#Except they actually swarmed a Fairy Tail post
iamapoopmuffin · 8 years
I got tagged in a thing by @suitcasesoffeathers so here have a thing!
Are you named after someone Nah. And thank goodness because I hate naming after people. It was just my mum’s favourite name for a guy that didn’t have a freaky spelling. Her all time favourite was one of those Irish names that nobody can spell or pronounce.
When was the last time you cried Last Friday. I got super frustrated and I had a slight breakdown over overall stress and what may have been an anxiety attack and I always cry during anxiety attacks and I had to keep doing the same thing over and over and all my belongings kept breaking and I messed up an audition more than I’d ever messed up before and it was just a terrible day in general. Incidentally, I just got home and my right eye is running like mad so it looks like I’m crying on one side.
Do you like your handwritting My handwriting is illegible.
What is your favorite lunch meat Idk. I don’t normally have meat sandwiches or anything. I either just pack a snack (if I have to go out for work) because my appetite is so low in the mornings that entering the kitchen can turn my stomach, or I have breadsticks and dip. My fiancee did not buy breadsticks when she went shopping this week. I gave her a list, dang it.
Do you have kids No, not yet. Still not sure if I want them or not.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you Sure! I’m great! A total dork and really annoying but great!
Do you use sarcasm I’m sure I do, but I use it sparingly. I’m not a sarcastic guy. That’s what Phillip is for.
Do you still have your tonsils I do believe so, yes.
Would you bungee jump I always wanted to when I was little but then I developed anxiety and now I’m not sure if I could without having a panic attack. Meanwhile my best friend has been sky diving, which I wouldn’t do in a million kajillion years...
What is your favorite kind of cereal Chocolate cereals of all kinds (because they flavour the milk so I don’t waste said milk) or Golden Nuggets because yes. Mmm, mid-afternoon cereal.
Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off Nah. I accidentally bought boot laces when I relaced them (which had to happen because the laces they came with were weird and elasticated and thus didn’t tie right) and so they’re super long and I don’t have the patience to septuple knot my laces after every dance practice. I have to take them off and put them on again several times a day, y’know. Or I just wear my Heavenly Host Theatre shoes, which are slip-ons.
Do you think you’re a strong person Physically, yes. Mentally/emotionally, maybe. Lots of people say I am, but...eh...
What is your favorite ice cream flavor Peanut Butter Cup. It’s the Ben and Jerry’s one with Reese’s in it!
What is the first thing you notice about people Dunno. Whatever happens to stick out, it varies from person to person. For instance, my friend Phillip, when I sat next to him the day I met him, I noticed he only had one whole ear. The other had a large chunk from the top lopped off. Sakutaro, I noticed he was hella tan and hella strong and had a lip piercing. Sherwin, I noticed he was short and feminine looking.
Red or pink Probably red.
What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself Uuuummm...oily skin and hair and how prone I am to certain illnesses and conditions? As a dancer, I am eternally frustrated that I’m not as flexible as my friend, even though he teaches ballet so he should be hella flexible. Also how much taller than my fiancee I am.
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now Uhhh...black with white stripes, mismatched socks, one is blue and white stripes, the other is a sort of grey-green with a picture of Jiraiya on it and some writing in yellow and white. I own two pairs of shoes, neither of which I am wearing right now, but there’s a silver pair and a brown pair. The brown pair is for work only.
What was the last thing you ate Crisps. It was one of those ‘grab a snack for lunch’ days so that’s literally all I’ve had today. They were salt and vinegar flavour.
What are you listening to right now Every Day Is A Winding Road
If you were a crayon, what color would you be Uhhh...black. It’s my hair colour. Or grey. Or maybe Orange because I own a lot of orange tops and jumpers.
Favorite smell Uhh...currently I suppose that sparkly coconut body butter in the bathroom. Body shop stuff is nice. I’mma get Myra loads of it and then use it all myself.
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone Uh...my dad, I think.
Favorite sport to watch Uh...I only watch sports via sports anime. My current favourite of those is Kuroko no Basuke, so I suppose the answer is technically basketball...followed very closely by figure skating. Generally speaking, I hate sports.
Hair color Black
Eye color Grey
Do you wear contacts I got me some 20/20 vision.
Favorite food to eat I liiiiiike...steak. And kit kats. My friend had a whole pack yesterday and every time he got one out he kept insisting it was his last one.
Scary movies or comedy I don’t really like either. I’m an action kind a guy. I did however like the Scary Movie series.
