#//Sorry this took so long!
freeddead · 1 month
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▸   @lxvingdeadgxrl   ⟶   ❛  That's the spirit  ❜   ╱   (  equius , accepting .  )
   “And this here is the ghoul,” Gerry says with a deadpan expression, gesturing to a decoration.  He couldn’t help himself.  With both of them dealing with the deceased and other supernatural shit, she can’t say the word ‘spirit’ and expect him not to want to make a joke about it.  His shitty sense of humor is all he’s got in this world.
   But Wynter is being sincere.  She always is with her positivity, and Gerry admires the way it comes seemingly effortless to her, especially because he knows it doesn’t.  He has agreed to go somewhere new with her.  He is a bit hesitant, but he needs to get out more.
   He shrugs on his coat and says, “But no, really, it sounds like fun.”
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rotomblr-kaiya · 5 months
Take down?
//She’s competitive when it comes to Pokemon Battles.
//Can’t get into the Elite Four without being at least a little competitive
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@sonxofxansel liked for a canon line starter.
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"Careful. Sudden moves make me jumpy...and homicidal."
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feralhippie · 10 months
A new bar full of new regulars was just what Kale needed, his old gigs not bringing in enough money anymore. He usually spread himself out over a bunch of small gigs, with most of his funds coming in from selling psychedelics and other soft drugs. But as tended to happen from time to time, business had been slow enough for the past week to necessitate him trying a new scene. For the past few days Kale tried to familiarize himself with the regulars, friendly with anyone who even looked like they might have a lead on where he could pick up some work and it had paid off. 
Tonight he was meeting with a man named Paulo, of whom he had only a physical description and the idea that it might have something to do with making films. The werewolf scanned the room for the man, eyes finally landing on an eccentric looking man seated by himself who had to be the one. He approached him, a smile on his face. “Paulo?” he asked hopefully, having a seat across from the other without bothering to ask if he may. “I’m Kale..It’s nice to meet you.” He hesitated for a minute before quietly adding. "I heard you could use some help."
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houseofvaricty · 1 year
❝  i’ll be – i’ll be okay…! i think…  ❞
From Tokoyami for Hawks!
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"OK, breathe, man. It was just a little training, alright?" The winged hero chuckled a bit as he sat down beside his companion. "I know you're not giving up that easily. But, you have earned a breather." A sigh left Hawks' lips as he thought back on the events of the day, his face losing that touch of sass and confidence as his eyes softened. 
Gently, he placed a hand on the young man's shoulder, weighing his next words. He didn't want to give any false hope to the aspiring hero, but he couldn't help but feel proud of the effort Tokoyami had put forth. "Hey, you did alright out there, kid." The smile returned to his face soon after, a cheeky grin that reached his eyes. "But what can I say? You've got me teaching you." 
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Rising to his feet, he held out a hand, hoping Tokoyami would use it as a means to stand as well. "Come on, we can get some dinner. I'm starving."
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beautifulstars · 1 year
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“I’m here for you.” For Snow White from Aragorn (OC) @fullintenticns
As queen Snow White wanted nothing more than for her people to be happy. After so long under Ravenna's control the kingdom deserved peace and prosperity.
That was why audiences with her people were so important.
"Hello, my friend." Snow White said when her next petitioner entered the throne room.
"How can I be of service?"
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
(aeonofnewhope) ☎️ Rei (Also, we really need to thread again, I've been itching-)
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Phone Contact Info Meme || No Longer Accepting
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What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info: Contact Name: ✦🍙✦Rei-Chan✦🍛✦
What Their Ringtone Is: Do you want a taco? - by Psychostick
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: :txt to ✦🍙✦Rei-Chan✦🍛✦: Hey Rei-Chan, I'll be coming to Inaba for work-related stuff for two weeks. if you're free, maybe we can go grab a bite to eat and hang out? Let me know, we can pick a day that works best for us.
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
@e-m-p-error​ said:  💋 - (Val for Nifty!)
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She’s not even confused as to why he wants a kiss from her this time around. He’s caught her in a great mood today, while she’s still riding the high of her victory.
Without missing a beat, Niffty scales the absolute tree of a man until she’s eye-level, grabs his face and plants a kiss right on his mouth. 
Then she climbs back down and skips off somewhere like nothing happened.
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mechahero · 2 years
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@viopolis​ asked- alt!
send me “alt!” and i’ll introduce you to a character i’ve rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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“Oh my gosh! I am so, so sorry!” The second the person they’ve bumped into hit the floor, a whole slew of apologies almost immediately flew out of their mouth as they helped the person up. It truly had been an accident and though they hadn’t meant it, it didn’t mean they didn’t not feel bad about it. Upon reassurance that they were okay and everything was fine, Aries cracks a small smile. Good news, at least.
It falters a bit when the strangers looks them over with a perturbed look on their face and they looked down at themself. Oh right, they looked like the 70s had thrown up on them. Right down to the gogo boots. Oh well. One sour look wasn’t about to make them regret their choices in clothing any time soon.
