mar-in-space · 5 years
Now, with time having passed. Mar was well enough to leave Vercel’s ship and medic. And finally... could get home.
To his family.
His spouse. His amazing Xyre.
The ship was almost exactly as he had left it. Maybe a bit different, but it had been over a month.
He didn’t even have time to speak before he was held tight but carefully by Xyre. He was begged to never to leave without warning again and told of everything that had happened while he was away.
Before Xyre goes quiet, and let’s Mar breathe and take in all that had been said.
Before the two end up sleeping.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Queen’s hand was on Rose’s weapon before anyone could fully process what was happening. The wood creaked as Queen gently gripped the handle, close to Rose’s hand. She could tell how much Queen was holding back, and how easily she was holding Rose back.
“And what isss thhhe meaning of thhisss, my dear huntersss?”
Ceres didn’t let go of the blade, “A sssimple disssagreement. Mosstly my fault, Queen. Floran provoked Rossse... Floran wasss trying to-”
“I do believe you, Ceresss.” Queen let the blade inch closer to the smaller Floran’s chest, adding her own force behind it in the slightest amount. S l i g h t e s t. “But I want thhhe full truthhhh. From her firssst.”
The tip of the scythe’s blade touched his chest. Breaking the skin. Ceres kept his mouth shut tight as Rose was expected to speak now.
“...Floran wasss sssimply out exploring other planetsss. Asss Floran hasss been known to do in the allowed ssspare time. And Floran ssstartss hunting ssomething. And Ceresss ssshowsss up and fightsss me off. Takesss it asss hiss own, like the greedy little Winter Sssprout he isss.” Rose pushed harder on her scythe, trying to force it further down, and Queen let it. Ceres’ grip slipped and the blade was becoming slick in his hands. 
His chest ached, and he knew it would start burning soon. He could already see the fire flickering on the blade.
“Then he attacked me about the whole sssituation. Mocked me and basssically called me a pity.”
Queen let the blade lower a bit more. Ceres’ arms were shaking at the effort to to keep the scythe from sinking lower. And he was failing.
The stark white Floran looked to the grey one struggling on the ground, “You may ssspeak now.”
Ceres locked eyes with Rose as he spoke in a steady voice, “Rosse wasss hunting the traiter Marsss, againssst your ordersss to drop the issssue. Floran prevented Marsss’ death...” 
Queen let go and stepped back.
Ceres muffled a pained squeak as the scythe managed to force it’s self down his chest, cutting a deep gash. He felt the heat of fire scorching his hands, and he knew soon it would be burning his chest.
“Rossse, I need to ssspeak withh you.” Queen’s voice was quiet, as she took the pale Floran aside. 
Ceres went limp. Glad that was over. And seems his semi-plan to get Rose in trouble had worked.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Eventually the two Floran met. 
“Cyrusss...” A low and dangerous hiss.
“Rose.” A rather low and threatening tone.
“Funny ssseeing you here. Floran could have ssworn that you were sstill at home.”
“Nope. Floran got sssome free time. Queen allowed it.”
The two were standing still. The only movement being their eyes, mouths, and Rose’s hand twitching.
“Ssshe would allow it, you pandering favorite...”
“Ssso you admit I’m the favorite?”
The two start circling. Movements slow. Ceres tone taunting and Rose pulled her weapon out of thin air. Sparks trailing along the blade.
“If I’m the favorite, what’ss that make you, Rosse? The thing ssshe pitiess? Sssomething to ssslow our group down?” he didn’t even make a move to lift any sort of defense or weapon. All he did was tilt his head. “Or are you lesss then that to her?”
Rose roared, a sound that could be heard from the village.
And she charged. Scythe raised high and she struck down, flames arching behind her swing. And Ceres side stepped, the flames brushing against his limbs. Glass forming and shattering as the weapon crashed to the sand.
And the dance began.
Rose and Ceres fought.
Spinning and blocking. Flames and dodging.
Rose growled with an evil grin as Ceres was forced to lose more and more ground. Her scythe came down again, and he slipped in sand filled glass. Rose thought he’d roll, but he didn’t. He caught the blade in his hands. Keeping it from his chest. Hands burning and the edges of the blade bit his fingers.
He just smiled.
And, while in physical contact with her. He activated a teleport. And the scenery blurred, becoming that of the village. Right in front of Queen.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Rose had to wander off away from the group of children so she could wheeze. Mars? A mighty Floran warrior?
“Yeah right... Marsss, able to fight... HA.” She could still hear the children, who now were playing a game. The Mighty Floran warrior. Arguing over who got to be the small pink warrior.
