#FB 383
suvo017 · 2 years
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aposhouse · 2 years
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商品名稱:【阿波的窩 Apo's house】《美食與地方特產伴手禮週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配》《速食麵週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配》泡麵 TAIWAN 台灣 統一麵 肉燥風味 特大號 袋裝 1包 85公克 國際條碼:4710088410115 廠商名稱:統一企業(股)公司 製造地點: 湖口廠:台灣新竹縣湖口鄉八德路3段30號 永康場:台灣台南市永康區中正路301號A區 服務信箱:台灣台南市永康區中正路301號 愛用者服務專線:0800037520 淨重:85公克 原產地:台灣 保存方式:置於陰涼乾燥處 保存期限:180天 投保產品責任險字號:0506字第17AML000459號 食品業者登錄字號:D-173251209-00000-0 內容物名稱: 麵:麵粉、精製棕櫚油(棕櫚油、抗氧化劑混合濃縮生育醇)、食鹽、水、味精、蔗糖、芝麻油、醬油、品質改良用劑(碳酸鉀、偏磷酸鈉、無水碳酸鈉、多磷酸鈉)、關華豆膠、抗氧化劑混合濃縮生育醇(含精製芥花油)、複方抗氧化劑(麥芽糖醇、抗氧化劑混合濃縮生育醇、水、精製芥花油、脂肪酸甘油酯、大豆卵磷脂、酒 精、甘油)。 調味粉包:食鹽、蔗糖、味精、胡椒粉、脫蔥、醬油粉(醬油、麥芽糊精、食鹽)、調味劑(琥珀酸二鈉、5’-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5’-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉)、蒜粉、香料、豬肉風味粉〔麥芽糊精、蛋白質水解物(大豆、玉米、小麥)、食鹽、豬抽出物、精製芥花油、酵母抽出物、洋蔥抽出粉、香料、D-木糖〕、酵母抽出粉(酵母抽出物、麥芽糊精)、香菇抽出粉(麥芽糊精、香菇抽出物)、柴魚粉、磷酸鈣。 調味油包:精製豬油(豬油、抗氧化劑混合濃縮生育醇)、紅蔥。 商品介紹: ★品牌故事 窗外綠油油的稻田緩緩掠過,火車車廂內旅人掀開了統一麵碗蓋,漫出濃郁撲鼻的香味,勾起鄰座的遐想,彷彿回到那段的青澀歲月。 1970年,統一企業推出附粉包可乾泡兩吃的統一(脆)麵,但一直無法與市場龍頭匹敵;時任統一企業總經理高清愿與研發團隊苦思如何創造出口味獨樹一格的速食麵,便以台南傳統麵食為發想,於1971年研發團隊開發出「統一麵」,首創以附加獨特肉燥風味油包,並且首開先例推出速食麵電視廣告,上市後果真一鳴驚人,也主導台灣往後數十年速食麵市場。 經過40餘年的發展,統一麵已是家喻戶曉、人人喜愛的品牌,令人念念不忘的好味道,總是陪伴我們走過人生每個階段。 統一麵品牌除了香氣難忘的統一麵肉燥風味外,還有道地濃郁微微辛辣的統一麵蔥燒牛肉風味、數種香料調配出香氣四溢的統一麵肉骨茶風味、湯頭鮮美清爽的統一麵鮮蝦風味,統一麵這份熟悉的美味總教人回味再三。 ★商品特色 統一麵肉燥風味 獨家研發的肉燥油包,經典的香氣令人永遠忘不了。 營養標示 每一份量 85公克 本包裝含 1份 每份 每100公克 熱量 417大卡 491大卡 蛋白質 9.0公克 10.6公克 脂肪 20.7公克 24.3公克 飽和脂肪 9.4公克 11.0公克 反式脂肪 0公克 0公克 碳水化合物 48.9公克 57.5公克 糖 1.8公克 2.1公克 鈉 1632毫克 1920毫克 可以幫我分享宣傳唷~ Fb搜尋【阿波的窩 Apo's house】加入粉絲專頁喲! 如果要購買的人,請在下方留言喲!先搶先贏,買不到的人,就先跟你們說抱歉囉!啾咪~ #阿波的窩 Apo's house #美食 #地方特產 #伴手禮週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配 #伴手禮 #速食麵週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配 #速食麵 #泡麵 #TAIWAN #台灣 #統一麵 #肉燥風味 #特大號 #袋裝 #1包 #85公克 #MIT #台灣製造 #發揚台灣文化 交易結帳寄送方式 1、均以【現金】結帳方式為主,寄送可選【面交】或【郵寄】! 2、【面交】以高雄市區內為主 3、【郵寄】方式,請私訊問我匯款帳戶,並告知下面的購買資訊,確定收到款項後,會回覆訊息,並以郵局掛號寄出(運費另計)! P.S 購買前請先詢問是否有貨唷! 匯完款後,收件人資料請填妥如下: 要購買的~ 商品名稱: 數量: 買方您的~ 姓名: 電話: 地址: 匯款末5碼: 相關連結: https://www.facebook.com/....../a.383....../3946819198683046 【阿波的窩 Apo's house】集點卡名片使用說明: 1.本店販賣類別:影音商品、服飾、夾腳拖鞋等。 2.本店販賣商品皆為正版特惠商品,恕不退換。 3.消費1000元可集1點,集滿10點,可兌換限量禮品1份。 4.消費時請帶此卡,依消費金額蓄章,未帶恕不補章。 5.本集點卡不得兌換現金或其他使用! 6.本店保有活動更改及終止之權利。
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Suing all of ad-tech
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The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been a mixed bag, but at its core is an exemplary and indisputable principle: you can’t give informed consent for activities you don’t understand.
Since the dawn of online commercial surveillance, ad-tech sector maintained the obvious fiction that we agreed to allow it to nonconsensually suck in our private information, either by clicking “I Agree” on a garbage novella of unreadable legalese, or just by using a service.
GDPR exposes this “consent theater” for a sham. It says, “Look, if you think users are cool with all this surveillance and data-processing, you’ve got to ask them. Lay out each use of data you want to make, one at a time, and get consent for it.”
That means that if you’re Google and you’re thinking of using the data you ingest in 800 different ways, you’ve got to show your users 800 yes/no questions, defaulting to “no,” to see if they consent to it, and you have to give them a “no to all” box to opt out of everything.
It won’t shock you to learn that virtually no one consents to this. It’s a lesson we learned again when Apple updated Ios to let users install apps but opt out of their data-collection — and to opt out of being asked whether they want any app to collect their data.
That said, there are some problems with the GDPR; some are structural (the “right to be forgotten” is a poorly thought-through dumpster fire that lets rich sociopaths erase the records of their crimes from the internet) and some are technical.
The principle technical problem with the GDPR is that EU prosecutors just haven’t enforced it vigorously enough. In particular, they lack the resources to take on the biggest names in ad-tech, Facebook and Google, who have them substantially outgunned.
