#Eye lift surgery in Dubai
chhayasmarketplace · 1 year
Eyelid surgery - Recovery and Aftercare
We all want our eyes to look forever youthful and attractive. A blepharoplasty is a simple surgery to improve the shape and appearance of the eyes. Eyes reflect signs of ageing quite apparently. But you can reverse them with simple eyelid surgery in Dubai. Read more about it here
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drpaulsayad · 12 days
Post-Operative Care for a Smooth Recovery After Laparoscopic Hernia Repair in Dubai
In comparison to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic hernia repair is a less invasive method that has various benefits. It results in less pain and faster recovery. However, to guarantee a speedy recovery and avoid complications, appropriate post-operative care is essential. For efficient post-operative care following laparoscopic hernia repair in Dubai, pay close attention to these five crucial areas.
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Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions Carefully
Following your laparoscopic hernia repair procedure, your surgeon will provide you with special instructions for your situation.
Medication: Take prescribed medications, including pain relievers and antibiotics to prevent infection.
Dressings: Keep surgical dressings clean and dry and change them as instructed to avoid infection.
Follow-Up Appointments: Keep all of your scheduled follow-up appointments so that you can track your progress and quickly handle any issues.
Gradual Return to Physical Activity
Even though laparoscopic surgery usually requires shorter recovery periods, it's important to gradually resume your regular activities. To prevent strain on the surgical site, avoid heavy lifting and intense exercise during the first phase of recovery.
Take part in low-impact exercises like walking to help with healing and circulation.
Lifting heavy objects should be avoided for at least six weeks, or as directed by your surgeon.
Gradually increase your level of exercise based on your comfort and surgeon's instructions.
Manage Pain Effectively
Managing pain is essential for the healing process. It can help you avoid issues and continue your busy lifestyle.
When required, use the prescribed painkillers. If your doctor has approved, you may also utilize over-the-counter pain medicines.
Use cold packs on the surgery site to lessen pain and swelling.
When you're sleeping or sitting, use pillows to support your body for optimal comfort and to reduce the amount of strain on your abdomen.
Adopt a Healthy Diet
Nutrition has a critical role in the healing process after the surgery. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can support your body's natural healing processes. In order to maintain general health and stay hydrated, drink lots of water. Moreover, to aid with healing, include nutritious grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet along with lean proteins. Consume foods high in fiber to avoid constipation, which can put undue strain on the surgical site.
Monitor for Signs of Complications
Even though problems are uncommon, it's important to watch out for any indications that something might be wrong and need medical treatment. Prompt care and early detection can avert more serious issues.
Keep an eye out for any indications of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge where the incisions are.
Inform your surgeon of any acute or ongoing pain.
If you experience a fever, call your doctor since it may be an infection.
By adhering to these post-operative care recommendations, patients in Dubai can guarantee a quick and successful recovery. More peace of mind may also be obtained from having access to the best hospitals and medical specialists in the area. You may optimize the results of your laparoscopic hernia repair and confidently resume your regular activities by prioritizing these postoperative care components.
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dranshuplasticsurgeon · 2 months
Rhinoplaty In Dubai
Rhinoplaty In Dubai - Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nose. In Dubai, a city known for its world-class healthcare facilities and skilled medical professionals, rhinoplasty is performed by experienced plastic surgeons using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology. Whether you're seeking to correct nasal deformities, improve breathing function, or enhance facial harmony, rhinoplasty in Dubai offers a range of options tailored to your unique needs and goals.
Understanding Rhinoplasty:
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose to achieve aesthetic or functional improvements. It can address various concerns, including:
Nose size: Reducing or augmenting the size of the nose to achieve better facial balance.
Nasal bridge: Correcting bumps, humps, or depressions on the nasal bridge.
Nasal tip: Refining or reshaping the nasal tip to create a more defined or proportionate appearance.
Nostrils: Adjusting the size or shape of the nostrils to improve symmetry and contour.
Breathing problems: Correcting structural issues that obstruct nasal airflow and hinder breathing function.
Procedure Overview:
Rhinoplasty in Dubai typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: Your plastic surgeon will conduct a thorough evaluation of your nasal anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns, and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Surgery: Rhinoplasty can be performed using either an open or closed approach, depending on the extent of correction required. During the procedure, incisions are made either inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or across the columella (open rhinoplasty) to access the underlying nasal structures. The surgeon then reshapes the nose by removing or rearranging cartilage, bone, or tissue as needed to achieve the desired outcome.
