#Excited for the rest of this series to come about though hahahahahahha
ghastlybin · 2 years
Hello, can i make a request? 🥺🥺 what do you think about some zombie / post apocalypse AU with Handong? Idk, maybe reader and her met in some horde killing, they team up and ... Love blossoms 🤣 i leave it to you ☺️
Yoooooo first series, this first part is more of an introduction. I've edited this like four times so if there's any mistakes, disregard. PFFT. Anyways, thank you for requesting! I'm excited for this and as always, check the warnings!!!! Ily and I love Handong :,)
▾Zombie Apocalypse! AU ▾ Series ▾ Angst ▾ Fluff ▾ Reader x Handong are endgame ▾ Some zombies are mutated but that'll show up later ▾ Survival ▾ gun usage▾ Hurt/comfort? ▾ some profanity ▾ FT. The rest of Dreamcatcher ▾ Also featuring a number of other idols that won’t show up until… Later chapters. ▾ I’ve waited my whole life to write a zombie AU. I fcking love post-apocalyptic stuff, as you will soon find out. ▾ Let’s MF goooooooo ▾ I will add more tags as we go lol▾
Synopsis▾ For weeks after the outbreak of violent outbursts from people infected with a mysterious virus, you were alone and slowly running out of food and places to go. After running from a horde of infected, you meet Handong, the person who saved your life.
-> Part 02
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You were numb to it by now, seeing infected roam the streets. Some ran, most walked, and others started showing signs of mutation.
It’s not like you didn’t care though. It bothered you knowing that the infected you’ve had to run from for months now, were once people living day-to-day just as you were.
The same infection that wiped half— If not most of the population. The ones that survived, are in a constant state of survival mode. The infected weren’t the only ones you needed to outlast.
There was also famine, disease, other humans— The hostiles, and the loneliness you faced being one of the few left alive.
You moved around the city, trying to always stay one step ahead of the infected. You made your way towards a small grocery store that was mostly looted during the first week of the outbreak.
A bell rang out through the store as soon as you opened the door, hoping you were completely alone in the store. And to your luck, you were. Though the quiet made you feel uneasy about your surroundings.
The store proved futile as a source of food, but there were pretty sufficient hiding spots in the event you would need a place to hide. You were low on food, though, and you weren’t entirely sure on how long the rest of your supply would last.
A loud gunshot startled you, dropping the mangled can you barely picked up. Then you heard shouting from outside, distant, but nearby.
“This way! There are too many!” The voice of a woman shrilled through the streets outside. You ran out of the store, the same bell ringing as you were curious to see another human.
You immediately regretted letting curiosity get the best of you when the lifeless eyes of the infected— A horde, had seen you, hearing the chiming of the bell on the door.
“Shit.” You mumbled.
And you ran. You always have been. It’s either you run, or you let the infected rip you apart.
You always thought being lonely was better than being dead, and from the looks of it, you would be lonely again and the women you heard would be another infected in the city soon.
Every non-hostile person has ended up turning or dying in some way.
You weren’t an exception either.
You ran through the streets, turning into an alleyway the first chance you got, trying to throw off the infected.
Most walked, but the ones that ran? They were faster than you anticipated.
You made the mistake of looking back to get a sense of how close they were. You could hear their hungry growls and shrieks, but seeing how close they got to you caused a panic to take over your body and you tripped, falling on the hard concrete, skidding as the friction burned into your shins, knees, and hands as you tried to catch yourself.
When an infected jumped on you, hungrily gnashing its teeth, you thought you were done. That it would soon be over, and you wouldn’t have to live in survival mode anymore, wondering where your next meal would come from or if you would ever meet another person out there that didn’t want to kill or rob you.
You felt yourself give up, thinking that was the only thing to do.
In that moment, a loud gunshot had your ears ringing and the infected was harshly kicked off of you. Attempting to regain your bearings, a hand wrapped around your arm, pulling you up.
“Can you run?”
Another gunshot rang out as this mysterious woman fended off the horde of infected long enough for you to reassess your priorities.
“Yes.” You answered, the stinging from the fall lingering. It wasn’t enough to render you immobile, but you weren't going to deny that it hurt.
“Run!” She stopped shooting and pulled you along, breaking into a sprint. This time, you didn’t look back.
You and the woman ran until you circled back to the grocery store, only this time, you avoided the main door and redirected the woman around the back of the store, entering through the back.
