#him (mtl oc band)
rexscanonwife · 5 months
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'Came a time, where every starfall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold'
Based on my own challenge to redraw your self ship as the MCR album cover uwu
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Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @hotrodharts @1980ssunflower
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subsequentibis · 8 months
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ok fine yes i will make a metalocalypse oc. klokateer 1815 has been dead for five slutty, slutty years
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bellvalo · 8 months
oc x canon moment
don’t look at how badly this formatted
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@cover-your-heart @avatarselftitled
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he still can't hold his booze, but he's great at his job
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boosaot · 1 month
Thought popped into my head about my mtl oc Daniel where he’d have a whole notebook with every dethklok tribute band’s Skwisgaar’s signature,, like it’s his way of almost hyping himself up for the moment where he asks the real Skwisgaar for his autograph
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frienderbender · 2 years
roomie showing me some paranormal investigation show with a psychic from like the mid-2000s and i wanna redraw dio v doing this shit so badly it’s so fucking funny. where’s his TV special.
​he’s got shitty commercials but i need to see him on TV fr. maybe in the fake episode he appears in, his psychic reading is televised because he’s doing it for dethklok!!!! so important
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vampansies · 2 months
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Meet my mtl oc, Rafael ^-^
Lore under the cut teehee
Rafael is the ex-vocalist of the band ASPHYXIA, which disbanded due to some beef between him and another member (that I might get into some other time).
His band was pretty popular in the early 2000s, but nowadays he's kind of a forgotten celebrity.
He's pretty good friends with Murderface, and he helps him out with Planet Piss the best he can even though he finds working with Murderface extremely difficult and annoying.
Also I imagine he was the one who called Murderface during the apology speech in Dethtroll (S1E4) :3
That's all for now, I drew some art of him today that might be posted in the near future so look out for that I guess ;3
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dolly-macabre · 3 months
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⚙️ Mtl OC Week Day 4 ⚙️
Flirty OR Friendly Banter
Por que no las dos?
"Heyy there, angel. You come here ahften?"
Dolly rolled her eyes as she turned to see her very sweaty boyfriend approach her at the bar. Pickles had just finished playing a set with the boys. She decided to play along.
"Not really! I just had to see this band play. I kinda have a crush on the singer."
The rest of the boys rolled their eyes and took their respective seats.
"Oh, yeah? He must be pretty good lookin' huh?"
"Oh, don't get me started! He's a real lady killer!" Dolly chuckled as she drew closer to him. She didn't mind the sweat, she even found it pretty hot. Pickles smirked, as he wrapped an arm around her dainty waist.
"Well I don't think I can compete with dis guy, but can I buy you a drink anyway?"
"I can't see the harm in one drink!" Her golden eyes met his and he felt his heart melt at her cheeky grin.
"Oh, please, you two! Get a room!" Snazz exclaimed, feigning irritation.
"I think that can be arranged..." Pickles whispered into Dolly's ear, "but first, booze!"
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urlocalcarpet · 5 months
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This is my silly mtl oc his name is Lamps Knueven
Lamps is the music producer for the band Rate Of Decay which is from a completely different universe but whatever
Lamps is mixed (Black and White) he doesn’t care what pronouns you use for her but he’s trans masc
Lamps has a bit of a loud mouth and loves gossip. He was originally supposed to be a fashion designer but became a music producer instead, which is how she met Michael Nielsen (the manager of Rate of Decay) along with ROD’s other helpers Nathan Laird and Helen Remedy, and it's safe to say he’s besties will all of them. 
Lamps has been arrested for many reasons mainly because he sells and does drugs very special ones known as Whale Blues, Catnip, and Abstract Madness
He used to be friends with Dick Knubbler way back then, and they would smoke weed and do drugs together, and Knubbler was actually the one that convinced Lamps into being a music producer, which got him to where she is now working with Rate of Decay, yet the problem is that one day he accidentally connected his mind to the universe while doing a drug he made himself that he called “Whale Blues.” which fucked him up to a whole new level, and due to his mind being connected to the universe, he looked into the future and saw the metalocalypse, and he saw Knubbler die, so he warned Knubbler, but he called Lamps crazy and stopped hanging around him, which made Lamps have a bit of a downfall in his mental health, leading him to the bar, where he eventually met Magnus Hammersmith. 