Recovery: Following rhinoplasty surgery, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the nose and eyes. Most individuals can return to work and normal activities within 1-2 weeks, although full recovery may take several months as swelling gradually subsides, and the final results become apparent.
Choosing a Qualified Surgeon:
When considering rhinoplasty in Dubai, it's essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing nasal surgery. Look for a surgeon who:
Specializes in rhinoplasty and has a proven track record of successful outcomes.
Listens to your concerns, understands your aesthetic goals, and provides realistic expectations about the results.
Operates in accredited medical facilities equipped with advanced technology and adheres to strict safety standards.
Offers comprehensive pre-operative assessments, personalized treatment plans, and thorough post-operative care to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.
Cost Considerations:
The cost of rhinoplasty in Dubai can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon's expertise, the complexity of the procedure, the facility where the surgery is performed, and any additional treatments or accommodations required. While rhinoplasty is generally considered an elective cosmetic procedure and may not be covered by insurance, many clinics offer flexible payment options, financing plans, or medical tourism packages to accommodate patients' needs and budgets.
Postoperative Care and Follow-Up:
After rhinoplasty surgery, it's essential to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions carefully to promote optimal healing and minimize the risk of complications. This may include:
Taking prescribed medications to manage pain, swelling, and prevent infection.
Avoiding strenuous activities, heavy lifting, or contact sports for several weeks to allow the nose to heal properly.
Attending follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress, remove sutures or splints, and address any concerns or questions you may have.
Rhinoplasty in Dubai offers individuals the opportunity to enhance their facial aesthetics, improve breathing function, and achieve newfound confidence in their appearance. With the expertise of skilled plastic surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to patient-centered care, Dubai provides an ideal destination for those seeking high-quality rhinoplasty procedures tailored to their unique needs and preferences. Whether you're a local resident or considering medical tourism, rhinoplasty in Dubai promises transformative results and a renewed sense of self-assurance.
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knowledgeguy · 4 months
Are non-surgical eye lifts in Dubai safe and effective?
Non-surgical eye lifts in Dubai, commonly performed in reputable aesthetic clinics like those found in Jumeirah, are generally considered safe and effective when administered by skilled and qualified professionals. These non-invasive procedures often utilize advanced technologies such as radiofrequency, ultrasound, or laser treatments to tighten and lift the skin around the eyes. Aesthetic clinics in Jumeirah adhere to strict safety standards and employ experienced practitioners who customize treatments to address individual concerns. Non-surgical eye lifts can effectively reduce the appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines around the eyes without surgery, minimizing downtime and risks associated with invasive procedures.
The safety and effectiveness of non-surgical eye lifts depend on the specific technology used, the individual's skin condition, and the practitioner's expertise. As with any cosmetic procedure, a thorough consultation with professionals at the aesthetic clinic in Jumeirah is essential to assess candidacy, discuss expectations, and ensure a tailored approach for optimal and safe results. When performed by skilled practitioners in reputable aesthetic clinics, non-surgical eye lifts can provide a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance with a reduced risk of complications compared to surgical alternatives.
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athenaderma · 8 months
Elevating Beauty: The Evolution of Skincare in Dubai
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Nestled amidst the luxurious skyline of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is a city that has mastered the art of making a statement. In a place where beauty and glamour are non-negotiable, skincare has become an evolving frontier. Dubai, known for its extraordinary lifestyle, is a hub for innovative skincare treatments, ranging from Botox to Morpheus8, microneedling to skin boosters, and thread lifts. In this blog, we explore the evolution of skincare in Dubai and the diverse options that residents and visitors have at their disposal to elevate their beauty.
Dubai and the Pursuit of Timeless Beauty
Dubai's desire for timeless beauty has fueled a remarkable evolution in skincare. The city's dynamic atmosphere, combined with the harsh desert climate, has necessitated a comprehensive approach to maintaining healthy and radiant skin. To address the diverse needs of its cosmopolitan residents, Dubai has embraced various skincare techniques that have become part of the beauty routine.
Botox in Dubai: A Classic Choice for Wrinkle Reduction
One of the most well-known treatments for combating fine lines and wrinkles is Botox, which has achieved global recognition.Botox in Dubai is widely used to diminish the appearance of age-related lines, especially in areas like the forehead and around the eyes.
