johnnamason · 1 month
Johanna hadn’t left the infirmary since visiting the training centre. The Victor would never admit it, but she’d been wrong. She hadn’t been ready to pick up an axe again, and certainly hadn’t been ready to face the Rebels. The eyes that had followed her across the room, the pitiful stares and hushed tones that asked didn’t she die? Jo clenched her fists at the memory as she finally stepped outside. With no real plan, and no intention of speaking to anybody, Johanna found a spot on a bench in the sun, a book she’d borrowed from one of the nurses clenched in her hand. She’d only just started to relax, feeling her anxiety lessen, when the shadow of an approaching figure washed over her. Muscles tensing instantly, Johanna didn’t meet their eye, forcing an abrasive tone. “You’re blocking my light.”
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lydiamartnn · 1 month
Lydia had only recently been dismissed from the hospital. Whilst her physical injuries had healed, it was her mental state she was now worried about - and although she knew better than to self diagnose, the only solution she had to explain the voices she was hearing was PTSD. “Please tell me you just heard that.”
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pansyparkinsvn · 2 months
“Shh, James. It’s alright. It was just a bad dream, okay? It wasn't real. Nobody’s gonna’ hurt you. Your angel is watching over you, remember?” James had started crying hysterically in his stroller during the walk home, so Pansy had stopped for a moment to comfort him. It wasn’t long before she became aware of someone standing behind her, so she was quick to turn around, instantly feeling defensive. “Can I help you?”
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henryxdetamble · 6 months
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When sunlight hit his eyes, Henry groaned, rolling onto his back, the pounding in his head only moving with him. He so desperately wanted to fall back asleep, but fearing the nausea wasn't just a hangover, Henry knew he had to wake up in case he travelled. Unfortunately, he was never allowed to be irresponsible for long. Forcing his eyes open, Henry noticed for the first time that he wasn't alone. Long blonde hair splayed across his arm, and he squinted at the sleeping woman, trying to recall their night together. There were bits and pieces, enough to make him feel okay about it. He was confident they'd had a good time, even if they'd both wake to regret it. "Morning," he greeted, noticing her stirring. Fuck, what was her name? He rubbed his eyes. "So... I'm an asshole, I'm sorry. What was your name again? I swear it's S something, and now that I've said that, I'm worried that's not even close. I just can't fucking think right now."
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simonbcllamy · 8 months
After greeting Wanda with a hug, and being allowed inside the Maximoff's now second home, Simon made his way upstairs to their bedroom. It'd been a few weeks since the Capitol breakout, but Pietro's recovery was alarmingly slow for someone with his enhanced abilities. Simon suspected half of the battle was a mental feat, so wanted to visit him in an attempt to lift his spirits, to show him how much he cared. Perhaps it would help somehow. "Hi, Pietro," he spoke, pulling up a chair beside the bed. "I just --- came to say hello. Spend some time with you for a bit, see how you're doing. It's... been a while."
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isaiahhaywood · 7 months
Isaiah wasn't able to sleep, wasn't able to dream, but he liked to imagine that, if he could, this is what it would feel like. Long stretches of nothingness, flashes of memory, of light, then back to a painless nothing. He was programmed to awaken whenever his family's cryogenic pods were activated, always ready to accompany and assist them. But initially, Nate and Shaun had been the only ones to surface. There was a struggle, a blast of light, and then the baby was cruelly ripped from his father's arms. Isaiah had been forced to watch, entirely helpless as a group of strangers took the boy away. The android had never experienced emotion like it. The feelings had faded with time. Grimly, Isaiah had been given plenty of that, another few decades passing by as he went about his duties as best he could, the vault slowly emptying. When he stared at Nora and Nate's sleeping forms for too long, those strange emotions would return, and Isaiah would focus on them for a little longer each time, giving in to the strong curiosity even though it hurt him to do so. But with that exploration came more human-aligned emotions — boredom, fear, loneliness. Isaiah began to read, began to watch, earning himself knowledge beyond what any update Vault-Tec could have provided. Learning satiated most of those feelings, and there were even moments Isaiah felt he wasn't completely alone down there, always rushing back to his family's chambers whenever he heard a strange noise. But it had never been them. For a time, he wondered if androids could experience insanity, or paranoia. With each passing day, it seemed more likely. As was typical, Isaiah was stood at his station in a dreamless state, when, suddenly, he heard the pods activate. After all this time, it couldn't be them. But then he heard gasping. Isaiah was by their sides in an instant, looking incredulously between them, unable to register they were really awake. Partly programming, partly his own hard-earned humanity, Isaiah instantly felt joy, relief, grinning at them. "Ma'am! Sir, it's... it's so good to see you. You're awake."