However, the GDPR has a saving grace in this regard: it includes a “private right of action,” that allows everyday Europeans to seek enforcement of the law, even if prosecutors are too timid to take up the case.
Private rights of action are key, but political conservatives hate them because they don’t want businesses to be held accountable by the public. The omission of a private right of action from the US ACCESS Act is its most significant flaw,
GDPR’s private right of action has allowed dedicated individuals to use the law to wage asymmetrical warfare against giant, seemingly all-powerful corporations. The pioneer here is Max Schrems, who made history with his private case against Facebook:
After Schrems brought cases against Google and Facebook over GDPR violations, the EU’s highest court ordered the companies to stop moving Europeans’ data to their US servers:
Facebook has (laughably) threatened to leave Europe over this. It was a hollow and idiotic threat and they never made good on it and I will bet you a testicle* that they never will.
*Not one of mine
Schrems isn’t the only individual who hopes to enforce the GDPR against Big Tech. Johnny Ryan and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties have lodged a case in a German court against the IAB, the ad-tech industry association that maintains its “audience taxonomy” codes.
When you land on a webpage, your identity is boiled down to a set of these codes, such as 383 (interested in hair-loss treatments) and 60 (household income of <$10k/year), and these are passed to dozens or hundreds of ad-tech bidders to see if they’ll pay to show you an ad.
Ryan and the ICCL say that no one ever consented to this, and thus the entire ad-tech industry is in violation of the GDPR. By targeting the IAB and its taxonomy, they might be able to yank the foundation out from beneath the targeted advertising industry.
Ryan has filed similar complaints in many EU nations, including Ireland, the tax-haven where many tech giants have planted their flags of convenience. The Irish case has languished for three years now.
There are 27 EU nations, and the ad-tech industry violates the GDPR in every single one of them. Ryan is betting that he will eventually find a jurisdiction where the courts will actually enforce the law.
It’s a neat illustration of the power and peril of a private right of action: on the one hand, it lets individuals take up cases that prosecutors ignore; on the other hand, these cases are subject to the whims of judges who might delay them indefinitely.
But with 27 courts to choose from, the odds of enforcement tilt towards the public interest.
Image: Carol M Highsmith/Library of Congress (modified) https://www.loc.gov/item/2014632601/
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small-angry-turtle · 3 years
(copied from private FB group)
The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate!! Information below! 💙💛
🇺🇦The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate! Please don’t support this act of violence, terror and donate.
🇺🇲 For donations in USD:
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
🇬🇧 For donations in GBP:
Bank of England, London
Account: 40000982
Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
🇪🇺 For donations in EUR:
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
🇨🇭 For donations in CHF:
Account: 0700-01227572
IBAN CH32 0070 0070 0012 2757 2
Josefstrasse 222, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
🇺🇦 Для зарахування коштів у національній валюті:
Банк: Національний банк України
МФО 300001
Рахунок № UA843000010000000047330992708
код ЄДРПОУ 00032106
Отримувач: Національний банк України
Reference: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi?fbclid=IwAR3ViBmzD2i3r5WORDP0qzc0-R4vBynMGCD6JinXbgbggF1CxqA94YrdbbM
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getmyofferxyz-blog · 4 years
Getmyoffer.capitalone.com | Enter Reservation Number and Access Code
Getmyoffer.capitalone.com is specially designed for the customers who are having splendid credit and their age is 18 or above and is the permanent resident in the United States of America are just engaged by the GetMyOffer Capital One. Pre-affirmed advancement is additionally given.
Information you have to give while reacting to a Capital One charge card offer:
Log on to the official site of Capital One and afterward experience the page of “GetMyOffer Capital One” on this page you need to enter the data required. The principal data is your booking number, which is a 16-digit number, and the other one is the access code, which is a 6-digit number. You can get this data from the letter, which you will get in your mail id, and it is situated at the base of the letter.
Steps you have to pursue while reacting to a Capital One charge card offer:
To react to the Capital One Credit Card, you have to pursue the three stages to complete the procedure. The initial step is to visit the site that you can access by utilizing the connection that is www.getmyoffer.capitalone.com. By utilizing this connection, you can get to the site of Capital One effectively.
When you will be coordinated towards Get My Offer page then here you need to enter the 16-digit reservation number and 6-digit access code in the given space that you will get from the offer letter. Remember while entering the data you should be cautious.
In the last advance, you have to tap on the alternative “Get Started” in the wake of experiencing this progression the application method will begin.
In case you didn’t get a mail offer?
In the event that you didn’t get Getmyoffer Capital One mail offer, at that point pursue these means to check current ideas for you.
The most effective method to Apply for Capitalone GetmyOffer utilizing Phone number:
To apply for the Capital One Credit Card, you need to log on to the official by utilizing the official site www.getmyoffer.capitalone.com, The other strategy to apply for the card is by utilizing the telephone. The telephonic procedure is for the customers that can’t get to the site of Capital One. The number on which you can contact is 1-866-927-5833.
When you will approach this number, they will prescribe you to apply online as the online system is short and it requires some investment. Also, on the off chance that you will apply to utilize your telephone then it may require some investment. The assessed time is 15 minutes. The clients that are under 21 years are limited to apply online as they need to give the composed agree to finish the application procedure.
www.getmyoffer.capitalone.com Quick Contact
In case you are in a rush, you may contact by utilizing the connections given beneath. You can choose any of the connections according to your benefit.
Tweet at Capital One
Telephone number: 1-877-383-4802
Fb page Capital One
Update 2018: Customers with immaculate credit card score has extraordinary compared to other Get My Capital One credit card offers advanced in the market for them.
The one best thing for the shoppers is that Capital One offers a room of credit cards for the clients that are looking for acquiring gainful rewards on making various buys.
CreditKarma.com: Capital One Quicksilver credit card is supported by CK as they are known as best for “cash back” circumstances offered by Capital One.
ValuePenguin.com: In the case of the 2-year old value they rate it as the exceptional Capital One Credit Card. ValuePenguincom like the Capital One Venture card as it is the best of Capital One. Worth Penguin rates it as their best Capital One charge card as far as 2-year esteem.
NerdWallet: NerdWallet exceptional rating is 4.1 out of 5 stars. The Capital One Venture credit card NerdWallet is known as “Stress-Free 2% Travel Rewards” card.
Update 2018 mode 2: In industry, the Capital One credit card offer is considered as outstanding amongst other credit and visa cards offer and are effective in engaging their clients. How about we see what are the criticism of the individual credit cards regarding the credit cards of Capital One.
The clients without reservation number of getmyoffer.capitalone.com reservation number and access code can apply by giving extra data that incorporates your yearly pay and FICO rating since they are not pre-screened previously.
getmyoffer.capitalone.com offer a portion of the normal credits cards that incorporate Venture Credit Card that is best for voyaging reason. The other regular credit cards offers by Capital One incorporates Platinum card, Quicksilver card that is best for the clients having terrible or low credit.
