ladyimaginarium · 4 years
detailed muse info sheet. please repost, don’t reblog!
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy { she stole Ivan’s money and pretty much all his wealth after murdering him } / moderate / poor / in poverty ✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate / sickly { aplastic anemia } / disabled / disadvantaged { being a twilight in general } / deceased { she commits suicide after being unable to cope from her depression and deep mental health issues as a way of ending her suffering and abuse on a daily basis } ✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure ✖ EDUCATION – qualified { self taught } / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged / partnered / single { default } / divorced / widow or widower / separated / it’s complicated ✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children ✖ FAMILY – close with sibling { post-brainwashing } / not close with siblings ( canon ) / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated ✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents / other
✖ disorganized / organized / in between ✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between ✖ cautious / reckless / in between ✖ patient / impatient / in between ✖ outspoken / reserved / in between ✖ leader / follower / in between ✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between ✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ✖ hardworking / lazy / in between ✖ cultured / uncultured / in between ✖ loyal / disloyal / in between ✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual ✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable ✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
tagged by: stole it from my old blog !! tagging:  @gciltyascharged​ @paulklee-guild​ @cureuba​ @moraldestitute​ @foolsgoldt​ @zagubionywilk​ @vulpexitus​ @bloodbrews​ ( mikhail !! ) and anyone else who wants to do this !!
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
Okay so ... I have an Erica meta, though be warned, there are MAJOR spoilers if you’re not fully caught up with the manga, and there is talk of drugs, domestic violence, abandonment, child abuse and rape, all of which will be tagged below, so read at your own risk and without further ado, let’s get on with the meta: Erica was, at one point, plotting to leave Ivan.
Now, I know what y’all are thinking: Angie, that’s crazy, Erica’s totally brainwashed, she literally does everything Ivan says !! And normally I’d totally agree with you because without a doubt she’s pretty much his slave in all but name and their dynamic is extremely fucked up, but allow me to explain. First, though, we have to backtrack to Erica’s fight with Nicolas.
Notice how in the following panels, Erica doesn’t have any scars, bruises or otherwise on her face and good loooooooooord she’s beautiful, she deadass looks like an angel, no joke.
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Now, flash forward a couple chapters and in panel time, the following morning...
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She has a bandage covering her cheek and it certainly didn’t come from Nicolas, Delico or Yang. So, y’all are probably like: Angie !!!! Get to the point !!!! We’re dying here !!!
I think it's safe to say that Ivan beat Erica because she said and/or did something he didn't like, and/or if it was because later that night he raped her like he usually does every night. THAT MAN NEEDS TO DIE ALREADY AND ERICA NEEDS TO KILL HIM WITH HER BARE HANDS. Now, y’all might ask: what on earth could she have said/done that pissed him off? Well.... considering how she hesitated to leave Mikhail behind because Ivan had to remind her that it was time to leave as she was staring at him, almost as if contemplating her decision.... I don't think it's too far fetched to say that she spoke up about it, especially since Erica has shown Mikhail slight signs of affection like how she teases him in her own Erica fashion, protects him from their enemies on multiple occasions and clearly watches out for him when she could’ve very easily let him die or killed him herself because of her solitary and grim nature ( and honestly, if I was in Erica’s situation, I would be too lbr ).
Notice that, unlike the previous time where Erica was about to slaughter Twilights at Bastard when Ivan told her and left her do her business... Ivan is now constantly by her side.
It’s almost as if he’s there to keep her in check so she doesn’t defy him ie the kiss on the forehead which wires her into being obedient and following his orders. Right after she killed those men who were watching Corsica and Monroe discuss the Twilight massacre, he was right there when he didn't have to be, when he should've been Guarding His Boss ™.
