#Evena Couri
bellvalo · 7 months
Evena Couri - Keyboard
Born July 2nd 1981 (24 as of 2005)
Born in Helsinki, Finland
Ethnicity Finnish/Estonian
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bellvalo · 6 months
the making of the band pt. 1
all dialogue is spoken in Finnish
Shortly after moving to Finland, Astrid found her once again enrolled in school, sitting in math class, half understanding and barely paying attention. “Hey, you’re new right? How’s it going so far?” a voice to her left spoke, Astrid looked over and was met with a girl with black hair, she took a moment translating in her head before she replied. “It’s been good, some things i don’t understand. I’m from Norway.”
“No way!! They didn’t say weren’t from Finland.” The black haired girl responded in excitement, Astrid laughed at the display then held out her hand. “I’m Astrid Aaberg.” The other girl quickly took her hand. “Nea Järvinen, nice to meet you!”
As the lunch bell rung the pair packed their bags and headed to the cafeteria, Nea dragging Astrid to her regular table after getting their food, joining a few others already sitting there. “Okay Astrid this is Evena, Evena this is Astrid.” Nea said with a smile on her face. Evena was a cute girl, long brown hair, green eyes, Astrid smiled at the girl. The two barely had time to say hello before she continued to tell a them about what she had heard in first period from another kid about something. Astrid couldn’t fully understand what she was saying, Nea talked quickly and with a slight dialect which made it harder to understand her even when she was speaking at a normal speed.
Not long after the trio found themselves in Nea’s basement, "We need a drummer." "And a guitarist." "Well how about you just do it?"
Astrid looked at the alarm clock on the table beside her; they have been fighting for about 15 minutes now, well they say they aren't fighting but it doesn't seem that way. "Astrid what do you say we do?" Evena sighed. She stood up and walked over to her book bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a sharpie.
The other girls looked over her shoulder. The paper read:
"In need of guitarist and drummer, GIRL BAND, goth rock, call 90 ### ###"'
"See! This is why you're the brains of the band!" Nea exclaimed crouching down and hugging Astrid from behind.
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bellvalo · 8 months
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Bellvalos Metalocalypse Oc Masterlist which is mostly for myself
Astrid lore
lore ages 0-16
meeting Dethklok Toki - Skwisgaar - Nathan - Pickles - Murderface
kitchen shenanigans
Nea Järvinen
Evena Couri
Sohvi Anderburg
Minea Kinnunen
making of the band part 1 part 2
forcing my bf to draw day 1 day 2 day 3
me trying to draw part 1 part 2
i tried art again
ART 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
razorblade romance cover
astrid + nea
shitposts about Astrid
favorite songs/albums + playlist
pics and gifs that basically are Astrid
average on stage
astrid tweets
pickles astrid making out
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