#FFXIV Fanfest 2024 notes
toadeyes-miqote · 5 months
FFXIV Fanfest 2024 - Dawn Trail - Krile indeed Pictomancer
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EEee Nutkin is his pet!!!!! PAINTER!!!!!!!!! Ok Pictomancer - A Relm Arrowny fights on I like how fun this looks. Am curious how far the paint medium changes with weapons HRothgal!!!!
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Let's see how far I managed mythril foil hat as the broadcasr goes on
Mythril foil hat disclaimer
Shinjuku Elpis Domain Expansion this? Days of Elpis Lostbelt adrift - LB 7 this?
Somehow TIMEY WHIMEY BALL Set right what went wrong because someone(Alexander/Tycoon/Omega/ pick one) was playing with time and an entire Allagan civilization(because someone else was playing with time and streams collide) got stuck in time!!!!
The original citizens can't leave their city but others can visit them
How advance is Allagan or Elpis past? Ghost in the shell - In view of the locked in time thing A bunch of Allagan had tried to replicate creation magic and cross the time streams and time lock happened. Allagan brains in biological shell (a la Doga nd Unei) to wake up later and see how world progress but the original citizens can't leave their city Garlemald had wanted to come here for their tech but Zenos happened
Young lady in white is key to this but is sealed in there. A Riona to seal Ultimecia?
Why is the word "Levin" in used? Jenova is coming Ultimecia is also coming because of all the magical people and timey whimey magic Laguna Laguna All your Cids combined and futuristic timeline happened!!! Dangit Nero!!!! What have you done?! The bespectacled Miqo'te over there is involved in solution nine somehow.
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What are the odds of Hylnyan going short Hrothgar(176-180 as with her OC Cat shpeshifter) for future town? Unconfirm if she's half Hrothgar or not on her father's side, mainly because she's already taller than the average Miqo'te.
Free Fantasia yes? maybe? Be taller than Thancred and start combing his hair like mother cat or something. To be the one carrying him instead This --> a Hrothgar NPC with a thing for Thancred and carrying him under her arm or slung over her shoulder because she can run faster than him. And they are fleeing from very big trouble Yeah I ship him with Miqo'te, Au Ra and Hrothgar women because he has a thing for tails.
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Garlenmald rebuilding on the moon? Rebuilding civilization that Meteion destroyed? Help them makes sense of what had went down?
Dyes - Further minion replication of clothes - OC's colour scheme to come mayhaps~~~~ Thanks Yoshi-P!
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Obligatory mention of Jack Van Burace and Hanpan. I would squee if Nutkin ends up being being a grappling hook to rope across some cliff/broken bridge or something
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Hylnyan ends up being Beastmaster if not Viper to avoid stealing Krile pictomancer thunder _during MSQ_
Pictomancer looks wicked cool but Hylnyan's weird aether is slower to effectively manifest for Pictormancer during MSQ. Main BRD-DRK dropping into GNB for solidarity
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lucy-schumacher · 5 months
FFXIV JP Fanfest 2024/7.0 Spoilers ahead!
So from the images we’ve seen of it, I’ve been feeling increasingly confident that this new future city people are the people, or at least one of the peoples, who fell to the 2nd Umbral Calamity.
Looking at the city/cities themselves, they clearly don’t match architecturally to the civilizations that we’ve seen so far in game, looking more high-fantasy sci-fi than much of the Ancient’s vaguely deco diesel-punk stylings and very distinct to the red with blues and greens of Allag. Their cities have this kind of purple glow over chrome metal with this sleek, cyberpunk esque styling to everything than what you might see with Allag’s turning rings and jagged edges, which feels too distinct to be the same nation to me, at least from the same era. It definitely feels out of left field aesthetic wise for the game, even when compared to some of the technology we’ve seen from other sci-fi heavy civilizations.
Now, this could just mean new civilization from basically anywhere. However, Yoshi-P mentioned that these places are lightning attuned, which explains the purple, but also possibly links it to the 2nd Calamity, the one of lightning. Now, we know next to nothing of this era, but one thing we do know, or at least think we know of this time, is that the people escaped a long-lasting hail of lightning strikes that ended their civilizations via building underground shelters to wait out the storm. Looking again at the two areas connected to this new civilization, they both seem to have these big shieldings covering the tops of these cities, with both the new raid, the Arcadion, and more prominently with the city shown in the distance of the Heritage Found artwork clearly having a shield at the top covering the city. We don’t get a super clear view of the sky with Solution 9, largely because of how all-encompassing the skyscrapers and block towers are here, but the fact that the lighting here is seemingly mostly from spotlights, billboards, etc., I do feel confident that something at least is blocking natural light here. (On a side note, Heritage Found’s city is definitively underground.)
