#Excuse You Me (Wilf Commentary)
rosetintedgunman · 6 months
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Peers out at the dash while sipping a drink from a long, silly straw.
"Looks like th' mun's accident did do somethin'... Huh."
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aceofwhump · 1 year
This is a little weird but I was making a gifset for the part in Doctor Who The End of Time part 2 when 10 gets trapped in that glass box and blasted with radiation and after staring at this whole scene literally frame by frame for at least an hour I HAVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS! So please excuse me while I break down all my favorite tiny details about this scene in excruciating detail gif by gif just because I can.
See the full gifset without commentary here.
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Okay lets start with these gifs here ^^^ LOOK AT THAT PAIN FACE!! GOD! The grimace on his face is amazing. I love it.
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A tiny detail in this gif I'd like to point your attention to is the reflection of 10 on the left side the glass when the camera is on Wilf. You can see him start to scream. So good. And the look he gives Wilf? The pain, the watery eyes, the fear. KILL ME
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God isn't this just amazing. The way he writhes before releasing another scream of pain. GOD
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The slow way he just collapses to the ground as the pain becomes too much. The way his hand slides down the glass as he falls slowly to the ground.
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LOOK AT THIS! This is my favorite part okay? Look at how he's curled up on the ground, his hand holding his head and then he grabs at his hair in pain. And he just lays there. In pain.
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Even after the machine turns off. He's still laying on the ground in pain with his hand grabbing his hair. It takes a moment before he can let go and pull himself up.
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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"Sunday's fast approachin', an' that means it's time ta share my latest an' greatest TV idea that I need YOU ta help with. I need some volunteers ta help with my new, safe-fer-work Sinday idea that'll be a hit on daytime TV. But I can't make it public just yet. I need folks who are:
Roleplay blogs.
Can physically interact with others. (Not that way.)
Wanna cause trouble an' get away with it. (No angst this time!)
Are happy ta send an' receive asks from folks ya might not be close with.
And if yer one of them side-blog things, put a comment sayin' who's takin' part, or how many. An' do this if yer a multi-muse! Otherwise I won't know where ta start."
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"So whaddya say? Why don't we have a little fun this weekend?"
"Safe-fer-work fun"
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rosetintedgunman · 10 months
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"Guess I owe Bim a new wheel spinner thing."
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rosetintedgunman · 5 months
@stageplayhero - replying to this
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"Look. Just 'cause I wasn't payin' attention ta th' meetin' an' was doodlin' giraffes doesn't mean I got sucked into Jumanji."
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"At least. Pretty sure I didn't. Am I talkin' ta Mark or a really clever gorilla? Th' Mark at th' meetin' was doin' a lotta gruntin' an' hootin' 'bout something..."
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rosetintedgunman · 5 months
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"Hey. Computer smart folks. Gotta question. Was doin' one of them 'lookin' at minute' things that a guy who attends meetin's is 'sposed ta do, an', well...."
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"What's this mean?"
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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Hey! Stop lookin' at th' dash an' look at me fer a sec.
Have ya told yer reflection ya love it today? Have ya told yer reflection it's cute today?
If yer someone who is just a reflection, go find someone an' make 'em tell ya that yer cute!!
I don't want any of ya sittin' there thinkin' yer not cute. >:}(
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rosetintedgunman · 11 months
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Might just be "Trick or Trick"....
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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"U.nus A.nnus died one thousand days ago :D"
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rosetintedgunman · 5 months
@mysweetlouise - replying to this
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"Yeah but where? I don't see any, an' none appear when I -" He pauses to shake the screen in front of the mirror to demonstrate a lack of falling frogs.
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
Wilf has been made go to bed because timezones, but he hopes that if others are betting against Mark, then he'll make a FORTUNE by being the only person to bet FOR Mark.
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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Fer those of ya takin' part in stuff tomorrow, I'm gonna make a big post with rules an' all th' blogs takin' part so folks know where ta go. But I wanna get two important things in th' open now!
One: timeline hoppin' is encouraged. Doesn't matter if y'd never meet th' other person, its an exception an' ya have my permission ta do so.
Two: SEND asks. Don't just sit on yer cute tooshie an' wait. Ya don't wanna make my boys sad, do ya?
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Wait. That gives me an idea. I gotta go steal a phone.
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rosetintedgunman · 9 months
Th Moonlight Roller get any events going on? Maybe a quiz show or game night?
"I'm glad ya asked! As a matter of fact, there's a big event happenin' reaaaal soon."
Wilford folded his arms smugly, only for confusion to cloud his expression as he reached off-screen to grab a calendar. A quick skim of that restored his confidence.
"Yup. Real soon. Tomorrow, actually! It's New Year's Eve, an' th' Roller is lightin' up with a party. We've got th' rollerskate rink covered up with some fancy sorta carpet an' we're havin' a disco! One of them hootenannies, accordin' to some British fella. But we're gonna do it Warfstache style! I've pestered Yancy fer two full weeks ta perform a song or two, an' put out an offer ta anyone else who wants ta get in on it. We'll have th' diner an' th' arcade open so folks don't hafta dance if they don't wanna. No alcohol, though. Want this friendly fer everyone. That includes no deaths."
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"An' it's not gonna be one of them in-person exclusive doodads! We got an online special fer all you writin' blogs an', ah, curious onlookers. Swing on by an' nab yerself a little gift ta celebrate gettin' ta th' end of th' year. Don't matter yer beliefs or anythin', gettin' this far's a pretty big deal. An' if ya miss it an' arrive in January? Doesn't matter. Ya survived th' jump an' got ta th' right year. Trust me, that's not easy. I once lived through th' whole of 1973 twice. An' that's not mentionin' the times I'd live one day in 2007 an' th' next in 1891."
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"So let's celebrate ya makin' it this far an' that far!"
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
Reaches out.
Puts his hands on both your cheeks so he can lightly squish your face.
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"Yer a fuckin' delight an' I'm glad yer here."
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rosetintedgunman · 7 months
"Hey. Question fer ya."
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"Now that it's nearly March an' most places are gettin' warmer, ya think all these Darks will stop bein' cold? Why's that a thing anyway? Which of ya decided ta put their Dark in a fridge fer a while an' why did th' rest of ya do th' same?"
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rosetintedgunman · 1 year
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Just casually decorating th' dash with balloons, don't mind me.
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