List of Best Capital One Credit Cards
We should accept that your application for Capital One credit card is affirmed and for you some best Capital One credits. Subsequent to experiencing the client surveys, we have accumulated the catalog of Best Capital One Credit Card that is mentioned as follow: 
The card Best for Small Business is Spark Cash For Business.
The card Best for Cashback Rewards is Capital One Quicksilver Cash Prizes Credit.
The Best card for Bad Credit Score is Capital One Secured MasterCard.
The Best Credit card for eating and Entertainment Rewards is Savor Card Rewards Credit Card.
The card Best for understudies / students Capital One Journey Student Rewards.
The card Best for Travels Rewards is Venture Rewards Credit Card.
Features of GetMyOffer.CapitalOne.com
Getmyoffers capital one is for the clients that are having a decent financial assessment and are looking for a credit card.
By utilizing the Capital One credit card the base installment you can make is more noteworthy than $25 or 1% of the aggregate sum in addition to financing cost a late installment charge.
At the point when the variable rates change the Prime rates likewise changes.
List of the Top Capital One-Credit Card
In the wake of experiencing the customer reviews, we have assembled the list of top Capital One Credit Card that is given underneath:
Venture Rewards: On ordinary buy, it offers unlimited 2 X miles per dollar, you spent yet you need amazing credit for this.
Quicksilver Rewards: On regular buy, it offers unlimited 1.5%, money back however you need a magnificent credit for this.
Savor Dining Rewards: After the initial three months of record opening, it offers boundless $500 money back on burning through $3000, however you need astounding credit for this.
Catalog of Top Capital One Business Credit Cards
The list of the top Capital One Business Credit Cards are as follows:
Sparkle Cash Back Rewards: You will get $500 as a sign up reward and it offers you unlimited 2% money back.
Sparkle Miles Rewards: You will get 50,000 as extra miles and it offers you unlimited 2X miles prizes.
For any broad questions about any Capital One credit card, you can contact the number for example 1-877-383-4802.
List of getmyoffers.capital one.com Credit Cards (from good to more terrible)
Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card
Platinum Credit Card
VentureOne Rewards Credit Card
QuicksilverOne Cash Rewards Credit Card
Venture Rewards Credit Card
Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card
Remember that the list given above recorded as best to most noticeably worst for the Capital One Credit Card is assembled from all the various gatherings and web journals.
Capital One on Social Media
Connection for a Facebook page is fb/capitalone
Connection for a Twitter account is tweet/capitalone
Connection for an Instagram account is instacapitalone
Connection for a YouTube Channel is youtube/CapitalOne
On the off chance that you need any data identified with Capital One, at that point you may get in touch with them by utilizing the NA corporate office number for example 1-877-383-4802.
In addition, the subtleties referenced above are just for the Capital One Mastercards, for more data about the ideas of capital one or about focusing on mail offer you can experience the site of Capital One by utilizing the connection Capital One’s contact page.
In the event that the telephone line is occupied to because of some other reason you need to contact the Corporate Office by utilizing mail address then you can do it by utilizing the street number referenced underneath:
1680 Capital 1 Drive McLean,
VA 22102 United States
Reviews on GetMyOffers CapitalOne
Right now, Capital One Get My Offer Credit Card is extraordinary compared to other Mastercards offers that stands most importantly on the list.
Clients should feel fortunate on the off chance that they are getting advancements via the post office and they should exploit it.
Capital One Credit Score Required
670 is the base credit card score that is required for Capital One charge card. In the event that you have a high charge card score like at least 750 than this score is beneficial for you.
Credit Score Range
Scope of charge card score from 300 to 579 is said to be terrible.
Scope of charge card score from 580 to 669 is said to be trustworthy.
Scope of charge card score from 670 to 740 is said to be adequate.
Scope of charge card score from 740 to 799 is said to be superb.
Scope of charge card score from 800 to 850 is said to be Great.
GetMyOffer.CapitalOne.com Contact Information Details
For Canadian Customers: 1-800-481-3239
Client Support Service Number: 1-800-227-4825
General telephone number of Capital One: 1-877-383-4802
Capital One Mailing Address:
General Correspondence
PO Box 30285 Salt Lake City,
UT 84130-0285
Maybe a couple of the yields of in the wake of applying for the card are demonstrated as follows
Application Approval! Meet minimal necessities of spending to profit rewards if there is an information exchange reward. When the card is given to you, you will get a credit limit.
Refusal of Application. In the event that your application is rejected, at that point you pursue our guide utilizing the connection given application denied.
“Choice pending” take note. Sit tight for the choice that will be made by capital one.
Capital one will audit your application. You will get your Visa in 5 to 7 days once it is acknowledged. Subsequent to getting it, you need to ensure that you will utilize your card as a dependable individual.
FAQs Regarding Capital One Credit Card Application
What subtleties do you have to apply for Capital One Credit Card?
You need to give data, for example, your complete name, date of birth, evaluated yearly salary, standardized savings number, your physical location (No P.O. Boxes), and you sparing data in addition to data on financial records.
In How Much Time I Will Receive My Credit Card?
In the event that Capital One acknowledges your Visa application you will before long get your Mastercard alongside welcome materials and data on your credit limit inside 7 to 10 business days through the mail. Likewise, in the event that the application for verified Credit Card is acknowledged, at that point you should pay the total store before you get the card after the hang tight for 7 to 10 business days.
Would we be able to Add An Authorized User To Our Card?
Indeed, you can. So as to do it, you can include an approved client with the assistance of online strategy just by login in or utilizing the telephone alternative, which is at the posterior of your Mastercard. In addition, so as to approve a client to your record, at that point it is mandatory to be an essential cardholder, private company account, and should have the capacity to a lawyer or is an optional cardholder. Once being endorsed, you can approve a client during the application procedure. There is no choice of co-candidate now; this choice is possibly open on the off chance that you have opened your record.
Final Words:
In the end, now you are equipped with all the information of getmyoffer.capitalone.com. Also, the article incorporates various other crucial information. Also, the article is filled with getmyoffer.capitalone.com reservation code and many other useful information and advantages.