Last movie you watched Uhhhh...I don���t remember. There was an absolute unholy mass of films on over Christmas and some more on during January and I can’t remember what I watched when...I watched The Incredibles on my laptop recently (because my fiancee wouldn’t let me watch it on TV) but I’ve also watched something on ITV since...
What color shirt are you wearing Dark red. I had to pull down the neckline of my jumper to check. All my jumpers are orange.
Summer or winter Winter. Winter means warm hugs and cozyness and before we got a new microwave it meant I could cuddle up with one of those scented heatable teddies but apparently I can’t put it in this microwave because reasons. Summer I get sweaty and heatstrokey and dancing is horrible and gross. Also this winter it actually snowed for the first time since I was, like, 15.
Hugs or kisses Uhhh...I like both. A lot. I hug more than I kiss though because I hug everyone. I’m so over affectionate.
What book are you currently reading Uhh...I’m not really reading any books right now. I used to read constantly...I did start rereading the Skulduggery Pleasant series and trailed off on Last Stand, and I’m also working on (but have read through) a script for a play called Decades. I also started but never finished a Red Dwarf book.
Who do you miss right now No-one especially...I suppose I was talking about an old school friend recently (because we were playing Corpse Party again (hence the slight influx of CP related posts) and we got to Tooth and got talking about a guy we knew called Cai and a guy we currently know also called Cai and a kid I used to babysit called Kai who had a neat afro) and damn now I miss the kid I used to babysit...and now I miss all the children I’ve ever babysat. Thanks, meme.
What is on your mousepad My finger, mostly. And a small speck of white dirt that has been there since time immemorial.
What is the last TV program you watched Monty Python’s Best Bits
What is the best sound Silence Motorhead
Rolling Stones or the Beatles I suppose I’d have to go Beatles because, though I’m sure I’ve listened to more than one, the only Stones song I could name (and that I have on my MP3 player) is Paint It Black.
What is the furthest you ever traveled Uh...well, I’ve been to Canada...which is probably the furthest I’ve been. Jasper, specifically.
Do you have a special talent I’m a dancer and an actor. Not amazing, but on a level that I can do stage and teaching work. I can sort of sing, but I go a bit flat sometimes, especially on higher notes. I like writing and have been told I’m good at characterisation.
Where were you born On the maternity ward of a hospital in England.
People you expect to participate in this survey I dunno...nobody, really. I’m not going to tag anyone because I’m still essentially a stranger to almost everyone, and tagging people would probably send my anxiety skyrocketing! But hey, porn blogs, if you’re swarming this one the way you did my last personal memes, I demand you do them too.
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worldcakecakecake · 6 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60
Posting this from Antonio’s country...my last day here actually. I’m incredibly sorry for the time it took me to post, but things were hectic and it wasn’t till the last moment that I dedicated some writing. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy reading it too!
                                                  Chapter 61
Feliciano prepared himself for the ball in his room. Well, to be honest he wasn’t doing much that moment.
 He sat in a comfortable chair, the sound but the music of his chest, the familiar melody that calmed Feliciano well even in the activity and haste of a ball being initiated in the floors below him. His wear for the night was well prepared on his side of the bed, ironed, shinning, with flowers of surely the most recent picking, yet Feliciano sat with only but a white blouse, humming to the song, moving his fingers as if he was leading the notes to spread all across the room, even out in the night, his balcony door open to let that freedom.
 “Feliciano, have I told you how much I love your hair,” Kandake told him, helping the arising queen with fitting his hair for the ball. Not much was to be done, the only difficulty was adding the glitter and placing the golden vine circlet crown just the right place between his princely curls.
 “You flatter me too much,” he giggled. “Have you finished?”
 “And…done!” Kandake just wanted to adjust a single golden leaf from the crown out of place.
 “Great! Now let me do your hair!” Feliciano excited, taking an instant jump to start.
 “Feliciano, I don’t think you’re familiar with my kind of hair!”
 “I can still try! Just let me know if it’s hurting or I’m doing something that can damage it.” He pushed her towards a mirror, so she could keep a constant check.
 “Now…hmmm,” he began to think about what exactly he was going to do.
 “Feliciano, you really need to prepare yourself for the ball. In fact, I should be the one dealing with you right now.”
 “Don’t worry! We have enough time!” Feliciano took a white ribbon from a desk, keeping it around his neck as he began to take Kandake’s hair to prepare into the form he wanted.