And honestly, if I was Erica, who, if even for a second, was less brainwashed or was coming off the drugs that Ivan was supplying her with, after literally just hearing about how these two sinister men were plotting to massacre the Twilights and that kid potentially being Mikhail being a casualty, I’d get the fuck outta there too, because Erica isn’t killing Twilights, her own people, by choice, she didn’t wake up and get outta bed one day and sip some hot chocolate and eat some TimBits and a blueberry muffin after going to Tim Hortons at 7AM after waiting in line and be all like “Imma kill some Twilights today !! lmao” ; she’s on drugs and has been brainwashed for a very long time; she’s not stupid, far from it, actually and Nicolas himself said so and she’s very intelligent and calculating, always planning her next move, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought about it but it was repressed due to brainwashing.
TL;DR: Given the potential clues and the possible foreshadowing I provided, I believe it’s entirely possible that, even for a moment in time, Erica was planning on leaving Ivan for whatever purpose but Ivan notices these things, and that’s why he’s now literally always by her side. Or she’s pregnant bUT WE’RE NOT GONNA FUCKING GO THERE TONIGHT-
tagging @abri-chan bc we& notice you like our& metas & now we're& wanting to know what you think on the topic considering our& exomemories are blurry!
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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all the good girls go to hell - Billie Eilish | All the good girls go to hell for even God Herself has enemies and when the water starts to rise and heaven’s out of sight, she’ll want the devil on her team, my Lucifer is lonely.
idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish | If teardrops could be bottled, there’d be swimming pools filled by models, told a tight dress is what makes you a whore, if ‘I love you’ was a promise, would you break it if you’re honest? Tell the mirror what you know she’s heard before: ‘I don’t wanna be you anymore’.
Show & Tell - Melanie Martinez | Show and tell, I’m on display for all you fuckers to see.
Possibility - Lykke Li | Know that when you leave, by blood and by me, you walk like a thief, by blood and by me, I fall when you leave, so tell me when you hear my heart stop, you’re the only one who knows, tell me when you hear my silence, there’s a possibility I wouldn’t know, so tell me when my sigh is over, you’re the reason why I’m close, tell me when you hear me falling, there’s a possibility it wouldn’t show.
Hello - Evanescence | Hello, I’m your mind giving you someone to talk to, hello, if I smile and don’t believe, soon I know I’ll wake from this dream, don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken. Hello, I’m the lie living for you so you can hide, don’t cry. Suddenly I know I’m not sleeping, hello, I’m still here, all that’s left of yesterday.
Me And The Devil - Soap&Skin |  Early this morning, when you knocked on my door, I said, ‘Ah, hello, Satan, I believe it is time to go’, me and the devil, walking side by side.
Crazy - Melanie Martinez |  I remember when I lost my mind, there was something so pleasant about that place, even your emotions are an echo in so much space, and when you’re out there, without care, I was out of touch, but it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough, I just knew too much, does that make me crazy?
Haunted - Evanescence |  Long lost words whisper slowly to me, still can't find what keeps me here when all this time I've been so hollow inside, I know you're still there, watching me, wanting me, I can feel you pull me down, fearing you, loving you, I won't let you pull me down, hunting you, I can smell you - alive, your heart pounding in my head.
Love The Way You Lie - Skylar Grey | On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright, then the saint turned out so evil, I don’t know why I’m still surprised, even angels have their wicked schemes, and you take that to new extremes, but you’ll always be my hero even though you’ve lost your mind. 
Coming Home - Skylar Grey | And the blood will dry underneath my nails and the wind will rise up to fill my sails, so you can doubt and you can hate, but I know, no matter what it takes, I’m coming home, I’m coming home, tell the world I’m coming home, let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday, I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes, I’m coming home, I’m coming home, tell the world I’m coming.
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O’ Sister - City & Color | Oh, sister, what’s wrong with your mind? You used to be so strong and stable. My sister, what made you fall from grace? I'm sorry that I was not there to catch you. What have the demons done, what have the demons done with the luminous light that once shined from your eyes? What makes you feel so alone? Is it the whispering ghost that you fear the most? But the blackness in your heart won’t last forever. I know it’s tearing you apart but it’s a storm you can weather. Oh, sister, those lines etched in your hands, they’re harder and rough, like a roadmap of sorrow, my sister, there is a sadness on your face, you’re like a motherless child who’s longing for comfort, what’s running through your veins that causes you such pain? Does it have to do with the pills they gave to you? What is eating at your soul? Was it the whispering ghost who left you out in the cold?
