#Expanding competition in metering and related services rule
AEMC moves to accelerate the roll out of smart meters in Australia
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has made a draft rule designed to turbocharge the deployment of smart meters. The draft rule determination states that the rule would achieve ‘universal uptake of smart meters in the NEM [National Energy Market] by 2030’. The new rule represents a major departure from the ‘Expanding competition in metering and related services’ electricity rule that…
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letscomply · 3 years
Foreign Direct Investment Scenario In Infrastructure India
Foreign direct investment scenario in infrastructure India- Since time immemorial there has been an unbreakable bond and connection between infrastructure and economic development of a country. It is something which is not a one-time affair but an ongoing process. As the infrastructure of a country progresses, the economic development of that country also grows. There are some of the most important sectors of infrastructure. They have been inflows of FDI. India is assumed to be one of the fastest-growing economies globally and expectedly in a few years, India will grow at a good rate of and this growth is going to increase demand for infrastructural services.
The word infrastructure includes mining, exploration, refining, cold storage, railway, road, airport, telecommunication, etc.
The exclusive jurisdiction of infrastructure was only with the public sector. So the Government came up with the new policy to include the private sector for delivering services of infrastructure. Since then, the private sector has become more very much involved in the delivery of infrastructural services and also takes care of the financing.
Most of the infrastructure depends on huge amount of capital investments. The Government of India has fame such policies as to attract both the foreign and local capitalists to invest in the domestic infrastructural market. Such policies have helped the domestic infrastructure market to be an attractive destination for foreign investors. After China in 2007, India was ranked second as the most beautiful location for investments in global FDI according to the world investment report of UNCTAD. In order to increase inflows of FDI, there are certainly no policies that have been changed by the Indian Government. For example allowing 100% FDI under automatic route in some of the main sectors of infrastructure. The rest of the sectors which need prior approval minimum of 6 to 8 weeks must be kept in hand. Below are the main three sectors which play an important role for the economic development of a country:-
Click here for – Foreign direct investment from neighbouring countries
1.   ROADS AND HIGHWAYS– India has 3.34 million kilometers of road network which makes it second-largest in the world and it also provides opportunities for foreign direct investments. The policies of the Government in relation to road sector have been simplified in order to attract more of foreign direct investments. The government also provides various incentives for investors of this sector. Under automatic route 100% FDI is allowed by the Government of India in sectors like Highway bridges, toll roads, vehicular tunnels, cargo handling and construction and maintenance of roads.
FDI in construction all sectors amounted to 6.4 % of the total inflows of FDI according to DIPP. Since 100% FDI is allowed Anna road sector so most of the foreign investors in India are trying to participate in the development of the projects of road sectors in the country. As a result, most of the construction companies are being provided large order books. To allow the private sector to participate in the Government made several reforms in the policy which provides incentives to those sectors. Some of the incentives are that the Government will bear the expenses of the project, duty-free import and modern equipment for road construction, declaring the road sector as an industry, simple rules for borrowing, and complete exemption from customs duties.
2.   TELECOMMUNICATIONS– India has more than 903 million users of mobile phones which amounts to the second-largest globally. It also has no more than 121 million users of the internet which amounts to the third-largest globally. India is rapidly growing as a telecom market and giving a very tough competition. This contributes to 2% of the Indian GDP. The telecommunication sector is regarded as an important source for the growth of the economy. This sector also creates huge job opportunities for our youth. Indian telecom sector needs huge amount of capital investment. This sector have achieved a very great development during the last few years and it will surely continue to do so in the near future. The FDI inflows in the sector is a rapidly increasing year by year. In 2000-2001 FDI inflow in the sector was rupees 784.16 crores and it increased to rupees 3938.46 crores in 2001-2002. FDI investors in Indian telecommunication sector was Mauritius on top with more than 66.28 percentage and the next was Singapore with 14.32 percentage. The Government has approved 100% FDI in this sector.
3.   POWER– Huge amount of power generation capacity have lead India to stand as fifth globally and the demand for power is growing year after year. Having an abundant supply of power production, India accounts for nearly two-thirds of the power produced in India. It consists of gas, liquefied fuel, and coal. There are some of the reserves for thermal power generation, which are 775 million metric tons of oil reserves, natural gas reserves of 1074 billion cubic meters and reserves of 59 billion tons of mineable coal. Wind, solar, hydro, nuclear, biomass, Industrial waste, etc. are some of the other important sources of power. India has one of the largest reserves for nuclear fuel for nuclear power. 100% FDI under automatic route is allowed by the Government in this sector for power trading, for distribution of electrical energy to household, for non-conventional energy generation and distribution, etc.
After independence, more than 60 years have elapsed but still India is regarded as a developing country for long term growth attitude. however, there are some barriers to disclose such as an enhancing inequality between modern India, urban India, and backward rural India. This behavior is put under control that is if India code distributes equally its resources among rural, urban, and coastal areas India would be regarded as the most powerful country. Provided a better improvement in infrastructure, this economic growth will be easier for India to attain in the near future. It must improve rail, road, electricity, port, and telecommunication skills as it has tremendous potential to do so. The budget passed by the Government must include support to the above sectors so as to improve can add value to the economy of the country. Having attained a valuable position globally, India must not feel satisfied because so more needs to be done in order to ensure that in the near future India will pause a world-class infrastructure. Foreign Direct Investment Scenario In Infrastructure India
Thus we can say that FDI is an important part of economic F a country. Allowing every I FDI investment in infrastructure can attract major FDI inflows in the economy that will help in increasing employment opportunities and decreasing optimum returns and expanding output. The influence of FDI in the infrastructural sector can be used to fill the investment gap and relaxing exercise workforce in the country. Thus the economy of a country can generally receive benefits of globalization and particularly FDI for utilization of investments in the infrastructural sector and filling the investment gaps. FDI infrastructural sector can help the country to acquire advanced technological knowledge and apply it to the infrastructure and generating capital.
More Info: https://www.letscomply.com/foreign-direct-investment-scenario-in-infrastructure-india/
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3 Lessons About Setting Your Price Learned From a Vegas Prostitute
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/3-lessons-about-setting-your-price-learned-from-a-vegas-prostitute/
3 Lessons About Setting Your Price Learned From a Vegas Prostitute
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May 29, 2019 4 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
I love pricing. I also love going to Las Vegas, especially when it’s to attend a pricing conference. True, that’s not the reason most people visit, but then most people aren’t as passionate about pricing as I am.
On this particular trip, it wasn’t the conference but a chance encounter on the Vegas strip that reinforced for me the three pricing lessons that are the foundation for any successful pricing strategy.
I was en route from the airport to my hotel when my cab got stuck on a side street. The barrier was road construction. As I sat stalled in traffic, the meter ticked up 20 cents at a time. After much frustration, I asked the driver to pull over, and got out to hike the two miles to my hotel.
Related: Mastering the Art of Pricing: What the Textbooks Don’t Teach You
There was a beautiful woman at the next corner, heading in the same direction. We started chatting as we walked toward the strip. I told her about my cab ride and she said that she was going to meet friends.
After a few minutes, I asked, “So, what do you do?”
She looked me up and down, then replied, “Anything you want.”
As a naïve Midwesterner, I was shocked. But once I regained my composure, the next words out of my mouth were, “I’m a pricing expert. Can I ask you some questions?”
She said “yes,” so I asked what she charged.
“I charge $500,” she replied. I asked if she ever negotiated lower prices, and she answered, “If they don’t want to pay that, I give them the names of some other providers who would provide services.”
Pricing lesson #1 — know your value.
For many business owners this is often one of the toughest lessons to learn, but it’s also one of the most important. Know your value — based on experience, results you’ve provided clients, how much the competition charges, your unique value proposition — and price your product or services accordingly. Too many companies undervalue their products.
Then I asked her, “Do you ever charge more?”
“Absolutely,” she said. “If some guy walks up in a fancy suit, nice watch, good shoes, I’m starting at $800.”
Related: Make Sure the Pricing Is Right With These Tips
Pricing lesson #2 — segment your market.
Segmented pricing is an often-underutilized opportunity than can tremendously expand your business. Price segmentation includes pricing by region, time, buying patterns, a job’s turn-around time and specific customer needs. Companies need to look for customers with different degrees of willingness to pay, then find a way to charge those customers different prices.
As we continued walking down the strip, she answered her phone. Based on her side of the conversation only, it was clear she was talking with a familiar client. “Would you like me to get one of my friends and come over?” she asked the person on the other end.
Not one to miss an opportunity, I was ready with my own question when she completed her cal. “How much does it cost when you and a friend provide services?” I inquired.
“Oh, that starts at $2,000,” she said.
Pricing lesson #3 — have a product portfolio.
Having a product portfolio means offering multiple versions of your product and/or a range of complementary goods or services that enhance the original product. You can create a product portfolio to capture more revenue from your market.
This woman had multiple options available for clients to select from, and the collaboration with a friend gave her a premium package to offer.
Related: Four Rules for Pricing Products
Up to this point in our talk, she had been completely open. However, I had one question I hesitated asking. But we had arrived at my hotel, and I decided to go for broke: “If you don’t want to answer this question, that’s fine … but how much did you make last year?”
“I worked almost every day and I made a little over $1 million,” she responded.
Now, you might not approve of what she does for a living, but if you want to maximize your income, may I suggest you learn these three pricing lessons this lady of the evening illustrated: Know your value, segment your market and build a product portfolio. These lessons apply to most business structures — whether product- or service-based — and across multiple industries.
And, as my new acquaintance could attest, their application helps lead to great success.
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dayrisesolarenergy · 5 years
Hello Friends, Today our topic of discussion is "Solar Energy Future in India"
First of all I would request you all to Like, Share and subscribe this Channel to get more tips and tricks about Solar Energy, solar panels and solar power plants in India.
Solar Energy Future in India
Solar Energy future in India has grown leaps in bound. When the Solar Energy installation was aimed at 100 GW by 2022, the wheels were set in motion for the introduction of the much hyped ‘Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission’ JNNSM as it is often been abbreviated.
MNRE Solar Subsidy’ campaign to strengthen Solar Energy Future in India
Those within the energy industry were all well aware that Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant Installation Phase One under MNRE Subsidy scheme had been provoked massive investment in solar sectors which previously had not been on the green energy map in India. The ‘MNRE Solar Subsidy’ campaign was created as a mouth-piece for solar industry, domestic users, schools, colleges, institutions and NGOs. Government of India, State Governments, Solar activist groups, solar energy members and environmentalists alike advocated the message that solar power is the most viable means of generating clean, affordable energy in the future.  These entities have also voiced that solar energy future in India is bright.
Net Meter and On Grid technology is a boom to Solar Energy Future in India
With invent of grid connected rooftop solar power plants using net metering facility; the users are able to reverse their energy meter.  This way any domestic user may reduce his / her electric bill up to 90% for next 25 years. Input credits of electricity via net meter have winged the hope of a bright future of solar energy in India.
