#Fᴏʟʟᴏᴡɪɴɢ Mʏ OWN Fᴀᴛᴇ (IC)
dxfiedfxte · 8 months
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He outstretches a long yawn, one that echoes throughout his home as he leaves the bedroom, looking a little tired, but feeling completely invigorated. He didn't know how long exactly he slept for, but it was definitely worth it, as he felt more rested than usual.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Maaaaan what a good sleep! I slept like the dead!." Rubbing his grey eyes, he takes his phone off the charger, unlocking it, his eyes widen a bit as he looks at the date on his phone:
Thursday January 18th 2024
It takes him a few minutes, but after he finally processes what exactly happened, it's not hard to tell what exactly had happened, and he couldn't even believe it, but after restarting his phone, he found that it indeed was the correct date. Putting the phone on his computer desk, he scratches the back of his head.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Wait! No way! Did I seriously sleep all the way past new year? Just how tired was I?" Confusion sets in, but it doesn't last very long, as it soon turns into a smile.
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[{ 🦋 }} - "Phew, boy am I glad I booked the first three weeks of January off. Best sleep ever! Buuut I should probably make a post on twitter, before I become the next death hoax."
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
Pre-Plotted Thread || @more-than-a-princess ||
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While the reoccurrence of being away from Sonia was a little tricky, over time, he had gotten used to it and the both of them even managed to put together a routine for whenever they could call. So even with the continuous cycles of being away, and then being together, and vice versa, the couple was doing just fine, and they were still going just as strong as they were when they started coming to the halfway point of their relationship, and now, here they were, the year was slowly nearing its end, with Christmas being only two months away when counting the rest of October.
Once the year would end it would mark the second year landmark of them being a couple, it was crazy to think that another year had come and gone so quickly when at the beginning, it seemed to drag on for so dreadfully long, that at times, it almost seemed like the year would never end, it was incredible how fast time would seem to pass, and so suddenly too. At the very beginning of their relationship, Minato was admittedly a little worried that the multiple times they would be away would negatively affect their relationship, but after doing it for this long now, this was something he no longer needed to worry about, they had been together long enough for him to be very much adjusted to their own cluttered schedules over the years.
After about four months of being apart for about the seventeenth or so time in their relationship, the couple finally had some free time, and by some odd, rare twist of luck, the two of them for the second time, had the exact same week off, and he wanted to take advantage of that. Thinking about what to do, Minato had a perfect thought, there was one particular place that he had always wanted to take Sonia, and now that the fortune of opportunity was finally smiling upon the couple, it was time to use it.
There had been many a time that Sonia had expressed her desire to know more about him, to know more about his past for a change, while he did talk about his past a few times now, there hadn't been enough for Sonia to paint a full picture of how his high school days were, and for good reason, how did someone tell their girlfriend of nearly two years now, that you used to fight creatures at a hidden hour that was unknown to humankind, especially the way he summoned his power. There wasn't exactly an easy way to tell someone that you had a power that required shooting yourself in the head with something that looked very close to a gun, but wasn't a gun at all, at least not the firearm type.
Who knew exactly when they would have another joint week of days off together? So now was the right moment for this trip, he wondered if any of his friends would be there? Though he doubted it, why would anyone be back in Iwatodai city after all these years? And despite the original Kirijo groups headquarters being there, his friend Mitsuru was most likely at the Shadow Operative headquarters like she often was since she was in charge of that place after she founded the organization herself. Sonia would be able to meet his friends another time, for now, he just wanted to give her that chance to finally know more about him, and this week, was the moment for it.
Minato planned this trip the exact minute he found out that they would share an entire week off, including Saturday, although the couple would likely be leaving to head back that evening since the trek back home was a bit of a long one due to being out on an island just off, close to the Kyoto region of Japan. There were two major ways to get there, through a bullet train, or with a private boat. Considering the fact that Minato and Sonia were prominent public figures in their right, the better and more appropriate option to maintain the privacy and secrecy of their relationship, Minato took the liberty of booking them a private boat to Tatsumi Port Island.
After Minato pictured her up in his car, Minato began to drive them to the port. The drive was about twenty-five minutes thanks to one quick route Minato knew of. Luckily for them, traffic wasn't that bad right now, so they would have no problem making their way over. As they conversed for the rest of the drive, Minato pulled up into the park and ride area for vehicles. Powering off his car and pocketing the keys, he unlocked the doors and exit the car, Minato pressed the trunk button to open it before shutting his door and locking it.