You shut the door after she ran in, collapsing against the door from the exhaustion after running. The woman joined you, sitting across from you and against the wall beside an empty shelf.
“Thank you, for saving me.” You panted, speaking lowly as to avoid attracting attention. She lightly shrugged.
“I would like to think you would’ve done the same if it were the other way around.”
“You have a lot of faith in strangers.” You commented. She cracked a smile, taking a deep breath as her breathing began to calm.
“I’m Handong.”
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced, hearing the infected outside. Luckily none of them saw you two enter the small grocery store.
“There. Now we aren’t strangers anymore.” Handong reached into her backpack, pulling out a smaller bag. She pulled out a water bottle before opening the smaller bag.
“Show me your wounds.” Handong spoke, nodding for you to pull up your pant leg— Which you did, a bit hesitant.
“They aren’t that bad. Could’ve been worse.” You dismissed as Handong moved closer, washing the blood and dirt off of your scraped knees and shins.
“Maybe. But infection is one hell of a way to go out. Better safe than sorry.” Handong glanced up from your scrapes to meet your eyes. You noticed how close she was, the woman that saved your life, and how beautiful she was.
You felt for a moment that it was the wrong time to think about something like that, especially when there were hundreds of hungry infected outside that almost killed the two of you moments before.
But it was justified. You hadn’t seen another human— That didn’t leave you for dead or try to kill you— Since the early days of the outbreak. Handong lacked enough bandages, but she seemed to know how to even out the placement to where it looked like it was enough.
She took your hands gently, pouring the cool liquid against your palms, cleaning the scrape on your palms as best as she could with what she had.
“You fell pretty hard.” Handong used the rest of the bandage wrap to wrap your palms.
“Yeah.” You stared at her, unsure what else to say. You were still mesmerized by her beauty and how much kindness she showed you.
“I can clean your wounds better back at our hideout, but for now, this will help until the horde leaves this area.” Handong moved back to her previous spot, her back against the wall again.
“Are you a doctor?” You asked. Handong smiled, shaking her head.
“Hardly. I’m just the stand-in until we find an actual doctor.”
You hung onto her every word, finding her fascinating. Her voice, her looks, and her personality— From what you’ve been exposed to thus far.
“Do you have a place to stay? A group?” Handong asked, steering the conversation to you.
“No and no. You are the first non-hostile person I’ve met in months.”
Handong checked the magazine of her gun as you said that, almost triggering your fight or flight.
“You’re not alone there.” Handong holstered her gun after seeing how many bullets she had. “I can recall the number of times we kept ourselves awake because of hostiles in the area. If I could count on my hands how many times that was, that’s a bad sign because then I would be one of the mutated infected and I’d suggest you back away from me.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, and even though she was serious, she ended up smiling at you for thinking she was funny.
And for a moment, you had forgotten the state of the world. You forgot the lonely days that turned into weeks, which turned into months. Having an actual conversation with an actual person rather than making comments to yourself just to fill the noise, felt a whole world better.
You hoped with every ounce left in you that you wouldn’t part ways.
The loneliness would’ve killed you before any infected would’ve. And maybe it was because of that fact that Handong saved you in more ways than one.
“I think the horde is gone.”
Standing up from the dirty tile, you peeked outside, seeing the horde was, for sure, gone, and left a trail of blood in their wake.
“Thank you, again.” You felt the dread of your moment with her coming to an end. She seemed to notice you stepping in the opposite direction of her and grabbed your wrist, careful as to not graze her hand against your scrapes.
“Come with me.”
You would have cried— If you could. You wouldn’t be alone anymore.
“To your group?” You hoped she wouldn’t change her mind.
But the smile on her face eased your worries, “yes. Where else?”
You shrugged and she grabbed your hand, adding to the relief and security she made you feel. As long as you stuck with Handong and you played your cards right, you wouldn’t be alone again.
With Handong, you felt you didn’t have to tip-toe or walk on eggshells around her. You followed her through short cuts she took all the way back to where her group was waiting— She hoped, at least.
It didn’t matter to you either that the city around you was painted in the blood of the dead or the wreckage of those who initially panicked when the outbreak happened, it was horrible, but you were able to ignore it this time because Handong was holding your hand.
Maybe it was too early to already have feelings for her.