“Is there any way I could make up it up you?”, Aries asks, pushing through it with a chipper tone and an even bigger smile. “I could get you a drink? Or some food if you’d like!”
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thorinds · 4 months
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read
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13xwishes · 4 months
" Excuse me. As I recall this was not my fault. " Toralei for Gigi! ~@apocalopalyptic
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Monster High Webisodes || { Accepting }
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For @apocalopalyptic || Main Verse
Needless to say, the look on Gigi's face would say otherwise. Staring at the mess in the creepeteria and the fact someone threw something AT the werecat which the genie barely dodged.
The question was what happened and how?
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rxtualistic · 7 months
closed for @liquorsoda based on this
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freddie hadn't planned on staying too late out but this project was kicking his ass and there was no concentrating at home with his neighbor's love for loud metal. he hadn't planned to run into a murder, either. but, unlike with the taste in music of those who lived on his floor, he wasn't complaining. leaning against the doorframe, he didn't wait to make his presence noticed. "i hope i am not interrupting anything important," he commented casually, "but he is bleeding out on my jacket and it's kinda cold outside."
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Now that I’ve gotten your attention, I’d like to tell you about a lovely Gazan family that needs help! Maram, Ahmed, and their children Habiba (age 4), Kareem (age 2), and Muhammed (age 1) lost everything, from their house to their dignity to the entire life they used to have. They are now looking to evacuate.
Baby Muhammad and his mother Maram are suffering from malnutrition, and Maram has potentially lethal liver disease as well. She and her family have been displaced 11 times, but are currently staying in an actively dangerous area so as to avoid spreading illness to others in highly crowded areas.
In short, they need to evacuate asap. They're currently at €30,243 of their goal of €40,000 - let's get them all the way to the goal as fast as possible!
Incentives to donate:
Authentic crystal jewelry raffle held by @lonniemachin
Dragon art commissions by @kyra45
Star people art commissions by @tortiefrancis
[Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi (line 68)]
Tags for reach (thank you; dm for removal):
@perfectlyperiwinkle @ask-muslim-anon @anneemay @economicinflationkink @3000s
@txttletale @thatdiabolicalfeminist @himbo-noxx @jame7t @punkeropercyjackson
@mangocheesecakes @neechees @aces-and-angels @aceybullets @dude-iloveu
@heydreamchild @fawninthewinter @newdog14 @nevert-the-guy @mynamesaplant
@astral-nautica @sesamie @cant-apult @friendshapedplant @isummonedadragon
@werewolf-transgenderism @sylvianritual @cenobutch @jezior0 @treesbian @girlinafairytale
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kukyc · 7 months
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For the Damaged: Accepting gamenu: ❛ i know you. how else do you think i found you so easily? ❜
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⌜☬⌟ ➡"Am I that predictable?" tone harsh yet that was not the intention behind such words. Lately his thoughts had taken a serious tone and it was hard to not allow such things to affect the Darkling. All emotions seemed to be on high alert as of late maybe it was due to constant plaguing thoughts of inferiority. He sat on the log in the forest that surrounded the castle of Radiant Garden, this place holding just as many memories but the silence of it all drowned out. Raven locks shifted as head turned to look at company the normal glowing amber jewels dim and lack luster.
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       He wanted to ask why she was here when everyone normally avoided the Being of Darkness. However, those words remain lodged within throat and instead head turned back casting gaze back onto the forest floor. Silence had now begun to drift around them and that was fine with him as this was a comfortable silence. One where he even felt safe enough to allow all his defenses down around her.
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feralhippie · 2 months
@betterto-die-thanto-crawl liked for a starter!
Kale had been minding his own business, making his way down the street on his way to a deal when someone went running by him, nearly knocking him off his feet. He recovered in time to see him go barreling into someone holding a stack of flyers, predictably sending them flying in every direction. Unsurprisingly the man didn't stop to help clean the mess he'd made, leaving Kale to step in instead.
He knelt down and started gathering up flyers, curious eyes unable to help drifting over the words printed on them. His interest was immediately grabbed when he saw they were political in nature and happened to coincide with his views on the world. "Hey man, here. I got as many of them as I could." As he held out the pile of pamphlets to the other he said, "That's some far out stuff in those. You mind if I keep one?"
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blueskilled · 7 months
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⥫ @destinybcnds asked: ⥭ ⥫ ⚽ ⥭
Pokemon Asks ⚽: Not everyone cares about battles, do your muse and their Pokemon do other activities? (ex. contests)
≼ ⌬ ≽
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{To be fair, I feel like Cyrano is really into battling. I can see him taking several trips to the battle subway just to keep himself sharp and he's probably done every battle challenge in any region he visits (like the mansion in Kalos or the Tree in Alola).}
{That being said, I think it wouldn't be too out of the way to say that Cyrano might also participate in Pokeathalons and Contests just because of how flashy he is. Both to show off the cool nature of his pokemon and to display their athletic prowess, I feel like both of these might be a interesting past time for them, though certainly not as much of a passion as battling is.}
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