To read more about:-  https://getmyofferdetails.wordpress.com/
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line-w999-blog · 6 years
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168ai5888-blog · 6 years
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🌟波塔酒莊-#波塔特級陳年黑皮諾紅酒🌟 👉🏻酒精:14% 👉🏻採自Maipo谷精華單一園,#人工精選成熟 而豐潤的葡萄,並於 #法國新桶 中熟成16個月,紅色水果香和 #清新香草香 料風味,#口感圓潤 多汁。 終於盼到你了🥰 數量真的很少 #先搶先贏😌 ✉️歡迎洽詢 ๑ლ鴻運洋酒ლ๑提醒您 禁止酒駕🔞未滿18歲禁止飲酒 誠摯邀請貴賓親臨選購🛒 LINE官網🆔️ @ w999 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒 ☎04-22471315 🈺#台中市北屯區松竹路二段383之1號 🈺#台中市北屯區崇德二路一段153號 ☎04-22474690 🈺#台中市北屯區中清路二段818號 (手機)#0970630999(在 鴻運洋酒) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCBcaCHe7m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q9emz1xwcqe7
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w999shop · 6 years
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🌟波塔酒莊-#波塔特級陳年黑皮諾紅酒🌟 👉🏻酒精:14% 👉🏻採自Maipo谷精華單一園,#人工精選成熟 而豐潤的葡萄,並於 #法國新桶 中熟成16個月,紅色水果香和 #清新香草香 料風味,#口感圓潤 多汁。 終於盼到你了🥰 數量真的很少 #先搶先贏😌 ✉️歡迎洽詢 ๑ლ鴻運洋酒ლ๑提醒您 禁止酒駕🔞未滿18歲禁止飲酒 誠摯邀請貴賓親臨選購🛒 LINE官網🆔️ @ w999 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒 ☎04-22471315 🈺#台中市北屯區松竹路二段383之1號 🈺#台中市北屯區崇德二路一段153號 ☎04-22474690 🈺#台中市北屯區中清路二段818號 #0970630999(在 鴻運洋酒) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuCA8J9nJQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r96lln4zawt4
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jetsneakers · 2 years
SIT or SELL: June 2022 SNEAKER Releases (Part 1)-NEWS SNEAKERS #1NEWS #June #Part #Releases #SELL #SIT #Sneaker #sneakers #sneakersnewreleases
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eva99168-blog · 6 years
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📣鴻運洋酒 就是要給你們優惠 🔥#波塔白酒系列任選3瓶999元🔥 👉#白蘇維翁12.5% 👉#夏多內12.5% 歡迎洽詢💌 ๑ლ鴻運洋酒ლ๑提醒您 禁止酒駕🔞未滿18歲禁止飲酒 11月超值組合套餐 #限時優惠 誠摯邀請 #貴賓 親臨選購🛒 LINE官網🆔️ @w999 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒 ☎04-22471315 🈺 #台中市北屯區松竹路二段383之1號 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒中清店 ☎04-24264818 🈺#台中市北屯區中清路二段818號 💌[email protected] 🚚外送0970630999(在 鴻運洋酒) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq0Dh6lg4_T/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x1xijsrybutx
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suvo017 · 2 years
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aposhouse · 2 years
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商品名稱:【阿波的窩 Apo's house】《美食與地方特產伴手禮週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配》《速食麵週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配》泡麵 Thailand 泰國 MAMA 蝦味麵 袋裝 1包 55g 國際條碼:8850987101021 製造廠商:Thai President Foods Public Co.Ltd.304,Srinakarin Rd.,Huamark,Bangkapi,Bangkok,Thailand 電話:(662)3744730 進口商:北岸有限公司 地址:台北市重慶北路3段338號7樓 服務專線:(03)489-9232 淨重:55公克 原產地:泰國 曼谷 保存方式:置於陰涼乾燥處 保存期限:12個月 製造日期:每批不同,如包裝袋上標示 有效日期:每批不同,如包裝袋上標示 內容物名稱: 麵塊:小麥粉、棕櫚油、樹薯澱粉、鹽、糖、羧甲基纖維素鈉、碳酸氫鈉、碳酸鉀、多磷酸鈉、醬油(大豆、水、鹽) 調味粉包:精製糖、辣椒粉、精製鹽、味精、檸檬酸、脫水青蔥、5’-鳥嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、5’-次黃嘌呤核苷磷酸二鈉、人工檸檬味香料 辣椒醬包:棕櫚油、香辛料(香茅、紅蔥頭、痲瘋柑菜、南薑、大蒜)、棕櫚糖、魚露(鯷魚、鹽、糖)、辣椒、蝦粉(蝦類萃取物) 商品介紹: 規格:袋麵 口味:蝦味麵 產品特色:純正泰式風味,麵條Q彈有勁,湯頭濃郁夠味。 營養標示 每一份量 55公克 本包裝含 1份 熱量 255大卡 蛋白質 6公克 脂肪 11公克 飽和脂肪 4.5公克 反式脂肪 0公克 碳水化合物 33公克 糖 4公克 鈉 1830毫克 過敏原資訊:本產品含有蝦、魚、大豆、小麥,但製造過程中生產管線有處理含牛奶及蛋類之物質,不適合其過敏體質者食用! 可以幫我分享宣傳唷~ Fb搜尋【阿波的窩 Apo's house】加入粉絲專頁喲! 如果要購買的人,請在下方留言喲!先搶先贏,買不到的人,就先跟你們說抱歉囉!啾咪~ #阿波的窩 Apo's house #美食 #地方特產 #伴手禮週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配 #伴手禮 #速食麵週邊商品及展覽佈置、資訊、搭配 #速食麵 #泡麵 #Thailand #泰國 #MAMA #蝦味麵 #袋裝 #1包 #55g 交易結帳寄送方式 1、均以【現金】結帳方式為主,寄送可選【面交】或【郵寄】! 2、【面交】以高雄市區內為主 3、【郵寄】方式,請私訊問我匯款帳戶,並告知下面的購買資訊,確定收到款項後,會回覆訊息,並以郵局掛號寄出(運費另計)! P.S 購買前請先詢問是否有貨唷! 匯完款後,收件人資料請填妥如下: 要購買的~ 商品名稱: 數量: 買方您的~ 姓名: 電話: 地址: 匯款末5碼: 相關連結: https://www.facebook.com/....../a.383....../4127839383914359 【阿波的窩 Apo's house】集點卡名片使用說明: 1.本店販賣類別:影音商品、服飾、夾腳拖鞋等。 2.本店販賣商品皆為正版特惠商品,恕不退換。 3.消費1000元可集1點,集滿10點,可兌換限量禮品1份。 4.消費時請帶此卡,依消費金額蓄章,未帶恕不補章。 5.本集點卡不得兌換現金或其他使用! 6.本店保有活動更改及終止之權利。
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line-w999-blog · 6 years
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🏆#亞伯樂珍稀三桶🏆 #0001 700ml 48% 📣12月超值組合套餐 完全的限量版👌🏻 ❤️#限量總是 #限量優惠 👉 # 物超所值 🥃:酒精 #48% 🍻 #送禮自用兩相宜 🥂 #好物推薦 🍹 禁止酒駕🔞未滿18歲禁止飲酒🌠 誠摯邀請貴賓🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️ #親臨選購🌠 LINE官網🆔️@w999 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒 ☎04-22471315 🈺#台中市北屯區松竹路二段383之1號 FB🆔️ #鴻運洋酒中清店 ☎04-24264818 🈺#台中市北屯區中清路二段818號🌠 加line外送🚚#0970630999 @#鴻運洋酒 #亞伯樂 #超值 #送禮送到心坎裡 #限量(在 鴻運洋酒) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br7Txv1nlKL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19vv3lgsvs0h6
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w999shop · 6 years
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✪鴻運洋酒三號店✪🌈 將於1月23日開幕📣 🈺台中市北屯區崇德二路一段153號 ☎04-22474690 開幕期間多樣商品特價優惠,感謝大家的支持,您的鼓勵是本公司成長的原動力,謝謝大家 ๑ლ鴻運洋酒ლ๑提醒您 禁止酒駕🔞未滿18歲禁止飲酒 誠摯邀請貴賓親臨選購🛒 LINE官網🆔️@w999 FB🆔️#鴻運洋酒 ☎04-22471315 🈺台中市北屯區松竹路二段383-1號 FB🆔️#鴻運洋酒中清店 ☎04-24264818 🈺台中市北屯區中清路二段818號 (在 鴻運洋酒) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyaLrGHk99/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a0kpxkba0mmt
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jetsneakers · 3 years
TOP 10 Upcoming Holiday SNEAKER Releases of 2021 #Holiday #Releases #Sneaker #sneakersnewreleases #TOP #Upcoming
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stock-filter · 3 years
Stock daily Filter Report for 2021/04/10 05-40-09
*******************Part 1.0 Big Cap Industry Overiew********************* big_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 10 Communication Services 8 Consumer Cyclical 24 Consumer Defensive 17 Energy 2 Financial Services 32 Healthcare 15 Industrials 45 Real Estate 17 Technology 49 Utilities 17 unknown 3 **************************************** big_industry_downtrending_count Empty DataFrame Columns: [tickers] Index: [] *******************Part 1.1 Big Cap Long Entry********************* big_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 231 AMP 5 1.07 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 69 BKNG 3 1.63 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 344 AVY 5 3.23 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 336 CRL 4 1.44 big-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 298 STX 4 2.28 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 235 KKR 5 0.34 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 224 FTNT 5 3.31 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 120 AON 3 0.31 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 105 DELL 3 2.57 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 89 ICE 2 0.97 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 404 PWR 5 1.96 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 18 INTC 2 1.80 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 64 MU 2 0.01 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 287 BURL 2 3.72 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 215 WELL 2 -0.67 big-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 386 LKQ 2 0.80 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 383 EQH 5 -0.33 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 350 L 3 0.49 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 6 V 2 0.82 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 329 VICI 3 -1.58 big-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 317 TW 5 2.62 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 271 HUBS 2 0.46 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 270 TFX 5 1.10 big-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 4 GOOGL 4 2.76 big-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 3 GOOG 4 2.72 big-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 55 INTU 3 4.09 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 94 ABB 5 2.42 big-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 59 DEO 2 0.31 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Defensive 179 ZBH 3 4.10 big-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 116 BX 2 0.20 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 323 MGM 2 -0.88 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 393 NDSN 1 0.00 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 389 UHS 2 0.96 big-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 106 GPN 2 0.23 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 10 MA 1 0.00 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 330 RJF 5 -1.45 big-cap Long -1.0 unknown 211 LUV 4 -1.06 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 76 INFY 4 1.04 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 150 ROST 3 3.88 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 294 PTC 5 0.08 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 284 NVR 5 1.60 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 189 SWKS 5 -1.51 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 38 MDT 5 1.45 big-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 312 ON 5 -2.44 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 303 DISH 5 -0.34 big-cap Long -1.5 Communication Services 342 SJM 5 0.88 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 165 TROW 1 0.00 big-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 351 OTEX 5 1.04 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 358 NTCO 2 -0.72 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 368 CHRW 1 0.00 