Botox works by relaxing the facial muscles that cause wrinkles. It's a non-surgical procedure, offering immediate results and minimal downtime. The simplicity and effectiveness of Botox have made it a popular choice in Dubai's skincare landscape, where looking youthful is a constant aspiration.
Morpheus8 Treatment in Dubai: Rejuvenation with Radiofrequency
Morpheus8 is a cutting-edge treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology. This non-invasive procedure is gaining traction in Dubai for its ability to address a wide range of skincare concerns. The microneedles create controlled micro-injuries, while the radiofrequency energy stimulates collagen production, resulting in firmer, smoother skin.
Morpheus8 treatment dubai is a versatile treatment that can be customized to target specific concerns, such as fine lines, acne scars, and sagging skin. The minimal downtime and impressive results have made it a sought-after choice for those looking to rejuvenate their skin without surgery.
Microneedling in Dubai: A Non-Surgical Path to Youthful Skin
Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is another transformative skincare treatment gaining popularity in Dubai. This procedure involves the use of fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface, stimulating the body's natural healing response.
Microneedling in Dubai has several benefits, including skin rejuvenation, scar reduction, and improved texture. It is an effective choice for individuals looking to address a variety of skin concerns, such as acne scars, stretch marks, and fine lines. The minimal downtime associated with microneedling makes it an attractive option for Dubai's active population.
Skin Boosters in Dubai: Hydration and Radiance
Dubai's arid climate can be harsh on the skin, leading to issues like dryness and a lackluster complexion. Skin boosters, a treatment involving hyaluronic acid injections, have emerged as a solution to this problem.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body that retains moisture, making it an ideal component for skin hydration and revitalization. Skin booster dubai helps replenish lost moisture, improve skin quality, and reduce fine lines. They have become a go-to treatment for those seeking a fresh and radiant look in the desert city.
Thread Lift in Dubai: A Non-Surgical Facelift Alternative
Thread lift dubai has gained prominence as a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift. This procedure involves inserting dissolvable threads under the skin, which are then lifted to tighten and lift sagging areas of the face.
Thread lifts are a versatile option, addressing concerns like jowls, neck sagging, and facial contouring. With minimal downtime and a relatively short recovery period, they have become a popular choice for individuals who want to achieve a more youthful appearance without undergoing surgery.
The Intersection of Tradition and Innovation
Dubai's skincare landscape is a unique blend of traditional beauty rituals and innovative treatments. The city has embraced time-tested practices such as hammams and organic skincare alongside cutting-edge technologies like Morpheus8, microneedling, and Botox. This harmonious intersection caters to a diverse population with varying skincare needs and preferences.
Customized Solutions for Diverse Skin Types
Dubai's multicultural community has led to the development of skincare solutions tailored to a wide range of skin types and concerns. Whether you have dry, sensitive skin or are dealing with hyperpigmentation, there's a treatment to address your specific needs. Skincare professionals in Dubai understand the significance of customization, ensuring that each individual's unique complexion is cared for.
A Holistic Approach to Skincare
Dubai's approach to skincare goes beyond superficial beauty. It encompasses a holistic understanding of wellness and skin health. The city's premium skincare products, spa treatments, and wellness centers offer a well-rounded experience that nurtures both the body and the soul.
Dubai's skincare landscape is a testament to the city's unwavering commitment to beauty and self-care. From classic choices like Botox to innovative treatments like Morpheus8 and microneedling, Dubai provides a diverse range of options for those seeking to enhance their natural beauty. The city's embrace of tradition and technolo
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health7777877 · 1 year
Face Lift Surgery in Dubai - Prof Dr. Robert Hierner
A facelift surgery dubai procedure eliminates folds, wrinkles, and sagging skin around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, forehead, and jaws while improving overall facial appearance.
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royalclinic54 · 1 year
Brow Lift Procedure
Quite possibly of the most widely recognized grumbling ladies have with respect to the indications of maturing all over is the arrangement of profound wrinkles across the forehead or over the scaffold of the nose. These wrinkles are restricted, so a cosmetic touch up probably won't be the most ideal choice you could benefit most from a temple lift, in the event that forehead wrinkles are your anxiety.
How Could A Temple at any point Lift Help Me?
A Forehead Lift in Dubai will assist with diminishing the presence of profound wrinkles across the forehead or more the nose. Frown lines that run upward between the eyebrows can likewise profit from a temple lift. In the event that you generally disapprove of the foreheads listing and making the eyelids hang over the eyes, a temple lift can reposition the eyebrows higher, eliminating the drooping and giving the face a more energetic appearance.