 “You will surely get scolded by Ludwig,” she reminded.
 “Pfftt, he won’t,” Feliciano rolled his eyes and determined in the fixing.
 He remembered how in his first ball at the castle, that phrase would have him panicking, obedient, because he was so terrified to deal with Ludwig. How beautifully things had changed, how the words now didn’t mean the threat from before, whatever anger Ludwig could come with surely one he could tame and cure with their kisses, words and embraces. He was looking forward to spending this ball with him.
 “Shouldn’t he be here preparing himself,” she wondered as she hadn’t spotted him in the room since she entered.
 Feliciano shrugged, “he told me that there were some things he wanted to discuss with his grandparents and would prepare elsewhere.” Feliciano wasn’t really thinking about it.
 “Then, shouldn’t you be dealing with the guest if he’s not able to?”
 “Kandake…let me finish your hair before anything.”
  The ball was the shine, the gold, the red, the expected lavishness of the castle that had the guest awing as they made their way down the halls to the ballroom. Feliciano had decided on more peaches, diamonds, red flowers to flourish at every single sight. Most vases, statues and desks were moved, bringing in more space, for the mix of visitors that came from all kingdoms this time in preparation for the coming reunion of all the royals. More chandeliers were placed than usual to alight the drinks of apple and peach wine, the jewels in their guests, the laughter that started at the opening of the large doors, all kinds of conversations swarming, bringing to life and already making this one of the many balls to remember.
 Of all the Heartian royals, the first to greet the plentitudes was Ludwig Beilschmidt, descending in a wear of an opened white tail coat, embroidered elegantly in red, underneath it a rich red vest and tightened white shirt with a not too flamboyant cravat. It needed to add just a small touch.  All to his suit, his pants, his boots, suited his figure excellently, having many who he passed by sway at how handsome he shone for the evening.
 “And who must this be for?” Of all the annoying people he had to meet first.
 Ludwig rolled his eyes but turned with the most respectful expression he could utter to welcome King Francis. “Hallo, Bonnefoy.”
 “As emotionless as ever I see. Doesn’t fit how well you look,” he dared wink and Ludwig had to hold himself well from showing the roll of his eyes.
 “Ludwig!” Lili greeted happily, jumping on Ludwig for an embrace that the taller had no problem giving.
 Lili shone elegantly in such a simple yellow dress, with beautiful floral diamonds at the top, the same ones she had circulating around her hair as her crown. “It’s so nice to see you after everything. How have you been? How is Feliciano? We’ve been hearing some amazing things from you two!” She excited.
 “Lili, what did I tell you?” Vash scolded, coming along to join them as well in his own decorated suit.
 “It’s only Ludwig,” she complained.
 “Lili, I have to admit, it’s not queenly acting,” Francis scolded gently.
 Lili pouted and Ludwig was about to exclaim joining to her side about doing as she pleased, but when spotting a blue and green from between the crowds of other guest, he got reminded. “Where are the others?”
 “They’ve just arrived and are dealing with the traffic outside,” Francis told.
  Both the royal Spadians and Clubians arrived at the same instant, their doors swung in the same moment, all coming down to meet each other in an easy sight.
 “Hey! Ivan! How you doing?” Alfred exclaimed unceremoniously, waving his whole body along like a child.
 Ivan smiled and gave a gentle wave and smile, with it hiding the true groan he wanted to use. Elizabeta was the only one that shared a true excited greeting, while Arthur was embarrassed and tried to get Alfred to calm down.
 “Where is Yao?” Ivan asked, trying to spot the Spadian jack.
 “Oh, he’s, uh-” Yao was signing at Alfred to shut up, wondering if there was a chance he could head out through the other exit without Ivan noticing. “He’s…already in the ball!” Alfred came out with just in time, Arthur giving a sigh of relief.
 “Ah, I must search for him instantly.” Without more to spare, he made way into the feast, greeting and bowing to those he should.
 It was then that Roderich dismounted, looking over to the Spadian royals with suspicion. “He’s still in the coach, isn’t he?”
 Yao thought it safe to head out, waving in greeting to another fellow Jack.
 “This is a royal reunion, Yao. At one point you’ll both have to be in the same room,” Roderich warned as he made his way forward into the castle alongside his queen.
  Ludwig’s movements through the halls and ballroom were slow, for every corner there was somebody calling for a chat, a greeting, a join into a drink or snack that he took to not disrespect…as well as to calm the nervousness he possessed.