At least that meant she could leave this damned town, if they were talking about Mars as if he was a story, that probably meant he wasn’t here. She keeps the clothes as she trudges out of the town.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Rose walked into the village, weapon stored in an odd tool Queen had explained but hadn’t named. Passing stalls, she snagged rolls of fabric, winding them around herself, covering her face, limbs, and torso. But most importantly, her leg. If that bird brat lived here, they would be able to point her out in a second because of this damned leg.
Good thing she covered up.
Loch was trying to convince their friends that they had in fact been saved by a great Floran warrior.
“I swear if Pik, I swear. First this fire wielding Floran with a limb of metal grabs me from the dunes.”
“Pft, doubt it.” the little group of birds laughed after the lead one laughed.
“PIK. I’m serious, I got hurt by this thing and they said they’d kill me if I didn’t cry... so it was kinda easy to... ya’ know. Pretend to be scared and stuff.”
The same one spoke up again, Pik, was her name, “’Pretend’-” “...ok... I was really really scared... it would glare at me from the shadows if I got quiet... But someone actually showed up! A pink Floran.”  the little blue feathers fluffed up, whether from excitement or embarrassment, the other kids couldn’t tell. “He looked kinda... tiny to be a warrior. And at first I didn’t think he was, he put his weapon away and kept his back to his opponent, he washed my cut and wrapped it up.”
Loch lifted his arm, showing off the wrapping in question, “Then the other Floran called him something...” a shudder, “and the voice... But anyway! The one that saved me has to be a mighty warrior! The one that was mean called him a WAR GOD. And then the fire starts coming down on the pink one, who just blocks and rolls around. TAUNTING THE FIRE SCYTHE OF DEATH!”
Loch continues his story, saying how he had watched the battle for a few seconds before fleeing like he had been told. The other kids were slowly leaning forward, wanting to know more and more.
Rose passed this group of children, recognizing the one she had used as bait. She wanted to laugh at the story.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
She would have to make her way back to the desert planet. Now that she knew Ceres was there, she would be ready for him, he was only good at fighting when he got the drop on people. Like a dirty cheat.
“You’ll end up hanging off of Floran’sss sscythe in one way or another...”
She beamed to the sandy planet. Eyes glancing about, watching the sand. Trying to figure out which way they would have gone.
She looked towards the sun’s setting path, that was the direction of the village. If Mar were leading, that’s where he’d go. But if it were Ceres... they could be anywhere.
She huffed. Setting off to the village. It’d be a good starting point.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Rose meanwhile, during all that was going on with Mars and Ceres. Was fuming. Now, the slight injury from Mars’ dumb spear, she could handle. But that shit-bag just had to show up and ruin her fun.
“Just causse he caught sssomething bigger in the Hunt, he thinksss he’ss all that. Ceresss you are pointlesss and worthlessss.”
She paced in her hut, wanting to scream about it. But she couldn’t. She’d get in trouble for being off world. She could technically get Ceres in trouble too, but knowing the bastard, he probably got Queen’s permission to leave.
Loop-hole finding bitch.
“Floran’ll kill him too.”
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mar-in-space · 5 years
If only it could have happened more kindly.
Mar's heart ached. The sight of his Ceres' eyes hurt him. Stung deep in his chest, right close to his heart. Those eyes were tired. Confused. And worried. So, so worried.
He much rather would have just seen his Ceres. Seen him and run to him. Shouting the familiar name without the pain in his voice. Without the blood at his side. Jump into the arms that used to swing him around and lift him barely inches above the ground.
Oh how he wished it had been that way.
To be a hug that was close and tight and tearful. Meaningful. Painless. Lifting in both the soul and the heart. Oh how he wanted to tell the crying Ceres that it was ok. Oh how he wished Ceres would say it was fine.
Oh how he wished they could forgive each other with tight, clinging hugs and meaningful words.
Not this. Not this chilled confusion.
But his hug was tight and heated. Ceres' arms didn't know where to go.
And there was blood at Mar's side.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Mar muttered something, probably an empty promise to take better care of himself. But the kind warmth of the sand was such a contrast to the painful burning of his almost numb arm and his chest. His eyes started to flutter again.
“...Cer... can Floran ressst?”
Ceres maneuvered Mar back under the cooling leaves, “Yess, you ssshould resst. You need to have plenty of energy to regain what you’ve losst,” he watched Mar fall asleep before turning to the dying fire.
He reached in, snagging a burning twig, letting the sparks dance along rough skin. His eyes flash to the moment long battle between him and the injured Rose.
His head shook as he cleared his thoughts and started to rearrange the fire to be useful. Setting some freshly gathered meat to cook. He kept an eye on dinner as he fiddled with his brother’s communications’ device. The S.A.I.L. thing was fairly similar to something Queen had. And it was no different from the big on on the ship.