Once they grabbed hold of their luggage, the two met up with their captain and began to board. Because this was a private boat, there was a bedroom prepped for them should they wish to sit inside the lodging area and relax for the sail. The trip was about three hours, and exactly after that span of time, the silhouette of an island with a city skyline could be seen in the distance as the boat began to approach the shore and eventually reach the dock, and in a few minutes, Minato and Sonia were at the docks of Iwatodai City.
Just seeing the familiar shape and outline of the city he knew so well took him back immediately, the feeling of nostalgia came back hitting him in waves, even if his friends weren't here, he was excited to show Sonia the place where he had grown up, the place where everything began. Standing next to her as they step off the boardwalk and onto solid ground, dragging their roller suitcases behind them. Turning his head to look at her, he gives her a playful and cheery smile, next, he turns to face her, bowing his head like a tour guide would.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Good afternoon ma'am, might I say, you're looking rather lovely today, my name is Minato Arisato and I'll be your tour guide for the day~" A playful little quip shortly before breaking the playful act after her reaction. He gently takes hold of her hand, his fingers not hesitating to interlock with Sonia's as if on instinct. Shortly after, he began to lead the way down to a nearby bench by a set of guard rails presenting a beautiful view of the ocean surrounding the semi-urban island city that he had once called his home.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Welcome to Iwatodai city Sonia-Chan, the place, where I grew up. The hotel I booked us to stay at is a little far from here, so I arranged a carpool for us, they should be here in about ten minutes. So we can wait here for now."
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dxfiedfxte · 8 months
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Maaaan. I've been so busy. I think this is the busiest start to the new season of my show I've had in a long time. It feels great, but kinda tiring. I think I'd better book Valentine's Day off too, especially the day after."
Minato looks over at a brand new shelf he just ordered, he finished building it up earlier and now it is ready for use. It was very tall just barely stopping before his ceiling and had at least over sixty shelves and several little side compartments, the thing was expensive and had taken him about seven hours to put together piece by piece.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "With this new master snack shelf, I'm gonna be able to buy SO MUCH discounted Valentine's Day chocolate... among others, a few extra snacks anyway."
He wore the biggest grin as he began to picture this shelf stacked full of his favorite snacks and candies of all kinds from around the world during his travels for work, and the little compartments be perfect for the more smaller sized snacks, he'd be able to put so much on here he was practically drooling at what he was imagining. A few seconds after, he finally snaps out of his trance, quickly wiping his mouth.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "I'll be like Willy Wonka, except instead of making candy and chocolate, I EAT it." He adds with a smile, he felt like a little kid in a candy store.
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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Random Dialogue Sentence Meme || No Longer Accepting
@chibitantei sent: “How can you stand this place?”
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Now this was a place he never imagined he'd be staring at again, never in a million years did he think he would find himself back here in the Yamanashi Prefecture, a part of Japan that was home to one of the most haunted outdoor locations -- a location that he was all too familiar with. Aokigahara Forest, otherwise known as the Suicide Forest, it was a dark location that was full of Paranormal Activity as well as unexplainable phenomena. Minato was originally here to do an interview on his experience inside there for a local magazine company that talked about things involving the Paranormal. The interview lasted just over an hour before he finished.
Minato was about to leave, when he received a call, checking his phone he saw it had been none other than Naoto who heard Minato was nearby. Apparently, there was a little girl who went chasing after her red ball that had bounced into the forest, this little girl hadn't been seen in about twenty-four hours, and because it was the forest that she had gone into, many others were skeptical on going in there to search besides a few local police officers who never came back out. Someone had apparently contacted her in hopes she would be able to find the girl, because of Minato's experience navigating the forest, she was asking for his assistance in going in the forest with her trusting that he knew the correct paths, and he did.
Understanding the dire situation, Minato agreed and postponed the next thing he had planned, a podcast appearance in Hokkaido, and they didn't mind once he had relayed to them what his reason was for postponing. With everything taken care of, Minato went to meet up with the detective at the entrance of the forest. With a wave, he approached her.
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[{ 🦋 }} - "Hey Shirogane, been a while, a shame we're not meeting under better circumstances, but I came as soon as I got your call."