Central Finance Assistance for GCRT PhaseOne & II to boost up Solar Energy Future in India
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Government of India, has successfully implemented solar energy policy amongst all the states of India.  MNRE through its Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (GCRT) Phase One and II have provided Central Finance Assistance (CFA) to the domestic segments for provision of solar subsidy to the tunes of 20 to 40%.  Various state regularity electricity commissions have further paved way for respective state
Grid Connected Rooftop Solar with net metering and its mechanism
Grid Connected Rooftop Solar with net metering is a mechanism where the government provides central finance assistance to ease out the problems of initial investment for installation of solar power plants.  Electricity generated from these solar power plants is first provided to the load of the premises, extra if any, is fed in to the grid with the help of Net Meter and string inverter. This arrangement guarantees that any amount of extra electricity fed in to the grid during day time may be imported back in to the premises during night, thus paving way to use of zero electricity from the main grid as long as user is utilizing the electricity units generated by his / her own solar system. Some government also has ruled fixed, premium rate paid for electricity generated by renewable means.
Benefits of Solar Electricity
Traditionally, the benefits of solar electricity have been far outweighed by the cost of solar kits, installation and maintenance, something which has depreciated investment and kept solar power as a low level, cottage industry in the India. What the Solar subsidy does is off-set the obvious costs involved in the installation of solar plant by offering investors generous financial incentives for installing grid connected rooftop solar. The main grid DISCOM companies in India will be obliged to purchase the solar energy at a price competitive to the current market rates, the cost of this being spread over the consumers.
Green Energy Movement
Even before the central government push for green energy movement, the benefits to potential solar investors in India were being expounded. At the end of 2016 India had moved up to third place in a list of countries in an index entitled, Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness. Citing the impending introduction of the solar subsidy, net metering benefits it is assumed that India’s rise in the index would continue as solar energy policy is designed to incentivise investors.
Hydro, solar and wind energy are areas wherever we tend to invest within the semi-permanent, as there’s an over-average growth potential once finance kicks off again. Banks can like them once they begin loaning.” occurring to feature, “We can still invest during this segment however specialise in corporations that have a powerful record and are able to survive this crisis.
India’s Big Mission of achieving 100 GW by 2022
India is trying every concentrated exertion to take a major jump to second position worldwide in sun based energy generation. India is pushing ahead at a quickest pace to accomplish its objectives of 100 GW sun oriented energy preparations by 2022. Sun energy oriented organizations in India are concentrating more on rooftop solar panels residential section as well. Administration of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has just begun expanding solar subsidies, Solar Tax refunds, ADT benefits to residential, organizations and NGO section. Of course, whenever the solar industry will be bigger than the internet in the India over the next half decade is open to debit. What is now becoming clear how is that the India’s solar sector will have everything in place come 2022 to help the sector become competitive with industries in Spain, Germany, China, USA and a number of other countries around the world.
India as hub of solar energy movement
In order to make the India competitive with other PV behemoths around the world, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has made it clear that he wants to establish India as hub of solar energy movement.  In a statement, Modi said that moving the India from a carbon to a green economy would not only help meet climate change targets, but also provide jobs in solar industries. In a report, the figures stated that moving to a green economy would create up to 600,000 new jobs in the next two years in the India solar sector by 2022.
Jawahal Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)
With government backing, the INDIA is now in a strong position to build a solar sector which will be capable of emulating PV industries in China and UK. In April 2014, the Jawahal Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) with Net Metering facility and solar subsidy was first introduced as Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (GCRT) Phase One.  While extending the central finance assistance to domestic users, the solar subsidy up to 40% of benchmark cost has been declared for GCRT Phase II under JNNSM in the year 2019. After introduction of Phase II GCRT under JNNSM and the consequent months, it will see a frenzy of activity both in the media and from solar vendors as people desirous to take advantage of solar energy with subsidy and tax benefits are attempting to join the momentum in its infancy. Solar industry is now looking highly that as the economy goes out of recession and in to growth, the solar industry will reap the benefits of being both available to masses and financially attractive.
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – Solar Panel Installer EPC Company
DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd is the leading organization in the field of renewable energy i.e Solar Technology associated with some leading companies in the power sector of India and is proud to be among the list of top Solar Technology company in Haryana with its focus on “Designing, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supplying, Installing, Testing and commissioning any kind of Solar Photo-voltaic plants, equipment and systems that cater to both Domestic, Institutional, Social and Industrial needs.” Strong vision coupled with professional and ethical business practices have helped the organization to achieve good position in the markets it serves in Sonipat, Haryana, India.
As part of its growth strategy DayRise Solar ventured in to reliable qualitative technology with highly skilled and trained manpower.  DayRise Solar has set up a State of the Art Solar Technology Showroom with service facilities at Sonipat, Haryana, India while providing Solar Technology services to all districts of Haryana as well as Delhi NCR. The Organisation is an ISO 14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001-2007 certified facility for Design, Engineering, Installation and Commissioning of Rooftop / Ground mounted Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid Solar Power Plant Systems.
The Expert team of the DayRise Solar may be approached through the contact page of the Company’s website or by official telephonic communication. Contact DayRise Solar whenever you wish to know anything about Benefits of Solar Technology or Install Solar Panels in a Cost-Effective Way with Solar Panel Subsidy or ways to get good offers while you contemplate to install Solar Technology / Solar Panel Power Plant System or buy solar panels in Sonipat, Haryana, Delhi NCR.  Contact extremely skilled and expert group of DayRise Solar by way of its Website’s contact Page for any question associated to Solar Technology, Solar Subsidy, Solar power, solar products, design, installation and commissioning of On-Grid / Off-Grid Rooftop / Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants throughout Haryana and Delhi NCR. Qualified skilled team of DayRise Solar might help you in processing of subsidy utility, bi-directional meter utility and uploading of all related documents.
Solar Energy Future in India https://youtu.be/_cng-7LZYVE
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buynsellsolar-blog · 5 years
PG&E installed the most solar last year, according to annual SEPA utility rankings
New Post published on http://roofnrays.com/pge-installed-the-most-solar-last-year-according-to-annual-sepa-utility-rankings/
PG&E installed the most solar last year, according to annual SEPA utility rankings
SEPA’s new report “2019 Utility Solar Market Snapshot” finds that the U.S. solar market is still growing and notably expanding to new emerging state markets. There were 7.3 GW interconnected in 2018, marking a 20.1% increase in total capacity over 2017.
The release of the Snapshot report also marks the announcement of SEPA’s “2019 Top 10 Rankings”, recognizing the utilities with the most overall solar capacity interconnected in the year 2018, measured by total megawatts (MW), and solar watts-per-customer account (W/C).
“Driven by the increasingly competitive economics and capabilities of solar, paired with rising consumer demand, the 2019 SEPA Utility Solar Market Snapshot highlights the industry’s decade-long pattern of growth and expansion to new markets,” said Mac Keller, co-lead author and Research Associate at SEPA. “The utilities in this year’s Top 10 solar rankings are among those spearheading the latest progress we’ve seen in the electric sector and paving the way to a clean, smart and resilient energy future.”
The solar snapshot shows that the national market remains strong and competitive — despite minor cost impacts from the solar panel and steel tariffs of 2018. In fact, the market saw a geographical expansion beyond the traditional powerhouse markets (e.g., California and North Carolina), with Florida, Washington and Rhode Island seeing year-over-year growth rates of 311.9%, 150.2% and 344.1%, respectively.
Other key takeaways include:
Utility-supply solar market experienced 15.1% growth nationally, driven by emerging state markets in Florida, Texas, Minnesota, South Carolina and Oregon.
20 states and DC have community solar policies in place and utilities have indicated a strong preference for utility-managed programs over third party-managed programs.
State level solar policies related to solar compensation are evolving — most notably PURPA implementation rules and net metering successor tariffs.
2018 was the largest year for corporate renewable procurements, with 75 companies procuring a total of 6.5 GW, compared to 50 companies and 4.5 GW added in 2016 and 2017 combined.
Each year, SEPA recognizes the Top 10 U.S. utilities that interconnected the most new solar capacity in their service territories.
On the “Top 10 Utility Solar Rankings by Annual Megawatts” list, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) maintained the No. 1 spot this year with 630 MW interconnected, while Florida Power & Light was second with 626.8 MW and Southern California Edison ranked third with 440.7 MW.
Reedy Creek Improvement District, the municipal district serving and powering Walt Disney World in Florida, took the top spot on the “Top 10 Utility Solar Rankings by Annual Watts-Per-Customer” list, with 1,819.6 W/C. Texas based Georgetown Utility Systems and Ohio based Village Electric Utility – Brewster ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively.
The 2019 Utility Solar Market Snapshot is the first of three Snapshot reports based on data from SEPA’s 2018 Utility Survey. Upcoming reports will include the 2019 Utility Energy Storage Market Snapshot and the 2019 Utility Demand Response Market Snapshot.
Download the free “Solar Market Snapshot” here, and the full “2019 Solar Top 10 Rankings” here.
News item from SEPA
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kacydeneen · 5 years
Activists Push Back Against Utilities to Brighten Solar Energy's Prospects
Stephen Pelton’s EcoSmart Home Services in Berlin, Connecticut, expanded into installing rooftop solar panels about eight years ago, an outgrowth of work making houses more energy efficient. But now that the state is discontinuing one of its solar incentives, he is worried.
A change in the way that utility customers are compensated for the excess energy that they generate is pitting solar advocates against the utilities and drawing the state into a battle that has been playing out across the United States.
Solar for All? Removing Financial Obstacles to Green Energy
Advocates argue solar energy will become less financially attractive just as the state is aiming to use more renewable fuel not less. Utilities, worried about consumers buying less electricity from the electric grid, are trying to put a dent in the solar business, they say. In Connecticut, only 1.5% of the state's electricity comes from solar energy, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association.
Utilities counter that new billing system will be fairer to all of their customers, an argument being made throughout the country. Without a change solar customers pay less of the cost of the electric grid’s upkeep, they say.
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For Pelton, the company’s chief executive officer, the policy shift foreshadows fewer customers for solar installations. If the law takes effect later this year, the company would focus instead on energy efficiency and other home improvements, but EcoSmart Home Services would likely lose four or five people from its staff of about 30, he said.
“Unless the state comes up with a plan and puts something in place for the long term then we're going to have a problem with solar going back to a small niche market,” Pelton said.
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Frequent and Longer Power Outages Customers in Connecticut now sell their unused solar energy to the grid at the retail rate and are billed only for their net energy use, a practice called net metering. The state last year decided to phase out that system in favor of new rates, called tariffs, at which utilities would buy energy and renewable energy credits. Consumers would be offered two options: the “buy-all, sell-all” choice in which they would sell all of the solar power they generate at a rate set by state’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and buy back what they need at the retail rate, and a second choice in which the utility would buy unused energy in a time period to be set by the authority.
Existing customers with solar panels would be grandfathered under the net metering compensation until 2039.
But now Connecticut is rethinking last year’s decision. A bill that would delay the change and require a study of the value of solar energy is being considered by the state’s General Assembly.
Clean energy advocates say that neither option will likely be as advantageous to solar customers as the current net metering and that the change will send the state in the wrong direction at a time when the country is grappling with how to respond to threats from climate change. The Fourth National Climate Assessment, a federal government report released last year, warns that unless significant action is taken to curb global warming, climate-related risks will continue to grow, damaging the environment, the economy and Americans’ health. As for the country’s energy system, extreme weather is expected to increasingly disrupt it with more frequent and longer lasting power outages, the report says.
Utility companies and their allies across the country counter that a new compensation system is needed to serve all customers equitably. Without the change, a “cost shift” takes place with those without solar panels paying a disproportionate share of maintaining wires, poles, transformers and other fixed costs associated with a grid, they say.
Utilities have been lobbying for changes that would lessen the economic benefits for residents or businesses to generate their own electricity through solar panels, said Sean Gallagher, the vice president of state affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association.