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feline-evil · 7 months
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Blinks cutely. I finally finished my MTL OC that i've had brewing in my head for a while. Lineart was done by my beloved @subsequentibis who really helped me out while i can't draw too much or often!!! <3 Transcript of text AND a lil height ref below!!
JAX He/Him 32 5ft 7 Ex-bassist for a goth-rock band. Gay trans man. Running solely on caffeine and alcohol. Over-anxious and stressed. Needs a month long sleep and so many vitamin supplements..... Smells bad. Has a lip scar from a piercing getting torn out at a rowdy show. Height/scale ref feat a redraw of Nathan in my style teehee. (Nathan is supposed to be like 6ft 5 here, that's my headcanon height for him. And yeah, yes, i did make Jax up to ship w him bc its fuuuuuuun :3 )
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the-loveliest-lotus · 10 months
I got inspired yesterday and wrote this little interaction between @raddouchebag's OC Bastian Kitzler my OC Lucy Desmond (she has a sideblog now @lucyskyedesmond). These two have some kindred spirit vibes and I ran with it (and I adore Bastian). 🖤
Word Count: 1,676 words
Note: Has some potential spoilers for The Wicker Man (my mtl fanfiction), but super minimal.
Lucy was standing outside on one of Mordhaus’ balconies, watching the sunset. Normally she’d be up on the roof, but she wanted a change of pace and something in her intuition had told her to come down here tonight.
As if on cue, Dethklok’s new producer walked outside, lighting a cigarette and not quite paying attention. When he noticed her, he stopped, as if he was wondering if he should find somewhere else to have a cigarette. Lucy spoke up with a playful smirk on her lips, “I won’t bite you unless you ask me to.” Then she got slightly more serious, “Unless you were hoping for some solitude in which case I can go to my usual spot up on the roof.”
He debated for a second, trying to ignore how flustered the initial comment had made him, and then shook his head, “No, you’re fine. I just didn’t expect anyone to be here.”
She smiled a little, “Fair enough.”
He walked over and stood downwind of her so as not to get the cigarette smoke in her face. Lucy appreciated the little gesture. She raised her joint that she was smoking slightly, “You want a hit?”
They were done working for the day, so he figured it couldn’t harm anything. “Thank you,” he said as he took the joint and took a little hit. He held it for a second and exhaled, passing it back to her. Bastian felt an instant wave of calm wash over him. The weed was strong, but it was pleasant, like a heavy weighted blanket being pulled up over his soul.
She took another hit herself and offered it back to him, but he refused, “This is the perfect level for me.” He smoked his cigarette, wondering how she wasn’t on her ass with how strong that hit had been for him, but she broke the silence before he could ask about it.
“You know, I don’t think I could ever get tired of watching the sun set or rise. No matter what stays the same, no matter where you are, you never see the same one twice.”
Bastian raised an eyebrow at her, the thought was so much deeper than he had been expecting. From what he had seen of Lucy so far, she was very bold, a little brash, and extroverted to the nth degree. To see her so calm and enamored with something as simple as a sunset was surprising. “You watch them a lot, I take it?”
She nodded, “There’s something peaceful about it.”
Bastian looked at the small woman, she was so different when she was alone than when she was with the rest of the band. She seemed less intimidating like this. “You know, I’ll admit, when I first met you, I thought you were somewhat intimidating.”
She looked up at him with a little smirk on her lips, “Excellent, my façade is working.” Her blue eyes looked him up and down, “Really though?”
He nodded, but made a joke to keep things light, “Maybe it’s the jacket.”
Lucy smirked, she could tell something had happened to him in his past that was the real reason that he had said anything at all about her being intimidating. People always seemed to give her a flash of their cards even when they were the best of poker players. Even still, she barely knew Bastian yet despite having worked with him for a while, so instead of getting too deep, she said, “It usually disturbs people a little. That uncanny valley effect that the basilisk skin gives off does that.”
His eyebrows raised, “Basilisk skin?”
She nodded, “Perks to having the Blues Devil among my lovers. He has been very protective over the years, far beyond the duties of our initial contract. He wanted to give me a jacket that was almost like armor in case a fan ever tried stabbing me again.” Lucy looked at the jacket fondly, the rainbow iridescence of the scales glimmering in the fading sunlight. “Sometimes love is more about what they do than about what they say, you know?”