It beeped loudly and he glared at it.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
A small pained huff came from Mar soon. The amount of movement might have been small but it had twitched and pinched his shoulder. “Floran’ss... chesst hurtss.”
Ceres managed to push Mar away just a bit, “Of courssse it doess. Your sspear melted and dropped metal onto you,” he pushed Mar softly again, getting him to sit down on the ground, “Rosse alsso got your sshoulder.”
He turned Mar’s head as he fussed with the bandages that Mar was just now noticing. He protested at being fussed over but was hushed.
“You sstill have no idea how to be taken care of. You look awful, Little Petal. You sshould be bright and full of fressh sscent, but you aren’t. You are limp and tired.” the bandages were gently removed and Mar flinched as a painfully warm smell washed over him.
“Floran... iss doing jusst fine.” His last word was hissed as Ceres dabbed something onto and around the wound, “Floran iss happy.”
“Happy? Floran... hass trouble sseeing that, but whatever you ssay. Floran hass no right to tell you that you aren’t happy,” Ceres was trying to not breathe in, burnt flesh and seared plant-matter made for a sour combination. “Floran meant your health anyway. You don’t sseem to get any ssun or water or sssleep.”
Bandages. Bandages winding around a small fragile chest. Ceres felt shaky and like he was thrown back to the past. Always binding cuts from Rose.
“You’ve fallen into your old patternss.” He tied the looping fabric in place, “Pleasse don’t make a habit of it, I jusst found you again.”
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mar-in-space · 5 years
It could only be Ceres. 
Grey and blacks. The eyes were right. 
“Ceresss! Floran hasss misssed you!” He forgot his pain for just a moment, jumping up and clinging to the other Floran. “How are the othersss? Mercury, Earth, Ssaturn, Uranusss, Pluto? Pleasse... tell Floran.”
Ceres had frozen, conflicting instincts fighting about what to do. Till his arms wrapped around Mar.
“The otherss are jusst fine,” he paused as Mar sighed happily, “Pluto hass had to retire from hunting early due to injury but they’re fine otherwisse. They help out with the nurssery now.”
He started to kneel down, trying to get Mar to lie back down. But now they both were just kneeling. Mar still clinging tightly to Ceres. Ceres was about to speak with a raised tone but Mar started shaking.
“Lasst Floran ssaw you... you were ssso angry at Floran..! Floran isss sssorry... Floran isss ssstill sssorry..!” Mar shook between words, obviously trying to hold back something.
Ceres felt guilt bead up in his chest. 
Remembering the last words he had spoken to Mar.
With a head shake, he hugged his brother tighter.
“Forget it, Little Petal.”
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Eyes flutter open.
The sand was soft and cool underneath him. Soothing the aching burn that pulsed in his skin.
He sat bolt upright.
His scream remembered.
No Rose.
Where... was Rose?
Where was he?
There were leaves stitched above him, forming a roof and cooling the sand from the burning sun. He could hear fire. He could smell... food.
He got up a bit more and turned despite the protest of every part of his being, and crawled outside the tent-like structure.
The sun burned, but he squinted at the fire. Who set that?
“You aren’t ssupposssed to be up yet!”
Mar squinted at the figure, first fearfully, eyes growing wide when he recognized them.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
‘<No... No waiting. Floran will call the bird cartoon one and leave. Once Floran knows if Mars... MAR, is ok. I can leave. Report to the Huntress, and get back to normal life...
Floran just has to make sure Mar is ok..’
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mar-in-space · 5 years
“Doesss this communicator work? It doesss ok...” the voice paused, sucking in a hissing breath, “S.A.I.L. what iss the lisst of emergency contactss?”
The machine beeps. A list appearing on the screen. Reading off the names in a monotone voice. 
“Would much rather avoid that one... don’t trusst them and don’t think they’d lissten to me.”
“Sshe’ll kick my asss for ssure about thisss.”
“Don’t know who that isss, but it ssayss pirate by the name. Don’t trusst that.”
“There’ss a little cartoon of a yellow bird next to thiss name... mussst be an Avian.”
The list went on, but still the stranger refused to call any of them. Trust was not his strong suit. He’d wait. See which one Mars... Mar wanted to call.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
eyes flutter open, seeing shadows dance in the dark. Flashes of flaming arch lit the shadows, causing their dance to become wild.
eyes fluttered shut, resting the head in a grainy warm puddle.
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mar-in-space · 5 years
Black eyes locked with purple.
Pink turning dark and ashen. He bit his cheeks, keeping in the pain. He refused to give her the satisfaction she wanted.
Till she pulled back with a sudden jerk.
The dull burn became bright.
And he screamed.
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