#Greenhouse emissions
siriuslydandy · 1 year
Buildings are responsible for 13% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US, and methane gas from cookstoves is responsible for 1 in 8 cases of asthma in the U.S. – that’s on par with the secondhand smoke. Burning gas in homes also generates harmful emissions of formaldehyde, methane, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants.
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mikeyderose04 · 2 years
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Another great piece of artwork done by Banksy; this time the mural appeared in Central London at the Marble Arch landmark on a concrete block, where protestors have set up camp. The mural shows a child planting a seed while holding up a sign with the symbol of the Extinction Rebellion on it. The Extinction Rebellion is a new group drawing attention to the government's lack of action using civil obedience; the words "FROM THIS MOMENT DESPAIR ENDS AND TACTICS BEGIN" are painted alongside. The streets of London were packed with activists demanding that their government change the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Banksy has not confirmed if this was his work, but experts say that "this is a Banksy."
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ianmiller42 · 2 years
Will We Do Anything To Stop Global Warming?
Will We Do Anything To Stop Global Warming?
There is an interesting review on climate change (Matthews & Wynes, 2022, Science 376: 1404 – 1409). One point that comes up early is how did this sneak up on us? If you look at the graph on global temperatures, you will see that the summers in the 1940s were unusually hot, and the winters in the 1960 – 1980 period were unusually cool, with the net result that people living between 1940 – 1985…
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harpianews · 3 years
Russia came from cold on climate, started forest plan
Russia came from cold on climate, started forest plan
A Russian island north of Japan has become a testing ground for Moscow’s efforts to reconcile its prized fossil fuel industry with the need to do something about climate change. More than two-thirds of the island of Sakhalin is forested. With the blessing of the Kremlin, officials there have set an ambitious goal of making the island – Russia’s largest – carbon neutral by 2025. Tree growth would…
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stevemaclellan · 3 years
“While B.C.’s new strategy promises to ramp up production of green hydrogen, made from the province’s abundant renewable energy resources, it also encourages continued development of natural gas for the production of blue hydrogen, which still has significant greenhouse gas emissions,” Karen Tam Wu, the Pembina Institute’s B.C. regional director, said in a release.
By failing to prioritize green hydrogen production, the strategy “misses B.C.’s clear regional opportunity to build a hydrogen economy on a renewable energy foundation rather than on fossil fuels and maximize the potential climate benefits hydrogen has to offer,” she added.
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news-of-the-day · 3 years
Capitol riot
House Democrats plan on asking Pence today to use the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office (very unlikely), and should he not, they're going to start impeachment proceedings tomorrow. They've already introduced the articles of impeachment. (NYT)
Many companies are stopping (at least temporarily) donations to politicians who challenged Biden's win certification, with some even asking for their money back. (BBC)
Apple and Google removed Parler, the social media platform that attracts conservative users, from their app store. Amazon, which hosts the Parler website, booted them off, and Parler sued to restore services. Twitter also removed tens of thousands of accounts related to QAnon. (CNN, FOX, NYT)
Several Capitol officers were suspended and others under investigation for seemingly supporting or actively being involved in the riot. (Washington Post)
There are plans for 10K National Guard troops for the inauguration, possibly up to 15K, with checkpoints around the city. (Reuters)
Total cases are ~91.4M, total deaths are ~1.9M. (Worldometer)
US greenhouse emissions dropped by 10% in 2020 thanks to COVID, but much more is still needed to stave off global warming. (NYT)
Chicago is reopening its schools for K-8 for the first time since March. (Chicago Tribune)
China is quarantining 20M due to an outbreak. (WSJ)
Malaysia is declaring a state of emergency until August due to the high positivity rates. (NHK)
Other news:
The US put Cuba back on the list of state-sponsored terrorism. (Miami Herald)
The Houthis in Yemen will also be designated as a terrorist group. (Reuters)
India's Supreme Court ordered a pause on the farming laws that caused protests to erupt all over the country, and a review should be made to listen to farmers' complaints. (Times of India)
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf stepped down because of court rulings that said he legally couldn't be in the position. (CNN)
Biden is nominating William Burns, a career diplomat, as head of the CIA. (The Hill)
Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 out of Jakarta, Indonesia stopped communicating four minutes after takeoff. Its remains were found later in the Java Sea with all 63 people dead. The plane was a Boeing 737, which brings to mind the issues with the 737 MAX. (AP)
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newzzhub · 4 years
Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Government To Work Towards Paris Climate Goals
Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Government To Work Towards Paris Climate Goals
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Putin harassed any motion have to be balanced with the necessity to guarantee robust financial growth.
President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree ordering the Russian authorities to work in direction of assembly the 2015 Paris Agreement to combat local weather change, however harassed any motion have to be balanced with the necessity to guarantee robust financial…
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motherearthday · 4 years
Every year, the Emissions Gap Report signals the difference between where greenhouse emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they should be to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
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go-21newstv · 4 years
Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Authorities To Work In the direction of Paris Local weather Targets
Vladimir Putin Orders Russian Authorities To Work In the direction of Paris Local weather Targets
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Putin harassed any motion have to be balanced with the necessity to guarantee sturdy financial improvement.
Moscow: President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree ordering the Russian authorities to work in the direction of assembly the 2015 Paris Settlement to battle local weather change, however harassed any motion have to be balanced with the necessity to guarantee sturdy…
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focusonthegoodnews · 4 years
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This sustainable eco-resort uses bamboo + rammed earth as concrete alternatives to reduce emissions! Good News Notes: "The new normal has given us a new perspective on the value of nature in our lives, we have longed to be outdoors freely and breathe in fresh air without any worries.
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dte-downtoearth · 4 years
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
तो 2100 तक धरती से खत्म हो जाएंगे पोलर बीयर, वैज्ञानिकों ने जताई चिंता
तो 2100 तक धरती से खत्म हो जाएंगे पोलर बीयर, वैज्ञानिकों ने जताई चिंता
वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि 2100 तक दुनियां से पोलर बीयर खत्म हो सकते हैं. इसके अलावा वैज्ञानिकों को ये भी पता चला है कि वो कहां और कैसे विलुप्त होंगे. अगर ग्रीन हाउस उत्सर्जन पर जल्दी लगाम नहीं लगाई गई तो आर्कटिक में सिर्फ इक्के-दुक्के पोलर बीयर ही रह जाएंगे.
वैज्ञानिक इस बात पर दृढ़ हैं कि 2040 तक, पोलर बीयर प्रजनन करने में असमर्थ हो जाएंगे. जिसके चलते उनकी प्रजातियां विलुप्त होने की…
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