Bastian couldn’t help the little pang of envy, he had seen her throng of lovers. Even the ones that she was only intimate with on a more casual level seemed to care about her deeply. Though, something that he had wondered about stumbled from his lips before he could think much about what he was saying, “How do you handle not being some of their number one choice?”
Lucy looked back at Bastian, there was something in his eyes. Gods, this man just wanted to be loved and she could see it written on his face. He was pining after someone, and she had a good feeling she knew who it was, but she wasn’t about to get too specific. So instead, she answered honestly, “I’m my own number one. After I killed my abuser, I made myself a promise, and that’s why even with Pickles I put myself first.” She saw the face he made about Pickles and made a mental note of it, but continued, “People come and go. Life changes, and the only consistent thing we have in life is ourselves. I make me my priority. If people don’t like that, then they’re not meant for me. It makes life a lot easier to navigate.”
“You make it sound so easy,” he said, a sadness in his voice that she wondered if he was even aware of.
She shrugged, “I’ve had a lot of practice. Really, I was like this even with my abuser, it was just… a hot mess.” She had a bitter little smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes, and Bastian could see the pain on her face. It was a pain of sorrow where you wonder what your life would have been like if you had never met the person that caused you emotional damage. He knew that pain all too well.
He put a tentative hand on her shoulder, and he could feel her relax at his touch. It almost surprised him to see someone relax that quickly at his hand when they hardly knew each other outside of work. “At least he didn’t seem to dim that light inside of you.”
Lucy blushed a little at his words, a softer smile forming on her lips, “Your light is brighter than you think it is too, Bastian.” She turned back toward the sunset and leaned against him. Lucy could feel him tense up, but then he relaxed and put an arm around her, leaning back into her a little. It made her smile a little more. The man was like a feral and frightened cat, but he seemed willing to open up with a little patience and kindness. It reminded her of herself in some ways, even if she did express it differently than he seemed to.
They didn’t speak again until the sun was completely down. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something, by the way,” Lucy said, glancing up at him, neither of them having moved. He raised an eyebrow at her and she continued, “Would you sign my copy of the Play Girl that you were in?”
He chuckled, “I assume you got it for the articles?”
“Of course, I’m an avid reader of… Oh who am I kidding, absolutely not. I don’t have a whole lot of them by any means, but I collect the ones that really catch my eye, and yours happened to.”
That got a full laugh out of him and Lucy decided she liked that sound and wanted to hear more of it. “Only if you’ll sign my copy of the Play Boy that you were in,” he said.
She laughed a little, “Did you get that one for the articles?”
Bastian smirked, “Normally I don’t get them, I’m not really a fan of how they treat models, but it was an attempted apology from Murderface and Toki for something over the line that they said about a month ago and the photo set was pretty creative.”
“That sounds about right.” She would hazard a guess that Murderface had been an insensitive jackass and Toki had been along for the ride. The fact that they were using her Play Boy issue as an apology token was somehow fitting for them. “I’m surprised they still had a copy that was intact and not covered in questionable fluids at this point, to be honest.” Bastian made a face at the thought and she snickered a bit. “I’ll have to tell you all about the shoot. Charles negotiated full creative control within certain parameters for me, so I’m sure I didn’t have the usual shoot experience.”
“You’re lucky. My shoot…” He trailed off, “I have stories, not all of them pleasant.” Bastian changed the subject a little, trying to keep the mood light, “Believe it or not, I did actually read the interview. It was pretty good. The fire fans were a nice touch too.”
She grinned, it was nice seeing him slowly let his walls down, “Thanks. I loved being able to really express myself.” Lucy wanted to know a bit more about him if he was feeling open right now, “I’d love to hear some of your stories while you’re signing mine too, if you’re up for it, at least. Hell, doesn’t even have to be from the Play Boy shoot, I’d love to hear some of your industry experiences that don’t suck.”
Her good mood was shockingly infectious. Or maybe it was just the weed. ‘Maybe it’s both.’ “Alright, we’ll swap some stories,” he said, laughing again.
Lucy smiled at the sound. She was glad that they had an excuse to hang out tonight, she was hoping to hear a lot more of that laugh. “Why don’t you go grab your copy and meet me in my room?” she asked.
He looked down at her, a sparkle in his eye, glad that this night was taking such an interesting turn. “Sounds like a plan.”
