#FC: Salli Richardson
gritsandbrits · 4 years
⚡Power Rangers OCs Post Zordon Era (1999 ~ 2003) ⚡
Margaret "Maggie" Phenomenous❄🦌
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The niece of Professor Phenomenous, Maggie was an astronomer working on the space colony Terra Venture. She was a part a team of diplomats sent to planet Mirinoi when Scorpius' minions attacked the planet. Out of the group Maggie was the only one to survive being turned to stone, and would spend the series dealing with guilt and sadness. As the Purple Ranger she has the power of ice and snow and can summon the reindeer Galactabeast to battle.
Alya Moonstone (Purple Lightspeed Ranger)👹💜
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Alya came from a line of spiritual experts. However she had no interest in joining the family business, so she cultivated her skills to become a bounty hunter Alya was recruited by Lightspeed to become the Purple Ranger, mainly due to being a possible solution to seal the demons back. Later it is revealed that she is the betrothed of the Demon Prince Olympius; it's this revelation and more that leads to Alya uncovering a shocking truth about the conflict between Mariner Bay and the demons who haunts the city.
Zaria "Zenon" Collins/Time Force Purple Ranger ⏰👑
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The adopted sister of Wes Collins, Zaria was your typical Disney Channel Type who wanted to have fun than focus on her studies. However, Zaria was also very good at keeping secrets, especially to protect her brother and the Rangers. Initially she didn't have any powers, until later in the show she was given temporary status as Purple Ranger.
Kyra Lyons/Pink WildForce Ranger 🐝🔥
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The maternal cousin of Cole Evans, she discovered his whereabouts and tracked him down to the village he lived in. She brought him back to the states to reconnect with their family. Kyra is well known for her rebellious streak, though she makes it up with her compassion and love of nature. Her animal motif/Zord is a sheep and her weapon is a powerful grappling hook.
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Alright, since none of you seem inclined to talk me out of it, perhaps you can help me kick my D.E.B.S. verse off on the right foot by providing a little feedback before I finally cave and make this a reality.
For anyone not familiar with D.E.B.S. (and I can not recommend the movie enough if you fall into this camp), the basic premise is that there is a secret test embedded in the SAT that determines aptitude for espionage. Women who score highly on the test are recruited into D.E.B.S. (Discipline, Energy, Beauty, Strength), a clandestine paramilitary academy.
Question the first:
Should I go all D.E.B.S. or a mix of D.E.B.S. and Villains? without spoiling too much for those of you who haven’t seen the film, half the reason I love D.E.B.S. as much as I do has to do with the Lucy Diamond character, a villain, and I think having a few OC villain’s built into the Verse from the start to go with my OC D.E.B.S. might not be the worst idea.
Question the second:
While I will almost certainly add my Glee three, and probably my OCs (I’m not sure Mal fits, so she might be left out) to the Verse, I have a very, very, long list of potential FCs, and even whittled down to the ones I think might best fit, which ones would be the best to start with? (This is by no means a complete list of FCs I would like to see in this verse, let alone of FCs I’d like to play--so if you have any you’d like to suggest, please do.)
Anna Kendrick -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduated) / Villain: I can sort of see her as a Villain, but only just. Primarily, I see her as a D.E.B.S. in a mentor/handler role. 
As a D.E.B.S., She’s someone who’s been out of the academy for a few years and has a bit of a rep, both at the Academy and among Villians as a no-nonsense, get-the-job-done (by-the-book or not) type, which she is, but unbeknown to most, she’s fairly laid back when not on the job.
As a Villain, She’s more of a Lena Luthor type; someone who’s inherited the family business--and drama--and is suspect more for her family name than anything she’s done... while still morally and ethically ambiguous enough that those keeping an eye on her feel justified in keeping an eye on her.
Ashley Tisdale -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduated) / Villain: I see her more as a Villain role, but I can also see her as a D.E.B.S. 
As a D.E.B.S., she’s been out the Academy for a while, probably the same class as Anna (and always in Anna’s shadow... not that she’s bitter about that or anything). Unlike Anna, she’s very by-the-book.
As a Villain, I see her as less of a ‘world domination’ type, and more of an ‘I just want money’ type. She tends to draw the line at any real violence and prefers to use her wiles to lure her marks into giving her whatever it is she’s after, be it cash, cars, gems, or government/business secrets she can auction off to the highest bidder. 
Brenda Song -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduated) / Villain: I see her more as a D.E.B., but I can see her as a Villain. 