Minato planned to return here one day to investigate again, as for right now, he'd put his main focus on trying to locate this girl, even with his familiarity with this dark and dreary place, finding the girl wouldn't be an easy task, but with the two of them working together, he had a feeling they'd be able to find her and bring her back safe.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "So, we're looking for thirteen-year-old Haruka Seiko right?, went reported missing yesterday around five-forty-seven pm." He read the report just to confirm, once that she confirmed it with him, he nodded.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Okay, one thing you should know about the forest, is that it has a very unnatural and eerie atmosphere. With its dark history, we're bound to encounter some of the spirits inhabiting this forest, and they will try and confuse us, and throw us off our path, so if you think we're going around in a circle, we'll need to stop an asses our directions, anyway, are you ready?"
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Thread Continuation from here: X || @belovedblossoms
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💘 - Yukari
Returning to the dorm after her own archery club, from earlier, Yukari had thought it would be best to take a little break for the rest of the day. And for her to be the only one in the main room, at least there was some peace and quiet until any others would return home too. She then heard the front door click open, seeing it was Minato coming in first as she waved to him with a smile. "Oh, Minato-kun, welcome back." Although at his request to invite her to join him at this horror movie marathon, Yukari's blood ran cold as her face grew pale. "H...horror marathon...?" her voice squeaked, "W-why would you want me to go?" Considering her strong fear of ghosts and most things terrifying, one would think Minato wouldn't even as her in the first place. Well, she isn't as terrified of them as she used to be, but still! Yet, perhaps it was the courteous thing to do? Maybe this could be another way for her to be a little more brave by watching these things. And even the little additional comment to be there when she would be scared was a little reassuring through teasing. And it was working--making the student bring some life back to her cheeks with a blush. Maybe...it couldn't be totally bad?
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"Umm...I guess if it's just you it couldn't be so bad. But don't you scare me while we're there or I'll leave you there in the theater!" she pointed at him, a serious look on her face until she then sighed and got up from the couch. "I know I'll be losing my voice by the end of the night. What movies are they showing?"
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Wait, Really? You will? Alright, Cool."
Minato was pleasantly surprised to hear her accept, he wasn't really expecting her to take him up on the offer, the fact being that it was back-to-back horror especially thought would turn her away. So when she agreed, suddenly, he had another date with her. What started out to be a fun little gesture, ended up turning into a full-on date. Minato liked spending time with her, so he was pretty excited to have her come along with him. The bluenette had no problem going to watch it alone, it would also be more of a much better experience with good company too, so he didn't mind it.
Come to think of it, this would be the first date of theirs they had in a while, both were so busy with Tartarus, and school club-related activities as well, so he was pretty glad to have another excuse to take her out again. Living in a dorm with everyone else on SEES made quality time together tough, so Minato would jump at any extra chance he got to be alone with Yukari again, away from everyone else, free to enjoy nothing but the activity and each other.
Needless to say, this probably wouldn't be a very fun experience for the lover's archer, still, he was just glad she had agreed in general. Because of Yukari's weak nerves about anything horror related, It was safe to say that this would probably be a one-time thing with her, and that would be just fine with him, just getting a yes from her at all wasn't something he thought would happen. One thing was for sure, Minato was going to enjoy this date while it lasted.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Hm? Oh. Nah don't worry. I don't need to scare you, the movies will do that just fine." He playfully, boldly reassures. A short chuckle follows her initial reaction before moving on.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "They are showing three movies today. Paranormal Activity, Ju-On: The Grudge, and then it finishes off with One Missed Call. Our train is in ten minutes. If we leave in five, we should make it."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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[{ 🦋 }] - "First it was crabs, now it's frogs?"
Silence follows as he glares at the button above
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Why can't there be a 'click for demons' button instead?"
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Yet another thread relocation because this editor breaks too damn much lately T_T || @tacitusauxilium
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✦✦✦~ Fuuka
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“…I…lost Juno.” Fuuka whispered hoarsely, her eyes squinting in fear of Akihiko getting ready to yell at her. She clasped her hands together, trying to feel for her. She made sure Akihiko couldn’t get a word in as she continued speaking. “M-minato saved my life and it cost me my Persona. Minato’s shadow attacked me–through the chest–” Her hands shot to her chest, wincing in pain as she could feel the pain and lowered her eyes. “–a-and I can’t sense no one anymore! I-I can’t sense if anyone is in pain, if anyone is lost–I-I don’t want to be removed from the Shadow Operatives!” 