 “It’s nice to know your kingdom is welcoming to tribal fairies,” one such creature had told Ludwig.
 “Our kingdom accepts all. I wish you luck in settling and that you continue to enjoy the feast,” he wished with a clink of their wine glasses.
 “Thank you, your highness.” The group turned away and Ludwig was momentarily relieved to have freedom, until he felt someone staring him down from behind. He turned to meet with familiar jokers.
 “Ludwig, it’s so great to see you again!” Dua was the first to shout and greet of the group.
 All were dressed elegantly in yellow, with shines and details typical of their provinces in Diamonds. Ludwig gave them all smiles, chatting instantly on how they had been since their last meeting. He took all by turn, until finally-
 “I’ve heard about how your relationship has improved.” This time, he didn’t feel that jealous flare from the last time he had met with Haris, sharing a smile and a civilized hand shake.
 “It has. I’m truly glad you’re here for the night.”
 “We couldn’t waste a chance of being invited by the very arising royals to the Heartian castle,” Gupta added.
 “Feliciano will be ecstatic to see you all. He’s pretty late, but sooner or later he will appear,” Ludwig let them know.
 “Ah, no wonder we can’t find him anywhere!” A familiar voice added, Ludwig now turning to meet the ones who had helped Feliciano and him with a good part of their traverse in Spades, as well as their companions when saving the capital city from the invading men of Khaos.
 “Hello, Mei,” Ludwig turned to greet the new group, in their own flourishing blues, bowing, all except Mei and Lei, who were mostly searching for Feliciano still.
 Both these groups joined to chat and speak, at one point Ludwig leaving them in his own search for Feliciano. He went back into the halls hoping to have a better meeting of him, instead, he saw two figures he could just not ignore as they passed by each other.
 “You made it,” Ludwig greeted them, giving his hand to shake.
 Despite how normal he tried to keep this greet, Neeraja and Priya still bowed, shinning like the very diamonds and chandeliers with blues and silvers.
 “And we thank you deeply!”
 “It is an honor to be here,” Priya smiled grandly.
 “This will be you home for the next few days.”
 “Actually…it will be for more.”
 “What do you mean?”
 Neeraja and Priya glanced to each other with knowing smirks.
 “Have you forgotten a detail about us?”
 And that’s when Ludwig remembered, “oh, yes, fortune tellers.”
 “We only recommend you prepare the castle for a much longer stay than planned for your guest.”
 They were about to turn and leave to other matters, but Ludwig just had to ask. “You knew all this…you knew what would happen after I entered the field.”
 They turned to him once again, wondering what he meant and what he wanted to get to.
 “And…you know what will continue to happen, about the alignment…the war. Is there…anything you can tell us to prepare.”
 Neeraja and Priya shared glances of concern, silently speaking about what they could say, but it was quickly decided.
 “No. We’re sorry, Ludwig, but we do not like to release a future that is best you keep uncertain about,” Neeraja uttered.
 “We can only give you the same words of advice from before. Train, practice, learn everything you can of your power and hope that it can be the best,” Priya continued.
 They bowed once again and this time surely left elsewhere, Ludwig giving them a simple wave, off then to continue on his waiting for Feliciano.
 “Ah, his highness, Feliciano Vargas!” And there was the calling from one of the guards, in prepare for his entrance to the ball.
 Ludwig turned, awaiting a descend from the stairs in the area. He was so sure, ready, strong enough to deal with what he will ask him later, but gazing now at his utter perfection wear and shine, it all extinguished and his mind was left in rubbish. He wasn’t alone in this, as all turned and were swayed at the Hearts arising queen. Of course, he was the subject of all this attention. He had been the main talk all this time after Augusta’s reveal, along with him being an Ace and destined to save them all. It was as if they were already staring at a god in the heavens, some already bowing, others left breathless and many just stared and admired his well proclaimed beauty.
 Everything on his suit was well crafted in flowers and jewels, placed in just an elegant fashion that grew well all around him. It was tight, showing a figure that surely had many drooling, yet it was soft and comfortable, shown in the ease and smile Feliciano came down in. A silky cape followed him, long, but not reaching the floor or covering the grace he held, it flew about with him. Then there was glitter, beautiful on his hair along with the laurel crown, as well as a simple touch around his eyes.
 A true star, a true shine, sucking whatever movement Ludwig could have given, left only with impression and wonder. Feliciano managed to spot him between the heavy crowd, giving him an adoring smile, eager to be near him that instant. And after nervousness, there was pride.