As a D.E.B., she’s also likely from the same class as Anna and/or Ashley, but unlike them, she’s not a field agent (usually). Primarily she functions as an Analyst/Case Officer with a bit of a “Mother Hen” attitude when it comes to her agents. While not top of her field, she’s solidly in the top third.
As a Villain, I’m seeing her as a mercenary-for-hire. Not the Big bad, but works for--and has inside knowledge on--a lot of them. While competent in hand-to-hand, her primary skills lie in assassination, both subtle and direct.
Charisma Carpenter -- Status: Academy Faculty: Charisma specializes in Negotiation and Seduction. She has a storied career and is something of a legend among the D.E.B.S. (and among a few of the older Villains), some of which might have to do with rumours that she may have started for her own amusement. 
China Anne McClain -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Recent Graduate?)/ Villain: While China makes an excellent Villain, I see her primarily as a D.E.B.--if one on the border of switching sides. 
As a D.E.B.S., she’s an expert in bladed weapons, always carrying at least one on herself at all times. When she first came into the D.E.B.S. program, China had a bit of a patience/temper management issue but has improved on both over the course of her training and is now a highly valued agent... if a little direct in her solutions at times. Her class is a few years behind Brenda/Ashley/Anna’s.
As a Villian, she broke away from the D.E.B.S after a mission gone south and, like Brenda, is now a mercenary for hire. Unlike Brenda, China has aspirations to be more than just ‘a fucking minion’ and is biding her time until the opportunity presents itself to become one of the top dogs.
Demi Lovato -- Status: D.E.B.S. / Villain: I’m fifty-fifty here, I can see both fitting her equally well.
As a D.E.B.S., She’s still a year shy of graduating, and already a little disillusioned with the life of a spy. This might have something do with the fact that outside of a few special cases, she’s rarely called on to put her specialty in explosives to use in the field, leaving her feeling like a bit of a fifth wheel. Or it could be the fact that she’s never really clicked with the other D.E.B.S.
As a Villain, she’s started out as a small-time grifter before catching the eye--and wallet, of the local Crime Boss’ Consigliere. A few years later, and Demi was sitting high, heiress apparent to the whole organization. This did not sit well with some of the longer serving members, and shortly before her twenty-first birthday, several of those members decided to take her out of the running.
They failed. After that, no one questioned her claim to the throne. Especially after rumours of her ‘souvenir collection’ started to circulate.
Emily Osment -- Status: D.E.B.S.: While she could possibly work as a Villian too, I don’t see her as one.
As a D.E.B.S., She’s known best for her oddball sense of humour and ‘distractability’, often bouncing between several subjects in the span of a conversation. Some describe her as ‘an excited little puppy’, others as ‘a wash-out waiting to happen’. Either way, no one can deny her test scores which are consistently in the top fifth percentile across the board. Despite her test scores, Emily has failed to shine in any one particular specialty, proving instead to be a middle-of-the-road jack-of-all-trades.
Emma Watson -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduated) / Villain: Another one I’m split fifty-fifty on. 
As a D.E.B.S., She excels at languages. Much to her disappointment, this has led to her playing more of a support role--translating intel, acting as a liaison between D.E.B.S. and foreign agents/agencies, etc--with little to no Fieldwork since her graduation.
As a Villain, she comes from old money, and while the initial deposits all those years ago might not have been ill-gotten, enough of the ones since have arrived under questionable circumstances (and often in disguise). Not one to hide from--or be hidden from--the truth behind her family’s wealth, Emma has apprenticed under her parents for the last several years in those borderline illegal activities that help to keep the coffers full while dabbling in a few over-the-border ones on her own.
Hayley Atwell -- Status: D.E.B.S. Dean/Director / Villain: Another fifty-fifty. I can easily see her in both a white hat and a black one. 
As D.E.B.S. Dean/Director, She’s held the position for several years and, unlike the rest of her faculty, remains something of a mystery to the Agents and Agents-in-training serving under her--all of which she knows by name (as well as knowing them better than they suspect, or she lets on). Like Brenda, she has a bit of a ‘Mother hen’ attitude when it comes to the women under her command but where Brenda’s comes in the form of bordering-on-annoying-at-times check-ins both on and off the clock, Hayley’s is decidedly of the tough-love variety.
