#FAMslash february
moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 29 - White
Molly x Anastasia Belikova
In 1989, both the US and USSR celebrated the first men on the moon full of nationalism and dick swinging. Mars was years away and the moon was routine, but both nations needed the world to remember that they were the ones that held the fate of the world in their hands.
In 1990, the UN invited both Anastasia Belikova and Molly to Geneva to celebrate the anniversary of the first women to walk on the moon. It was a low key affair - no speeches, no heads of state. A medal ceremony and a reception afterwards.
Molly was still adapting to traveling to a new place for the first time since she lost her sight. She startled when she felt an unfamiliar hand on her arm. “Let’s get out of here,” a woman with a Russian accent said.
“Thought you’d never ask, Comrade Belikova,” Molly replied.
Anastasia took Molly’s arm and guided her to a bar a few blocks away. “You’re good at this,” Molly said as she settled into a chair.
“Americans aren’t the only ones who got caught in that solar flare,” Anastasia replied, as she sat next to Molly. “So, we’ve heard all the bullshit about us and the moon. What was it really like?”
Molly and Anastasia swapped stories about training and preparation and men who didn’t think they belonged in a space program.
“Then, because fucking Gagarin did it before he went into space, everyone had to do it. So I had to figure out how get my spacesuit off enough and squat down at the right angle to urinate on the tire of the bus that brought me.”
“Jesus. I’m glad I didn’t have to do that.”
“But that first step on the moon was worth it. To see all that white surrounded by the darkest black and then see the Earth just hanging there.”
“It was incredible. I can still see the white of the regolith.” Molly put her hands on Anastasia’s face. “Smile.”
Anastasia did. Molly traced her lips with her fingers. “Your damn smile. Everyone wanted me to smile like you did.”
Anastasia laughed. “After you went to the moon, everyone asked why I didn’t find ice like you did.”
“What happened to you after? I never heard about you again.”
“I worked in what you Americans call Mission Control. Got married, had children.”
“You never went to the moon again?”
“No. I miss it sometimes, though. Like an ache in my chest.”
“I know that feeling.” Molly placed her hand on Anastasia’s face again, her thumb tracing her cheekbone. She leaned into Molly’s touch. “Let’s get out of here.”
Anastasia nodded.
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cilil · 8 months
For the famslash February prompts if you'd like:
Melian/Yavanna - love is devotion
Femslash February
⬡ Prompt: Love is devotion & outdoor sex (spicy bingo) | Yavanna x Melian ⬡ Synopsis: After her return to Valinor, Melian finds comfort in Yavanna's company ⬡ Warnings: Nudity, non-explicit references to Ainur intimacy ⬡ Drabble ⬡ AO3
AN: Thanks so much for your message! I hope you don't mind I combined this with a tiny little square from the spicy bingo (all non-explicit)💚
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Melian, Queen of Doriath, was no more. 
Melian, Lady of Songbirds, had returned to the lands whence she had once come, though it no longer felt like home. 
"I lost everything," she whispered, confiding in Yavanna. Queen of the Earth, Mother of Things That Grow, Melian knew she would understand. 
Her tears fell onto Yavanna's nude form like rain on fertile soil, and an ancient love stirred and blossomed between them once more.
The Valië held her in body and spirit, engulfed her in the most intimate embrace known to their kind, and for a time Melian's grief was soothed. 
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Thanks for reading! ♡
taglist: @angbangbaby @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @bluezenzennie @edensrose @eunoiaastralwings @i-did-not-mean-to @melkors-defense-attorney @singleteapot @stormchaser819 @wandererindreams
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dizzyon · 7 years
You could do 28 for the famslash february prompts if you want to? I have a lot of thoughts on museums and I could elaborate, but I'm interested in what you think of.
Harry quickens her pace, his footsteps echoing around the huge, light entrance hall of the Rijksmuseum. She checks the ticket again - maybe she missed the part where it says where the tour will begin? Maybe the name of the guide? Anything?
Nothing. There are a few groups of people scattered around the hall, chatting away in the harsh, guttural language she’s grown somewhat fond of over his stay in Amsterdam. She recognises some German and American too, but none of it is what she’s looking for. That is, until she hears a voice with a very Northern English accent tell someone to “..go down the stairs and then right, love, we’ll wait.”.