 No matter the people there, who swooned and could only dream of having an arising royal of that magnitude, Ludwig didn’t have to worry. As he walked his way between the people, he knew there was no other Feliciano thought about, no other he was expecting, no other to hold him, to kiss him to all’s impression and make clear who was the couple that would bring strength to a coming war. It made him stand taller than the usual, for all to instantly give pass without question, for they knew that the king was coming to greet his queen.
 Feliciano was close to reaching the crowds, but Ludwig reached the bottom of those stairs first, offering a hand for him to take and Feliciano practically dashed forward to it. They spun and laughed, much to the awe and impression from those who knew how rocky their relationship had been before.
 “You look, well…gorgeous, beautiful…I-I…what else can I say?” Ludwig laughed.
 Feliciano chuckled, “you already have me flattered. And you, look so handsome and wonderful and all mine and all I want to do is kiss you.”
 “Who am I to stop that?”
 “Good.” And Feliciano threw his arms around him with a greeting kiss that had the surprise even wider across the crowds. They indulged in their lips for what they wanted, a dispatch to an applaud greet of the crowds, and both waving their own back.
 As it died down, as all found other attention, Ludwig and Feliciano. with their arms well wrapped, decided on joining the feast and enjoying from what would be offered. It wasn’t long until they received shouts and the wanting of others to be close to them.
 “Feli!” It was a very loud familiar shout from a Dane, coming along with his own familiar group.
 “Oh gods! It’s so great to see all of you again!” Feliciano quickly went to wrap his own arms around each of them, strong embraces with sways and even accepted kisses on the cheek by the arising queen.
 “You have to tell me all that has happened after you left us in the diamond kingdom,” Feliciano was eager to know.
 “You’re the one with a lot to tell us,” Lukas said.
 “What has happened even reached us,” Berwald added.
 “You’re quite famed now,” Tino said.
 Feliciano blushed, “yeah, it’s…a lot to take in. But, Emil! How did it go with the ingression to the Luna Rani Academy?”
 Emil heavily smiled, an excitement that grew that had Feliciano taking both his hands in a dear hold.
 “I got accepted! I’m starting in a month!” And Emil joined Feliciano along in shouts and jumps as if it was the first time he got the acceptance letter.
 “I’m so glad and happy for you! Oh, you’ll make an amazing student! You’ll make lots of new friends and study all kinds of things! You have to write and let me know how it all goes!”
 “I’ll be glad to!”
 “Feli!” And then there was the Amazon group, Martin practically tumbling Feliciano down to the ground.
 “Martin, please, don’t kill him,” Elisa commented as she tried to hold the rest from crushing the poor arising queen.
 The rest were loud blabbers that it was a miracle Ludwig and Feliciano could understand. More groups joined and greeted, as those of the Oralee, of the Asian provinces, the Diamond kingdom joker group and the other royals, with conversations, anecdotes, meetings and stories that could have lasted long into the night. Not to mention that they all wanted to be introduced to Augustino, all new gushes that Lovino had learned lately to just stand.
 To be honest, Ludwig and Feliciano did not expect to be so heavily ambushed by so many people. Not that they minded, but they still needed an occasional breath.
 Time flew, the night was coming into deeper darkness and it was quite awakening when the King, Queen and Jack took the tallest standing for the usual welcome and speech, with the reasonings of the ball, mentioning the successful track of the journey, Augusta, the fear of the coming war and finally: “-but let us now calm whatever agitations with a dance. As per tradition, let us let our arising royals begin our lead with a song of their choosing. Ludwig, Feliciano.” Queen Louis opened her arms to the welcome of the open floor left for them, the orchestra ready and anxiously waiting.
 What a change that this time, Ludwig and Feliciano didn’t have to question it. Their acceptance was giving in a simple glance along with a smirk, already deciding the song. They walked together arm and arm, by the orchestra, giving a bow as a thank you to their music. As Feliciano pointed to his laurel crown with a wink, it was obvious what song was meant to be played. The composer turned to his musicians and instantly began the familiar song known well to be that of the King and Queen of Hearts.
 No complains, no hatred, no disappointment, the arising royals happily took their way to the center, wishing this dance, wishing this moment for themselves if even the many eyes. Feliciano turned to Ludwig, both taking the usual ready position, making sure to be comfortable, that they were set right, assured with a smile and the blushing color even in their eyes.
