#FEtumblr 0.3
fireemblem-rp · 11 years
OOC chat and information:
The mods that run this masterlist believes that getting to know each and every member and making them feel welcome and wanted in our masterlist is highly important, so we are glad to announce that we have gone ahead and made a few different way to talking to people.
Chatzy - This is for people who do not have a Skype, though anyone who is a member of this masterlist is welcome to join.
Skype - This is a group chat on Skype. If you wish to be added, let us know! 
OOC Blog - It's a sideblog to be added onto your rp blog. It's going to be automatically sent out to you when you get accepted, so you won't need to ask about joining it.
These options are only allowed when you have become a member, which means when you have submitted your application and have made your blog to be added to the masterlist! If you haven't done that, you will not be allowed to join!
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