Hello, I’m In Delaware - City & Color | And there goes my life, passing by with every departing flight, and it's been so hard, so much time, so far apart. And she walks the night. How many hearts will die tonight? And will things have changed? I guess I'll find out in seventeen days, but I will see you again, I will see you again, a long time from now. My body aches and it hurts to sing and no one is moving and I wish that I weren't here tonight but this is my life.
Too Good At Goodbyes - Sam Smith | You must think that I'm stupid, you must think that I'm a fool, you must think that I'm new to this, but I have seen this all before. I'm never gonna let you close to me, even though you mean the most to me 'cause every time I open up, it hurts, so I'm never gonna get too close to you, even when I mean the most to you, in case you go and leave me in the dirt. But everytime you hurt me, the less that I cry and every time you leave me, the quicker these tears dry, and every time you walk out, the less I love you, baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true, I'm way too good at goodbyes.
Demons - Jacob Lee | My heart is weak, tear it down piece by piece, leave me to think. Deep in my structure, I think I still love her, but I need some sleep. You've taken my breath away, now I want to breathe, 'cause I cannot see what you can see so easily. I thought my demons were almost defeated but you took their side and you pulled them to freedom, I kept your secrets and I thought that you would do the same. Leave me in peace, caught in my memories, lost underneath.
Hell Above - Pierce The Veil | I cannot spend another night in this home, I close my eyes and take a breath real slow. The consequence is if I leave I'm alone but what's the difference when you beg for love? As I run through glass in the street, kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me, and take the face of the wolf. This is a wasteland, my only retreat, with Heaven above you, there’s Hell over me.
Hymn For The Missing - RED |  I tried to walk together but the night was growing dark, thought you were beside me, but I reached and you were gone. Sometimes I hear you calling from some lost and distant shore, I hear you crying softly for the way it was before. Where are you now? Are you lost? Will I find you again? Are you alone? Are you afraid? Are you searching for me? Why did you go? I had to stay, now I'm reaching for you. Will you wait, will you wait? Will I see you again?
Yesterday - The Beatles | Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday. Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, there's a shadow hanging over me, oh, yesterday came suddenly. Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say, I said 'Something wrong?' Now, I long for yesterday. Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play, now I need a place to hide away.
To Be Alone - Hozier |  Never feel too good in crowds, with folks around when they're playing the anthems of rape, culture loud, crude and proud creatures baying. All I've ever done is hide from our times when you're near me. Honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes, I feel like a person for a moment of my life, but you don't know what hell you put me through, to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you, to feel your weight in arms I'd never use, it's the god that heroin prays to.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie |  Love of mine, someday you will die, but I'll be close behind and I'll follow you into the dark. No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white, just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark. If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied and illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs, if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, then I will follow you into the dark.
Run Boy Run - Ironkid |  Run, boy, run, this world is not made for you, run boy, run, they’re trying to catch you, running is a victory, beauty lays behind the hills. Run, boy, run, the sun will be guiding you, run, boy, run, they're dying to stop you. Run, boy, run, this race is a prophecy, run, boy, run, break out from society. Tomorrow is another day and you won’t have to hide away, you’ll be a man, boy, but for now, it’s time to run.
Tagged by: nobody !! ❤ Tagging: uhhh @gciltyascharged​ @bloodbrews​ ( for mikhail !! ) @warpaved​ ( uhhh any of ur muses LMAO ) @moraldestitute​ @atropashe​ @familiarblood​ and literally anyone who wants to do this LOL
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
Sb: Erica ........ where did you get that skull
Erica: :))))))))))))))))))))
Sb: is that ............................... ivan’s ring on your finger-
Erica: :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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GANGSTA. crack shiposts 1 / ?