 The sway that began was slow, simple, leaning them into the acceptance of the very song. This time, there were real smile in their faces, a glow that jumped all over the large ballroom, a spread that was helped as Ludwig and Feliciano took bigger spaces as they moved, taking quite a design on the floor for themselves. Spins, different kinds of grasps, of extends, graceful movement in every possible way that had everyone in true wonder and impression, lost in this magic, in a truth of love shown, even as the star dancers were ignorant to all those present. When the song took its known height, the arising royals matched with its quickness, jumping and daring to try new moves that were the perfect synchronization even when it was the first time. They laughed, they enjoyed, they focused on what they could create, of how they could test their trust with the sudden new movements. Unlike the last dance they shared in a ball, they were having fun, they felt freed, they shone with beauty and even as the song came to its conclusion, they waited on that last hold for more. As all around them clapped, and as they breathed, they could only stare into their eyes, wording whatever plot for the next song.
 In this new one, others began to join along, and so Ludwig and Feliciano joined in dancing around them, smiling and greeting whenever they met with other couples they knew, like Herakles and Kiku, and Alfred and Arthur. They shouted, they matched, they sang and Ludwig had never thought that he would actually want to continue along with this feast no matter the song, the people that surrounded them or even if he was getting tired.
 It was around the sixth song that he realized he was running out of breath, that neither his legs or arms could take anymore, yet he laughed and smiled, happy then to just hold Feliciano with him in an ending calming sway.
 Yes, he wanted him, more than anyone, anything and he knew that no time was better to solidify that union. Whatever nervousness, he tried to keep it well inside him with his breaths, his hands on Feliciano’s waist, distracted in the scent of his hair…he was wearing the perfume he gave him. They were well calmed, part of the many couples swaying in soothing motions, the light dimmed as if to give them all that moving nap. No one noticed as Ludwig signaled Feliciano to follow him elsewhere, and the arising queen, in his daze, easily followed behind him through all the lessening activity of the ball. They reached one of the large glass and colored doors, through which they could see the towering formed bushes and trees of the garden, entering into their lost, their colors, and the few lights that were lighted for the occasion, for those who wanted a stroll of the aromatic area or just wanted privacy away from all the bustling crowds of the feast. They hadn’t drunken any alcohol, and yet Ludwig and Feliciano giggled, danced and even played about the paths as if they had gone through their heavy effects. Everything looked spectacular in the night, it was a surprise it was so lonely. Why didn’t anybody else dare to enjoy from this green? These stoned pathways, particular fauna, fountain, hedges, arches, all made in a singularity of red and beauty that was definitely worth the visit, especially if you came from another kingdom. To Ludwig, it was better. All this extended space and wonder for themselves, made it more unique, serene, the seclusion for what Ludwig planned.
 They reached what was either a middle or end, both of them tired, taking a sitting in a shaped white marbled bench, in an enclosure of roses and a tall tree that draped with its branches, leaves and vines, keeping them closed from any kind of reach of the party. They breathed heavily, finding calm after their thread across the garden, Ludwig especially readying for what was to come. They enjoyed from the silence, from the only rustling being the occasional breeze and their continuing breaths.
 “This was a nice break,” Feliciano admitted with an appreciated smile, stretching and settling much closer to Ludwig’s side, thighs touching.
 “There were more people than usual in this ball.”
 “We did invite a lot,” Feliciano reminded.
 “We did, but it’s nice seeing them again, make ourselves really sure that they’re doing fine,” Ludwig smiled with such a kindness that Feliciano ogled with a clear stare.
 “What?” Ludwig wondered for it.
 Feliciano sighed dreamily, “you look more handsome than usual when you admit you care.”
 Ludwig chuckled, “I’ve always done, Feliciano.”
 “You were too busy hiding it though.”
 “I was, but…things have changed, haven’t they?” Ludwig reached his hand and took Feliciano’s grasp gently.
 “They have and I’ve made very sure that I’ve loved every single moment of it since you opened.” Feliciano looked up and shared his other hand with his, exchanging those grasps in a loving strength.  
 “Yet I don’t think I’ll ever stop apologizing for how I treated you either,” Ludwig reminded.
 “It’s not necessary. It’s in the past and we’ve learned to move forward and can look ahead in earnest.”
 “Even with a war?”
 “I’m sure we’ll beat Khaos,” Feliciano was determined as he brought Ludwig’s hand to kiss in promise.
