#Except Felix isn't the only person living in his house anymore
ask-icancraft-it · 10 months
(( Yet another Little Moment! Felix and Tamora try to share an innocent kiss, but their houseguest isn't having any of it. ))
“Here you are, princess,” Felix chimed as he placed a plate in front of the small girl sitting at the dining table. 
Vanellope licked her lips, eyes sparkling as she cut into her small stack of pancakes. But just before she could shovel a forkful into her mouth, a hand reached down to ruffle the top of her head.
“Hey, squirt,” Tamora smirked as she walked by. The tall blonde proceeded into the kitchen, where the handyman handed her a freshly brewed cup of coffee. 
“Mornin,’” he said with a sweet smile. 
“Thanks, babe,” she smiled back, leaning forward to capture his lips. 
“Yuck!” The couple broke apart, both turning toward the source of the outburst. 
“Something wrong with your breakfast, sugar?” Felix frowned.
“Yeah, there’s two grown-ups spreading their cooties all over the place!” Vanellope chided. 
“Cooties?” The handyman blinked. “Goodness, you’re at that age already? How time flies…”
“Were you afraid of all that stuff when you were young?” Tamora chuckled. 
“I honestly can’t recall.”
“You were probably a little heartbreaker then.”
Felix shook his head with a smile, tempted when his lady leaned back in.
“You guys are so gross…” Vanellope groaned, making the pair laugh. The handyman removed his cap to cover their faces as they smooched. “I can still see you.”
“Fine, fine,” Felix conceded, grabbing his mug. “Tammy and I will enjoy our coffee and our cooties on the porch. Sorry to sully your breakfast.”
“Here, to shield your sensitive pre-teen eyeballs,” the blonde teased as they walked by, stealing the handyman’s cap and placing it on the girl’s head with the bill facing downward. “You’re going to need it.”
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Minecraft~
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A/n: I hope you all enjoy, and if you liked, please leave a like! 💖💖💖💖
Tags: @straysrachaa @lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung​ @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies​ @mrbangchannie
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- doesn't know almost anything about Minecraft the first time around but he plays with you to make you happy
- you have to baby him for a while
- He goes and learns about the game in his free time
- and then he pleasantly surprises you now that you he doesn't suck anymore
- and most peculiar of all
- he got really interested in redstone
- boi can make some INVENTIONS
- His house is like, fully automated - farm and all
- it makes you jealous but also very proud
- a pretty big pacifist
- shears, veggies and bread is all he needs
- he still big soft baby but he smart baby now
- also, would totally run around with a pumpkin on his head if you could still wear them in the latest version
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Lee Know
- would kill everything that moves
- would hoard all the meat and refuse to give you any
- deforestation at its finest
- king of surplus
- playing with him is actually playing by yourself cuz he goes off on his own
- builds himself a goddamn empire!
- and no one knows where it is
- if he catches you inside his house without permission: shoot first, ask questions never
- mobs fear him, not the other way around
- will give you items cuz you're a charity cause
- actually shares when you both go mining though
- but let's face it, he's just OP
- would try to get all the cats
- totally to chase away creepers
- not because he wants an army of them or anything
- gets annoyed that he has to constantly fish because the cats keep taking them but won't be tamed by him
- he totally did not search for mine shafts just for name tags to name his cats
- or he'd cancel you in-game and irl too
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- would be super excited to play Minecraft with his friends
- he would be the first on the server to scout out the land and get resources
- however, no one warned him about night fall
- and all the creepy, scary things that spawned
- changbin lives in the ground now
- he dug a hole at the base of the mountain to take refuge during the night and never looked back
- normal person? No way! He was a mole now!
- the best at mining and interior rock design
- he would only resurface to seek out food and animals
- it was Changbin who stole all the cows and sheep, so you couldn't find them for felix
- he would have three large pins just next to his mountain
- lots of cows, rainbow sheep and pigs with saddles
- " uh...so I found these pins of animals and like...no house?"
- "What?"
- "I think the magical Minecraft fairy spawned it into the world?"
- "It's super weird. But I'm gonna kill some cows for their leather"
- and to your shock, a secret door in the mountain opens and Changbin comes running out
- the door made courtesy of Chan
- "He's got a diamond sword already?!?"