“They’re not really sure how this is all going to shake out and so we see these proposals that sort of slow down the revolution that’s coming at them,” he said.
The Edison Energy Institute, an association representing all U.S. investor-owned companies, argues instead that net metering has outlived its purpose.
“The intent of the original net metering policy was to incentivize early adopters, not create huge subsidies from one group of customers to another,” it says in a 2016 statement on its website that it calls Straight Talk About Net Metering. “Now that the cost of solar systems has come down significantly, there is no need for continued large subsidies.”
The utilities have gotten help from the conservative non-profit, the American Legislative Exchange Council, which has been funded in part by the billionaire activist brothers, Charles and David Koch. In 2014, it wrote model legislation on net metering for state policymakers to adopt — a service it offers successfully on a variety of conservative issues. From 2010 through 2018, bills based on its ready-made legislation were introduced nationwide nearly 2,900 times in all 50 states and the U.S. Congress, with more than 600 becoming law, an analysis by USA Today and the Arizona Republic found.
Changing Direction in Maine and Nevada Thirty-eight states plus Washington, D.C., had net metering rules in place in 2017, according to the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center. Arizona, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Michigan and Nevada are among the states that eliminated net metering, but Maine and Nevada reversed course and reinstated it, some Indiana lawmakers would like to do the same and Michigan this year substituted a payment scheme different from a utility-proposed one.
Maine’s Gov. Janet Mills said when she signed the new bill last month that the state had lagged behind other states in policies that advanced solar power. Maine ranked 40th nationwide in solar installation in 2018, according to the Solar Energy Industry Association.
Nevada returned to net metering in 2017, and last year saw a 32% increase in clean energy jobs. Its clean energy economy is now dominated by energy efficiency, solar and energy storage, according to a report by E2, a non-partisan business group that supports policies that are good for the environment and the economy.
“The number of solar jobs would have been even higher if the data was collected today, because it would more fully reflect demand increases spurred by the 2017 restoration of net metering,” the report said.
Clean energy advocates in Connecticut are urging officials to avoid mistakes made by other states. Nearly 40 environmental groups, solar companies and others wrote to Connecticut’s General Assembly’s Energy and Technology Committee in February asking it to pause the implementation of the new program, which it said would jeopardize the 2,100 solar jobs in Connecticut.
One organization that signed the letter was the Acadia Center, a non-profit organization focused on developing a clean energy economy. Amy McLean Calls, its Connecticut director and a senior policy advocate, notes that Vermont has installed four times more distributed solar — or rooftop solar — per person than Connecticut. Massachusetts has nearly two times more per person. 
“The higher deployment rates in nearby states indicate that Connecticut’s in-state solar industry could expand but it has to be supported by effective solar policies, which is why we’ve been working so hard to make sure that we don’t go backwards and end up killing our solar industry,” she said.
No one is arguing that the system should not be fair everyone, she said.
“But what we are saying is, it doesn’t exist right now, so we need to not kill it,” she said. “We need to ramp it up.”
However the state's consumer counsel, Elin Katz, whose job is to be a watchdog over the utility industry, favors a new approach.
"I feel like net metering is picking a big winner,” Katz told NBC Connecticut. “But the net metering is also benefiting the solar installers at a very high level, too. Why are we picking them over offshore wind or battery storage or energy efficiency? Let's do things in a competitive manner which is how we started to do things in this state and then we can get things at a much more reasonable level.”
Solar advocates challenge the idea that different clean energy technologies are competing against one another. All are needed for the world to move away from fossil fuels.  
Studies Back Solar Advocates Connecticut’s largest utility, Eversource Energy, favors eliminating net metering though it would not oppose delaying the switch. The utilities also need more time to prepare for the change.
“We believe replacing net metering with a tariff-based system would be fairer to all of our customers,” a utility spokesman, Mitchell Gross, said in a statement. “A delay in the phase out will also mean additional time to develop a program that is more transparent than the process currently in place.”
But if utilities argue that the change is necessary for the equal treatment of customers, some studies do not back them.
One 2017 study, by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, concluded that for the vast majority of states and utilities, the effects of rooftop solar on retail electricity will likely remain negligible for the foreseeable future. At the time only Hawaii had utilities with solar penetration rates of 10% of electricity sales, it noted.
“Energy efficiency has had, and is likely to continue to have, a far greater impact on electricity sales than disturbed solar,” it said.
A review of a number of studies, conducted by the Brookings Institution in 2016, found that net metering frequently benefits all customers when all costs and benefits are accounted for, among them reduced capital investment costs, environmental compliance costs, emissions and and energy cost.
“Far from a net cost, net metering is in most cases a net benefit—for the utility and for non-solar rate-payers,” it says.
While these fights over the direction of solar energy have been taking place, climate change has become an urgent political issue, advocated in particular by younger people who are demanding candidates explain how they will curb greenhouse gases. Among Democratic presidential candidates, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke have presented plans to get the United States to a carbon-neutral economy. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, has rolled back many of former President Barack Obama’s environmental policies.
California has taken the lead in the United States as far as future rooftop solar projects and as of next year, it will require all new houses to include solar panels. In 2017, California generated 15.6% of its energy from solar.
A solar industry update in May 2018 by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory found that Hawaii had residential systems on an estimated 31% of households living in single-family homes. In California that figure was 11%, while in Arizona it was 9%.
A New Utility Model Across the world, solar and wind power are growing rapidly and are expected to become the dominant source of electricity, according to a report released last November by the International Energy Agency. The annual “World Energy Outlook” found that renewable energy could supply 40% of the world’s electricity by 2040, as the electricity sector goes through the most dramatic transformation since its creation more than a century ago. It will require grid investments, improved smart meters and battery storage technologies and new rules for how electricity markets work.
The traditional utility business model needs to be replaced by one that encourages more distributed generation such as that produced by rooftop solar, promotes less energy use and takes into account the costs of climate change, said Karl Rabago, the executive director of the Pace University Law School Energy and Climate Center in White Plains, New York. Utility companies could continue to maintain the wires and grid stability, but customers who are producing solar energy and using energy efficiently are just as effective in meeting demand and at a lower cost, he said.
“We have to confront the question of the fundamental utility architecture,” Rabago said. “Is it capable of embracing this stuff? And what we find is that it’s not very adept at doing that.”
In Connecticut, Pelton of EcoSmart Home Services says it will become harder to sell solar panels if net metering is discontinued. Federal income tax credits are already scheduled to drop and then expire over the next three years and adding solar energy systems will become less attractive to homeowners, he said.
"All of sudden that conversation at the kitchen table doesn't go so well," he said. "We would like to have a little stability."
This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. Activists Push Back Against Utilities to Brighten Solar Energy's Prospects published first on Miami News
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businessliveme · 5 years
Strategic projects to drive Oman’s economy
The Sultanate is currently implementing strategic projects worth more than $25 billion in the oil and gas sector to sustain economic diversification, according to HE Salim bin Nasser Al Aufi, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Oil and Gas.
“Strategic projects and economic diversification plans in Oman are key,” he said while addressing the 2019 annual media briefing hosted by the Ministry of Oil and Gas recently. “The aim of the strategic projects is to make a significant contribution to sustainable development through which the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) seeks to attract promising investment opportunities, expand investments and work with partners to capitalise on technical expertise to help boost local production and create jobs, which have so far reached some 6,000 positions,” he said.
Among the key strategic projects are Rabab Harweel Integrated Project (RHIP), one of the largest oil and gas investment projects in terms of capital costs being implemented by Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) with an investment of $4.7 bn. The integrated project will produce gas and condensates from the Rabab field and oil from the Harweel field using miscible gas injection. Production is expected to start in June this year, he added. PDO is also implementing Yibal Khuff project at a cost of approximately $2.9 bn.
The project, which consists of the integral development of the Khuff and Sudair reservoirs for the production of acid oil and gas, is the second largest project in terms of surface area and the most technically complicated project in the Sultanate. The project is expected to start production in early 2021. The Tayseer acid gas field, which was discovered in late 2014 was developed with a preliminary production processing plant to process gas and condensates, which contain 4 per cent hydrogen sulphate gas to produce 35 million cubic feet of gas and 4,400 barrels of condensate per day. Operation and production of gas and condensates started in early 2019 with an overall cost of about $350 mn.
Other projects include BP’s Ghazeer Gas field, which represents Phase 2 development of Block 61 area development plan. Implementation began in early 2018. Sixteen wells have been completed so far. The project will contribute half a billion cubic feet daily by the start of 2021.
The Oman Oil and Orpic Group is executing the Salalah Liquefied Petroleum Gas Project at a cost of $826 mn. Estimates indicate that revenues will reach around $200 mn annually through the sale of 300,000 tons of LPG and condensates. The project is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2020.
Liwa Plastic Industries Complex (LPIC), is yet another project, which is under construction at a cost of $6.7 bn.  For the first time, the Sultanate will be able to produce polyethylene, a class of plastics with growing global demand. The project is scheduled to be ready in Q2 2020. The Duqm Refinery project is one of the major projects that will benefit the Duqm economic zone. The project’s refining capacity will reach 230,000 barrels per day at the start of operations and will produce diesel and jet fuel as well as naphtha and LPG.
Al Aufi said the Sultanate will see huge investments in other projects such as a liquefied natural gas (LNG) hub for shipping, gas-to-liquid project and de-bottlenecking of capacity at Qahlat LNG project. Nineteen local and international companies are currently engaged in oil and gas exploration and production in Oman, he informed.
Oil and Gas Reserves
The Sultanate’s total oil reserves consisted of approximately 4,791 million barrels at the end of 2018, rising by around 51 million barrels since the end of 2017. In terms of oil reserves, some 0.96 trillion cubic feet of gas have been added, bringing Oman’s total gas reserves to approximately 24.65 trillion cubic feet at the end of 2018 after deducting the quantity produced in 2018. This marked a decrease of some 0.31 trillion cubic feet from the end of 2017.
As regards production, the average daily production of oil reached approximately 978,000 barrels of oil per day in 2018, confirming Oman’s commitment, alongside OPEC members, to lower production and to narrow the gap between supply and demand. Meanwhile, the average daily production of natural gas plus the gas imported from Dolphin reached approximately 125 million cubic meters per day against 112 million cubic meters daily in 2017, of which 98 million cubic meters of non-associated gas and 22 million cubic meters of associated gas in addition to 5 million cubic meters of gas imported from Dolphin.
The average price of the Oman oil futures contract for 2018 amounted to $69.7 per barrel, rising by $18.4 per barrel above the 2017 average. The maximum price was $80.2 and was recorded in December 2018.
The government, he said continues to deploy efforts to encourage the local and international private sector toward joint investment in the oil and gas sectors in all petroleum projects across their different iterations, ranging from exploration through production and development, on to the creation of gas-dependent projects and auxiliary services projects for the petroleum industry.
The overall expenditure on oil and gas exploration, production and development amounted to approximately $11.75 bn against $11.4 bn in 2017. Expenditure on the oil sector consisted of approximately $8.4 bn whereas total expenditure on the gas sector reached approximately $3.3 bn. The oil and gas sector created 5,000 new jobs for nationals in 2018.
PDO to ramp up oil production
Meanwhile, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has announced plans to ramp up oil production to a new level of 670,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the next five years. After setting a 550,000 bpd 10-year plateau commitment over the last decade, the company has consistently grown production and is confident of delivery of further production growth. This comes after it confirmed that 2018 yielded its highest oil output since 2005 of 610,170 bpd, despite the impact of Cyclone Mekunu last May, which disrupted production in the south of its concession area.