 Silence then settled, but neither minded it, their eyes could speak enough. Feliciano distracted though, in a new breeze that brought along and intensified the perfumed aroma of roses. He turned to follow it and Ludwig to determine himself in asking. His hands shook and Feliciano turned back to him instantly in worry.
 “I love you,” Ludwig pushed himself to say before anything, raising a hand to take Feliciano’s face, fingers tracing well the softness, the glitter, even the warmth that he felt grow beneath his fingertips. “I want to be with you always…I want us to be together for this war.”
 “And we will be,” Feliciano assured as he raised his own hand to join his.
 “I was us to be together in a different way than this.”
 Feliciano’s eyes widened in a moment of worry, the worst coming to his mind first. It only worsened when Ludwig stood, but calmed once he saw him kneel before him, close, taking a powerful and somehow prideful stance between his legs. He lay like this simple for a while, Feliciano now seeing clear the nervousness in his eyes.
 “Ludwig…are you okay? You seem really-” Feliciano was suddenly startled by a ring directly faced towards him. He was left without a word at the wonderful shine of red of the jewel, marbled well in gold, like a rose heart tempting to grow and embrace him in its shine. It was utterly beautiful, one that could blind, shut and leave Feliciano in an utterly frozen state. It was a wonder he could stare at it properly when Ludwig was shaking, constantly gulping, sweat temping to drop from his brow.
 “I-It…was supposed to be your eighteenth birthday present, but after everything…well, I hid and tried to forget about it.” The gulp he gave then, along with his inhales, were deeply heard. “I…I...made it myself…took me weeks to be able to craft it with my magic how I wanted. I still think I need to retouch it… but maybe once a year I can add something or fix it how you wish,” he eased, distracting. He had to shake his head once again to bring him back to the track he wanted to take. “I…I know I don’t deserve you, I know I acted like a total fool before and know that I don’t deserve to even be asking you this question again. But I assure you that this time…I’m not asking because it’s duty, because it’s an engagement our families decided on or because it’s what the Aces, and the kingdom, and the rest of the world wants. This…this is not a recitation from an old tradition book, it’s not because of what’s coming or either because of the prosperity that will fall on our kingdom.” He took a moment to breathe, to gather his new words, while Feliciano remained as still, as patient and waiting for him to continue. “I’m asking because I want to be with you as this. I truly want us to rule together, to strengthen it with a love that I always want to devote true and powerful to you. I’ll journey far for you, no fear to loose, I’ll take down every opponent. There will be no heat or freeze to go against me. No sun, no rain…” It was then that he noticed what exactly he was saying, Feliciano giggling, but not minding. He only leaned closer to hear him clearer. “I love you and I want to be your husband, your king. So please, will you marry me? Will you accept to be mine…my queen?”
 He looked so vulnerable, every weakness and opening in all his beautiful self that showed more strength than any soldier in a battlefield. Feliciano grinned and gave the gentlest laugh, the closest that he could show to the true flourishing that was occurring at this question that was now the loveliest shine to have happened.  He leaned close, placing a gentle kiss of calmness on his head.
 “I don’t want any of the riches you will bring,
I don’t care for any of the songs,
I only want you to hold,
I only want your arms around me,”
 He began to sing sweetly, jokingly composing with a finger across their simple air. It died suddenly for both to laugh in the hold of their arms.
 “Would you want all the gold I will find for you?
Would you like the songs I will bring from afar for you?
Would you accept me as your shield?
And would you want me always by your side?”
 Ludwig managed to sing between, getting the lock of their eyes.
 “I don’t want any of the riches you will bring,
I don’t care for any of the songs,
I only want you to hold,
I only want your arms around me,”
 Feliciano answered, beginning a sway how they could in this position.
 “Bring me your love, your kisses, your loyalty,
Your passion, your hope, your defeat,
Your promise, your weakness, your strength,
I will keep it all in my heart.
 I’ll journey and see beyond the lines of our kingdom,
Never a fear to be lost, never a fear to fall,
In pleasure…”
 Ludwig stopped singing, worried that the song was a distraction for him not to worry for when Feliciano denied him yet again. There was such a look of failure in his eyes and in it Feliciano saw that he now had to give his sure answer, one that in it lay a weight that the whole kingdom rested on.
 “…I will take the mysteries of what I could meet…” Feliciano continued to sing in that low whisper, as the last time thinking, wondering…
 “If you accept to be mine…” he stopped his swaying to lay still, with his upper body reaching his arms to rest on Ludwig’s shoulders “…my King.”