If her heart skips a beat at the realisation that she might have made it after all, it’s nothing compared to the jump it does when the person belonging to the voice turns around, or the lurch it gives when their eyes lock. It’s a bit pathetic, really.
 “Hi, are you here for the English tour?” the girl asks. Her eyes are really blue. Wait, tour, yes.
“Yes,” Harry says, raking a hand through her hair, “Hi, yes, I am. Harry. I am Harry, and I’m here for the tour.” Which - wow. Harry continues to astound herself, sinking to unexplored lows in her social interactions.
 The girl lets out a soft laugh. “Sounds a bit like an AA meeting like that, doesn’t it? But hello yourself, Harry who is here for the tour. I’m Louis, your guide.” She holds out a hand for Harry to shake, which Harry does, holding it no longer than is socially acceptable. A definite win, especially considering Louis has a very nice, firm hand and is giving her a slow once-over.
She’s startled out of his reverie by a small girl pushing herself between her and Louis. “Madam?” she says in a high-pitched voice, lightly janking on Louis’ t-shirt. “I really need to pee.”
 “You, too, darling?” Louis says with a soft smile, as she kneels before the girl. “I’ll walk you to the toilets, I’m sure Harry here can hold down the fort until we’re back.” She winks at Harry, her other eye twitching along slightly and that should not be this endearing. Harry’s in for a long, long tour.
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 01 - Black
Karen x Tracy
Karen hated when Ed was in space. The vast blackness of space seeped into her nightmares, turning the jungle and the cat darker and more deadly.
It was a little better when Gordo was with Ed. Tracy and the boys would stay after all the other wives left for home. She’d climb into bed with Karen after banishing the boys to Shane’s room, loose and giggling from whatever she drank.
The nightmares came. They always did. Not even Tracy’s presence could drive them away.
But when Karen woke, gasping, she could reach out and grasp Tracy’s hand. Some nights, Tracy would wrap her arms around Karen’s waist, her warmth against her back driving out the terror. And other nights, Tracy’s hand would find its way under Karen’s nightgown and drive out all thoughts - thoughts of Ed, thoughts of death, thoughts of the boys down the hall.
Those nights, when Karen fell back asleep, she no longer dreamed.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 26 - Space
Irene x Margo
When Margo was promoted to Flight, Irene Hendricks invited her for a drink. Margo declined and Irene pulled her aside. “People saw that there was bad blood between us. They need to see that we’re past that. So you will have a drink with me.”
Which was why Margo was now at The Outpost, drinking Shiner fucking bock with Irene. “I know that you’re smarter than me, Margo. And I know that if NASA wants to reach its goals, people like you will need to be in charge.”
This isn’t what Margo expected.
“But you need to learn how to play politics. Yes, they’re senseless but it’s the only way to climb the ladder.”
“And you’re going to teach me?” Margo scoffed.
Irene took a swig of her beer. “Bet your ass I am.”
Margo and Irene started having dinner in the JSC cafeteria once a week. And as much as Margo hated to admit it, it helped the others to see that they were getting along.
Irene taught her how to read people, how to present herself to be what those in power wanted her to be without diluting her intellect or authority.
Irene learned to lean on Margo in situations where her problem solving skills outstripped her own and always credited Margo for her help.
Soon the meals were no longer a chore but a pleasure for both of them.
After the Apollo 24 and 25 crises ended, Irene knocked on Margo’s office door. “How are you doing?”
Margo had thought she was fine until Irene asked. Then it was like her body caught up to her. She began to shake and much to her horror, she cried.
Irene shut the door behind her and caught Margo up in a hug.
“Two dead. And I almost lost both crews and Ed Baldwin.”
“But you didn’t.”
“After people disobeyed direct orders. They had to force me to save lives.”
“I would have made the same call.”
“I know, I know,” Margo murmured, her breath hitching in her chest.
“Margo, look at me,” Irene pulled back and framed Margo’s face with her hands. “You performed miracles, Margo.”
Margo lunged forward and kissed Irene. After her initial surprise, Irene kissed her back. Margo felt her panic subside, her brain slow down.
Irene pulled away. “We’re not doing this here. Come to my place.” She took Margo’s hand and led her out of the office.