  PDO managing director Raoul Restucci said, “Our approach has been simple: to stay the course in the face of oil price uncertainty and increasing technical and operational scale challenges. Increasing value delivery for the nation’s development and preparing the business to face changing energy expectations. This means more sustainable oil and gas, driving energy efficiency in all aspects of our operations, and broadening our business model to add value to Oman beyond operations in our concession.”
“As we head into the next decade, we are stepping up the deployment of new technology and pursuing ever more efficient ways of working to achieve enhanced productivity in our exploration and production business. During 2018, we successfully delivered a combined daily oil, gas and condensate output of 1.205 million bpd.”
PDO set new milestones on the safety front, achieving a record 0.15 Lost Time Injury Frequency – a 25% fall on 2017. Total Recordable Case Frequency was also down at 0.71 with more than 214 million man-hours of activity. On the road safety front, staff and contractors drove more than 750 million kilometres without a work-related motor vehicle fatal incident, and on asset integrity, there was a 77% fall in the number of Tier 1 process safety incidents and a 50% drop in Tier 2 incidents – both the lowest since 2010.
Restucci said, “These improvements highlight the ongoing concerted effort across the Company to enhance safety and operational excellence at the frontline. This is achieved through better supervision, awareness, training, and the continuous implementation of new technologies and programmes, such as our game-changing new Ihtimam behaviour-based system.”
“Regrettably, the impressive results were overshadowed by the deaths of two contractor employees at Nimr in April and Yibal in July, tragic reminders of the constant need for improved vigilance and greater rule compliance at all levels.
“In a year in which we celebrated four decades of uninterrupted gas supply, I’m pleased to report that we also successfully migrated to becoming the country’s swing producer, requiring us to operate in a highly dynamic mode, frequently compensating for third party production variations.
“However, it’s important to stress that while oil and gas will continue to be fundamental to our energy mix, we are developing innovative renewable solutions to create new growth opportunities for the Company as well as for the nation. This has us increasing emphasis on renewables, such as solar, whilst leveraging new technology and improving our overall energy efficiency.”
Rabab Harweel and Yibal Khuff projects
Restucci said “good progress” was being made on both PDO’s “mega” projects at Rabab Harweel and Yibal Khuff with the former, the largest capital project in PDO history, expected to come on stream in mid-2019, representing a reserve add of more than 500 million barrels of oil equivalent. The latter, an integrated sour oil and gas development, is scheduled for start-up in 2021, developing in excess of 327 million barrels of oil equivalent.
The Exploration Directorate set new records, providing higher quality seismic data acquisition through the deployment of sophisticated Ultra-High Productivity technology whilst delivering   impressive unit finding cost of $0.3/barrel of oil equivalent. “The new seismic has enabled us to identify new plays in Central Oman, reaffirming the significant prospectivity in our Concession area”.
Restucci reported that the Company’s Field Development Centre and Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Office were both delivering lower cost growth solutions and robust development plans.
“Both of these departments rely heavily on Omani talent and are playing a critical role in ensuring we remain competitive and fit for the future. We are also looking at how we can commercialise their expertise beyond our boundaries in areas such as enhanced oil recovery, project management and training.”
PDO continued to drive a rigorous cost control and Lean business efficiency programme across the full spectrum of its business, completing a total of 142 efficiency improvement projects which secured $152 million in cost savings. A further $300 million of projected savings were identified through cost improvement reviews with our contractors and other value optimisation initiatives in response to the lower oil price environment.
Despite the increased complexity in the 2018 drilling scope, the company’s Well Engineering Directorate delivered 600 new wells and achieved the best ever recorded cost per metre drilled in PDO’s history (4% lower than 2017). At the same time, it also managed to be more efficient in terms of drilling time per metre with a 5% improvement compared to the previous year.
By the end of 2018, the directorate had carried out 22,400 completion and well intervention activities – the highest number ever recorded with the same number of resources as previous years.
PDO ramped up its In-Country Value programme, awarding contracts worth $3.7 billion to nationally registered firms, retaining a value in country of 44%, and supporting the opening of new Oman-based workshops and factories to service the domestic oil and gas sector.
Its National Objectives team generated 17,027 employment opportunities for Omani jobseekers, consistent with the target for the year, in both the oil and non-oil sectors. For 2019, the company is targeting the creation of 21,000 job opportunities.
Restucci said, “Against a backdrop of fluctuating trends in the global market and increasing technical, operational and financial challenges, I am pleased to announce that, in 2018, PDO exceeded performance expectations across a wide range of asset and functional targets and is well positioned to continue to play our part in support of value creation for all our stakeholders.”
Oman Oil and Orpic plans doubling its GDP contribution
The newly integrated Oman Oil and Orpic Group, has planned to increase the market capitalisation of its combined assets to $30 billion by the year 2030.
Ahmed al Jahdhamy, CEO, Downstream, said the newly integrated entity, also envisions doubling of its contribution to the Sultanate’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to $20 bn. The Group also plans to start paying dividends of a minimum of $1 billion per year from 2029 onwards.
“We want to facilitate international and local, private participation in the energy sector,” Al Jahdhamy said and added that it intends to add at least $25 of value per barrel in its downstream businesses.
The Group, he said had concluded a 100-day programme under the name of ‘Nakhla’ to evaluate the scope for sustainable growth in multiple growth markets, declaring a new vision and organisational structure that will deliver profound benefits for the national economy. Together with its local and international partners, the Group will invest in excess of $28 billion in the next 10 years, he said.
Musab al Mahrouqi, Group CEO, said the integrated Oman Oil and Orpic Group intends to generate $250 million worth of additional value to the Group through the implementation of ‘quick-win’ initiatives in 2019.
Lauding the staff of the integrated group for the success of the quick-wins programme, Al Mahruqi informed that the integration process is expected to take about 18 to 24 months during which we will restructure, integrate and draw up a new organisational structure for all our core functions.
Dr Salim Saif al Huthaili, CEO, Duqm Refinery & Petrochemical Industries Company (DRPIC) said the construction work on Duqm Refinery is progressing as per schedule.
The 230,000 barrels per day capacity Duqm Refinery is slated to produce a vast array of clean products that comply with global standards for quality and safety.
Talal al Aufi, Chief Commercial Officer — Oman Oil & Orpic Group also made a presentation on projects of the Group.
“2018 represented the first full year of production from Khazzan field and we are proud to report that we met our targets during that period,” BP Oman President Yusuf al Ojaili said.
BP has been responsible for delivering gas from the Khazzan field in Block-61, he said adding that BP and Eni recently signed a heads of agreement with the Ministry of Oil and Gas to work jointly towards the award of a new exploration and production sharing agreement for Block 77 in central Oman.
Occidental Oman, which is the second largest oil producer in the Sultanate expanded its concessions in 2018 by signing two EPSAs for Block 65 and 51.
Steve Kelly, President and General Manager, Oxy Oman, said, “We achieved the planned production target and have maintained activity levels and production despite market conditions and low price environment.”
  The 2018 exploration programme resulted in nine discoveries with 60 per cent success rate for the year. The company added 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) of liquid handling capacity, 40,000 bpd of water injection capacity and 30 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas compression capacity in 2018 in Block 9 and 27.  Kelly also spoke about Oxy Oman’s dramatic growth over the past 18 months, during which it added four blocks-30, 51, 65 and 72 to its growing portfolio, taking the number of its assets to eight in the Sultanate.
The post Strategic projects to drive Oman’s economy appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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chemicalresearch · 6 years
Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Market - Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2018 – 2026
Vertical multistage centrifugal pump is a mechanical device used for the transportation of liquid from one place to another by creating suitable pressure on the head of pump. The vertical multistage pumps provide several benefits such as saves energy, and is able to operate in a wide range of flow/head scenarios. These vertical centrifugal pumps are especially used for transporting large volumes of liquid with substantial pressure head and are largely utilized for water, wastewater, and industrial liquid transportation in power, steel, agriculture, and among others
Increasing Number of Construction Activities is one of the Major Factors Driving Growth of the Market
Factors such as rising urbanization across the world and rapid growth in the global population, which has led to increase in infrastructural and construction activities and this is expected to aid in growth of the market For instance, according to World Bank ,the urban population in 2014 was 53.8% of global population, which reached up to 54.3% in 2016, globally. Development in infrastructural activities results in increasing construction activities, which eventually creates high demand for vertical multistage centrifugal pump. These pumps are used to extract water from surface, further creating new sources of water for the residential, industrial, and commercial purposes, which in turn, is expected to propel the market over the forecast period (2018-2026).
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Moreover, increasing government investments in infrastructure development is another factor fostering growth of the market. For instance, in January 2016, according to the press release of Financier Worldwide Magazine, around US$ 700 billion and US$ 800 billion is invested in infrastructure development worldwide each year, of which around US$ 550 billion is invested in emerging economies. Therefore, increasing infrastructural development is expected to drive growth of the vertical multistage centrifugal market over the forecasted period. However, high prices of vertical multistage centrifugal pumps is one of the main factors restraining growth of the market. For instance, according to Big Brand Water Filter, Inc. the price of the Grundfos  3HP 260Max-PSI vertical centrifugal was US$ 2,006.25 and Grundfos 5HP 343Max PSI vertical multistage centrifugal was priced at US$ 2,431.50.
Global Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pump Market: Regional Insights
On the basis of region, the global vertical centrifugal pump market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share in 2017 and is expected to be dominant over the forecast period. The key factor attributed to growth of the market is rising infrastructure development activities, especially in emerging economies such as China, India, and Indonesia. The reason for increasing infrastructural activities is growing industrialisation, rising economic growth, and shifting of people from rural areas to urban areas among others. According to the World Bank, by 2030,40.76% of India’s population is expected to reside in urban areas in. These factors have led to high demand for water in these economies, which is expected to drive growth for vertical multistage centrifugal pumps.
Moreover, stringent rules and regulation by government bodies and strict policies regarding recycling of wastewater and its treatment, especially in India and China are expected to drive growth of the vertical multistage centrifugal market in the region. For instance, in May 2018, Government of India launched the ‘Reuse of Treated Waste Water Policy' in Gujarat state that aims to reduce the state's dependence on fresh water sources such as Narmada river. Moreover, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) analysis, the Chinese government’s investment for wastewater treatment was US$ 77.4 billion in 2015 and reached US$ 81.9 billion in 2016.
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Global Vertical Multistage Centrifugal Pump Market: Competitive Landscape
Intense competition among vendors of vertical multistage centrifugal pumps has led to adoption of various strategies such as mergers and acquisitions and new product launches, in order to remain competitive in this market. Major players use such strategic tactics to increase their geographical foothold or to expand their products in the market. For instance, in July 2018, Grundfos released a new range of CR vertical multi-stage centrifugal in-line pumps, with efficiency upgrades and new features that will further improve pump reliability. CR centrifugal pumps is equipped with three new flow sizes (CR95, 125, and 155) and increases the maximum water flow to 220 cubic meters per hour.
Major players in the vertical multistage centrifugal pumps market are Pentair Water Groups, Grundfos, C.R.I. Pumps Private Limited, Crane Engineering, Carver Pump Company, Oswal Pumps Limited, National Oilwell Varco., Desmi, Dab Pumps Spa P.I., Baiyun, Shakti Pumps (I), Xylem, Inc., Kolmeks Oy, and Lenntech B.V.