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layllaelfaouly · 2 years
Layla supposed she should’ve been grateful for the newfound quiet. With the Rebels’ victory a success, Panem was currently free from oppressive control. All that was left was making sure it stayed that way, and helping out the little man in the meantime. But Layla didn’t feel she had much of anything to offer anymore, completely drained. She’d not only lost her father, but her husband. If she didn’t still have her creed, she’d have nothing. That’s what had drawn her to Alexandria in the first place — loyalty for the one thing she had left.
With all the ground work complete, Layla was left with little to do but observe and rest. But rest refused to come, sleepless nights drawing out her weeks, every day spent feeling restless and lonely. Today wasn’t any different. Exhausted, and low on food, she made her way to the grocery store. It was the only thing that gave her any energy anymore. But as she reached the checkout, Layla was thrown right out of her tired haze, inhaling sharply, the items she was holding falling from her grip. For staring right back at her was her husband.
“Marc?” Her eyes bugged out of her head, feeling as if her heart had stopped dead. He was there. How was he there? “What the fuck?” She breathed, her heart unsure which emotion to settle on first.
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casperrblack · 30 days
It was no secret Effy was glad to be rid of their couch surfer, the couple relishing in the fact they finally had a home to call their own. But considering the state Casper had found Noah in the week prior, lying in his own sick in the gutter, the wizard knew he couldn't be truly at peace until his best friend's safety was ensured. He had to make sure the vampire was okay. The address he'd been given had certainly surprised him, Casper having not experienced much in the way of Capitol life before the rebellion. Beyond the mutual respect and understanding all Victors had for each other, he didn't understand the dynamic between the pair, and was very curious to learn how the current living situation had come about. It was with great relief for Cas that Noah answered the door. He looked well, in fact, better than Casper had probably ever seen him before. Thrown off by his appearance, the wizard blinked at Noah for a moment before finally continuing. "Uh, hey, mate. You never came back the other day, and I was worried, so... well, I asked Caroline. She said I'd find you here." Not convinced that'd be enough of a prompt, Casper glanced over his friend's shoulder, looking inside the house as if he'd find an answer. "— Johanna, huh?"
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kolmikalson · 2 years
“I’ve just spoken to Annie, apparently you have something to tell me. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that I already know, mate.” Annie had suspected it of him, too. “So… are we hoping for a boy or a girl?” Kol knew that Finnick didn’t care, so long as the baby was healthy. But of course, he simply had to tease his brother, trying to conceal his own excitement in doing so.
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swordsonnet · 1 year
the archival assistants @ jon:
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chalamet-chalamet · 8 months
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Timothée leaving ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live'-February 2018 and February 2024.✨
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johnnamason · 1 month
The infirmary staff been stricter with her morphine supply, sure, but Johanna still wasn’t really with it. Luckily for her though, she didn’t need to be sober to work out where Kol would be. Without a second thought, she slipped out of her ward when the nurses weren’t looking, and headed down to emergency. Considering she’d borrowed some of Finnick’s morphine just days earlier, she knew it was a safe bet the blonde would be knocked out. That shit was heavy. And thankfully, it’d give her and the Original the privacy they needed. Slipping into Finnick’s room, she glanced at the unconscious Victor, a surge of jealousy running through her at his peaceful state, before moving to grab a spare chair, adjusting its position. Sadly, she couldn’t take the morphine and get through this conversation. It'd have to wait. “Fuck’s sake. How does he still look so damn pretty, half-dead like that?” Sighing, Jo collapsed in the chair, gaze now meeting Kol’s. “Morning, Mikaelson. You in the mood to answer some questions?” Not that she’d give a shit if he wasn’t.
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digitalfountains · 4 months
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Anna Ewers by Daniel Jackson
- Vogue Germany, February 2018
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achorusofnonsense · 2 years
Happy International Dragon Pussy Day to all who celebrate
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geopsych · 2 years
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Light reaches the ridge, February 2018.
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brian-in-finance · 7 months
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Photo: IFTA, 15 February 2018
Remember International Women’s Day 2024?
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