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ignorant slut why do you like birds so much
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“So we’re in an arranged marriage but we’re actually in love with each other so we don’t mind but everyone keeps trying to ‘rescue us’ from our situation" + Dany x Drogo
“They’re absolutely archaic, don’tyou think? It’s the 3rd century since your family took the crown. Surely adynasty that enabled women to hold governorship in their own countries wouldallow the princess to marry for love,” Daario bemoaned.
Daenerys shrugged. She was hardlypaying attention to her ex. She heard this complaint a thousand times. Nomatter how many times she told him she wanted the marriage, he would take offon a tangent.
“We could just run away together,”Daario suggested. That caught Daenerys’s attention.
“Those dragons are trained right?We could fly them to Essos and live in peace.” He sounded more and moreconfident in his plan.
“Daario, it would never work.”
“Why not? With your wits and mydashing suave and skill, we could make a fortune diong just about anything inMereen or Astapor,” he smirked cockily.
Daenerys shook her head and pet theback of Drogon’s neck to keep him calm. Drogon had never liked Daario. She wasalways afraid he’d bite his hand off or a leg if Daario came too close.
“What we had is over Daario. I’vemoved on and so should you.”
“But I still love you Dany. I can’tlet you offer yourself as sacrifice to that Neanderthal,” Daario knelt down infront of her.
Had it been almost any other man,Daenerys would have called or security to throw him out. “I don’t feel the sameway about you. I love my country and I get along well with the Khal.” Shedidn’t bother admitting her love for Drogo. Daario never listened when she saidshe loved him. He would divert the conversation back to himself.
“A marriage should be based on passion,not who you get along with,” Daario argued.
Everything about Westeros wasdifferent from home. The people were more snobbish. They dressed differently.They lived in stone homes rather than under the stars. Their customs werestrange. Drogo hated this land. He longed to take his bride home to the opengrasslands where the people were free to do as the pleased, where they pleased.
He loathed the guards who looked athim as though he was a beast when they were the ones torturing peasants and theelderly. If they were members of his khalasar they would have been lashed fortheir disrespect.
Despite the horrid nature of theseWesterosi, Drogo had somehow managed to make a friend out of Margaery Tyrell.Their mutual love for the gardens of King’s Landing had come as a surprise. FroDrogo, it was the one place with open air and trees and the occasional animalthat allowed him to feel free. Margaery liked the solitude from the likes ofother ladies of the court such as Cersei Lannister and Jeyne Westerling. Drogocouldn’t blame her. His experiences with them led him to believe these noblewomen were all either bland or bitches.
Today, he sat under his favoritetree with a smile on his face. Daenerys had told him she would demand that herfather incorporate Dothraki cultural elements into their wedding. Rather thantheir barbaric custom of a bedding ceremony the Andals championed, Daeneryswanted the ceremonial exchange of gifts and the horse riding. He would admit hewished other ceremonial traditions like the sex and hand to hand combat wouldbe allowed, but they made Daenerys uncomfortable. He was willing to compromisefor the woman he’d grown to love.
He jumped at the rustling ofleaves. He was too far off the paths for any of those damned gold cloaks tocome near. He settled down, however, when he realized it was only Margaery.
“No gold cloaks? Aren’t they yourpersonal guard now?” he teased. Margaery loathed the attention the guards keptgiving her. At least two would follow her at all times, despite her not beingof the royal family.
“They vanished when they overheardthe atrocities of the Dothraki horse-lord and his plunders,” Margaery smirked.
Drogo grunted.
Margaery sat down beside him. “Oneweek until the Great Khal Drogo marries our beloved Princess. Doesn’t it botheryou to have an arranged marriage?”
Drogo shrugged. Arranged marriageswere the custom of his people. The truth, though, was that he would not haveforced Daenerys Targaryen to marry him if she did not want him. Rumors of herbeauty and fierceness abounded in Vaes Dothrak. He braved the Salt Sea to meether. The rumors did not do her justice. Her pale hair and violet eyes were asrare as rubies in Essos. And yet she did not let herself be walked upon asother queens did. She was in every right, though not in name, a khaleesi. Shecommanded respect and from those who did not give it, she took it. Yet she wasjust. Perhaps temperamental, but so was he. He offered marriage to her beforeconsulting her father. He would not have promised Aerys Targaryen half of hishorses had he not had her approval first. To maintain the mirage, they kepttheir feelings a secret.
“You’ve already had three arrangedfor you, my lady. Does that not bother you?”
“That’s my point, Khal. Father hastried to set me up with a gay man, a monster, and a boy more fascinated by catsthan by sex. Why should you ever trust anyone but your heart for a marriage?”
He hadn’t expected that fromMargaery. Her had come to learn that her family was ambitious and would giveanything to rise to power. Perhaps power begins to lose its appeal whenconfronted with truths of the heart.
“It is a fit match. I will marry abeautiful women, the daughter of your King. And I shall fill her with childrenwho will claim not only my khalasar but your kingdom as well.”
“Have you thought anything of howour dear princess will feel? I saw her in the hallway speaking with Daario.They looked quite intimate,” Margaery tilted her head.
“Are you trying to insinuatesomething Margaery?” Drogo gruffed, forgetting the “manners” he’d learned inhis months here.
“Nothing Khal. Just that your heartis not the only one at stake.”
“And when did you become soconcerned with matters of the heart?”
Margaery stood up. “When matters ofthe heart began affecting me.” She started walking away. “I shall see you againat court my foreign friend. Else the brave gold cloaks may fear you’re primalviolence has taken over and search for me.
               Drogowaited for Daenerys at the dragon pit at the appointed time. She walked withthe grace of a queen until she was close enough that it no matter made adifference if she ran or walked. She ran forward into his embrace and let himpick her  up off the ground.
               “My sunand stars,” she greeted in the broken Dothraki he had taught her.
               “Moonof my life,” he said fluently.
               Afterthey shared stories of their day, they laughed. “Do you think it will go awayonce we are married.”
               Drogoshook his head. “It’s nice to know your rights are being looked out forthough.”
               “Inever imagined Margaery Tyrell would come to my defense. What do you think hasgotten into her?”
               Drogopulled her in for a kiss. “Let’s not talk of Margaery Tyrell right now.”
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timebombfr · 12 years
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timebombfr · 12 years
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