Could I at any point Get A Temple Lift and One more Methodology Simultaneously?
Forehead lifts are much of the time acted related to different strategies. In the event that you are going through a facelift to fix the mid-or lower-facial districts, consider adding a temple lift to fix the forehead. You can several a temple lift with eyelid surgery to eliminate overabundance skin from around the eye region and battle drooping.
Obviously, you can likewise coordinate the method with other non-careful choices, for example, skin reemerging or long haul Botox medicines. Your specialist will suggest the best arrangement of strategies for your particular objectives.
How Might I Plan for the Strategy?
Like with any plastic surgery, you will need to quit smoking half a month prior to the technique. You will likewise have to quit taking specific meds and enhancements, in view of the guidelines from the specialist (a few drugs can increment dying).
On the off chance that your hair is short, consider developing it out before the methodology so it will cover the entry points until they are recuperated. Assuming you variety your hair, finish that before the strategy. After the surgery, you will not have the option to handle your hair for a long time synthetically. You will likewise require somebody to drive you home, in the event that the system is short term.
Attempt to assemble every one of the provisions you will require after your surgery before the date, so you are arranged when you return home. Ask your specialist what wraps, over-the-counter or physician recommended meds, ice packs, or different materials you will require during your recuperation. Make certain to have a lot of clean conservative shirts so you will not need to pull a shirt over your face.
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drnadisakr · 1 year
Dr. Nadi Sakr - عيادة الدكتور نادي صقر
Dr. Nadi Sakr
Plastic surgery specialist
 Quttainah Medical Center ALshaab Al bahary. Kuwait
Visiting Specialist – Quttainah Specialized Hospital – Dubai
Dr. Nady Sakr performs:
High definition Liposuction
Belt Lipectomy after bariatric surgery
Forehead Reduction browlift & Cat eyes
Abdominoplasty & mommy makeover
Brazilian butt lift ( B.B.L )
Buttock augmentation by Silicone implant and Fat Injection
Breast lift & Breast Reduction & Augmentation mammaplasty
Arm lift & Thigh lif & back lift
Rhinoplasty & blepharoplasty & bat ear
Douple Chin liposuction with or without J plasma
Local anesthesia operations
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beauty-treatments · 3 years
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ironcloudking · 3 years
A facelift, otherwise called rhytidectomy, is a surgery that lifts and fixes these facial tissues. A facelift can include eliminating abundance skin, streamlining folds or wrinkles, and fixing facial tissue. It does exclude a forehead or eye lift, albeit these may be done simultaneously
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orionares · 5 years
Drabble, Part 14
“Are you actually recording this? Didn’t you leave your phone in the room?”
“ I grabbed it while you were flirting with the nurse. I’m glad I did.”
“You know you’ll never hear the end of this if he finds out you were recording this, right?”
“It’s worth it if I don’t have to ever hear about the time I apparently snored on that flight from Dubai.”
Kensi slowly opens her eyes at the chatter she can hear across the room. Sam and Callen’s bickering are relaxed and humorous and by the sound of it, nowhere near its end.
“Proof versus whining, Sam. Pick your poison- either way I’m staying out of this.”
“By running your mouth?”
“What are you two doing?” Kensi calls out with a smile. She finds Callen and Sam at the foot of Deeks’ bed, the ex- SEAL scowling up at his partner from his wheelchair. Callen pauses before he scoffs humorously and Sam before answering, “I’m just an innocent bystander to Sam’s devious ways. Recording Deeks snoring…. I would never- “
A rather loud snore comes from her sleeping fiancée, who’s head is drooped slightly to his right. Never one to snore heavily, Kensi finds the unusual snoring absolutely adorable.  Another snore comes and she sits up a little straighter, trying to stifle a laugh. “Oh, no.”
“And if I have to hear,” Sam states, “the words ‘I don’t snore, Sam. I’m kind of too amazing to snore’ one more time, I’m going to kick his ass.”
The memory of being crammed in the back of a Boeing C-17 Globemaster with a sleeping Callen, a snoring Sam and Deeks smiling mischievously at the ex- SEAL brings a smile to Kensi’s face. “Well, it was Deeks not sleeping and bored on a six-hour flight. What did you expect?”
The three chuckle softly at the memory for a minute before the laughter dies down. Callen sighs softly before moving towards Kensi. He wraps his arms around and asks warmly, “How are you?”