Akihiko listened to Fuuka’s woes; he was surprised that Juno seemed to have disappeared from Fuuka’s mind–heck, he didn’t know how Personas work but that they appeared. He quietly thought, and feared, that maybe the shadow that formed from Minato stole her Persona? He had never heard of it happening before–at least Mitsuru was getting the full story from Minato at this moment. Akihiko put a hand on top of Fuuka’s head and shook his head. “You won’t be removed–I’ll be sure of that. Fuuka, you’ve done so much for everyone then and now. I know Juno will come back to you. And if I am wrong, I’ll be sure to stop traveling the world and focus on college.”
Fuuka sniffed her nose, feeling a tickle of a laugh wanting to escape, but it stayed inside of her chest–she only nodded to his promise. Fuuka wouldn’t know how to act like a normal adult–go to college, become a doctor to satisfy her parents goals, and watch her lover have the freedom she couldn’t? She mentally shook the thought from her mind as Akihiko moved to reach for her water and snack and handed it to her. “…thank you.” Was all Fuuka could say as she clenched them closer to her chest.
Akihiko nodded and lowered his hand from the top of her head. “Come on. Let’s go back to the room–I’m sure Minato and Mitsuru want to talk to you and see you. Besides that, you need a bed to sleep in. Wouldn’t want Minato to get jealous of me carrying you to bed, right?” He joked, noticing that Fuuka didn’t really react quickly to the joke, and felt his heart twinging in sadness at how badly she was. Fuuka nodded slowly and felt Akihiko’s hand on her back, guiding her back to Minato’s room while feeling like an empty shell of a person. She was there physically but her mind was somewhere far away.
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As he greeted her, the redhead kept her expression serious, but slightly gentle. While this was a serious discussion, it was still good to see him again, despite the bandaged and healing wounds, still in decent health. There was a lot to talk about, so Mitsuru would get right to the point of her visit and get Minato's full account of what happened, and what led up to him being in a hospital bed and recovering from a successful surgery, She had gotten the brief description of it, but she would need the full report, to better help assess what happened and what would possibly come next.
Booted heels click on the ground as she makes her way towards a chair by his bedside so she can listen. Besides, she was sure that this would be a bit of a long talk, so she figured she might as well sit down as they go over the event that had brought them here in full detail.
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[{ ♕ }] - "As expected, you seem to be recovering relatively well. I'm glad. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for a more adequate visit, so I'll get right to the discussion at hand. For now, let's start with when this shadow appeared, and what led up to the confrontation."
It was a bit of a shame that this wasn't a normal visit, Mitsuru had become a very close friend of his from their circle of friends, and everyone held a special place in parts of his heart, but Mitsuru wasn't just a close friend, she was also a mentor to him as well, she even went out of her way to ensure that the graves of his parents were being well-maintained and cared for to continue to respectfully honor their memory and that to Minato, meant so much. So, he wanted to give her all the details he could to help her further her investigation into the matter.
Taking a deep breath, Minato sat up a bit, albeit slowly given that he was still very early into the healing process. Closing his eyes, he begins to think, projecting the scene of everything that happened clearly in the back of his mind, grey-colored hues open, and he begins to explain, playing back the experience like a movie on a big auditorium screen.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "I had just gotten back from a podcast, and Fuuka wasn't at the house, so I got worried. Only to get a picture text from her phone, but it wasn't Fuuka, it was the shadow... my shadow." One short pause as he revealed to her the identity of the aforementioned shadow that had been responsible for the state Minato was currently in.
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[{ ♕ }] - "Your shadow? And you're sure it wasn't just taking your form? If this really was your shadow, then this may be more serious than I had originally anticipated." Minato's expression remains serious as he says nothing. The expression he wore was more than enough to tell her that he was serious.
[{ ♕ }] - "I see...please continue." She adds, convinced by the look on his face, she continues to listen to the rest of the recollection of what happened.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "The text was a message, telling me to meet him at a specific location and it had a picture attached to it, a picture of Fuuka tied up, and she was hurt too. Needless to say, I rushed over. When I got there, he was waiting for me, and that's where the fight started." Minato continued to go over the rest of it, in full detail. He left nothing out. Moments later, he was finally finished.