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 186 TDG 4 0.16 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 51 BA 5 -2.71 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials Mean Return: 0.9408333333333333 Mean Day/Week: 3.7291666666666665 Accuracy:0.7708333333333334 *******************Part 1.2 Big Cap Short Entry********************* big_short_signal_entry Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, Score, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 1.3 Big Cap Long Maintainance********************* big_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 406 SNA 11 4.99 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 242 GRMN 8 5.21 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 327 IEX 12 7.75 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 324 POOL 10 7.84 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 168 IQV 6 4.78 big-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 316 NTAP 16 5.95 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 308 EXR 14 7.74 big-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 291 SSNC 21 5.78 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 285 WAT 6 7.73 big-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 104 MMC 22 7.71 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 254 CDW 7 5.75 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 252 EPAM 8 9.94 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 114 NOC 20 12.05 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 239 VRSN 7 3.27 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 332 ENTG 9 13.41 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 122 MNST 10 3.94 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Defensive 125 KLAC 7 6.77 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 233 FNV 17 8.53 big-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 226 WY 6 1.90 big-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 216 WCN 25 11.91 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 212 AME 10 3.10 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 142 EXC 20 5.17 big-cap Long 0.0 Utilities 145 PSA 13 6.04 big-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 193 MSI 14 2.95 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 183 HPQ 8 4.43 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 175 CARR 21 8.86 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 80 LRCX 7 10.97 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 319 AGR 24 7.91 big-cap Long 0.0 Utilities 40 UPS 10 4.66 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 359 FBHS 11 10.54 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 35 COST 10 3.18 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Defensive 27 ORCL 10 7.85 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 394 XPO 6 3.02 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 47 LOW 18 12.60 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 365 SAM 9 7.34 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Defensive 398 TXT 8 5.49 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 13 HD 19 13.77 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 52 BLK 10 6.65 big-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 349 JHX 6 3.01 big-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 339 FICO 11 7.94 big-cap Long 0.0 Technology 67 SYK 6 4.22 big-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 63 LMT 20 12.83 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 403 ALLE 23 14.56 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 338 J 25 15.90 big-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 375 WHR 24 16.44 big-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 200 DHI 22 14.11 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 197 PEG 20 6.06 big-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 185 YUM 19 6.40 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 181 ORLY 25 10.50 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 381 WRB 12 6.64 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 390 LII 23 14.02 big-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 225 ANET 10 1.47 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 385 FNF 8 6.68 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 232 ODFL 25 12.73 big-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 402 CPT 19 2.74 big-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 335 BEN 19 3.68 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 374 CNP 20 5.81 big-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 371 LB 11 12.02 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 243 AJG 11 5.96 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 334 MKL 6 1.55 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 251 GIB 20 4.56 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 367 XRAY 9 3.43 big-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 259 ETR 19 3.06 big-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 364 PHM 22 12.01 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 290 CTXS 10 4.12 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 293 VAR 9 0.29 big-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 297 SKM 10 1.56 big-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 301 ACGLP 7 0.70 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 341 ACGL 13 8.69 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 331 TDY 11 5.19 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 174 CRH 6 4.18 big-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 5 FB 21 13.59 big-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 207 WLTW 9 2.62 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 153 MCHP 6 1.02 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 84 DUK 19 5.55 big-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 93 SO 13 3.44 big-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 62 TGT 11 6.51 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Defensive 121 DG 10 2.01 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Defensive 50 SBUX 8 2.64 big-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 113 RELX 11 4.97 big-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 33 TXN 14 8.39 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 88 USB 11 5.10 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 17 ASML 10 1.55 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 155 APH 10 3.00 big-cap Long -0.5 Technology 159 LHX 22 9.24 big-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 15 BAC 8 2.57 big-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 160 CSGP 6 3.03 big-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 108 PHG 7 6.14 big-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 96 NSC 12 3.13 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 318 SHG 26 10.29 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 311 DRE 18 3.59 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 275 TRU 10 3.58 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 289 PEAK 21 4.11 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 97 ECL 9 2.34 big-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 296 STE 12 5.98 big-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 295 SUI 14 1.84 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 283 BR 10 1.78 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 99 D 20 3.75 big-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 320 DPZ 11 6.07 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 162 BK 11 4.89 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 70 FIS 6 4.03 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 86 CL 10 0.72 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 325 MAS 22 10.46 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 399 NWL 10 1.48 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 29 TBB 6 1.32 big-cap Long -1.0 unknown 30 ACN 20 8.39 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 377 ELS 18 0.79 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 39 HON 12 6.81 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 43 LIN 23 8.32 big-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 49 SNY 11 3.22 big-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 362 BRO 6 2.79 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 356 CCK 6 4.45 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 54 AMT 14 6.46 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 348 SMG 11 5.70 big-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 56 MMM 25 9.23 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 269 IR 10 1.76 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 72 PLD 14 5.59 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 82 CCI 18 6.12 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 272 XYL 11 5.87 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 161 SRE 22 6.93 big-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 264 PKX 14 8.94 big-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 238 NDAQ 14 6.06 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 170 MSCI 10 5.52 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 180 KMI 12 2.16 big-cap Long -1.0 Energy 192 ES 12 0.67 big-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 