“I’m holding up. I just want us to go home and sleep for once in our bed,” Kensi answers. She reaches out and touches his cheek, which immediately wakes him. Deeks’ eyes open wide before slowly lifting his head up to both Sam and Kensi.
“Mm mm…. morning or afternoon,” he mutters. It takes a minute before Sam and Callen’s presence catches up to him. “Huh?”
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Callen calls out, relief clear in his voice. Deeks shifts up in his bead to take in the first full conscious view of his teammates in two weeks. Sam wheels his wheelchair closer to the side of the bed to look up at Deeks. “How do you feel?”
“Warm and fuzzy. What happened to you?”
Sam snorts at the younger agent’s comment. “Nothing huge. Just getting surgery after being blown to hell.”
“I know the feeling,” Deeks replies. His humorous expression falters almost immediately as he asks softly, “How bad?”
Sam rubs his elevated leg and shrugs, “Depends. I’ve got a lot of PT coming up and possibly another surgery coming up- Doc says that we’re going to play it by ear.”
Deeks nods silently in understanding before the room falls into silence. Kensi takes a moment to scan each face in the room and finds the same emotion she’s feeling- fear.
“What happens next?” Kensi asks. “What do we do now? I mean- when we go home and breathe- what do we do now?”
Callen turns to the small chair near the wall and pulls it close to the bed. He eases himself into the chair, his expression inquisitive. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Kensi nods to Sam and Deeks, “It’s going to be weeks before either of you are back to work and I doubt any of us will ever see Mosley ever again. Hetty’s in the wind again so…even with all of those solved, I can’t help but wonder if- “
“If we should walk?” Deeks finishes for her. His eyes catch hers and the same uncomfortable elephant in the room seems to grow between them. Kensi shakes her head and breaks the gaze at the memory of their argument in the parking garage.
“If this is really happening, if we’re really doing this then let’s do it. Let’s go down there, save this kid and be done. One last mission and we’re out.”
“I’m not ready to do that.”
The argument, only two weeks old, feels like a distant memory. She tilts her head to the right ever so slightly and repeats softly, “If we should walk.”
“I can’t say that the thought hasn’t crossed my mind the past few days,” Sam admits. He unconsciously rubs his elevated leg once more before continuing, “With Michelle gone…. I…things are different, I have to admit.”
“You seriously thinking about walking?” Callen asks incredulously, the disbelief high in his voice.
Sam turns back in his wheelchair and calls back over his shoulder, “I’ve got to think about my kids. Plus, don’t worry- if I walk, I’m not going to leave you. I’ll tie a rope to a little tugboat for you whenever I take the boat out.”
“You won’t let me on the boat?”
As the two continue to nip at each other, Kensi tries to muster a half smile but her eyes drift off to Deeks. He’s sitting quietly, keeping a slightly dazed expression of mild interest in Callen and Sam’s banter. She wants to catch his gaze, send a mental message of I meant what I said across the room.
Instead, the bantering suddenly trails off into silence. Deeks finally speaks again, “Did she come?”
Three pairs of eyes fall on Deeks. Kensi cocks her head slightly to the right in confusion. “Baby, did who come?”
Anger quickly flashes across Deeks’ face. “Mosley,” he answers darkly, “Did she come by after we were rescued?”
Kensi and Callen share a worried look. “She did actually,” Callen answers. “She came to our rooms to apologize and told me that she was going to enjoy as much time as she can with her son. I’m sure she may try to run with Derrick.”
“Mosley came to see you actually when you were unconscious,” Kensi adds. Her mind drifts back to the angry, self-righteous expression on the assistant director’s face when she had fired Deeks. “She recognized that her method wasn’t the right one and that she wants you to know that she’s…. sorry.”
“She’s sorry…. hmm…”
“And I agree with Callen that there’s a high possibility that we’ll never hear or see from her again.”
Deeks nods slowly, digesting this information. Kensi takes a quick glance up to the clock on the wall and then turns to Callen and Sam. “Can you guys give us a moment?”
“Yeah.” Callen pulls Sam back away from the bed. As he turns the wheelchair and pushes his partner out of the room, Callen adds, “Sam and I can go for a walk and talk about this tugboat issue.”
“It’s going to be a rope tied to a life raft if you keep bringing it up,” Sam says with an eye roll as the pair turns the corner and disappear out of sight. Kensi pauses, something she immediately regrets. Anger of the conversation with Mosley, her fiancée flatlining, the waiting for him to wake, and the momentary peaceful joking between the teammates hit her like a train.