Mitsuru remained sat in the chair for a few, carefully processing and pondering what all this could mean. Surely there was a larger scale to this encounter, ulterior motives involving a grand scheme. She had a strong sinking suspicion, that Minato wasn't finished with his shadow just yet, concerning, to say the least, but she had faith in Minato, he always seemed to find a way to go above and beyond every time, even in the most dire of situations. Regardless, Mitsuru was still determined to find her own share of answers.
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[{ ♕ }] - "I see...I'm relieved that you were able to bring Yamagishi back and that you're still here with us. Regarding the shadow. At first, I thought that this situation was similar to Narukami and his friends with the way they awakened their powers. Yet, you were still able to use your Persona, so we can rule out any potential link to that. Still, it's quite concerning to think that a shadow could be that intelligent. let alone, enough to put together a plan to trap someone." She's quiet for a few moments before standing up from her seat. Before Mitsuru could say anything else, Minato stopped her by speaking.
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[{ 🦋}] - "Mitsuru-san, there's one last thing I should tell you. I was going to let her tell you herself, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. It's the reason Fuuka is so down. For whatever reason, Fuuka lost Juno, and she's worried she's going to be removed from the team. I don't know how it happened, but all I know, is that my shadow beat her up pretty bad.. not just physically either..."
The sentence stops Mitsuru in her tracks, a single clicked heel as she stands in place to listen and take in what she has been told. It made sense, so that's why Fuuka looked so distraught. While her not having a Persona was a bit of a big deal, Mitsuru couldn't even dream of letting Fuuka go, she was one of her close friends, and also one of the best handywomen she knew, especially when it came to technology, removing her from the team completely would be absurd.
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[{ ♕ }] - "Juno is gone...? That's horrible, and also very strange. I've never heard a case where a Persona disappeared from its user's mind entirely... I fear that your shadow may have somehow been responsible for it. Remove her? Unheard of. I would never remove her from the team. If it came down to it though, I would just put her in another part of the team, one that is good for her natural talent. Anyway, thank you for your report Minato-san. It was very informative, once I speak with Yamagishi, I'll try and see what I can do to help."
After the discussion ended, and on cue, the sound of footsteps, could be heard outside the door, Minato had hoped that at least, she would be able to eat, she needed food after what happened Upon the door opening, Minato gave Fuuka a small smile, while Mitsuru gave a slight one as she took back her card. Now that Minato had explained, she understood that losing Juno wasn't Fuuka's fault, there was just something more to it. Just as Mitsuru had theorized, it was most likely his shadow that was the cause of it. Minato just hoped he would have enough recovery time when the time to face him again.
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[{ ♕ }] - "Ah, Yamagishi. I've just finished speaking with him, so if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you now and get you're account on what happened, please do include as much detail as possible, the more I know, the better I can be of assistance."
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dxfiedfxte · 11 months
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[{ 🦋 }] - "I've dealt with almost every type of malevolent spirit or evil demonic force you can think of in my career, and there's one type of evil, that I'll always hate dealing with the most, worse than any other demonic entity." There's a long pause. But he already has his answer.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "...Movie talkers. The most foul of all evils. Seriously, some people need to know when to respectfully, shut up."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Went to see The Nun 2 tonight, and uh... it was okay. It could have been much better. it's like they copied and pasted scenes involving the nun from the Conjuring movies and just changed a few things. to make it appear different. I expected more, but hey, at least we're getting a Conjuring 4."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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[{ 🦋 }] - "What's up with this purple Grimace shake thing? I've seen so many people drinking it today. Did I miss a national holiday or something?"
He is very confused about this new thing, so many people have been walking by with that exact shake in their hands, it didn't make an ounce of sense. Just what was all the rage about these drinks? Just when he thought he was very in tune with society and all its new trends, he was thrown a curveball and now nothing made much sense.
He hasn't been to Mcdonald's enough to remember all the mascot's names, especially since it was pretty much just Ronald Mcdonald now.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "...I kind of want one now..."