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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bloody knees, bruised pale skin dotted with blue, red and purple marks, aching foosteps that tire of running for her life. cold lips to the touch, piercing navy blue eyes that stare through your soul and see the deepest, darkest depths of your heart, tears freezing as they stream down her cheeks as she makes a deal with the devil again, the look on her face painting a morbid visage of a seeker for death and a hidden purpose, a rare faint smile that draws them all in like moths to the flames, should’ve ran faster, kicked harder, screamed louder, pale silver-gold tresses that were once friends with the daisies in the summer meadows in a distant past, a life long dead and long gone. the twilight glistens with moonglow in her hair, with skin like porcelain, a pair of pale, trembling hands holding a white blooming lotus in her palms, knowing that somewhere, someday, perhaps in another life, she’ll be free from her chains. pick a god and pray, for no rage of the monsters lurking in the winter wood compare to her icy vengeance: she is coming for you all. 
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Name: Erica Abaddonato.
Alias(es): Persephone by Ivan, Death’s Consort by the townsfolk of the suburban area that Ivan reigned over in Moscow in all but name, Eri, Rixie, Riri, E, Roo, Ricky, and Ricky-E by Yang, others with anti-Twilight sentiments simply refer to as “that thing” or “monster”.
Gender: Demigirl ; she/her &&. they/them.
Age: 24.
Date of Birth: January 31st, 1985.
Place of Birth: Tallinn, Estonia.
Hometown: Tallinn, Estonia ( infancy to age four ), Ergastulum, California, The United States Of America ( age four to age nine at Vermeil Orphanage ; age nine to twelve in a laboratory to be experimented on ), Barvikha, Moscow, Russia ( age twelve to late adolescence ).
Spoken languages: Estonian ( mother tongue, remembers very little ), Russian ( due to her time spent with Ivan, the primary language she speaks the most ), Esperanto, Italian, English ( secondary tongue that she speaks the most ), minimal Mandarin and Spanish ( from her time spent with Yang and Diego back at the orphanage, remembers very little ).
Sexual preference: Honestly, even Erica herself doesn’t have a completely full grasp on her sexual orientation because she hasn’t entirely figured it out yet, she’s unsure if she’s bi/pan but she’s demiromantic demicaedsexual with a preference for women after all the abuse she’s suffered at Ivan’s hands, essentially speaking, she’s Sapphic and Luminian.
Occupation(s): Hunter ( formerly ), Assassin, Mercenary, in her current post-brainwashing default verse, she works with what remains of Benriya as Alex Benedetto’s Twilight as assigned by the Paulklee Guild as her condition of living, so as a member of Benriya, she does pretty much almost any job, really, when she’s not sick due to her physical compensation as a Twilight, most notably aplastic anemia, from bodyguarding, con jobs, cleanup, repairs, delivery, money collection, finding lost people or pets, errands and pimping, all while doing her best to raise her only daughter as a single mother.
Eye color: A deep navy blue.
Hair color: Platinum Blonde, yet in some lighting, it comes across as silver-gold.
Height: 5′4″
Scars: A multitude of small scars over the years, mostly her sides, has teethmarks all over her body, has faded stretch marks on her belly.
Burns: None, though she used to have them after being forcefully branded with a hot iron.
Overweight: No.
Underweight: No.
Color: Blue, silver, white, lavender, any pastel colors, really.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Blue.
Food: Pizza, blueberry muffins, apples, cakes, has a secret sweet tooth.
Drink: Coffee, strawberry milk, ice cold vodka.
Had sex: Yes ... though, against her will.
Had sex in public: Yes... though, against her will.
Gotten pregnant: Yes, multiple times.
Kissed a boy: Yes.
Kissed a girl: No but she really really wants to.
Gotten tattoos: Yes, a teardrop underneath the right eye, a white cross on a black background on the palm of the left hand, silhouettes of flying birds on the palm of the right hand, skull with crossbones on both shoulders, Ivan Glaziev’s initials on her upper left arm, crosses ; in between her breasts, a badge with the letters “CCCP” and a chevron on her right breast,  the head of a woman, a knife and a rose ; on her upper right forearm ; an oath of revenge and recently angel’s wings on her back and shoulderblades. While Erica intends on removing the forcefully branded ones after killing Ivan, it’ll be incredibly painful so the removal of each one ( save for the skull and bird tattoos ) will take about three years or so, give or take. It’ll be worth it, she thinks, to finally be a free woman.