Kensi shakes her head, fighting back the tears forming in her eyes. A question sits at the end of her tongue, a question that’s been sitting in the back of her mind from the moment she had woken up in the hospital post Syria.
“How did you do it?” Kensi blurts out. Her voice trembles as she continues, “I was in a coma for weeks and the hospital for even longer. Baby, how did you- how did you sit here day after day and wait for me to wake up? How did you do this? Because I can’t breathe.”
“Hey, hey….” Deeks enlaces his fingers in her and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I’m ok. Don’t- “
“If you tell me to not worry about it like you’ve done many times before, I’m going to scream. I’m going to scream. I just…. everything that we argued about, I was so unbelievably stubborn about. And then when they had to resuscitate you- “
“When they had to what?”
Kensi stares at her fiancé at his question. Deeks’ eyes flickers between the bed sheets and her before he looks back to her expectantly.
Ok, here we go.  “Right before you woke up, you stopped breathing,” Kensi says, her voice cracking, “And you flatlined. I almost lost you and that…that baby, is going to stay with me forever. I don’t know how to go from here.”
“I……Baby, I didn’t…. I’m sorry.”
Kensi lets out a tearful laugh and wipes away a tear. “Sorry? There’s nothing you could have done about that.”
Deeks opens his mouth to speak but hesitates.  “I just feel guilty. I’m sorry that you had to see that, Kens. And when you were in the coma, all I could think about was our future.”
Our future. Our endless future. Kensi smiles and then pulls the bed’s hospital railing down. She carefully climbs into the bed, carefully maneuvering over the wires and settling next to Deeks. She rests her head against his chest and breathes him in. His steady heartbeat is everything she needs right now.
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peterbarron13-blog · 5 years
From A Skinny Kid To Dubai Fitness Pro - Exceptional Fitness Journey Of Peter Barron
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In 2014, Peter Barron visited Dubai on holiday, fell in love with the city and never looked back. “I could see massive potential in fitness here. I knew it was the right career choice,” says the cheeky chap of his massive move to the UAE.
Barron took an extended leave of work from his medical career and set up a fitness company in Dubai. It grew— and so did his social media. Today Barron has 105k followers on Instagram and regularly posts intense workout videos to his page. Here’s how it began and the things he’s learned along the way.
Clearly you’re into fitness. When did it start?
Growing up, football was the only thing I wanted to do. I’m sure I learned to kick a ball before I could crawl! (Laughs)
I played for a semi-professional team in Ireland. When I was 17, I went on trial with a football club in the UK. I thought I worked hard enough, but I sort of failed a few fitness tests and was sent home to work on that — ironic, really. I didn’t have enough faith in myself, so I never went back.
This is actually what drove me to start studying health and fitness. I didn’t want others to make the same mistakes I had made. My dad would always say to me: hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Finally, years later, I believe him.
Now we heard teenage you wasn’t very good at listening…
I was always very skinny growing up and it never really bothered me. A few months before going to the UK foot- ball trials I knew I needed to work on my strength and fitness. I got a workout plan from a top coach and my parents converted our garage to a gym.
I was so excited, but as a 16-year-old, I completely ignored what my coach said. (Because what could he tell me that I didn’t know at 16!) I used the gym to see how much I could press. Every kid wants a big chest, right? (Laughs)
All these mistakes on my fitness journey had to happen to lead me where I am today. I tell people not to look back, and see mistakes as building blocks to achieving those goals.
We’ve seen you jogging around with a particular UAE running club. What’s that all about?
In 2016, Adidas launched their running club in Dubai. I was hired as a coach and helped the group grow to over 2,000 members by 2017. I met so many amazing people throughout the year. I’d highly recommend the group — it’s more than just a running club.
You mentioned a family death recently — right around the time we asked you to be on the cover…
Yeah. A few days before you guys reached out, my grand- dad passed away. His name was also Peter Barron. I know how proud he would have been of all of this, and that makes it extra special for me.
On a lighter note, when I was 20 I had to get surgery, and it was something that made me pretty self conscious. Right after the massive surgery, when the wound was large and fresh, I asked if it would heal or if there would be seriously rough scarring. The surgeon made a joke that stuck with me. She said: ‘It will heal fine, but let’s just say you’ll never be a cover model on a magazine.’