As a Villain, She’s one of the big ones. Years of experience have taught her all the tricks in the book on both sides of the battle between good and evil, and she’s invented a few more along the way. Her criminal syndicate is a sort of Anti-D.E.B.S., though nothing as formal. Most of her recruiting is based on gut instinct and necessity rather than tests (secret or otherwise). A careful look at the files for her recruits would turn up a common element, though: Almost all of the women in her organization were victims of one form of abuse or another before they were recruited. It might come as no surprise then to learn that Hayley’s criminal endeavours have a bit of a Robin hood flavour, tending to target the corrupt regardless of their public perception--a fact which has pissed off more than one government who had their hands caught in the cookie jar--with a fair portion rumoured to be passed along to the Poor. It should be noted that while numerous charities and foundations have received sizable donations after one of Hayley’s heists, there has been no confirmed connection between Hayley or her syndicate and any of the organizations in question.
Salli Richardson – Status: D.E.B.S. Dean/Director / Other: I'm leaning more towards "Other" but in any verse where Hayely is a Villain, I see Salli as her D.E.B.S. counterpoint.
As D.E.B.S. Dean/Director, much like Hayley, Salli has held the position for several years, and like Hayley, Salli remains something of a mystery to her students/agents. Unlike Hayley, however, the question mark hovering over her past is more the result of security clearances and protocol than a deliberate attempt to create an air of mystery around herself. Despite this, She is not a stickler for the rules and values results and competence over blindly following orders (a trait she shares with her Other self).
As Other, She fell just shy of a qualifying score for D.E.B.S. recruitment on the secret test--a fact that, should she ever learn it, would annoy her both because she came as close as she did to becoming a D.E.B.S., and because she wasn't considered good enough to become one. Either way, the same skills and inclinations that almost made her a D.E.B.S. candidate led her in to law enforcement (C.I.A. or F.B.I, I'm not sure which) where she managed to work her way up the ladder with surprising speed despite the 'Boys Club' mentality she faced, both as a woman and a POC. Not long after one of her operations crossed paths with D.E.B.S., she was officially read in on the D.E.B.S. program and named the official liaison to the D.E.B.S.. A position she resents, considering it a career dead end, and a particularly galling one given that whenever she has to deal with "that bunch of fetish costume-wearing, Jane Bond wanna be's", her official contact is someone half her age. While not a Villain, she definitely counts as an Antagonist to the D.E.B.S. as a whole.
Selena Gomez -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduate [?] ) / Villain: While I can see her as both, I’m leaning more towards her as a D.E.B.S.
As a D.E.B.S., she has a much more laid back attitude than most of her fellow Agents(-in-training). At least when it comes to spycraft. Get her started on anything Tech (where her own talents shine) or anything pop-culture, and she can be almost overpoweringly enthusiastic. Unlike most of her Class, Selena is hoping for a support role once she Graduates (or is very happy she got one after graduating, grumbling only when necessity forces her into the field).
As a Villain, she still has those mad Tech skills, putting them to use as the notorious hacker, Conchita, infamous for raiding servers for whatever catches her eye before leaving behind her calling card, an eight-bit, animated, laughing clam.
Tessa Thompson -- Status: D.E.B.S. (Graduated) / Villain: I see her more in the Villain role, but it’s a close contest.
As a D.E.B.S., she’s a few years ahead of Anna/Ashley/Brenda. At best, Tessa was in her final year at the Academy when they were fresh recruits, but more likely she was a year or two graduated herself by that point. Known best for her resolute calm in the face of danger, she’s a veteran of several of the more action-oriented missions of the last few years. She is rarely seen on campus and tends to spend most of her time in the field. The general consensus is that she’s being groomed for a leadership position down the line, possibly even for the Dean/Director’s chair.
As a Villain, She retains that calm-under-fire demeanour and is most likely someone’s right-hand/second in command (Hayley’s if she’s also a Villain, With Emma as second choice, likely as Bodyguard). She has no desire to take the top spot and prefers to spend her downtime alone (when she’s not in the mood to relieve a little stress with the help of a one-night stand or two, that is. She doesn’t do long term.)
Zendaya Coleman -- Status: D.E.B.S.: Again, I can see her as a Villain, but I feel she fits best as a D.E.B.S.
As a D.E.B.S., she’s something of an outcast in her class, but not because she’s not likable. On the contrary, she’s very likable. That’s part of the problem; she has a way of getting a person to drop their defenses around her. A trait that plays largely into the main reason why her fellow D.E.B.S. avoid her when they can; her PsyOps Specialty.