- it's the last thing you scream as he kills you for being near his cows
- and after a round of feeding and breeding, he disappears back into his hole
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- would only be about building
- he would be the first one to have a diamond pickaxe just so he could mine cobblestone faster
- would also get efficiency V just so he could speed run through the mines
- would wander through different biomes for days to collect clay so he could make concrete
- and while you're busy actually playing the game, he would beg for you to pick flowers on your trip so he can dye the concrete different colors
- his first house would be a mansion
- but he would give up half way because he kept falling off the roof and dying
- would forget he is actually playing the game and would get scared when night falls and mobs start spawning in his unlit house
- not like you didn't tell him countless times to put down torches
- but he kept saying they ruined his aesthetic
- but now he keeps dying because mobs are literally waiting at his spawn point, killing him over and over and over again
- and he begs you to set the time to day and kill the mobs for him
- but you just laugh uncontrollably at him because karma really is a bitch
- but in the end, he ends up making an entire city, and invites the others to come and play on the server.
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- would be just like Chan
- a pure ass baby when it comes to playing minecraft, but super eager to play the game
- his first spawn would be in the middle of the night (because of server)
- and you would try to tell him to not leave the safety of spawn, but he just wouldn't listen
- "Listen, Y/n, I know what I'm doing! I'm a pro at this!"
- and he would run confidently into the night, like the actual idiot that he is
- he wouldn't get too far before he was attacked by all the mobs and got killed
- "Well that was just rude!"
- "Oh my god Jisung, I told you not to do it."
- "Well how was I supposed to know they were going to kill me?!"
- and you can only shake your head at his stupidity
- he would eventually wait until daytime, but unfortunately all of his items would be lost due to despawning
- it's not like either one of you were equipped to go and retrieve his items
- zombies sucked man! And skeletons are the worst!
- but with a new day comes a new adventure and you both head out to find a place to call home
- Jisung would run the entire way, even though he had no food to keep his hunger up
- he also wouldn't be paying attention to where he was going and would fall into a hole
- a very BIG hole
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "Really Jisung?"
- "I couldn't see it!"
- playing with Jisung would be a very challenging task, because he would never learn
- because by the time he had diamond armor and ready to fight the wither, he would have fallen from fifteen cliffs, twenty holes in caves and three ravines
- "Jisung if you die one more time I swear to god!"
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "That's it! I quit!"
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- You would be so hyped to play with Felix
- You've seen him play other games, so you knew he'd be great at minecraft
- Getting the server had been his idea, the easiest way everyone could play together
- First day of spawn, Felix would already be listing off the things that you would need to accomplish
- wood, cobblestone, iron, seeds, sheep
- it was all just so overwhelming
- by the time you make your first complete set of wooden tools, felix would have iron tools already
- he'd been ten feet underground, digging for more resources while tasking you to find the animals for food, wool and feathers
- easier said then done
- and when he resurfaces and you don't have animals, he would simply sigh and go do it himself
- which would upset you because you would spend hours looking for just one god damn cow
- meanwhile, Felix would take five steps in one direction and come across hundreds of cows!!!
- he'd travel the whole map just to find a jungle to get coco beans
- seriously though, how did he find the fucking jungle?
- it like doesn't exist
- except it does and Minho most likely lives there with all his cats
- Also, there's pandas!!!!!
- Felix would try and tame a panda, even though it's not possible
- When not trying to show off, Felix would be in his crappy little hut (cause hyunjin was still making the city), making cookies and cakes because why wouldn't he?
- at least he shares, unlike someone.....
- Felix would be absolutely unstoppable at the game, while you struggle to get to iron level armor (while trying to keep Jisung alive)
- Felix would have just a big ego
- it's okay though. One strike from Seungmin's sword and he'd be put back into his place
- Revenge is a dish best served Seungmin.
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- the worst of the worst
- he would be the one to pretend to not know the game
- but really, he would be a minecraft expert
- read: troll
- every chance he would get, Seungmin would try to do something to ruin your day
- don't ever go mining with him. EVER!
- he would be the one to lead over a creeper to you in a ravine while you're trying to mine diamonds, right next to a lava pool
- the first one to explode wouldn't do any damage, thankfully
- "Don't you dare bring a creeper over here!"
- "I wouldn't."