 To be honest, the kingdom, the aces, his duties and responsibilities were the last on his mind when he looked into Ludwig’s adored blue eyes, still so terrified yet so naked in truth. All in his mind was love, his utter devotion to him, the feelings he instigated and how united, they could create so much more than what they knew on a surface. Happiness, he knew that there in his arms was his happiness, his shield, his sun, his heart. He didn’t think what it would mean to others but to himself, what this man would be to him, the trust and loyalty he would lay and he knew would prove faithful and brave. He thought about his true answer, well decided by the moment the ring was presented, before him now his true friend, his true king, his true Ludwig.
 This time, in earnest, in joy and excited with all the expectations that were to come, he answered him:
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phoenixkratos · 7 years
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Mass upload of the last few days (+two earlier days that I started on time but wasn’t satisfied with) of the Fakeathon, which I was too tired to post the day of, whoops! No color, sorry; again, I was kinda beat, heh.
Day 4 (Fairy): Musynthe, fairy/poison. So y’all know the drink absinthe is sometimes called the “green fairy”, right? And that it has (somewhat exaggerated) hallucinogenic effects, and that artsy types in the 1920′s liked to drink it? I’ve wanted to do a drunken inspiration fairy fakemon for so long, man.
Day 9 (Elf): ugh ugh ugh it took ages to even approach a halfway-decent redesign for this thing (Faelan’s fire starter, also a fairy-type), why are humanoid pokémon so hard, why is it impossible to find a middle ground between “bipedal animal” and “literally just a human” and “super-abstracted only vaguely humanoid shape that looks way too much like gardevoir/gallade”, aaaaaaaaaaaa. I’m kind of cautiously optimistic about this, though? No silly tail, the “cape” makes it look a little less awkwardly spindly and a bit more appropriately magicky/fairy-like, the hair-hat-ears abomination actually looks kinda neat... still probably needs tweaking, and I still need to do the first two stages, but yeah. ???? (Its current name is asgolan, but I’m not sure I want to keep that. I’m in the middle of brainstorming more.)
Day 26 (Kobold): Vanganile, dragon/fighting. Two different designs, neither of which I’m totally in love with, quelle surprise. This is actually part of the same oversized group of too many legendaries as most of the others, like concaladin and mardolanz and tyregnos and whatever, except whether vanganile itself is a legendary is debatable. It’s powerful, but not 580/680 BST powerful, and if Faelan were in a game it would be possible to get more than one in the same save file. More phione-like than a proper legendary, then, except a little bit stronger and much more of an aggressive troublemaker that attacks in swarms.
Day 27 (Druid): Another one where I had no idea what to do. It almost started out as a deerlike wizardy thing similar to vecanis the doggolich from the other day, but I didn’t want to repeat the same design elements so soon, so instead it turned into some kind of antlered forest protector thing. Or an owlbear in a hood, I dunno. No definite types yet, but grass is presumably a safe bet.
Day 28 (Legendary #1): ...is now substantially less special than I’m sure Twitch intended because my whole Fakeathon has been, like, 50% legendaries. Oops! This isn’t related to the big unwieldy group but instead is a mythical, mew-esque thing that had a name I don’t like anymore so now I can’t decide between “feinard” and “artifix”. It’s normal-type, anyway, and based on the trickster archetype in mythology. It’s not part of the unwieldy group, but I’m sure it’s spent plenty of time harassing them, heh.
Day 29 (Legendary #2): Morphosos, fairy/water, doesn’t look impressive enough considering it’s Faelan’s strongest legendary. Don’t want to say too much about it, but it has something to do with dreams, and that misty look ain’t just for show.
Day 30 (Legendary #3): Will not be posted, sorry! I did finish this one, too, but it’s related to a new thingie I’m poking at this month, and I’d rather not show it off just yet—spoilers, obviously, and also because there’s something I’d like to try due to the nature of the project. It’s really cool-looking, though! So awesome. Easily the best thing I’ve done all month. It’s such a shame that you can’t see it. Poor you. Oh, well!
And that’s everything! Thanks again to @oripoke for running this and providing the prompts! It was nice to finally get a solid starting point on some long-overdue new ideas and revisions. Hopefully most of these will get polished artwork and make their way onto the Phoenixdex sometime soon!
(continues screaming about friggin’ asgolan why do you make my life difficult)
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