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Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.
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Medical Gas Equipment Market is Expected to Grow at a Robust CAGR of  7.89% by 2022
According to Increasing research activities for development Crystal Market Research added Latest Research Report titled “Medical Gas Equipment Market” provides market standardization and key elements like Market size and growth rate. To get holistic SAMPLE of the report@ www.crystalmarketresearch.com/report-sample/HC11350 Regional Outlook Major regional sections of medicinal gas equipment incorporate Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America and RoW. North America ruled the general therapeutic gas equipment market on the basis of income share in 2013. The existence of advanced healthcare framework, high volume of minimally invasive medical and execution of the United States Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act are a few elements ascribing to its substantial share. In 2013 Europe was the second most profit generating district of the medicinal gas equipment market. The existence of affiliations, for example, the European Industrial Gasses Association and Medical Gas Association combined with modern healthcare foundation in developed Western European nations are a few variables anticipated that would drive regional development.
Competitive Insights Some of the major players in the market are The Linde Group, Allied Health Care, Air Liquide India Holding Pvt Ltd, Powerex, Medical Gas Solutions Ltd, Ohio Medical, Praxair, BeaconMedaes, Matheson Tri-Gas and Air Products & Chemicals. In 2013 the global market was dominated by Air Liquide. The existence of a broad product portfolio, lucrative adoption of development methodologies, for example, ALMA – 2015 and sales development accomplished by means of putting resources into rising Latin American, Eastern European and Asian economies and tapping on the accessible development openings are a few elements representing its market position. Industry Trend Analysis The Medical Gas Equipment Market was worth USD 2.90 billion in the year 2012 and is expected to reach approximately USD 6.20 billion by 2022, while registering itself at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.89% during the forecast period. Growing rates of respiratory issue combined with the advent of positive United States Food and Drug Administration directions is relied upon to drive medical gas equipment market request throughout the following years. Developing worldwide base of aged populace and expanding commonness of way of life propensities, for example, smoking and absence of physical activity are activating occurrence rates of respiratory issue. World Health Organization (WHO) distributed estimates recommend that the worldwide base of populace of the age group- 65 years or more is required to ascend from 7 percent of every 2000 to 16 percent out of 2050. Besides, developing interest for healthcare and point of care markets and the resulting presentation of medical devices that are portable are anticipated to support market demand. The global medical gas equipment market is anticipated to witness significant development in the following years. Read Premium News from The Release wire of Scar-Removal-Treatment-- at: http://www.releasewire.com/press-releases/scar-removal-treatment-industry-worth-usd-2833-billion-at-a-959-of-cagr-by-2023-boosting-the-development-of-market-1024828.htm Market Segmentation- Medical Gas Equipment Market By Product: Manifolds Flowmeters Cylinders and Accessories Outlets Masks Vacuum Systems/Pumps Alarm Systems Medical Air Compressors Hose Assemblies and Valves Regulators By Region North America U.S Canada Mexico Europe Germany France UK Italy Spain Rest of Europe Asia-Pacific Japan China Australia India South Korea Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of the World Brazil South Africa Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates Others Product Outlook and Trend Analysis Fundamental market products incorporate alarm systems, flow meters, masks, hose assemblies & valves, cylinders, manifolds, vacuum system, regulators, medical air compressors and outlets. Medical gas vacuum systems ruled the medical gas equipment market on the basis of revenue in 2013 attributable to expanding utilization rates and higher costs related. Also, masks are distinguished as the most appealing section of the medical gas equipment market. Low costs of manufacturing related with these items combined with high utilization rates are two variables ascribing to its appeal. Regulators and medicinal gas outlets are additionally anticipated that would witness huge development over the estimate time frame. To Avail Discount, Please click On the Link @ www.crystalmarketresearch.com/check-discount/HC11350 Major Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Report Description 1.2. Research Methodology 1.2.1. Secondary Research 1.2.2. Primary Research Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Key Highlights Chapter 3. Market Overview 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Market Definition 3.1.2. Market Segmentation 3.2. Market Dynamics 3.2.1. Drivers Increasing Geriatric Population Growing Demand for Point of Care Diagnostics and Home Healthcare Favorable regulatory Policies 3.2.2. Restraints Shortage of Helium 3.2.3. Opportunities Emerging Economies to Offer Lucrative Growth Opportunities 4. Medical Gas Equipment Market, By Product 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Medical Gas Equipment Market Assessment and Forecast, By Product, 2012-2022 4.3. Vacuum System 4.3.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.4. Alarm Systems 4.4.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.5. Manifold 4.5.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.6. Medical Air Compressors 4.6.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.7. Regulators 4.7.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.8. Cylinders and Accessories 4.8.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.9. Flowmeters 4.9.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.10. Outlets 4.10.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.11. Hose Assemblies and Valves 4.11.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) 4.12. Masks 4.12.1. Market Assessment and Forecast, By Region, 2012-2022 ($Million) ....CONTINUED FOR TOC List of Tables Table 1.Global Medical Gas Equipment Market, By Product ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 2.Vacuum System Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 3.Alarm Systems Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 4.Manifolds Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 5.Medical Air Compressors Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 6.Regulators Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 7.Cylinders and Accessories Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 Table 8.Flowmeters Market, By Region ($Million), 2012-2022 To Place A Purchase Order Please Click On -www.crystalmarketresearch.com/checkout/HC11350 About Crystal Market Research: Crystal Offers One Stop Solution For Market Research, Business Intelligence, And Consulting Services To Help Clients Make More Informed Decisions. 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omgdeepestpi3-blog · 6 years
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show As the largest and most influential fashion show in Asia, CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, more than 125,000 trade visitors and 20 countries and regions , More than 1,000 brands of these brilliant figures. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) is always a function of a set of trade negotiations, channel development, resource integration, international cooperation, market inspection, fashion editing, cross-border cooperation, Anchoring capital and other integrated quality integrated resource platforms; 25 years, CHIC Fashion Trade Show has been based on changes in the industry and the market continues to innovate and grow with the clothing brand in China, is the Chinese clothing brand recognized by the industry and the facilitator of Market development and witness. The clothing industry of China today and consumption of a long, fast, variable, more emphasizes the role of the platform indispensable to the development of the company. More and more individual brand companies, manufacturing companies, apparel-related industries and terminal channels to participate in the CHIC fashion show, and each has revenue. CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) is also a new form of extension of the exhibition features, a comprehensive upgrade service system, to enhance the value of the exhibition platform.
IEDA Since its inception, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) organizers put the "guide the progress of China's garment industry, promote the development of China's clothing brand" as a show purpose. CHIC's core philosophy is: to create clothing brand promotion, market development, wealth creation of international first-class business platform; shaping the most fashion sense, the most cutting-edge and trend-driven, the most creative and cross-inspired fashion platform; The global clothing brand to share and configure their related resources required for the influential exchange platform. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been the forerunner of fashion and healthy lifestyle; CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been a comprehensive integrator of the brand's sustainable development and market development resources; Fashion Trade Show is always an excellent provider of high-end, professional, humane services and effective solutions . CHIC has become China's garment industry and the world's "benchmark", "barometer."
Evolution Since 1993, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has held 5 consecutive sessions in the China International Trade Center. The arrival of international masters and international brands has opened up the Chinese garment industry, which is still in its infancy of brand development. It has also strengthened the vision of many Chinese garments People self-development, self-revitalization of the beliefs and determination, a number of far-sighted enterprises began to take the pace of brand building. In 1998, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) moved to China International Exhibition Center (the old hall). During the past ten years, CHIC organizers organized professional promotion and business activities, which made CHIC's organization and service system more professional and in-depth. During this period, CHIC's professionalism, position in the industry and international influence are established, CHIC to specialization, internationalization direction to achieve a leap-forward development. 2008, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) fought in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), the organizers overview of the overall situation of the future direction of the brand, competitive situation, the operating mode to make accurate judgments, hold high the banner of "innovation" As the breakthrough point, the "breakthrough and innovation, transformation and upgrading." In the next decade, the global economic focus of the transfer and reallocation of global resources is the trend, more powerful Chinese brand, will have more right to speak to establish a new rule. The CHIC as Asia's largest and influential professional clothing exhibition, in promoting the development and expansion of China's clothing brand in the process also completed its own brand-building gorgeous turn. CHIC brand and the depth of cooperation, to seek the perfect combination of market and brand, has become China's clothing brand sustained and stable development of one of the magic. In 2010, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has been brilliant through 18 years, has a series of extraordinary figures: 100,000 square meters of exhibition area, more than 100,000 professional visitors, more than 20 countries and regions exhibitors and more than a thousand exhibition Brand ...... CHIC has been recognized as the industry's clothing brand promotion, market development, innovation show, the trend of publishing, wealth creation, resource sharing and international exchange of the best platform. At the same time, with the exhibition of the rising fashion, a variety of cultural, artistic, creative and other cross-border integration of resources so that each year in March CHIC fashion industry as well as social focus. In 2011, CHIC launched a new "discovery" tour, attracted from 19 countries and regions, more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign apparel brands participating in the same period successfully held more than 60 games, more than 110,000 domestic and foreign visitors to the scene, Exhibitors and visitors with the perfect platform for CHIC business docking. "China International Clothing & Accessories Fair thriving than expected, is impressive." March 29, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited the 19th China International Clothing & Accessories Fair evaluation. "Although the new exhibition hall is far away from the urban area, but to showcase the business and the audience is still a lot, which fully shows that the exhibition as an industry link and window in the industry very attractive, businesses and enterprises through the exhibition exchange of information, Communication business, but also the performance of the industry a strong vitality. 2012, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) ushered in the 20th birthday, its increasingly extensive international influence to promote more clothing brands to participate in CHIC2012 to, from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Israel and other 21 countries and regions, nearly 1,000 clothing brands exhibitors. The exhibition site will usher in more than 110,000 professional visitors to the scene. Despite the active participation of domestic and foreign customers, CHIC organizers did not simply expand the exhibition area and brand number, but will focus on improving the quality of exhibitors, select more more strength and development potential of the clothing brand, so that businesses have more exposure to good Brand and business negotiation opportunities. There will also be a series of highlights such as: CHIC 20 anniversary PARTY, the China Garment Forum, Jack the eighth annual awards ceremony of China's clothing brand, the Chinese clothing distribution, etc., these activities greatly enriched the CHIC2012 exhibition content , The CHIC2012 into a fusion of fashion, business and academic in a clothing industry event. In 2013, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) to "Lian Lian" as the theme, called on enterprises to do steady market with great concentration, good products, new models, innovation, and further enhance endogenous power, "Li Lian" brand core values to adapt to the new Period of changes in market demand and create the Chinese garment industry in the international economic competition in the brand development of new advantages, based on the commanding heights of the industrial value chain. It can be said, CHIC2013 is a re-examine and enhance the process of self, through the depth of the growth of their own endogenous driving force to build new development advantages, once again take a solid step forward.