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boygurphone · 8 months
Honestly. I feel like Infodumping about my mtl oc and it's be a good opportunity too since, no one really knows about her besides me and my friends SOOOOOO infodump time :3
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This is "Truck Baumgardner" (his actual name is confidential. No one knows what her name is except for Truck). Truck serves as the music video director and cinematographer of Dethklok, having been with them since almost the beginning. He uses he/she pronouns
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(the first reference I did of them) (this is the outfit they actually wear) (I'll make a proper ref soon)
[more info below the cut]
I'm still a little stuck on his voice claim but I'm mostly leaning to either Debbie Harry or Jen from Downtown (Tammy Lang). As of now, Jen has been a place holder voice claim.
She's very much a stoner lol (her and pickles are best friends and likes to do drugs together. They like to get drunk and high)
Speaking of Pickles and Truck, these two loved going to concerts together, mostly punk shows (Trucks favorite genre is Punk btw). The two don't do it often now since Dethklok is one of the biggest bands but they love going to bars and drinking. They're very close.
As of Fertilityklok (Season 3 episode), Truck and Toki are dating. They've been having a situationship
since probably season 1. The two do love each other, they just never said it until after the events in Fertilityklok which did make Truck a lil upset (the events in the episode I mean)
should I mention that Truck has died plenty of times in the past here too? Yeah she's immortal and has always been immortal since she was 15 after being burned alive by her father. He also knows Lucifer and likes to call him Lucy, mostly just to make him upset. She thinks it's funny.
The band all acknowledges the fact that Truck is immortal and they never talk about it. Ever since Murderface learned of this fact, Truck became this dummy for him to experiment with all of the weapons he has. The first time Toki saw Truck die, it was pretty traumatic for him since he didn't know about it. So often whenever Truck is alive, he just listens to her heartbeat to make sure he's alive.
Trucks death lore is a lil complex, if you would even call it that, it has rules. Okay, depending on the injury, Truck can be dead for at least a couple hours or for even an entire day. Though her body always rejuvenates or heals the injury in 24 hours/couple hours. It happens in real time too. I have no idea if that made any sense lol
Getting away from all the death stuff, Trucks relationship with the other band members follows as this; Truck sees Nathan as a Father figure, the only father figure in her life as her own father often neglected her. She sees Murderface as an annoying brother and the two often bicker. She has no hard feelings towards Murderface killing her because she doesn't remember it happening. Her and Skwissgaar I'm working on because I don't know, the two had a quiet falling out to say the least. They just don't talk to each other as much as they did back then.
Her relationship with Charles is professional, they do work together after all. Often Truck tells Charles the music video she has in mind for a Dethklok song/single. Dick Knubbler and Abigail still needs work but I know that Truck loves Abigail more than Knubbler and they love talking to eachother. Her and Magnus used to date but never worked out because they often fought and argued. I think of their relationship like Marceline and Ash from Adventure Time.
That's all I have in me. If you read this far, I appreciate that ! Thank u and I hope you love him just as much as I do :3
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expired-bat · 10 months
pre-show (one shot)
omg hiiii its been a while since i wrote anything lmdksfkafs. have a one shot of my band RABIES. if you don't know who they are, check out their bio on the mtl oc wiki!
tw for vomit for anyone who's sensitive
The buzzing of the cheap lights dancing through the cramped, hot dressing room stresses Meilin out. She hasn’t put on setting spray yet and her makeup is melting. Even worse, it’s their first show since Chris had to be sent to the looney bin once again. She can feel her teeth grinding against each other, feeling small bits of bone crunching away and touching her warm tongue. Her tiny fists clenched, her long, stiletto nails, painted obsidian and crimson to match her outfit, digging through her soft flesh. Just by the humidity alone, Meilin could feel her hair frizzing up no matter how much product she added.
She has to share this room with six other assholes she calls her bandmates. “De History of Chessboxin’” by Wu-Tang Clan is blasting through the cheap Bluetooth speaker thanks to Ryan. Speaking of Ryan, he’s still in the middle of spraying half a can of that Got2b hair spray. His deathhawk nearly reaches the ceiling, almost looking as if he were some goth cockatoo. Meilin’s nose scrunches just by the overwhelming smell of the spray.