Gotten piercings: Yes, a pair of heart shaped white gold and garnet earrings.
Had a broken heart: Yes, most definitely.
Been in love:  Yes, albeit in a brainwashed state, though after Ivan’s death, she slowly develops sapphic feelings for Alex Benedetto.
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes.
A virgin: LMAO NO-
A cuddler: If she’s with the right person, yes, but if not, hell no.
A kisser: Yes, if she’s with the right person.
Scared easily: No, after everything she’s seen, done and endured through, hardly anything scares her anymore.
Jealous easily: Yes.
Trustworthy: With the right people, yes.
Dominant: When it comes to killing people, yes, otherwise, no, not really.
Submissive: For the most part, yeah, but she’s slowly waning from this.
In love: No, but she’s slowly but surely developing sapphic feelings for Alex Benedetto.
Single: Yes.
Have they harmed themselves: Yes.
Thought of suicide: Yes, many times.
Attempted suicide: Yes, many times.
Wanted to kill someone: Literally all the time.
Drove a car: No, except for that one time when Ivan made her drive when she was sixteen when he decided to let her have a spin at the wheel. It didn’t end well at all.
Have/had a job: A regular job? No, not at all.
Have any fears: Yes, though very few.
Sibling(s): Delico Abaddonato, her older brother, he’s still alive but they’re estranged in canon due to her being kidnapped at age nine and barely remembering him at all. In her post-brainwashing verse, however, they slowly but surely rebuild their bond.
Parents: Rasmus Abaddonato &&. Eliise Abaddonato; both deceased, she doesn’t remember them at all.
Children: Mikhail ( adopted ; reluctantly abandoned with a heavy heart and after killing Ivan, is still seeking him out in Ergastulum; whereabouts unknown ); Aleksei ( a son; deceased ; lived only half a year ); Anastasia ( a daughter ; deceased ; died shortly after birth ); Konstantin ( a son ; deceased ; stillborn ) ; Nikolai ( a son; deceased ; died in the womb ) ; Roman ( a son ; deceased ; died later the same year ) ; Ivanka ( a daughter ; alive ; six years old ; Erica almost died giving birth to her ; she lives with her mother ).
Pets: Betty, a stray black cat that wanders around from time to time.
Tagged by: nobody !!
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this !! <333
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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▪ ALL THE GOOD GIRLS GO TO HELL / BILLIE EILISH. // all the good girls go to hell ‘cause even god herself has enemies, and once the water starts to rise, and heaven’s out of sight, she’ll need the devil on her team, my lucifer is lonely.          ▪ HEAVY IN YOUR ARMS / FLORENCE + THE MACHINE. // i was a heavy heart to carry, my beloved was weighed down, my arms around his neck, my fingers laced to crown, i was a heavy heart to carry, my feet dragged across the ground, and he took me to the river where he slowly let me drown.       ▪ ME AND THE DEVIL / SOAP&SKIN. // early this morning when you knocked upon my door and i say: hello satan, ah, i believe, it's time to go.        ▪ JAR OF HEARTS / CHRISTINA PERRI. //  who do you think you are, runnin' 'round leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart, you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul, so don't come back for me, who do you think you are?        ▪ ELASTIC HEART / SIA. //  you did not break me, i’m still fighting for peace.       ▪ SKYSCRAPER / DEMI LOVATO. //  you can take everything i have, you can break everything i am, like I'm made of glass, like i'm made of paper, go on and try to tear me down, i will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper.        ▪ IF I HAD A HEART / FEVER RAY. //  if i had a heart, i could love you, if i had a voice, i would sing, after the night when i wake up, i'll see what tomorrow brings.        ▪ HURT / LEONA LEWIS. // and you could have it all, my empire of dirt, i will let you down, i will make you hurt.        ▪ LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE / SKYLAR GREY. // on the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright, then the saint turned out so evil, i don't know why i'm still surprised, even angels have their wicked schemes and you take that to new extremes, but you'll always be my hero even though you've lost your mind.         ▪ PRETTY WHEN YOU CRY. / LANA DEL REY. //  all the pretty stars shine for you, my love. am i the girl that you dream of? all those little times you said that i’m your girl, you make me feel like your whole world. i’ll wait for you, babe, it’s all i do, babe, don’t come through, babe, you never do, because i’m pretty when i cry.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
@bloodbrews ​ replied to your post: Mikhail: “I take that challenge!”