Exhibition contact (Overseas) Lv jiang Telephone: 86-10-65050617 Fax: 86-10-65053260 Zip code: 100004 Email:[email protected] Address:  Room 515, China World Office Building 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Website:http://en.chiconline.com.cn/
0 notes
zealoustypho3-blog · 6 years
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show As the largest and most influential fashion show in Asia, CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, more than 125,000 trade visitors and 20 countries and regions , More than 1,000 brands of these brilliant figures. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) is always a function of a set of trade negotiations, channel development, resource integration, international cooperation, market inspection, fashion editing, cross-border cooperation, Anchoring capital and other integrated quality integrated resource platforms; 25 years, CHIC Fashion Trade Show has been based on changes in the industry and the market continues to innovate and grow with the clothing brand in China, is the Chinese clothing brand recognized by the industry and the facilitator of Market development and witness. The clothing industry of China today and consumption of a long, fast, variable, more emphasizes the role of the platform indispensable to the development of the company. More and more individual brand companies, manufacturing companies, apparel-related industries and terminal channels to participate in the CHIC fashion show, and each has revenue. CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) is also a new form of extension of the exhibition features, a comprehensive upgrade service system, to enhance the value of the exhibition platform.
IEDA Since its inception, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) organizers put the "guide the progress of China's garment industry, promote the development of China's clothing brand" as a show purpose. CHIC's core philosophy is: to create clothing brand promotion, market development, wealth creation of international first-class business platform; shaping the most fashion sense, the most cutting-edge and trend-driven, the most creative and cross-inspired fashion platform; The global clothing brand to share and configure their related resources required for the influential exchange platform. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been the forerunner of fashion and healthy lifestyle; CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been a comprehensive integrator of the brand's sustainable development and market development resources; Fashion Trade Show is always an excellent provider of high-end, professional, humane services and effective solutions . CHIC has become China's garment industry and the world's "benchmark", "barometer."
Evolution Since 1993, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has held 5 consecutive sessions in the China International Trade Center. The arrival of international masters and international brands has opened up the Chinese garment industry, which is still in its infancy of brand development. It has also strengthened the vision of many Chinese garments People self-development, self-revitalization of the beliefs and determination, a number of far-sighted enterprises began to take the pace of brand building. In 1998, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) moved to China International Exhibition Center (the old hall). During the past ten years, CHIC organizers organized professional promotion and business activities, which made CHIC's organization and service system more professional and in-depth. During this period, CHIC's professionalism, position in the industry and international influence are established, CHIC to specialization, internationalization direction to achieve a leap-forward development. 2008, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) fought in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), the organizers overview of the overall situation of the future direction of the brand, competitive situation, the operating mode to make accurate judgments, hold high the banner of "innovation" As the breakthrough point, the "breakthrough and innovation, transformation and upgrading." In the next decade, the global economic focus of the transfer and reallocation of global resources is the trend, more powerful Chinese brand, will have more right to speak to establish a new rule. The CHIC as Asia's largest and influential professional clothing exhibition, in promoting the development and expansion of China's clothing brand in the process also completed its own brand-building gorgeous turn. CHIC brand and the depth of cooperation, to seek the perfect combination of market and brand, has become China's clothing brand sustained and stable development of one of the magic. In 2010, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has been brilliant through 18 years, has a series of extraordinary figures: 100,000 square meters of exhibition area, more than 100,000 professional visitors, more than 20 countries and regions exhibitors and more than a thousand exhibition Brand ...... CHIC has been recognized as the industry's clothing brand promotion, market development, innovation show, the trend of publishing, wealth creation, resource sharing and international exchange of the best platform. At the same time, with the exhibition of the rising fashion, a variety of cultural, artistic, creative and other cross-border integration of resources so that each year in March CHIC fashion industry as well as social focus. In 2011, CHIC launched a new "discovery" tour, attracted from 19 countries and regions, more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign apparel brands participating in the same period successfully held more than 60 games, more than 110,000 domestic and foreign visitors to the scene, Exhibitors and visitors with the perfect platform for CHIC business docking. "China International Clothing & Accessories Fair thriving than expected, is impressive." March 29, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited the 19th China International Clothing & Accessories Fair evaluation. "Although the new exhibition hall is far away from the urban area, but to showcase the business and the audience is still a lot, which fully shows that the exhibition as an industry link and window in the industry very attractive, businesses and enterprises through the exhibition exchange of information, Communication business, but also the performance of the industry a strong vitality. 2012, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) ushered in the 20th birthday, its increasingly extensive international influence to promote more clothing brands to participate in CHIC2012 to, from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Israel and other 21 countries and regions, nearly 1,000 clothing brands exhibitors. The exhibition site will usher in more than 110,000 professional visitors to the scene. Despite the active participation of domestic and foreign customers, CHIC organizers did not simply expand the exhibition area and brand number, but will focus on improving the quality of exhibitors, select more more strength and development potential of the clothing brand, so that businesses have more exposure to good Brand and business negotiation opportunities. There will also be a series of highlights such as: CHIC 20 anniversary PARTY, the China Garment Forum, Jack the eighth annual awards ceremony of China's clothing brand, the Chinese clothing distribution, etc., these activities greatly enriched the CHIC2012 exhibition content , The CHIC2012 into a fusion of fashion, business and academic in a clothing industry event. In 2013, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) to "Lian Lian" as the theme, called on enterprises to do steady market with great concentration, good products, new models, innovation, and further enhance endogenous power, "Li Lian" brand core values to adapt to the new Period of changes in market demand and create the Chinese garment industry in the international economic competition in the brand development of new advantages, based on the commanding heights of the industrial value chain. It can be said, CHIC2013 is a re-examine and enhance the process of self, through the depth of the growth of their own endogenous driving force to build new development advantages, once again take a solid step forward.
Exhibition contact (Overseas) Lv jiang Telephone: 86-10-65050617 Fax: 86-10-65053260 Zip code: 100004 Email:[email protected] Address:  Room 515, China World Office Building 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Website:http://en.chiconline.com.cn/
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3 Lessons About Setting Your Price Learned From a Vegas Prostitute
New Post has been published on http://personalcoachingcenter.com/3-lessons-about-setting-your-price-learned-from-a-vegas-prostitute/
3 Lessons About Setting Your Price Learned From a Vegas Prostitute
May 29, 2019 4 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
I love pricing. I also love going to Las Vegas, especially when it’s to attend a pricing conference. True, that’s not the reason most people visit, but then most people aren’t as passionate about pricing as I am.
On this particular trip, it wasn’t the conference but a chance encounter on the Vegas strip that reinforced for me the three pricing lessons that are the foundation for any successful pricing strategy.
I was en route from the airport to my hotel when my cab got stuck on a side street. The barrier was road construction. As I sat stalled in traffic, the meter ticked up 20 cents at a time. After much frustration, I asked the driver to pull over, and got out to hike the two miles to my hotel.
Related: Mastering the Art of Pricing: What the Textbooks Don’t Teach You
There was a beautiful woman at the next corner, heading in the same direction. We started chatting as we walked toward the strip. I told her about my cab ride and she said that she was going to meet friends.
After a few minutes, I asked, “So, what do you do?”
She looked me up and down, then replied, “Anything you want.”
As a naïve Midwesterner, I was shocked. But once I regained my composure, the next words out of my mouth were, “I’m a pricing expert. Can I ask you some questions?”
She said “yes,” so I asked what she charged.
“I charge $500,” she replied. I asked if she ever negotiated lower prices, and she answered, “If they don’t want to pay that, I give them the names of some other providers who would provide services.”
Pricing lesson #1 — know your value.
For many business owners this is often one of the toughest lessons to learn, but it’s also one of the most important. Know your value — based on experience, results you’ve provided clients, how much the competition charges, your unique value proposition — and price your product or services accordingly. Too many companies undervalue their products.
Then I asked her, “Do you ever charge more?”
“Absolutely,” she said. “If some guy walks up in a fancy suit, nice watch, good shoes, I’m starting at $800.”
Related: Make Sure the Pricing Is Right With These Tips
Pricing lesson #2 — segment your market.
Segmented pricing is an often-underutilized opportunity than can tremendously expand your business. Price segmentation includes pricing by region, time, buying patterns, a job’s turn-around time and specific customer needs. Companies need to look for customers with different degrees of willingness to pay, then find a way to charge those customers different prices.
As we continued walking down the strip, she answered her phone. Based on her side of the conversation only, it was clear she was talking with a familiar client. “Would you like me to get one of my friends and come over?” she asked the person on the other end.
Not one to miss an opportunity, I was ready with my own question when she completed her cal. “How much does it cost when you and a friend provide services?” I inquired.
“Oh, that starts at $2,000,” she said.
Pricing lesson #3 — have a product portfolio.
Having a product portfolio means offering multiple versions of your product and/or a range of complementary goods or services that enhance the original product. You can create a product portfolio to capture more revenue from your market.
This woman had multiple options available for clients to select from, and the collaboration with a friend gave her a premium package to offer.
Related: Four Rules for Pricing Products
Up to this point in our talk, she had been completely open. However, I had one question I hesitated asking. But we had arrived at my hotel, and I decided to go for broke: “If you don’t want to answer this question, that’s fine … but how much did you make last year?”
“I worked almost every day and I made a little over $1 million,” she responded.
Now, you might not approve of what she does for a living, but if you want to maximize your income, may I suggest you learn these three pricing lessons this lady of the evening illustrated: Know your value, segment your market and build a product portfolio. These lessons apply to most business structures — whether product- or service-based — and across multiple industries.
And, as my new acquaintance could attest, their application helps lead to great success.
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weepingsuitst3-blog · 6 years
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show As the largest and most influential fashion show in Asia, CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, more than 125,000 trade visitors and 20 countries and regions , More than 1,000 brands of these brilliant figures. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) is always a function of a set of trade negotiations, channel development, resource integration, international cooperation, market inspection, fashion editing, cross-border cooperation, Anchoring capital and other integrated quality integrated resource platforms; 25 years, CHIC Fashion Trade Show has been based on changes in the industry and the market continues to innovate and grow with the clothing brand in China, is the Chinese clothing brand recognized by the industry and the facilitator of Market development and witness. The clothing industry of China today and consumption of a long, fast, variable, more emphasizes the role of the platform indispensable to the development of the company. More and more individual brand companies, manufacturing companies, apparel-related industries and terminal channels to participate in the CHIC fashion show, and each has revenue. CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) is also a new form of extension of the exhibition features, a comprehensive upgrade service system, to enhance the value of the exhibition platform.
IEDA Since its inception, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) organizers put the "guide the progress of China's garment industry, promote the development of China's clothing brand" as a show purpose. CHIC's core philosophy is: to create clothing brand promotion, market development, wealth creation of international first-class business platform; shaping the most fashion sense, the most cutting-edge and trend-driven, the most creative and cross-inspired fashion platform; The global clothing brand to share and configure their related resources required for the influential exchange platform. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been the forerunner of fashion and healthy lifestyle; CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been a comprehensive integrator of the brand's sustainable development and market development resources; Fashion Trade Show is always an excellent provider of high-end, professional, humane services and effective solutions . CHIC has become China's garment industry and the world's "benchmark", "barometer."