Question the third:
Do I add the D.E.B.S. verse to this blog, or make a new blog for it? Either way, I will likely test out one or two D.E.B.S. verse characters here to gauge interest before setting up another account, but in the course of writing this, it has occurred to me that I might be better off making the whole thing its own thing in the long run.
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fcresourcecenter · 3 years
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fc resource center does family templates...
↳ ethnicity: african & italian*
Grandfather: Giancarlo Esposito (63)
Grandmother: Salli Richardson (53)
Aunt: Jessica Parker Kennedy (37)
Mother: Bianca Lawson (42)
Base: Madison Bailey (22)
Father: Anthony Mackie (43)
Older Brother: Lucien Laviscount (29)
Older Sister: Madison Pettis (23)
Cousin: Trevor Jackson (25)
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pettyelves · 3 years
FC NPC- Salli Elise Richardson-Whitfield
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Carine Northend - Human, Informant
The daughter of Jules, the former owner of a bar in Boralus and the present owner of the Shrieking Harpy in Dead Sun, Carine is Kul Tiran born. Born to a brothel worker, she was given to her father's care quite young. Jules left the girl with his mother while he was off doing less than legal things in her youth. As an adult, Carine became closer with her father. After her father's retirement plan (The Clam Club) burned down, she joined him in moving to Dead Sun. Eilithe is friendly with Carine and has noticed that the woman's pretty face often means people underestimate Carine. She's nudged Carine in the direction of using that to both of their advantage.
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dear-indies · 4 years
Hello! I need help finding some FCs who would be good sisters for Salli Richardson Whitfield, do you thank you could help me out? :) Thank you so much!
Alexandra Billings (1962) - trans.
Famke Janssen (1964) 
Galyn Görg (1964) African-American, Choctaw, Blackfoot, Irish / German.
Mariska Hargitay (1964) 
Michelle Hurd (1966) Afro-Jamaican / English, Scottish, German.
Jeri Ryan (1968) 
Catherine Bell (1968) Iranian / Scottish.
Paget Brewster (1969) 
Tamara Taylor (1970) Black Canadian / Scottish.
Mädchen Amick (1970)
Melissa McCarthy (1970) 
Moon Bloodgood (1975) Korean / Dutch, Irish.
Hey! Salli Richardson is stated as being African-American, Unspecified Native American / English, Italian and I couldn’t find any information on which tribe she’s from so here a bunch of half sisters sharing a white parent. -C
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amaranthineds-blog · 5 years
josephine “jo” march  :  little women, maya hawke  ( bbc miniseries based )
amma crellin  :  sharp objects, eliza scanlen  ( show based )
previously at incorrigibletoo
fiona frauenfeld  :  miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children series, erin kellyman
lara jean covey  :  to all the boys i’ve loved before trilogy, piper curda  ( film based )
previously at heartwrote
christina “chris” murdoch  :  to all the boys i’ve loved before trilogy, madeleine arthur
previously at fakemigraines
evie cromwell  :  the outsiders, courtney eaton
previously at tearstricken
angela shepard  :  that was then, this is now / the outsiders, maria gabriela de faria
previously at awastedbeauty
greta bowie  :  it, miranda mckeon  ( with very slight film influences )
previously at wroteloser
sally mueller  :  it, rowan blanchard
marcia fadden  :  it, peyton roi list
camilla macaulay  :  the secret history, carla roson
johanna mason  :  the hunger games trilogy, tati gabrielle
annie cresta  :  the hunger games trilogy, fc tba
helena andrenyi / goldenberg  :  murder on the orient express, lucy boynton  ( film based )
ginny gothel  :  disney’s descendants series, zoe love smith
previously at gothelles
luna lovegood  :  harry potter series, evanna lynch  ( with film influences )
anya / anastasia romanov  :  anastasia, christy altomare  ( with 1997 film and historical influences )
marvel / dc
wanda maximoff  :  xme/xmcu - based, naomi scott  ( with comic influences )
jubilation lee  :  xmcu - based, lauren tsai  ( with comic influences )
previously at explosiivity
karen page  :  daredevil, deborah ann woll
rebecca hoover  :  the gifted, anjelica bette fellini
previously at mutantwist
helen cho  :  mcu - based, claudia kim  ( with comic influences )
tula / aquagirl  :  yj cartoon based, animated & haley lu richardson  ( with comic influences )
cassandra cain / batgirl / orphan  :  multi - comic based, comic & teresa ting
donna troy  :  titans based, conor leslie  ( with comic influences )
tv shows
santana lopez  :  glee, naya rivera