Of course she was a really nice woman and didn’t mean anything by it. We laughed about it, but I did leave that hospital thinking how to prove her wrong! (Laughs) I’ve not been in touch since 2010, so I’ll track her down and send her a copy. (Grins)
Sounds like you’re pretty determined. Was there ever a time when you felt less motivated?
It was hard to motivate myself after failing my fitness test when I was on trial in the UK. In my mind, my dream was over and I was going to have to settle for second best.
I spent weeks feeling down and de-motivated. Then I started to meditate to clear my mind, read motivational books and listen to podcasts from authors such as Jack Canfield, Tim Ferris, Echart Tolle and Tony Robbins.
This helped switch my mindset, teaching me to find the positive in every situation, good or bad.
Everything in life happens for a reason, and what is meant for you won’t pass you by. I live by this, so even when things seem bad I know that something better is just around the corner.
Ok, we totally agree. So is mental health a big thing for you?
Mental health is something I think is very important and something everyone should look after. If your mind is in the right place I think everything else in your life will follow.
Have you ever had a day where you wake up angry or feeling down and somehow everything that day becomes negative? You spill your coffee on your shirt, you’re late for work, and your car breaks down? This only seems to hap- pen to me when I feel negative. I’m not saying you can never feel down but it knows how to recognize and improve your mindset.
If I feel down or tired the only way for me to clear my mind is to exercise, run, play football, and lift weights, any way to release those happy hormones (endorphins). I also try to meditate or be mindful for a few minutes each day. Seriously just two minutes day done right can make a big difference.
I also try being grateful more often for everything I have in my life. Smile more, this sounds stupid but try it. Smile right now and I guarantee you will feel happier. If not, I’m sorry for wasting your time. It works for me. (Laughs)
What would you say to someone who is new to fitness?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
No matter how much you know. Someone out there always knows more. Be open to other people’s opinion and don’t be afraid to ask for advice even if you think you know everything.
I have worked in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years and even now I will be the first person to ask another coach for advice or for their opinion. Dubai is filled with top class coaches, use this to your advantage and if you are struggling in any aspect of your journey. Ask for help. Also, make training part of your lifestyle, not a chore.
Make it something you want to do. Find a reason for why you’re doing this, like a goal. Then just get it done.
All that makes sense. So us about your diet. Are you scoffing pancakes on Saturday? Swigging protein? What?
Guys, I’m going to say something you might already know: balance. Balance is the only option that works with nutrition.
For me, after experimenting with different styles, I know that around 2,500 to 3,000 calories per day works best. It allows me to stay fit and give 100 percent at every training session. I’m more about staying fit than thinking about overall body fat percentage and weight.
I love eating pizza, burgers, and basically ‘bad food’ — but there really isn’t any such thing. Your body doesn’t know anything other than macronutrients and what the food breaks down to. Portion control is the key.
It’s all about fitting these types of food into your weekly intake while keeping an eye on your overall calories.
I’ve been using a meal prep company called Pura for the last year. This makes my life so much easier. They give me five meals a day and it basically simplifies everything, while helping me reach my goals.
Thanks, now we’re hungry. Changing topic… something surprising about you?
I have had over 50 stitches in my face throughout my life. I used to run head first at a 45degree angle as a child. I hit my head a lot, fell through a window. Almost gave my mum and dad a nervous break- down on numerous occasions… Then I was in a car crash at 17 and that was over 30 stitches in my face alone. (Laughs)
Glad you stopped that running habit. Talk to us about your pretty massive social media following.
When I started on social media, I used it to track my progress and to hold myself accountable for what I was doing in the gym. I started to create short workout videos for people to try. When I began receiving messages from people that were trying the workouts and sharing their fitness journeys with me, it really motivated me to keep working hard to get fitter and stronger— just like they were.
Social media isn’t all kittens and avo toast (although there’s plenty of that, to be hon- est). Are there any weird pressures you face because of it?
I think the pressure that can be associated with being on social media comes from the fact that we will often compare our lives to that of friends or strangers. We receive constant updates of how “perfect” their lives are and try seeking this in our own life. It can lead to us worrying that our life isn’t as exciting or that we haven’t accomplished as much as our peers.
Sometimes I get anxiety from spending too much time staring into my screen on Instagram or any other social media channels. I try to take a few days every month where I completely stay off social media and make sure to keep on top of real life interactions with friends and family. (Laughs.) Basically remember what it is like to have a proper face to face conversation!
Social media is an amazing tool but It can take over your life very easily so make sure to detox often.