Evolution Since 1993, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has held 5 consecutive sessions in the China International Trade Center. The arrival of international masters and international brands has opened up the Chinese garment industry, which is still in its infancy of brand development. It has also strengthened the vision of many Chinese garments People self-development, self-revitalization of the beliefs and determination, a number of far-sighted enterprises began to take the pace of brand building. In 1998, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) moved to China International Exhibition Center (the old hall). During the past ten years, CHIC organizers organized professional promotion and business activities, which made CHIC's organization and service system more professional and in-depth. During this period, CHIC's professionalism, position in the industry and international influence are established, CHIC to specialization, internationalization direction to achieve a leap-forward development. 2008, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) fought in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), the organizers overview of the overall situation of the future direction of the brand, competitive situation, the operating mode to make accurate judgments, hold high the banner of "innovation" As the breakthrough point, the "breakthrough and innovation, transformation and upgrading." In the next decade, the global economic focus of the transfer and reallocation of global resources is the trend, more powerful Chinese brand, will have more right to speak to establish a new rule. The CHIC as Asia's largest and influential professional clothing exhibition, in promoting the development and expansion of China's clothing brand in the process also completed its own brand-building gorgeous turn. CHIC brand and the depth of cooperation, to seek the perfect combination of market and brand, has become China's clothing brand sustained and stable development of one of the magic. In 2010, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has been brilliant through 18 years, has a series of extraordinary figures: 100,000 square meters of exhibition area, more than 100,000 professional visitors, more than 20 countries and regions exhibitors and more than a thousand exhibition Brand ...... CHIC has been recognized as the industry's clothing brand promotion, market development, innovation show, the trend of publishing, wealth creation, resource sharing and international exchange of the best platform. At the same time, with the exhibition of the rising fashion, a variety of cultural, artistic, creative and other cross-border integration of resources so that each year in March CHIC fashion industry as well as social focus. In 2011, CHIC launched a new "discovery" tour, attracted from 19 countries and regions, more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign apparel brands participating in the same period successfully held more than 60 games, more than 110,000 domestic and foreign visitors to the scene, Exhibitors and visitors with the perfect platform for CHIC business docking. "China International Clothing & Accessories Fair thriving than expected, is impressive." March 29, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited the 19th China International Clothing & Accessories Fair evaluation. "Although the new exhibition hall is far away from the urban area, but to showcase the business and the audience is still a lot, which fully shows that the exhibition as an industry link and window in the industry very attractive, businesses and enterprises through the exhibition exchange of information, Communication business, but also the performance of the industry a strong vitality. 2012, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) ushered in the 20th birthday, its increasingly extensive international influence to promote more clothing brands to participate in CHIC2012 to, from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Israel and other 21 countries and regions, nearly 1,000 clothing brands exhibitors. The exhibition site will usher in more than 110,000 professional visitors to the scene. Despite the active participation of domestic and foreign customers, CHIC organizers did not simply expand the exhibition area and brand number, but will focus on improving the quality of exhibitors, select more more strength and development potential of the clothing brand, so that businesses have more exposure to good Brand and business negotiation opportunities. There will also be a series of highlights such as: CHIC 20 anniversary PARTY, the China Garment Forum, Jack the eighth annual awards ceremony of China's clothing brand, the Chinese clothing distribution, etc., these activities greatly enriched the CHIC2012 exhibition content , The CHIC2012 into a fusion of fashion, business and academic in a clothing industry event. In 2013, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) to "Lian Lian" as the theme, called on enterprises to do steady market with great concentration, good products, new models, innovation, and further enhance endogenous power, "Li Lian" brand core values to adapt to the new Period of changes in market demand and create the Chinese garment industry in the international economic competition in the brand development of new advantages, based on the commanding heights of the industrial value chain. It can be said, CHIC2013 is a re-examine and enhance the process of self, through the depth of the growth of their own endogenous driving force to build new development advantages, once again take a solid step forward.
Exhibition contact (Overseas) Lv jiang Telephone: 86-10-65050617 Fax: 86-10-65053260 Zip code: 100004 Email:[email protected] Address:  Room 515, China World Office Building 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Website:http://en.chiconline.com.cn/
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dayrisesolarenergy · 5 years
Solar Energy Future in India
Hello Friends, Today our topic of discussion is "Solar Energy Future in India" First of all I would request you all to Like, Share and subscribe this Channel to get more tips and tricks about Solar Energy, solar panels and solar power plants in India. Solar Energy Future in India Solar Energy future in India has grown leaps in bound. When the Solar Energy installation was aimed at 100 GW by 2022, the wheels were set in motion for the introduction of the much hyped ‘Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission’ JNNSM as it is often been abbreviated. MNRE Solar Subsidy’ campaign to strengthen Solar Energy Future in India Those within the energy industry were all well aware that Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant Installation Phase One under MNRE Subsidy scheme had been provoked massive investment in solar sectors which previously had not been on the green energy map in India. The ‘MNRE Solar Subsidy’ campaign was created as a mouth-piece for solar industry, domestic users, schools, colleges, institutions and NGOs. Government of India, State Governments, Solar activist groups, solar energy members and environmentalists alike advocated the message that solar power is the most viable means of generating clean, affordable energy in the future.  These entities have also voiced that solar energy future in India is bright. Net Meter and On Grid technology is a boom to Solar Energy Future in India With invent of grid connected rooftop solar power plants using net metering facility; the users are able to reverse their energy meter.  This way any domestic user may reduce his / her electric bill up to 90% for next 25 years. Input credits of electricity via net meter have winged the hope of a bright future of solar energy in India. Central Finance Assistance for GCRT PhaseOne & II to boost up Solar Energy Future in India Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Government of India, has successfully implemented solar energy policy amongst all the states of India.  MNRE through its Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (GCRT) Phase One and II have provided Central Finance Assistance (CFA) to the domestic segments for provision of solar subsidy to the tunes of 20 to 40%.  Various state regularity electricity commissions have further paved way for respective state Grid Connected Rooftop Solar with net metering and its mechanism Grid Connected Rooftop Solar with net metering is a mechanism where the government provides central finance assistance to ease out the problems of initial investment for installation of solar power plants.  Electricity generated from these solar power plants is first provided to the load of the premises, extra if any, is fed in to the grid with the help of Net Meter and string inverter. This arrangement guarantees that any amount of extra electricity fed in to the grid during day time may be imported back in to the premises during night, thus paving way to use of zero electricity from the main grid as long as user is utilizing the electricity units generated by his / her own solar system. Some government also has ruled fixed, premium rate paid for electricity generated by renewable means. Benefits of Solar Electricity Traditionally, the benefits of solar electricity have been far outweighed by the cost of solar kits, installation and maintenance, something which has depreciated investment and kept solar power as a low level, cottage industry in the India. What the Solar subsidy does is off-set the obvious costs involved in the installation of solar plant by offering investors generous financial incentives for installing grid connected rooftop solar. The main grid DISCOM companies in India will be obliged to purchase the solar energy at a price competitive to the current market rates, the cost of this being spread over the consumers. Green Energy Movement Even before the central government push for green energy movement, the benefits to potential solar investors in India were being expounded. At the end of 2016 India had moved up to third place in a list of countries in an index entitled, Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness. Citing the impending introduction of the solar subsidy, net metering benefits it is assumed that India’s rise in the index would continue as solar energy policy is designed to incentivise investors. Hydro, solar and wind energy are areas wherever we tend to invest within the semi-permanent, as there’s an over-average growth potential once finance kicks off again. Banks can like them once they begin loaning.” occurring to feature, “We can still invest during this segment however specialise in corporations that have a powerful record and are able to survive this crisis. India’s Big Mission of achieving 100 GW by 2022 India is trying every concentrated exertion to take a major jump to second position worldwide in sun based energy generation. India is pushing ahead at a quickest pace to accomplish its objectives of 100 GW sun oriented energy preparations by 2022. Sun energy oriented organizations in India are concentrating more on rooftop solar panels residential section as well. Administration of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has just begun expanding solar subsidies, Solar Tax refunds, ADT benefits to residential, organizations and NGO section. Of course, whenever the solar industry will be bigger than the internet in the India over the next half decade is open to debit. What is now becoming clear how is that the India’s solar sector will have everything in place come 2022 to help the sector become competitive with industries in Spain, Germany, China, USA and a number of other countries around the world. India as hub of solar energy movement In order to make the India competitive with other PV behemoths around the world, Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has made it clear that he wants to establish India as hub of solar energy movement.  In a statement, Modi said that moving the India from a carbon to a green economy would not only help meet climate change targets, but also provide jobs in solar industries. In a report, the figures stated that moving to a green economy would create up to 600,000 new jobs in the next two years in the India solar sector by 2022. Jawahal Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) With government backing, the INDIA is now in a strong position to build a solar sector which will be capable of emulating PV industries in China and UK. In April 2014, the Jawahal Lal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) with Net Metering facility and solar subsidy was first introduced as Grid Connected Rooftop Solar (GCRT) Phase One.  While extending the central finance assistance to domestic users, the solar subsidy up to 40% of benchmark cost has been declared for GCRT Phase II under JNNSM in the year 2019. After introduction of Phase II GCRT under JNNSM and the consequent months, it will see a frenzy of activity both in the media and from solar vendors as people desirous to take advantage of solar energy with subsidy and tax benefits are attempting to join the momentum in its infancy. Solar industry is now looking highly that as the economy goes out of recession and in to growth, the solar industry will reap the benefits of being both available to masses and financially attractive. DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd – Solar Panel Installer EPC Company DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd is the leading organization in the field of renewable energy i.e Solar Technology associated with some leading companies in the power sector of India and is proud to be among the list of top Solar Technology company in Haryana with its focus on “Designing, Engineering, Manufacturing, Supplying, Installing, Testing and commissioning any kind of Solar Photo-voltaic plants, equipment and systems that cater to both Domestic, Institutional, Social and Industrial needs.” Strong vision coupled with professional and ethical business practices have helped the organization to achieve good position in the markets it serves in Sonipat, Haryana, India. DAYRISE SOLAR ENERDY PVT LTD – 5 STAR RATED SOLAR COMPANY IN SONIPAT As part of its growth strategy DayRise Solar ventured in to reliable qualitative technology with highly skilled and trained manpower.  DayRise Solar has set up a State of the Art Solar Technology Showroom with service facilities at Sonipat, Haryana, India while providing Solar Technology services to all districts of Haryana as well as Delhi NCR. The Organisation is an ISO 14001-2015 and OHSAS 18001-2007 certified facility for Design, Engineering, Installation and Commissioning of Rooftop / Ground mounted Grid-Tied, Hybrid and Off-Grid Solar Power Plant Systems. CONTACT DAYRISE SOLAR ENERDY PVT LTD FOR SOLAR PANELS IN SONIPAT HARYANA INDIA The Expert team of the DayRise Solar may be approached through the contact page of the Company’s website or by official telephonic communication. Contact DayRise Solar whenever you wish to know anything about Benefits of Solar Technology or Install Solar Panels in a Cost-Effective Way with Solar Panel Subsidy or ways to get good offers while you contemplate to install Solar Technology / Solar Panel Power Plant System or buy solar panels in Sonipat, Haryana, Delhi NCR.  Contact extremely skilled and expert group of DayRise Solar by way of its Website’s contact Page for any question associated to Solar Technology, Solar Subsidy, Solar power, solar products, design, installation and commissioning of On-Grid / Off-Grid Rooftop / Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants throughout Haryana and Delhi NCR. Qualified skilled team of DayRise Solar might help you in processing of subsidy utility, bi-directional meter utility and uploading of all related documents. Solar Energy Future in India https://youtu.be/_cng-7LZYVE via Blogger https://ift.tt/2qFRSfh
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CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show As the largest and most influential fashion show in Asia, CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, more than 125,000 trade visitors and 20 countries and regions , More than 1,000 brands of these brilliant figures. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) is always a function of a set of trade negotiations, channel development, resource integration, international cooperation, market inspection, fashion editing, cross-border cooperation, Anchoring capital and other integrated quality integrated resource platforms; 25 years, CHIC Fashion Trade Show has been based on changes in the industry and the market continues to innovate and grow with the clothing brand in China, is the Chinese clothing brand recognized by the industry and the facilitator of Market development and witness. The clothing industry of China today and consumption of a long, fast, variable, more emphasizes the role of the platform indispensable to the development of the company. More and more individual brand companies, manufacturing companies, apparel-related industries and terminal channels to participate in the CHIC fashion show, and each has revenue. CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) is also a new form of extension of the exhibition features, a comprehensive upgrade service system, to enhance the value of the exhibition platform.