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dxfiedfxte · 2 years
@oraclememehacker || Thread continue/move from old editor || continued from here:🦋
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✦✦ - Futaba
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“Oh don’t you worry Minato-san, I’m not underestimating you at all. Remember, I’m a navi after all.” And being a navi meant that she was ale to see all his latent abilities and powers after all. Not everything of course. She wouldn’t know that he once had the abilities of the universe that made him theoretically more powerful than even Akira was going to be at the end of his journey. Of course, all of that was massive spoilers that she didn’t know was going to happen. Still, she did see that he had a massive potential when it came to his power. It was interesting to say the least.
“When I’m in my navi I can see everything about you and the enemies. Without that I wouldn’t be able to properly buff and debuff anyone, along with hacking the metaverse to be able to change the tide of battle for everyone.” And now she saw that her beef bowl was getting delivered to her along with the hot tea. Since, after all, one beef bowl was going to be so much easier to make then 25. Minato was probably gonna have his bowls staggered over time so that way it would be easier to deliver. She said thank you to the waiter and then looked at the meal.
“Oh, I love me a good beef bowl. This is no Leblanc curry but beef bowls always get me extremely motivated.” And she started to chow down on her bowl with chop sticks and would take a small sip of her hot tea. Just the sensations were relaxing and soothing, considering she was feeling quite anxious at the beginning of this all. Being in Akihibara all on her own like that was probably not a great idea, but she had to eventually learn to live on her own. Otherwise she was going to be a neet forever. “Hopefully your endless beef bowls will start to arrive soon.”
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Good, because underestimating someone can be a pretty big mistake. I should know, because I've done it before in the past."
While Minato didn't have the full power of the Wild Card at his disposal and had a limit of six Persona, it did not mean he was weak, quite the opposite. Several times Minato had been praised by other Persona users that despite being limited to six, Minato didn't let that stop him from being an extremely reliable ally in combat, it was almost like he didn't have a limit at all. Even if he couldn't obtain anymore new Persona, he was still able to temporarily fuse the persona already in his arsenal, in a pair, two by two or even three by three and that was his only other way of acquiring a new Persona with new power elements.
At the beginning, he was admittedly a little concerned when he first found about this, worried that these limitations would greatly affect his abilities in combat, but he was thankfully able to adjust and find a way to still be a very reliable ally in a battle, the limit didn't define him, he would always be a member of the Shadow Operatives and that wouldn't change, six persona was all he really needed, especially since the six he had were some of the most powerful persona, Messiah being his ultimate weapon alongside Thanatos.
A few nods as she explains her extent of her navigational abilities, though he was certain she had even more navigation prowess considering the other navigator he'd met during his time in Yasoinaba during the whole P-1 Climax event that had drew him and his friends to reunite. Rise Kujikawa was very talented, and even had abilities in her navigation that surpassed Fuuka's, though it didn't mean she was any less reliable, it just made sense that every new generation of Persona-users would be much more improved than how it was during his prime, when he was first thrown into the world of Persona and Shadow's during his high school days.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Yeah, my team has a navigator too. Though it sounds like you can do a much more than just a basic scan and analysis."
After his response, they were politely interrupted by the waiter who was bringing Futaba her food, fresh off the stove, filing the dining area with a delicious aroma that seemed to expand throughout the whole restaurant. Nodding and smiling at Futaba's thanking him for the delivery to their table, he turns to Minato telling him that his first ten beef bowls of the twenty-five will be brought to him shortly, to which Minato thanked him in return as the young man bowed and disappeared behind the kitchen double doors.
Turning back to Futaba to continue the conversation, he gives a nod in agreement, the food at Café LeBlanc was pretty good, the curry especially. Minato was definitely a fan of them, though in his opinion regarding, beef bowls, it was back in his home town at a place called Umiushi, that would always be the best from his perspective, he could still recall how that place was always packed with a full-house -- a testament to their reputation of having the best beef bowls in all of Japan's island-cities like Tatsumi Port Island.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "I gotta agree, LeBlanc definitely knows their way with a curry dish. I love beef bowls too, personally, the best place for a perfect quality beef bowl, is at this place called Umiushi back in my hometown. If you ever get the chance to travel to Tatsumi Port Island, definitely make a stop at Umiushi, just call ahead and book a table, because that place is always packed. Though this place has some good beef bowls too, apparently the first ten of my order will be here shortly, and man I can't wait, been a little whole since I had a nice delicious beef bowl. I'm gonna have to check out the dessert menu after my twenty-five are finished."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
We at People's Magazine have chosen you for this years sexiest man alive issue. Congratulations Minato Arisato, you are this year's sexiest man alive!
