neck as you struggled in her daughters' grasp. With a final surge she sprang up from the floor, using her power she flung back Alcina and the girls. Indignant cries echo out but all she cares about is catching you and pulling you against her. Your fingers dug into her as you clung to her for your life, she could feel your tears soak her clothes, your body shaking in her grasp. Blood oozed from your neck, staining the white of her clothes.
"Mother Miranda!" Alcina gasped, surprised at the sudden appearance from her.
"Give me a reason not to kill you this instant." Miranda snarled, a set of wings coming to shield you from others.
"We didn't know that she is yours Mother Miranda." She started, eyes darting to her daughters and back to you. "Had we known she was your test subject we-"
"She is not my test subject!" Miranda hissed, "She is MY soulmate!" The words rang out in the now silent castle.
Alcina quickly kneeled down submitting herself and quickly began to apologize. "Forgive us! My daughters and I did not know!" The girls echoed their mother's sentiment.
Miranda looks down at you, the sight of you tears and the blood that slides down your throat practically kills her inside. "I will deal with you later." She says before wrapping you both in her wings and disappearing from the castle.
It wasn't long before you were both back at her home and she gently unwrapped her wings from you but still held you in her arms. "Come, let me clean and take care of that bite." Her voice was soft and low, as if not to startle you.
"Why?" You croak, suddenly pushing her away. Her arms fell slack against her sides, guilt clawing in her chest and throat. "Why do you care?!" You take steps back, putting distance between the both of you. "You said you hate me! You said you wish you had left me to die! Soulmates don't do that to each other! If you wanted me to die then why didn't you?! I'd rather be dead than be stuck with someone who hates me!"
Her heart clenched in her chest and she reaches out, wanting to assure you that she does in fact love you. "I was angry, upset with myself because I was scared. And I took that out on you, I don't want you to die. I want you here with me, safe from everything that could ever hurt you. Please give me another chance, let me explain why I am scared, but more importantly let me show you that I do care and love you. Please let me have a second chance." Her words pleading, she couldn't bare it if you didn't give her another chance.
You stare at her as tears roll down your cheeks, she knows you don't trust her, that your chest is probably aching and hurts just as much as hers does. Finally you give her a soft nod, tentatively reaching out and taking her hand. "Okay." Your voice is barely audible but her heart leaps at the word, you've given her another chance.
She intertwines your fingers with hers and guides you to the kitchen. She washes your wound, carefully putting a salve on before bandaging it. While she works she begins to tell you everything, her life before you. When she speaks of her daughter Eva you reach out and put a comforting hand on her arm, she cries for the first time in front of you. She explains why she was so angry, she realizes now that most of her anger stimmed from fear. The fear of loving someone who could lose.
You listen, speaking only when you feel the need too. You wipe away her tears and she is thankful for you. When you go to bed it's with her in the next room, counting down till the morning. The following days she's softer around the edges, still herself but just a little more open.
It takes time but you both grow closer, you forgive her and start trusting in her. When she reaches out you are there, the light touches you once gave her coming back. And it's one fall day, a day you convinced her to take a walk with you, that you turn to her and press a sweet kiss to her lips. She melts as she pulls you into her arms and kisses you back, your hands rising to intertwine in locks of her hair. When you have to part for breath you both rest the bridges of your noses together. "I love you Miranda."
"I love you too. Forever my love, forever."
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