What’s next? We see you working out a lot with our Gal of the Month, Zoe (instagram.com/zoehappyfit).
Yes you do! At the moment I’m focusing on creating YouTube content with Zoe. We’re looking at food, workouts, and healthy lifestyle. Check out #peterandzoe to try some of our workouts.
Blog Source URL: https://www.peterbarron13.com/from-a-skinny-kid-to-dubai-fitness-pro-exceptional-fitness-journey-of-peter-barron/
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health7777877 · 1 year
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Face Lift Surgery in Dubai - Prof Dr. Robert Hierner
A facelift surgery dubai procedure eliminates folds, wrinkles, and sagging skin around the eyes, cheeks, mouth, forehead, and jaws while improving overall facial appearance.
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royalclinic54 · 1 year
Brow Lift Procedure
Quite possibly of the most widely recognized grumbling ladies have with respect to the indications of maturing all over is the arrangement of profound wrinkles across the forehead or over the scaffold of the nose. These wrinkles are restricted, so a cosmetic touch up probably won't be the most ideal choice you could benefit most from a temple lift, in the event that forehead wrinkles are your anxiety.
How Could A Temple at any point Lift Help Me?
A Forehead Lift in Dubai will assist with diminishing the presence of profound wrinkles across the forehead or more the nose. Frown lines that run upward between the eyebrows can likewise profit from a temple lift. In the event that you generally disapprove of the foreheads listing and making the eyelids hang over the eyes, a temple lift can reposition the eyebrows higher, eliminating the drooping and giving the face a more energetic appearance.
Could I at any point Get A Temple Lift and One more Methodology Simultaneously?
Forehead lifts are much of the time acted related to different strategies. In the event that you are going through a facelift to fix the mid-or lower-facial districts, consider adding a temple lift to fix the forehead. You can several a temple lift with eyelid surgery to eliminate overabundance skin from around the eye region and battle drooping.
Obviously, you can likewise coordinate the method with other non-careful choices, for example, skin reemerging or long haul Botox medicines. Your specialist will suggest the best arrangement of strategies for your particular objectives.
How Might I Plan for the Strategy?
Like with any plastic surgery, you will need to quit smoking half a month prior to the technique. You will likewise have to quit taking specific meds and enhancements, in view of the guidelines from the specialist (a few drugs can increment dying).
On the off chance that your hair is short, consider developing it out before the methodology so it will cover the entry points until they are recuperated. Assuming you variety your hair, finish that before the strategy. After the surgery, you will not have the option to handle your hair for a long time synthetically. You will likewise require somebody to drive you home, in the event that the system is short term.
Attempt to assemble every one of the provisions you will require after your surgery before the date, so you are arranged when you return home. Ask your specialist what wraps, over-the-counter or physician recommended meds, ice packs, or different materials you will require during your recuperation. Make certain to have a lot of clean conservative shirts so you will not need to pull a shirt over your face.
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hasansurgery · 3 years
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healthcare209 · 3 years
Reasons why people undergo rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty, normally alluded to as a nose work, is quite possibly the most much of the time did facial plastic medical procedure. Rhinoplasty in a real sense means to change the state of the nose. There are many purposes behind which individuals choose to have rhinoplasty medical procedure.Know rhinoplasty cost in Dubai before undergoing nose surgery.
The objective of rhinoplasty is to remove center from the nose and draw consideration towards an individual's eyes. A nose that is offset with the remainder of the facial provisions will accomplish this.
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Here are the Top 4 solicitations for rhinoplasty medical procedure:
1) Nasal Hump - This is called decrease rhinoplasty and is the most widely recognized explanation that rhinoplasty is performed. Many individuals have a protuberance or convexity of their nasal profile. They need the mound shaved down and refined.
2) Bulbous Tip - Many individuals have a nasal tip that is excessively wide for their face. They normally feel like there is a "ball" toward the finish of their nose. Rhinoplasty can refine the tip of the nose and make it smaller or potentially better formed.
3) A Wide Nose - Having a wide nose is another normal explanation that individuals look for a rhinoplasty specialist. The bones of the nose can be wide contrasted with the remainder of the face. Limiting the bones can upgrade the general facial stylish.
4) A Droopy Nose - A sagging nose is one where the tip hangs down. This can regularly conceal the upper lip and make the face look longer. Lifting the tip of the nose in these circumstances will upgrade the general facial equilibrium by making the facial extents more adjusted.
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