“Why the fuck is he always like this? It’s gon’ end up all messy and down once we’re done, damn…”
She sprayed a whiff of setting spray, flapping her hands around and praying to whatever phony deity that her makeup didn’t look messy. Her spiky buns stick out of her black locks, her bangs almost covering her slim monolid eyes. Her soulless eyes roam around to see what the others are doing.
To her left, June is putting on their contacts; red and black, almost reminding Meilin of a ladybug. The kid is nuts for putting them on last, considering that their Jazmin Bean-inspired makeup is already on and their hair is up. They look insect-like, hence why they’re also called “June-bug.”
Next to June is Eddie, adding the last bit of corpse paint on his face. The thin brush slides through his full lips, sliding down a bit to give that cracked, distorted look. His long locks are still tied in a braid; how does he manage to keep up with hair that reaches down to his ass? Ed-boy is shirtless, wearing cargo shorts, and has his earbuds on, probably listening to Mortician or Emperor. She couldn’t blame him, the guy keeps to himself all the time.
“Gotta ask him ‘bout his hair routine.”
Meilin could see in the far back Tony, the big guy of the group. He’s adding Elmer’s Glue to his hair while blow drying it, shaping up his liberty spikes. She’s surprised he isn’t dumb enough to use Gorilla Glue like that lady did to make her hair flat. His golden eyes glimmer through the little light provided by the room, his full lips pursed and nose slightly twitching in focus. T is shirtless as well, showing off that bara body of his. His plaid shorts look a bit tight on him, with a red bandana wrapped around his thick neck and spiked bracelets covering up his wrists. A big observation the singer made was that Big T did or did not take small glances at the drummer, looking at him for a bit longer than usual…
Meilin turns around and gets up from her vanity, walking towards the cooler to get out a canned cocktail. She sees Jayu, sitting on the cheap, gross couch tuning his Jackson Series Rhoads. He’s still wearing that mask (like he always does), but she can sense that he’s getting irritated. The short man wears a tank top, revealing his many old scars. Meilin can tell that it tells a thousand stories and, knowing his background and how shut-off he is, is not going to bother how he got them. His hands clench slightly, veins slowly forming on his beige skin.
The door barges open, making the remaining six swoop their heads at who it is. It’s Chris, the notorious schizophrenic DJ for the band, literally the most unpredictable person you’ll ever meet. His body, a bit bigger in terms of weight, stumbles and wiggles a bit. He smells like Purple Haze and Newports, but Fearless, if not everyone, can tell that he took something stronger.
“Nah… This motherfucker did not-”
“I wan’ hot chocolate… hrnnnnngkjdsfnkgj.”
Chris then projectile vomits onto the floor.
All hell breaks loose in the dressing room. So far, this is the most insane shit they’ve witnessed.
“EWWWWWWW!!!!” screeched June.
“Oh my fuckin’ lord.” deadpanned Eddie, his eyes wide open.
“GAHHH DAMN!!!” said Ryan. Literally everyone knows that he speaks in bold text.
Jayu puts his Rhoads to the side, getting up from the couch to help his “little brother.”
Meilin puts a hand on her forehead, sighing deeply.
“Chris, if you keep this shit up, we’re gon’ have no choice but send yo ass to rehab.” 
“Suck my dick,” he replies.
Before Meilin would smack the shit out of him, someone from the bar staff said that they have five minutes before showtime, instantly getting out from the intense smell of bile.
“Nerds Rope… Rosetta Stone…” the DJ slurs out. 
Everyone was confused about what the hell he was saying (were they ever), until Ryan pointed something out.
“Yo… Ay yo yo yo!! Where the fuck is my Nerds edible?! Chris!! Did yo fatass ate it?!”
Chris giggles the giggle of a dying hyena.
Before Ryan could jump Chris, he was instantly held back by Eddie and Tony. His face looks like a screeching banshee. He kept on hurling out threats using his Japanglish.
“Yo, yo! Yoshi! Calm the fuck down!! Get out, everyone!!!” Meilin screamed out.
Everyone but Chris and Jayu was ushered out by their fearless leader. Meimei watches as the lead guitarist kicks his legs up and screams out like the diva he is while being carried away by the bassist. She leans back against the door to the dressing room, being nosy as hell as to what the two are talking about..
“Yeongi, why did you eat that? You know we have a show tonight.” Jayu asked.
Woah. Meimei did not expect his voice to be that deep.
“Hrnnn… I was bored, hyung~” the younger replies, still slurring his words.