Maybe you didn’t have feelings for her and was just glad someone saw enough value in you to save your life the way she did.
Handong looked back at you, an expression on her face that translated to ‘still alive?’. Whether she was actually thinking that or not, it felt nice, and you were certain that you were developing feelings for her.
She briefly let go of your hand, looking ahead at an old hotel that had barricades of dead cars and makeshift wooden fences surrounding the building.
“Don’t move.” Handong whispered. Handong proceeded to pick up a rock, throwing it at one of the cars. The rock caused a much louder sound than expected.
“Handong?” Another woman walked into view, holding a crowbar.
“Oh good, you all made it.” Handong sighed a breath of relief, motioning for you to follow her as the other woman opened the gate.
“We were worried about you.” The woman hugged Handong as she eyed you on your way into the safe zone.
“Who is this?” They pulled apart and Handong nodded towards you, giving you the go-ahead to introduce yourself.
“I’m Y/N. Handong saved my life.” You slowly smiled widely, trying to ease the tension. The other woman glanced at Handong, then back at you.
“I’m Yoobin.” She eased up on you, still showing caution at your arrival. You didn’t blame her either. You knew you weren’t bad, but they didn’t.
Just as you didn’t know whether they were actually good people or not. That’s how the world was. You didn’t know who to trust and who not to trust.
Who would save a person's life just to kill them?
“Handong’s back? I heard her signal but I—” Another woman appeared; She was holding a baseball bat that was latched to a makeshift holster on her back.
“Ah, Gahyeon, meet Y/N. The person Handong saved.” Yoobin glanced at you. And for a split second, you swore she smiled.
“Nice to meet you… Please don’t turn into a bad person. We are… Jumpy.” Gahyeon shook your hand. You couldn’t tell if she was threatening you or not, but you were more appeased that she showed willingness to trust you.
The three women walked inside and Handong motioned for you to follow them.
You were met with four more women, each holding a weapon of their own and varying differently from each other.
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced once more, feeling your nerves wracking as they each stared at you in varying degrees of caution.
“I’m Minji.” One of them spoke up. She was holding a hammer, gripping the handle as if ready for you to try something.
“I’m Bora.” The woman beside her spoke. Bora was holding a hatchet, also gripping it like her life depended on it. In her mind, it did.
You reminded yourself, you would be the same way. The hostiles ruined trust for those surviving.
“I’m Siyeon.” The woman holding a switchblade introduced herself next. It wasn’t open or ready to use, but you weren’t going to underestimate her speed— Or try her, for that matter.
“And I’m Yoohyeon, assuming you’ve already met Handong, Gahyeon, and Yoobin.” She was the only not holding a weapon. Nor did you see one attached to her.
It was about a week into you moving in that you found out her weapon was using and setting up traps for infected and hostiles alike.
Minji seemed to lead the place. She proved to be a great leader, in fact, and gave you a chance to prove yourself that you weren’t going to try anything that would get yourself or anyone else killed or hurt. She warmed up to you after you brought back food on a supply run and actually came back.
You deemed Bora as the ‘builder’, learning about how she’s the one that built the barricades around the hotel. It made more sense to you, seeing her weapon being a hatchet. She was impressed when you offered to help reinforce the fences, which greatly improved the defenses.
Siyeon is quick on her feet and quick to using her switchblade when needed. It isn’t clear exactly what her position was in the group, but that didn’t matter. You were just glad you were on her ‘shit-list’. Despite her clearly being a good fighter, she was actually very kind to you, and you offered to help her clear out the upper levels of the hotel.
You dubbed Yoohyeon as the strategic one in the group and she even taught you have to create a trap, which was tested on a roaming infected. She did laugh at your reaction when your trap worked, pinning the infected to a nearby tree.
Yoobin typically went on the food and supply runs. She was the first person you accompanied, learning the ropes from someone who did this routinely. She had a crowbar mainly to break into locked doors that she would run into around the city, and rarely ever used it to take down an infected.
Gahyeon usually kept watch for anything suspicious around the outside of the hotel. She knew how to keep hidden as to not alert any potential thieves or murderers. She uses her advantages to warn the group.
And Handong, the stand-in medic, is still the woman you’ve developed feelings for starting from the day you met her. Since then, you’ve gotten closer to her specifically.
Whether it was just in your mind or not, you had a feeling that she felt the same for you.
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