dejavudiscordrpg · 2 years
★ 18+ DISCORD ROLEPLAY GROUP. ★ AN APPLICATION IS REQUIRED. Once you've applied for your canon muse, if you wish for an additional canon muse you won't be required to apply once you've been accepted to the group ~! 𝑺𝒀𝑵𝑶𝑷𝑺𝑰𝑺 Unbeknownst to you, you’ve been 𝑷𝑳𝑼𝑪𝑲𝑬𝑫 from your world and thrown into a new one; however, the life before is lost within time. You don’t remember your previous life; however, there are familiar faces and places you feel that you know— It’s like you’re having 𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 Deja Vu, but can't seem to understand why and have no way to leave. 𝑾𝑬𝑳𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑬 𝑻𝑶 𝑩𝑬𝑳𝑭𝑰𝑶𝑹𝑬 — a medieval world hidden behind walls with modernized technology and a place, though it seems quaint, may not be all that it appears to be.
「Could there be a chance you can regain the life you’ve once known?」 「Is there a 𝑻𝑹𝑼𝑻𝑯 behind the layers of deceit that are worth unveiling?」 THE LORE l ACCEPTED VERSES l TAKEN CHARACTERS l CANON APPLICATION l WANTED CHARACTERS l DISCORD You may also private message for additional information ~! If you are going to request a verse that's not on here please request before doing your application.
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cerezitax · 5 years
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apparently I'm here now so enjoy. also here's a gift from my FB meme page
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dxncingsoul-blog · 6 years
    [ first time’s a charm.
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This is a new Tharja blog from the Fire Emblem series! I’m completely new to the FE fandom here on tumblr, so I don’t know where to start at all-! Hopefully this gets around and I can meet some folks ! Please like/reblog if you’d like to maybe rp ? 
Also, check out my Olivia sideblog! 
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The ground is a perfectly fine place to take a nap on (Open RP)
Good weather? Check. Secured cargo? Check. Optimal bedding? Haar would stare at the ground for a good moment to scrutinize the thick grass he stood in. Eh, good enough. Anyone around? The man would then look about the area. No one for now. It would now be a time to take another well-deserved nap. Haar would stretch and then lower himself down, crossing his arms behind his head.
Life as a deliveryman is great. He could head off whenever he wanted as long as there was an order to be transported and that meant many naps throughout the journey to boot. Haar would let out a satisfied sigh as he stared up at the clear sky. No creatures in sight bar his trusted wyvern partner. Just the way he preferred it. He would then close his eye and steady his breathing to drift off to sleep.
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achromiix · 6 years
   [ worth a shot !
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This is a new Olivia blog from the Fire Emblem series ! I'm completely new to the FE fandom here on tumblr, so I don't know where to start at all-! Hopefully this gets around and I can meet some folks ! Please like/reblog if you'd like to maybe rp ?
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
Masterlist Update:
Hello guys! I'm posting here to let you know that there has been two things that have been changed here in the masterlist.
The rules page has been updated, so please read through them again. I was a bad person and forgot to add them when I first made this masterlist, so I am really really sorry about the confusion that things have caused, as well as the confusion that it may cause. 
There is also an updates with the mods. There was some confliction between the mods, so the masterlist has now become a two-man powered masterlist again. I am sorry again for the inconvenience that this may cause, and I am extremely sorry for the people who may be sad or upset to hear about this,  but I believe it was for the best to prevent any drama occurring in a place where we don't want it. No-one is at fault here, so please don't point fingers and blame anyone!
Per usual, if you have any questions regarding the new rules or any other issues, please can you speak to me, Mod Janaff or send a message to the masterlist please? Thank you!
--Admin Sharr
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
Bastian has been reserved!
You have until the 24th of December to submit your application! We look forward to reading it and seeing you again!
--Admin Sharr
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
Event Update: Roommates and Cabin list:
Well, the title says it all really! I won't keep you for long with a long-ass explanation like I usually do, because it's not the point of this post.
Instead, I am going to say one thing regarding roleplays in this event.  It is not compulsory to roleplay with the person that you are paired with, however it is advised to roleplay with them as they wouldn't feel left out of the event. You are welcome to roleplay with whoever you want to roleplay with, and you're welcome to do whatever plot you want to do (as long as it is within the event scenery)
Anyway, the list of who's rooming with who is under the read more, and the secret santas will be sent out to each individual shortly
The event will start tomorrow, just to give everyone a bit of time to get their self ready for the event~
Have a good day guys!
-- Admin Sharr
Cabin 1: Tiki & Laurent
Cabin 2: Chrom & Treck
Cabin 3: Ike & Morgana
Cabin 4: Morgan & Lon'qu
Cabin 5: Gaius & Olivia
Cabin 6: Cherche & Rath
Cabin 7: Robin & Inigo
Cabin 8: Joshua & Cordelia
Cabin 9: Ricken & Lucia
Cabin 10: Yarne & Zihark
Cabin 11: Brady & Celica
Cabin 12: Owain & Robyn
Cabin 13: Gregor & Anna
Cabin 14: Tharja & Marth
Cabin 15: Ranulf & Noire
Cabin 16: Fredrick & Stahl
Cabin 17: Lissa, Lucina & Gerome (In a three due to odd numbered pairs)
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
Hi all!~
Admin Ike (Sharr) here for all of you wonderful people.~ I hope you're all having a good day and continue to do so~
Okay so, this message is basically going to be here to make you all feel better about your muses. I have seen a couple of people say that 'they are worried that they aren't good enough to be in this group. Well, my view on this is that everyone roleplays in a way that best suits them, no matter who the character is that you're portraying or what that character is from. The way you add a personal spice to that character makes them much more better to roleplay with, and it makes the threads more exciting and keeps us clinging to the curiosity towards what's coming next and what your character will do next.
We don't have standards that are too high that we look down on people if we don't see that they aren't fit to be here. We have the type of standards that welcomes everyone and anyone into our community and makes sure that they feels as welcome as possible, regardless of what they roleplay like! You've been roleplaying for only a week? We don't care for that. It's up to you and you only when it comes to your character, and no-one has the right to judge you because of the way you portray your character.
So guys, please do not feel like you're below our standards, because we virtually have no standards of roleplaying here (other than the application, but that's to see what you're capable of, not to see what standards you're at to judge you) and we pretty much love every single one of your characters and the way that you portray them. Please make sure that you feel proud to roleplay that character, because hey I feel proud to roleplay Ike soon with you guys!
If you have any problems regarding anything to do with confidence to bullying and judgement, please don't hesitate to come to us! The last thing we want is for you guys to simply feel bad about roleplaying here because there's something making you feel low.
--Admin Ike/Sharr
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
Roy has returned from hiatus!
Welcome back!
Admin Sharr
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
We do have a ooc blog that can be added to your rp blogs if you want it! 
If you do want it, message the masterlist and we'll send you the link to join~
-- Admin Tibby
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fireemblem-rp · 11 years
OOC chat and information:
The mods that run this masterlist believes that getting to know each and every member and making them feel welcome and wanted in our masterlist is highly important, so we are glad to announce that we have gone ahead and made a few different way to talking to people.
Chatzy - This is for people who do not have a Skype, though anyone who is a member of this masterlist is welcome to join.
Skype - This is a group chat on Skype. If you wish to be added, let us know! 
OOC Blog - It's a sideblog to be added onto your rp blog. It's going to be automatically sent out to you when you get accepted, so you won't need to ask about joining it.
These options are only allowed when you have become a member, which means when you have submitted your application and have made your blog to be added to the masterlist! If you haven't done that, you will not be allowed to join!
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