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  ❛ Absolutely not, young man, not even a sip, no if’s, or but’s, that is all. ❜
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Ivan’s taught Erica many things that she wish he hadn’t ... but one thing that she doesn’t regret? The ability to chug down ice cold vodka like water. Please, for the love of all that’s good and holy,don’t ever challenge Erica to a drinking game, you will lose all your dignity, hopes and dreams.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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concept: erica wearing these babies post-brainwashing.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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In the aftermath of Ivan’s death by her own hands, I think Erica would be genuinely grateful to Alex who was the one who made her open her eyes, that Ivan is a monster and that her life as his slave in all but name isn’t enough and that she needs to make her own path and live her own life after she’s lived for him and sacrificed everything for him. He never let her had dreams of her own but she didn’t care - although he abused and violated her, she wanted nothing more than affection and validation, to be worth something, because anything she endured under his iron fist ... anything was better than the three, long and brutal years as a human experiment, isolated away from the rest of the world where she was subjected to intense drugs and the rigid program that forced her to kill her own childhood friends, leaving her the only survivor. To her, no matter what he did to her afterward, Ivan saved her from that hell in darkness and isolation.
So, with all that said, Alex truly made her feel like she wasn’t alone in the world and made her feel like a person and not some hideous weapon that others feared her so much to be, and because of that, Erica would do literally anything for that woman. It’s because of this that she very quickly becomes protective of her and wants to serve her in any way she can, to the point where she asks for her to be her contract holder - whether or not Alex accepts or declines can vary but Erica will do literally anything and everything for Alex ... and maybe, just maybe ... over time, she’ll start to develop romantic and sapphic feelings for her.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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                     𝓕𝓔𝓜𝓜𝓔 𝓕𝓐𝓣𝓐𝓛𝓔 ; 𝓐𝓛𝓦𝓐𝓨𝓢 𝓞𝓝 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓡𝓤𝓝.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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 “ ... What is it you want from me?” she asks, deep navy blue eyes never leaving the other.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
cont. from HERE.
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The autumn air sent shudders up her spine as the Twilight watches the boy scurry towards the swingset as if his life depended on it. After all, it was rare to see him act like a little boy again. So, when he looks at the empty swing and then at her with those sad, pleading puppy dog eyes, Erica cannot bring herself to deny his request. 
Silver-golden hair blow softly in the wind as she cranes her neck to view her surroundings - no one else around but just the two of them. Leaves crunch under her heeled boots as she strides over to the swings and takes a seat.
She almost wants to stumble at just how small and low she feels sitting in this thing. Even though she’s merely twenty four years of age, she feels far older. Setting Dawnchaser down at the side, she merely sits and ponders, fingertips momentarily grasping at the chains before she slowly begins to move, humming a sweet tune all the while.
  “You did well today, Mikhail,” she tells him, genuinely meaning it as she looks up at the stars above them in awe.
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ladyimaginarium · 4 years
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Okay but Ivanka being suuuuuuper hyped for Easter. Catch Erica buying them matching pairs of little rabbit ears just to make her happy and the grin that lights up her face and the smile that reaches her eyes always manages to make Erica’s kokoro go doki doki. Erica throws her up in the air and catches her all the time and the giggles that ring through the apartment always releases soft laughter from her mother. Not to mention, when Ivanka’s looking around the place for more eggs and gets frustrated and starts to pout, Erica points her to the directions of some of the chocolate eggs, so when Ivy asks how she knows, Erica merely shrugs her shoulders, smiles subtly and says, “The Easter Bunny told me.”
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