santana is a lesbian
brittany s. pierce  :  glee, heather morris
rory gilmore  :  gilmore girls, alexis bledel
emaline addario  :  everything sucks!, sydney sweeney
opal beifong  :  the legend of korra, animated
jinora  :  the legend of korra, animated
clarice de medici nee orsini  :  medici the magnificent, synnove karlsen  ( with historical influences )
previously at respectheld
novella  foscari  :  medici the magnificent, francesca del fa  ( with historical influences )
grace olsen  :  skam austin, kennedy hermansen
rose aldritch / huntsgirl  :  american dragon: jake long, fc tba
alex russo  :  wizards of waverly place, seychelle gabriel
heather holloway  :  stranger things, francesca reale / emilija baranac
previously at lifeunguarded
max mayfield  :  stranger things, sadie sink
previously at teamzoomer / shezooms
princess aurora  :  once upon a time, sarah bolger  ( with disney / fairy tale influences 
alice kingsley  :  once upon a time in wonderland, sophie lowe  ( with disney / novel influences )
laureline  :  valerian and the city of a thousand planets, cara delevingne  ( with comic influences )
previously at spatiosgt
princess/queen kidagakash “kida” nedakh  :  atlantis: the lost empire, zoe kravitz
sue snell :  carrie, natasha liu bordizzo
katarina “kat” stratford  :  10 things i hate about you, alisha boe
bianca stratford  :  10 things i hate about you, kristine froseth
belle blake  :  the family / malavita (2013), fc tbd
gwen grayson / sue tenny / royal pain  :  sky high (2005), fc tba
evelyn  abbott  :   a quiet place, emily blunt
music videos
coley birch  :  hayley kiyoko’s girls like girls, stefanie scott
coley is a lesbian
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asilverjackal · 5 years
When I first began choosing FCs for Sal’s children I knew I wanted to use Salli Richardson Whitfield for the eldest girl. Because she’s an older actress, her dad is part Italian, and her name is even Salli. And now as I’m watching this whack Lifetime movie she stars in I’m like,
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she’s the perfect FC for Sal and Delores’ baby. Even after changing Delores’ FC to Lynn Whitfield made Salli fit...more.
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auradcnhqs · 5 years
Most wanted?
canon: ally, chad, lonnie, jane, ruby, herkie, jordan, arabella, barrel, lock, carlos, freddie, claudine, ginny, gil, gaston jr, anthony, zevon, adam, belle, jack, sally, jafar, the evil queen, le fou, prince florian, violet parr, wendy, peter, oliver, rapunzel, silvermist, mulan, cinderella, prince charming, aurora, & prince phillip. fcs: claire holt, candice king, karen gillan, britt robertson, freya mavor, skyler samuels, annasophia robb, willa fitzgerald, lucy fry, imogen poots, victoria justice, hayley kiyoko, halston sage, carlson young, sarah hyland, alexandra park, bailee madison, bridget satterlee, caitlin stasey, dua lipa, josefine frida pettersen, luca hollestelle, maisie williams, natalie alyn lind, peyton list, romee strijd, saoirse ronan, sasha pieterse, sofia black d'elia, ashley benson, victoria moroles, chloe moretz, chou tzuyu, grace phipps, lindsey morgan, jesy nelson, perrie edwards, lili reinhart, kelli berglund, gabriella wilde, aley lu richardson, chloe bennett, adelaide kane, alisha boe, katie stevens, lisa teige, odeya rush, yoo jeongyeon, shin jimin, son juyeon, son naeun, seo jisoo, park sooyoung, park choa, park jihyo, park jimin, park jiyeon, park chaeyoung, kim yongsun, bae hoohyun, bae suzy, kim seolhyun, im nayeon, kim jiyeon, kim jiyeon, kim dahyun, jennie kim, kim jisoo, jeon heejin, kim hyunjin, kim jiwoo, choi jisu, momo, mina, tzuyu, sana, tom holland, nick robinson, justice smith, peyton meyer, herman tommeraas, ansel elgort, ryan mccartan, louis tomlinson, harry styles, niall horan, dylan sprayberry, asa butterfield, dacre montgomery, gregg sulkin, grant gustin, froy gutierrez, ryan t austin, ryan potter, keiynan lonsdale, carlos valdes, alfred enoch, quincy fouse, audrey joseph, kj apa, idris elba, bob morley, oscar isaac, sean teale, michael trevino, charles michael davis, diego luna, reece king, justice smith, riz ahmed, steven yeun, santiago segura, blake jenner, jacob artist, cody sanguine, john boyega, tyler posey, dev patel, ross butler, rami malek, jordan fisher, calum hood, jason momoa, diego boneta, marlon teixeira, avan jogia, yeo changgu, jeon jungkook, johnny seo, kim jaejoong, lee minhyuk, kim heechul, kim jongin, mark lee, lee donghyuck, kang daniel, lee jihoon, kim sehyoon, lee hong ki, kwon jiyong, park chanyeol, kim jungwoo, byun baekhyun, choi seunghyun, bang chan, chae hyungwon, nico tortorella, cara delevingne, ruby rose, & elliott fletcher !