- somehow, you wouldn't be convinced
- but you decided to trust him
- y/n clown
- you're just mining away at the diamond when a big explosion happens
- and you notice two things
- 1. the diamonds and the surrounding area were blown up
- 2. you were now in the pool of lava, dying
- meanwhile, Seungmin was running away, cackling like the evil little shit that he was
- the holy terror, that's what they would call him
- he would purposefully go out and fight creepers just to gather their gunpowder so he could make dynamite
- no one was safe from him
- except Minho
- because no one knew where he was
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- Jeongin would spend at least two days researching things for the game before actually playing
- he would want to have some knowledge before walking into hell that was the Stray Kids server
- it's okay though, because everyone loves Jeongin
- really, he wouldn't need to do a thing
- diamond armor, enchanted? check
- enchanted weapons? check
- his own cat and dog? double check
- everyone would do anything for this baby
- but Jeongin isn't one to mooch *coughJisungcough*
- even with all his presents, he would still start with the basics of punching a tree
- while others have found this skills in cooking, mining, falling into holes, redstone and building
- jeongin would be more interested in potions and enchanting
- Jeongin would quickly master potion brewing
- even if it meant battling the scary blazes in the nether
- huh, so that's why Changbin was screaming so much
- he would be hired by Minho to make him potions of breathing so he could go claim an ocean monument
- Jeongin would only do it if he could help
- surprisingly Minho agrees and for the first time in 84 years, everyone gets to see Minho's character
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chwesangel · 4 years
My sunshine ☼ Felix
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Lee Felix x Reader
Neutral reader + Fluff + Non Idol AU
Words: 1.8k+
As the weather grew hotter, your feelings for your best friend grew too. Felix has been the light in your life since the moment you met in middle school but recently your feelings had turned more romantic than platonic.
5 years ago
"Can I sit here?"
You looked up toward the voice and met eyes with a soft looking boy who's cheeks were dusted with freckles and a light blush.
You smiled and nodded, giggling when you saw him fumble with his backpack as he moved into the seat next to you. "I'm Y/N." You said, holding out your hand for him to shake.
"I'm Felix." He responded and took your hand.
'Oh my gosh... Tiny...' you thought to yourself, looking down at his hand. "New here?" You questioned.
He nodded and before he could say anything else your teacher started class.
3 years ago
Ever since the afternoon Felix sat next to you, you guys were practically attached at the hip. Today the two of you were sitting on his couch playing Mario Kart and after what felt like the 20th round he put the controller down and looked over to you.
"Ready for school tomorrow?" He asked.
You shook your head. "No, not really. What if we don't have any classes together? Who else am I supposed to talk to?"
He laughed. "I'll still see you at lunch and between classes and after school and literally every second we're not in class."
"Promise you won't replace me with someone else though? And especially not a girlfriend or boyfriend. I come first." You joked
He laughed and held out his pinky. "I swear on my gaming skills"
You gasped and linked your fingers. "Woah that's a big risk, sunshine."
Sunshine. You had started calling that one night you guys had stayed up later than usual and we're sitting on your roof.
4 years ago
"Are you okay?" he asked, laying a hand on your shoulder.
You nodded. "It's just been hard I guess. School stresses me out, friends are too much drama anymore."
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
"Just you being here with me is helping. You make my days easier and my life brighter. Like my own personal sunshine."
He smiled at that. "Your own personal sunshine, huh?"
"My sunshine." You laughed and poked his cheek.
1 year ago
You sure hoped Felix's gaming skills reflected his broken promise. Near the end of the school year he had started dating one of your mutual friends, Melody. Now don't get me wrong you were happy for him but he completely brushed you to the side.
Every time you wanted to hang out there would be something else taking his attention. "Sorry I can't, me and Mel have a date tonight." or "Not tonight, I have to help Mel study. Summer school, you know?" and your least favorites were the "I have to cancel tonight, Y/N Im sorry. Mel asked me to come over."
You were glad they got along so well and that he was so happy but you hadn't hung out all summer. Them constantly being together would be fine if he hadn't straight up canceled plans to hang out with her without a second thought.
By the end of the summer they had broken up and you got your best friend back. You spent the next two weeks taking care of him and doing anything you could to make him feel better. Deep down you were almost happy about the breakup which killed you. You felt guilty but then again, could anyone blame you for being happy that Felix was spending time with you again?
Now it was the last week before summer began. The last week before you were finally done with school. The last week before you and Felix would be adults and have responsibilities that took up most of your time.
You guys agreed that you'd be roommates once you moved out of your parents houses. You agreed that you'd help each other with anything and everything. You agreed that regardless of what happened, you'd support each other endlessly.
As the final day of school came to an end, you and Felix walked out of the building with a cheer, the air filled with laughed and excitement for summer.
"Soooooo Y/N," He started as you guys got into his car. "You thinking beach bonfire or drive-in movie to kick off the start of our adult lives?"
You chuckled and thought for a moment. "Bonfire, then we climb up to my roof like we used to and just talk, yeah?"