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He had to admit, it was a big surprise to find this out, Minato did know that every year there were two magazines that would pick out this sort of thing, and every time there was, it was always famous actors, or popular musicians, especially those in each genre of the music community. When his career first took off, Minato never really had a huge bucket list of things he wanted to do, he came into this life not really expecting much, only for his expectations to be blown away many times, thankfully, it was mostly in a good way.
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The Paranormal Investigator was already surprised enough when his show became one of the most watched shows on television. The only goal he had in mind with this career, was to provide cold hard evidence that the paranormal did exist, to prove to the world that there was life after death, everything else that came with it, all the unexpected fame and fortune, was all just a lucky blessing. Never in a million years, did he think, that he would be named something like the sexiest man alive, although it was very flattering, and sort of an honor despite not really expecting it.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Really? Oh wow, that's pretty flattering. I always used to think it was only actors or rock stars that were selected for this kind of thing. So thank you. Never expected to be picked for something like this, but I appreciate it."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
(aeonofnewhope) ☎️ Rei (Also, we really need to thread again, I've been itching-)
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Phone Contact Info Meme || No Longer Accepting
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What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info: Contact Name: ✦🍙✦Rei-Chan✦🍛✦
What Their Ringtone Is: Do you want a taco? - by Psychostick
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: :txt to ✦🍙✦Rei-Chan✦🍛✦: Hey Rei-Chan, I'll be coming to Inaba for work-related stuff for two weeks. if you're free, maybe we can go grab a bite to eat and hang out? Let me know, we can pick a day that works best for us.
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Anyone know if it’s possible to get a restraining order against a group? Asking for a friend.”
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
@more-than-a-princess replied: Sonia vc: If I am at home, a ghostly apparition fo' sho'! Many of my family's homes are haunted by the spirits of our ancestors, or those who were charged with treason and either were tortured to death or executed.
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He remains silent for a moment, taking in exactly what she had said with her answer. Minato did indeed recall Sonia mentioning how haunted her castle home was back in her country of Novolselic, he just didn't know the details until now, and needless to say, he sure hoped Sonia still had those protective charms he had given her.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Whoa... then I sure hope you still have those charms, because that sounds like clear cause for a vengeful spirit.... unless you've managed to befriend them somehow."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Thread move/continue for the new editor from here || @belovedblossoms (Chiaki )
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       After some long thought about making this decision to ask, Chiaki had finally decided to ask about Minato to take her somewhere haunted. Originally, she had thought about one of those scary haunted houses or mazes people have every year for fun. But she found herself reaching a little further...to go somewhere that’s actually haunted and full of the paranormal. Considering he was already very experienced with it all, she trusted him to find the perfect place and he did so quick to her surprise. A schoolhouse in Hokkaido...pretty far but Chiaki didn’t quite mind the trip if it meant she can spend the time with her boyfriend and learn something new about this place and truly see his Ultimate Talent at work too. And through most of the ride they entertained themselves with games or she simply took her naps against his shoulder until they arrived by nightfall. 
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     As he was prepared with his equipment and she had some essentials including for safety reasons, they were good to go for the night. By the time they went past old buildings and all, she couldn’t help but immediately have that feeling of dread. She had to admit to herself, she was scared. But she was with Minato and she trusts him; it’s only a matter of her getting through this with enough courage on her side. She already made the choice to ask and go with him now. As they arrived to their location, Chiaki took a good, long look at it now. She listened to Minato’s warning to stay by his side at all times and to let him know if she ever feels unusual during it. Apparently it was true that spirits can sense and take advantage of emotions from living beings, she recalled him mentioning to her before. “R-right. I’ll let you know immediately if it ever happens. And I’ll stay close...”
     She then felt his hand holding onto hers, a bit of blush took on her cheeks even though she should be used to it now. She noticed he too looked it over, probably reminiscing of the first time he came here for his famous show that really took him trending. He’s probably well prepared and knows the ins and outs...maybe. And then, it was time to enter. It was fairly dark with nothing but the light of the sky outside the windows. Chiaki looked around to see how dilapidated and worn everything was, even the creaking sounds were so eerie yet as if it was straight out of a movie. She held his hand tighter and walked a little closer to him as they were only just beginning. 