IEDA Since its inception, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) organizers put the "guide the progress of China's garment industry, promote the development of China's clothing brand" as a show purpose. CHIC's core philosophy is: to create clothing brand promotion, market development, wealth creation of international first-class business platform; shaping the most fashion sense, the most cutting-edge and trend-driven, the most creative and cross-inspired fashion platform; The global clothing brand to share and configure their related resources required for the influential exchange platform. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been the forerunner of fashion and healthy lifestyle; CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been a comprehensive integrator of the brand's sustainable development and market development resources; Fashion Trade Show is always an excellent provider of high-end, professional, humane services and effective solutions . CHIC has become China's garment industry and the world's "benchmark", "barometer."
Evolution Since 1993, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has held 5 consecutive sessions in the China International Trade Center. The arrival of international masters and international brands has opened up the Chinese garment industry, which is still in its infancy of brand development. It has also strengthened the vision of many Chinese garments People self-development, self-revitalization of the beliefs and determination, a number of far-sighted enterprises began to take the pace of brand building. In 1998, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) moved to China International Exhibition Center (the old hall). During the past ten years, CHIC organizers organized professional promotion and business activities, which made CHIC's organization and service system more professional and in-depth. During this period, CHIC's professionalism, position in the industry and international influence are established, CHIC to specialization, internationalization direction to achieve a leap-forward development. 2008, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) fought in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), the organizers overview of the overall situation of the future direction of the brand, competitive situation, the operating mode to make accurate judgments, hold high the banner of "innovation" As the breakthrough point, the "breakthrough and innovation, transformation and upgrading." In the next decade, the global economic focus of the transfer and reallocation of global resources is the trend, more powerful Chinese brand, will have more right to speak to establish a new rule. The CHIC as Asia's largest and influential professional clothing exhibition, in promoting the development and expansion of China's clothing brand in the process also completed its own brand-building gorgeous turn. CHIC brand and the depth of cooperation, to seek the perfect combination of market and brand, has become China's clothing brand sustained and stable development of one of the magic. In 2010, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has been brilliant through 18 years, has a series of extraordinary figures: 100,000 square meters of exhibition area, more than 100,000 professional visitors, more than 20 countries and regions exhibitors and more than a thousand exhibition Brand ...... CHIC has been recognized as the industry's clothing brand promotion, market development, innovation show, the trend of publishing, wealth creation, resource sharing and international exchange of the best platform. At the same time, with the exhibition of the rising fashion, a variety of cultural, artistic, creative and other cross-border integration of resources so that each year in March CHIC fashion industry as well as social focus. In 2011, CHIC launched a new "discovery" tour, attracted from 19 countries and regions, more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign apparel brands participating in the same period successfully held more than 60 games, more than 110,000 domestic and foreign visitors to the scene, Exhibitors and visitors with the perfect platform for CHIC business docking. "China International Clothing & Accessories Fair thriving than expected, is impressive." March 29, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited the 19th China International Clothing & Accessories Fair evaluation. "Although the new exhibition hall is far away from the urban area, but to showcase the business and the audience is still a lot, which fully shows that the exhibition as an industry link and window in the industry very attractive, businesses and enterprises through the exhibition exchange of information, Communication business, but also the performance of the industry a strong vitality. 2012, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) ushered in the 20th birthday, its increasingly extensive international influence to promote more clothing brands to participate in CHIC2012 to, from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Israel and other 21 countries and regions, nearly 1,000 clothing brands exhibitors. The exhibition site will usher in more than 110,000 professional visitors to the scene. Despite the active participation of domestic and foreign customers, CHIC organizers did not simply expand the exhibition area and brand number, but will focus on improving the quality of exhibitors, select more more strength and development potential of the clothing brand, so that businesses have more exposure to good Brand and business negotiation opportunities. There will also be a series of highlights such as: CHIC 20 anniversary PARTY, the China Garment Forum, Jack the eighth annual awards ceremony of China's clothing brand, the Chinese clothing distribution, etc., these activities greatly enriched the CHIC2012 exhibition content , The CHIC2012 into a fusion of fashion, business and academic in a clothing industry event. In 2013, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) to "Lian Lian" as the theme, called on enterprises to do steady market with great concentration, good products, new models, innovation, and further enhance endogenous power, "Li Lian" brand core values to adapt to the new Period of changes in market demand and create the Chinese garment industry in the international economic competition in the brand development of new advantages, based on the commanding heights of the industrial value chain. It can be said, CHIC2013 is a re-examine and enhance the process of self, through the depth of the growth of their own endogenous driving force to build new development advantages, once again take a solid step forward.
Exhibition contact (Overseas) Lv jiang Telephone: 86-10-65050617 Fax: 86-10-65053260 Zip code: 100004 Email:[email protected] Address:  Room 515, China World Office Building 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Website:http://en.chiconline.com.cn/
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CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show
CHIC Shanghai _ Fashion Trade Show As the largest and most influential fashion show in Asia, CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) has an exhibition area of 100,000 square meters, more than 125,000 trade visitors and 20 countries and regions , More than 1,000 brands of these brilliant figures. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) is always a function of a set of trade negotiations, channel development, resource integration, international cooperation, market inspection, fashion editing, cross-border cooperation, Anchoring capital and other integrated quality integrated resource platforms; 25 years, CHIC Fashion Trade Show has been based on changes in the industry and the market continues to innovate and grow with the clothing brand in China, is the Chinese clothing brand recognized by the industry and the facilitator of Market development and witness. The clothing industry of China today and consumption of a long, fast, variable, more emphasizes the role of the platform indispensable to the development of the company. More and more individual brand companies, manufacturing companies, apparel-related industries and terminal channels to participate in the CHIC fashion show, and each has revenue. CHIC (Fashion Trade Show) is also a new form of extension of the exhibition features, a comprehensive upgrade service system, to enhance the value of the exhibition platform.
IEDA Since its inception, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) organizers put the "guide the progress of China's garment industry, promote the development of China's clothing brand" as a show purpose. CHIC's core philosophy is: to create clothing brand promotion, market development, wealth creation of international first-class business platform; shaping the most fashion sense, the most cutting-edge and trend-driven, the most creative and cross-inspired fashion platform; The global clothing brand to share and configure their related resources required for the influential exchange platform. CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been the forerunner of fashion and healthy lifestyle; CHIC(Fashion Trade Show)  has always been a comprehensive integrator of the brand's sustainable development and market development resources; Fashion Trade Show is always an excellent provider of high-end, professional, humane services and effective solutions . CHIC has become China's garment industry and the world's "benchmark", "barometer."
Evolution Since 1993, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has held 5 consecutive sessions in the China International Trade Center. The arrival of international masters and international brands has opened up the Chinese garment industry, which is still in its infancy of brand development. It has also strengthened the vision of many Chinese garments People self-development, self-revitalization of the beliefs and determination, a number of far-sighted enterprises began to take the pace of brand building. In 1998, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) moved to China International Exhibition Center (the old hall). During the past ten years, CHIC organizers organized professional promotion and business activities, which made CHIC's organization and service system more professional and in-depth. During this period, CHIC's professionalism, position in the industry and international influence are established, CHIC to specialization, internationalization direction to achieve a leap-forward development. 2008, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) fought in Beijing China International Exhibition Center (New Hall), the organizers overview of the overall situation of the future direction of the brand, competitive situation, the operating mode to make accurate judgments, hold high the banner of "innovation" As the breakthrough point, the "breakthrough and innovation, transformation and upgrading." In the next decade, the global economic focus of the transfer and reallocation of global resources is the trend, more powerful Chinese brand, will have more right to speak to establish a new rule. The CHIC as Asia's largest and influential professional clothing exhibition, in promoting the development and expansion of China's clothing brand in the process also completed its own brand-building gorgeous turn. CHIC brand and the depth of cooperation, to seek the perfect combination of market and brand, has become China's clothing brand sustained and stable development of one of the magic. In 2010, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) has been brilliant through 18 years, has a series of extraordinary figures: 100,000 square meters of exhibition area, more than 100,000 professional visitors, more than 20 countries and regions exhibitors and more than a thousand exhibition Brand ...... CHIC has been recognized as the industry's clothing brand promotion, market development, innovation show, the trend of publishing, wealth creation, resource sharing and international exchange of the best platform. At the same time, with the exhibition of the rising fashion, a variety of cultural, artistic, creative and other cross-border integration of resources so that each year in March CHIC fashion industry as well as social focus. In 2011, CHIC launched a new "discovery" tour, attracted from 19 countries and regions, more than 1,000 Chinese and foreign apparel brands participating in the same period successfully held more than 60 games, more than 110,000 domestic and foreign visitors to the scene, Exhibitors and visitors with the perfect platform for CHIC business docking. "China International Clothing & Accessories Fair thriving than expected, is impressive." March 29, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, Vice Premier Zhang Dejiang visited the 19th China International Clothing & Accessories Fair evaluation. "Although the new exhibition hall is far away from the urban area, but to showcase the business and the audience is still a lot, which fully shows that the exhibition as an industry link and window in the industry very attractive, businesses and enterprises through the exhibition exchange of information, Communication business, but also the performance of the industry a strong vitality. 2012, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) ushered in the 20th birthday, its increasingly extensive international influence to promote more clothing brands to participate in CHIC2012 to, from the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Greece, Turkey, Israel and other 21 countries and regions, nearly 1,000 clothing brands exhibitors. The exhibition site will usher in more than 110,000 professional visitors to the scene. Despite the active participation of domestic and foreign customers, CHIC organizers did not simply expand the exhibition area and brand number, but will focus on improving the quality of exhibitors, select more more strength and development potential of the clothing brand, so that businesses have more exposure to good Brand and business negotiation opportunities. There will also be a series of highlights such as: CHIC 20 anniversary PARTY, the China Garment Forum, Jack the eighth annual awards ceremony of China's clothing brand, the Chinese clothing distribution, etc., these activities greatly enriched the CHIC2012 exhibition content , The CHIC2012 into a fusion of fashion, business and academic in a clothing industry event. In 2013, CHIC(Fashion Trade Show) to "Lian Lian" as the theme, called on enterprises to do steady market with great concentration, good products, new models, innovation, and further enhance endogenous power, "Li Lian" brand core values to adapt to the new Period of changes in market demand and create the Chinese garment industry in the international economic competition in the brand development of new advantages, based on the commanding heights of the industrial value chain. It can be said, CHIC2013 is a re-examine and enhance the process of self, through the depth of the growth of their own endogenous driving force to build new development advantages, once again take a solid step forward.
Exhibition contact (Overseas) Lv jiang Telephone: 86-10-65050617 Fax: 86-10-65053260 Zip code: 100004 Email:[email protected] Address:  Room 515, China World Office Building 2, No.1 Jianguomenwai Ave., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Website:http://en.chiconline.com.cn/
0 notes