bitofsin · 2 years
(๑♡⌓♡๑) / daisy would like to know how glad would seduce her (:
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Send (๑♡⌓♡๑) and my muse will describe how they would seduce yours.
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“Ahhhhh Daisy Chains, you present a very unique challenge for me...”
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“But I think I can manage. You talk a big game on being independent and making the first move, and not needing a man to get you anything, but we all know that isn’t true. Maybe in the boardroom that’s true....but baby, I think you need a confident, experienced man that knows how to dim the lights, make you the center of the universe, and is good with his hands elsewhere. 
Me. I’m that guy.  Just some standard grooves, low lights, a cityscape view, a little fine wine....And wandering fingers crawling up your thighs while I whisper filthy, nasty things into your delicate little ear. Maybe take a good, long, loooooong time undressing you until you’re a quivering mess, and then, then, I go in...or rather down. And baby, we all know what my tongue can do. It ain’t for the faint of heart.” Yes, extra long, with cartilage texture on the side, he is PROUD of it as he is his dick. “Ribbed...for her pleasure.” He purrs. “Anyway, the whole night would be like that...me taking my time while you beg for me to speed it up, but we both know if you push me too hard, I’m just going to have to make you wait for my dick longer. See, I have AMaZing stamina, and I can hold myself off pretty long until I can’t take it anymore, because I get off on making YOU beg. So, if need be...tsktsktsk...I may have to just get one of the Armani silk ties or two outta my closet and tie those petite wrists of yours out of the way. Yanno, I like a cleared, clean surface before I really work, so that way I can do my best to do my worst while you whine about it.”
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“And that’s just to start.”
@warraigoe | @warraisins
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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@decanard​ asked: 👶🏻 (Gladstone and Daisy?)
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name: Madison Gander
birthdate: June 8th
personality headcanon: She’s very good, a perfect little lady quite the spoiled princess with great manners and excellent grades….But she is also VERY sneaky, loves to spy on people, and find out everyone’s secrets and use it to her advantage.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: “LUckiwy…” She hears it all the time, but she always said it out of context, because…baby.
did they get in trouble in school: Never! But I wouldn’t turn my back on her if I were her teacher.
which parent were they more attached to: She’s very much a daddy’s girl and is 100% spoiled by him, but she is also always trying to imitate Daisy and be her shadow.
what was their favorite toy: Brats. I mean. Obviously.
did they cry a lot as a baby: Yes, but once Gladstone picked her up, his Luck Aura shut her up.
movie they watched over and over: Ella Enchanted and Hocus Pocus
what was their favorite subject in school: History and Music ( Orchestra ) She plays the violin like a prodigy.
were they social growing up or quiet: Very social–I mean…look at her parents.
which parent do they take after: Clearly she a hobgoblin blend of them both.
what do they grow up to be: She wants to run a multi-billion corporation and “crush her opponents into dust and make them cry.” Either a fashion empire or a magazine of some kind, she hasn’t made up her mind. Maybe a fashion magazine.
three random headcanons: 1) She doesn’t get along with a lot of her cousins because they see through her “innocent routine,” but she doesn’t care because her daddy’s Luck Aura is somewhat inherited, and she gets out of trouble because of it. But, it works out because when she’s older, she outgrows her snotty behavior. And like her dad, even if she’s not liked by her family she would destroy anyone that goes against them. 2) She acts like a priss and is over obsessed with her looks like her parents, but she has a thing for greasers and muscle cars and tough types, even if she would kill someone for dirtying her clothes. 3) She has her mom’s temper but her dad’s quiet burning grudge, so she never shows her temper until it’s too late. And she is well aware people talk smack about her parents, so she defends them to the death. They’re just jealous that they’re all so perfect. 
likes: Fashion, luxury, everything being neat and in its place, classical music, and people bowing to her.
dislikes: When things don’t go her way, people that rip on her parents, messes.
do they get along with their parents: Yes, except for when they catch her being naughty, and then she’s a handful.
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bitofthisandthat · 3 years
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@briilliance​​ asked: "Honey, please. I told you weeks ago I had a huge presentation today and ask if you could look after them and you said yes. I have to, how do you expect me to find an eggsitter in the next twenty seconds? Please, please, please! It'll just be a couple of hours and my phone will be on at all times." - Daisy for Gladstone
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Wait, what? What did she say?
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“Daisy-chains, I know you didn’t just dump those three on me just now because I look all cozy and unassuming over here but--hey.” She’s already getting ready to leave, not giving him a second to question her. “Hey! In a couple hours, a lot can happen!” Not to the Luckiest Goose in the world, but he’s going to be on edge and annoyed the whole time. And there is NO way in hell he’s going to call Donald for advice...that is just 10 shades of awkward. “Dais’? Come on, what if I leave a window open and some massive 10 foot eagle swoops in here and takes ‘em? You KNOW how irresponsible I am with windows!”
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
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@briilliance​​ said: 💔 - Specifically about Gladstone and Daisy
☆ Headcanon Prompts ☆  ( Love & Romance )
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💔 Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened.
Gladstone first went after Daisy for the usual selfish reasons: she was great arm candy, and it was yet another way to drive Donald crazy. ( Be it bragging rights about yet another awesome girlfriend he landed, or a way to make himself feel better about Don being the favored nephew. ) But as he got to know Daisy, he realized she was more than just ‘a fling,’ and she was everything he loved in a woman; tough, spirited, and stubborn. He also got sucked into how she would bend over backwards to baby him and take care of him, even if his Luck could handle all that. He started to really fall for her, but he still kept himself at arms’ length because he was never sure if she wasn’t serious about him either. And after years of going through girls like kleenix not just because he was all about freedom and playing the field, but also because of his intense fear of the goose’s way of bonding for life. He is TERRIFIED of bonding then getting ditched, but nevertheless, he found himself getting attached to her.