196 RSG 25 9.79 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 143 ROP 11 4.62 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 204 SWK 29 11.74 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 140 TRI 6 1.61 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 217 LEN 21 16.38 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 221 FMX 24 10.27 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 138 CTSH 12 4.67 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 227 DLTR 15 8.51 big-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 234 DTE 24 9.24 big-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 139 NGG 11 2.64 big-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 241 O 20 3.99 big-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 118 NXPI 18 3.69 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 102 VMW 23 6.72 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 119 WM 26 16.10 big-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 110 MCO 14 8.11 big-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 248 QRVO 7 5.10 big-cap Long -1.0 Technology 363 FFIV 10 0.05 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 282 TRMB 6 -0.27 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 146 KHC 11 2.44 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 366 WPC 10 0.41 big-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 281 DOV 29 9.65 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 369 PPD 19 2.58 big-cap Long -1.5 Healthcare 191 HSY 23 5.83 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 36 MCD 21 9.14 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 148 EBAY 10 2.77 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 154 BCE 6 1.35 big-cap Long -1.5 Communication Services 361 EVRG 25 9.33 big-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 378 JKHY 6 0.76 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 32 TMUS 6 1.13 big-cap Long -1.5 Communication Services 279 INVH 19 3.28 big-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 171 XEL 14 5.69 big-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 21 KO 13 3.48 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 397 MHK 6 2.37 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 169 PH 32 8.08 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 401 TTC 10 2.12 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 167 INFO 23 8.78 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 11 PG 12 2.89 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 144 TRP 6 0.02 big-cap Long -1.5 Energy 53 IBM 22 6.08 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 360 LNT 24 8.47 big-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 98 APD 15 3.87 big-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 127 KDP 22 5.21 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 309 EXPD 24 12.44 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 133 WBA 7 -1.22 big-cap Long -1.5 Healthcare 315 NUE 39 37.27 big-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 90 FDX 23 11.00 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 229 CAJ 8 2.42 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 135 GD 22 6.72 big-cap Long -1.5 unknown 321 WAB 10 1.41 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 322 JBHT 12 6.17 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 222 MXIM 6 0.38 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 307 BIP 6 0.74 big-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 326 CE 11 1.87 big-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 73 SPGI 25 10.03 big-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 261 NTRS 10 2.74 big-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 208 FAST 11 1.78 big-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 61 AMAT 9 10.34 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 9 NVDA 6 4.21 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 206 GLW 23 15.64 big-cap Long -1.5 Technology 101 BAM 20 4.60 big-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 255 IP 11 1.14 big-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 100 DCUE 11 1.68 big-cap Long -1.5 Utilities Mean Return: 5.97379679144385 Mean Day/Week: 14.213903743315509 Accuracy:0.9893048128342246 *******************Part 1.4 Big Cap Short Maintainance********************* big_short_signal_maintainance Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, Score, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 2.0 Small Cap Industry Overiew********************* small_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 10 Consumer Cyclical 13 Consumer Defensive 5 Financial Services 14 Healthcare 4 Industrials 23 Real Estate 11 Technology 14 Utilities 2 unknown 1 **************************************** small_industry_downtrending_count Empty DataFrame Columns: [tickers] Index: [] *******************Part 2.1 Small Cap Long Entry********************* small_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 562 GIL 4 3.15 small-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 486 SC 4 4.70 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 554 DSGX 3 2.18 small-cap Long 0.0 Technology 541 WSC 5 2.22 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 524 WMS 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 519 ALK 1 0.00 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 503 CAE 2 3.42 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 471 GPS 4 5.40 small-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 475 ARCC 3 0.78 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 559 MAN 3 1.14 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 534 LSCC 5 0.15 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 520 LSI 5 1.29 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 487 NNN 5 0.45 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 408 HGH 1 0.00 small-cap Long -0.5 unknown 453 SID 4 8.39 small-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 465 RNR 5 1.81 small-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 427 AZPN 1 0.00 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 428 DLB 5 -1.62 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 449 DECK 1 0.00 small-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 496 TTEK 4 2.01 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 455 BLDR 5 2.16 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 454 Y 2 0.09 small-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 522 DKS 4 0.18 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 474 G 5 1.02 small-cap Long -1.0 Technology 502 VRT 3 1.23 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 538 FRPT 5 1.99 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 432 PNR 1 0.00 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 544 ORI 4 2.04 small-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 481 SITE 1 0.00 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 511 AZEK 1 0.00 small-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 543 CHH 4 -2.79 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 550 FOUR 3 7.33 small-cap Long -1.5 Technology 424 KOF 2 0.54 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 490 ICL 1 0.00 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials Mean Return: 1.9704 Mean Day/Week: 4.28 Accuracy:0.92 *******************Part 2.2 Small Cap Short Entry********************* small_short_signal_entry Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, Score, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan *******************Part 2.3 Small Cap Long Maintaiance********************* small_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 485 BSMX 10 1.50 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 466 ACM 25 13.22 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 557 SWI 24 9.67 small-cap Long 0.0 Technology 527 FAF 9 5.12 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 517 ESLT 8 2.27 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 499 RBA 10 4.92 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 494 KNX 11 9.19 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 489 GGB 10 9.87 small-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 482 VOYA 6 2.20 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 473 UTHR 6 5.70 small-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 469 ARW 10 5.35 small-cap Long 0.0 Technology 558 SLM 9 8.64 small-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 418 WSO 18 7.91 small-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 436 BRKR 6 5.64 small-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 439 OC 20 10.04 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 434 IPHI 10 4.10 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 556 BWXT 25 12.46 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 542 EGP 11 5.24 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 528 DOOO 19 14.07 small-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 509 JBL 20 10.25 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 423 GFL 29 14.57 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 440 AGNCM 7 0.16 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 429 COLD 18 4.71 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 