All this to say is that I think we’re going to be meeting something relating to the 2nd Calamity here, whether that be the remnants of the people, a lasting civilization, or just the lingering stuff like robots or something in Dawntrail. If they are the people from this time, I do have some wild ideas as to their deal in the story. Maybe they’re bunkering up to avoid going to the surface for some reason? Maybe they’re the ones that carved the big divide between the North and South of Tural that Tuliyollal connects? Maybe they’re Garlean ancestors since they possibly have a third eye judging by that picture in the billboard of Solution 9 and we’ll learn why Garleans can’t use magicks possibly (assuming it isn’t just an unrelated forehead gem the lady in that billboard has)? I don’t really know. I guess we’ll have to find out these new people’s deal in Dawntrail.
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spotofmummery · 5 months
OOC: State of Mummery 2023
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On the eve of Amon’s Nameday (tomorrow), I just wanted to take a moment to talk about Spot of Mummery, my creative endeavors (rather the lack of), a bit about what’s happening IRL, and what I’d like to do more of in 2024.
Feel free to take a peek into my life if you wish, below the cut. Your suggestions are always welcome!
I want to start this with a disclaimer – I’m going to talk about difficult things that I don’t normally address here, but I am doing okay. I’ve learned how to work through many difficulties the last couple of years, and this is not a post of lament.
Some might know that I lost my father unexpectedly right before Christmas last year.
Most don’t know that for the last couple of years (and right now currently), I’m also dealing with unexplained chest pain on and off through the year. My heart was checked this past year, and that was all fine. It’s undiagnosed, but I’m thinking (and the cardiologist also thinks) it’s a form of inflammation. The pain I can deal with, the worry about “what is this?” is a bit more troublesome.
All this is to say, I haven’t been very creative in 2023.
During NaNoWriMo of 2022, I finally wrote Amon’s triumphant return to Syrcus Tower in the First, as I’ve wanted to for years. But then, my Dad passed, and it took months for me to finish editing and posting all that writing. I did finally get it done, but my focus was other places, obviously.
In 2023, I haven’t written a word for Amon’s story outside of the Choose Amon’s Adventures (which I’d like to get started up again, maybe) and his silly adventures on Island Sanctuary (which I need to complete with the newest content for the last patch).
My RP interactions here have been little to none. My energy for attending in game events has been low.
I did organize my own event around the NA fanfest, and that went great, actually! Thanks to all who attended!
But aside from that, Lunarcon, and a few small art parties, I’ve kept to myself a lot this year. In fact, my game time in FFXIV is probably an all-time low – and that’s not because I’ve fallen out of love with the game.
On a positive note, the whole fiasco at Twitter/X brought me back to this Tumblr account full-time. I was already moving this direction, but now I’m here primarily. I do have a Pillowfort and a Blue Sky account for Amon, but Tumblr is my main gig.
I’m not exactly sure where I’m going with all this, other than to just note that my creativity and interaction has not been up to snuff this year. I’d love to say something like, “My resolution for next year is to knock it out of the park!” – but the reality is, I’m not sure what I can commit to just yet.
I think what I'd like most of all to start by getting back into enjoying time spent in game with Amon again, for one. Not that I dislike time spent with Amon, just that I recognize that it’s not got that spark that once motivated me (probably user error).
To be fair, though, I haven’t been spending a lot of time with any of my characters in game like I used to. So, it’s not just Amon.
If you’ve gone through a time where you needed to reconnect with your OCs, let me know how that turned out and what you did. I’m open to suggestions!
And if you’ve read all the way here to the end, thanks for listening. You are appreciated, friend! <3
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toadeyes-miqote · 5 months
FFXIV Fanfest Japanese seiyu session
My Japanese isn't strong so I won't attempt to translate.
Was watching the Japanese Cast interview session because a good chunk of the cast exist in my other game. Granted I played the game with Eng cast unless Junichi Suwabe voice cutscene. Trying not to let either JJK or FGO brain rot take over too much
- There is something funny about Ryne wondering if G'raha is what Exarch currently looks like and wanting to let Lyna know
Thancred and Ryne technical reunion
Hearing Y'shtola and thinking Murasaki Shikubi
... Adventurer...Hilari/Yami no senshi... Tataru's way of refering to WoL... a pity there isn't a pick your name's pronunciation thing available in game. Based on Japanese katagana. But then poor Hylnyan's heart would break if she's only refered to by her title by close friends all the time
Hearing Yuuichi Nakamura's natural voice, his tone is neither Thancred/Renguko, David/Shigure Sohma or Gojo. and then he went and change voice for Soroban
Japanese Estinein is Sicard too
Is a work day so catching up the rest of day 2 slowly
Yuma Uchida - G'raha VA. Is also Megumi Fushiguro. He brings shadows, he be shadowbringer
Thancred's voice is closer to Renguko than David. Renguko is Okita Alter's sword... Am sword simp.... Apologies to Okitan for rolling her just for her sword.
I liked how Alisaie notice Ryne is here and interacts with her. The two of them did hangout more than with Alphi. Probably a being girls thing, Alisaie being more people aware instead of being a one note hot head.
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