All of this he COULD have told her any time, but his own stubborn pride kept him from truly opening up to her beyond superficial fun and games, and ironically THAT is what made Daisy dump him. Glad can be 10000% charming and spoil you rotten and make you feel like a goddess, but he’s so standoffish about his own inner-workings, fears, feelings, etc. that he LOST OUT. Annnnnnnnd Daisy was one of the few women in his life to dump HIM first! He usually is the dumper, not the dumpee, so he was shook to his core for awhile. He holed away in his posh place, and pulled his typical moping, morose act: shades drawn, classical/operatic requiems playing loudly on his stereo system, a constant tumbler of gin or vodka with ice....just sitting around alone feeling sorry for himself. And not taking calls, so no one would witness the “great player Gladstone” weakened over a broken relationship.
After a good stint of solitude, a switch goes off in him, and he dives into his jet-set lifestyle without another thought; and even if thoughts of her is still playing in the back of his mind, he buries himself in the gaming circuit and cheap floozies on a high-stakes gambling tour in the far east...His last stop being in Macaw, lured in with lies by a certain Toad Liu Hai. 
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
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@briilliance​ said: "I-I told you to stay away from this event! Do you have any idea of how important it is for me to have this night run as smoothly as possible? Of course you don't!" Deep breaths. Deep breaths. "This is my job Gladstone, not everyone can yawn and cough up an accidental twenty dollar bill that they accidentally swallowed from within their cereal." - Daisy
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“Excuse me, uh, that was ONE time, Dais. Besides, it’s not like I can CONTROL when and where the cash and prizes are gonna show up. If I could...well, that would kiiiiiiiinda take away from the whole cosmic LUCK deal, babe.” He swiped a fancy hors d'oeuvre as a random caterer scooted by with a large tray to set up, then stuffed his beak. “If I broke the whole Luck contract, then I’d be like a  n o r m a l  person, and that is just not, ha! My thing. I am what I am, Sunshine. Take it or leave it.”
Before she could chastise him for the ‘theft’ he leaned in softly and arched a flirtatious brow at her. “Now, Daisy-may, having me around is a good thing. With me hanging around you little shindig, I’m bound to rub some of my lucky aura off on this whole party. And the more I hang around you, the more you’re bound to benefit.”
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“See? Besides. My roughish charm is always an added plus to these dry, mummified get togethers. I add color to the coffin-crowd that circulates these things....Amiiiiiiright?”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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@decanard​ asked: "You think the car to give you a ride will be a limo or a real nice car like a Mercedes?" There's only genuine curiosity in his car as she finishes up a sketch. (Daisy @ Gladstone)
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“It’ll be the coolest, most unexpected ride no matter what it is, cutie pie! Don’t even sweat it, I don’t.” He takes a casual sip of his cocktail and crosses an ankle over the other, spare hand propping behind his head.
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“I mean, worst case? It’s a noisy confetti deal with a really clownish paint job, and a REALLY annoying concierge, but hey! Then you’re whisked away to the preferred destination, so it’s no big deal. We can adapt, babe. Besides, if you’re with me, vicariously it’s going to accommodate you. So that means: a big trunk and a private driver to load your fabrics and sketch books away for us.” He takes another sip of his drink. “And a full mini bar for me. Ooh! I hope there’s those little French cheese crackers in it this time! Those things are amAzING.”
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
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@briilliance​ said: Smiling, she tugged at his arm, a bashful giggle following as Daisy shamelessly pointed to her surprisingly tacky headband with a cheap plush mistletoe strapped to it. "Sooo?" - Daisy
Christmas Mistletoe.
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He’s not going in for it JUST yet. Too easy. “Soooooooo you got robbed. Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dais. That sales girl at Claire’s boutique has GOT to do some serious soul-searching if she’s willing to take advantage of generous gal like you. It’s such a pity. You’re wearing a novelty hair piece in PUBLIC. A drunk person’s accessory....ya know, babe? Any creep with dastardly intentions would take advantage of this message you’re sending out there. They won’t get your cute little holiday gag, and they might...I don’t know...” He snaked a sly arm from behind the small of her back, curling her towards him with a shrug of a shoulder. “Lean in and pucker up...” a lewd wag of the brow, and he clamped a hand at her waist, chuckling casually, looking up at nothing as his fingers reached into her purse and pulled something out. “Annnnnnnd take your wallet.” He grinned at her priceless expression, brows dancing up and down with a joking smirk on his bill. Before he could get smacked, he shoved the wallet back where he took it. This was too funny.
Yeah, she’s going to have to take the razzing for one second more... While he’s waiting for her ‘disappointment’ to set in, he lunges forward, capturing her in a tender, breath-stealing kiss, hands cupping either side of her cheeks as he deepens it lushly for a moment, only parting when she begins to slump down with a coo. The kiss breaks with a tiny, soundless smack, as his thumbs run over her cheeks one more time, before he straightens up. “For future reference?.......”
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“You don’t neeeeeed a crazy prop for me, Daisy-may. M’kay? I’d do that for FREE.”
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
@briilliance  || ❤️’d for a 🎄 Holiday Themed Starter! 🎄  
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“Ya know Sunshine---it’s a well known fact that it’s bad Luck not to have someone to kiss on New Years’ Eve. Not that I need to remind you about that, but that date is FAST approaching us. Tsk, tsk.” Never mind that he skipped over Christmas to drop that line... 
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