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 06 - Umbrella
Nuri (x Molly)
When she was a girl, she had a poster of Molly Cobb in room. It was her, a brilliant smile, holding the first ice humans found on the moon. When her friends had graduated to posters of bands and heartthrob actors, she still had her Molly Cobb poster.
When she thought about a princess getting rescued by a knight, the knight always looked like Molly Cobb.
Now she worked in the same building as Molly Cobb. Saw her multiple times a week. Tried to not be starstruck and failed miserably. Molly crept into her dreams and in the dreams she would end up kneeling underneath Molly’s desk, her hands tangled in Nuri’s hair, directing her where to put her mouth.
(When she woke up, she always felt a little disloyal to Miss Madison.)
There was a downpour when she was leaving work. She was happy that she brought her umbrella along today. She was opening it when she heard Molly Cobb behind her. “Shit.”
Molly didn’t have an umbrella.
“You can share my umbrella if you want, Ms. Cobb,” she piped up before she could stop herself.
Molly must have really not wanted to get soaked through because all she did was say thanks as she ducked under Nuri’s umbrella. It was the closest she had been to her. Nuri focused on trying not to be weird.
As they neared where Molly’s husband was parked, she put her hand on Nuri’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell the Mistress of Darkness know that you helped me.”
Nuri sighed as she watched Molly enter the car and her husband leaned over to kiss her.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 20 - Fake
Lenara x Irina
The most important part of her job was knowing what motivated people, and whether they responded better to threats or rewards. For example, Lenara Catiche was responding very well to to the hand Irina placed on her thigh. “And what are your concerns about Dr. Nikulov?”
Irina could see Lenara was torn between her loyalty to her mentor and her loyalty to the state or at least to her own ambitions. “Dr. Nikulov is too close to the NASA Director. I believe he is sharing information with her.”
Irina already knew that. But she was going to have to warn him to stop being so sloppy.
She gave Lenara’s thigh a squeeze. “Thank you Comrade Catiche. That will be all.”
Irina hung up the phone. Before she left her bed to take care of some truly unpleasant business, she leaned over and kissed Lenara. “I have business to attend to, but you should get some sleep. After all, tomorrow will be your first day as the Director of Roscosmos, Lenara.”
She saw Lenara’s eyes widen in both fear and surprise as she made her way to the shower.
When Sergei Orestovich defected from the USSR, Irina was marched out of Roscosmos. She refused to show the fear welling up inside her. She made a note of who reacted in what way to her humiliation.
Lenara Catiche wore a slight smirk on her face as she made eye contact. Irina would remember.
When Gorbachev bowed to the inevitable, Irina strode through the halls of Roscosmos again. She entered the office of the Director.
“Irina Vasilievna, it’s so good to see you again,” Lenara greeted her.
“This is now my office.” Irina nodded to the police officers flanking her. “Please, take her away.”
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 07 - Dahlia
Dani x Tracy
Dani knew she made the right decision to get Gordo home from the moon. Her arm would mend; Gordo’s soul would not if he was permanently grounded. It’s what she reminded herself when she saw the stares at JSC and heard the questions about whether women and though it was never spoken aloud, the underlying question of whether Black people were fit for space exploration.
She found a quiet spot away from the prying eyes of others. A disused corner of JSC that she and her fellow women astronauts had found during training, away from the jokes and jeers of the men.
When she heard steps, she almost groaned aloud, but refrained when saw Tracy carrying a bouquet of dahlias. “Hey, Dani.”
“Those are pretty.”
“I know what you did for Gordo - “
“I didn’t do anything. Just had an accident.”
Tracy rolled her eyes. “You were the most careful of the four of us. I’m not stupid, Dani. So, I got you these, as a thank you.”
Dani took the flowers. They really were quite lovely. “Thanks, Tracy. They’re beautiful.”
Tracy leaned in and kissed Dani’s cheek. “Just like you.”
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 05 - Mystery
Margo x Ellen
On slow nights, when they were both at NASA, Ellen and Larry would sometimes speculate about the queerness of their fellow employees.
Ellen was pretty sure that Molly had slept with at least Patty, if not more women. After meeting Wayne, she was sure of it.
Larry was adamant that if Ed and Gordo had been on the moon alone, they would have fucked. They both thanked Dani for her service for saving them from dealing with the fallout of that.