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heartwrought · 2 years
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#heartwrought :  independent ,  mutually  exclusive  multi - muse .  featuring  muses  from  fandoms  such  as  until  dawn ,  shadowhunters ,  stranger  things ,  and  more.   est.  august  31st,  2022.   this  blog  is  18+.   do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  minor.   penned  by  reed.   24.   she / her.   mobile  muse  list  found  under  the  cut.         
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TELEVISION & MOVIES *  tatum riley .   scream (1996) .     fc :  rose mcgowan *  will byers .   stranger things .     fc :  noah schnapp *  carly shay .  icarly (2021) .     fc :  miranda cosgrove *  april ludgate .   parks & recreation .     fc :  aubrey plaza *  sabrina spellman .  sabrina the teenage witch .     fc :  olivia holt *  daphne blake .   scooby doo (2002) .     fc :  sarah michelle geller *  thorn / sally mcknight .   scooby doo .     fc :  elizabeth gillies *  paris geller .   gilmore girls .     fc :  liza weil *  lane kim .   gilmore girls .     fc :  tbd. *  topanga lawrence .   boy meets world .     fc :  danielle fishel *  eric matthews .   boy meets world .     fc :  will friedle
LITERATURE  *  tessa gray .   the infernal devices .     fc :  poppy drayton *  helen blackthorn .   the dark artifices .     fc :  sarah gadon *  ginny weasley .   harry potter (anti - jkr) .     fc :  isla fisher *  emma woodhouse .   emma (modern) .     fc :  tbd. *  nancy drew .   nancy drew novels (modern) .     fc :  tbd. *  bess marvin .   nancy drew novels (modern) .     fc :  zoe colletti *  peeta mellark .   the hunger games .     fc :  josh hutcherson
MISCELLANEOUS *  sam giddings .   until dawn .     fc :  hayden panettiere *  emily davis .   until dawn .     fc :  nichole sakura *  jessica riley .   until dawn .     fc :  meaghan martin *  kaitlyn ka .   the quarry .     fc :  brenda  song *  gwen stacy .   spider - gwen / ghost spider .     fc :  kathryn newton *  cady heron .   mean girls the musical .     fc :  haley lu richardson
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osvaldrps-archived · 4 years
❤️❤️❤️ if i can get specific for fun - some favorite aged 40+ fc(s)?
sorry couldn’t pick only three so here’re a few more haha
aaron stanford, michiel huisman (almost 40, sorry), ioan gruffudd, meryl streep, kate walsh, jessica chastain, manu bennett, nikolaj coster waldau, jake johnson, eva longoria, olivia munn (one more almost), drew barrymore, yasmine al massri, mädchen amick, ian bohen, sally field, jennifer aniston, jamie lee curtis, reese witherspoon, david tennant, taraji p henson, angela bassett, salli richardson-whitfield, somebody please stop me
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dear-indies · 6 years
Happy Holidays! I wanted to ask if you might have any fc suggestions for a younger Sarah Shahi and a younger Sally Richardson-Whitfield? (both no older than 30, preferably) Thank you so much!
Sarah Shahi - 75% Iranian 25% Spanish - Sarah has younger roles you can check out on her IMDb page. I also don’t know of anybody with the same ethnicity as Sarah so please note this and be open for more suitable faceclaims in the future. 
Hasti Mahdavi (1991) Iranian. 
Medalion Rahimi (1992) Iranian, Russian - half Jewish - just stated as having “Russian ancestry.“
Tarlan Parvaneh (1998) Iranian. 
Sally Richardson-Whitfield - African-American / English, Italian:
Corinne Foxx (1994) African-American / Unspecified European. .
Zendaya Coleman (1996) African-American / German, Irish, English, Scottish.
Madison Pettis (1998) African-American / Irish, French, Italian.
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