Jayu lets out a deep sigh.
“I’ll get you some tea after the show, but you’re going to have to pay me back. Understand?”
Fearless instantly got bored of their little conversation. She walks off to enter with the other guys. Ryan and Tony are having their lil’ homo moment, playfully smacking each other’s asses while Eddie is drumming his thighs with his sticks. June is taking selfies.
Not long later, the two men appeared. Chris still looks a bit fucked up, but that’s Chris.
“Alright motherfuckas… Get in a circle. It’s time to make this show the best we got, ya hear?!” Meilin booms out.
The gang cheers on, hearing the crowd chanting their name.
It’s showtime.
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bellvalo · 8 months
everyday i thank the gods for @avatarselftitled @cover-your-heart
here is Razorblade Romance Astrid’s Edition
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CBT (THE BAND!!) lore because I’m bored:
Otto and Emery met at an arts college and formed CBT (THE BAND!!). it started as a small side project to pass the time but eventually they had a small boom in popularity
theyre fairly well-known in Eastern Europe, but not so much in the US :o( and currently are doing a series of tours in the states to reach a wider appeal
Random fact; emery does most of the press talks (shes better at English than otto) and Otto tends to add the occasional “yeah” and “mhm” during interviews
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seethingvortex · 1 year
hiiii i figured now's a good time to make a pinned post
im ryker, but once upon a time like 10 years ago i was @/toki-draws aka moderface
i follow from @waynekiller and my main art blog is @thundahouse , i only post OCs over there, MTL is the only fandom i am active in
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my pinned got kind of long oh well it's going under the cut
im now 23 y/o and back again, army of the doomstar hype got to me
im also trans (he/him), bi, white/tsalagi o7 so my blog is def gonna be full of indigenous nathan headcanons i live and breath that shit. i do have Mento Illnesses but I'm not gonna list them, you'll have to use context clues
despite loving MTL & dethklok & brendon small's work in general i am sometimes pretty critical of the show so . especially with it's treatment (and lack thereof) of black/brown & female characters. i do still love the show but it does sometimes annoy me. the way i engage with most media is through analysis and critique, if that makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to hang out, it's ok
general DNI - bigots of course, as well as any pro ship people, these are instant blocks. im really just here to have fun, i'm not here to make waves or anything. of course since there are a lot of crossovers in different adult swim fandoms, DNI if you like south park
i dont really think i have a specific DNI in regards to the MTL fandom. <- scratch that lol, now i have to make a big directory
if you hate Abigail DNI. i can understand hating how she's written, i also hate how she's written and the fact that she was basically only a learning tool for nathan/only used to cause drama between him and pickles. i will always declare this as a misogynistic writing trope (because it is) and her character got done really dirty (because she did) and ill drum up a big fuss about it every chance i get lol. i can also understand disliking her character, it's whatever, she's not for everyone, especially considering how bland she ended up. but if you hate her and constantly trash her like it's her fault she got written badly, i won't engage with you. Brendon truly fucked me up giving fandom misogynists and fujoshis a black woman for fodder
same thing goes for Magnus, if you absolutely hate him and trash him DNI
if you sexualize Toki's age regression DNI. if you ship Toki with Rockzo DNI. i'm dubious on MagTok, but it doesn't appear to be that popular these days anyway
i headcanon Nathan as being Miccosukee & pickles as being trans. these are really the only constant & recurring headcanons i have, otherwise im open to a bunch of stuff
the only constant romantic ship i have is Nickles, they are truly It for me. as far as the rest of the band goes, i prefer a family dynamic for them. you won't really find any romantic Skwistok, Skwisface, Murdertooth, or any other ships with Nathan or Pickles here. that being said, if you ship all of them or mix n match them up that's okay 👍👍👍👍
nathan fictive (fiction kin? other hearted? i don't know the difference, he's the only character ive ever "kinned")👍 i originally wasn't going to say anything but everyone seems to be pretty open here so (cartoon slide whistle noise). you can also just call me Nate or Nathan, that's okay 👍
i am a-ok with doubles & i don't have any current canonmates 👍
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if there are any MTL discord servers out there i might be interested, they don't necessarily have to be fictive or kin related i just cant stop talking about this show & i need a place to inflict my thoughts on people. i am however extremely wishy washy when it comes to meeting new people and i might flake out so. tell me or don't tell me, let the tide decide
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