Ellen was also sure that Karen and Tracy had drunkenly kissed after a party.
But where they disagreed the most was Margo. Larry couldn’t see her loving or wanting anything more than her job. But Ellen, after seeing Margo wear a skirt and heels and stride down the hallways of JSC like a middle linebacker on many occasions, wondered.
During the 1990 budget cycle, Margo came to DC and she and Ellen (now the Senator from Texas) put on a full court press of lobbying to secure the funding needed for the launch of the 1996 Mars mission. After the vote passed, Ellen joined Margo in her hotel’s bar. After a champagne toast, they moved on to tumblers of their preferred hard liquor. Ellen laughed as the bartender blew the dust off the bottle of Margo’s preferred brandy.
Ellen learned that Margo could handle her liquor. Although she did wobble a bit on the way to the elevator. She had brought Ellen’s anniversary plaque for the first class of female astronauts. Ellen had missed the ceremony due to a series of crucial votes she needed to be present for.
When she entered Margo’s hotel room, she was drunk enough to try to solve the mystery of Margo. When handed her the plaque, she leaned in and kissed Margo.
Margo didn’t freeze or push away. Nor did she kiss back or deepen the kiss.
Ellen pulled away, even more confused than before.
Margo thumped her on the shoulder. “Ellen, you’re a good person. And I don’t want to ruin another marriage. So let’s just forget this happened, OK?”
Ellen nodded. “Yes. Let’s.”
As she left Margo’s room with her plaque, she wondered what Margo had meant by another marriage. If she remembered when she was sober, she was going to find out about that. Which probably meant more drinking because god, Margo could keep secrets as well as a Soviet.
Ellen did not remember in the morning. She remembered the headache for years afterward.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 13 - Sunflower
Aleida x Tatyana
“Ms. Rosales?”
Aleida startled at the sound of a woman with a Russian accent calling her name near the sunflower plants the prisoners planted in their garden near one of the prisons in Leavenworth. “That’s me.”
The woman walked toward her uncertainly. “I’m Tatyana Alexandrovna Volkova.”
The girl Margo had begged Helios and her to rescue from the Soviet Union. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
Tatyana looked down. “I wanted to thank Miss Madison - Margo - for convincing you to hire me. However the guards told me that my papers weren’t any good to get into the prison.”
Aleida knew that look. Margo had a way of provoking hero worship, even as she made no effort to do so. “I’ll get you in next month when I come to visit.”
Tatyana looked at her quizzically.
“When your boss has more money than God, papers suddenly become acceptable.”
“Ah, I see somethings are universal.”
“How’d you get here?”
“The dog bus?”
The Greyhound. Jesus. “I have a hotel room for the night but tomorrow I’ll be taking Helios’ plane back to Houston. You’re welcome to come along.”
“If it’s not too much trouble, I would like that.”
“It’s no problem. Why don’t I take you to get some supper?”
Aleida drove until she found the ubiquitous Mexican restaurant that any decent sized town in the Great Plains had. She introduced Tatyana to enchiladas and perhaps too much tequila. She indulged her curiosity and asked Tatyana about Margo’s time in the USSR. (She will never find out about what she was most curious about - those eight years Margo lived in obscurity, pretending to be dead.) Margo in the Soviet Union was much like Margo in the US, except she still used a goddamn slide rule.
“She told me once that I reminded her of you.”
Aleida had to look away.
“It was a good thing. She told me I needed to be bolder like you, too. I think this is easier in America. The worst here is that you lose your job.”
The two of them somehow made their way back to Aleida’s hotel room. They stumbled into the room and collapsed on the bed. Tatyana reached out to touch Aleida’s shoulder and Aleida wrapped an arm around her waist.
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 08 - Gray
Ed saw the world in black and white.
Karen saw the world in shades of gray. Even more lately. But during her time owning The Outpost, she found most people did too.
Which is why after Danny kissed her, she found her way to the Cobbs. She knew Wayne would not be home. He had excitedly told her about the artists’ retreat the last time he saw her. But if anyone saw the world in shades of gray, it was Molly Cobb.
When she knocked on the door, Molly called out that the door was unlocked and to come in. Karen entered and looked around. She eventually followed the haze of smoke to find Molly in the tub. “Um, hi.”