431 MKSI 12 12.10 small-cap Long -0.5 Technology 488 CUBE 9 3.62 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 410 RH 11 15.48 small-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 409 AMH 19 5.00 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 444 NI 20 9.28 small-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 464 CSL 23 10.25 small-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 463 VER 6 1.10 small-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 461 SEIC 12 5.68 small-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 510 HII 25 11.18 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 500 REXR 17 6.23 small-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 422 WU 6 0.17 small-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 514 HRC 10 1.88 small-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 540 VIRT 20 4.68 small-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 443 AGNC 8 1.02 small-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 508 TOL 6 2.61 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 506 DXC 8 1.04 small-cap Long -1.0 Technology 547 WH 25 10.99 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 457 PRAH 17 6.32 small-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 445 CIEN 6 -0.23 small-cap Long -1.0 Technology 493 CASY 10 1.28 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 492 BLD 8 3.97 small-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 552 TX 33 20.41 small-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 415 WSM 16 13.69 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 521 HOG 7 4.84 small-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 548 FR 24 7.99 small-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 551 SKX 24 14.98 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 535 BJ 10 -2.75 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 442 PNW 20 4.41 small-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 435 GFI 6 -2.57 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 518 POST 11 0.67 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 516 CDK 19 1.01 small-cap Long -1.5 Technology 477 STLD 11 8.22 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 446 RE 6 1.46 small-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 505 AXTA 8 1.07 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 498 ITT 11 4.81 small-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 458 AIZ 22 5.91 small-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 467 RS 11 5.28 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 484 RGLD 7 2.82 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 433 KGC 6 5.54 small-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 497 BERY 27 7.87 small-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical Mean Return: 6.128730158730159 Mean Day/Week: 13.936507936507937 Accuracy:0.9523809523809523 *******************Part 2.4 Small Cap Short Maintaiance********************* small_short_signal_maintainance Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, Score, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** *******************Part 3.0 Penny Cap Industry Overiew********************* penny_industry_uptrending_count tickers industry Basic Materials 12 Communication Services 6 Consumer Cyclical 18 Consumer Defensive 7 Energy 4 Financial Services 65 Healthcare 14 Industrials 30 Real Estate 19 Technology 24 Utilities 11 unknown 4 **************************************** penny_industry_downtrending_count tickers industry Real Estate 1 *******************Part 3.1 Penny Cap Long Entry********************* penny_long_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 937 AWF 2 0.17 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 860 ANF 3 2.66 penny-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 752 NZF 4 0.98 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 770 FSK 4 0.20 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 567 EXP 4 0.77 penny-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 791 GDV 4 0.90 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 827 BOOT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Cyclical 668 PCH 5 3.95 penny-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 852 USA 3 1.53 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 635 TIGO 1 0.00 penny-cap Long 0.0 Communication Services 663 SPB 4 1.43 penny-cap Long 0.0 Consumer Defensive 581 SRC 4 0.25 penny-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 597 ALTR 5 -0.02 penny-cap Long 0.0 Technology 586 CW 4 1.70 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 898 NYMTO 3 -0.24 penny-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 859 TBK 4 1.22 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 906 GTY 5 1.53 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 744 GBDC 3 0.92 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 753 RUSHB 2 1.23 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 760 EPRT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 935 LGVW 4 -3.51 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 775 KTB 2 4.11 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 822 PMT 5 0.71 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 821 HTGC 3 0.47 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 856 GNL 3 -1.65 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 833 GAB 5 0.72 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 838 CCS 4 -1.57 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 729 NSA 5 1.96 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 894 STC 5 8.07 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 855 VCTR 3 7.85 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 880 ETG 5 3.25 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 743 CSQ 5 3.14 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 771 MLHR 4 1.41 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 683 SUN 2 -0.45 penny-cap Long -0.5 Energy 712 ONTO 5 -1.30 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 588 NCR 5 1.18 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 706 FSKR 5 1.25 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 642 SEB 4 1.73 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 592 EXPO 2 0.90 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 679 SR 5 2.75 penny-cap Long -0.5 Utilities 868 ARGO 2 -0.50 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 674 VSH 3 0.39 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 671 FELE 5 -0.69 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 845 KEN 3 -1.04 penny-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 619 AMKR 4 -2.21 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 616 HLNE 4 0.80 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 670 CBRL 2 0.05 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 897 ERJ 2 -2.67 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 816 COHU 4 0.18 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 900 NXE 3 -1.81 penny-cap Long -1.0 Energy 902 NMZ 4 0.62 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 910 JOUT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 918 ACRS 3 -2.17 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 920 QQQX 5 2.14 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 820 PDI 3 -0.07 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 566 MEDP 4 0.47 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 750 KLIC 4 -3.49 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 711 TDI 5 0.84 penny-cap Long -1.0 unknown 814 GSBD 4 2.68 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 786 FSS 2 0.56 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 678 BHF 4 -0.06 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 793 INMD 4 3.14 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 776 SGRY 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 738 COKE 5 2.68 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 811 BTT 4 0.70 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 724 CIXX 2 0.92 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 913 INGN 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Healthcare 598 GPK 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 688 COMM 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 761 CENT 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 925 EOS 3 1.21 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 934 CAMT 5 -1.35 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 585 NOVT 5 -0.47 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 687 PCI 3 -0.16 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 818 RVNC 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Healthcare 870 TSLX 4 1.87 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 891 GFF 5 -1.35 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 612 SSD 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 632 POR 5 1.24 penny-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 809 EPC 2 -2.11 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 659 R 5 -1.69 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 846 BV 4 3.30 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 810 ETY 5 1.69 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 