He nodded "Sounds perfect." He said with a smile.
The sun had started to set and you were in Felix's car again, driving down to the beach. He had the radio loud and the two of you sang along to whatever overplayed song came on. Everything felt perfect in that moment and you silently prayed that it would never end.
Once you had reached your destination, you guys grabbed whatever you would need and made your way out to the beach. The blanket had been laid out and he got the fire started, Felix took a seat next to you.
"I don't think I'm ready to grow up, Y/N." He whispered.
You laid your hand on his back and rubbed slow circles. "Me either but we're going to be here for each other through everything, right?"
He nodded. "I know that I kinda sorta broke the promise last time we did this but can we promise each other something?" He said whole holding out his pinky.
You took it in yours. "Of course we can."
"We'll still be there to support each other even if someone else comes into the picture? Even if we get married and start a family with someone other than each other?"
Other than each other... You didn't want to start a life with anyone other than him. You wanted him to keep being your own personal sunshine. You didn't want to have to share. But you couldn't tell him that.
"I promise, sunshine." You said with a smile.
The night carried on slowly, but you wouldn't want it to go any faster. At some point you had ended up in his arms, laying against his chest. You could hear his every heat beat, every embarrassed noise he made when you brought up an old story, and everything bright laugh as you two reminisced about all the times you had spent together while growing up.
You two grew up together. He was there for every heartbreak when your crush didn't like you back, he was there to comfort you every time your parents fought, he was there to help you study for every test and there to take you out for ice cream to make you feel better if you failed, he was there for every big moment of your life.
Just as he was there for you, you were there for him. You saw the good, the bad, the scared, everything. If someone had asked what your world was like before him you probably couldn't answer.
Because over time he had become your whole world.
Every time you looked at him your heart was filled with so much joy you felt like it could burst. It wasn't until recently you had realized how beautiful his laugh sounded, or how dull the world seemed when he wasn't by your side.
You had fallen completely in love with the boy who you had relied on since the first day you met. You could only hope that maybe he felt the same.
"We should probably get going so we can actually sit on your roof to stargaze while the stars are still out." Felix laughed and shifted to get up.
You stood up and stretched before staring to gather your things and Felix put out the fire. Once you were back at his car you put everything in the trunk and before you could get in Felix stopped you.
"I love you, Y/N. I really don't know where I'd be without you." He whispered while pulling you into a hug.
You hugged him back as tightly as you could and held onto him like your life depended on it. "I love you too, Lix. More than anything."
You two stayed like that for a minute before he pulled away with a sigh. A smile was plastered on his face as he walked to the drivers side and got in.
The drive was silent except the gentle music that came from the speakers and Felix humming along to it. He pulled into your driveway and the two of you walked over to the side of your house and climbed up onto your roof.
You guys had sat for awhile, talking about plans for the future, how you felt about school being over, summer plan, anything and everything you could.
Eventually the topic had moved to love, family, once again your guys' future. You felt nervous as you debated telling him about your feelings. Once you had decided you would you went to open your mouth to say something but he spoke up first.
"Y/N, I can't imagine a future that isn't with you. You're all I can see. I'm so in love with you... I just wish I had told you earlier. I understand if you don't feel the same I just... I wanted you to know..." He said while taking your hand in his.
"You mean that?" You whispered back to him.
He nodded. "With all my heart."
"I love you too. I have for awhile now. I love you a lot more than I knew I could actually." You said.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss you. When the two of you pulled away he smirked at you and said "Who needs to look up when I can see the stars in your eyes right now."
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line and tapped the tip of his nose. "Yeah well I can find at least three constellations in your freckles right now. You're even prettier than the night sky, you know that sunshine?"
"That's ironic." He laughed and kissed you again.
Years had passed and you and Felix were together now. Despite the occasional arguments that all couples had, everything was perfect. You were happier than you knew was possible with him and he felt the same. Living in a small apartment in the city with your soulmate made each day feel like heaven on earth. He was your heaven on earth.
With your hands interlocked, you guys walked along the same beach you had gone to the night you confessed to each other. At some point he stopped and when you turned to look at him he was down on one knee pulling something out from his pocket.
"Y/N, remember when I said I couldn't imagine a future that wasn't with you? Well I wanna make that a reality. You are my future. So will you marry me?" He said with a worried smile on his face.
You laughed excitedly and nodded while he got up to kiss you. "Of course I'll marry you, sunshine." you whispered with a smile as big as possible.
(Admin Angel ☀️)
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