“Wayne’s not here,” Molly replied. “But you knew that already, didn’t you?”
Karen couldn’t take her eyes off Molly. She couldn’t imagine letting someone in her house while she was in the tub, let alone someone she wasn’t expecting. She swallowed hard. “Um, yes.”
Molly handed her the blunt. “If I let you smoke, will you get to the point faster?”
Karen nodded, brought it to her mouth and inhaled deeply. There was still time to turn back. She handed it back to Molly. “You see the world in shades of gray, right?” she blurted out.
Molly rested her head on the back of the tub. “I’m seeing the world less and less.”
“I have the feeling you’re going to confess some shit to me. That’s mine.”
Karen had no idea what Molly was talking about. She pushed it out of her mind. “Tonight, Danny Stevens kissed me.”
“I like ‘em older, but the kid’s got good taste. So what, this is where you confess to me that you slept with a kid?”
Karen shook her head and pulled her t-shirt over her head. “I wished it was you.”
Molly laughed. Embarrassed, Karen started to move away from the tub. Molly reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Well?”
Karen smiled, leaned down and kissed her. She felt Molly’s hands reach behind her back to unclasp her bra.
This was definitely a darker shade of gray than she had ventured into before. But she was ready.
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moocowmoocow · 8 months
Femslash February 04 - Field
Molly x Tracy
Molly took Tracy out for a drink as a thank you for rescuing her during the Apollo 25 crisis. They bypassed The Outpost, visiting another dive bar Molly was familiar with but would afford both of them a level of anonymity. One drink had turned to several and Molly decided she was too drunk to drive.
Tracy had no compunction about that.
Which was why her car was now in the middle of a field.
Molly slammed the door shut and stared angrily at the moon until Tracy exited the car. “Leave it to you, astrowife, to find one of the last empty fields in the greater fucking Houston area.”
“It might not be empty. There might be cows.” Shit. That wasn't what she wanted to say.
“If I step in cow shit -"
Wait. Tracy remembered what she wanted to say. “I thought you’d stop with the astrowife bullshit after I saved your ass.”
Molly stomped her way around the car in a less than straight line. “That was before I experienced your driving skills. Apparently, gravity is beyond your abilities to handle.”
“It could have been worse. I could have dumped us into the Gulf.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Molly leaned in and starting jabbing Tracy in the chest. “We’re drunk. God knows where the nearest phone is. And when your stupid husband finds out, he’ll never let me live this down.”
Drunk Molly is remarkably uncreative with her insults Tracy realized. She grabbed the hand poking her. “Molly, shut the fuck up,” she said before pulling her head down and kissing her.
Part of Tracy’s brain waited for Molly to pull away, disgusted. But Molly grabbed Tracy’s ponytail and pushed her against the car, kissing her even harder.
This was something she could definitely do until they were sober enough to find help Tracy thought as she wrapped her arms around Molly’s waist, pulling her closer.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 27 - Real
Molly x Patty
Molly knew what was bullshit.
The way NASA brought all these women to Houston and told them they could be astronauts was bullshit.
The promise of going to the moon was bullshit.
The fact that she was here, once again, waiting for the “Thanks for coming, ladies, but -“ was bullshit.
She knew what was real.
Patty’s mouth on hers, Patty’s fingers in her, the first sparks of her orgasm were real.
The rest was bullshit.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 25 - Vulnerable
Margo x Irina [This is dub con, guys.]
Margo was summoned to Irina’s suite after negotiations ended for the day. She dreaded the inevitable confrontation after she asserted herself over Irina’s objections, revealed herself to Aleida and the world and took control of the Soviet operation.
Irina called her in. Margo was surprised to find her in her nightgown and robe, rubbing lotion into her hands. Until she spoke. “Margo, did you really think that there would not be consequences for your actions over the past 48 hours?”
Margo stood straighter, even as her hip screamed out in pain. “Everything I did, I did for the good of the mission.”
Irina rose and walked over to Margo and caressed her cheek. “But you forgot who employs you now.”
Oh, god. This is not what she expected the consequences to be. Irina reached up, removed Margo’s glasses and placed them on the side table. She closed her eyes and tried not to remember the last time someone had done that for her.
“Kiss me,” Irina murmured against Margo’s lips in Russian.