665 ALE 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 836 HBM 4 -0.34 penny-cap Long -1.5 Basic Materials 734 ESE 5 -1.32 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 672 KMT 5 -0.56 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 812 SIMO 1 0.00 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 732 ABM 5 2.68 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials Mean Return: 0.7144736842105263 Mean Day/Week: 4.0394736842105265 Accuracy:0.6578947368421053 *******************Part 3.2 Penny Cap Short Entry********************* penny_short_signal_entry Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 915 GEO 3 -8.82 penny-cap Short -1.5 Real Estate Mean Return: -8.82 Mean Day/Week: 3.0 Accuracy:1.0 *******************Part 3.3 Penny Cap Long Maintainance********************* penny_long_signal_maintainance Symbol Day Return Market Cap Long/Short Score industry 564 EME 11 6.63 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 825 RQI 19 5.39 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 630 OGS 12 4.65 penny-cap Long 0.0 Utilities 633 ESGRO 13 1.72 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 716 NWE 25 13.54 penny-cap Long 0.0 Utilities 806 PTY 8 2.87 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 638 RDN 8 3.41 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 805 ADX 7 3.78 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 643 AVT 7 4.18 penny-cap Long 0.0 Technology 644 PSN 12 8.84 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 645 TTEC 21 13.36 penny-cap Long 0.0 Technology 646 NVG 10 1.48 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 799 BCC 11 15.13 penny-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 797 OR 6 5.68 penny-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 653 UFPI 25 25.66 penny-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 658 APG 6 3.00 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 777 PVG 6 3.94 penny-cap Long 0.0 Basic Materials 769 MAIN 45 24.04 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 681 CNMD 7 2.68 penny-cap Long 0.0 Healthcare 747 CIM 8 1.11 penny-cap Long 0.0 Real Estate 742 TAC 7 4.09 penny-cap Long 0.0 Utilities 741 UTF 12 7.79 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 733 EVTC 6 3.61 penny-cap Long 0.0 Technology 823 EVT 22 5.99 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 817 UTG 13 3.97 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 715 WERN 10 2.20 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 601 RXT 17 10.61 penny-cap Long 0.0 Technology 916 BIF 29 9.44 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 886 BGCP 6 12.55 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 615 MTG 9 7.56 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 919 RNP 15 4.76 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 594 LPX 45 41.94 penny-cap Long 0.0 Industrials 885 BXMX 21 5.44 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 929 ETW 19 5.99 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 877 HYT 6 0.85 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 605 SHLX 6 1.22 penny-cap Long 0.0 Energy 861 FPF 10 1.25 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 842 BDJ 29 9.44 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 837 TY 10 4.04 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 890 NFJ 6 2.63 penny-cap Long 0.0 Financial Services 772 NAVI 22 11.19 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 727 EXG 6 2.02 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 720 CCOI 21 13.25 penny-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 922 ICHR 10 15.50 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 917 MDXG 6 15.73 penny-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 719 LGIH 28 29.76 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 826 KRO 10 1.65 penny-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 888 IRT 13 7.03 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 778 NVMI 7 6.44 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 780 FIX 11 9.14 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 782 AXNX 7 0.43 penny-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 794 PGRE 10 2.50 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 883 MRTN 9 4.05 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 876 ETV 7 1.73 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 873 CORE 8 6.57 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Defensive 835 LOB 35 38.98 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 781 TDS 23 7.75 penny-cap Long -0.5 Communication Services 725 BRP 6 4.63 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 677 UNVR 10 2.86 penny-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 593 SNX 25 26.62 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 664 HRB 9 7.69 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 666 CMD 10 4.03 penny-cap Long -0.5 Healthcare 606 NEA 9 1.48 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 604 KBR 11 8.41 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 649 HPP 6 0.69 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 595 LAZ 6 3.61 penny-cap Long -0.5 Financial Services 682 AGI 6 2.56 penny-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 639 BAK 20 23.06 penny-cap Long -0.5 Basic Materials 614 KBH 22 10.74 penny-cap Long -0.5 Consumer Cyclical 697 CAR 36 58.82 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 580 CCMP 6 2.83 penny-cap Long -0.5 Technology 575 STAG 24 6.90 penny-cap Long -0.5 Real Estate 572 MMS 25 10.94 penny-cap Long -0.5 Industrials 613 THG 6 3.30 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 607 PNM 16 1.39 penny-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 610 OLN 12 10.50 penny-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 832 SMCI 24 14.21 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 853 AAWW 8 4.84 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 854 CNR 7 4.69 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 857 TTMI 6 0.21 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 625 FCN 30 23.16 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 863 ILPT 10 0.26 penny-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 864 NWN 13 6.12 penny-cap Long -1.0 Utilities 623 INOV 7 4.07 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 600 SWCH 6 3.46 penny-cap Long -1.0 Technology 596 NEOG 11 8.06 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 591 CC 10 0.85 penny-cap Long -1.0 Basic Materials 587 NOMD 19 9.51 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Defensive 584 AYI 11 22.71 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 582 BHFAP 8 2.64 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 618 ADC 6 -0.28 penny-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 938 NXRT 24 8.16 penny-cap Long -1.0 Real Estate 783 VCEL 15 -1.56 penny-cap Long -1.0 Healthcare 694 MTH 11 6.92 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 739 SINA 9 0.23 penny-cap Long -1.0 Communication Services 803 JPS 9 1.88 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 802 MWA 6 1.46 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 652 MDC 6 1.43 penny-cap Long -1.0 Consumer Cyclical 569 SAIA 8 1.68 penny-cap Long -1.0 Industrials 699 AEL 7 -0.92 penny-cap Long -1.0 Financial Services 912 SNEX 26 9.93 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 892 EHTH 9 2.59 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 901 TBPH 11 4.82 penny-cap Long -1.5 Healthcare 708 TDE 8 0.93 penny-cap Long -1.5 unknown 736 FLR 10 2.56 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 754 RUSHA 11 5.87 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 921 CHCT 6 2.01 penny-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 721 USM 11 3.96 penny-cap Long -1.5 Communication Services 700 LXP 6 -0.52 penny-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 691 ADV 13 9.63 penny-cap Long -1.5 Communication Services 768 JACK 19 4.75 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 755 PLXS 8 -0.32 penny-cap Long -1.5 Technology 764 CENTA 25 16.64 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Defensive 819 NSS 7 0.23 penny-cap Long -1.5 unknown 874 ASTE 8 -1.32 penny-cap Long -1.5 Industrials 676 NAD 7 0.92 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 872 MHO 10 3.37 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 660 VLYPO 8 1.02 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 657 TMHC 20 8.59 penny-cap Long -1.5 Consumer Cyclical 656 SWX 9 -0.18 penny-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 654 VLYPP 8 0.97 penny-cap Long -1.5 Financial Services 849 CEQP 9 1.59 penny-cap Long -1.5 Energy 636 BKH 24 5.55 penny-cap Long -1.5 Utilities 634 PSB 6 -0.75 penny-cap Long -1.5 Real Estate 718 TDA 9 0.58 penny-cap Long -1.5 unknown Mean Return: 6.9475999999999996 Mean Day/Week: 12.976 Accuracy:0.936 *******************Part 3.4 Penny Cap Short Maintainance********************* penny_short_signal_maintainance Empty DataFrame Columns: [Symbol, Day, Return, Market Cap, Long/Short, Score, industry] Index: [] Mean Return: nan Mean Day/Week: nan Accuracy:nan ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** Error: []
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