   “So...when you said you’ve started your work here the first time...what did exactly happen here? Did they do something to you or to mess with you? Just to look out about them all.”
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From the moment the couple off the train, and took a step through the forest that surrounded this school, he feel some of the memories already starting to come back to him. With his experience here, Minato knew exactly what to expect, using his knowledge of it, he was able to prepare much more appropriately now, and he wanted to ensure that he had everything here for Chiaki's first paranormal experience was a memorable one, but more importantly, a safe one, especially since he was here in this location, the round school house -- an absolute hotbed of unexplained activity here, even some forces that were malevolent, which only upped the scale of danger about this place and some of its several, many spirits.
As they passed through the forest there, he could already feel the familiar feeling of unease that accompanied the forest, thankfully, the school wasn't too deep in the forest, and Minato still remembered the correct path to follow. The two approached the old building at the steady breaking of dawn. Stopping for a moment to give it a few glances, he saw the memories of his place flash by him like a DVD on fast-forward times three.
The Round Schoolhouse was the fifth episode of his first season, the first episode to reach a worldwide audience on a very high scale, which on its own was a good thing, but it was the things he and his three-man crew experienced here that gave them all the reason to remember it, he was sure some of these spirits would recognize him, which could potentially increase the level of activity here, but that was something he was well aware of in coming back to this unforgettable haunted location that gave the rural town of Bibai, Hokkaido a reputation for having one of the most haunted places in Japan.
There was a lot of history surrounding this particular location, in the seventies and eighties, several people would try and come to this place to try and encounter spirits, just like what he and Chiaki were doing right now. Since then, many things added to its reputation. Reports of children coming from a nearby playground to play in the forest, only to never come out of those woods again.
To top it all off, there were also several accounts of spiritual mediums coming here, and finding so much negative energy, that they leave and refuse to come back, while other mediums would push themselves further, only to go completely insane the next day after leaving for overstaying their welcome in that old school. With all the dark, negative energy around here, it was only natural for him to want his precious girlfriend to be safe, even more, the case since Minato and Takashi had been scratched during their investigation here three years ago.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Okay, good. This place has a lot of activity, and I'll be using a few devices, but making sure that you're safe is always going to be my top priority over anything while we're here."
After giving her the last bit of important information about the potential change in emotions, and staying close, the two braced themselves, joined hands, and eventually stepped through the door. The moment they stepped in, the door behind them closed, immediately accompanied by a feeling of dread, as well as the feeling of many eyes watching them from the darkness in all directions followed by an eerie silence, and he knew Chiaki could feel it, evident from the slight tightening of her grip of his hand.
Reaching into his pocket, Minato took out a flashlight and clicked it on, and held it in front of them, the bright white beam of light cutting through the darkness of the old abandoned school as dusk set in, the previously orange-yellow sky now becoming dark, the moon and the stars the only source of light outside. Now that it was nighttime, it was only a matter of time before things would gradually begin to pick up, just like his last visit here.
As Minato lead the gamer girl through the dark halls, making sure not to let go of her hand, they stop as she asks him a question regarding the things Minato and his team had experienced during their investigation, so he turns to look at her, remembering every single part of the investigation clear as day.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Lots happened during our investigation. Objects were knocked off tables, things were thrown everywhere, several loud noises all around us, and sometimes disembodied voices were heard. We also saw things in the corners of our eyes, and two of us were scratched. So it varies on the type of spirit, and there is a lot here."
He explains to her in full recollection, he wasn't going to lie to her, the more she knew about this place, the better. Almost as if on cue, without warning, not even a few seconds after his answer.
B A N G !!! A loud slam echoed somewhere down the hall. The very same hall they were currently walking down together. It sounded like someone grabbed something, and threw it hard against a wall. The sound caused Minato to quickly dart his head forward to look ahead of them, shining the flashlight down the hall immediately trying to see if he could spot what was thrown, although he had no luck, which could only mean one thing -- that sound came from further down the hall.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "That was fast.. sounds like they're welcoming us here early..." He continued to stare down ahead of them for a few more seconds, before speaking again.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Let's go check it out, and see if we can find what was thrown. You ready?" He asks, checking to make sure she's ready before they would proceed.
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