Margo tentatively did. And when Irina deepened the kiss, Margo let her. Irina broke the kiss and sat down on the bed. “Strip,” she ordered.
“Strip. All of it. Off.”
With shaking hands, Margo slowly removed her clothing. She stood before Irina’s appraising gaze, completely bare. Irina nodded and then patted the bed next to her. Margo slowly limped over and laid down. Irina maneuvered herself to her side, placed a hand on Margo’s stomach and kissed her again.
She slowly brought her hand down to the juncture between Margo’s thighs and rubbed slow circles. “Did he ever touch you like this?”
Margo swallowed hard. “Who?”
“You know who.”
Margo shook her head.
“He’s a bigger fool than I thought.”
She continued her slow strokes and it dawn on Margo that she wasn’t going to let her leave until. She was good; Margo could feel her body respond despite herself.
She closed her eyes. She needed to think of something else and simply react to the sensations Irina was provoking in her. She would not think of him. She protected her memories of him, she did not need them any more tangled up in this mess than they were already.
She remembered when Irina promised that they would reach far into the cosmos, so with a gasp, she laid back and thought of space. Of Mars, of the asteroid belt, the moons of Jupiter, the icy rings of Saturn, sideways Uranus, blue Neptune, small Pluto. As she left the solar system in her mind’s eye, she came.
“See. That wasn’t so bad, was it Margo?”
“No, Director.”
Irina waved her hand. “Go back to your room.”
Margo put on her clothing as fast as possible and fled.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 24 - Winter
Lenara x Margo
Margo had a solution that would make descent to Mars infinitely easier. It was finally time for her monthly meeting with Lenara Catiche. She hated the eagerness she was feeling to bring it to her. She felt like she did when she was a girl trying to impress her father. But this had to be how she negotiated her way out of this strange exile and into Star City.
She was so busy with constructing her arguments as she rushed toward the Administration Building that she completely forgot to look where she was stepping. She hit a patch of ice on the entryway steps and shit she was falling.
She woke up in the infirmary, Lenara staring down at her. Her entire body ached, her head especially. She ran her tongue along her teeth, relived that they all seemed to still be in her mouth. Lenara placed a soft hand on Margo’s face. “Margo, you had a fall.”
“Yeah,” she gritted out.
“Nothing is broken, but you will be bruised and we had to put some stitches in your forehead.”
Margo sat up quickly and ignored the dizziness. “Where are my notes?”
“Security picked them up when you fell. They are very good, but we’ll take it from here.”
“What? No. You will need my help.”
Lenara’s hand returned to Margo’s face thumb tracing her cheekbone. And shit, that hurt. She was going to have a black eye, she suspected. “Margo. We’ve been over this. You cannot be a visible part of this program. The Americans think you’re dead.”
Between the pain and her frustration, Margo felt tears gathering in her eyes. “That doesn’t mean I can’t - “
“Yes, it does,” Lenara said firmly. She brought her hand to Margo’s thigh. “Go home. Put some ice on your face. Rest. I will see you next month.” She gave Margo’s thigh a squeeze.
“Lenara, no! Nyet!”
Lenara ignored her and Margo swallowed a frustrated scream.
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moocowmoocow · 7 months
Femslash February 17 - Harmony
Emma x Margo
It took until Emma was sick for several days in a row for Margo to realize something was missing in her life.
It wasn’t that she didn’t know that Emma being excellent at her job allowed her to excel at hers. It was like the music of her life was off. Not in the way she loved in jazz, the dissonance building something beautiful. It was an empty chord, missing its perfect fifth.
When Emma returned, Margo waited several days until she didn’t look wan and tired before inviting her for a drink in the evening. “Wow. Ms. Madison, are you breaking out the good brandy?”
“Yep.” She handed Emma the glass and watched as she swirled the liquor and she must have seen Margo do numerous times before she took a drink. “Y’know, at times like this, you can call me Margo.” She sat down next to Emma on the couch.
“What’s the occasion, Ms. - Margo?”
“I realized how necessary you are for my life when you were gone.” She tried to be subtle - at least for her. She placed her hand on Emma’s face, thumb stroking back and forth.
“I’m glad,” Emma replied. Margo felt her lean into her hand.
When she kissed her, she tasted like brandy and competence.
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